Music: On/Off

In the previous chapter, we discussed how “Superstring Theory” and the physics of Tony Smith both match up with the idea of an Octave of dimensions, with the Platonic Solids underlying them. [In Volume II we will show that Ramanujan’s own functions have been directly associated with Platonic Solids in very advanced mathematics work that only emerged in the 1990s, completely separate from what Smith is discussing.]


Let us again remember Dr. Michio Kaku’s quote:

“It’s as though there is some kind of deep numerology being manifested in these [dimensional] functions that no one understands.”

The numerology Kaku was speaking of is the widespread occurrence of the number 8 in Ramanujan’s physics equations, which are used to map out higher dimensions.

In hindsight, it appears that this numerology is, in fact, sitting right in front of Kaku’s face, as he mentions “the vibrations of a string.” In other words, a vibrating guitar string can make notes all throughout the spectrum of an octave, but it can never go outside of an octave framework; if the vibratory pitch was moved higher, such as by reaching double its original value in cycles per second, then the pitch would simply enter into a higher octave, but essentially sound the same. Similarly, the vibrations of the densities must conform themselves to this same octave system that is indicated by Ramanujan’s function, since they are composed of a fluidlike energy source. In the previous chapter, we indicated that Ramanujan’s function is based on 24, or three times eight. Kaku then explained that the harmonic of three sets of eight could be compressed down into one set of eight, which would then represent a single octave.

Having established that, we come up again to the geometric shapes themselves. These shapes, as previous chapters have indicated, are a series of “perfect” geometric solids that all fit within the sphere, and have a growth sequence that fits into the octave pattern, according to the Vedic model of Purusha and Prakriti.


Seth has already told us that the universe rises out of “cubes within cubes” in a universe made up of “a myriad of interconnecting wires, constantly trembling.” As stated, this is literally identical to superstring theory, which also discusses cubes within cubes as “hypercubes,” and builds the universe on a matrix of interconnecting strings that vibrate. Tony Smith’s model of “S3#” shows us that our top thinkers are already working the Platonic solids into their mathematical models for these higher realms.

For the rest of this chapter, we will present the words of Seth from the appendix section of “The Seth Material,” which help us to understand how the basic spherical units of energy in the Cosmos interact with each other. It took us several years to actually match up all of this information with scientific data, but now as we conclude the three volumes of the series, we have found some degree of proof for almost every point that Seth had made back in 1969. This original text was invaluable in helping us to understand what was going on, as it provided crucial data that was missing in Ra’s own Law of One series. In order to avoid repeating the phrase “[emphasis added]”. When we write “Note:” followed by text in parentheses, these are our comments added in.

Now: there are electromagnetic structures, so to speak, that are presently beyond your (scientific) instruments, units that are the basic carriers of perception. They have a very brief “life” in your terms. Their size varies. Several units may combine, for example; many units may combine. To put this as simply as possible, it is not so much that they move through space, as that they use space to move through. There is a difference.

[Note: This may seem complicated at first, but once we see that what Seth calls “space” is in fact the aetheric energy, it makes sense. Since the units are made of aetheric energy, they must use aetheric energy to travel. They are not self-contained “particles” that move through an empty vacuum.]

In a manner of speaking, thermal qualities are involved, and also laws of attraction and repulsion. The units charge the air through which they pass, and draw to them other units. The units are not stationary in the way that, say, a cell is stationary within the body. Even a cell only appears stationary. These units have no “home.” They are built up in response to emotional intensity.

They are one form that emotional energy takes. They follow their own rules of attraction and repulsion. As a magnet, you see, will attract with its filaments, so these units attract their own kind and form patterns, which then appear to you as perception.

[Note: This is easy to miss. Seth is saying that everything we perceive is some form of pattern built up from consciousness units. Since they do form all of physical matter, this is a very accurate statement indeed.]

Now: the fetus utilizes these units. [Note: Seth had been discussing the fetus earlier in the discussion.] So does any consciousness, including that of a plant. Cells are not just responsive to light because this is the order of things, but because an emotional desire to perceive light is present.

[Note: This idea of an “emotional desire to perceive light” conforms with cutting-edge research cited by Gregg Braden in his various books, available from Laura Lee Publications. The work of Garaiev and Poponin entitled the “DNA Phantom Effect” has found that a DNA molecule can be inserted in a cylinder with light passing through it, and the DNA will actually attract the light and cause it to spiral along with it!


Furthermore, when the DNA is removed, the light continues to spiral as if the DNA were still there. (We will have a lot more to say about this in Volume III, as it relates to evolution and how the torsion wave forms the DNA molecule.) This is obviously a very strange finding, but we can see that Seth helps us to understand it; the DNA has an “emotional desire to perceive light,” as it naturally attracts light into itself. This might not seem possible until we realize that all life and matter has some degree of consciousness, since it is made of “intelligent energy.”]

The desire appears on this other level in the form of these electromagnetic units, which then cause a light sensitivity. These units are freewheeling. They can be used in normal perception or what you call extrasensory perception. I will discuss their basic nature at a later session, and I would like to tie this in with the fetus, since the fetus is highly involved with perceptive mechanisms.

("Next session will be fine.")

It is not that you cannot devise instruments to perceive these units. Your scientists are simply asking the wrong questions, and do not think in terms of such freewheeling structures.

