Music: On/Off

We have now seen Cayce and Ra proposing a very interesting model for a sudden, multi-dimensional evolution in the human species. This does then become a model wherein all that we have previously learned about the structure of the dimensions becomes far more personal, far more real, far more of an immediate future that we are staring in the eye right at this very moment. The true energy of Consciousness itself, expressed as a fluid-like sea of Pure Light, does not simply have one speed of resonance or vibration in its pulsations. We are told by a variety of sources of Higher Intelligence that the speed of Light itself is not at all a constant, but rather is capable of harmonic change. According to Ra, what we measure here on Earth as Light is "distorted light" that has a certain "true color" even though it appears to be white to us, and each density in the Octave of dimensions represents a different "true color density" of vibration. And with Bruce Cathie and Carl Munck’s work on the Speed of Light, we can see that this certainly appears to be the case.

The Speed of Light can be shown to be two things:

- One, a precise harmonic of sound vibration frequency 144 in a time system based on 9, using minutes of arc as the indicator for distance, and

- Two, directly related to the shared common tangents of the sound frequency numbers (which appear to have dynamic, structured, wavelike movement) and the square root of five, which forms the building blocks for the Platonic Solids and / or the fundamental phi ratio.

Furthermore, when we include Hoagland’s new information about the angle relationships of the circumscribed tetrahedron being precisely harmonic or non-harmonic whole numbers when rendered in a circle with 666 degrees, we can see that the sound, light and geometry are precisely and undeniably mathematically interconnected. This point cannot be argued when the proof is so easily seen, including the simple Platonic geometries that emerged visually in Dr. Jenny’s experiments with vibrating liquids. Therefore, we can infer that the speed of light has similar properties to these other harmonics, all of which are quite naturally capable of changing -- expanding and contracting in their frequency. The speed of light is simply another measurement of frequency, directly correlated with the relative density or strength of the zero-point or aetheric energy field in any given area. So when we have a highly harmonic stress point such as 19.47 degrees, at the intersection of the tip of a tetrahedron to the surrounding sphere, we shouldn’t be surprised to see that its "666 harmonic" value is 36, one of the most fundamental building blocks of the "Gematrian" diatonic musical scale. This essentially proves that the "diatonic" or "Gematrian" numbers have an internal, structured, geometric movement, and are not at all simply static numerical values as we may have once thought.

So again, when we properly understand the speed of light, everything changes. Light is simply the fastest possible movement through a sea of "aether" or what Ra calls intelligent energy, at a certain density. The apparent movement of Light itself can increase as the speed of movement or vibration in the aether increases. Furthermore, new research in the "Grand Unification Theory" by John Nordberg reveals that the properties of time will work much better when they are reassigned as the speed of light itself, instead of our current use of the Sun’s apparent movement in the sky to measure time. (We will have a lot more to say about this in Convergence: The Physics of Ascension.) And if we remember from the chapter on Bruce Cathie, the relative movement of one second of our time on the clock is 1440 times faster than the movement of the Sun in the sky. So again, all of this leads us to believe that time as we know it, either measured by the speed of Light or even the second itself, are all functions of simple vibration in movement, in this case harmonics of the number 144.

So, if time is truly a harmonic movement that can change in harmonic intervals, then as the speed of Light changes, so too does our perception of time change, just as we saw in the cases involving certain Grid anomalies. If we remember, Sanderson’s "vile vortices" on the Earth’s icosahedral grid caused natural and painless time distortions for passengers who flew through them at certain times, whereas the results of the Philadelphia Experiment created time distortions that led to physical harm for some of the participants. In both of these cases, it certainly does appear that time is capable of changing, and new information continues to arrive that validates this proposition more and more. On April 13, 2000 Dr. Steven Greer posted an article to his well-known CSETI website from W.B. Smith, a Canadian military officer, which gave the same information.

In this new article, Smith discusses his work on Project Magnet, the only officially-acknowledged government project that investigated the Global Grid. It became classified when they started to actually determine the shape and anomalous properties of the Grid itself. Smith’s main contribution to the UFO field was that he was the author of an inadvertently declassified document that stated that the UFO matter in the US was "classified on a higher level than the hydrogen bomb." As for the article itself, it was transcribed from a speech given at short notice to the Vancouver Area UFO Club on March 14, 1961, entitled "What we are doing in Ottawa."

In the article, it appears that Smith was in touch with human telepathic "contacts which [his group] believed to be sincere," although this must be inferred from the excerpt that Dr. Greer has posted, as many researchers immediately discredit anything "channeled." Smith then goes on to say that:

Our technique of handling the contacts was to ask a number of rather general-type questions of all the contacts and then we compared the answers. We found that in a majority of cases we got back exactly the same answers from all the contacts… We just confined our activities… to the contacts whose results we had been able to check.

Among other things, the article describes that the contacts Smith was in touch with were accurate enough that he was able to glean knowledge about how the UFOs were powered as well as how to engineer a device that could measure changes in the Global Grid frequency strength. But what interests us the most for this chapter is what he said about time and the speed of light, fairly early in the document. We have added italics and underlines for emphasis:

There is a great deal that we have that we have not yet been able to decipher. I think the trouble is with us, not with the info. Much of the info, which we obtained from these people, cast some serous doubts on the validity of some of the basic concepts of our science.

For one thing they told us that the velocity of light was not a constant. As a matter of fact they seemed to be rather pointed in their statements that light doesn’t travel, it is.

[Note: This is almost exactly the same sentence written by Dr. Elkins at the beginning of
The Ra Material: "[The ETs tell us that] light does not move, light is." He equates this directly with the physics of Dewey Larson, which state that time is motion and light is the primary motion that creates time.]

