“I tried to find out the name of the executive, but no luck. That was the end of that. THE PRODUCER THAT HAD TRIED TO AIR MY STORY AND THE KENNEDY FILM IS NO LONGER WITH ‘HARD COPY.’ HER NAME IS BUBS HOPPER.

“I was approached by another producer (don’t remember his name) from ‘INSIDE EDITION,’ another TV magazine, who told me that Americans needed to see the film. I agreed to be on the show BUT TOLD HIM THE SAME THING, THAT I DID NOT BELIEVE IT WOULD EVER AIR. A week later I was listening to David Lifton on a radio talk show. Someone called in and asked David if he knew who I was and David Lifton said, ‘I KNOW WHO HE IS AND WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR MR. COOPER. WE ARE GOING TO PUT HIM AWAY FOR GOOD ON A NATIONAL TV SHOW. WE ARE GOING TO GET A FULL ACCOUNTING FROM THAT GUY.’

“I had someone call the producer and cancel because HE HAD LIED TO ME. He pleaded to have me on. I relayed through this intermediary that I would appear only if I could have editorial control to make sure that he did not edit the segment to ridicule the film. He refused, and I then knew his intention all along had been to discredit me. WHEN THE SEGMENT AIRED, LARS HANSSON WAS USED AS A STAND-IN, IN MY PLACE. Hansson, the man who had been attacking me, stating that Greer had not fired at Kennedy, was now on TV stating that GREER KILLED KENNEDY! THE REASON BECAME OBVIOUS, AS THEY HAD BOB GRODIN ON THE NEXT SEGMENT. GRODIN RIDICULED AND DEBUNKED HANSSON AND THE FILM. THEY HAD INTENDED TO DO A HATCHET JOB ON ME, BUT WHEN I CANCELED THEY COULD ATTACK THE FILM ONLY WITH HANSSON TAKING MY PLACE. IT HAD EVERY EARMARK OF AN AGENCY OPERATION. IT DIDN’T WORK.

“I discovered the next ploy when on radio Grodin stated that he would soon (finally) release a video of his so-called pristine copy of the Zapruder film OVEREXPOSED to bring out the detail in the shadows. OVEREXPOSURE WOULD COMPLETELY WASH OUT GREER’S ARM AND THE GUN, WHICH ARE BOTH IN FULL SUNLIGHT AND HAVE THE EFFECT OF RENDERING BOTH INVISIBLE TO THE VIEWER. I hope that people are not as stupid as Grodin thinks they are. I will debate anyone at any time as long as it’s in front of a live audience and nothing is edited. I have seen what a film editor can do to make people seem to say and do things that were never said or done.



The Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs. It is a joint United States and Soviet base. THE SPACE PROGRAM IS A FARCE AND AN UNBELIEVABLE WASTE OF MONEY. ALTERNATIVE 3 IS A REALITY. IT IS NOT SCIENCE FICTION.

“The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an ‘EXPEDIENCY.’ One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose ‘ALTERNATIVE 003.’ It was aired on the documentary, NONFICTION program named ‘SCIENCE REPORT,’ confirming many of the allegations.

“In the book ‘ALTERNATIVE 003’ the pseudonym ‘Bob Grodin’ was used in place of the astronaut’s identity. (The real Bob Grodin is a friend of Leslie Watkins and is a part of the Kennedy assassination cover-up.) It was also stated that the astronaut ‘committed suicide’ in 1978. This cannot be validated by any source, and I believe that several so-called facts in the book are really disinformation. I firmly believe that this disinformation is a result of pressure put upon the authors and is meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of the British TV expose ‘ALTERNATIVE 003.’

“THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY IS IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. THE RULING BODY IS MADE UP OF THREE COMMITTEES CONSISTING OF THIRTEEN MEMBERS EACH, AND ALL THREE TOGETHER COMPRISE THE 39 MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BODY KNOWN AS THE BILDERBERG GROUP. The most important and powerful of the three committees is the Policy Committee. (It is more than interesting to note that the United States had thirteen original colonies and that 39 delegates from these colonies signed the Constitution after it was written and adopted in the first Constitutional Convention. Do you believe that is coincidence?) Policy Committee meetings are held on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar icecap. A Soviet sub and an American sub join at an airlock and the meeting is convened. The secrecy is such that this was the only method which would ensure that the meetings could not be bugged

(Note: or in simple terms, the “Illuminati” operating in the highest levels of the American and Russian governments have for years been cooperating together, all the while keeping up the “illusion” of two opposing superpowers for the sake of keeping the world’s population “divided” and all the more easily controlled, and probably as a method for justifying huge expenditures for military and space development. Dr. John Coleman has documented that the former “Communist Movement” in Russia and the “Eastern Establishment” of America were from their beginnings both tied-in to the highest levels of Freemasonry - Branton).

“I can say that the book ‘ALTERNATIVE 003’ is at least 70% true from my own knowledge and the knowledge of my sources. I believe that the disinformation was an attempt to compromise the British TV expose with information that could be false, just as the ‘Eisenhower Briefing Document,’ which was released here in the United States under the contingency plan Majestic Twelve, can also be proven false.

“Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. We currently have, and fly, atomic-powered antigravity-type craft in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets. We have been lied to about the true nature of the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus, and the REAL state of technology that we possess today, at this very moment.

“There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons. This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same side to the Earth or the Sun. The Moon has several man-made lakes and ponds upon its surface, and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravity field—and man can walk upon its surface WITHOUT A SPACE SUIT, breathing from an oxygen bottle and undergoing decompression, the same way as any deep-sea diver!

“I have the official NASA photographs. Some of them were published in the books ‘WE DISCOVERED ALIEN BASES ON THE MOON’ by Fred Steckling and ‘SOMEONE ELSE IS ON THE MOON’. In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the Soviets and Americans at the lunar base. The Soviets attempted to take control of the base and held American scientists and personnel hostage

(Note: There is evidence that the Luna Base on the Moon, the Dreamland Base in Nevada-California, and the Dulce-Archuleta Base near the four- corners are all tied-together. Other sources such as former Dulce security officer “Thomas C.” stated that another “altercation” DID in fact break out in the Dulce Base while he was there, and possibly in the Nevada Base as well about the same time, although such an altercation in the tunnels beneath the Nevada Military Complex has not been ‘confirmed’ to us. Either these two accounts—Luna and Dulce—are based on the same incident, or more than one “altercation” took place, one between Americans and Russians in Luna, and one between Humans and Saurians in the Dulce Base. From various sources we can conclude that the trilaterally-connected Luna-Archuleta-Dreamland bases are jointly occupied by Americans-Russians-and saurian grays of different types, as well as possibly “defectors” or “sell outs” from the “Nordic-Blond-or-Aryan” societies. Although Cooper claims to have seen no documentation on the alleged ‘Dulce Wars’, he did claim to have read documents telling of the altercation in the joint CIA-Alien-Russian base ‘Luna’ - Branton).