[Note: Seth implies that we can indeed design instruments that would be able to perceive these units. We will have a lot to say about this in Volume III, as there are several Russian scientists who have designed very effective torsion-field detectors. Also, this work has been replicated by Lt. Col. Tom Bearden (ret.) among others in the US. The pyramid work of Joe Parr, also covered in Volume III, clearly shows these fields as well. So, the latest research shows that since the time when Seth gave these readings in 1969, some scientists are now asking the "right questions."]

SESSION 505, OCTOBER 13, 1969, 9:34 P.M. MONDAY
Good evening.

("Good evening, Seth.")

Now: These units of which we spoke earlier are basically animations rising from consciousness. I am speaking now of the consciousness within each physical particle regardless of its size; of molecular consciousness, cellular consciousness, as well as the larger gestalts of consciousness with which you are usually familiar. Because of Ruburt’s limited scientific vocabulary, this is somewhat difficult to explain. Also some of the theories I will present to you in this discussion will be quite unfamiliar to you.

These emanations rise as naturally as breath, and there are other comparisons that can be made, in that there is a coming in and a going out, and transformation within the unit, as what is taken into the lungs, for example, is not the same thing that leaves on the exhale stroke. You could compare these units, simply for an analogy, to the invisible breath of consciousness. This analogy will not carry us far, but it will be enough initially to get the idea across. Breath is, of course, also a pulsation, and these units operate in a pulsating manner. They are emitted by the cells, for example, in plants, animals, rocks, and so forth. They would have color if you were able to perceive them physically.

[Note: In Volume III, we will show how the work of Dr. Oliver Crane demonstrates the importance of a “breathing” movement in these spherical energy fields. This became one of the most important revelations in having a complete solution for the model, as we will see. It is truly stunning at how accurate Seth was, while none of this material had been formally discovered scientifically at the time.]

They are electromagnetic, in your terms, following their own patterns of positive and negative charge, and following also certain laws of magnetism. In this instance, like definitely attracts like. The emanations are actually emotional tones. The varieties of tones, for all intents and purposes, are infinite.

[Note: And of course, all tones must fall somewhere into an octave structure.]

The units are just beneath the range of physical matter. None are identical. However, there is a structure to them. This structure is beyond the range of electromagnetic qualities as your scientists think of them. Consciousness actually produces these emanations, and they are the basis for any kind of perception, both sensory in usual terms and extrasensory.

[Note: Russian research into torsion fields has validated Seth’s statements here, as these fields are indeed non-electromagnetic in nature, having qualities that are more similar to gravitational waves. There is extensive evidence that we will cover in this series to show how these torsion fields relate to consciousness.]

We are only beginning this discussion. Later you will see that I am making it simple for you, but you will not understand it unless we start in this manner. I do intend to explain the structure of these units. Now, give us a moment.

These emanations can also appear as sounds, and you will be able to translate them into sounds long before your scientists discover their basic meaning.

[Note: We can now see that Seth has covered all three of the bases as far as harmonics is concerned: light, sound and geometry are all a factor in these vibrations. At the US Psychotronics Association conference in July 2002, this author saw certain machines that created torsion fields by using sound – so what Seth is saying here is indeed possible. One large ultra-low-frequency sound machine in particular had such a powerful effect that the author felt as if the ground was falling out from under him when he would stand in a certain spot, which aligned him with the torsion-field emanations coming from the device. He discovered this quite by accident, and the spot where it worked was over 30 feet away from the machine.]

One of the reasons why they have not been discovered is precisely because they are so cleverly camouflaged within all structures. Being just beyond the range of matter, having a structure but a nonphysical one, and being of a pulsating nature, they can expand or contract. They can completely envelop, for example, a small cell, or retreat to the nucleus within. They combine qualities of a unit and a field, in other words.

[Note: This is a very astute point that fits perfectly with the model, such as with the idea of “fluid crystals.”]

There is another reason why they remain a secret from Western scientists. Intensity governs not only their activity and size, but the relative strength of their magnetic nature. They will draw other such units to them, for example, according to the intensity of the emotional tone of the particular consciousness at any given “point.”

[Note: Thus, Seth is telling us that the amplitude of the spherical wave is actually a function of the emotional intensity that went into its creation.]

These units then obviously change constantly. If we must speak in terms of size, then they change in size constantly as they expand and contract. Theoretically there is no limit, you see, to their rate of contraction or expansion.

[Note: We can see that the shapes could easily expand into a size that would engulf a pyramid, based on this information. The essential foundation shape is a sphere, and a planet, sun, and galaxy can provide a basis for this pulsation, as can microclusters, molecules and atoms.]

They are also absorbent. They do give off thermal qualities, and these are the only hint that your scientists have received of them so far.

[Note: Here we should remember that heat is simply a reflection of how fast the molecules in a given object are vibrating. Once more, Seth wins big points here, as we will see in Volume III that these formations have been visually observed in the infrared and microwave spectrums. In particular, the infrared spectrum is a direct measurement of how much heat (vibration) is in a given area.]

Their characteristics draw them toward constant interchange. Clumps of them (Jane gestured - her delivery was quite emphatic and animated) will be drawn together, literally sealed, only to drop away and disperse once more. They form – and their nature is behind – what is commonly known as air, and they use this to move through. The air, in other words, can be said to be formed by animations of these units.