And we told them that from our point of view, [light] appeared to travel with a certain definite velocity of 186,000 miles per second. They said that’s the way it looks to you because you are looking at it from a region having certain conditions, certain influences, but they said if you were to go away from this region you would find that a different set of circumstances prevailed.

Another thing they told us cast a great deal of doubt on our ideas of time. They told us that time wasn’t at all what we thought it was, namely what might be marked off with the ticking of a clock, that time was, in fact, a field function, the result of there being a universe. That is, something which was derived from the basic primordial concepts which brought this universe into being, and that it differed as you went from one part of the universe to the other. Also it could be altered, sometimes by natural means, sometimes by intelligently-controlled means in various parts of the universe. So that in any given interval, which incidentally is what our clocks mark off, our intervals, not chunks of time, in these intervals we can have all sorts of lengths of time.

In other words if one of you checks your clock with me and finds that they are synchronized and I climb into a flying saucer and take a little trip out well clear of this earth and I watch my clock and, say, come back in three hours time, and we again compare clocks, maybe your clock says I’ve been gone an hour, my clock says I’ve been gone three hours. Both clocks are strictly correct. You’ve experienced an hour in the time that hand went around once; in that same interval I experienced three hours—and they were three real hours, not an illusion. The theory of relativity talks about this dilation.

But this leads to a paradox and I think that anyone who is at all mathematically inclined and has taken the trouble to look at the relativistic time paradox is probably disturbed by it. According to the theory of relativity, if I climb into a spacecraft and start out from the earth, here, at a velocity very nearly the velocity of light and I go out to, say, Alpha Proxima, and then I turn around and come back, people on the earth say I’ve been gone something like 10 years. According to my clock I’ve only been gone a year. Now that is a result, apparently, of the time dilation in the theory of relativity in that the spacecraft was moving, relative to the earth at a velocity very nearly equal to the velocity of light. The paradox arises when you consider that relative to the spacecraft, the earth was traveling away at exactly the same velocity, so therefore, to the people on the spacecraft who are relatively stationary, 10 years should have passed and by the time the earth came back to them it should only have been away a year. So you can see right away the very premise on which the theory of relativity is predicated, namely, that if B is relative to A, then A must be relative to B, leads you to an impossible paradox.

This paradox is resolved completely if you recognize the variable nature of time. As you move around from one part of the universe to the other, you encounter all sorts of values of time in certain given intervals. Now I find that this idea of the concept of the variable nature of time to be almost incomprehensible to most people because… every time we do something we check with the clock. We become slaves to the clock to the extent that we believe that the intervals cut out by the clock are time itself. So we find it very difficult to readjust.

The most important sentence in this entire excerpt, which forms the thesis of this entire book, is that "as you move around from one part of the universe to another, you encounter all sorts of values of time in certain given intervals." We must assume that these intervals are harmonic, and that they refer to the concentration of aether density in the surrounding "space," and thus also the dimensional level in that area. According to Ra, these changes are relative to our position in the galaxy, and we will see the mathematics behind this in later chapters. The most immediate bleed-off of this changing frequency in our own area would be the visible effects on the Sun and Earth, and in this chapter we will focus on the Sun.

So what we are about to see is that as the sun moves through different densities of energy concentration, it has energy shifts that profoundly affect its entire structure, and these energetic shifts are also dimensional shifts. Therefore, when we find the true hyperdimensional cycle of the Sun, we find a schedule for exactly when these dimensional shifts are going to occur, as it is a measurement of our progression through the varying layers of concentration.

So then the question becomes this: How do we know where we are in terms of this movement through the intelligent "background" energy in the Universe? Is there a way to measure this precisely, and if so what would it be? Could the same hyperdimensional harmonic forces that have literally carved the shape of the continents into what they are now also exert force on the planets from afar, without actually being inside the planets as the Grid is? If the "Consciousness Units" are not bound by size, then how do we determine where we are in terms of our movement through these energy stresses? The information that we have already looked into suggests that the inheritors of the Atlantean legacy were well aware of this system, and that something extremely important is going to happen here on Earth in our near future. The designers of the Great Seal of the United States, as well as the United Nations Meditation Room, obviously possess this knowledge. And since this appears to be a direct endowment from Atlantis itself, then it should make sense that the Atlanteans would have done anything they could to preserve this knowledge in many different ways for us, as nothing could be more important.

And so, we have seen from the material suggested by Ra and Cayce, the timeline for these energy shifts can be measured by the Earth’s natural wobble known as precession, at least in part. And it is a well-known fact in metaphysical circles that MIT History of Science professor Giorgio de Santillana collaborated with Frankfurt University History of Science professor Hertha von Dechend to produce an epic, bullet-proof research work entitled Hamlet’s Mill, which showed how these precessional numbers were preserved all throughout ancient cultures, ostensibly originating with Atlantis itself and the "flood myth" that was created after it dropped beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, its namesake. Graham Hancock discussed this epic research in his book Fingerprints of the Gods, and one excerpt from Chapter 30 of Hancock’s book serves the point well:

For some inexplicable reason, and at some unknown date, it seems that certain archaic myths from all over the world were "co-opted" (no other word will really do) to serve as vehicles for a body of complex technical data concerning the precession of the equinoxes. The importance of this astonishing thesis, as one leading authority on ancient measurement has pointed out, is that it has fired the first salvo in what may prove to be ’a Copernican revolution in current conceptions of the development of human culture.’