“The Soviets were suspended from the program for a period of two years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact.

“...When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon was confident that he could not be impeached. Majesty Twelve had a different agenda. Nixon was ordered to resign, the intelligence community rightfully concluding that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the secrets to the public eye. He refused

(Note: The reader may remember in the movie “ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN”, the encounter with the mysterious informant who told the reporters in essence that the Watergate breaking was just the tip of the iceberg, and that the immense “conspiracy” ran through the entire power-structure of the government, including the judicial system, et al. This seems to indicate that the Watergate conspiracy did nevertheless have an adverse affect on the overall “secret government” structure - Branton).

The first military coup ever to take place in the United States was carried out (Note: the Kennedy assassination could have been considered a coup in a sense, if not for the fact that it had been directed against a single man rather than an entire government cabinet - Branton).


The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a Top Secret message to the Commanders of all the U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated, ‘Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt.’ This message was sent a full five days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly he would resign.

“I saw the message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do, AS OBVIOUSLY THE ORDER VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION, I was told: ‘I guess I will wait to see if any orders come from the White House, and then I will decide.’ I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent. I have confirmation from three additional sources, all ex-military, who wrote or called to state that they saw the exact same order. These people are Randall Terpstra, ex-Navy; David Race, ex-Air Force; and Donald Campbell, ex-Navy...

“During all the years that this has been happening the Congress and the American people have seemed to know instinctively that something was not right. When the Watergate scandal surfaced they jumped on the bandwagon and everyone thought that the agencies would be cleaned out. President Ford organized the Rockefeller Commission to do the job. His real purpose was to head off Congress and keep the cover-up going. Nelson Rockefeller, who headed the commission investigating the intelligence community (kind-of like giving the job of cleaning up America’s drug problem to a drug dealer - Branton), was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the one who helped Eisenhower build the Majesty Twelve power structure. Rockefeller uncovered only enough to keep the hounds at bay. He threw the Congress a few bones and the cover-up rolled merrily along as always.

“Later Senator Church would conduct the famous Church hearings. He also was a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and he merely repeated the Rockefeller act. Again the cover-up prevailed. When the Iran-Contra affair emerged, we thought this time it had to come gushing out. Wrong again. DESPITE MOUNTAINS OF DOCUMENTS POINTING TO DRUG SMUGGLING AND OTHER HIDDEN MONSTERS, the cover-up sailed on. The Congress even seemed to go out of its way to duck the real issues. As mentioned earlier, one of the most serious facts uncovered is that North was involved in preparing a plan TO SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When Congressman Jack Brooks of Texas attempted to probe the issue HE WAS SILENCED BY THE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. Could it be that Congress knows the whole thing and won’t touch it? Are they among the select who have been picked for the Mars colony when the Earth begins to destruct, if the Earth IS going to destruct?

“I cannot even begin to outline the entire financial empire controlled by the CIA, the NSA, and the Council on Foreign Relations, WHICH IN TURN CONTROL AND LAUNDER THE MONEY FROM DRUGS AND OTHER INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY PROPRIETARY VENTURES; but I can give you a beginning. THE AMOUNT OF MONEY IS BEYOND ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE AND IS HIDDEN IS A VAST NETWORK OF BANKS AND HOLDING COMPANIES. You should first begin to look at,

  • the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation

  • the Schroder Trust Company

  • Schroders Ltd. (London)

  • Helbert Wagg Holdings Ltd.

  • J. Henry Schroder-Wagg & Co. Ltd.

  • Schroder Gerbruder and Company (Germany)

  • Schroder Munchmeyer Gengst and Company

  • Castle Bank and its holding companies

  • the Asian Development Bank

  • the Nugan Hand octopus of banks and holding companies

“A contingency plan was formulated by Majesty Twelve to throw every one off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. IT WAS IMPLEMENTED WITH THE RELEASE BY MOORE, SHANDERA, AND FRIEDMAN OF THE PURPORTED EISENHOWER BRIEFING DOCUMENT. THE DOCUMENT IS A FRAUD, BECAUSE IT IS NUMBERED 092447, A NUMBER WHICH DOES NOT EXIST AND WILL NOT EXIST FOR QUITE A LONG TIME AT THE PRESENT RATE. Truman wrote Executive orders in the 9000 range; Eisenhower’s were in the 10,000; Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket; and Reagan reached only into the 12,000s. Executive orders are numbered consecutively, no matter who occupies the White House, for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. THIS RED HERRING HAS THROWN THE ENTIRE RESEARCH COMMUNITY OFF THE TRAIL FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND HAS RESULTED IN THE WASTED EXPENDITURE OF MONEY LOOKING FOR INFORMATION WHICH DOES NOT EXIST.

“...Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. IT COULD ALSO INTEND TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN AN ALIEN RACE THAT DOES NOT EXIST. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the “purported” true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and bad. Look around and pay attention. SOMEONE IS PLANNING TO MAKE THEIR PRESENCE KNOWN AND THE GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING YOU FOR IT. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have there been so many official acknowledgements.

“For many years the Secret Government has been importing drugs and selling them to the people, mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent, nonworking element in our society. The government then began to remove these programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the ‘50s and ‘60s.

“The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms (in a “dis-armed” society, the law-abiding citizens would give up their gun rights, while the “criminals” who are conditioned to not following the laws anyways would still retain their firearms. They will be “illegal” of course, but breaking the law would be nothing new to them - Branton). Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby

(Note: This aspect of “hypnosis” has been used in other murders-assassinations.  Contrary to popular belief, a person CAN be forced to commit an act under hypnosis that they would not normally commit in waking consciousness. For instance they could be told that so-and-so was a threat to civilization, and they would, while in the trance state, ‘see’ that person as the monster the hypnotists made them out to be. There is much evidence, as contained in Sirhan Sirhan’s diary and elsewhere, that this alleged murderer of Robert Kennedy was being psychologically manipulated by a certain group through hypnosis, that Sirhan Sirhan was an incredibly vulnerable hypnosis victim, and that he had no memory after the event of firing on Robert Kennedy.