[Note: Right here we can clearly get a hint of the importance of meditation; our breath may well be the closest connection that we have to brining in greater amounts of this spiritual energy into our bodies. It seems that what Seth is truly driving at here is that the unseen geometric stresses in the aether have a direct impact on how the air molecules are bouncing around. This eventually gets into discussions about weather, which will be covered in this and later volumes when discussing the Global Grid.]

I will try to clear this later, but the air is the result of these units’ existence, formed by the interrelationship of the units in their positions and relative distance one from the other, and by what you could call the relative velocity of their motion. Air is what happens when these units are in motion, and it is in terms of weather that their electromagnetic effects appear most clearly to scientists, for example.

[Note: As we will see in future chapters, the earth’s Global Grid of energy lines directs wind and water currents in certain directions.]

These units – let us discuss them as they are related to a rock. The rock is composed of atoms and molecules, each with their own consciousness. This forms a gestalt rock consciousness. These units are sent out indiscriminately by the various atoms and molecules, but portions of them are also directed by the overall rock consciousness.

[Note: Here we can see a precise correlation with statements in the Ra Material where they described how they transformed the limestone rock into neatly carved blocks to build the Pyramid. Ra had said that the entity doing the building needed to “communicate to the intelligence of infinite rock-ness” and command it to displace a portion of itself into a higher frequency of vibration – much in the same sense that certain advanced spiritual masters and / or psychic children have been seen to manifest and demanifest objects.]

The units are sent out by the rock, informing the rock as to the nature of its changing environment: the angle of the sun and temperature changes, for example, as night falls; and even in the case of a rock, they change as the rock’s loosely called emotional tone changes. As the units change, they alter the air about them, which is the result of their own activity.

They constantly emanate out from the rock and return to it in a motion so swift it would seem simultaneous. The units meet with, and to some extent merge with, other units sent out, say, from foliage and all other objects. There is a constant blending, and also attraction and repulsion.

[Note: Again, we pay close attention to Seth’s statements: “it would seem simultaneous.” Clearly, our instruments would not be able to slow down this motion to a measurable speed – thus we may appear to see fixed clouds instead of the movement of “units.”]

You may take your break, and we will continue.

(10:10. Jane’s delivery was quite emphatic and animated through- out. Her trance state was good.)

(The rest of the session was devoted to Seth’s interpretation of one of my dreams-Robert Butts.)

SESSION 506, OCTOBER 27, 1969, 9:40 P.M. MONDAY
(Sometime after 9 P.M. Jane and I sat to see if Seth would come through. I told Jane she needn’t have a session, but she was willing enough, if Seth decided to. She has been working long hours on her book and has but a couple of chapters to rewrite.)

(Jane has had two recent, excellent and long sessions for her ESP class, however, featuring both Seth and Seth II, and including new material.)

Good evening.

("Good evening, Seth.")

Now: Ruburt need not worry that he has missed a few regular sessions. He has been exercising spontaneity, and paradoxically enough, it is upon spontaneity that the regularity of our sessions depends. Do you follow me?


Now: the units about which I have been speaking do not have any specific, regular, preordained “life.” They will not seem to follow many scientific principles. Since they are the intuitive force just beyond the range of matter, upon which matter is formed, they will not follow the laws of matter, although at times they may mimic the laws of matter.

It is almost impossible to detect an individual unit, for in its dance of activity it constantly becomes a part of other such units, expanding and contracting, pulsating and changing in intensity, in force, and changing polarity. This last is extremely important.

(Pause, one of many.)

With Ruburt’s limited vocabulary, this is rather difficult to explain, but it would be as if the positions of your north and south poles changed constantly while maintaining the same relative distance from each other, and by their change in polarity upsetting the stability (pause) of the planet – except that because of the greater comparative strength at the poles of the units (gestures, attempts to draw diagrams in the air), a newer stability is almost immediately achieved after each shifting. Is that much clear?


[Note: Again, time has proven the efficiency of Seth’s words. A spherical torus does have the greatest amount of energy influx at the polar regions. Every Platonic Solid does have the central axis of a spherical torus going through it, in a form that is most balanced for that particular geometry. This balance-point changes from one geometry to another, causing there to be a necessity for the poles of the spherical torus to shift their positions. This is the true, hidden mechanism that is responsible for magnetic pole shifts on Earth as well.]

The shifting of polarity occurs in rhythm with changing emotional intensities, or emotional energies, if you prefer.

[Note: This past sentence is extremely important to our discussion - it is the emotional intensity in a given area that causes these polarity shifts. And that intensity is simply a function of the ‘density’ or the degree of concentration of the aether energy itself. Similarly, sources such as Ra tell us that the Earth’s poles are going to have approximately a 21-degree shift at the time that the cycle ends – and it is the overall spiritual / emotional state of humanity that determines how quickly and how damagingly this shift will occur.]

The “initial” originating emotional energy that sets any given unit into motion, and forms it, then causes the unit to become a highly charged electromagnetic field with those characteristics of changing polarities just mentioned. The changing polarities are also caused by attraction and repulsion from other like units which may be attached or detached. There is a rhythm that underlies all of this changing polarity and changing intensities that occur constantly. But the rhythms have to do with the nature of emotional energy itself, and not with the laws of matter.

[Note: Again, rhythm is another way of expressing vibration. In Volume III we will see how Seth is giving us a very general description of what is going on in Rod Johnson’s model of quantum physics.]

