Nuclear Blasts and Levitating Stones of Shivapur
by Alexander Pechersky
Translated by: Dmitry Sudakov
08/27/2004 10:56
EnglishPravda Website
The great ancient Indian epic, the
Mahabharata, contains numerous legends about the powerful force
of a mysterious weapon
The archaeological expedition, which carried out excavations near
the Indian settlement of
Mohenjo-Daro in the beginning of
the 1900s, uncovered the ruins of a big ancient town. The town
belonged to one of the most developed civilizations in the world.
The ancient civilization existed for two or three thousand years.
However, scientists were a lot more interested in the death of the
town, rather than in its prosperity.
Researchers tried to explain the reason of the town's destruction
with various theories. However, scientists did not find any
indications of a monstrous flood, skeletons were not numerous, there
were no fragments of weapons, or anything else that could testify
either to a natural disaster or a war. Archaeologists were
perplexed: according to their analysis the catastrophe in the town
had occurred very unexpectedly and it did hot last long.
Scientists Davneport and Vincenti put forward an
amazing theory. They stated the ancient town had been ruined with a
nuclear blast. They found big stratums of clay and green
glass. Apparently, archaeologists supposed, high temperature melted
clay and sand and they hardened immediately afterwards. Similar
stratums of green glass can also found in Nevada deserts after every
nuclear explosion.
A hundred years have passed since the excavations in
Mohenjo-Daro. The modern analysis showed, the fragments of the
ancient town had been melted with extremely high temperature - not
less than 1,500 degrees centigrade. Researchers also found
the strictly outlined epicenter, where all houses were leveled.
Destructions lessened towards the outskirts. Dozens of skeletons
were found in the area of Mohenjo-Daro - their
radioactivity exceeded the norm almost 50 times.
The great ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, contains
numerous legends about the powerful force of a mysterious weapon.
One of the chapters tells of a shell, which sparkled like fire, but
had no smoke.
"When the shell hit the ground, the
darkness covered the sky, twisters and storms leveled the towns.
A horrible blast burnt thousands of animals and people to ashes.
Peasants, townspeople and warriors dived in the river to wash
away the poisonous dust."
Astounding mysteries of India's ancient
times can be found in the town of Shivapur. There are two
enigmatic stones resting opposite the local shrine. One of them
weighs 55 kilograms, the other one is 41 kilograms. If eleven men
touch the bigger stone, and nine men touch the smaller stone, if
they all chant the magic phrase, which is carved on one of the walls
of the shrine, the two stones will raise two meters up in the air
and will hang there for two seconds, as if there is no gravitation
at all. A lot of European and Asian scientists and researchers have
studied the phenomenon of
levitating stones of Shivapur.
Modern people divide the day into 24 hours, the hour - into 60
minutes, the minute - into 60 seconds. Ancient Hindus divided the
day in 60 periods, lasting 24 minutes each, and so on and so forth.
The shortest time period of ancient Hindus made up
one-three-hundred-millionth of a second.