Andy Lloyd
(Updated Chronologically)
I have endeavored to explain Nibiru, the mythical domain of the
as a tiny ‘star’ system in an eccentric orbit around the Sun.
Nibiru is not
a terrestrial planet moving through the frozen outer reaches of the Solar
System, but rather a failed star known as a brown dwarf with a contingent of
moons, at least one of which is life-supporting. Although extremely faint at
the sort of distances we are dealing with here, this brown dwarf
has been
detected indirectly by two independent astronomers, Dr Murray
(1) and
Dr Matese
(2), using data from long period comets. They have assumed it travels
in a great circle around the Sun, but there is nothing in their papers that
contra-indicates an elliptical orbit. Their assumption was the natural
default position to take. A few quotes from the Matese paper should make the
uncertainties about this assumption abundantly clear:
“Since the sense of the perturber orbital motion is unknown, we adopt an
inclination of I=90+/-5 degrees for the perturber orbit normal.”
“For simplicity of discussion we consider a circular perturber orbit.”
“The hemispherical nonuniformity in the observed distribution along the
great circle could be due to…eccentricity in the perturber orbit.
Unfortunately, the original energy determinations are sufficiently
inaccurate due to observational uncertainties and outgassing effects that we
cannot use such an analysis as presented above to predict the perturber
location, sense of motion, or eccentricity.”
Matese actually points out that the great circular orbit that he proposes,
which is polar to the galactic plane, is an “unstable equilibrium
configuration” and continues:
“This is not a serious objection to the present conjectured orbit. Under the
action of the galactic tide, such an orbit would undergo periodic
oscultations…That is, under the action of the galactic tide… the perturber
would pass relatively close to the planetary zone every several hundred Myr,
comparable to the time scales for strong field star impulses to the Oort
cloud which would randomize their orbital parameters and substantively
affect the perturber orbit. Hills (1985) has determined that objects of mass
<10Mj (Jovian masses) would not damage planetary orbits even if they had
passed through the planetary system.”
This instability is an important factor. There is the small matter of how a
Jupiter-sized planet could have ended up in the comet clouds in the first
place, and I suggest that the situation is indeed volatile. While it is
possible that the Great Circular orbit that Murray and Matese independently
propose is definitive, it is also quite possible that this instability has
brought the planet through the solar system, perhaps not so long ago. By so
doing, its orbit has been affected by the other planets. In other
words...the orbital configuration as it currently stands is elliptical, and
unstable. In my book 'Winged Disc: The Dark Star Theory', I offer a physical
mechanism by which this could happen.
Matese also states that a body that has several Jupiter masses can exhibit
an elliptical, or parabolic, orbit around the Sun, and also that it could
pass through the central, planetary Solar System without affecting the
orbits of the other planets to any fundamental degree. In fact, he considers
it a precondition that the sub brown dwarf would enter the planetary zone
periodically, during an orbital fluctuation event known as 'oscultation'.
The idea that Nibiru exists at all is, therefore, not quite so far fetched
as one would initially suppose. Also, its size can be as large as 10
Jupiters without inflicting permanent damage to the relatively
stable structure of the solar system, even when entering the planetary zone
Where Matese generalizes about a great circular orbit polar to the galactic
plane, Murray is far more specific:
“…In the present paper the hypothesis that the 40,000AU clustering id due to
a distant unknown planet is examined. Aphelion positions have therefore been
plotted for all class 1a comets with distances between 30,000AU and
50,000AU. The resulting distribution of positions is not random. The aphelia
are all within 40 degrees of the ecliptic, but, more importantly, those
between 0 and 180 degrees longitude show a reasonable approximation to a
sine curve, as would be expected if their orbits had been captured into
their present configuration by the presence of an unknown distant object
orbiting the Sun at an inclination to the ecliptic.”
