Music: On/Off

With this chapter we will directly see the harmonic structures that are visible in time, and the direct geometry that goes along with them. Once we have done so, the theoretical foundations for the universal applicability of the Nineveh Constant will be easily seen, as our Galaxy is also operating under these harmonic geometries in time. So obviously, the very first question that comes to mind is this: even if we knew that we were looking for Platonic geometry, how could we chart out the passage of time in such a way as to have a solid measurement of its effects that might allow us to see such a structure? Almost all graphs that we see, regardless of what phenomena in time that they are measuring, are expressed in two dimensions -- an X axis and a Y axis. How would we be able to use such a graph to visualize a Z axis and thereby extend our perception of the effects of time out into three dimensions?

The even more fundamental question is this: "How do we know whether time is simply a static, "linear" phenomenon that produces no changes within nature in and of itself as it passes by, or an active, "topological" phenomenon that produces predictable, recurring patterns in neatly organized cycles?" What possibly could we look for in trying to discover if time has a dynamic shape? In order to hope to see a shape of any kind, we would have to find something that changes, something that does not stay the same but has the potential to move in different, measurable directions.

We have already shown the proof that Light itself has just such an active, topological structure -- and our one of our original arguments, seen in both the "Unified Field" theories of John Nordberg and Dewey Larson, is that all of Space is filled with a sea of Light that we do not normally observe. Our scientific evidence as well as excerpts from Ra and W.B. Smith’s UFO lecture suggest that these Light harmonics have different density levels in different areas of the Universe. The Sun had been maintaining the octahedral level nicely for us, even though the Ulysses probe did not detect any polarized magnetic field in 1995.

Furthermore, all of the sources we have just mentioned are telling us that Time itself is a function of Light. In the case of John Nordberg’s physics, he explains that all of the universe is made up of balls of light, which we have called Consciousness Units. In Nordberg’s model, (which will be covered in much more detail in Convergence: The Physics of Ascension,) these balls of light can either remain stationary as "standing waves" (as in the case of ball lightning) or move at the speed of Light, becoming "moving waves" or photons that create visible light. Even though a "standing wave" does not appear to be moving through space, it certainly possesses dynamic internal motion -- and this will be a motion that corresponds to its own frequency of vibration. In the case of the third dimension or density, our light harmonic is 144, and the Hindu geometric cosmology tells us that Light forms the structure of an octahedron in our area.

And so, the ultimate assertion that we will make is that motion is what creates "standing waves" of Light, which will naturally form spherical harmonics in models such as Nordberg’s. The motion of a large body, such as a planet or star, will create harmonics as it drags along the aether in its motion, thus creating a "standing wave" in the System that it is contained within. Wherever the center of gravity is, such as the Sun in the Solar System or the Center in the Galaxy, the harmonics will arrange themselves around that point. In other words, any large mass must draw in the Light of Space around itself to sustain its existence, becoming an ’aether sink’ to the surrounding area in the same manner as a low-pressure zone in our atmosphere causes high-pressure air to move into it, thus creating thunderstorms. When you have such a sink in motion, such as in the orbit of a planet or galaxy, it naturally disturbs its environment and creates vibration as it travels, just as the froth of water that follows a motorboat continues to ripple outwards after it has passed by a certain area. And in the case of the disruption of aetheric energy, we know from many researchers that these vibrations can be seen as light, sound and geometry.

We have discussed previously the fact that Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are the main ’driver’ for the Mayan Calendar. What we have not mentioned is that these conjunctions always happen in the exact same three areas of space, relative to the Sun. These areas are equally spaced and thus form a great equilateral triangle:

Furthermore, each 19.86-year J-S conjunction is also very close to one-quarter the total length of Uranus’ orbit. Again, in previous times this may have been more exact than it is at present, due to the explosion of Maldek. So if we divide Uranus’ 84-year orbit into similarly harmonic quarter-cycles, we end up with a giant square that is formed in its orbit around the Sun, also a harmonic that is seen to overlap with the Mayan katun and / or the J-S conjunction:

Other planetary cycles, once further explored, should yield other geometries as well, including pentagons and hexagons. And if we go back to the study of the crop circles, we remember that the work of Gerald Hawkins showed us that two-dimensional diagrams like these can in fact be hyper-extended to three dimensions. And already, we have seen that the three-dimensional octahedron appearing in the Sun is responsible for the positive and negative energy bombardments that we receive twice a month on the Earth. And when we look at the behavior of a system such as the Great Red Spot in Jupiter at 19.5 degrees latitude, we can assume that a similar harmonic outpouring of Light energy is occurring from the tetrahedral level, slowly moving like a giant lawn sprinkler in the Solar System as Jupiter rotates:

So, the rotations of the planets and grids themselves, combined with the planet or star’s motion through space, create a variety of interconnecting harmonics. Some of these harmonics will move very slowly compared to the speed with which our Earth passes through the Light of Space, as we complete twenty cycles around the Sun to add up to one conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, for example. Therefore, it is certainly possible for us to pass into and out of areas of greater or lesser energetic concentration -- and this appears to be the basis of astrology. If these energies are more than just a simple "hot-or-cold," "high-or-low" variable and instead represent discrete archetypes of consciousness, then as certain archetypes are flooding more powerfully into our minds, we can expect that more of those corresponding personality traits in ourselves will be visible. The entire Solar System would become a vast webwork of intertwining three-dimensional harmonics, just as an astrology chart will show you in two dimensions.

Our simplified diagram of the spiraling tetrahedron does not reveal the full extent of these harmonic pulsations. We must look at the entire shape itself as being a harmonic stress point, not just the tips. Therefore, the exact structure of the "standing wave" in free space will act as an attracting force, causing the very lifeblood of Consciousness to be affected as all other forces pass through it. And if we are looking for these properties in time, our next challenge would be to find a way to actually measure such changes, in order to determine if there is such a force in effect. Since these effects are related to consciousness and thereby psychological in nature, we must find a simple way of charting out the behavior of human psychology on a mass scale.

Furthermore, if we want to insure that these changes could not possibly be caused by anything but the passage of time, then all other factors involved with the changes should be as completely random as possible. In other words, whatever we are graphing should appear to be an almost completely unpredictable psychological phenomenon that is very easy to measure, ideally with only two "hot or cold, high or low" variables to consider. And then, if this behavior is truly a random event by all conventional understandings, any patterns taking effect should be a byproduct of our observable higher-dimensional geometric structures in time. Such "patterns in chaos" have indeed been observed in many different ways already, and they are commonly referred to in modern "Chaos theory" as forming "fractal" geometries, like the Mandelbrot Set. Until now, with our aetheric models in place, we have never truly had a foundation with which to understand how these fractal formations could be seen in both space and time.

Again, if we want to chart out human behavior to see if the passage of time has any observable effect, the first thing we have to do is to find a very, very simple index for measuring that behavior. Ideally we should investigate some form of human behavior that essentially has only two directions - up or down, positive or negative, high or low, joy or fear, prosperity or scarcity. This measurement of human behavior would need to be rigorously graphed day after day in an ongoing fashion in order to accurately analyze the long-term data for any trends or patterns. In order to be truly scientific, it would have to be something that was kept fastidiously, with no interruptions, for as long as possible. No one research group could realistically attempt to do such a broad-based study on their own, as they would be likely to introduce their own biases -- and furthermore, we simply don’t have the profit motive to graph such behavior with steadfastness. Or do we?

It just so happens that we do not need to look very far to find such an ongoing measurement index of human behavior. Ever since the late 1700’s, at the dawning hour of a new nation known as the United States of America, an accurate record of the human extremes of joy and fear have been rigorously documented and rendered into the form of an ongoing graph. This record is known to us as the stock market of the United States, later referred to as the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Yes indeed, the final answer to proving the geometric structure of time will come to us from the study of the stock market. As surprising as this may seem, it is indeed the most obvious and specific means by which we can graph out the extremes of human behavior through time. The measuring index of this behavior would be the price scale, which always occupies the Y axis of a stock market graph. And thus, the relative price value of the stock market is indeed a very direct and very effective measurement device for collective human behavior. When human beings feel joy, prosperity and inspiration, they confidently buy, buy, buy into the stock market, rising the price index. And when human beings suddenly begin to feel fear, scarcity and panic, they quickly sell, sell, sell their stocks, hoping to bail out of the market before it gets any worse.

