Liber Discarnatus Excretium
Sub Figura vel Liber Caeruleus
"On the Nature of Lying Angels"
An Relatively Holy Publication in Class C
by the V.H. Fra. C., B:.B:.
- Res Inexplicata Volans -
Beloved Brethren, it hath come to our attention that certain
doctrinal disputes have arisen amongst the many Initiates of
Lodge Internette in regards to the purposes of the Enochian
Angels and their many discourses with the common man. Though
perhaps unsettling in nature, we find the core schema addressed
by these disputes not entirely irreconcilable, and therefore
admonish all concerned parties to pierce to a greater degreeø
that illusory veil which blindeth with the exoteric yet shineth
forth much light upon those with eyes to psee the Hidden Truths
of the Esoteric. For verily, just as it hath been written of
old, "Mine inner eye hath pseen the gateway to the stars!"
SO as not to create an greater discord
amongst our August Body of Believers, we have extricated all names
whereby the authors of such controversial materials have been named,
in hopes that in so doing we may discourage any vain and profane
name-calling or pidgeonholing on the part of our esteemed
readership. Let he, therefore, who is without sin cast the first
spell, etc.
And so, without further ado, let us examine the nature of our
conceivably divisive perceptions. One learned Brother, after duly
observing and objectively noting the Angel's propensity towards
memetic fabrication, thought it amusing that despite the promises
made to D&K regarding great wealth and longevity, they both perished
essentially penniless, Kelley being at best a young middle-aged man.
Further, he hath pseen fit to carve in world wide stone the
following enigmatic remarks:
"These Calls, which have been
demonstrated to be in a language possessing a real grammar and
syntax, not to mention a poetic flair, were said to be the
proper conjurations to be used to directly contact and influence
the angels having control over the affairs of our world ...
these Calls would enable the magician to do everything from
effect cures for diseases to learning the natures of various
metals. In fact, according to the angels, the effect of learning
all that they had to teach would be to bring about the overthrow
of governments around the world, the 'alteration of most states
and kingdomes in the World,' and usher in the apocalypse."
Whilst elsewhere, another Brother
balances the apparent magickal nihilism with great grace and
scholarly flair:
"Enochian magick and the apocalypse:
"There are two major threads of thought in Christian
millennialism. One thread, called postmillennialism, is largely
Utopian in nature. It sees the millennium as the beginning of a
period of gradual perfection of conditions on Earth; the basic
principle is that the world must be brought to perfection and
the City of God built on Earth before the Christ will return,
and it is only after the Christ returns that the world will
"The other thread, called premillennialism, is the more
catastrophic variety. In this version, the typical scenario is
that the Christ returns, and then the current 'evil' societies
of mankind will be destroyed in worldwide disasters, while the
elect are preserved from harm. After the world is destroyed, the
Christ joins with the faithful in a City built by God to rule
over the Earth for a thousand years.
"While there is a strong millennialist flavor to the angels'
pronouncements, they are almost uniformly of the post-millennialist variety. The angels divided the world into four
ages. The first of these began with the creation and ended with
the Flood; the second ended with the first appearance of the
Christ. The revelation of Liber Loagaeth ended the third age and
ushered in the final age, in which the world would be brought to
perfection prior to the return of the Christ."
Oddly, though the disparate paradigms
expressed by both Brothers appear to resonate the very antithesis of
each other; representing opposite ends of the eschatologickal
spectrum as it were, both authors nevertheless remain essentially in
agreement that the Angels are somewhat clever tricksters who
apparently see nothing wrong with bending truth to suit their own
hidden agendas -- archetypal spin doctors, they. And in response to
this deliberate obfuscation, we must needs ask ourselves of what
sort this spinnage be; deosil ... or widdershins?
For therein lieth the Mystery of Iniquity, my Brethren!
"It is necessary to state
unequivocally for those unfamiliar with Enochian magic that
neither Dee nor Kelley fabricated the spirit communications.
Both believed completely in the reality of the angels, although
they differed about the motives of these beings. Dee believed
them to be obedient agents of God who submitted to the authority
of Christ. Kelley mistrusted them and suspected them of
deliberate deception. The dislike was mutual. The angels always
treated Kelley with amused contempt."
Once again, the mysterious duality! Yet
are we dealing with naive optimism vs. jaded cynicism here (an eager
young disciple hath once remarked that a cynic is only "an optimist
who has had the shit kicked out of him too many times") or is there
an Higher Wisdom at play?