Without an understanding of these rhythms, the activity of the units would appear haphazard, chaotic, and there would seem to be nothing to hold the units together.

[Note: Remember that modern "superstring" theorists add two more dimensions to Ramanujan’s functions because they demand symmetry. Seth shows us here that this is not necessary, because there is an underlying rhythm of emotional energy that holds the units together.]

Indeed, they seem to be flying apart at tremendous speeds. The “nucleus” – now using a cell analogy – if these units were cells, which they are not, then it would be as if the nucleus were constantly changing position, flying off in all directions, dragging the rest of the cell along with it. Do you follow the analogy?


The units obviously are within the reality of all cells. Now: the initiation point is the basic part of the unit, as the nucleus is the important part of the cell. The initiation point is the originating, unique, individual, and specific emotional energy that forms any given unit. It becomes the entryway into physical matter.

[Note: Seth’s “initiation point” would be the infinitesimally small sphere of the first density, which we would define in classic one-dimensional terms as a “point.”]

It is the initial three-sided enclosure from which all matter must spring. The initial point forms the three sides about it. (Gestures; pause.)

[Note: Based on context from other aspects of Roberts’ writings, including the cover of her book Adventures in Consciousness, it is clear to see that Seth is referring to the structure of a basic equilateral triangle, which forms the sides for all the Platonic solids except the dodecahedron and cube. And we now know that this is a simplified explanation, and the Hindus are more accurate in saying that the sphere crystallizes into the icosahedron. The triangle analogy makes this two-dimensional and thus easier to see.]

There is an explosive nature as the emotional energy is born. The three-sided effect, instantly formed, leads to an effect that is something like friction, but the effect causes (more gestures) the three sides to change position, so that you end up with a triangular effect, closed, with the initial point inside the triangle. Now, you understand this is not a physical form.


[Note: As we will see in future chapters, this formation frequently appears in "Crop Circles," another way that the visitors are trying to teach us about this system of vibratory physics.]

The energy point, from here on, constantly changes the form of the unit, but the procedure I have just mentioned must first occur. The unit may become circular, for example.

[Note: The circle appears to have been one of the only shapes that Seth could cite using Jane’s current vocabulary, but this doesn’t eliminate other possibilities.]

Now these intensities of emotional energy, forming the units, end up by transforming all available space into what they are. Certain intensities and certain positions of polarity between and among the units and great groupings of the units compress energy into solid form (resulting in matter). The emotional energy within the units is obviously the motivating factor, and you can see, then, why emotional energy can indeed shatter a physical object. You may take your break.

[Note: At first, in this paragraph Seth is describing how matter is simply a more compressed form of these energy units, coming about by “great groupings” that are organized together into “certain intensities and certain positions of polarity between and among the units.” Again, this is a perfect description of Johnson’s quantum physics model. Then, Seth suggests an understanding of the phenomenon of telekinesis, or mind over matter. It might be nothing more than the ability to control the “consciousness units” making up the object, then putting them “out of phase” with the pulsations of gravity in order to cause them to rise. This falls quite well in line with the stories given by master yogis regarding their Siddhi powers, as well as the cases of poltergeist activity being traced back to disgruntled teenagers with enormous emotional stress causing the events by telekinetic force. Indeed, in all telekinetic experiments, the author of this book has discovered that the only thing that will get an object to move is the firm mental visualization of it actually moving; that firmness of belief is what forms the emotional energy.]

(10:10. Jane came out of trance quickly enough, though it had been a good one. At times her delivery had been quite fast. She said she could feel Seth pushing at her to get her to let the material through as clearly as possible without distortion.)

(She also had some images while giving the material, though she could not remember them by break. Usually, she said, she forgets any images, or even whether or not she has had any, unless I specifically ask at once when a session is over or at break. Sometimes, she said, the same images will return to her when she reads a particular session; she then recognizes them.)

(Jane made it a point to mention that in regard to the switch in polarities of the units: "This isn’t only with the north and south switching, but opposites anywhere on the rim of the circle [that was used as an analogy], with east and west reversed, for instance.")

[Note: Let us not forget that Seth appears to have used the analogy of a circle instead of a sphere to keep things simpler.]

(Resume 10:26.)

Now: the intensity of the original emotional energy controls the activity, strength, stability, and relative size of the unit; the rate of its pulsation, and its power to attract and repel other units, as well as its ability to combine with other units.

The behavior of these units changes in the following manner. When a unit is in the act of combining with another, it aligns its components in a characteristic way. When it is separating itself from other units, it will align its components in a different way. The polarities change in each case, within the units. The unit will alter its polarities within itself, adapting the polarity-design of the unit to which it is being attracted; and it will change its polarity away from that design on breaking contact.

[Note: All of this relates to the geometries inside of the spheres themselves, and how they interact with each other.]

Take, for example, five thousand such units aligned together, formed together. They would, of course, be invisible. But if you could view them, each individual unit would have its poles lined up in the same manner. It would look like one single unit - say, it is of circular form - so it would appear like a small globe with the poles lined up as in your earth.

[Note: Here is where Seth steps out of “flat” two-dimensional metaphors and brings in the idea of a sphere – specifically a spherical torus, since he is focusing on the poles of the sphere.]