Indeed, any simple study of a stock market graph will show us that it continues to move up and down, up and down as time moves forward. Rarely do we ever see a stock market graph "flatline" for any prolonged period of time, and even within the larger trends, smaller oscillations are usually seen as well. The structures of human behavior indeed take on a dynamic shape as the collective mood of humanity rises and lowers from hope to despair, over and over again. And these cycles of human behavior have been intensely studied by many, many different researchers, as there is a very real profit motive in understanding their functions. If it can indeed be proven that these up-and-down movements can be predicted in advance, then all the sport and intrigue of playing the stock market is eliminated. If you know exactly when the market has bottomed out and can go no lower, then you know exactly when to buy your stock. And if you know exactly when the market has topped out and can go no higher, then you know exactly when to sell your stock, and thus make as much of a profit as you were willing to allow yourself to make, based upon how much money you invested in the first place.

We have already cited a great deal of evidence that suggests that the true knowledge of this octave-based system of hyperdimensional geometry that we are now discussing has been secretly known all along. The society of Freemasons is one current guise of this "secret society" that has preserved this knowledge, which found its way into cathedral windows, the Great Seal of the United States and the United Nations Meditation Room mural, among other things.

On the outside, the Masonic Order appears to be nothing more than another boring fraternal "lodge" of aging men like the Shriners, Moose Lodge, Lions, Kiwanis or Elks Club, but to those who have spoken from the inside, there is a very complex and interwoven system of Atlantean understandings that has been handed down over time to them. So, with the idea that everything we have discussed and more may already be known by a handful of elites upon this planet, let us investigate the work of ace stock trader W.D. Gann. We know for a fact that Gann was a high-level initiate in the Masonic secret society, and he actively came forward into the public to teach how very similar principles as what we have been studying could be applied to the stock market. Gann’s work did indeed allow him and many others to make accurate predictions of market trends in certain cases, though not on a constant basis. And now, a much more recent researcher by the name of Bradley Cowan appears to have discovered all of the unspoken and unrevealed knowledge within Gann’s works - knowledge which Gann apparently did not want to release because of his secret Masonic oaths. This knowledge ties directly into our understandings of time as a multi-dimensional, geometric phenomenon, hence the title of the first of Cowan’s works, Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures and Cycles.

But before we discuss Cowan, we must start with Gann. The essential core of Gann’s discoveries is concerned with the idea that the combined price and time movement of the stock market will arrange itself into units of specific length and specific direction. These units of length and direction were referred to as "radii vectors." The length and value of such a vector is calculated by observing the nearest substantial high and low points of a stock market graph, and then drawing a straight line between those two points that represents a combined, numerical value of price and time. (In other words, you want to combine the movement of price and time values into a whole, unified number instead of separating them and only analyzing one at a time. We will explain Gann’s method of doing this below.) Based on this rather simple system, once you calculate the value of the radius vector, you automatically know that the next vector will be exactly the same length. Without a knowledge of the harmonic structures in time, it may seem impossible, but Gann gathered mountains of evidence to prove that that’s "just the way it works."

Furthermore, and significantly, all possible movements of the stock’s value will always be contained within a simple, harmonic oval or ellipse that can be drawn around each radius vector. In other words, once you have your radius vectors clearly mapped out on paper, simply representing the connecting lines between the highest and lowest cycles of price-time behavior, you would never see the stock market graph move outside of each ellipse. Gann showed that the length of this harmonic ellipse is identical to the length of the radius vector, and the ellipse’s full width, at a perpendicular angle to the midpoint of the radius vector, will always be exactly half of this length. The next picture allows us to see this very clearly.

Again, Gann revealed that the stock graph will never move outside of the perimeter of this ellipse, providing that you accurately know the true direction of the radius vector. This information regarding the ellipse is actually very important for our final theories of hyperdimensional physics, and thus we will soon see that we are not simply wasting space here by discussing this.