Hamlet’s Mill was published in 1969, more than a quarter of a century ago, so the revolution has been a long time coming. During this period, however the book has been neither widely distributed among the general public nor widely understood by scholars of the remote past. This state of affairs has not come about because of any inherent problems or weaknesses in the work. Instead, in the words of Martin Bernal, professor of Government Studies at Cornell University, it has happened because ’few archaeologists, Egyptologists and ancient historians have the combination of time, effort and skill necessary to take on the very technical arguments of de Santillana.’

Therefore, Hamlet’s Mill proves conclusively that mythologies from all over the world have encoded very similar pieces of information regarding this Great Cycle in the earth. Among the most important aspects of this information is a near-universal remembrance of a deluge or catastrophic flood and inundation of some kind. But even more importantly, as was just stated above, de Santillana and von Dechend show that precise information about our 25,920-year precession of the equinoxes was also being stored in the myths themselves.

In the last chapter we discussed precession as a wobble in the Earth’s axis. We also said that the best way to visualize it would be as if the Earth itself had a giant axle extending through it north to south. If you wanted to duplicate precession, you would need to slowly "grind" the Earth around in a circle, traveling the opposite direction from how it was rotating. After completing one circle, you would have the equivalent of 25,920 Earth years. In Hamlet’s Mill, de Santillana and von Dechend show how this conceptual idea was revealed over and over again in ancient mythologies all over the world as the concept of a grinding mill, or a very similar metaphor. Before the modern niceties of threshing machines and the like, almost every culture on Earth would have needed to build mills to grind their grain for bread making. So, the metaphor was easily applied and familiar to the people it was given to.

If this was the full extent of the "precession connection" in these ancient myths, it might still appear to be easily be shrugged off. But the key fact, explained so well in Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods, is that the fundamental harmonic numbers of the precession themselves are also encoded into the myths. Numerous examples of this are presented. Also, these myths also invariably have the concept of the mill itself breaking down and causing great catastrophe, similar to the pole shift at the end of each cycle.

Those who are interested are invited to consult Hancock et al’s work for more information. In the case of Hamlet’s Mill, it is something far too intricate and involved for even the world’s finest academic historians to tackle in most cases. All that we need to know now is that for some unknown reason, a very specific set of information regarding the precession of the equinoxes was carefully encoded in mythologies all over the world. We also know that both Cayce and Ra’s readings made a direct connection between the precession and a heretofore-unknown "solar cycle" which precisely matches the precession in the length in years.

Scientist and mathematician Maurice Cotterell did just that, discovering a long-term cycle in the solar flares, or sunspots, which fits in very neatly with the exact same number of years as the precession. This cycle was discovered through a careful, scientific study of information from the Sun obtained via satellite. As we shall see in just a moment, Cotterell discovered this information through strictly scientific means, not myth, metaphysics or psychic "channeled" material. Obviously, since he made the discovery in the mid-1980’s, it could not have been known by Edgar Cayce or Carla Rueckert of The Ra Material beforehand. It is equally unlikely that the scholarly Cotterell is aware of either of these connections, as they are never mentioned in his books.

In order to determine the statistics for a solar cycle of any conceivable length, you need to start with some very specific measurements of how the Sun’s various forces interact with each other. Cotterell had access to satellite data that provided him with just that information. What he did was to compare the known speed of rotation at the Sun’s equator against the known speed of rotation at the Sun’s poles. Because the Sun is a gaseous, fluid body, it moves quicker at the equator, and slower at the poles. It is the same analogy as if you stir up a big pot of soup. Where you stir it in the middle, the soup moves very fast, but it moves much more slowly around the edges of the pot. When we expand this information out to the Sun, the satellite data confirms that it takes 26 Earth days for the Sun to make one full turn at the Equator, and 37 Earth days for the Sun to make one full turn at the poles.

Obviously, there have to be points where these two spinning cycles would intersect and land at the same point. This would be the basis of determining any cycle through which these magnetic fields might be operating. Cotterell determined that the two variables would intersect every 87.4545 days. So, he decided to take "snapshots" of the solar data only when these two cycles intersected. He called this unit of 87.4545 days a bit. The next step was to compare the angular positions of the Sun’s two fields at each "bit" against the period of one Earth year, namely 365.2422 days. The Earth year would be our only solid time reference here on Earth to compare and accurately measure the interaction of these two variables. So, Cotterell took each "bit" of these three figures and crunched them together with a supercomputer that he had access to at his new job at Cranfield Institute of Technology, now Cranfield University.

As the output churned out, Cotterell had the shock of his life. Here is the quote from Mayan Prophecies:

The computer plugged away at its sums for several hours before eventually spewing forth its vital data in the form of a graph. What came out was sensational. In a long printout of jagged peaks and troughs, looking like some erratic heartbeat, a rhythmic cycle could clearly be seen. This graph of interaction had the fingerprints of whatever it is that drives sunspots - for what could clearly be traced was an 11.49-year cycle marking periods of intense activity. This, however, was not everything. There were clearly other cycles implied by the graphs, spanning much longer periods of time.

And here, we will include a sample of the first of Cotterell’s graphs in order to help visualize what he saw, and how it was eventually charted:

(Latest news about the Sun activity: The Sun Goes Haywire)

Before going further ahead, we remind the reader that Cotterell’s definition of sunspots, shared by many other scientists, involves seeing the magnetic lines of force on the Sun as though they were actual "wires" being subject to intertwining. Some of these "wires" would run North to South, and others East to West. So, as the Equator spins at a faster speed than the poles, so too will the vertical and horizontal lines of magnetic force continue to twist and tangle up into each other like a giant braid. When the tension gets too high, there is a sudden snap, releasing the pent-up energy. This spontaneous release is visible as a sunspot, which usually shows up in two nearby places at once. These two spots correspond to the two edges of the sudden arc that is created when the magnetic, twisted braid of energy "snaps" out of the Sun. So, about every eleven years, the intertwining magnetic fields on the Sun reach their maximum tension, producing the highest number of visible sunspots on the surface.

