11 - Big is Beautiful?

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18th century with the invention of the steam engine, and within a hundred years this revolution would fill the skies with black smoke and pollution, rape the planet for fuels, and turn millions, eventually billions, into robots; mere extensions of a factory machine.

The poor and the weak have always been exploited by the landowners or whoever had the financial and physical power of the day. But now it was to be done on a massive, ultimately global scale, as the Brotherhood spread its economic culture across the world. The people came in from the countryside, and filthy urban sprawls appeared around the mills and the factories.


They worked long hours often for starvation wages, and the system I have termed ‘take, make, and throwaway’ had arrived. Its Pied Piper was the obsession with the pursuit of economic growth -producing more, consuming more, and throwing away more, every year. But actually playing the tune was the Brotherhood network of bankers and their front organizations, the so called ‘think tanks’.

A new religion was born. It was called ‘science’. Christianity was still powerful, but its influence was now in terminal decline. Suddenly the scientist was God. This science created the machine age and all the potions and poisons that have taken human life, quite possibly, to the brink of non-existence. But as the 19th century passed to the 20th, this new culture and new God had hypnotized much of human consciousness.


Science, or what passes for it, decided that life after physical death was a myth. Everything could be explained by the ‘logic’ of science. Basically we were all a cosmic accident, the product of the random interaction of chemicals, atoms, and the like. This gave Christianity some serious problems, but it gave the human race even more. Not least was the growing belief that life was pointless. The idea was that ‘life’s a bitch and then you die’.

The lives people were being forced to endure in the blackened towns and cities appeared to confirm that this was the case. It was another drain on a human spirit already crushed by the robotic demands of the machine age.

Christianity’s ability to stop the hemorrhage of support in the face of scientific ‘evidence’ was not helped by the obvious nonsense of its dogmatic, unyielding, claims for the Bible to be literally true. It was now beginning to reap the consequences of refusing to budge from the dogma decided at Nicaea and in the centuries that immediately followed.


But as I said in a previous chapter, the view of life and Creation outlined in this book and others, was now suppressed not only by Christianity as it had been for nearly 2,000 years, but also by ‘science’. Christianity and ‘science’ may have appeared to be in conflict, but they had a mutual interest which was essential to the survival of both. That was to ensure that as few people as possible believed that consciousness was eternal in everyone, and that our consciousness reincarnates into countless physical bodies on its journey of evolution through experience.


The acceptance of that by the population would mean goodbye to Christianity and most other religions, and goodbye to the whole basis of scientific ‘thinking’. One of the Brotherhood’s most effective tools is to make organizations dependent for their very survival on the suppression of knowledge.

The result of this was a world created by the five physical senses which pandered only to those senses. God was dead and the idea of spirit was a primitive illusion. Materialism had arrived with a vengeance. Our culture was built by material senses for material senses.


Such a process could not have created any other kind of world than the one we see today. The higher levels of humans were dismissed by ‘science’ as not even existing and the only high-profile alternative, Christianity and its religious soul-mates around the World, were leaking credibility with every passing year, thanks to the time-warp in which they are imprisoned. This left a spiritual vacuum which is only now being filled as an understanding of who we are begins to re-emerge in our consciousness.


The material-cosmic-accident view so took over this new religion called science, that even when members of its own profession challenged this belief; they were ridiculed, outcast, or ignored. Just as the Brotherhood ensured that they would be. They don’t want some freethinking scientist to find out the truth and be able to prove it. Nearly every true scientist who has taken human understanding forward has faced that kind of reaction and opposition.


‘Science’ became obsessed with the physical level and concentrated its mind on discovering the secrets and potential of the physical world, at the expense of seeking those higher levels where the answers really lie. Almost from the start, ‘science’ has been serving the system and the Brotherhood by helping to imprison the human race. In doing that, the new religion has merely followed the pattern of the old.

The whole system was founded and underpinned at every turn by exploitation. Exploitation of the planet; of the human robots in the mines and factories; and of the people in what we now call the Third World. Most of these ‘under-developed’ countries were then under the occupation and control of Britain and other European Countries. Countries like Britain could not lose at this stage. It had the technology, primitive as it was, and it had the British Empire.