The next basic point of Gann’s theory that we must discuss is that each time that you reach the end of a radius vector, you know to watch for the direction that the next vector will begin to take. Once you know the direction of the next radius vector, you will already know exactly how far it will go in terms of length before terminating, since the length is a constant -- in other words, it is a fusion of price and time values that will always have approximately the same numerical value when combined together. You may have a great movement in time and very little movement in price, and the fusion of these values could be the same as an equal movement in time and in price or a great movement in price in a very short time. Obviously, the large price movement in a short time would be the one to watch for.

[Note: In order to protect Cowan, we are actually not going to reveal enough information for this idea to be reliably used with success for stock trading. As one of Cowan’s clients reported, "If you only pay attention to one cycle and do not consider all the others, then something else will come along and blow you out of the water." So, if you want to invest money using these ideas, we strongly suggest that you purchase Bradley Cowan’s books. The ordering information is available from his website]

We must also remember that the length of each radius vector is a function of both price and time moving together, and thus unless price and time are equally balanced out against each other, (which is rather easily done,) the lengths of the radii vectors may appear to be different when measured with a ruler. Therefore, Gann asked us to "square our charts," or to produce a chart where there was a perfect one-to-one relationship between price and time. This is how we would create balance in the chart. We would first take the overall average of a stock’s movement in price for whatever length of time the graph is working with, whether hourly, daily, weekly or yearly. Once you get the average movement of that particular stock’s price for each hour, day or the like, you then re-draw the price scale of your graph to count out intervals of time in that average. And thus, if you have a daily market graph and you discover that a stock price moves an average of three points per day, you would then draw a new graph where each of these three-point days on the X-axis would be coupled with a three-point unit of movement in price on the Y-axis. Days one, two and three would square up with prices three, six and nine, for example.

Once your charts are "squared" and redrawn, Gann revealed that it becomes very easy to see that the graph will move in "radii vectors" of specific lengths and specific directions. In a squared chart, the radii vectors will all be the same visible length, contained within the perimeter of the simple ellipse that is drawn around them. Each time that a radii vector reaches its end, a new vector is formed that will have a different direction. (In Cowan’s books there are techniques that eliminate the need to redraw or square your charts, instead using the existing chart for reference- but in these cases the price and time ratios are usually not squared, thus making the similar lengths of the vectors harder to see.)

For most readers, the idea that an apparently random phenomenon such as the movement of a stock’s price value in time could occur in specific, ordered intervals and vectors seems far, far too simple to be true. However, Gann proved his case with extensive documentation beyond any shadow of a doubt. And thus, even though you can find Gann’s books in the library, many traders are still selling copies of Gann’s Master Course for Stocks, a huge compilation of Gann’s writings and lectures over many years, for absurdly expensive prices. And people will buy them, just because of the promises of profit that are hidden within them, if they can keep and study the books long enough to understand how to do it. And here, we are really only describing the absolute basics of this enormously complicated body of information.

And now, enter Bradley Cowan, who may eventually be known on a very widespread public level as the man who silently turned the entire field of stock market analysis on its end at a very young age, and also made a significant breakthrough in hyperdimensional harmonic physics. Little is known about Cowan, as he refuses to give interviews, lectures or public appearances, seeking rather to allow his books to speak for themselves. There are two basic sets of books that Cowan has produced, namely Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures and Cycles and Market Science. This author has not purchased either of these sets of rather expensive books yet, as our knowledge of the specifics of Cowan’s information comes from interviewing an increasing number of his clients on a professional basis. Each of these clients were shocked to see this material given a rational, causative explanation on our website, and thus immediately became interested in obtaining their own dream readings. For them, there is no doubt that this system works, as each of them continue to actively use these principles to play the stock market and determine where it will go next.