Murray’s proposed inclination of 30+/-7 degrees to the ecliptic, with a
retrograde orbit, exactly mirrors the orbit of the 12th Planet, as discussed
by Zecharia Sitchin in his books ‘The 12th Planet’
(3) and ‘Genesis
Sitchin quotes the movement of
Nibiru, as described by Babylonian
astronomers from R. Campbell Thompson’s "Reports of the Magicians and
Astronomers of Nineveh and Babylon":
"When from the Station of
Jupiter the Planet passes toward the west,
there will be a time of dwelling in security... When from the station of
Jupiter the Planet increases in brilliance
and in the Zodiac of Cancer will become Nibiru,
Akkad will overflow with plenty."
And from the Book of Job:
"Alone He upon the farthest Deep stretches out the heavens
and treads. He arrives at the Great Bear, Orion and
Sirius and the constellations of the south... He smiles his face upon
Taurus and Aries; From Taurus to
Sagittarius He shall go."
In my February 2000 discussion of the Dark Star Theory, I predicted that
Nibiru’s perihelion would occur in the Duat, the part of the sky dominated
by Sirius and Orion that has such significance for the ancient Egyptians.
The above text from the Book of Job, if understood to describe the passage
of a celestial body, indicates a movement from the Northern celestial
hemisphere (the Great Bear), dropping into the Duat in the Southern
Celestial hemisphere, then moving back through the ecliptic at Taurus and
Aries. The biblical text says that its motion is back to
Sagittarius, but Nibiru would have disappeared from sight long before this.
If the dark star dropped into the Southern celestial hemisphere during its
visible movement through the heavens, then it stands to reason that it must
be located in the Northern celestial hemisphere at aphelion. So Sagittarius
cannot be the location of the dark star, but only the general direction it
took as it disappeared. In fact, it must be found North of this
constellation, opposite the perihelion point of Sirius in the Southern
celestial hemisphere. This would presumably be around the constellations of
Aquila and Serpens.
Domain Of The Dragon
Well, Murray discusses the current position of the proposed giant
planet/brown dwarf in these terms:
“This places the object at ecliptic longitude 314 +/-14 degrees, and the
inclination derived earlier places it at ecliptic latitude +28 +/-7 degrees,
or RA 20h 35m, Dec +5 degrees at the present time. Assuming that the
undiscovered object exists, there still remains great uncertainty as to its
present position.”
RA 20h 35m, Dec.+5 degrees is on the border of the major constellation of
Aquila, the Eagle. Well, technically this position is located in the tiny
constellation of Delphinus, but given the margin of error pointed out by
Murray, Aquila serves as a reasonable approximation.
This would appear to tie in with the biblical passage extremely well.
Sitchin’s attempt to place the perihelion of Nibiru in the constellation of
Cancer, and aphelion in Sagittarius is erroneous. If these end points of an
elliptical orbit really were lying on the ecliptic, then the whole orbit
must lie in the plane of the ecliptic, at variance with his claim of a 30
degree inclination.
So some of Sitchin’s thoughts on this matter appear misleading. Aquila seems
to sit rather better with the texts quoted above, with Cancer marking the
point where Nibiru cuts through the ecliptic on its inward journey, and so
perhaps denoting the point when Nibiru becomes visible for the first time.
Therefore, the whole orbit appears thus: Aquila (aphelion),
Ursa Major,
Cancer, Canis Major and Orion (perihelion), Taurus and
Aries, then back in
the direction of Sagittarius. The significance of perihelion occurring in
the region of the sky between Sirius and Orion is not to be underestimated.
This is the sacred Duat and leads us into mythological territory. Therefore,
it does not appear unreasonable to look for ways in which Nibiru’s passage
though the heavens could be used to explain these myths. It is also
important to seek to locate the last passage of Nibiru, knowing that the
brightest point occurs in the Duat. This clue is all-important when trying
to date the Messianic Star and the Flood.
Nibiru’s Appearance
In searching for clues to indicate the last appearance of Nibiru in our
skies, it is necessary to have in mind the description of this celestial
entity in our minds. Sumerian accounts of the great celestial battle between
Nibiru and Earth’s precursor, the watery monster
Tiamat, indicate clearly
its identity as a fiery hulk:
“In front of him he set the lightning,
with a blazing flame he filled his body;
He then made a net to enfold Tiamat therein…
A fearsome halo his head was turbaned,
He was wrapped with awesome terror as with a cloak.”