So, in analyzing the traffic of these intersecting magnetic fields, Cotterell was able to produce a graph, based on 87.4545-day units or bits. The first thing he saw is that the period of 8 bits, nearly 700 days, seemed to be very significant, and he called this a microcycle. Then, by taking six microcycles or 48 bits, he arrived at a longer cycle of 11.49299 years - a figure that was extremely close to the 11.1-year average given by mainstream science for one "regular" sunspot cycle.

As Cotterell looked closer, he could see that the entire graph would repeat itself after 781 bits of time. This was one of Cotterell’s fundamental discoveries, adding up to a period of 68,302 days (or 187 years) that he called the sunspot cycle. This amounted to 97 microcycles. (We remember that each microcycle was 8 bits in duration.) Cotterell discovered to his own surprise that five of these 97 microcycles were actually longer, containing 9 bits instead of 8. This led him to realize that this entire cycle was also shifting, and therefore indicating something even greater.

Cotterell attributes these slow-moving solar shifts to what is known as the Sun’s warped neutral sheet. This is a known area near the Sun’s equator where magnetic North and South are in a precise equilibrium of balance, essentially canceling each other out and producing a null zone. Cotterell already had access to the latest research on what this sheet was believed to look like. Based on the complex interaction of the Sun’s different magnetic fields, we can see that it appears as a sort of giant, spherical fortune cookie placed over the top of the Sun, with the points facing straight down.

In the book, Cotterell says that:

It seemed that the neutral sheet shifts by one bit every 187 years and that a particular shift bit would therefore shunt along through the whole sequence of 97 microcycles in a period of 97x187 or 18,139 years.

[So, in visualizing the "shift" in the neutral sheet, you could say that every 187 years you move your fortune cookie one bit to the right of its original starting position.]

This great period of magnetic interaction between the sun and Earth seemed to be the most important of all. It was, however, divided up unequally into three periods of 19 sunspot cycles and two of 20, making 97 in all. It seemed that each time one of these periods came to an end, so the Sun’s magnetic field reversed. At last Cotterell seemed to have hit on what he was later to see might have been some very ancient knowledge.

So, this "most important pattern" of either 19 or 20 sunspot cycles appeared to control when the Sun’s own magnetic poles would shift. The crucial 20-cycle length of time involved is precisely 1,366,040 days, or 3,740 years. [As stated above, the pole shift actually alternates between 20 sunspot cycles at 3,740 years or 19 at 3,553 years. This actually produces a much better fit with the precession numbers, as we shall see in a moment.] We will demonstrate very soon that this same exact cycle of 1,366,040 days was known and watched by the Maya. It seemed that when the Sun’s own poles destabilized and shifted, the Earth was subject to serious cataclysmic activity. The Maya wanted to be good and ready for it.

This Sun-Earth connection is very mysterious and by no means “common” scientific knowledge. It suggests a larger force of energy that is operating on, or through, the entire solar system. The question becomes this: if these sunspot cycles end up having an effect on the Earth’s relative stability or lack thereof, we must speculate that the Sun’s forces are somehow causing these inundations. And based on our new understandings of aether energy and its changing harmonic concentrations, sunspots, or a greater function involving them, seem to exert control over the Earth’s magnetic field, which then affects Earth’s position in space. The Sun’s gravitational energy is also hyper-dimensional energy as well.

Sunspots are usually considered to be nothing more than magnetic disturbances, but Cotterell ties in the energy particles emanating from the sun to astrology, believing that the changing solar particles themselves have an effect on humans. Indeed, Cotterell and Gilbert’s book Mayan Prophecies shows many amazing coincidences between the peaks and troughs of the sunspot cycle that Cotterell discovered and other seemingly unrelated phenomena. This includes,

  • the degree of Carbon 14 radiation seen in tree rings year by year,

  • the average yearly temperatures of the European climate,

  • the severity of northern European winters,

  • the advance and retreat of alpine glaciers,

  • and, amazingly, the rise and fall of civilizations.

It seemed that as the levels of C14 radiation decreased, the sunspot activity increased proportionally, and during these periods,

…it seemed that high solar activity... correlated exactly with the growth of powerful, sophisticated civilizations. Low sunspot activity seemed to be linked with periodic ‘Dark Ages’, which are marked by a general decline in the level of cultural achievement that has coincided with the fall of important civilizations.

Thus, from this we can see that Cotterell’s theories suggest that solar radiation somehow has an effect on human consciousness, and in fact the growth and development of human civilizations as a whole. In Cotterell’s model, it is a physical effect caused by three-dimensional particles of radiation that effect humans and weather in very similar and mysterious ways. Yet, it is still unclear exactly how these periods of radiation cause people to essentially become more intelligent and make great advances, while simultaneously affecting weather “advances” on the Earth. Already we can see the case forming for the Sun’s energy being hyper-dimensional in nature, bringing in higher consciousness. This hyper-dimensional increase reaches its full breaking point at the moment of Ascension, when we fully enter into an area of higher aetheric density and a faster relative speed of light.

Cotterell likewise explains personal astrology in this solar radiation-based model. This does appear to have profound implications for Sun-sign astrology, or the basic effect that being born in a certain sign, or a certain month in the year, has on the personality. Cotterell shows that the Sun has two basic magnetic fields, one of which essentially divides the sun lengthwise, like a pie, into four equal quadrants. If we think for a minute about what this actually reveals, it is showing us that there is an octahedron "harmonic" inside the sun, with one tip for each pole and four evenly spaced around the equator (See image.) According to data from interplanetary spacecraft IMP1 1963, the equatorial stress points from the octahedron that form this four-way magnetic field cause the Sun to have a “sprinkler effect,” showering us with differently charged particles each month. Thus, each month could basically be "positive" or "negative," based on what we now know to be octahedral streams of energy. (Cotterell did not point out the geometry in this.)