Let us consider the acts of a confidence trickster for a moment
here. Does this individual not seek out and plunder the gullible?
And doth he not resent such an one as can psee through his clever
sophistry? Will he not treat him with amused contempt for having
bared the nakedness of his trickery for all to see?
Let us then proceed to analyze phenomena extant within the
constraints of our own current cultural Weltanschauung. Do we not
marvel over the clever little space aliens who kidnap unsuspecting
women, shove odd probes up their asses then excuse such absurd
behaviors by lecturing them with all manner of irrelevant
quasi-spiritual platitudes on the importance of living green? Yet
then these very same entities are revered as gods and welcomed with
open arms by the Advertising Firm of Hopkins, Mack, Greer &
My, how little has changed since Dee's day!
Kelley was rumored to have endured the Angelic insults for so many
years in the hopes that they would reveal to him the secret of a
strange alchemical powder allegedly imbued with the power to
transmute base metals into gold. Could it be that this self- same
short-sighted greed may yet cause many of us to see only those
things we wish to see? Or is there another angle worthy of our
consideration here?
"As a person whose magickal training
has come entirely from 'non-incarnate' beings of one sort or
another, I've had substantially more interaction with them than
most people, even within the magickal community. One thing that
has become glaringly obvious to me is that the verbal content of
our contacts, the intellectually-apprehensible ideas and words,
has in many cases been entirely unimportant to the beings with
whom I was working. That content was intended to hold my
attention on maintaining the contact, and at the same time, to
"distract" my attention from the levels where they were doing
the actual training work.
"As human beings-in-the-world, we tend to focus on
verbalizations, 'facts', and meanings, regarding these as the
most important parts of any communication. This is natural
enough, since it is how we have to deal with each other and with
the manifest world. But to a being observing us from a higher
level, those things aren't real. Or, if not exactly unreal, are
no more than transitory events of no lasting import, occurring
_within_ the structures with which they are concerned.
"What these beings are concerned with are those structures which
are the basis for our ability to have experiences. That is to
say, where our attention is focused on the content of the mind,
their purpose has to do with the underlying functionality that
allows that content to exist, and determines the forms it can
take. Communication, from their point of view, consists
primarily in an exchange of energies between themselves and
those root structures of our being; the verbal side is
"Initiation, the raising of a person's awareness to a higher
level, is not accomplished by putting ideas into a person's
mind. Rather, it is accomplished by changing the foundational
structure of the mind in such a way that it becomes capable of
sensing events on additional levels or with greater scope,
capable of organizing those sensations and experiences in new
ways, and of re-organizing their past experience and thought-
patterns to conform to the expanded view. This is done by
introducing new energies from higher levels into the matrix of
the person's being, those energies forcing a re-structuring so
that they can be contained. It is only after such a change has
been brought about that new ideas from the beings can have any
significance, as seeds for the process of organizing and
re-organizing the content of the mind.
"In order to accomplish this goal, it isn't necessary for a
magickal being to give someone verbalizations that have any
relation to the 'real' world. They need only to motivate the
person to keep maintaining the 'connection' between them, and to
open himself to them in such a way that they can perform the
manipulations needed to induce the change.
Although clearly and brilliantly
elucidated here, still, how can one not ask the quintessential
question -- Cui Bono? Even granting that there are levels at play we
cannot begin to properly conceive of -- perhaps in the same fashion
the Lodge dog receives our extensive and scholarly lectures on
alchemy and Kaballah by wagging quite energetically his tail and
panting loudly as his tongue hangs out the side of his mouth;
smiling, yet with an unmistakably vacant stare, proving beyond any
reasonable doubt that "he just don't get it..." Even granting that
we are perhaps but primitive beasts to some of the Magickal Beings
in this unimaginably vast and multidimensional universe, we still
must ask ourselves who benefits -- and how, and why -- when the
Beings have their way with us.
Is this not true, grasshopper?
"What the Enochian angels conveyed
to Dee was not merely a potent form of magic to rule the
tutelary spirits of the nations. It was an initiatory formula
designed to open the locked gates of the four great watchtowers
that stand guard against chaos at the extremities of our
"These Watchtowers, represented in Enochian magic by
alphabetical squares, are equivalent to the four mystical
pillars of Egyptian mythology that hold up the sky and keep it
from crashing into the earth. They bar the chaotic legions of
Coronzon from sweeping across the face of the world. Coronzon,
the angels reveal, is the true heavenly name for Satan...