Witnesses claimed that a “security guard” pulled a gun on Kennedy, and that at least 10 bullets were fired, two of which were later found embedded in a “pantry” doorframe and which could not have been fired by Sirhan Sirhan as his gun only held a maximum of eight bullets. This has been confirmed by Geraldo Rivera and several other TV “news magazines” that re-covered the Robert Kennedy assassination shortly following the interest generated after the release of the movie “J.F.K.” - Branton).

This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.




“Due to the wave of crime sweeping the nation, the media will convince the American people that a state of anarchy exists within the major cities. They are now building their case almost nightly on TV and daily in the newspapers. WHEN PUBLIC OPINION HAS BEEN WON TO THIS IDEA, THEY INTEND TO STATE THAT A TERRORIST GROUP ARMED WITH A NUCLEAR WEAPON HAS ENTERED THE UNITED STATES AND THAT THEY PLAN TO DETONATE THIS DEVICE IN ONE OF OUR CITIES. (THIS IS NOW BEING SET UP BY THE CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.) THE GOVERNMENT WILL THEN SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION AND DECLARE MARTIAL LAW. THE SECRET ALIEN ARMY OF IMPLANTED HUMANS AND ALL DISSIDENTS, WHICH TRANSLATES INTO ANYONE THEY CHOOSE, WILL BE ROUNDED UP AND PLACED IN THE ONE-MILE-SQUARE CONCENTRATION CAMPS WHICH ALREADY EXIST. Are the people whom they intend to place in these concentration camps destined to make up the reported ‘batch consignments’ of slave labor needed by the space colonies?


PHILIP KLASS IS AN AGENT OF THE CIA. THIS WAS STATED IN THE DOCUMENTS I SAW BETWEEN 1970 AND 1973. ONE OF HIS JOBS AS AN AVIATION EXPERT WAS TO DEBUNK EVERYTHING TO DO WITH UFOS. All military commanders were instructed to call him to gain information on how to debunk and/or explain UFO contacts and/or sightings to the public and/or the press if and when the need arose. Some people seem to love Klass. They encourage him and heap large doses of attention upon him. He is invited to speak at UFO events and is quoted in papers, books, and newspapers as being the expert on ‘what really happened.’

Philip Klass is not operating in our best interest. His debunking and explanations of UFO sightings are so full of holes that a six-year-old child should be able to discern his true purpose. I have seen poor misled people actually ask Klass for his autograph, an act similar in magnitude to Elliot Ness asking Al Capone for His autograph. I have found that in many instances the secret elect are absolutely right when they state that ‘people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.’

(Quote from: “Silent Weapons of Quite Wars”, which is according to Cooper the Illuminati’s declaration of War upon the people of America, as it was formulated by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. The document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale. Copies of this manual, designated ‘TM-SW7905.1’ by it’s writers, can be obtained from the William Cooper Foundation., P.O. Box 3299., Camp Verde, CA 86322 - Branton).


We get exactly what we deserve in most instances.

William Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton Friedman are witting (with full knowledge, understanding, and consent) agents of the Secret Government. William Moore’s reported use of a Defense Investigative Service ID card and his reported self-confession to Lee Graham that he is an agent of the government confirmed it. (Lee Graham phoned me at my home, and when asked, confirmed that MOORE HAD INDEED SHOWN HIM A DEFENSE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE ID.) Moore’s later confession proved it without any doubt.


“Some of the self-appointed ‘ufologists’ still look up to Moore, and still cite his research in their correspondence, papers, and books. This reflects a degree of ignorance and stupidity in the UFO community. Bruce Maccabee wrote a letter to CAVEAT EMPTOR citing articles from William Moore’s publication, FOCUS, as proof that I am discredited. Dream on. It is no mystery to me why mainstream America calls ufologists whackos, loonies, and nuts. In some cases they are.

Jaime Shandera is the man responsible for my loss of employment as the Executive Director of National Technical College. Shortly after going public, Shandera showed up at the college wearing a brown suit and carrying a briefcase. He ignored the receptionist’s attempts to help him. She informed me that a man had walked into the college and appeared to be inspecting the building and classrooms. I found Mr. Shandera peering into the word-processing classroom. I asked him if I could be of any help. He said no and ignored me. I explained that I was the Executive Director and again asked if I could be of any help. Again he said no but gave me some very hard stares and appeared to have been taken off guard. He seemed to be extremely nervous and immediately left the building. I followed him out the door, AND A MAN ACROSS THE STREET SNAPPED MY PICTURE WITH A 35MM CAMERA.


I watched as Jaime Shandera walked to his car, took one last look at me and then drove away. A few days later he repeated the act, only this time he told me that he had seen an ad that the college was for sale and he was looking over the property. I saw him again, coming out of the corporate offices. When he saw me he again became extremely nervous and hurried to his car, took off his jacket before getting in and then drove off. A few minutes late I WAS CALLED TO THE PRESIDENT’S OFFICE AND TOLD THAT THE COLLEGE COULD NOT USE ANYONE WHO COULD JEOPARDIZE THE STATUS OF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE BY GETTING INVOLVED IN FLYING SAUCERS. I knew what had happened and tendered my resignation effective April 15, 1989. I had no intention of stopping my activities and I did not wish to hurt the college or the students WHO DEPENDED SO MUCH ON GOVERNMENT AID PROGRAMS. All this time Shandera thought he had pulled it off anonymously, but I and several others have always known that it was he. Now YOU know.

Jaime Shandera was positively identified by me, the Security Department Head, and the receptionist. Later I obtained another positive identification from the Vice President in charge of Admissions. John Lear was at that time the only person who knew the name and address of my place of employment. I later found out by body-proportion comparison analysis and voice-print analysis that John Lear is the agent dubbed ‘Condor’ on the CIA-backed TV production of ‘UFO Cover-up Live.’ As Condor, he is in reality a government agent who has been working with Moore, Shandera, Friedman, John Grace, Bob Lazar, and others all along. They are CIA all the way.