Cotterell goes on to show a perfect correlation between the positive ion streamings and extroversion, or outgoing personalities, and similarly, negative ions and introversion, or personalities more drawn into themselves. This correlation was demonstrated by the Mayo / Eysenck study. Jeff Mayo was an astrologer who collaborated with Dr. Hans Eysenck, the "father of the IQ test," to demonstrate this elusive and interesting point. The participants took a personality assessment of introversion / extroversion tendencies, and this data was then compared against their "natal sign." The study demonstrated an extraordinarily high correlation between these two variables, for a relatively huge subject pool of over 2000 participants.

Cotterell also warns us about the effect that sunspots have on our electrical, gravitational and radio systems. In Mayan Prophecies, he discusses a huge solar flare spewing X-rays that was witnessed on March 5, 1989, lasting for 137 minutes. Scientists from the Geological Survey Group in Edinburgh believed it to be the largest event of its kind in the 20th century, overloading the sensors they used to observe it. Cotterell indicates that sunspots were seen at the site of the flare shortly afterwards, showing a clear link between the two solar events. [These two solar forces haven’t been directly associated with each other in the past, and this event supports Cotterell’s theory that the sunspots are related to magnetic and radiation disturbances. The "flare" would be the visible breaking of the tension in the magnetic lines of force, followed by the sunspot.]

But what followed was even more interesting. Three days later, on March 8, the sun began emitting a very large stream of protons, or positively charged particles. Cotterell indicates that the Earth’s magnetic field deviated by eight degrees within a few hours of this, compared to a normal deviation of only 0.2 degrees per hour. This event directly led to sightings of aurora borealis in very uncommon areas much farther south than normal, massive power surges that destroyed power grids in Canada and caused widespread damage, and a total scattering of radio waves, knocking out satellite communications.

And now, in the present moment, growing contingents of astrophysicists are predicting major failures in our communication systems, surrounding the year 2000, right during and after the time when this book will be published. The typical 11-year sunspot cycle reaches its peak in 2000, and based on current observations, we can expect some very serious solar effects as a result. We have already seen these effects occurring to larger degrees, including the 1998 shutdown of the Galaxy 4 satellite, which resulted in the widespread failures of pagers all across the United States. The energy should only become more and more intense as we go along.

So, with our brief overview of something Cotterell explains in much greater detail, we are starting to see a previously undiscovered law of nature at work. First of all, we have clearly seen the octahedral geometry at work in the positive and negative ion streamings emerging from the Sun, thus once again showing us these forces at work in the Solar System on a large scale. The Sun not only affects our weather patterns and the Earth’s magnetic and polar stability, it also affects the progress that we make as societies. With these higher points of progress must also come greater creativity, intuition and insight, those very human traits necessary to bring about massive social change. These social changes could be lumped into the elusive category ofspiritual growth.” There would obviously be a correlation with major advances in society and major personal advances in individuals. Spiritual growth is the founder of insight, inspiration and motivation, the breath of the Divine moving upon the still waters of the human psyche. Humanity is passing into the fourth density.

So we can now demonstrate that the output of energy from the Sun is directly linked with spiritual advances in humans. We can also see that this mysterious sunspot cycle is related to the Earth’s 25,920-year precessional wobble, and no one seems to have figured out why. What we are postulating here is that there is a very good reason why the sunspots and the precession coincide; both of them represent the larger, multidimensional cycle alluded to by Cayce and Ra. This cycle is very mysterious, and we will continue to see through the course of this book that its purpose is to set a schedule for the ultimate spiritual advancements - Dimensional Shifts, the stuff of pure alchemy; changing matter from one vibratory phase to another. This is the "physics of Ascension."

Obviously, if we believe any of the material regarding Atlantis and even more ancient civilizations, it would seem that intelligent human life has been through at least one of these "shifts" in the past. Interestingly, many authors including Graham Hancock, who wrote Fingerprints of the Gods, insist that the ancients knew of this grand cycle and did everything they could to preserve the information in order to warn us. Warn us, you ask?

Definitely. The author’s own contacts, along with other mystical sources, indicate that this 25,920-year cycle is sort of like a breath; the Sun “inhales” for ~12,500 years, stops, then “exhales” ~12,500 years. Each separate breath of the cycle is seen to end with a “shift point.” Indeed, we should be well-reminded of other "breathing" phenomena in the multidimensional universe, namely the pulsations of the Consciousness Unit. When this shift point in the Sun’s breath happens, the Sun’s magnetic energy fields shift simultaneously with the Earth’s, and huge, epic changes go along with it; changes that many naturally interpret as whole-scale disaster if they don’t understand what happens to us in the process. Indeed, the last three major recognized polar displacements were roughly 84,000, 50,000 and 12,500 years ago, as seen on pg. 139 in Chatelain’s "Ancestors," which we shall discuss in the next chapter. While the first number is not exact, we can see the close correlations. This is a necessary part of the functioning mechanism of this dimensional transition that Ra and Cayce were referring to.

In the Ra Material, for example, it is stated that the Earth will most likely shift approximately 20 degrees to accommodate the new "fourth-density" energy streaming in from the Sun, but they also said that these Earth Changes were "very, very trivial." Even though the Atlanteans did not make it through a similar shift, we cannot automatically assume that we have been given a death sentence.