It could take the natural ‘resources’ from the countries it controlled, turn those resources into products, and sell them back at a profit. This global exploitation by the strong at the expense of the weak would destroy the cultures of Third World countries and take away their self-sufficiency in food.


This was vital for the exploitation to continue. When these countries eventually rebelled against physical occupation, Europe and the United States had to replace that with other forms of control. They achieved this by replacing physical occupation with financial occupation. They made poorer countries dependent on the industrialized world for their food and finance.


The American senator, Hubert Humphrey, put it like this:

“I have heard that people may become dependent on us for food. I know that was not supposed to be good news. To me that was good news, because before people can do anything they have to eat. And if you are looking for a way to get people to lean on you and to be dependent on you, in terms of their cooperation with you, it seems to me that food dependency would be terrific.”



This motivation would lead to the famine and starvation of the 20th century. It was compounded by the exploitation of land for the maximum production of cash crops in ways that would destroy its fertility; and by the political and internal strife in these countries, often caused by the effects of poverty or the overthrowing of regimes, openly or overtly, which did not suit the interests of the Brotherhood elite.


They didn’t want Third World countries to make their own decisions - they wanted them dependent on the same Brotherhood bankers that ran the West. This goes on today with the United States the leading force in the ongoing effort to unseat any politician or group that threatens American or Brotherhood interests. Witness Nicaragua and the countless South American dictators imposed and empowered by the United States. I go into all this in some detail in my book, It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This.


It is all part of the long term Brotherhood plan:

“We are interested in the . . . . killing out of the Goyim. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker, because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings.”

(Protocol 3).

The speed with which all this happened has been astonishing. When I was traveling through Arizona in 1993, I stopped at a little cafe at a place called Parker. On the wall was a poster depicting the members and exploits of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid whose bank-robbing activities were made famous by a film of the same name. What struck me most was that it all happened in this century.


The United States went from horseback to space travel in less than 70 years, perhaps even less than that if some stories of covert space flights in the fifties are true. At the same time the USA has become the front line of self-destruction. Anyone who doesn’t believe that should go into any eating house on any street in America and see just how much of the Earth’s physical form is dumped into a rubbish bin every minute.


Since the industrialization and Christianization of the United States, it has consumed more of the Earth’s ‘resources’ and created more pollution than any other society on the planet. And tragically that is the culture which has taken over the World in less than the blink of an eye in the lifespan of Mother Earth.

If you take the Earth to be one year old, then under that time scale the Industrial Revolution has been with us for less than two seconds. In that fraction of time we have behaved in ways that now threaten the planet’s ability to be a home for human life.


Every twenty-four hours an area of tropical forest twenty-five miles by twenty is destroyed or degraded; deserts advance by a similar area; 200 million tonnes of top soil is lost through erosion; many and increasing numbers of species become extinct; and 100,000 people, nearly half of them children, die through hunger or hunger related disease. Every single day.

But why should we be surprised at this? How could it be any other way when you have an economic system that depends for its survival, let alone its success, on taking, making, and throwing away more every year to worship at the Brotherhood altar of economic growth? It is the ultimate conveyor belt to global suicide. The stark truth is that if you need to consume more every year, the human and environmental effects are both enormous and eventually fatal.


Either the Brotherhood elite are incredibly stupid, or they have lost control of their creation, or they have other motives for what they are doing to the planet. I suspect the latter.


Here is a summary of why it has taken the human race little more than two hundred years to go from the dawn of the Industrial Revolution to the mess and mayhem we see today - and why it has so massively served Brotherhood interests:

(1) If you have constantly to produce more and consume more, you soon pass the point where that can continue within your own borders. You have to sell abroad and export your culture. You have to change the way others live and impose your evolution upon them. You do this by making them dependent on you and by selling your culture through manipulative advertising.


If you have an addictive product, like cigarettes, so much the better, because once people are hooked you have a captive market. And once you have other countries addicted to the pursuit of your culture, you have even more power to make them use their resources and land to supply you with what you need to supply them with finished products at a handsome profit.


By now you have destroyed their self-sufficiency in food, and you can claim that the developed world is helping the underdeveloped world out of the goodness of its heart, and the success of its culture by ‘giving’ food to them when millions are starving, because they can no longer produce food for themselves.