(Note: John Lear did state that he had “friends” in the CIA, but whether he is fully following CIA policy or not is uncertain. In his initial “Public Statement” he attacked the CIA in one sense by accusing them of being involved with the joint government-alien underground base projects. This could, from our perspective, mean one or more of the following:

1) He initially “spilled the beans” on the underground bases only to have the CIA later place enormous pressure on him to “back out” of the UFO scene - which might be substantiated by his actual statement to the effect that he would separate himself from UFO research a couple years after his “revelations” began;


2) He was working with the CIA all along to “some extent” and was attempting to divert people’s attention from the Military-Industrial “antigravity” technologies with which his father was involved, and turn their attention and focus to the “alien” technology and activity; or


3) There is to some degree a division or conflict of interest within the CIA itself, with one segment seeking further interaction with the alien-grays for self-seeking motives; while the other segment is attempting to avoid thegrays”, having become aware of and fearful of the horrifying effect the alien-government interactions have had on those of their fellow “spooks” who have been “chosen” to interface with the grays - horrifying side effects which would include implantation of fellow CIA members and a “programming” of their minds towards agendas that have nothing to do with American, nor even CIA policy! Perhaps a combination of these are at work, and perhaps this would explain some of the “schizophrenic” and self-destructive activities of various segments of the CIA and other branches of the Intelligence Community. Perhaps some of Lear’s contacts are using their friendship with Lear to their advantage?

As for Robert or “BobLazar, if he is an “agent” then this would seem inconsistent with his revelations concerning S-4, unless he was also being used to present a “cover story” for the technology existing in the southern Nevada bases. Or rather, helping to develop a belief in an “alienrace which instead of the government-Industrial complex would be cited as the source of the technology, and which might be used as an excuse to establish a one-world dictatorship. The problem with this interpretation however is that there IS MORE THAN ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THAT THE SAURIAN GRAYS IN ACTUAL REALITY DO EXIST, as evidenced by the UFO sightings which date back CENTURIES before the present time. Due to this possibility of conflicting interests and beliefs within the Intelligence Community itself, one can understand why some would claim that things are “way out of control”. Another possibility is that Mr. Cooper is JUSTIFIABLY paranoid of several members of the UFO research community, and therefore trusts few if any of them - Branton).

Stanton Friedman has told me and others that years ago he ‘helped develop a nuclear reactor to power an aircraft that was the size of a basketball, was clean, turned out hydrogen, and worked like a dream’ (his words, not mine). SEVERAL OTHERS HAVE WRITTEN ME TO SAY THAT THEY ALSO WERE TOLD THE SAME THING BY FRIEDMAN

(Note: This could only mean one of two things. That Friedman was going around telling people this so that the
recovered alien craft such as those being held at S-4 could be explained away as craft of U.S. Government construction, or that the vehicles and power units were actually of U.S. Government construction and Friedman actually did help build such a unit with or without the help of “aliens”. Apparently some within the “agency” are convinced that the technology originated exclusively from the “government”, or exclusively from the “aliens,” while others accept that both are true - that is, the U.S. has developed sophisticated technologies WITH THE AID of interaction with an alien race.


One thing is certain however: even if the U.S. government is trying to pass-off some of their own technological developments, aerospace craft, or even bio- genetically developed “beings” as being products of an alien society; based on what we’ve covered in these files the weight of evidence nevertheless points to a strong possibility, as confirmed by Cooper himself, that a sauroid-reptilian alien society does exist. - Branton).

Robert Scherrer is one who remembers Stanton relating to him this same story. The only fuel which could go into such an engine and produce hydrogen as a byproduct is water, and that is precisely what at least one type of alien craft uses—nuclear energy and water, according to the documentation I read while in Naval Intelligence. Is he really unwitting? I seriously doubt it. He was a member of the Moore, Shandera, and Friedman research team, and it was they who implemented the MAJESTIC TWELVE contingency plan

(Note: These documents, which Cooper claims are fake, name only ‘twelve’ alleged members of the group, whereas Cooper claims that ‘twelve’ was actually the number necessary to vote-in different policies by majority and that the actual number within the group is far more - Branton).

“In documents that I read between 1970 and 1973, the names of individuals were listed who had been targeted for recruitment. These documents stated that these people were to be coerced, using patriotism as a motivating force whenever possible. If necessary, financial assistance would be provided through employment with a proprietary front company or through grants

(Note: This does not mean that all of these actually WERE recruited, at least let us hope that was the case. Nor does it mean that all who were “recruited” have been told the whole truth. Secret Societies, the CIA included, often use deception to manipulate the “lower” hierarchies into carrying out particular actions which the inner core wish to implement. There is usually only a very small group of “inner elite” who know the whole story. The “pawns” would most likely not offer their services if they knew where their actions were taking them and their country. For instance a CIA “asset” serving the “Company” for “patriotic” reasons may in essence be digging their own grave, in reality selling out the country they are trying to defend, selling out themselves, their descendants, and so on to an agenda they don’t know anything about - Branton).

Cooper continues,

“This is, coincidentally, the method by which Friedman got his $16,000 from another agent, Bruce Maccabee. We have also found that Moore has received money for research from at least two CIA front companies. This has been confirmed by the research of Grant Cameron. Others named on the list were cited as active intelligence agency assets. When I first presented this paper I gave only a partial list of those named on the Naval Intelligence documents. Following are as many names as I can remember. (There may be more, but these are all I can recall at this time.)...

(Note: Some of these are apparently CIA AGENTS, while others are CIA ASSETS. An agent would know what’s going on while an “asset” may not - but may be “strung along” and manipulated without fully realizing it - Branton).

  • “Stanton Friedman, CIA

  • John Lear, CIA (Lear’s father was named as having participated in antigravity research)

  • William Moore

  • John Keel (was he used to trump up the existing through not-all-inclusive PARAPHYSICAL aspect of UFO’s to the exclusion of the physical aspects? - Branton)

  • Charles Berlitz

  • Bruce Maccabee, ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence)

  • Linda Moulton Howe

  • Philip Klass, CIA

  • James Moseley, CIA (Moseley’s father was discussed in a very complimentary manner)

  • Virgil Armstrong, CIA (listed as Postlethwaite)

  • Wendelle Stevens, CIA

  • Dr. J. Allen Hynek, CIA

“That is the list as I remember it. There may have been others, but I cannot recall. I know of other agents who were not on the list. You must remember that when I first wrote this paper I thought that Bruce Maccabee might not have been recruited, but then later he proved me wrong when he gave Stanton Friedman $16,000 to investigate himself.

“There was a two-word code that these people were to use to identify each other. The first word was a color and the second was a bird. The code was ‘Gold Eagle.’ When Stanton Friedman first contacted me he used the code. I pretended ignorance but he asked me several times if I had ever seen or heard of Gold Eagle. John Lear also asked me if I had ever heard of Gold Eagle. He too was testing me. They knew that I had access to correct information and were attempting to determine if I were one of them. As George Bush would say, ‘Read my lips.’ I was never one of you. I will NEVER be one of you.

