Male-Female Relationships in Andromedan
More on the History of the Zentaen
General Queries on Submitted Questions
Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group
More on the Nature of the Draconian Civilization
Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit the USA First
Who's Staffing the Hale-Bopp Complex?
The Hale-Bopp Complex as Potential Control Scenario
Hale-Bopp Draconians Possibly a Rogue Group
Our Main Sun Is Already Beginning a Pole Shift
The Hale-Bopp Companion
Potential Hale-Bopp Tail Debris Impacting Earth
An Andromedan View of the Nature of the Soul
The Nature of Nibiru
Getting Down to Brass Tacks
Control Factions to Synthesize Racial Problems as Distraction
The Year of the Turning Point: 1998
Prejudice and Racism Learned from Extraterrestrial Source
Attempts to Use Our Own Free Will Against Our Interests
Opening A Can of Worms: Analysis of "Requests for Help"
Andromedan Council Will Intervene: Collective Intent Vital
Concept of the "Rapture" is Psychologically Dysfunctional
Hypothetical Events Changing Planetary Consciousness
Most Probable Order of Transformative Events to Come
Transnational Corporations Now Stuck in Own Mess
Vissaeus: Creating A New Reality and Different Way of Life
An Andromedan View of the "Astral Plane"
An Andromedan View of "Truth" On Earth At This Time
More on Civilizations in Various Star Systems
The Nature of Andromedan Music and Composition
Back to Contents
Male-Female Relationships in Zenetaen Society
Val: How would you define and/or characterize the relationship between males
and females in the Zenetaen society?
Alex: How would I characterize it? Now, understand that what I am giving you
is only my impression from watching them interact when I was with them
continuously for a period of three months. I would say that they are equal,
and that they are treated as equals.
I experienced a moment where there was
a type of celebration in which one of their women, who I believe was about
470 years old, was leaving her assignment as part of an agricultural science
group that developed new types of fruit and things for them to eat, because
she wanted to become pregnant and raise a child.
There was a celebration.
Not all of the women do this, of course. Many of them decide to remain doing
what they are doing in the position of creativity they are in, in terms of a
"job" or "career".
Val: In terms of the concept of a "relationship", at least on the highest
human level that you can conceive of....
Alex: I can tell you this. The men totally honor their women. If a group of
four or more women are walking together down a hallway, men will stop and
move to the side and slightly bow their heads as a greetings. Again, there
may be communication going on, like "hello" or "how are you?", but I didn't
hear it because they are telepathic and nothing was specifically directed to
The only real sounds I heard were associated with their music, and Morenae asking me questions, wanting to know how I felt about certain
things. The very first time I walked in, we left the smaller craft which was
in some type of a hangar and we walked through what I could describe as a
"liquid type of light". There was some resistance, and as you walk through
it you could feel a "wetness" on your face.
The length of this material was
about four or five feet. You could breathe in it. It was like a "liquid" but
it wasn't. When you got to the other end of it, you were in this long
hallway and you were totally dry. He told me that this was a process they
used to disinfect all disease or anything they might have carried with them
from where they had been.
Val: In terms of the idea of
relationships, at least as we consider them,
all the ideas that involve co-dependency and this don't exist in their
society, I presume.
Alex: I have never seen anything like that.
Val: Do men and women walk around in pairs?
Alex: Yes, they do.
Val: Visually, then, there is just a picture of harmonious existence.
Alex: In my perception, that's exactly right. To be perfectly honest with
you, Val, I did not see any evidence of dysfunction whatsoever. In fact, it
was one of the most positive experiences that I have ever had.
Val: Have the Zenetaens ever been under a control system in their history to
where they were "under the gun" from another race or species? Have their
ever been, to your knowledge, critical periods in the development of their
civilization. If so, how could these be characterized?
Back to
More on the history of the Zenetaen Civilization
Alex: Let me answer that question this way. I have that question
written down to ask them, because you gave me a question like that before to
ask them. But, they did tell me that there was a time when they first left
the Lyrae system, after about 21 generations had gone by, where they found
themselves hiding. Again, I don't know all the details, but they were being
hunted by another race. They were living in hollowed-out asteroids and
moons. They were moving all the time.
Val: This is the whole
Zenetaen civilization.
Alex: That's correct, and I do not know how many there were. They were
basically living on craft and having to move around all the time, looking
for a place that was safe. Well, there were beings from the Casseopian
system that helped them, and apparently at that point in time the
were under a kind of imposed dictatorship, because they were in survival
mode and one person took control of their civilization.
I can remember
Morenae saying that it was imperative that they receive help, because they
may not have evolved out of that, had it gone on any longer. What happened
was that they were taken to two solar systems in the Andromedan galaxy.
know them as "star 42" and "star 44".
Star 42 is Zenetae, which is now their
star system. Star 44 is Tishtae. Star 42 has 27 planets around the binary
stars. Star 44 has nine planets, but all of the planets are equal to or
greater than the size of Jupiter. They at this point were all
Val: These beings from the
Casseopian system interacted with them
approximately how long ago in our terms?
Alex: About 2.5 million years ago, but perhaps a little longer.
Val: Has the Zenetaen skin color always been blue?
Alex: No. It was red at one time. Their original forefathers were
red-skinned, and I am told that the Lyraens and
Vegans were red-skinned at
that time.
Val: How did the progression begin to where the
skin color changed to blue?
Alex: Apparently it had to do with a pigmentation change caused by the
ingestion of certain minerals...
Copper based minerals.
Alex: It was in the food and everything they ate, and
the double sun had an
effect on this too. You have to remember something here. We are talking
about fifth density beings, not third density, so you have the additional
three color spectrums. I always try to take that into account when comparing
them to us. They do literally live in another frequency.
Val: So, were they ever in
third density?
Alex: I am not sure about that.
Val: There seems to be a prevalent assumption among humans that things
"start" at a level of third density existence. But, that's a misnomer,
Alex: No all the races have been or are third density.