If it is true that the Sun is leading us through an unprecedented degree of change, we should expect all sorts of anomalies occurring in the Sun, as well as in the Earth itself. Much of this sort of data can be found in the work of professional geologist and metaphysical researcher Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, also available from Laura Lee Publications. So, let us cite a few examples of these anomalies.

The first thing that immediately struck this author upon seeing Braden’s video was that he cited scientific evidence that the iron core of the Earth is not actually molten; it behaves more like a crystal. What is even more interesting is that this core assumes the precise shape of a dodecahedron!  So far we have not been able to find an image on the Internet to go along with the information, as this obviously is not being publicized -- too many people would start asking too many questions. It does, however, help us to see that the internal core of the Earth can have a separate "consciousness unit" frequency than the external, and these forces have actually created the shape precisely instead of simply shadowing it with the alignment of the continents.

The core of Braden’s work addresses the fact that as we head closer and closer to the end of the cycle, fundamental measurements of the Earth that were once thought to be constants are now being seen to change very rapidly. The first "constant" is the relative field strength of the Earth’s gravity, measured in "gauss." We have set a theoretical scale of 0 through 10 gauss in order to measure the Earth’s magnetic field strength, 0 being the weakest and 10 being the strongest. We can show through fossil and mineralic records that at certain times in the past, the Earth’s gravity field was at 10 gauss. 2000 years ago, it was at 4 gauss. However, as of mid-1998 it was down to 0.4 gauss, continuing to sink at a truly incredible rate of speed.

The second "constant" to explore is the frequency, or rate of vibration, in the Earth’s magnetic field. This value is represented in hertz. For a long period of time, the Earth’s "heartbeat" of magnetic vibration was thought to be set squarely at 7.8 hertz. This heartbeat was important enough to the proper functioning of our bodies that it was incorporated into space travel for astronauts. Small onboard machines were designed to emanate this same magnetic vibration, in order to keep the astronauts’ bodies from experiencing trauma. We now know from Gregg Braden that the Earth’s own heartbeat has suddenly risen up to as high as 11.2 hertz, and in some places on the planet is has gone up to 14! At the time he produced the Awakening to Zero Point video in 1996, it was measuring at 8.6. Clearly, things are "speeding up" at an incredible rate.

Furthermore, it is also a well-known fact that the Earth’s magnetic field is making some changes just in its own polarity. Most people are well aware that the Magnetic North is offset significantly from the Rotational North. However, we never stop and realize how strange and in some ways unsettling this really is. Furthermore, we now know that this is changing faster than ever before. Indeed, within just the last few years, the Magnetic North has been moving so fast that airport runways have to be completely redrawn in order to provide safe landings for the pilots. As everyone knows, the main navigational instrument for air travel is a compass, which measures the location of Magnetic North. Now that it is changing, serious and costly adjustments are being made at airports all over the world.

These facts alone suggest that the Earth is destabilizing in a rapid format. The gravitational field is losing strength very rapidly, meaning that gravity is not balanced. The increase in the pulsation rate from the "constant" of 7.8 hertz also shows us that the Earth’s magnetic field is destabilizing or "wavering." Not only that, but the effects of El Nino and La Nina show us that the Earth’s interior is heating mysteriously, then showing up in the oceans. This was also predicted in The Ra Material back in 1981, through the following quote, which is also reproduced here in Chapter Two:

This [planetary movement into fourth-density] is going to occur with some inconvenience, as we have said before, due to the energies of the thought-forms of your peoples which disturb the orderly constructs of energy patterns within your Earth spirals of energy which increases entropy and unusable heat. This will cause your planetary sphere to have some ruptures in its outer garment while making itself appro­priately magnetized for fourth density. This is the planetary adjustment.

So, according to sources like Ra and the work of Gregg Braden, the current position that we hold in space is no longer going to hold us; the Earth will have to make an adjustment in order to right itself. As we have previously indicated, Charles Hapgood called this process "Earth Crustal Displacement," where the entire outside of the Earth’s crust slips over the molten inner core all at once. As is written in Fingerprints of the Gods, none other than Albert Einstein bolstered Hapgood’s theory. And Braden explains that at every time in the previous historical record when the magnetic field strength has decreased and the gravity pulsations have increased, a polar shift has been the result.

Furthermore, as geologist William Hutton points out in ARE Press’s book Coming Earth Changes: The Evidence, it was recently discerned that the inner, dodecahedron-shaped core of the Earth is rotating at a faster speed than the outside. This in itself suggests a more complex interplay of forces in the Earth than we had ascribed to it before. But what is more important is that this same study also revealed that this fast-moving inner dodecahedron has already significantly displaced itself from the angle of rotation for the outside of the Earth! In other words, the inner magnetic poles of the Earth have already shifted, and are now on a separate angle of tilt! Thus, the inner core of the Earth could very well be setting a precedent for the future position of the outside as well. As we move towards this new position, Magnetic North continues to drift more and more quickly in that direction, before the big, groaning adjustment actually takes place.