This description of Nibiru by the Sumerians appears to have a later
corollary in the Biblical Book of Job, although it is not so clear that we
are being told about Nibiru. Clearly, the original texts have been altered
to suit the monotheistic dogma of the Hebrews compiling the Bible. However,
parallels are apparent between the above Sumerian text about
Nibiru and the
‘sea-monster’ Leviathan:
“Its snorting throw out flashes of light; its eyes are like rays of dawn.
Burning lamps go forth from its mouth, and sparks of fire leap out.
Smoke goes forth from its nostrils as from a boiling pot or cauldron.
Its breath sets coals ablaze, and flames go forth from its mouth…”
Job 41:
Note how this entity is no longer the victor of the battle in the Hebrew
version, but is now the creature defeated by God. This is in keeping with
their view that this entity is non other than Satan, representing the
ancient pagan religious concept of the Messianic Dragon. But from the
Mesopotamian point of view, the victor was the Lord, and the defeated
‘monster’ was the watery Tiamat, the planetary precursor of the Earth.
Nevertheless, this awesome description of the brown dwarf appears in the
same text as the description of its celestial heavenly passage noted above.
This is clearly no ordinary planet. It seems surrounded by nets, halos,
cloak, lightning and flames, and this imagery described its appearance prior
to the impact of one of its moons with Tiamat, ruling out these references
as being explosions. They are clearly descriptions of Nibiru’s actual
appearance, although possibly in an excited state. If one thinks of the
corona that one sees around the Sun during a total eclipse, one can begin to
grasp the meaning of these verses. This is a fiery entity whose brilliance
is not great enough to blind us to its coronal discharge under normal
viewing conditions. In other words, a brown dwarf. This brown dwarf
seven moons, which are poetically referred to as “winds”
in the texts
(literal Sumerian meaning: “Those that are by the side”):
“He sent forth the winds which he had created,
the seven of them; to trouble Tiamat within
they rose up behind him”
Sitchin goes on to describe the immensely destructive effect upon
Tiamat of
Nibiru’s close passage. Note that Tiamat must have been a considerably
larger planet than the Earth, which is understood, from the texts, to have
formed from the cleaving of Tiamat in half. So Nibiru must, in turn, be a
considerably greater entity than Tiamat to cause the kind of destruction
“As the two planets and their hosts of satellites came close enough for
Nibiru to “scan the inside of Tiamat” and “perceive the scheme of
(soon to become the Moon) Nibiru attacked Tiamat with his “net” to “enfold
her”, shooting at the old planet immense bolts of electricity (“divine
lightnings”). Tiamat “was filled with brilliance”- slowing down, heating up,
“becoming distended.” Wide gaps opened in the crust, perhaps emitting steam
and volcanic matter. Into one widening fissure Nibiru thrust one of its main
satellites, the one called “Evil Wind”. It tore
Tiamat’s “belly, cut through
her insides, splitting her heart.”
In this case, size matters! To have the sort of global destructive power
that Nibiru unleashed without actually making contact with
Tiamat, then we
are looking at a planetary size of gas giant proportions at the very least.
The added descriptions of the lightning strikes and enveloping corona point
to a mini-sun, or dark star. What is totally clear is that this monstrous
sized planet is not a terrestrial-type world. If it were, then its size
compared to Tiamat it would be like the Moon compared to the
Earth. No one
could seriously imply that a body the size of the Moon would destroy the
Earth during a close passage, without even touching it.
Nibiru must be very
considerably larger than Tiamat, which in turn was proportionately larger
than the Earth. So how does Sitchin come to the conclusion that
Nibiru is
terrestrial-sized? Simply because this notion is fundamental in trying to
show that humanoid beings live on Nibiru. In my opinion, this was an error
of judgment. If ‘alien’ beings are to be found, they live on one or more of
Nibiru’s moons, not on a planet so massive that its gravitational attraction
can prove so destructive. I will expand on this in later web-site additions,
but preliminary study reveals the home-world of the Annunaki to be
whose description implies it to be the 7th (innermost) moon of Utu (Nibiru).