Val: So, since the period approximately 2.5 million years go, do you have
any idea of how their civilization has grown and changed since then?
Alex: No, I don't know. All I know is where they are now because that's the
only way I know them. That would be a question I would have to ask them.
Back to
General Queries on Submitted Questions
Val: Now, at one point in time I had asked you whether the
Zenetaens were
aware of another group from the Andromedan system called the
Inextrians, and
you indicated that this group was from a star called Mirach.
Alex: Yes, Mirach is the central sun for that system. There are, if I
remember this correctly, 919 other suns that revolve around Mirach,
including stars we don't even see.
Val: Stars that exist on other frequency levels.
Alex: That's correct. I believe approximately 130 of those 919 suns have
inhabited planetary systems. The Inextrians come from one of those 130.
There are two other groups from that group of 130 that have been here to
Earth before.
Val: How about the civilization from
Koldas, the Koldasians that were
involved in the South African case around 1960. Apparently, according to a
question I received from Chicago, the Koldasians were involved in something
called "Operation Fireball" which parallels some of the things going on
today that are connected to the
HAARP program, under which methane is
deliberately being injected into Earths atmosphere and an attempt is being
made to ignite it.
Alex: They're going to "light up" the atmosphere and burn it. That is a
Val: It makes you wonder how many people in the Department of the Navy,
E-Systems and Raytheon are on Prozac.
Alex: Let me put it this way, getting back to the subject of the
My experience with the Zenetaens, as far as their description of other races
is concerned, is that they do not give me a "name", per se, unless they had
an Earth name that we would recognize or know. But, if there was no name,
they would always use a symbol.
Now, I do not know that any of the symbols
that I have written down apply to what you call the Kodasians, as they know
them. I simply don't know that. They have always referred to the other races
by referring to the name of the main star concerned with their location. I
don't know the name Koldasians or Koldas.
Back to
Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group
Mathematical Sequences, Synchronicity and Subjective Reality Creation
Val: Now, we have reviewed some of these questions which originated in
Chicago and New York, and some of them you indicated that you had no
information about, so we'll skip those and move on.
Now, one question
concerned the communication via archetypal holographs and symbols and the
meaning gleaned by the Zenetaens relative to the 9:11 and 7:11
height-to-base ratios embodied in the Giza pyramid, which you indicated had
to do with the Orion group, and that the significance holographically of the
triangle or triad symbol was concerned with Orion.
Alex: Yes. Now, they have a great respect for mathematics and numbers.
Morenae has always said that they always pay attention to what we know as
"numbers". They attend to the physics of everything, including tones, sounds
and numerical sequences.
He has always told me that numbers are maps, and
one of the things that we personally do now in our lives is that we watch
that numerical sequences that come up in our lives. It seems that as long as
we recognize specific numbers that come up in things that we are doing, like
in phone numbers, bills, addresses, license plates, then we know we're on
the right track.
Val: Just by the fact that certain mathematical sequences, such as triplets
(111, 222, 333, etc) are noticed....
Alex: Exactly, and everyone resonates to a tone or frequency. If you "stay
within the path of your tone" then you are in effect "moving along your
Val: Well, then, "moving along one's frequency" would imply more consistent
perception of
synchronicity, which is historically connected with the more
consistent perception of numerical sequences and number sets.
Alex: Yes. These sequences are in effect telling you that you are staying in
Val: This relates to the Law of Consistency that the
Zenetaens refer to. Are
there other telltale signs relative to adherence to consistency other than
the more frequent perception of numerical sequences?
Alex: I would think so. Other factors are the degree of awareness of your
own thoughts and what is going on around you. I think it's just overall
perception of who one is. But as far as trying to create and predict one's
future, and I did not specifically learn this from Morenae or Vissaeus, when
I start to create something and come up with an idea, what I do is apply a
numerical set of numbers to that creation.
Then, when I see those numbers
become evident around me, I will immediately associate whatever is going on
in my life with that creation. I then move toward that numerical sequence or
Val: How do you assign a number, numbers or numerical sequences to a
specific idea? Can you give an example?
Alex: At one time there was a very big thing that was coming into our lives,
and we really wanted to create it. In my mind, when I was meditating on it,
creating it and seeing the outcome of it, I assigned numbers 18, 19, 20, 21
and 22 to the creation. Any one of those numbers.
Val: Why those numbers?
Alex: I don't know why. It is something that I just started doing in 1985
when they came back.
Val: So, in effect, what you have discovered is that when numbers that you
intuitively assign to a certain process or creation appear around you, that
the perception of these numbers lends itself to the support of the creation
you are manifesting?
Alex: Yes, and I absolutely pay attention to everything that is going on.
When this happens, I will stop whatever I am doing in the moment and reflect
on what is going on in my life, so that I don't miss an opportunity to move
in the right direction towards that creation. Now, I don't know if this
process is something they gave me in terms of a telepathic communication and
it just became part of the process within me, but the Zenetaens follow
number-values, totally, and consider them to be "maps."
Val: Maps leading toward what? Toward understanding of the process of
creation and manifestation?
Alex: I think so, yes. Your own creations.
Val: Interesting. Now, here's another question. Has this race from
ever give a description, scientific or other wise, of Hale-Bopp?
Alex: Everything I know about Hale-Bopp I have already put out there, and I
have more questions about Hale-Bopp to ask them that are at the top of the
list. I wish I had something new to tell you.
Back to
More on the Draconian Civilization
Val: Another question that has been put to me to ask you is the following.
If withholding love leads a race to regression and devolution, due to the
absence of expressed emotion, then why is it that the Alpha Draconians are
two billion years old and have not yet become extinct? Second, what is the
average life expectancy of the Draco?
Alex: The average life span of the
Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100
years of age. The ones that live as long as 4,100 years are the royal line
of the Draconians.
Val: The winged Ciakars.
Alex: Yes, because their genetics have been kept totally intact. Now, as far
as them being regressive, yes they are, but what is interesting,
Val, is
that they are not regressive with respect to their own people, only against
other races. So, what you've got is that you have this race of beings that
are very regressive toward other races other than their own.