If this large unit were then attracted to another larger one, circular, with the poles running east and west, in your terms, then the first unit would change its own polarity, and all of the units within it would do the same. The energy point would be halfway between these poles, regardless of their position, and it (the energy point) forms the poles. They revolve, therefore, about the energy point. The energy point is indestructible basically.

Its intensity, however, can vary to amazing degrees, so that it could, relatively speaking, be too weak or fall back, not strong enough to form the basis for matter, but to project into another system, perhaps, where less intensity is required for “materialization.”

[Note: This is made possible by the fact that there are many “densities within densities,” as Ra has illustrated.]

These units may also gain so in intensity and strength that they form relatively permanent structures within your system because of the astonishing energy behind them. Your Stockridge-

(Seth paused; Jane frowned as though groping for a word.)

(“Oak Ridge?”)

No. (Gesture.) The remains of temples.

(“Oh. Baalbek?”)

These were places for studies concerning the stars. Observatories.

(“Yes?” I thought I probably knew the word Seth/Jane was looking for, but I didn’t have time to think and write notes.)

The units so charged with intensive emotional energy formed patterns for matter that retained their strength. Now these units, while appearing within your system, may also have a reality outside it, propelling the emotional energy units through the world of matter entirely. These units, as I told you, are indestructible. They can, however, lose or gain power, fall back into intensities beneath matter, or go through matter, appearing as matter as they do so and projecting through your system.

[Note: There are examples of “consciousness units” that do appear as matter, and this is well covered in both the second and third volumes. Most of the time, they will appear to be glowing balls of light when this occurs.]

We will deal with that portion of their activity separately. In such cases, however, they are in a point of transition obviously and in a state of becoming. You may take a break or end the session as you prefer.

("I guess we’d better end it.")

I wanted to give you this material.

("It’s very interesting.")

It is only a beginning. I would disregard the analogies if you did not need them. A fond good evening.

("Good evening, Seth.")

(10:45. After we talked a bit, I deduced that Seth/Jane had been trying for the word “Stonehenge,” meaning the ancient Druidic stone monoliths arranged in a circle in England, etc. Jane then said this was the word Seth had been trying to get her to say. She didn’t know why it didn’t come out while in trance, since she knows the word and what it stands for.)

[Note: The author has had similar things happen, wherein the force behind the words was trying to express a word that, for whatever reason, it could not find in the mind of the individual. In these cases, the word must get pushed out syllable by syllable, and there may well be distortions. The author was able to get accurate Japanese sentences at one point, with almost no knowledge of the language, but certain syllables in the words were slightly incorrect.]

SESSION 509, NOVEMBER 24, 1969, 9:10 P.M. MONDAY
(Today Jane had been reading Experimental Psychology by C. G. Jung, first American edition, published by Jung’s heirs in 1968. We hadn’t asked Seth to comment.)

Good evening.

("Good evening, Seth.")

[Note: Here Seth goes into a discussion about Jung’s definitions of the different levels of consciousness, compared to his own definitions. Jung did not ascribe the degree of significance to the subconscious that Seth does here. We cut to the following paragraph to preserve the flow, as it summarizes Seth’s point and segues into our discussion:]

The conscious ego rises, indeed, out of the “unconscious,” but the unconscious, being the creator of the ego, is necessarily far more conscious than its offspring. The ego is simply not conscious enough to be able to contain the vast knowledge that belongs to the inner conscious self from which it springs.

[Note: Thus, we have an explanation for where Ramanujan’s information was coming from. Apparently, his ego was conscious enough to contain some of it, and within three years of full-blown academic research in Europe, he died.]

It is this inner self, out of massive knowledge and the unlimited scope of its consciousness, that forms the physical world and provides stimuli to keep the outer ego constantly at the job of awareness. It is the inner self, here termed the inner ego, that organizes, initiates, projects, and controls the EE (electromagnetic energy) units of which we have been speaking, transforming energy into objects, into matter.

The energy of this inner self is used by it to form from itself – from inner experience – a material counterpart in which the outer ego then can act out its role. The outer ego then acts out a play that the inner self has written. This is not to say that the outer ego is a puppet. It is to say that the outer ego is far less conscious than the inner ego, that its perception is less, that it is far less stable though it makes great pretense of stability, that it springs from the inner self and is therefore less, rather than more, aware.

The outer ego is spoon-fed, being given only those feelings and emotions, only that data, that it can handle. This data is presented to it in a highly specialized manner, usually in terms of information picked up by the physical senses.

The inner self or ego is not only conscious, but conscious of itself, both as an individuality apart from others and as an individuality that is a part of all other consciousness. In your terms, it is continually aware, both of this apartness and unity-with. The outer ego is not continuously aware of anything. It frequently forgets itself. When it becomes swept up in a strong emotion it seems to lose itself; there is unity, then, but no sense of apartness. When it most vigorously maintains its sense of individuality, it is no longer aware of unity-with.

The inner ego is always aware of both aspects and is organized about its primary aspect, which is creativity. It constantly translates the components of its gestalt into reality – either physical reality through the EE units I have mentioned, or into other realities equally as valid.

Now you may take your break and we shall continue.

(During our break I wondered aloud if Jung had changed his ideas since his physical death.)

(Resume 10:05.)

Now: the EE (electromagnetic energy) units are the forms that basic experience takes when directed by this inner self. These, then, form physical objects, physical matter. Matter, in other words, is the shape that basic experience takes when it intrudes into three-dimensional systems. Matter is the shape of your dreams. Your dreams, thoughts, and emotions are literally transformed into physical matter purposefully by this inner self.