“When I talked to Stan Deyo in Australia by phone, he told me the code given to him was ‘Blue Falcon.’ Stan was a victim of mind-control experimentation while a cadet at the Air Force Academy. He and over 80 other cadet mind-control subjects resigned from the academy in protest. He has been on crusade to discover the truth ever since. Stan has written two excellent books, ‘THE COSMIC CONSPIRACY,’ and ‘THE VINDICATOR SCROLLS.’ I recommend you read them both.

“I THINK THAT LINDA MOULTON HOWE MAY BE INNOCENT OF WITTING INVOLVEMENT. Linda in particular seems to have exercised extreme care in what she has presented to the public. Her research is excellent. I was impressed when she confided to me that Sgt. Richard Doty of the Counterintelligence Division of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations had taken her into the Intelligence office at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico AND SHOWED HER THE EXACT SAME DOCUMENTS THAT I HAD SEEN WHILE IN THE NAVY. SHE EVEN SAW THE SAME INFORMATION ON THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION NAMING GREER AS THE ASSASSIN. Ms. Howe is the only person in the world outside the intelligence community who knows the truth as I know it regarding Operation MAJORITY. She has exercised good judgment and great restraint in NOT revealing the contents of those documents to the public. It is for this reason that I believe that an attempt has been made to use her. Fortunately, Linda did not fall off a turnip truck and she didn’t play the game. I recommend you read her book entitled ‘ALIEN HARVEST’. You should be able to order it from any good bookstore.

“I have discovered that Whitley Strieber is a CIA asset, as is Budd Hopkins. Strieber’s book ‘MAJESTIC’ has convicted him with those of us IN THE KNOW. It is the true story of the Roswell crash taken from the confiscated diaries of James Forrestal. That is, assuming that the documents that I saw in the Navy were not a hoax. I do not believe that they were. The names of people and names of projects and operations have been changed in Strieber’s book, but other than that the information and documentation is true. The autopsy reports are exactly the same that I saw in Project GRUDGE 18 years ago.

“I have recently come into possession of an affidavit that is signed, notarized, and sworn under penalty of perjury from an M.D. in New York stating that the M.D. was recruited by a CIA agent named Budd Hopkins (i.e. author of the book, and later the Television dramatization “INTRUDERS” - Branton) to help work with abductees for the CIA... I knew that Hopkins was not right when I met him in Modesto. He could not look me in the eyes, and anyone who cannot look me in the eyes is not right. He spent the whole time, including his speech, TRYING TO CONVINCE PEOPLE OF THE INNOCENCE OF THE ABDUCTEE EXPERIENCE AND THE ABSENCE OF THE ALIENS’ MALEVOLENCE, WHICH WAS A TOTAL CROCK. It was an insult to anyone who had investigated abductees

(Note: This may tie-in with the fact that many “bases” are JOINTLY occupied by saurian-grays and implanted-controlled CIA personnel. In other words, the “Intruders” have apparently infiltrated the CIA to some extent through implantation, etc. and are using the CIA to paint a “benevolent” picture of the “aliens”, even if they have to use MALEVOLENT means to do it - Branton).

“I know that all of the major UFO research organizations were targeted for infiltration and control by the Secret Government, just as NICAP was infiltrated and controlled. In fact, NICAP was eventually destroyed from within. I know that these efforts have been successful.

“MUFON is a great example. Hundreds of members all over the world conduct investigations and send in physical evidence to MUFON headquarters, where it quickly disappears. Everyone screams for physical evidence as proof. Recently samples were collected of a liquid that had dripped from a saucer onto a schoolyard in Gulf Breeze, Florida. The samples were sent to MUFON, WHERE THEY IMMEDIATELY VANISHED. Walt Andrus has stated that it was an accident. BALONEY! THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME ‘MUFON’ HAS ‘LOST’ EVIDENCE. I CONSIDER ‘MUFON’ THE GREAT BLACK HOLE OF THE UFO COMMUNITY. THE CONTROL OF INFORMATION IS SO TIGHT THAT NOTHING ESCAPES. Anyone who tells it like it really is, is debunked and barred from symposiums. The members are told what to believe and what not to believe. The members of the MUFON board of directors and the members of the advisory board of consultants are for the most part supported by the Government in the form of salaries, grants, or retirement checks. Who can believe that this does not constitute a conflict of interest? WHO CAN INVESTIGATE AND EXPOSE THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM?

(Note: “Feeds” them, that is, with OUR tax dollars. The “government” which we refer to here is not so much the “elected constitutional” government which is NECESSARY for the stability of this nation and who are sworn to defend the constitution; but the NON-ELECTED self-styled “secret” government elite who make up their own rules - Branton)

“How can you possibly believe the ‘Government’ could not control the people to whom it funnels money? MONEY IS THE BASIC METHOD OF CONTROL (As the Bible says: “The LOVE of money is the root of ALL EVIL!” - Branton)

“The major UFO publications are without any doubt controlled by the CIA. Vicki Cooper (no relation), the editor and publisher of ‘UFO’, has been telling friends and relatives for the last two years that the ‘CIA’ is pushing her magazine. Ron Regehr and Lee Graham remember the summer of 1988 when Vicki interviewed them at Mr. Graham’s residence in Huntington Beach. After the interview was over Vicki Cooper walked to her car, turned, and mysteriously yelled, ‘You know, my magazine might be financed by the CIA.’

“I have talked to friends and acquaintances of Ms. Cooper who swear that she has stated on many occasions that ‘the CIA controls UFO magazine.’ Vicki Cooper’s uncle, Grant Cooper, WAS SIRHAN SIRHAN’S DEFENSE ATTORNEY, WHO MADE NO ATTEMPT TO DEFEND HIS CLIENT. It was important to the Secret Government and the CIA that Sirhan be pinned as a ‘lone assassin.’ GRANT COOPER HAS EXTENSIVE TIES TO THE CIA AND THE JOHNNY ROSSELLI MOB.