Val: It sounds like a super-model of imperialism.
Alex: They don't turn on their own people and have continued to evolve
within their own race.
Val: One of the recent themes in orthodox media, especially movies, is that
reptilian species have a penchant for pituitary and adrenal type substances,
and that they try and get these substances any way they can, even to the
extent of ripping somebody's brain out of their head in order to acquire
these hormones.
Alex: Well, these hormones, in essence, hold emotion. The brain and spinal
fluids hold emotion. It is what nourishes the nervous system and the brain.
Val: So, is this media portrayal have any accuracy at all? Do
humanoids have to supplement their own internal production of adrenal
hormones from outside sources? If so, what does this contribute to them
physiologically? If this process does exist, as has been inferred before, is
it a function of a need or just as cosmic joyride for them?
Alex: Well, they don't make the same type of spinal fluid as humans do. As
far as their physical needs, I don't know. I do know that they get a "rush"
from hormones from other species that have been in terror. For example, if
they capture a human being, they will not usually kill the person right
away. What they usually do is terrify them as much as possible in order to
jack up the level of emotion and hormones. Then, when they consume the
physical body of that psychologically terrorized being, not only are they
feeding themselves but the hormones impart a physiological and psychological
"rush" which they enjoy. It's essentially a "drug high" for them.
Val: So, they couldn't use hormones from animals, because they don't have
the emotional range of embodied spiritual entities...
Alex. Cattle don't have the extremes of emotions we have. They do have
emotions, but the more extreme the emotions, the "higher the high" when the
substances generated are consumed by
the reptilians.
Back to
Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit The United States First
(Because The U.S. Military Will Attack Perceived Aggressors)
Val: We had discussed before the subject of
Hale-Bopp complex in terms
of the assessment that part of the complex consisted of "protocol ships"
from the Orion Group. Relative to this planet, do you have any information
on probabilities of where they will come first?
Alex: They will come to the United States first.
Val: Why?
Alex: Because our military will challenge and attack them. So, they will be
here first, and then move to Russia. It's a foregone conclusion that they
will be here first.
Val: So, again, another aspect of this submitted question is: what should
one do when encountering these beings from Alpha Draconis? Are there details
on precise protocols as you gave relative to peaceful beings?
Alex: I have a protocol for the
Alpha Draconians. Run away.
Val: That's pretty precise.
Alex: That's all I know, is to stay away from them. There is literally no
way to challenge them. It's suicide, to be perfectly honest with you. If
they are in the mode where they want to do you harm, it's going to happen.
The best thing is to avoid them at all costs. You have to remember, Val,
that the Alpha Draconians, the Ciakar in particular, if they come down here,
are going to come out of their huge craft and they are going to look like
Val: Do you consider embarkation by reptoids a part of the
Alex: I don't believe that there are any
Ciakar on Hale-Bopp.
Back to
Who's Staffing the Hale-Bopp Complex?
Val: What or whom do you feel is on
Alex: I think they are staffed by
warrior-class reptilian, Draconians that
are seven to ten feet tall that have the stubby tail. They are skinnier than
the others and considered the warrior class of the reptilian hierarchy.
Val: Why do you feel that Sirius B humanoids and the
Alpha Draconians are
the ones associated with Hale-Bopp?
Alex: The
Andromedans have said that Hale-Bopp is a protocol ship from the
Orion Group, and that it contains reptilians in cryogenic stasis.
Val: How exciting...
Alex: They are waking up as we speak, I'm sure.
Back to
The Hale-Bopp Complex as an Incredible Control Scenario
Val: There was one aspect of the
Sheldon Nidle paradigm which is plausible
and perhaps the case, and that is that radio frequency messages from the
Hale-Bopp complex have been received by governments, and I would guess this
is on your "ask list" to try and confirm that with the Andromedans. I was
informed that the messages contained both a greeting, of sorts, and a
The warning said essentially, "do not bother to try and attack us
with your thousand-year-old weapons or we will obliterate you." Now, with
the U.S. military setting up hundreds of these little complexes in the
boondocks around the United States with missiles and high-tech electronic
equipment, obviously ready to shoot something down from above, this is a
little worrying.
Alex: Yes, it is. At this point I cannot confirm that this is true. I will
say this, however. If you were informed correctly about the content of the
message received by the governments, then we are looking at an incredible
control mechanism on its way here.
Val: Well, one would presume a control drama with the
Draconians on the way.
Alex: Yes, it would be true with any of the
regressive groups. From what Morenae has said, that is exactly what these groups do. They find a planet
inhabited by a race less evolved and technically competent, and they conquer
it by whatever means. One of the first things they do is "put it down". They
try and make you feel inferior.
Val: I guess at this point an overall holistic question relative to this
whole Hale-Bopp scenario would be, why now?
Alex: I have no idea.
Val: Considering the assumed dimensional type shifting, would it be logical
to assume that someone desiring to assume control would try it now, rather
than wait until later when it might not be possible? Could it be that they
are fully aware of the Andromedan Council edict of "all
ET's out" by 2003
and are ignoring it?
Alex: Yes, I believe they are aware of it and are ignoring it, because both
Morenae and Vissaeus have both mentioned about sitting down at the
with representatives from the Orion Group and Sirius B. I am not sure the
Draconians were there, but I am sure they know about the edict.
Back to
Hale-Bopp Draconians Possibly a Rogue Group
Val: So, with reference to
Hale-Bopp, we are in essence talking about a
rogue group of reptilians.
Alex: Yes, I would think, or it is a decision by an entire race of
reptilians to act independently. No one speaks for the
Draconians. No one.
They could also be coming here and actually be on their way to somewhere
Val: Then, in that case, we would be just assuming that they would be
impacting the civilization here because they are coming in this direction.