The individual inner self, then, through constant massive effort of great creative intensity, cooperates with all other inner selves to form and maintain the physical reality that you know, so that physical reality is an offshoot or by-product of the highly conscious inner self.

[Note: It is very obvious here that this is the “holographic universetheory in action, well before it emerged in books such as Michael Talbot’s, of the same name. We really are living in a collective visualization, or a three-dimensional hologram of thought. The reason why we can’t walk through walls is that we are by far not the only ones creating them.]

Buildings appear to be made of rock or stone or steel. They appear fairly permanent to the physical senses. They are actually oscillating, ever-moving, highly charged gestalts of EE units ("beneath," say, any atomic particles), organized and maintained by the collective efforts on the part of inner selves. They (the buildings) are solidified emotions, solidified subjective states, given physical materialization.

[Note: It is also easy to see here that the more densely populated an area is, the greater amount of torsion-field charge there can be on the physical objects built there. This is one reason why cities can be extremely damaging to the psychic work process. They will often have a great deal of stored energy, which can be predominantly chaotic and negative due to the hardships and crowding faced by many people. These chaotic emotions translate directly into energy that enters into the structures.]

The powers of consciousness are clearly not understood, then. Each individual has his part to play in projecting these EE units into physical actuality. Therefore, physical matter can be legitimately described as an extension of the self, as much as the physical body is a projection of the inner self.

It is obvious that the body grows up about the inner self, and that trees grow out of the ground, whereas buildings do not spring up like flowers of their own accord; so the inner self has various methods of creation and uses the EE units in different ways, as you shall see as we continue with the discussion.

Having determined upon physical reality as a dimension in which it will express itself, the inner self, first of all, takes care to form and maintain the physical basis upon which all else must depend; the properties of earth that can be called natural ones. The inner self has a vast and infinite reservoir from which to draw knowledge and experience. All kinds of choices are available, and the diversity of physical matter is a reflection of this deep source of variety.

With the natural structures formed and maintained, other secondary physical properties – secondary constructions – are projected. The deepest, most basic and abiding subjective experience is translated, however, into those natural elements: the ample landscape that sustains physical life. We will continue with this discussion at our next session.

Jung enlarged on some of his concepts shortly before he died. (Leaning forward, humorously emphatic.) He has changed a good many of them since then. Now you may take a break or end the session as you prefer.

("We’ll take the break.")

(10:30 P.M. Jane said she thought the delivery had taken perhaps ten minutes instead of the twenty-five it had actually taken. Resume at 10:43.)

We will shortly end the session. Suffice it to say, however, that in the future what I am telling you will be more generally known. Men will become familiar to some extent with their own inner identity, with other forms of their own consciousness.

[Note: Thankfully, that future is already starting to happen now – increasingly so each year.]

Throughout the ages, some have recognized the fact that there is self-consciousness and purpose in certain dream and sleep states, and have maintained, even in waking life, the sense of continuity of this inner self. To such people it is no longer possible to identify completely with the ego consciousness. They are too obviously aware of themselves as more. When such knowledge is gained, the ego can accept it, for it finds to its surprise that it is not less conscious, but more, that its limitations are dissipated.

Now: it is not true – and I emphasize this strongly – that so-called unconscious material, given any freedom, will draw energy away from the egotistically organized self in a normal personality. Quite the contrary, the ego is replenished and rather directly. It is the fear that the “unconscious” is chaotic that causes psychologists to make such statements. There is also something in the nature of those who practice psychology: a fascination, in many cases, already predisposed to fear the “unconscious” in direct proportion to its attraction for them.

The ego maintains its stability, its seeming stability, and its health, from the constant subconscious and unconscious nourishment which it receives. Too much nourishment will not kill it. Do you follow me here?


Only when such nourishment is for some reason cut off to a considerable degree is the ego threatened by starvation. We will have more to say concerning the ego’s relationship with the “unconscious.” In a healthy personality, the inner self easily projects all experience into EE units, where they are translated into actuality. Physical matter, therefore, acts as a feedback. Now we will end our session, unless you have questions.

("I guess not. It’s been very interesting.")

My heartiest regards and a fond good evening to you both.


So with this segment, we can easily begin to pick up how familiar our Higher Selves must be with these units of consciousness. Seth essentially says that each sphere, pulsating its way through the different geometric shapes, is an EE unit, and that these EE units make up our entire physical reality. With these words, we can well begin to get a glimpse of the far-reaching metaphysical realities that underlie these units. Since they are formed by consciousness, we create them constantly, whether we are aware of it or not, through our own thoughts. They can hold certain specific emotional energy charges, and emotional energies are often rooted in the archetypal systems, which we will briefly discuss. The rest of this chapter may seem to be off-topic from the direct physics discussions, but it is partly designed to give the less technically inclined reader some breathing room; it is also designed to explore the more esoteric ramifications of the perspective that Seth has given us on the physics under discussion.

Archetypes are often mentioned, such as in the Law of One series, but few people really understand them, so we will explore them for a moment. Essentially, the theory behind the archetypes is that all life experiences that anyone could have may be refined and organized into a common series of events. Each archetypal event would then be a necessary part of learning our lessons in Spiritual Growth in order to advance further. According to Ra, there are certain lessons that each density teaches us, which we must pass through in order to achieve the vibratory level necessary for the next level. Each vibratory level, then, could be likened to an archetype for a specific lesson that needs to be learned, for each of the three parts of our being; spiritual, mental, and physical.