Even then you only respond with as little as you can get away with in situations that are either well publicized or suit your desire to make others do your will. As someone once said: ‘When you have got someone by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow’. They might just as easily have said ‘stomachs’.


The need to expand production and sales each year means that everyone has to compete with everyone else. For every winner there have to be losers, often dead ones. The one exception to that is the banking elite. They can’t lose.


We talk of the desire for cooperation in the world, and yet the very foundation of the economic ethos is to turn person against person, family against family, town against town, country against country, and trading bloc against trading bloc in brutal competition, while the elite share the spoils between themselves.

“In order to give the Goyim no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe. But, again, in order that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of the Goyim, we must put industry on a speculative basis; the result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes.”
(Protocol 4).


(2) It is vital that you also make your own population dependent for their food and existence on the same system. If they have alternatives, they cannot be forced to do your will or stand by a factory machine most of their waking hours.


The effect of this is to diminish their spirit and grind down their resistance to any propaganda that you feed to them through a compliant and system serving media. The need for expanding the system requires that your scientific’ research is geared to inventing new things that you can persuade people to buy; to finding cheaper ways of making those things through technology; and to inventing new weapons of mass destruction.


As with video recorders, so with guided missiles. If you can constantly advance the technology of whatever you produce, people and countries will constantly ‘update’. In short, they will keep buying the same thing again and again as perfectly adequate ‘products are systematically made technologically ‘obsolete’.


These twin aims of product and weapon advancement to serve the economic system is what science has largely been about. Serving humanity and seeking truth has been a strictly secondary motivation for the scientific Brotherhood-manipulated establishment. The weaponry is also important to protect the wealth of the powerful, and to increase that wealth when it becomes economically desirable for a war in which you can supply both sides.


(3) This system is so obviously destructive and stupid that if you allowed people to be shown in its true nature, they would soon see the obvious. Christianity feared and vehemently opposed education for the masses because of the possible consequences of people seeing that creed for the silliness which most of it is. But they need not have worried. The system had no intention of educating people, especially the young. It wishes to indoctrinate, not educate, and that is what it has done.


'Education’ is there to turn out fodder for the system. Its aim is to persuade people to see things its way and reject any idea that there could possibly be an alternative. What could be better for the system than to take children away from their homes on most days during their formative years, and feed them whatever they need to believe to become the next generation of robots?


It is quite happy to give Christianity a good mention up to a point because that is no threat to anything except itself and human understanding. As we have seen both the System and Christianity have a big stake in holding back human understanding, anyway.


Further afield, where there are native peoples who have not been subjected to this economic mind control, you take away their forests, lands, and way of life either by force or through Christianization. With their culture destroyed, they become dependent and often seek to escape from the nightmare through alcohol or drugs. Your control of the world is extended by environmental destruction.


(4) The need to produce and sell more every year means that the point quickly arrives when people can no longer increase production by themselves. You build machines which turn out more products with fewer people. As production needs to constantly increase, the machines have to get bigger and require ever fewer people. Unemployment grows.


The way the system responds to this is in the only way it knows how: by fiddling the unemployment figures to hide how bad things really are; by starting wars; and by increasing the number of things that people want by manipulating the symbols of human success so they all relate to possessions. You need to make people dissatisfied with whatever they have and to seek happiness through the accumulation of material ‘things’.


This however means that your production must follow the money because poor people can’t buy. Therefore production is increasingly geared to the wants of the well-off minority, and away from the needs of the poor majority. This leads to some people having every possession they could possibly desire, while others sleep in cardboard boxes in the street.

Look how the system has manipulated Christmas. Christianity recycled a pagan mid-winter festival quite erroneously into the birthday of Jesus and the system has recycled that into an orgy of consumption. We speak of having a ‘traditional Christmas’, when most of the traditions have only been here since the start of the Industrial Revolution. What should be a lovely time of rest, enjoyment, and a gathering together of friends and family, has become a nightmare for millions.


Children are bombarded with television advertisements for expensive toys, and their parents often borrow money they cannot afford because they don’t want to disappointment them on Christmas Day. They either struggle through the next year paying off the debt, or they spend Christmas feeling guilty for not providing what their children have been conditioned to want. This exploitation of emotions becomes more desperate and explicit every year because the Christmas spending boom is now essential to the survival of many shops and factories.