“We have found that Vicki’s son attends the West Point Military Academy. What a wonderful way to control a magazine! ‘You don’t play ball, your son won’t graduate.’ I found out that the person who found Vicki Cooper an apartment when she arrived in Los Angeles was Barry Taff, A LONG-TIME EMPLOYEE OF THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES (YES, PLURAL) AND A LONG-TIME PROTEGE OF DR. JOHN LILLY AND DR. J. WEST, THE GOVERNMENT’S PREMIERE EXPERTS IN MIND CONTROL. THESE MEN HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THE MOST TERRIFYING EXPERIMENTATION EVER DIRECTED AT TOTAL CONTROL OF INDIVIDUALS. I believe that it is no innocent coincidence that Taff’s apartment is directly above Vicki’s. All of this was confirmed independently in a letter written by Mr. Martin Cannon, a Los Angeles-based researcher...

“The most damning evidence for the control of ‘UFO’ magazine and Vicki Cooper comes from Don Ecker. At the 1989 MUFON Conference Don Ecker became so uninhibited that he managed to relate the following story to me and two others.

“According to Don Ecker, Vicki Cooper used to work for the infamous Mayflower Madam. The Feds were trying to get the Madam and discovered Vicki. Ms. Cooper was busted and threatened with spending the rest of her life in prison if she did not cooperate. Vicki rolled over, according to Ecker, and ratted on her employer. Since Vicki had apparently had something to do with the bookkeeping operation, she became a key witness. The Mayflower Madame was put out of business and into jail, thanks to Ms. Cooper’s testimony. That is, if Don Ecker was telling the truth. We have no reason to believe that he was lying. I don’t know why Don told us. Maybe he doesn’t like Vicki. Or maybe he, like Lear and Friedman, thought I was one of THEM (It’ll be a cold day in hell).

“According to Ecker, Vicki Cooper was told to get out of town and stay out. She was given money and told to start ‘UFO’ magazine in Los Angeles. SHE WAS TOLD THAT SHE WAS TO PRINT INFORMATION THAT WOULD BE FED HER. SURE ENOUGH, YOU READ IN ‘UFO’ PURPORTED LEAKED GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, ALWAYS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE WHO CANNOT BE CONTACTED. It is always under an alias; no one can check the information. Vicki is adamant about printing only the news and information that she considers best for the readers, as if they have no mind of their own. She indulges in character assassination...

(Note: As we can see here, Vicki, like so many others who have been influenced through fear and intimidation into working for the CIA’s secret agendas, is not entirely to blame for her involvement in UFO mis-information. The blame must be put on the policy makers within the CIA itself, supposing that the policy makers are human, which might not ‘ultimately’ be the case - Branton).

“You must understand that the government is not ever going to allow any person or group of persons to uncover the most highly classified secret in the world—if they can help it. They will always have agents controlling UFO groups, publications and information. If aliens are not real and the whole thing turns out to be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated, JUST WHO DO YOU THINK DID THE PERPETRATING?

“If the underground history is correct, ALIENS HAVE MANIPULATED AND/OR RULED THE HUMAN RACE THROUGH VARIOUS SECRET SOCIETIES, RELIGIONS, MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT, AND THE OCCULT. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are in complete control of the alien technology and are also in complete control of the nations economy

(Note: another interpretation would be that the draconian powers who influence the Trilaterals, CFR’s, Illuminati, etc. CONTROL much of the economy and even the “technology” THROUGH these secret societies. It is obvious that when dealing with this alien-reptilian race, “they” do not give a person or a group of persons anything without getting something in return, namely their “souls” or a certain amount of control over their thoughts, actions, and so on - Branton).

Eisenhower was the last President to know the entire overview of the alien problem. Succeeding Presidents were told only what Majesty Twelve and the intelligence community wanted them to know. Believe me, it was not the truth.

Majesty Twelve has presented most new Presidents with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet, and shower us with gifts of technology. In some cases the President was told nothing. Each President in turn swallowed the story (or no story at all) hook, line and sinker. MEANWHILE INNOCENT PEOPLE CONTINUE TO SUFFER AT THE HANDS OF THE ALIEN AND HUMAN SCIENTISTS. I have been unable to determine exactly what it is they are doing. MANY PEOPLE ARE ABDUCTED AND ARE SENTENCED TO LIVE WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL DAMAGE FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. Could this be a CIA mind-control operation?


“I sent 536 copies of a ‘Petition to Indict’ to every member of the Senate and House of Representatives on April 26, 1989. As of this date, November 23, 1990, I have received a total of only six replies, only four more than I had received in May 1989.


(1) The Secret power structure may believe that by our own ignorance or by divine decree, planet Earth will self-destruct sometime in the near future. These men sincerely believe that they are doing the right thing in their attempt to save the human race. It is terribly ironic that they have been forced to take as their partner (a predatory) alien race... Many moral and legal compromises may have been made in this joint effort. These compromises were made in error and must be corrected. THOSE RESPONSIBLE SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO ACCOUNT FOR THEIR ACTIONS. I can understand the fear and urgency that must have been instrumental in the decision NOT to tell the public. Obviously I disagree with that decision.

“THROUGHOUT HISTORY SMALL BUT POWERFUL GROUPS OF MEN HAVE CONSISTENTLY FELT THAT THEY ALONE WERE CAPABLE OF DECIDING THE FATES OF MILLIONS. Throughout history they have been wrong. This great Nation owes its very existence to the principles of Freedom and Democracy. I believe with all my heart that the United States of America cannot and will not succeed in any effort that ignores those principles. FULL DISCLOSURE TO THE PUBLIC SHOULD BE MADE AND WE SHOULD PROCEED TO SAVE THE HUMAN RACE TOGETHER.

(2) WE ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY A JOINT HUMAN/ALIEN POWER STRUCTURE WHICH WILL RESULT IN A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT AND THE PARTIAL ENSLAVEMENT OF THE HUMAN RACE. This has been deemed necessary to solve the elemental question: ‘Who will speak for planet Earth?’ It has been decided that man is not mature enough in his ‘evolutionary development’ to be trusted to interact properly with an alien race (i.e. incapable of kissing up to a grotesque race of reptilian beings without resisting them while at the same time ignoring the “human” alien races who warn against such inter-species interaction? - Branton). We already have enough trouble between the different human races, so what would happen if a TOTALLY ALIEN extraterrestrial race was introduced? Would they by lynched, spit upon, or shot? Would discrimination result in nasty encounters that would doom humanity as a result of the alien’s obviously superior technology? Have our leaders decided to lock us in a playpen?