Cowan does require that a non-disclosure agreement be signed in order to purchase the second series of books, Market Science, which deal with issues such as the soybean market, the musical fifth and the square of twelve, (yes, that’s 144,) as defined on Cowan’s website. This author did not want to try to press any of his clients to tell him any information from the second set, as this would be both illegal and damaging to Cowan. The material within the first book does not require a non-disclosure agreement, however, and our publication of the validity of these concepts has already triggered waves of new interest in Cowan’s books -- so the PR pays for itself. And indeed, more than half of our "Cowanite" clients have already made significant profits from these techniques when we spoke with them.

Now how does this relate to three-dimensional Platonic structures, you ask? The bottom line is that Cowan simply observed the hidden geometric structures that were formed when Gann’s radii vectors were compared against each other. Over time, Cowan realized that these radii vectors on "squared" stock market charts would assemble into the "unwrapped" faces of three-dimensional Platonic solids, one face at a time. We remind ourselves at this point that each side of a Platonic Solid is the same length, just like each radius vector is the same length. Three out of five of the Platonic solids are formed by equilateral triangles - the octahedron, tetrahedron and icosahedron. (The cube has square faces, and the faces of the dodecahedron are pentagonal, or five-sided.) All equilateral triangles have 60-degree angles at each corner. And thus, when Cowan started to see the endless redundancy of 60-degree angle relationships between radii vectors, he knew that he had stumbled over something quite grandiose - Stock Market Geometry. And indeed, once it was seen for what it was, it became very obvious that Gann had to have known about it, but simply kept it a secret.

[When we look at the below diagram, we must remember that the ellipses that we are seeing are actually flattened out into two dimensions -- and thus this is not really an honest three-dimensional graphing of what this would look like. It will, however, show us how one tetrahedral face would appear on a perfectly "squared" two-dimensional graph.]

And so, once we throw Cowan’s work into the mix, we indeed expose how our passage of time here in the third dimension is a truly multi-dimensional, geometric phenomenon. This should be fully expected, since we can see these same effects in space with the Global Grid, and space and time are unified in the sea of Conscious Aether. In his books, Cowan shows us how geometric forms such as the tetrahedron, octahedron and cube reveal themselves in an "unwrapped" form upon a two-dimensional stock market graph.

In case this is hard to visualize, we must remind ourselves of what Cowan is fundamentally asking us to do. He is essentially telling us that the movement of a stock, in terms of its radii vectors, forms a hidden three-dimensional geometry. However, we do not have three-dimensional graphs to illustrate this. Therefore, a two-dimensional stock market graph will be a "flattened out" version of three-dimensional action. This could be visualized by actually taking a piece of paper with your squared-out stock market graph on it and then wrapping that paper around the model of a tetrahedron, let’s say, whose sides are of equal length to each radius vector on the stock graph. To your amazement, after wrapping that graph around the tetrahedron, (and necessarily crumpling and folding the paper in certain places to correct for the two-dimensional distortions that the paper introduces,) you would indeed see how the graph itself would remarkably hug the outline of the tetrahedron. All twelve clients agree that Cowan has proven this in his first set of books over and over again, beyond any shadow of a doubt, using real examples from the stock market.

Perhaps what is even more amazing than this is what the ellipses reveal to us. The ellipses actually trace out the path of a spiral that forms the geometric shape as it moves along. Yes, that’s right, a spiral -- the same exact formation that is observed in our images of Cymatics from Hans Jenny, where the Platonic Solids emerged within the vibrations of a fluid, connected by large interconnecting spirals.

Now, we see the same harmonic, spiraling, geometric passage of energy occurring in the aetheric "fluid" of time, directly through the work of Bradley Cowan. The ellipses that surround each of Gann’s ’radii vectors,’ or each side of the Platonic Solid, would actually define those places where the spiral is "buckling out" of the geometric shape as it continues its rotating motion.

We should already recognize the below picture, derived from the very well-known "Triple Julia Set" crop formation that appeared literally overnight at Windmill Hill in England in 1997, as we have already printed it before with a circle around it to illustrate its outer spherical field. Again, this diagram helps us visualize how such a spiral, based on the Julia Set fractal, would formulate a tetrahedron. All straight lines and triangles were not in the formation but rather drawn in afterwards, aligning with the shape that the collection of spiraling circles suggested. Furthermore, if we also inserted an inverted mirror-image of the crop formation over this same diagram, we would observe the formation of ellipses that are literally identical to those envisioned by Cowan and visually modeled in the Cymatics experiments of Dr. Jenny.