Alex: Well, they may come and attempt to do their "thing" and move on to
some other part of the sector to continue doing what they're doing. They are
probably not coming in this direction solely to "get us". There is a much
bigger picture here that is all about control of this sector of space. There
are 21 other solar systems in this sector with planets who have
civilizations in basically the same boat we are in here on Earth. So, we are
part of whatever it is but it is not just about us.
Val: Well, if this
rogue group comes in here and takes marginal notice of
the fact that there are a dozen or so thousand-mile-wide Andromedan Council
ships parked in this solar system, like they are at present...
Alex: It could be that they will just fly by and not attempt anything.
Between you and me, that's truly what my heart wants.
Val: Well, this rogue group would potentially be in contact with reputed
groups that are here and would know that they are under the gun and at an
impasse with the military industrial complex which has presumably been
holding them off while trying to acquire technology for a defense...?
Alex: I think the regressives know exactly where we are on a technical
level, and I don't they are concerned about all of that in any way. But,
they would be concerned with other races in the solar system, like the
Andromedan Council, who are sitting there and projecting the message
Earth alone".
The other factor is that those reptoids
inside the Earth would
probably have the chance to leave here. I don't know how that will happen,
but I think they will have an opportunity to leave here voluntarily, and if
the Hale-Bopp regressives come in here and try to be aggressive with us, I
think their chance of leaving here peacefully, in the face of the
Andromedans, would be completely over with.
Val: In other words, the rogue reptilians would be challenged by the Andromedan Council fleet now in the solar system and all we might see is a
big "light show"
in the sky as they battle it out.
Alex: Right. I would not at all be surprised by that. That kind of scenario
has been foretold by many individuals, even Apolloneus of Tyana, who spoke
of "wars in heaven" in 79 AD. The proverbial 'war in heaven'.
Val: Do you view the alignment of planets in May 2000 has having any effect
on this system?
Alex: They have only made reference to how much of a pole shift we would
Val: So, the Andromedans have never mentioned any significance relative to
5/5/2000 or any planetary alignments at any specific timing?
Alex: No.
Back to
Our Main Sun Already Beginning Pole Shift
Val: Now, we were talking about
HAARP at one particular time and the
situation with the weather patterns, and you mentioned that part of the
collective problem with weather patterns is that both the magnetic poles of
the earth are shifting and that also the
poles on the main sun are beginning
to shift.
Alex: Yes, it is.
Val: If this in fact is the case, is it flipping from top-down or bottom-up?
Alex: If you are looking at the sun in terms of North-South-East-West, what
you are seeing is that the South is moving Westerly. The South is rising up
and the North is going East. It's rolling towards us, but at an angle, and
the magnetic field of the Earth, and in fact all the planets in the solar
system, are responding to this process.
Val: We have a second smaller sun that is behind the main sun that we
normally see. Is the shifting of the main sun affecting the other one?
Alex: I don't know.
Val: That might be a question to go on the list.
Alex: I know the second sun is denser, heavier and not as hollow as the sun
we see.
Back to
The Hale-Bopp Companion
Val: Another question which was submitted is as follows: In view of the
probable scenarios forthcoming in February-March 1997 and the arrival of
Hale-Bopp, if in fact the companion to HB is larger in mass than
Earth, will
that create mass gravitational effects on Earth with geological
Alex: No, it would not, because it is a craft, not a planet. It generates
and controls its own force field, and the extent of it, from within. It is
different than when you are dealing with a solid mass. It has an energy
field which can be manipulated. It is totally controlled. The only way a
ship of that size could cause a problem is if they specifically wanted it to
cause a problem.
Val: Now, when we are looking at the
HB complex, I was informed by a friend
who actually went out there out-of-body and looked at it, and he said that
he saw a long tubelike propulsion unit with four pie-shaped components,
presumably the occupied areas, attached to it. If you looked at it from the
end it would seem to be a cross-shape in the middle of a circle. What about
the companion?
Alex: All I know about the
companion is that it came out of a star system in
the constellation Cancer. That's all I know, but if you remember when I
first started talking about Hale-Bopp in 1995, the Andromedans had said that
another craft was on its way from the constellation Cancer and would join
it. That was two years ago, and here it is.
Val: Has there ever been any kind of discussion that involves what part of
the HB structure will go where when it comes into this system?
Alex: The only thing that Morenae has said specifically was that two of the
three "moons" in the tail of HB, once it passed us, would go into an orbit
around Mercury. He then said, "then your governments will need to tell you
that they are here."
Val: Why? Nobody here can see
Mercury anyway. Why would the government feel
a compelling need to tell the public about this?
Alex: I don't know.
Morenae did not give me any more than that, and maybe
that was for my safety, or maybe it was because the information would
tip-off others to the plans of the Andromedans. So, I don't know why, and I
don't know if that has changed or not.
Back to
Potential Hale-Bopp Tail Debris Impact on Earth
Val: Another question that was submitted to me is as follows:
"There is a
rumor that the northern hemisphere may be actually impacted by some sort of
projectiles coming from HB. Is that correct, and if so, what can we do to
protect ourselves. Is that why the military has built so many underground
Alex: Well, my understanding is that it won't be projectiles, as we
understand it, but simply debris from its "tail" that may impinge on the
planet, because it is dragging along some natural material along with it. It
is a small probability. The military has build the underground bases
primarily with the thought of a pole-shift in mind.
Back to
An Andromedan View of the Soul
Val: Another submitted question:
"If souls can be removed from humans in
about four seconds, then what is the true nature of Soul/Spirit and what we
call God?"
Alex: You know, that's a good question, and I don't know that I know the
answer, but I will tell you this. Once I asked Vissaeus about what they
teach their children about the concept of Soul and true essence, and this
was the response he gave me about that:
"We are perceivers. We are an
awareness. We are not objects and we have no solidity. We are boundless. The
world of objects and solidity is a way for making our passage through our
densities convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us.
We forget that the description is only a description and thus, we have
learned not to entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle of
physicality from which few rarely emerge in a lifetime."