(4) If none of the above are true, something else may be happening which is beyond our ability to understand at this moment. We must force disclosure of all the facts, discover the truth, and act upon it. THE SITUATION IN WHICH WE FIND OURSELVES IS DUE TO OUR OWN ACTIONS OR INACTIONS OVER THE LAST 44 YEARS. Because it is our own fault, we are the only ones who can change future events. EDUCATION SEEMS TO ME TO BE A MAJOR PART OF THE SOLUTION. THE REMAINING PART IS THE ABOLITION OF SECRECY.

(5) There is always the possibility that I was used, that the whole alien scenario is the greatest hoax in history designed to create an alien enemy from outer space in order to expedite the formation of a one-world government... I advise you to consider this scenario as being probable

(Note: It appears to us, as we’ve said earlier, that the aliens DO exist based on the evidence which appears in the previous “Files”, yet it also may be possible at the same time that the secret government to some extent may be genetically “cloning” it’s own race of para-human beings, separate from the reptilian-sauroid entities that have existed for millennia - Branton).

“Through ignorance or misplaced trust we as a people have abdicated our role as the watchdog of our government. Our government was founded ‘of the people, for the people, by the people.’ There was no mention or intent ever to abdicate our role and place our total trust in a handful of men who meet secretly to decide our fate. IN FACT, THE STRUCTURE OF OUR GOVERNMENT WAS DESIGNED TO PREVENT THAT FROM EVER HAPPENING. IF WE HAD DONE OUR JOBS AS CITIZENS WE WOULD NEVER HAVE REACHED THIS POINT. Most of us are completely ignorant as to even the most basic functions of our government. We have truly become a nation of sheep—and sheep are eventually led to slaughter. It is time to stand up in the manner of our forefathers and walk like men. I remind you that the Jews of Europe marched obediently to the ovens after having been warned, believing all the while that the facts could not possibly be true. When the outside world was told of the holocaust occurring in Hitler’s Europe, it was not believed at first.

“You must understand that, real or not, the purported presence of aliens HAVE BEEN USED TO NEUTRALIZE CERTAIN WIDELY DIFFERENT SEGMENTS OF THE POPULATION: ‘Don’t worry, the benevolent space brothers will save you.’ It can also be used to fill the need for an extraterrestrial threat to justify the formation of a New World Order... The most important information that you need to determine your future actions is that this New World Order calls for the destruction of the sovereignty of nations, including the United States. The New World Order will be a totalitarian socialist system. We will be slaves shackled to a cashless system of economic control

(Note: This premise is based on the assumption that the “gray” aliens can be defeated through a political-military “one world” organization ultimately controlled by an “illuminated” few who are in fact SERVANTS of the “aliens” - rather than a SPIRITUAL MOVEMENT which WOULD be an extreme threat to the draconian infiltrators/invaders. Wouldn’t a united humanity pose a threat to the aliens? It is apparent that the “aliens” have provided for such a contingency. In the physical realm, according to some sources, the “New World Order” and the secret government’s association with the “grays” would be “justified” by attempting to play-down the reptilian-malevolence aspect of the grays and basically tell the world that “they” are benevolent, as the CIA is doing and has done. Then they would point out the larger “Reptoid” or Lizard-like alien beings as the TRUE malevolent aliens, and try to convince us that thegrays” are in fact the enemies of the Reptoids. In the meantime the serpent-grays will have established further cooperations-control within the secret government establishment.


The problem is that there is more than one source that alleges that the Grays are secretly working for theReptoids”. The “Spiritual” threat might be neutralized by the alien’s attempts to turn people from Christian-based spiritual warfare to “Psychic” New-Age type of warfare through channeling, astral-projecting, spells and incantations, chants, occult meditation, visualization and so on. The reptilians of course will eat up these “attacks” like honey since they will have no effect on them, being that they are the MASTERS of the occult “arts”. You cannot fight the devil by using the devil’s methods. And as we’ve seen, the serpent races have been manipulating the occult-spiritualist-wiccan societies for centuries. Such mis-led attempts to “fight” the aliens, whether via physical or spiritual means, would be a case of trimming the tree without getting to the root, if at that.

Therefore a one-world system will NOT guarantee an end of alien aggression or subversion. This would merely be a far more complex form of thesis-antithesis manipulation such as the manipulation of right-wing and left-wing politics in the past by the SINGLE Illuminati cult, in order to keep mankind in a state of confusion and therefore making them more vulnerable to control. A more frightening possibility would be that the serpent cultists would be inspired to establish a one-world government and arsenal to fight non-reptilian HUMAN races living on nearby planets or in nearby stellar systems. In other words, instead of turning the human races ON EARTH against itself, the Reptilians may be attempting to turn human races in THIS SYSTEM or OTHER systems against each other as part of their “divide and conquer” strategy - Branton)

“If the documentation that I viewed while I was in Naval Intelligence is true, THEN WHAT YOU HAVE JUST READ IS PROBABLY CLOSER TO THE TRUTH THAN ANYTHING EVER WRITTEN (i.e. aside from the “Word” of God - Branton)... I can assure you beyond any shadow of a doubt that even if aliens are not real, the technology IS REAL. Antigravity craft exist and human pilots fly them. I and millions of others have seen them. They are metal; they are machines; they come in different shapes and sizes; and they are obviously intelligently guided...”

-- Ronald Reagan to Mikhail Gorbachev
(watch multimedia HERE)

Sources for the above manuscript, as given by William Cooper, include the following:

  • ANDREWS, GEORGE C., “Extra-Terrestrials Among Us,” Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota.

  • BAMFORD, JAMES, “The Puzzle Palace,” Houghton Mifflin, Boston.

  • BORKLUND, C. W., “The Department of Defense,” Frederick A Praeger, New York.

  • COLLIER, PETER and DAVID HOROWITZ, “Rockefellers: An American Dynasty,” Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York.

  • COOPER, VICKI and SHERIE STARK, eds., UFO (magazine—several issues since Spring 1988), Los Angeles, California.

  • COOPER, WILLIAM, “Operation Majority, Final Release,” Fullerton, California.

  • CORSON, WILLIAM R., “The Armies of Ignorance,” The Dial Press, Philadelphia.

  • DEYO, STAN, “The Cosmic Conspiracy” and “The Vidicator Scrolls,” West Australian Texas Trading, Perth Australia.

  • ENGLISH, BILL, “Report on Grudge/Blue Book #13,” John A. Lear, Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • FRIEND, LT. COL. and DR. J. ALLEN HYNEK, “GRUDGE/Blue Book Report #13” (Top Secret). Last seen at the headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT), Hawaii.