The difference between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ comes down to the number of pieces of paper they possess. This mostly has nothing whatsoever to do with their abilities or their desire to contribute to the well-being of society. You can be a financial ‘winner’ and earn lots of bits of paper by making some plastic claptrap that is no real use to anyone.


But you can be a financial loser by dedicating your life to the care of others. What you sell is what matters, not what you contribute to humanity. As we have seen the easiest way to make money is to create it out of nothing. Values and desires become distorted by this and societies become sick and more divided. Another implication of this annual expansion is that, as production becomes more mechanized, the investment necessary to compete gets greater and the small fall by the wayside.


Big becomes beautiful and life becomes ugly. The economic power gathers in fewer and fewer hands in line with the Brotherhood plan and the major corporations and banks call the shots far more than elected politicians.

(5) The mopping up of unemployment by the expansion of ‘wants’ can only go on for so long. Through this century, and particularly since the sixties and seventies, the so-called ‘Third World’ has started to produce more finished products. The system that started with Britain exploiting its empire for ‘resources’ and selling them back the finished products has changed dramatically.


The whole of Europe and then the United States followed and expanded what Britain had started. In the second half of this century, the Far East, Asia, Africa, and South America, were sold the Industrial Dream, often by banks who wished to invest the money that was pouring in, especially from Arab countries after the Brotherhood-engineered oil price surge of the 1970s. The World has become awash with products looking for people to buy them.


(6) At the same time there are fewer people with the money to buy those products. Once a large number of countries have the same ambition - to produce more and sell more and they pass the point where this can continue within their own borders, everyone has to compete with everyone else for sales all over the world. This becomes a battle to the economic and, for at least 100,000 people every day, the physical death.


More automation is required to produce more products at a lower cost because everyone has to compete to find ways of making the same product cheaper. More automation means less employment, and less money in people’s pockets to buy the products the machines are making. The major manufacturers begin to transfer much of their production to Third World countries because the laws on exploitation there are even more lax than in the West, and you can pay people a fraction of the wages demanded in Europe and America.


(7) As a result of all this, the system is now in desperate trouble and that is precisely what the banking elite want to justify their next step, a centralized world economy, based on a World Central Bank. While some unemployment is seen as good for the system because it helps to keep those employed subservient through fear of losing their job, there comes a stage where it is dangerous. This happens when the numbers without a job, and with no prospect of getting one, reach uncontrollable proportions.


The amount of money being produced by declining sales is no longer sufficient to pay the welfare benefits of those increasing numbers who are no longer employed and the social needs of the victims the system spits out when they are no longer any use to it. The system is so crazy that to survive it needs more and more people to buy each year, but fewer and fewer people to make what they buy. It cannot have both, but it needs both.


People will be subservient only while they are indoctrinated to believe that the system will provide. When it becomes clear that it will not, people begin to rebel against that system. This rebellion becomes even more powerful as those without work and with no prospect of work, see their welfare benefits cut back by politicians overseeing declining industrial sales in the wake of all that I have described.


The Illuminati want the people to respond violently to all this as we shall see, and response, the rebellion must be peaceful, if their plan is to be thwarted.


(8) The main waste product of this system is human debris. When you force people to work in a soulless, mindless, system, this can have severe mental and emotional affects. Our hearts desire freedom, love, and joy. Our inner self wants to be positive, creative, and tap all the endless potential that we all have, and I mean all. But the system demands that we are little more than the extension of technology and expendable whenever technology can be created to replace us.


To the system we are not people or spiritual beings, we are units of production and consumption. You will even note that we are now referred to by the stewards of the system, the politicians, economists, and industrialists, as ‘consumers’ because that is how it sees us. This system without a soul has created an explosion in other expressions of consumption such as alcohol and drugs. These are ways that people try to escape from the nightmare and the agony their inner selves are suffering.


They may not even be aware that they are feeling like this at a deeper level. But it will still manifest in drugs and other forms of temporary escape from the realities of this mad world. The stress of the system’s demands, the constant competition, the fear, the imprisonment and suppression of the spirit, has become a conveyor belt for mental, emotional, and physical disease, or dis-ease as it really should be pronounced.