And if we briefly look back to the spatial distortions of the Global Grid again, as seen in our study of "Grid Circles," we can see circular, unfolding "fractal" spirals in the formation of island chains and continent borders. Furthermore, an overlay from the Stonehenge Julia Set formation in 1996 reveals almost the exact same fractal shape:

Since the ETs delineated the simple spirals as actually fractal formations, we believe that this is showing us how there can be very large and very small levels of Platonic solids that smoothly interconnect with each other. This fits in perfectly from a quote of Ra:

The term density is a, what you call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each sub-density are seven sub-sub-densities. Within each sub-sub-density, seven sub-sub-sub-densities and so on infinitely.

To see this effect occurring with fractals, the Mandelbrot Set certainly could be expanded into three dimensions just like Cowan has done with the stock market graphs, thus revealing the spherical structure of the different aether densities within itself. And one of the most fundamental qualities of any fractal is that it is composed of spiraling lines that will show the same formations over and over again as you zoom in on them. These spirals would naturally form the Platonic geometries within themselves as they unfold, as the previous crop circle diagram suggests.

What we have learned from Cowan’s clients is that lower-order cycles will show up in tetrahedra and octahedra, which in our system are the geometries of the fourth and third densities or dimensions, respectively. However, far longer-term cycles emerge as cubical formations in the market, which would be those of the fifth density. Once again, Cowan shows that the longer-term radii vectors of the graphs can be shown to trace a path over a rotating cube over the course of many years. It would make sense that the cube would take longer to show up than the lower-order shapes, as the cubical geometry of the fifth dimension is of a far higher vibration than the tetrahedron of the fourth.

Furthermore, Cowan teaches us that the four-way or "square" division of the 84-year orbital period of the planet Uranus precisely defines the time units that form each side of this basic "market cube" as it unfolds! This is the first big clue that we have to indicate that the orbits of the planets themselves are tracing out these geometric forms in free space, forms which have very active effects on the structure of spacetime as we perceive it. And according to Cowan’s clients, a stock trader does not want to tangle with this cube. Based on Cowan’s advanced calculations that combine price and time as a whole, both the Crash of 1929 and 1987 could be predicted in advance, practically down to the day, by this cubical structure. And as of May 1999, the potential for the next major downward trend had begun, in terms of geometry, though it has not been as steep as the others thus far -- but even as this book is going to print in April of 2000, the market is experiencing jitters unprecedented since the Crash of 1987.

The last bit of information regarding Bradley Cowan’s works that we need to mention at this time is why he calls these stock market cycles "four-dimensional." The reason for this is that in three dimensions, you cannot predict the future, merely study the past and observe the present. However, by accurately deducing the structure and movement of these higher-order geometries in advance, it is indeed possible to move outside of linear time and predict the future with great accuracy. Therefore, since the geometries indeed forecast events that have yet to occur, they can be considered as fourth or even fifth-dimensional in their structure.

One of Wilcock’s most significant original discoveries in "harmonic aether physics" occurred when he happened to come across an astrophysics professor’s webpage. He originally discovered this page in his search for information on the interesting phenomenon of dark matter. The first significant point that David noticed was that the entire galaxy is spinning as a single unit, meaning that the outside portions travel at the same relative speed as the inside portions, just like a single, connected disc. Obviously this is not the case in our own Solar System, as in order for Pluto to move at the same relative speed as Mercury, it would have to travel at a tremendous velocity. Therefore, our current astrophysicists have postulated that the only way that our Galaxy could spin in unison like this would be if a sphere-shaped field of matter named the "Galactic Halo" exists around it. However, since we cannot see this halo, they have called it "dark matter" and insist that it must be there. And now, based on our understandings of the harmonic aether, we can clearly see that this is unnecessary - it is a simple property of the spherical harmonics of aether vibration that is at work.