Both Hutton and Laura Lee Publications’ own Michael Mandeville indicate that a good case can be made in the Cayce Readings for this inner Earth "pole shift" as having occurred in 1936. There are repeated references in the Readings to some major Earth Change event that would take place in 1936. The eerie calm in that year didn’t seem to make sense, based on Cayce’s remarkable accuracy in all other areas. According to Cayce’s readings, once this inner shift happened it was inevitable that the outer crust would also have to move in tandem. Again, Ra says that this movement should be approximately 20 degrees. Wilcock’s deep-trance reading from Jan. 1999 also indicates that the Earth will indeed have to make this transition, and that more devastating earthquakes will follow as it occurs:

True to form, the spherical mass of gravity will become more regularized as a constant in the approaching months and years. In order to do this, it has to renew and revivify the connection to the instreaming fourth density positive solar energy. This comes about indirectly through the polarity of the inhabitants, and more directly through the inevitable realignment of the global grid itself. This aspect of change is not necessarily malleable, although with the harmony of the inhabitants, it can be met at a much slower speed, hence much less disastrous. [53-29]

But again, we are not dealing only with a phenomenon in the Earth; we are talking about a Solar Cycle as well. The data from the Sun also suggests that an epic change is on the way. Braden also points out that the Ulysses probe made the startling discovery that the Sun’s own magnetic North and South poles are no longer detectable as of 1995! In addition, there has been a continual and incredible increase in the amount of solar flares, X-rays and proton storms year by year. These increases are so profound that they have often ended up being completely off the scale of the measuring equipment that our scientists had built to observe them. The SOHO satellite has been our main connection to observing these phenomena, and in 1998 it went down at least twice, ostensibly due to the increasing irregularity of the Solar radiation. These issues surrounding SOHO and the solar storms are very eloquently covered on Kent Steadman’s ORBIT site.

Enter the Mayan Calendar, a mysterious measurement system that was discovered carved into a giant stone disc in Mesoamerica. The Mayan Calendar was quite inexplicable to those who found it, as it meticulously charted a 1,872,000-day cycle, and at first no one could figure out why. The cycle was broken up into varying units of length, each with a separate name. One Earth day was a kin. 20 days was a uinal. 18 uinals added together gives us 360 days, which was called a tun. Twenty tuns added together gives us 7,200 days, which was called a katun. Twenty katuns added together gives us 144,000 days, which was called a baktun. So, the final structure of the Mayan Calendar was then comprised of 13 baktuns of 20 katuns each, leading us to a total of 1,872,000 days, or almost precisely 5,125 years. Right away, the harmonic, Gematrian quality to these numbers should be very easily visible.

The "conventional wisdom" on the Mayan Calendar still has not come up with any satisfactory explanation for why these particular lengths of time are so important to the Maya, particularly the 5,125 years. However, Cotterell might have been the first to notice that five of these Mayan Calendar cycles add up to the same ~25,920 years as the precession itself. Do we then assume that the Mayans were aware of the precession? If so, why did they chart it out so meticulously, and why only one-fifth of the entire period of time?

If the reader will remember, we had discussed earlier in this chapter that Maurice Cotterell had made a major discovery concerning the number of years necessary for the sun’s magnetic poles to shift. He called this the "sunspot shift cycle," and gave it a value of exactly 1,366,040 days in length. It was precisely calculated through the graphing and mapping of the intersection of the Sun’s orbit at the Equator of 26 days against its orbit at the poles of 37 days. This discovery was made as a result of satellite technology, combined with the best supercomputer number crunching that was available to Cotterell at the time; a product of modern, late 20th century technology as we strive further towards "outer space."

As unbelievable as it must seem to the uninitiated, Cotterell later discovered the exact same measurement as the sunspot shift cycle in ancient Mayan writings; the enigmatic figure known as the “super number” in the Mayan work entitled the Dresden Codex. Amazingly, he showed that when this "super number" was held up against his own sunspot cycle, [after giving it one balancing adjustment that we will discuss,] the two measurements were mathematically identical! Now this should certainly raise a lot of attention! How can our current models of history possibly explain something like this? As we have said, it was clear that the Maya had a vested interest in keeping their eye on this cycle, as it would lead to inevitable cataclysmic activities on Earth. They obviously knew about the Sunspot Cycles that were at work, or else they wouldn’t have these exact, scientific numbers.

Therefore, Cotterell’s research is actually nothing more than a rediscovery of something that was already known; something that even our best equipment had yet to betray to the minds of the mainstream scientific community. Remember that it was Cotterell’s own ingenuity that led him to discover this cycle, and it has yet to be "officially" recognized by astrophysicists.

So, the time charted by the Mayan Calendar was obviously held as being even more important of a cycle than the Solar pole shift -- the Solar pole shift number was only found in a codex, whereas the Mayan Calendar figure was the end result of their entire calendrical system of measurement. The Mayan Calendar fits into the precessional cycle by exactly one fifth; in other words, if you multiply 5,125 years by 5, you get 25,625 years, which is very close to 25,920. Amazingly, and obviously meaningfully, Cotterell’s "sunspot shift cycle," which is also a Mayan number as we have just said, also fits precisely into the precessional cycle of years; this time, it is exactly one seventh of the entire cycle. This is an extremely significant discovery that no other researcher besides Wilcock has been calling attention to, as it is buried in the appendix of Cotterell and Gilbert’s book. So again, five Mayan Calendar Cycles and seven Sunspot Shift Cycles both add up to an identical figure -- the precession of the equinoxes. And, it is this 25,920-year figure that both Cayce and Ra indicated as being of penultimate importance to us all.

If you remember, Cotterell’s Solar graph would repeat itself after 781 bits of time, which was 68,302 days in length. He called this 68,302-day period the sunspot cycle. He also determined that units of 19 or 20 of these sunspot cycles were directly correlated to solar pole shifts. The basic solar pole shift cycle was 1,366,040 days in length. Cotterell shows that the Maya also knew that units of 260 days could be added to a cycle in order to provide the "shift differential operator" [SDO] that would allow these cycles to expand into their larger counterparts. The number 260 was very sacred to the Maya, so sacred that they even gave it a name -- the tzolkin. We will see this number more in the next chapter, as it was one of two main cycles used to count the number of days on Earth, allowing them to chart out ten rotations of the Sun’s equator at 26 days each. Cotterell’s discovery of its importance helps us understand why the Maya were so interested in it -- it directly transforms or shifts lower-order cycles into higher-order cycles. So, the Maya took two SDO or tzolkin units of 260 days to shift the solar pole shift number into their own Codex number of 1,366,560 days.