The stress causes imbalances in the mental and emotional energy fields and these are passed on through the chakras to all levels of being, including the physical body. We have more and more illness caused by stress, and all the pollution and other dangers the system produces in its insatiable desire for expansion at all costs. Is it any wonder that you see defeat in so many faces. The system, science, and religion have combined to make billions tired of living, but scared of dying.

Crime is another consequence.


If you programme people to see their own success and that of others in terms of consumption and possessions, don’t hold up your hands in horror when those who cannot earn the money to consume and possess choose another way of ‘succeeding’ in the system’s terms - theft, mugging, burglaries. In times of high unemployment more people are denied the ability to succeed through consumption or even feed their families, and this is why the crime figures soar.


Also if the system treats human life as meaningless, worthless, fodder, without dignity or respect, don’t be surprised if that is how many others start to see their fellow human beings. Growing violence is evidence of this. Resentment at being rejected by the system leads to resentment against everything and everyone. In this state of mind some will mug an old lady for a few pounds or dollars without a thought for what they have done to her. Their motto will be: ‘the system has no respect for me, so why should I have any respect for anyone else? It’s everyone for themselves’.

But hold on a second. If your agenda involves the introduction of an ever more authoritarian police force, military and legal system, what do you need more than anything to carry public opinion with you? More crime, the more violent and horrible the better.

In a system in which the possession of pieces of paper is the only way you can enjoy food, shelter, and warmth, you are faced with increasing numbers of people made redundant by technology and recession who are hungry, homeless and cold. There are also those who are disabled, elderly and infirm, or unable to work for other reasons. These, too, are denied the means to earn pieces of paper.


The System reacts to this in a variety of ways. In some countries it ignores such people and suppresses wholesale rebellion by strengthening the police force and the army and by making those in work fearful of speaking out against this cruelty and losing their job. Elsewhere, governments pay these victims of the system as little as they can get away with, though in a few more enlightened countries they are more generous. But all use the weapon of fear to control the population and prevent serious rebellion.

Every year the System is faced with bigger bills for crime, policing, medical services, welfare benefits, and all the rest. This is an inevitable consequence of take, make and throwaway, and all that goes with it. And how does the system and its mind controlled politicians react to this? To say we must have a greater expansion of production and consumption to raise more money by creating more growth.


This ‘policy’ spews out yet more victims and demands, yet more resources are spent on crime, police, medical services, and welfare benefits. Those who are hypnotized by the Brotherhood propaganda do not have the intelligence or the vision to think any other way no matter how nonsensical this ‘thinking’ may be.


As Mark Twain said: ‘If your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like nails’.

(9) The demands of the system and its de-humanization of people has led to the exploitation of other life forms. I have heard it said that animal rights campaigners should think more about cruelty to people than animals. This misses the point. Cruelty is cruelty. Any society that will justify the appalling treatment of animals that goes on today will have no qualms about being cruel to people. Animals, like people, have become another commodity, another form of throughput. We perform experiments on them which make the worst excesses of the Nazis seem like kindness itself.


We have the horrors of the slaughter houses and food factories. 500 million chickens in Britain are forced to live out their wretched lives standing on wire mess in tiny cages with hardly enough room to sit down. They are egg-throughput machines. Around 40 million little chicks are killed in Britain every year within hours of their birth for the ‘crime’ of being male.


They are from a species genetically developed for egg laying. The males cannot lay eggs and so they cannot live. Every week in British slaughter houses we murder 8 million chickens, 300,000 pigs, 80,000 cattle, 500,000 turkeys, 50,000 rabbits, and 300,000 sheep in conditions of dreadful cruelty and barbarism. As the saying goes: If slaughterhouse walls were made of glass, we’d all be vegetarians.


Only a human race de-linked from its true self and controlled by a consciousness that wishes to destroy our compassion and inner goodness would allow this to happen. There is a British Cabinet Minister and outspoken Christian dogmatist who has ridiculed vegetarians at every opportunity.

“If God had wanted us to be vegetarians”, he said, “He would have given us three stomachs.”