Here we enter the major arcana of the Tarot cards, which was based on what are known as the “sephiroth” from the Jewish mystical system known as the Cabala. It is a longstanding tradition among mystics that both Tarot and Cabalistic systems, each having 22 archetypes, contain the full spectrum of learning experiences necessary for self-perfection, which would be returning to the One, or the Octave, a full reunion with God. It is then fascinating to see that these 22 can be likened to three “scales” of seven, (7 x 3 = 21,) with the 22nd archetype, the Fool, existing outside of the others as a separate card. This peculiar character of the Fool is constantly referred to in books on the Tarot; the Fool in and of itself stands separate from the rest of the deck.

We can then take The Fool as representing an archetype of the starting point for all three levels given, as the One will always be the same, never divided. Thus, if we apply the Fool, as the One, to the beginning of each set of seven, we get 8 x 3, or Ramanujan’s mystical number of 24. (However, Ra did say that there isn’t an exact one-to-one relationship between the archetypes and the densities.)

The definition of the Fool is interesting, in that it depicts a man walking forward at the edge of a cliff, with a stick that has a small purse at the end of it, which is balanced over his shoulder. He looks to the sky and holds a flower in his other hand, apparently walking totally unaware of the cliff he stands in front of, while a white dog barks incessantly at him, trying to warn him of the danger. The purse is supposed to represent the stored up knowledge of universal memory, which he carries with him. A quote from Sidney and Bennett’s book on the Tarot reads, “It is said that the Fool “possesses the foolishness of God, which is greater than the wisdom of men.””

What exactly is the Fool telling us? Why would a full consciousness of God lead us to being so haphazard in the care for our own lives? This is only the outer meaning of the archetype. The deeper meaning is that the Fool knows that he can trust God completely, and thus he does not perceive any obstacles as actually existing in reality. The dog would represent our lower, more animal natures, which bark out in anger at the slightest thought of our having this blind trust, fully seeing the pitfalls and dangers lying ahead. But the Fool, in his or her love for the One, simply has complete faith.

It could well be stated, then, that for anyone to fully attain this wisdom in the material plane, they would be so obviously out of place as to appear a fool, moron or idiot. Yet, time and time again, this unwavering faith proves itself to be of the highest caliber. We are reminded of the Biblical story about how Jesus and his disciples are out on a boat in the sea, and a horrible storm comes up, which scares the men so badly that they beg Jesus to wake up and deal with it. Jesus, rising from his slumber and probably grumbling to himself, walks out to the edge of the boat, sleepily raises his hands and releases powerful torsion fields that promptly dissipate the storm. He then chastises his apostles, saying that they have no faith.

Indeed, as we continue to explore the true multidimensional nature behind the Great Cycle that is now ending, and explore how some of the “Earth Changeevents surrounding it are fraught with catastrophe and disaster, it is helpful to be able to trust in the fact that the positive aspect known as “Ascension” will really occur as the end product of all of this. If we do not have the faith, then we will never know if our opinions of “doom” were right until the event has already passed. Apparently, there will be more than one opportunity to Ascend over the course of a relatively brief period of time, but it is important to prepare ourselves for the first “wave”, as it is often called. This is exactly what was promised to us by the highest spiritual forces ever to appear on Earth, and the promise will not go unfulfilled. On the physics level, it is a simple question of expanding our vibration to accommodate our movement into a higher density, which we already do every night in dreams. The only difference this time is that we will be going there to stay, because we have earned it, through our diligent personal growth process.

Getting back to our discussion, it appears that each frequency in the octave is related to certain specific archetypes, which one must go through to fulfill our curriculum for returning to God, or the One, as perfected beings. Therefore, there would be certain emotional phases associated with the units that Seth is referring to, which would remain as constants throughout the universe. This helps us understand how aetheric energy can affect the personality, as in the science of astrology. The three cycles of seven archetypes correspond to the initiation of the mind, body and spirit, emphasizing our need to address all three areas equally in our spiritual growth process.

Each area of our being represents a unique and separate challenge for integration, but these challenges do relate to each other as well. Thus, choosing to eat a purified diet initiates the body, by making it more vital and healthy, and resisting its addictive, genetically based cravings. However, the diet also initiates the mind, through the discipline of respectfully denying the Self the gratification that it constantly is begging for. The initiation of the Spirit comes through knowing that by performing this discipline, you are acting on behalf of God’s will, and in so doing, raising your vibratory level. You can probably tell that this is a simplified example, but it will do for now.

Interestingly, the author has learned that the actual act of drawing the Tarot cards and having the reading be accurate will often involve the subconscious storage of “consciousness units” that correspond to the emotional energy of that particular archetype inside the card. Your subconscious mind, which can exert influence over the body, can tell you what card to pick just by getting a feeling as you pass your hand over it. Each card could then be likened to a little magnet, programmed with its own emotional charge, waiting to be renewed. The act of concentration while shuffling the cards puts the power of consciousness back into them, which reinvigorates the stored blueprints of energy patterns inside them.