Val: There's one last submitted question here:
"Is there any cosmic
intelligence that monitors and keeps balance in the Universe, or are we
destined to be controlled by the bigger guy with bigger and better
Well, I can answer this one. The cosmic intelligence this
person is talking about is in fact the Universe itself which is
self-reflective in nature, self-balancing, homeostatic and itself conscious.
The second part of the question is unfortunately from the Darwinian
perspective, in that it presupposes an ongoing situation preoccupied with
technology, when in fact technology is always supplanted by consciousness
itself. Would you say those are fair and accurate answers?
Alex: Yes. In addition, during the earlier stages of development,
control by
technology is only possible if we allow it to happen.
Val: Technology itself is a limited material scenario and application of
manifested creation which effectively replaces the efficient application of
Alex: I wanted to share something else I have on the brain from
"The brain does not create consciousness, but rather it is
that creates the appearance of the brain, matter, space and time as all
things are being interpreted as a physical reality."
Back to
The Nature of Nibiru
Val: Here's another question that was submitted to me:
"You mentioned that
the Lemurians and Atlanteans were extraterrestrials and you also mentioned
Nibiru. Tell us about Nibiru and its role and relationship to us in this
solar system."
Alex: This is what I have been told about who those connected with
are. A very long time ago, colonies on Sirius B and the Orion Group were
having trouble with each other. In order to bring peace, there was a
marriage between two members of each group.
The woman came from the
Group, where the hierarchy includes a queen - the matriarchal paradigm. The
male was from Sirius B. Both members were considered royalty of their
respective line. When these two came together in marriage, their offspring
had the genetics from both lines.
Because of these genetics, the new race
that was created was given the name "Nibiru", which I am told by
Morenae in
the Orion tongue means "divided amongst two". This is who they literally are
- a cross between those from Sirius B and a race from the
Orion system. They
formed a new "tribe" which has continued to flourish for at least hundreds
of thousands of years. So, they are a tribe that has become a race.
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Getting Down to Brass Tacks
Val: In terms of everything that is going on right now, here on January 12,
1997, and all the scenarios, possibilities, probabilities, potentials, the
Andromedans hanging out in the solar system, the political situation the way
it is, the Hale-Bopp complex on its way, what is your gut intuitive feeling
about the progression of upcoming events. I mean, we probably have dozens of
scenarios at this point, in addition to the various probabilities those from
the Andromedan system have presented. What about the next 12 months?
Alex: I do. I think that the end result is that everyone on the planet,
especially here in the United States, will be re-evaluating the idea of
self-sufficiency. I really see that people will finally realize that we have
to learn to live together and help each other. Now, how do I see us getting
there? I think that what is going to be happening very very soon is that
there will be severe racial problems in this country.
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Control Factions to Synthesize "Racial Problems" to Distract Population
Val: And these "racial problems" will be deliberately instigated by factions
within the government of the United States in order to produce instability,
in order to encourage the population to give up freedom for control.
Alex: Absolutely, because the idea of "racial problems" will mask all their
other transgressions and screw-ups, basically.
Val: All the drug dealing, etc.
Alex: Of course. You can blame it on somebody else or just create a scenario
that gets everybody's attention away from what is really going on behind the
scenes. They are very good at this. I think that is going to happen. I also
see a very severe "correction" in the stock market, and I know that they
have predicted food shortages, but I think they were off by a year. I think
its going to be this summer in 1997. I really do. What I really feel at the
same time, Val, is that a lot of people are going to be dealing with
Val: In terms of realizing how factions within the government have betrayed
the nation for so many years?
Alex: Yes. I think that the people are going to realize that they have
really placed their faith in the wrong place for a long time, and I think
the people are going to be overwhelmed with how to get out of it and fix it.
You know, when you add into this the paradigms of extraterrestrials and the
truth about most of the world's religions being archaic dogmatic systems
created by a priesthood...
Val: It's one hell of a wakeup call.
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The Year of the Turning Point: 1998
Alex: Yes. It's going to be wild. I think by this time in 1998, January
1998, we are either going to be coming together as a group of people, or we
are going to be preparing for civil war, and I just don't know which way it
is going to go yet.
Val: Is there a possibility that an internal civil war would be prevented by
an outside party?
Alex: I don't think so.
Val: Since the hierarchy on this planet is ultimately controlled by
reptilian factions, would all the efforts toward increasing racial tensions
be geared and controlled in order to make the prospect of Draconia takeover
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Prejudice and Racist Perspectives Learned from Extraterrestrial Source
Alex: Well, we're pretty much in chaos already without needing any
additional help getting there. Most people I know are living in chaos. They
have no idea what they are doing or who they are. They think they're the
person on their "drivers license", so I think that I think that the planet
is already in the space of severe vulnerability, but here's the thing.
take that same scenario. If you yourself wanted to conquer a race, or you
wanted to prove to other races out there that humans are not worth bothering
with, you would stir up the pot as much as you could and get the population
to war against itself. Let's face it, prejudice is an extraterrestrial
Val: Do you mean that literally?
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Attempt To Use Our Own Free Will Against Our Interests
Alex: They said that we on earth have learned the concept of prejudice from
the Orion Group who were here. When they were here, we watched how they
treated other races and groups. So, we have just propagated that.
The bottom
line is, if they do create severe racial tension on this planet.....you may
hear about it on the news or read it in the newspaper, and this is just an
example, but in order for you to go out and actually harm another soul, you
have to consciously make that decision.
I think what they are going to try
to do is use our free will against us. In other words, they are going to try
and convince us that this is what we need to do, and instead of people
separating themselves from that idea, they are going to buy into it and try
to manipulate the situation so it will appear to other benevolent groups
that might want to help us that we are not worth helping.
Val: But, I would think that the
Andromedans and other peaceful groups would
know that the regressives would try this tactic...
Alex: Well, they probably will know it. I know they know that, but the fact
of the matter is, if we move down that path and we don't ask for help, they
will not intervene.