As David inspected this page, he came across a number that he had never before been made aware of. In previous manuscript versions of this book, he had alluded to the fact that there must be a comparable Galactic cycle to what was seen in the Nineveh cycle. However, at the time he was unaware that there were any numbers for the length of the Galactic rotation that were precise enough to make any calculations. On the professor’s website the number was clearly given: the galaxy rotates once approximately every 225,000,000 years.

David was immediately excited when he saw the number. The first thing that he did was to see if this number could be turned into seconds and thus derived in a similar way to the Nineveh Constant, from the "vibrations" of seven and six. He calculated that there were a total of 31,556,926.08 seconds in a year by multiplying 86,400 per day times 365.2422 days. By multiplying this number into the 225 million-year orbit of the Galaxy, he could get a ballpark for exactly how many seconds this would be. Then, he eventually realized that if he took 0.7, not 70, and multiplied it by 60 nine times in a row, he came up with a number that was very, very close - a "harmonic" Galaxy orbit of exactly 7,054,387,200,000,000 (or roughly 7 quintillion) seconds in length. Once he had this number, he then simply had to multiply it by 365.2422 to get the exact number of years that it would be -- and thus a true "harmonic year" of the Galaxy became 223,544,814.9201 million years in length. The fact that .7 multiplied by 60 nine times in a row could be 223.5 million, when the professor’s figure was set at 225 million, was already quite stunning. David knew that when small numbers are multiplied into large numbers, each successive expansion in size would make it more and more difficult to naturally arrive at such a close correspondence by sheer chance. In other words, he was "on to something big."

David took a deep breath as he realized the next step. In order to see if everything worked out properly, he would have to take the exact length of the Nineveh Constant in years and divide it into the "master harmonic number" for the Galaxy. This was the moment of truth. If the resulting value turned out to be non-harmonic, then there would be nothing left of the theory -- the entire effort would have crumbled apart. David had clearly seen what the true "harmonic" value of the Galaxy’s orbit was, and that it was based again solely on the vibrations of seven and six -- so there was reason to believe that it should amount to something. However, this didn’t change the fact that David was nervous - if the calculator showed a meaningless number, then he knew that the theory was either seriously flawed or completely wrong. It was a moment that might never happen again in his life the same way.

In order to get to the "moment of truth," he had to calculate the Nineveh Constant in years, by taking its total value of 2,268 million days and dividing it by 365.2422. From this, the exact number of years in one Nineveh Constant turned out to be precisely 6,209,578.192224, or roughly six million years. Then, all that was left was to take this number and divide it by the "harmonic" length of the Galaxy’s orbit, at 223,544,814.9201 years. By the time David got to this point and had set up the final calculation, he had already accepted that it probably wasn’t going to be anything significant. He was ready for the letdown, ready to go back to the drawing board, ready to start all over again from scratch. He was almost disappointed in himself as he prepared to hit the ENTER key, waiting for the messy number to appear on the screen. After all, anything but a messy number would be a complete miracle.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pressed ENTER.


He opened his eyes.

In the window of the calculator shone two digits, and to David’s eyes they were as bright as the Sun.


David’s entire body went completely numb. Suddenly he burst out of the chair and found himself screaming at the top of his lungs with joy, jumping, shaking his arms and racing around the room- there could be no mistake. "Oh my GOD, oh my GOD, oh my GOD, I can’t believe it! Thank you GOD!" The Master Harmonic Number, 36, had appeared right before his eyes as if by magic! It was the Crown Jewel, the Holy Grail, the ultimate proof that the Harmonic Universe Theory was real. David now knew that our planets come into a perfect straight line exactly 36 times in a row for every rotation of the galaxy. The majesty and harmony of the wheelwork of the Creation was exposed. The answer was more beautiful, more elegant than David could have ever possibly imagined. He almost couldn’t believe that he was the first one on the planet to have discovered this.

When he finally came to his senses, he had to check the soon-to-be-named Wilcock Constant against the value for the precession in the Nineveh Constant, which in this case turns out to be 25,873.2424676 years long, fairly close to the 25,920-year "harmonic ideal" value. To his amazement, the number was exactly 8640. In other words, everything worked exactly like a clock. There are 3600 seconds in an hour and 86,400 seconds in a day. Similarly, there are 36 Nineveh cycles and 8640 precessional cycles in a "Galactic Year". Everything worked out -- just like a clock. Now, when he went back to the Ra Material, he knew what they were talking about.