So, from the
Sumerian texts, we can conclude that Nibiru is a titanic, fiery
‘planet’ that has many star-like attributes. It also has seven moons, which
are visible to observers on Earth. In other words, they are brighter than
the Gallilean moons of Jupiter, which can only be seen through binoculars.
This implies one or more of the following things; they are bigger than Io, Europa, Callisto
and Ganymede, they are lit by both our Sun and the fiery
light of Nibiru, and/or they are seen when Nibiru is closer to us than
Jupiter. It is clear that the appearance of Nibiru and her seven moons is a
dramatic and eye-catching event in the heavens.
I do not envision a situation where its appearance could have been missed,
particularly as many of the ancient religions were expectant of its return,
with their devotees far more aware of the stars than most of us are today.
There is also the possibility that Nibiru brings with it a small retinue of
comets which it drags into the Solar System. As Murray and Matese are
assuming that the long range comets that they are studying have been
affected by the passage of a massive body through the Oort cloud,
then it is
not unreasonable to assume that some comets will swing into the inner Solar
System, dragged in by the accelerating movement of the brown dwarf as it
moves through the inner Oort Cloud, the Kuiper belts
and enters the Solar
System proper. As such, the sky around Nibiru may contain comets, adding to
the halo effect, perhaps even giving the brown dwarf a ‘tail’.
Note that any small planetary bodies which are permanently orbiting
will not eject cometary tails like normal long-distance comets. The reason
for this is that the heat of the brown dwarf would, itself, drive off the
volatile gases that create the comet tail effect. Nibiru could, for
instance, have a large retinue of asteroids or tiny moons orbiting it, but
these would no more eject gases, as they entered the Solar System, than
would the asteroids in the belt between Jupiter and Mars. Saying that, the
classifications of what are asteroids and what are comets are becoming less
clear all the time as our data-base of these entities increases.
Nevertheless, small planetary bodies permanently in the vicinity of a brown
dwarf would inevitably lose their volatile ices.
But that is not to say that Nibiru’s gravitational pull would not cause an
epidemic of normal comets to enter the Solar System, and this could account
for periodic environmental catastrophes on Earth. It may also give the
‘dragon’ a tail. In his semi-fictional work "The Lost Book of Enki",
alludes to a fiery body appearing in the sky; a 'flaming
dragon', or
'monstrous demon from the celestial deep', and identifies it as a flaming
comet associated with Nibiru
(6). Given that a comet moving through space
could not actually be on fire, unless burning up in Earth's atmosphere, I
think the description would better describe Nibiru itself.
Nibiru would get excited by its close proximity to the Sun during
perihelion, warming it and creating a coronal aura as its
brown dwarf status
is energized. This coronal discharge would not encircle Nibiru, but would be
swept back by the Solar Wind, appearing like a
pair of fiery wings flying
towards the Sun. For more details, see
Would this not look remarkably like a celestial fiery bird, or dragon? Is it
the Phoenix of Egyptian mythology, reborn periodically in the sky, or the
celestial dragon that makes up so much of Chinese and Arthurian mythology?
Does this understanding also correlate with the “Messianic Dragon” mythology
revealed by Sir Laurence Gardner in his Grail Series?
Dragon can be understood as a duality underlying much heretical knowledge.
It reflects the conflict between Horus and Set in Egyptian mythology. The
brown dwarf resides for the most part in the constellations of
Aquila and
Serpens, the Eagle and the Serpent. Combine these and you have a
dragon. This point of aphelion is opposite the Duat in the celestial sphere,
which the evidence above commends as perihelion.
1) J.B.Murray Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 309, 31-34 (1999)
2) J.J. Matese, P.G. Whitman and D.P. Whitmire, Icarus, 141, 354-336 (1999)
Dr John Matese
3) Z. Sitchin “The 12th Planet” p245-246 Anon Books, 1976
4) Z. Sitchin “Genesis Revisited” p30, 324-328, 34 Avon Books, 1990
5) A. Alford “When the Gods Came Down” p154-158 Hodder & Stoughton 2000
6) Z. Sitchin "The Lost Book of Enki" p154 Bear & Co 2002
7) L. Gardner “Genesis of the Grail Kings” Bantam 1999