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Opening the "Can of Worms": Analysis of Concept of "Request for Help"
Val: Well, the idea of "asking for help" opens up an entirely new can of
Alex: Well, I know.
Val: Personally, I don't see it happening, because I don't see enough of
whomever getting it together to make a difference. I think the fact that our
race has been betrayed by others both inside and outside our race is known
by the Andromedans and other beneficent races.
And, the Andromedans and
other races in
the Andromedan Council know that this planet has been
manipulated psychologically, chemically, biologically and otherwise to the
point where the common neurological functioning of the human brain in the
general population is so dysfunctional that a common consensus is not
possible with a large number of people at this time in a direction of
spiritual intent that would allow assistance to manifest itself.
Now, there
is no possible way the Andromedans or anyone else out there could not know
how deliberately messed up the human brain has become and how the
possibility of general intent has been thwarted. My question is, in knowing
that, why would they then say, "we'll come and help you if you ask us," when
they fully know that we cannot do that as a population?
Alex: Well, I don't know that they know we can't ask.
Val: They know our whole history holographically about all the things that
have been going on here with the perversion of the human neurology and the
historical interference with the capabilities of the population in terms of
intent. For example, the process of
water fluoridation interferes with the
hippocampus, which in turn interferes with the ability to challenge tyranny.
This is why the Germans and the Soviets used fluorides, and it is why the
U.S. is one of the most heavily fluoridated countries on the planet. Now,
the Andromedans know that this is going on, and that's just the tip of the
neurological iceberg. So, in knowing that, they would still say, "we'll help
you if you ask us?" I find this interesting, and somebody has to ask this
question. There must be a missing piece here somewhere in something they are
not saying.
Alex: Well, I don't know what it is.
Val: The whole question is just a logical question to me.
Alex: I can't defend them, and I don't know any more than that. This has
been their message.
Val: I'm not even asking for a defense of the
Andromedan perspective. I'm
exploring the logic of the situation and how you feel about the possibility
that somewhere in there they must know about all of this, that the only
option left for them, if they in fact do want to help, is direct
intervention, knowing full well that a manipulated population cannot
collectively ask for assistance.
Alex: Well, here's the thing, and this is my own opinion...
Val: That's what I'm asking for...
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Andromedan Council Will Intervene: Collective Intent is Still Vital
Alex: Ok. Here's the thing. My gut instinct is, from all of the interest
they have had and the time that they have spent trying to figure out who we
are, is that they will directly intervene, but they are not going to come
right out and tell us that they are. They need at least some of us to take
responsibility in the asking. Do you follow what I'm saying?
Val: Yes.
Alex: For example, if you were in trouble and you knew that I was going to
come and help you, no matter what happened...
Val: There might be a tendency to sit on your butt and do nothing.
Alex: Right. Would you change your behavior any?
Val: Probably.
Alex: Well, most people on this planet wouldn't. How many people know that
the CIA is involved in drug trafficking, for example.
Val: The number of people who are eclectic enough to really understand what
is going on here on this planet is very small, far below the morphogenetic
field threshold that would magnify intent to an acceptable level.
Nevertheless, if the general betrayal of those in power becomes magnified to
a large enough extent, then the consciousness of the general population
would be magnified to some extent, but the trick is to get the population
not to turn on itself. That's the trick, and I would like to know how we're
going to pull that off. Now, correct me if I'm in error, but I am hearing
you say that the Andromedan Council is going to intervene...
Alex: Actually, Val, they already have to some extent.
Val: And they will continue to do so.
Alex: Yes.
Val: What you then said is that the
Andromedans would like to perceive at
least an effort on our part, to form some general intent in the direction of
requesting assistance, over and above the fact that they are in essence
providing assistance anyway. In terms of "asking for assistance", is it a
thing like standing in the back yard and looking up and the sky and saying "Andromedans,
please help us"?
There is a saying that "when you pray you talk to God, but
when God talks back you're considered schizophrenic". It was comedian
Tomlin who said that. I guess at this juncture, the question would be, if
this is what the Andromedan Council would like to see, some sort of minimal
demonstration of intent, how would that intent best be assured of
manifestation considering what we have to play with here?
Alex: They would need to see that
intent expressed in the form of mutual
respect for each other.
Val: So, in other words if they perceive, on whatever sensory format they're
using, that a certain percentage of people are getting their
inter-relational act together, then they will assume that in fact it is
equal to the intent of the entire planet to move in that direction?
Alex: Yes.
Val: Could it already be at that point now, or almost to that point?
Alex: Yes. I believe it is almost to that point. It is why they are here now
in the first place. But, they are not telling me the degree to which the
intent has reached this point. But, I believe its almost there. I think it
was Vissaeus who said, "It is imperative to have mutual respect for a healed
planet." They use words so carefully. The word "imperative" tells me that it
is an absolute.
Val: I am addressing these questions now in this way and in this manner
because everyone who has read all this material and listened to your
exposition of the Andromedan perspective, as well as parallel paradigms,
have these kind of questions raging in their minds. Somebody has to ask
them, and that's why I have.
Alex: That's fine. I'm Ok with it.
Val: The question of the logic of what appear to be all-knowing people
asking for people to ask for help who cannot ask for help might not have
occurred to some people, but it occurred to me, and I felt it needed asking
- and an answer.
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Concept of the "Rapture" Psychologically Dysfunctional
Alex: There was a time back in 1986, just before I left Malibu, where I was
having a talk with the Andromedans about religions, and I remember
specifically that Vissaeus was very curious about religions. I was on that
particular day picking on Christianity a little bit, and I had told him that
there were a lot of people on Earth waiting to be "raptured".
He didn't
understand what the word meant, and I explained that it meant the process of
being caught up and taken to heaven. I remember that he looked at me, and
asked, "where is this heaven supposed to be?", and I said, "it's a place
where there are angels, and God is sitting on the throne", you know, the
classical definition of what heaven is supposed to be like, and he just
looked at me and asked, "many are waiting for this to occur?".