First, the quote from Session 9:

Thus, each of your planetary entities is on a different cyclical schedule as you might call it. The timing of these cycles is a measurement equal to a portion of intelligent energy. This intelligent energy offers a type of clock. The cycles move as precisely as a clock strikes your hour. Thus, the gateway from intelligent energy to intelligent infinity opens regardless of circumstance on the striking of the hour.

Then, the quote from Session 13:

The spiraling energy, which is the characteristic of what you call "light," moves in a straight-line spiral thus giving spirals an inevitable vector upwards to a more comprehensive beingness with regards to intelligent infinity… The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration…

Then, the quote from Session 14:

Imagine, if you will, the many force fields of the Earth in their geometrically precise web. Energies stream into the Earth planes, as you would call them, from magnetically determined points… the various geometrical centers of electromagnetic energy which surround and shape the planetary sphere.

Then, the quote from Session 15:

Love creating light, becoming love / light, streams into the planetary sphere according to the electromagnetic web of points or nexi of entrance. These streamings are then available to the individual who, like the planet, is a web of electromagnetic energy fields with points or nexi of entrance.

Here, David knew that they were speaking of the chakras. Earlier in this same session, Ra had said the following:

The thought-form distortions of your peoples have caused the energy streamings to enter the planetary magnetic atmosphere, if you would so term this web of energy patterns, in such a way that the proper streamings are not correctly imbued with balanced vibratory light / love from the, shall we say, cosmic level of this octave of existence.

And then, the quote from Session 17:

The fourth density is a vibrational spectrum. Your time / space continuum has spiraled your planetary sphere and your, what we would call galaxy, what you call star, into this vibration. This will cause the planetary sphere itself to electromagnetically realign its vortices of reception of the in-streaming of cosmic forces expressing themselves as vibrational webs so that the Earth thus be fourth-density magnetized, as you may call it…

And then, the case was sealed with the quote from Session 63, started by a question from Dr. Elkins that seemed to pop "out of the blue:"

QUESTIONER: Is there a clock-like face, shall I say, associated with the entire major galaxy so that as it revolves it carries all of these stars and planetary systems from density to density? Is this how it works?

RA: I am Ra. You are perceptive. You may see a three-dimensional clock face or spiral of endlessness which is planned by the Logos for this purpose.

At this point, the only remaining step was to find a reason for why Ra insisted that the key figure for our planetary evolution was three cycles of precession, not one. David returned to the figures from Cotterell, and saw that one full rotational cycle of the fortune cookie-shaped "neutral sheet" surrounding the Sun had been calculated at 18,139 years. This was obviously too big of a number to fit in together with 25,920 years, which would be one precessional wobble of the Earth. David knew that three precessional cycles added up to 77,760 years. Then, he realized that if Cotterell’s number was increased from 18,139 years to 18,140, which is a perfectly possible and excusable adjustment, then four of these cycles would add up to 72,560 years. And 77,760 minus 72,560 was 5200 -- again, the same "shift cycle" seen on so many smaller levels with impressive redundancy, based on the harmonics of the number 13. We remember that this even included the difference between the number of J-S conjunctions in one Mayan Calendar as opposed to their harmonic katun counterparts.

David then decided to see how many three-precessional cycles would occur in one full harmonic rotation of the Galaxy. He was hardly surprised to see that the number came out to 2880-- the exact harmonic of "double light" and the first ratio in the common Diatonic scale. In short, everything that Ra had said about the essential structure, function and architecture of the Universe was true -- and therefore, the actual harvest itself was also a legitimate reality.

And then, David thought back to the remarkable internal timeline structure of the Great Pyramid, which Ra had given to humanity as their greatest blessing -- a structure believed to be the perfect form for initiation and healing. And as he again studied the Timeline, he realized that the remarkable metaphysical qualities of harmonic time and the Shift of the Ages had been built-in all along…