In reply you could say that if God had wanted us to talk such baloney He/She would not have given us a brain.


(10) To hide the realities of the system and its corruption you need ‘Security Services' and other organizations dedicated to secrecy. It is claimed that they are required to keep an eye on potential threats from other countries and terrorist groups and to safeguard national security, but as we have seen the main aim of governments and the secrecy services is to keep truth from their own people.


This is vital if the system is going to survive. Truth to own people. This is vital if the system is going to survive. Truth to the system is like garlic to a vampire. The security services spend more time spying on those peacefully challenging the status quo than they do on potential terrorists. They know and manipulate the terrorists, anyway, and indeed engage in terrorism themselves.


All sorts of underhand maneuvering goes on to stop any individual or group which they fear may be vehicles for effectively challenging the system. Frame-ups, phone taps, agents provocateur, even murder; all these methods are used by the state and the global Brotherhood and its representatives to stop those who present a threat to their continuing control.


Into all that I have said, another fundamental limitation on the system’s further expansion must be added. It is the most important factor of all. If you demand that every year you consume more, you dismantle the planet on which we all depend.


Even the land is treated like a factory floor. It has been so exploited with chemicals to maximize short term production that its ability to go on producing is being reduced every year. If you had a machine that produced the essentials of human survival and it was the only machine of its kind that existed, what would people say if you took a sledgehammer to this machine and bashed it into tiny pieces?


People would say you were bonkers, crazy, mad, many sandwiches short of a picnic. Well that is exactly what the human race is doing to the planet.


Every year through this Industrial Revolution we have taken more ‘resources’ from the Earth and turned them into more pollution in the name of ‘progress.’ In doing this, the system has had to increase the number of products that are disposable and thrown away as soon as possible after purchase. Only in this way can you increase production.


You can’t do it if you make things to last. This economic necessity under the rules of the system has given us the disposable cup, knife, fork, plate, razor, etc, and the ever-increasing amount of throwaway packaging. Something that is used once and thrown away is an orgasmic experience for the system; anything that is made to last as long as possible is potentially fatal. As I have said, the United States is on the front line of this suicide, but most of the world is involved also.


We have created such a monster that the more successful it is in its own terms, the quicker it destroys the planet. But we still have politicians talking of the need to return to full employment. Under the rules of the present system, full employment of the traditional kind across the world would leave the planet a waste land. It is utter, utter, insanity. It cannot go on and it will not go on.


The consequences of this system of self-destruction have created a world in which 20 per cent of the population consume 80 per cent of the ‘resources’ every year; the other 80 per cent of humanity must go without their needs so the system can pander to greed. People throughout the world die from the diseases of too little, while elsewhere others die from the diseases of too much. It has produced a world full of conflict and division, one in which pain, suffering, exploitation, and war are essential to the systems survival.

The Brotherhood which has created and orchestrated this system for its own ends, know it is a nonsense and after their planned coup on the human race, the first thing they will do is dismantle the system they have imposed:

“You understand perfectly that economic arrangements of this kind, which have been suggested to the Goyim by us, cannot be carried on by us.”

(Protocol 20.)

They know the System’s stupid. It is supposed to be!

But let me stress one point above all others. The enslaving consciousness and the pressures of this planet may make it more difficult to express our true selves, but it does not make it impossible. You only have to look around your own community and the world in general to see wonderful, loving, caring, and generous people.


We don’t have to be robots or be controlled by the Brotherhood and the Luciferic thought patterns; we allow ourselves to be and we can stop doing so. We see enough in our own lives and elsewhere to know what is acceptable and what is not; we all have the opportunity to start to think for ourselves and live what we believe; we can all open our minds and re-connect with our higher consciousness.


Millions are doing this today and many others have done so throughout history even through these traumatic centuries in the life of Planet Earth. It doesn’t have to be like this and we don’t have to be like this. Humanity is in nature good, not evil. We can express that goodness if we choose to.


How strong is our will to resist the urgings of the Luciferic consciousness? How strong our desire to follow our own heart?

The present transformation will bring - is bringing - change of an incomprehensible scale. The Luciferic control of human consciousness is being removed and it will be both a time of turmoil and glorious opportunity. Clearly it is a transformation that has arrived not a moment too soon.


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