"Dee's blindness to the true function of the Keys is curious,
because clues about their nature are everywhere for those with
eyes to see them. The Enochian communications are filled with
apocalyptic pronouncements and imagery. Again and again the
angels warn of the coming destruction of the world by the wrath
of God and the advent of the Antichrist. This apocalyptic
imagery is also found throughout the Keys themselves.
"Perhaps Dee believed, as the angels deceitfully encouraged him
to believe, that the gates could be opened a crack for specific
human purposes and then slammed shut before anything too
horrible slipped through to our dimension of awareness. Dee
would have assumed that the harrowing of the goddess Earth and
her children by the demons of Coronzon would not occur until the
preordained time of the apocalypse, an event initiated by God
and presumably beyond Dee's control.
"What he failed to understand is that the date of the initiation
of the apocalypse is (in the intention of the angels) the same
date as the successful completion of the full ritual working of
the 48 Keys. This date is not predetermined, but will be
determined by the free will and actions of a single human being
who in the Revelation of St. John is called the Antichrist."
Here again, our learned Brother opines
that the Angels were deceitfully manipulating the perhaps foolishly
optimistic Dr. Dee; encouraging him to believe that, just as a
single bite of the Edenic Apple could do no harm to Our Very First Brothress, so it was
permissible -- and even advisable -- to open
the eschatological gates just enough for a quick look-psee.
"Hath God said...?" the
ever-effectual enticement once again employed; the carrot of
hidden knowledge dangled seductively before the nose of the dumb
ass. Yet to Balaam the dumb ass spake! As he speaketh yet to us
today, my Brethren.
"Just open the gates for us Brother John, and we will take it
from there," they beckon, the silent impotence of their
captivity at long last broken. Yet thankfully -- or not, as we
shall psee! -- the door remaineth shut; bolted securely unto
this very day.
So what, then? What are we to make of
all this alleged deception? All of the cloak and dagger cannot but
call to mind the present predicament of our current intelligence
community which, having told so many lies for so long, is no longer
taken seriously at all but instead mocked to scorn. How can we then
take seriously the Angels if truth appears so vestigial and
unimportant a thing to them? How does their form of desinformatsiya
in any way differ from the more mundane currents served by the Black
Lodge of Langley or, as we've seen earlier, the modus operandi of
the clever bovine-rectum-coring reticulan space aliens?
Not many months previous, my Deare Brethren, whilst lost in an
worshipful meditation, we hearde the sayings of an Unseen Friend in
our ear as a great joy filled our inner being, "There remaineth a
greater kingdom, O mage!" was the utterance -- one we've given a
great deal of subsequent consideration to. Now to peel away all of
the magic and wonder from the many instantaneous realizations
accompanying this saying would certainly be of service to no one,
but suffice it to say there are multiple levels of realities at play
here and though some may fancy themselves in control of others for a
season or twain, there is doubtless a level above them which
remaineth yet in control of the entirety of the Grand Dance.
And so it goes!
In conclusion, if true that the Calls may open wide the very gates
of hell and welcome the daemon spawn who bring with them the very
apocalypse itself, we must from Malkuth rationally ask ourselves
just what the FUCK we think we're doing playing with such dangerous
fyre? If, on the other hand, we find ourselves awash in a malaise of
deep depression over what the present age hath wrought:
"It's the age old Manichaean battle
between good and evil, the forces of order and chaos, the status
quo versus revolutionary tendencies. But in the 20th century,
these lines have become significantly blurred: If you consider
the New World Order multinational corporate monoliths poisoning
the planet and reducing mankind to the level of wage slavery for
the benefit of the very few to be representative of the 'good,'
the Babalon Working must sound like the most outright evil
deed ever perpetrated by a human being. But if you're like me,
and would dearly love to see the vile, puss-ridden edifice of
Western society burned to the ground, you should see Parsons as
the penultimate style icon of psycho-sexual/magickal
insurrection, a truly American original if ever there was one.
"The question must be asked: Who is the greater hero -- he who
prolongs the agony of this pathetic existence or he who opens
wide the Pandora's Box of perdition knowing that this is how the
final eschatological chapter must play itself out?"
Indeed, we had earlier postulated the
existence and influence of an Higher Wisdom manifesting as Dee's
apparent gullible naiveté. Peradventure this just may be it.
Light in Extinction;
-Brother Blue, B:.B:.
"All impressions of Brother
Blue are wrong"
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