I said,
"yes". He then said, "this is extremely dysfunctional."
Val: He always has a way with words...
Alex: For all I know, he may have taken that little bit of information back
to the Council and.... well, they have some protocols that have to be met.
Val: What are you getting at, exactly?
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Hypothetical Events Changing Planetary Consciousness
Alex: Maybe the intervention that is occurring is being done in such a way
that it satisfies all of the concerns of those in the Andromedan Council,
also giving us the highest probability of coming to self-awareness as
quickly as possible on our own.
Val: Would you care to give a hypothetical example or scenario, based on
what you just said?
Alex: Let's say that Neil Armstrong went on national television and revealed
that there were other races on the moon when the Apollo astronauts
there, hypothetically, and that they gave us a message not to come back to
the moon, and they we were to stay on our world that they created for us.
Remember, this is a hypothetical example. Now, that would shift the
consciousness on this planet so much that it could never be returned to its
former state. What that would do is that it would launch us as a planetary
population into a totally different direction. We would look at religions
differently, archeology differently...
Val: So, in the same spirit of hypothesis, based on what is really going on
now, and your gut feeling, could you hypothesize a scenario relative to a
hypothetical planetary realization and its subsequent planetary effect?
Alex: Are you asking me what events do I see that could happen that would
trigger this?
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The Most Probable Order of Transformative Events to Come
Val: Let me rephrase the question. Combining your gut feeling and what you
know, in terms of the highest known probabilities, what type of planetary
transforming events of that hypothetical nature are most likely to occur,
considering current events and trends?
Now, as a guide, you had before given
a listing of events that had a high probability of realization during the
next ten years. You may have given some thought to those probabilities,
based on your own knowingness, and come up with a prioritized list of what
may be likely to occur before other things on that list that may have the
same effect as the hypothetical analogy you talked about with the Neil
Armstrong scenario.
Alex: Ok. These are some of the things that I feel that are absolutely going
to happen, according to my gut instinct, very very soon. At the top of the
list is the acknowledgement of life outside of our planet in the solar
Val: It would be a really large stretch between a public announcement of
bacteria on Mars and that type of realization. Your feeling must be based on
the idea that something else is going to happen beyond any kind of media
Alex: Yes.
Val: Would this "something" be related to
Alex: Yes. Hale-Bopp and other things.
Val: Other things?
Alex: Other sightings. That's at the top of my list. The second highest
probability is the proof of dimension, that there is "life after death" and
that the soul does not cease to exist.
Val: What might prompt this realization?
Alex: That, I don't know. But, it is within my gut instinct. The next would
be the introduction of "free energy".
Val: This is already happening as we speak, to some degree.
Alex: Yes. These guys are literally being forced to have to do this.
Val: To do what?
Alex: To move things along. They can't keep us in petroleum products because
its destroying the environment.
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Transnational Corporations Now Stuck In Their Own Mess
(After Losing Planetary Hideouts)
Val: Why should the transnational corporations start caring about that now?
Alex: Because they still need us.
Val: As "consumers".
Alex: Yes. If you kill everyone but yourself, what game is left?
Val: But this is presuming they have a long-term plan. Surely they know that
this long-term plan or anything they could come up with is going to be
punctuated by things that would in fact destroy the entire transnational
corporate economic structure.
Alex: Well, here's the thing,
Val. They had a plan. My understanding is that
the plan was to colonize the moon and then go to
Mars and start a new
society and civilization.
Val: This is a plan that was arrived at by the
World War II Germans.
Alex: Correct, based on information that they were given by
Gizeh intelligence.
Val: Who are..
Alex: The group comprised of rogue Sirians and Pleiadians. Now, they spent a
lot of time and a lot of years, and a lot of energy, putting that plan
Val: I remember when the Apollo program was well under way, and
Von Braun
and the rest of the ex-Nazi rocket scientists were involved. One of
Braun's dreams was to go to Mars. After they went to the
moon and discovered
what was there, suddenly the official public program was shut down, the
Apollo program was canned, the Nazis were put out to pasture, and the public
was convinced to think that planetary exploration was abandoned in deference
to solving social problems on earth.
Or, that's what the public was
persuaded to think. Meanwhile, the covert program of planetary exploration,
in league with some alien extraterrestrial groups, proceeded. That's the way
I understand it to have happened.
Alex: Right. They built structures and complexes on the
moon and on Mars,
and the program continued up until February/March 1989. At that point, it
became evident that everything they had done was for nothing, because they
were attacked by the Orion group, who came into our solar system and
destroyed the earth bases on Mars.
Val: And all of these occurred at the end of the
12-year Bush-Reagan
Alex: Of course, it was during this period where
Reagan addressed the UN.
Val: Yes, with the speech about "what if we were attacked by a force from
Alex: Right. So now, what they realized is that they have allowed the
corporate octopus to destroy the environment, but now as of 1989 they're
stuck and they've got to come back here and live in the "shit" that they
helped create. They can't escape to some other planet now. Now, they have no
choice but to start to fix some of the problems here.
Val: But, now they've got a larger problem looming in front of them. It's
their worst nightmare. The thing that they tried to do to us is being done
to them. How ironic. Meanwhile, the bulk of the population has been just
sitting here and has never realized that all of this has been going on.
Alex: Exactly. I'm sure they thank God for television...it keeps people fat,
dumb and stupid.
Val: I just bought an interesting book called "Four arguments for the
elimination of television". It's a pretty thick book.
Alex: I bet they're all strong arguments.
Val: Yes, they certainly are.
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Vissaeus: Creating A New Reality and Different Way of Life
Alex: Well, they're not going to eliminate it. It's not going to happen.
There are a couple more things I wanted to cover here. I was having a
conversation once with Vissaeus once about the idea of creating a new
reality and a different way of life here. These are some of the thoughts he
gave me:
"Create another domain of knowing, communicating and being. In other
words, the domain of calling forth or generating your intent needs to be
more distinct. Your physics, as you call it, is a good example of this
'calling forth'.