In again illustrating the connection between the solar pole shift cycle, the Mayan Calendar cycle and the precessional cycle, we will let Cotterell’s own words speak for themselves. This is listed on Page 300 in Appendix 7 of Mayan Prophecies:

By flagging the number of 1,366,560 the Maya introduce us to the shifting nature of the neutral warp and solar magnetic reversals. So by flagging the number 1,872,000 [the 5,125-year Mayan Calendar cycle,] the Maya draw attention to:

 i) The precession
ii) That the moment of seven collisions (5 during 97 shifts, followed by two during the next 39 shifts) following cycle commencement, is in some way significant, in collision terms.

[The collisions Cotterell refers to here are the times when the 1,366,040-day Sunspot Shift Cycles collide with each other. Cotterell then shows how these numbers add to a precessional cycle that is slightly shorter than the common 25,920-year figure, at 25,627 years. (260 days are added to the value of 1,872,000 x 5 as a natural part of the shift cycle.) We then move onto page 303, where Cotterell explains why the Maya might be flagging this number:]

So perhaps the whole point of the 1,872,000 cycle is to convey the message of pole shift or the earth tilts on its axis.

This is exactly what we are seeing in the material presented in Hamlet’s Mill and other sources, including the Cayce Readings. The precessional cycle itself seems to be connected to periodic cataclysms on Earth. Thankfully, we have other evidence that points towards this being more than just a case of everyone dying and being wiped off the face of the planet; we have a clear link in prophetic materials to the concept of the passage into the fourth-density. Furthermore, with Cotterell’s data, we now have achieved what we were looking for: a direct connection of all this information to measurable, scientific cycles of time in the Sun, as well as evidence linking the numbers to an ancient civilization.

Clearly, the Maya put a great deal of work into this cycle, and it appears from their own writings that they were at least partly trying to warn us that this cycle causes periodic, massive cataclysms. And the near-unanimous conclusion is that the end date of the Mayan Calendar is December 22, 2012. The Ra Material indicates that the Earth will have become completely fourth-dimensional by this point. The French have calculated that the Earth will pass into the Age of Aquarius at this point.

However, Cayce talked of 1998 and 2001 for the solar cycle, not 2012. Indeed, untold multitudes of reliable intuitive predictions seem to center on the few years surrounding 2000, not 2012. This is covered quite well in A.T. Mann’s book Millennium Prophecies and Charles Berlitz’s Doomsday 1999 AD. It also is obviously a featured aspect of Bible prophecy, as indicated in works such as Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth.

Again, 2012 seems relatively close, time-wise, to these predictions, but yet that date was almost never mentioned in any of them. The notion of Ascension appears, based on other sources of prophecy, to be out of sync with 2012, and very much in sync with the early years of the New Millennium. So, we may certainly speculate on the possibility that we will not wait as long as we might have otherwise believed.

What we do know is that the approximate time for the turning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius was calculated in France as ~2011 AD. Since the ages of the zodiac represent the Grand 25,920-year Cycle of precession broken up into 12 units of 2160 years, it would make sense that as we go from Pisces into Aquarius, so too would the Mayan Calendar hone in on that same period of time for the transformation.

The work of John Major Jenkins in Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 has expanded our knowledge about why the Mayan Calendar may have targeted Dec. 22, 2012 as the date. Indeed, this piece of information may be the entire key to understanding why our own local area of "energy density" will peak out in its increase at this time. Jenkins has clearly shown that in the slow movement of precession, the Earth comes into alignment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at this "triangulation point" in 2012. Many of the Mayan myths, including their dramatic ball-court games, appear to have targeted this moment as the time when Earth is fully aligned with the womb of the Cosmic Mother, our Galaxy. Obviously, this womb signifies rebirth, and that is exactly what we are going through, based on the explicit guidance given to us in the Cayce Readings, and even more so in the Ra Material. Ra makes it clear that all of these cycles have to do with our relative position in the Galaxy, and that our Earth is definitely being reborn.

Based on aether theory this idea of changing energy density relative to the Galactic Center is not hard to see. In aether theory, gravity itself is nothing more than the streaming "aether wind" of the background energy that is going in to create a large body like the Earth moment by moment. In this model, as we walk the Earth we are like mosquitoes traveling along a screen window that air is blowing in through. It is the actual movement of intelligent energy, according to Ra and many other sources, that creates this effect. In Convergence: The Physics of Ascension we will have a great deal more to say about this. For now, the most important point for us to realize is that the center of our Galaxy would obviously be the greatest force for this instreaming cosmic energy. So, it is logical to assume that as the Earth becomes most precisely aligned with this central source of instreaming energy, we would also be most explicitly affected by its higher concentrations. This gives us a firm model for visualizing a movement into an areas where the Speed of Light, Time and spiritual vibrations in general are at their highest point, hence causing changes for us in our own Solar System.

In the next chapter, we will start to uncover the deeper aspects of this Solar Cycle’s function -- aspects that involve the orbits of the planets. This information will show us how the harmonics of the vibrating "fluid" of intelligent energy or aether will create very precise movements in the planetary orbits. Since the planets are a fundamental and interconnected part of this harmonic fluid, and they are in vibrational movement, we will see that their exact orbits should also be a function of vibration. What we might not have expected is how incredibly precise this function turns out to be.