Then, after tuning into the cards in nothing more than a light to moderate trance, the reader can instinctively grab the card their Total Self is looking for – and thus the cycle is completed. Each Tarot reading spread has several cards, and invariably there are certain positions that are for the future. Thus, the Total Self, influencing the subtle act of drawing cards, can tell the reader what the strongest future probabilities are in the present term. This ingenuous system is actually behind the vast majority of self-declared “psychics” who do these readings for people, and in the hands of an attuned person who already understands and practices the spiritual growth curriculum indicated in the cards, much great work can be done. The only time required to be in trance is when the cards themselves are drawn, and sheer analysis will easily produce the answers after that point.

One time, someone told Wilcock that the Tarot cards were evil. He responded by saying that if a person uses the English language to speak evil things, does that then mean that the English language is evil? Certainly not. Knowing what we now do about the structure of the densities, and that it is a growth curriculum that we can actually complete on Earth, we can easily see the Tarot cards as a sort of alphabet of the collective consciousness that gives rise to our universe.

The discussion of “consciousness units” also gives credence to the claims of psychometrists, those people who can pick up a personal item of an unknown person and uncover what types of emotions that person is feeling. Wilcock himself did this after reading about it in high school, and obtained some very interesting results. This ability can also be used to find lost objects, calling out to the energy that is already stored in the object to bring about its return. At one point, Wilcock had lost his high school ring for many months, and after strongly visualizing its return, it was promptly found under the heat by his mother within two days. His mother had no idea that he had lost the ring or wished for its return.

It could well be that he magnetized the energy stored inside the ring, turning it into a signal beacon which then influenced his mother’s subconscious to clean in that particular spot. This is, essentially, the process of creative visualization, or the idea, originally coined by Seth and by far his most famous quote, which has now become a New Age cliché but nevertheless is still very accurate: “You create your own reality.” All objects are essentially nothing more than thought forms.

In other works, Seth repeatedly indicates that the body, and in fact all matter, is constantly turning on and off, or pulsating through the different dimensions. Each consciousness unit must cycle through all of the densities in the octave constantly, at tremendous speed, even though it remains “focused” in one density most strongly. What this proves is that there really is no such thing as a separate density: in one sense, they are all blending directly into each other constantly. What is so fascinating about this is the idea that it is our perceptions, our thoughts, which hold together the level of reality that we are on.

Thus, our current bodies and minds are creating our world each moment, by allowing us to only focus on third-density. Yet, were we able to alter our focus to perceive fourth-density, then we would only perceive that realm. Our physical bodies would still exist in third-density, as that part of ourselves is focused there and belongs there, for now. In order to fully enter into a higher plane, we have to do it in a body that is essentially less physical, and more of a direct form of conscious energy. In fact, the Hindu cosmology associates the seven chakras with seven different energy bodies, and thus in a sense we have seven different bodies, of which we could use those above the third density for travel in higher realms.

This is essentially what happens when we have a dream or an out of body experience. We leave our physical bodies where they belong in the third density, and use a higher form of body that is only conscious of those times when the geometric energy is focused in the realm of the cube, for example. In the series of books by Carlos Castenada about his workings as an anthropology graduate student with a Yaqui Indian from the Sonora Desert in Mexico, named Don Juan, we see this same point emerge. Don Juan was a shaman, a man who had free access to these higher dimensions. His method for entering into these higher realms is, interestingly, very close to what we are saying here.

What Don Juan said you must do to enter these worlds is to stop your mind from all conscious thought. At first this seems only able to be done by the most intense Eastern gurus, after years of practice and meditation. This practice was referred to by the shamans as “Stopping the World.” Don Juan explained that we have different “rings of power” that we use to create the world that is around us, and that if we can stop thinking about physical reality, we will no longer be conscious within it, and our consciousness will move to higher levels. This process would basically be akin to stopping yourself from having any thoughts. Most importantly, in doing so you quite naturally get very close to falling asleep. Indeed, the whole key is not to fall asleep while doing this.

In order to short-circuit the process, Carlos Castenada went through a brutal initiation using hardcore psychedelic compounds discovered by the shamans, such as peyote, psilocybin mushrooms and Jimson weed. Don Juan would use these compounds to guide Carlos through an initiation into these higher worlds, with the idea that eventually the compounds would no longer be necessary for the access. Carlos was especially resilient to his training and thus he “tripped out” many times before he got the message.

The author would like to state at this point that in Nature of Personal Reality, Seth makes it very clear that the ingestion of LSD can be of significant and long-lasting harm to the individual. Seth states that the whole personality structure is essentially shattered into many different scattered pieces in such an experience, pieces that must then be identified and reconstructed anew. Thus, despite the fact that Castenada’s initiation took on such a form, the use of any chemical substances of any kind for opening up “the doors of perception” is strongly contra-indicated by the author. You can indeed get the doors open with drugs, but it is dangerous and damaging, and does not represent “spiritual growth.”


On the other hand, the rising frequency of aetheric energy surrounding us is now strong enough that these states may be accessed with ease in a good, solid meditation. Doing “the real work” is by far the preferred method – and the “binaural synchronization” techniques of the Monroe Institute represent a drugless way to induce out-of-body and mystical experiences using the properties of sound.

In the next chapter, we will shed further light on our discussion of these “consciousness units” and their forces, by investigating another means by which these truths were being demonstrated to us – through the metaphor of the crop circle formations.