There have been men on your planet who have called for
new domains of thinking that never existed. They invented it, and they
didn't fantasize about it. They didn't pretend. They literally created a
new context for what you now call physics. Your humanity is strong
with these kind of examples. No being, however, makes the distinction
that this is what they are. I would like to give you an example. Your
(concept of) human rights.
It isn't so long ago that there was no such
concept on your planet. It didn't exist. Your terrans did not have any
rights. Only their kings and priest had their rights. But most of you terrans did not have any rights. So, you and other
terrans created
'human rights' from nothing.
You created the domain that created
the 'human rights' and then you called it forth. You created language
for it. You communicated it. And this communication that you gave had
power, because it was full of intent. It has the power not only to
represent and to invoke, but also to literally bring it into being.
is what your races need to do in order to clearly know yourselves
and transform the quality of your lives on your Earth."
Val: That's helpful.
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Andromedan View of the "Astral Plane"
Alex: There is something else I wanted to share with you. When I first
started talking with him in 1985, there were a lot of questions that I had
regarding the astral plane, or "ghosts" and things like that. So, this is
dealing with what most metaphysicians would understand as the "astral plane",
and those who inhabit it:
"Their reality is one of collapsed consciousness and personal belief
systems. They cannot any longer expand in consciousness. They believe
they cannot awaken until they are worthy...
Val: This is interesting, because it dovetails a lot with what
Robert Monroe
had to say in his book
Far Journeys.
"And this worthiness comes only from within, and it must be experienced
in their own laws. They are stuck in consciousness. We would suggest to
them, if they were to ask for assistance, that it be important to burn away
all the religious images, otherwise truth becomes very filtered and
squeezed, and you only get a little piece of that truth, and not all of it."
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Andromedan View of "Truth" on Earth At This Time
"Truth, on your planet, is a filtered experience understood only through
your personal belief systems or concepts. We have discovered that
everyone on your world has a different truth, and there have been
cultures-of-truth in every society or civilization.
It has kept a continuum
of light here on your planet. The truth is not told to everyone because
everyone, we feel, is not ready to hear it. There are some who have, and
would take your truths and but them in a box, and then keep their lives
detached from it.
The problems is that much of your mankind is taking
these truths personally instead of seeing it as an objective truth or
reality. They would take this truth and make it very egotistical in order
to glorify themselves and others, and as we perceive, and through our
own experience, a truth is not meant for that at all.
They would then
create a religion or some kind of dogma again, something which they
could remain detached from, yet glorify in the eyes of others. And a
truth has nothing to do with your earth religions. The secret, wondrous
nature of Spirit has nothing to do with your religions.
You are all
multi-dimensional. Think that way. In order to think that way, your
Terms should turn the way you understand and perceive yourselves
and life inside-out, and make all of your belief systems abstract, not
Because of your personal attachments, you have cut yourselves
off from universal knowledge. You have to have an objective mind to
gain true knowledge. You have all cultivated the attitude of a subjective
The Is-nests does not live inside of all of you, and if you won't
conceive of or believe in your own divinity, how are you going to make
the leap into the next levels? How are you going to attract and magnetize
true, unconditional respect and love, to you, without thinking in this
If you do not participate, you will only be a spectator. You will
not watch or participate in the plan for growth and evolution in our
galaxy, and not truly experience it yourself."
Val: Could you define a non-personal belief system in terms of what was just
Alex: A belief system not based on personal experience. What I have learned
is that personal experience is really the only true basis for knowledge that
I have.
Val: So he's saying that belief systems, if they exist at all outside
personal experience, should be considered to be only abstract in their
Alex: Yes, that's right.
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More on Civilizations in Various Star Systems
Val: Changing areas of discussion, could you give me more information in
terms of star civilizations that you have not yet released to the public in
general, on the basis that no one has yet asked this specific question.
Alex: There are planets in specific star systems that I know. There is a small star called Centaur where there is plant, insect, animal and human
beings that exist in a setting that would be considered to be equivalent to
our Middle Ages. Another star is Krugerko. The planets in this particular
system are full of minerals. There is silver, platinum, as well as
plutonium. In the system of
61 Cygnae, there is planet and animal life, but
no colonies as of yet.
Val: What about the beings on
Sirius A?
Alex: There is a race of beings on Sirius A, the humans there, are called
the Katayy. They are considered benevolent. There is also animal, mammal and
aquatic life on the planet. Many of the human races there are red-skinned.
Their ancestry is some of the first Lyraens that escaped with the women and
children during the war. In their oceans they have whales, octopus and
sharks. They are a race that is artistic. They have music and are connected
to nature. They are builders and not very political. Their governments are
based on "spiritual technology", which uses sound and color.
Val: And Sirius B?
Alex: The cultures around
Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some
of the humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius B
are very arid and are generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type
beings. Palm trees originate from the Sirius B system. The society is more
obsessed with political thought patterns instead of spiritual attributes.
Val: And Sirius C?
Alex: It is now just being terra-formed, so there are as yet only very small
colonies there.
 Val: Has Morenae ever talked about the planet that the U.S. military has
conquered after using
Montauk technology to transport themselves there?
Alex: He did, and I have that, but I haven't been able to find that in my
notes yet. As soon as I find that I will get that data to you. Ok, around
the star system of Procyon (right -
Digital Art)
there are planets occupied by 23 billion human
beings in five solar systems. That's all I have now. I'm still going through
my notes.
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The Nature of Andromedan Music
Val: What about Andromedan musical composition and the nature of their
Alex: What they do is as they are traveling, they
will record solar systems holographically, or the planets individually, and they take the holographic
sound patterns relating to them and blend them with other sounds of other
planets, suns or galaxies. They create their music from this.
Val: It is literally
music of the spheres.
Alex: Literally, and I have to tell you
Val, there is absolutely nothing
like it. It's like the most incredible orchestra you could ever imagine, but
it makes your soul vibrate, it really does. It's so profound.
End of Interview (1997)
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