  • GRAUBARD, STEPHEN, “Kissinger, Portrait of a Mind.” W.W. Norton & Co., New York.

  • GULLEY, BILL with MARY ELLEN REESE, “Breaking Cover,” Simon & Schuster, New York.

  • HAWKING, STEPHEN W., “A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes,” Bantam Books, New York.

  • ISSACSON, WALTER and EVAN THOMAS, “The Wise Men,” Simon & Schuster, New York.

  • KISSINGER, HENRY, “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy,” Harper & Brothers, New York.

  • KWITNY, JONATHAN, “The Crimes of Patriots,” W.W. Norton & Co., New York.

  • LEAR, JOHN A., “The John Lear Hypothesis,” Las Vegas, Nevada. Partly true; the rest is disinformation.

  • LEAR, JOHN A. and JOHN GRACE, “The Krill Papers Hoax.”

  • LEDEEN, MICHAEL A., “Perilous Statecraft,” Charles Scribner & Sons, New York.

  • “MAJIC/Operation Majority” (Top Secret). Presidential briefing document by Majesty Twelve. Last seen at the headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT), Hawaii.

  • MICKUS, TOM, “The Larry Fenwith Interview,” Canada.

  • MOSCOW, ALVIN, “The Rockefeller Inheritance,” Doubleday & Co., New York.

  • “Operation MAJESTIC TWELVE,” Eisenhower Briefing Document. Author unknown, released by the research team of Moore, Shandera, and Friedman.

  • PEA RESEARCH, “Government Involvement in the UFO Cover-Up Chronology,” Pea Research, California.

  • RANELAGH, JOHN, “The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA,” Simon & Schuster, New York.

  • SCHULZINGER, ROBERT D., “The Wise Men of Foreign Affairs,” Columbia University Press, New York.

  • SHOUP, LAURENCE H. and WILLIAM MINTER, “Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations & United

  • States Foreign Policy,” Monthly Review Press, New York.

  • STECKLING, FRED, “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon,” G.A.F. International, California.

  • STEIGER, BRAD, “The UFO Abductors,” Berkley Books, New York.

  • STEINMAN, WILLIAM, “The Crash at Aztec,” William Steinman, La Mirada, California.

  • STRIEBER, WHITLEY, “Communion” and “Majestic,” Avon, New York.

  • VALERIAN, VALDAMAR, “The Matrix,” Arcturus Book Service, Stone Mountain, Georgia.




The following is from a letter or a document which was released by William Cooper without comment as to it’s origin or author, although the writer of the letter or document seems to have been someone “in the know”, and possibly someone involved in scientific research for the government:

“...In one method, the individual is made to done a helmet covered with wires, and a crystalline cubic affair is put into a niche in the top of the helmet and a strobe light is made to play on the individual’s optic nerve in order to entrain the patterns onto their brain waves.

“The recipient’s initial reaction is that his consciousness is aware of scrambled images, which - after the initial shock wears off - are aligned sequentially and impressed upon his consciousness.
“In short, the person is given a programmed response system. In this way the individuals are trained in a brief time to do complex tasks without having to undergo lengthy training.

“Sometimes the subject is hypnotized or made to sleep and A HIGH FREQUENCY MICROWAVE EMISSION IS USED AS A CARRIER WAVE on which to transmit encoded data into the nerve complex (Assume 40 to 50 GHZ. Other specs unknown). This information may be triggered into conscious awareness at a later time by a preset stimulus-response signal in the environment, such as a sub-audio or visual signal. It might be noted here that not only do DIFFERENT ALIEN GROUPS use this technique, but modifications of this technique are used by (the rest of this sentence is CENSORED in the document - Branton)...  Many of the (CENSORED - Branton) in the United States were carried out in this manner. There are innumerable references to support that statement.

“The carrier waves are usually emanations that will parallel the biological field frequency of the entity itself, or resonate upon it.

“They are often sound-code symbols or visuals in facsimile form.

“THE GREY SPECIES 2 (RETICULANS) have an interesting variation in technique whereby the recipient sits fully aware facing a screen and computer console and interacts with images on a holographic display.

“It is thought that the events during the Bentwaters incident in 1980 THAT TOOK PLACE UNDERGROUND to one of the military members was one of these processes. The subject was put before a similar screen, and even though there were others in chairs in the room, the screen was addressing him as an individual.

“There is another process which occurs which involves the recipient lying on a table (or being suspended in the air) facing upwards where they can view a light bar or multi-colored flashing lights. It is here where... psychological implants may be restimulated.

“SOME OF THESE IMPLANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR HUMANS NOT REALIZING THEIR TRUE NATURE AND ALSO FOR THE SYSTEM OF SELF-IMPOSED LIMITATION that is rampant on earth. During this process, the recipient is re-programmed to perform other activities which can be triggered at a later moment. There is some evidence that MANY ABDUCTEES OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED WITH INSTRUCTIONS, but we cannot determine the exact nature of the instructions - only that they are to be carried out in the next two to five years...”

In relation to some of the information which appears above, William Cooper released the following letter from a Martin Cannon of Canoga Park, California. The individuals name to whom the letter was addressed is not given:

“Dear (Name Deleted);

“Thanks for your recent letter.

“I think that we could indeed be helpful to each other. My project is now taking me into some very odd areas indeed, and I need all the guidance possible. But more on that later.


“UFO, vol. 2, #4 includes an article by Barry Taff, written in conjunction with one Kerry Gaynor, entitled ‘Paranormal Phenomena and UFOs.’ The article itself was not nearly so interesting as Taff’s resume” ‘...he has worked with UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute and has acted as a consultant to a number of government agencies, including the National Energy Commission and the CIA.’ (Gaynor is described as a ‘Hypnotherapist and UCLA graduate’ who has worked with Taff from 1974 to 1980.)

“Ohh, gee, (NAME DELETED)... you actually TRUST this guy?

“Perhaps the most ominous connection in that resume is not to the CIA, but to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Dr. Louis Joylon West’s spook-house. You must know that West’s covert background—his work in brainwashing for the CIA, his horrifying institute For the Study of Violent Behavior, his connection to the V.A. hospital...and that’s just the beginning. Info.. on ‘Jolly’ is tough to come by, but I’ve got some stuff you won’t believe—especially some very bizarre tidbits ostensibly connecting him to John Lilly. West is a spook and a fascist, and he has been involved in ALL the techniques of mind control.

“I interviewed someone who met West socially; he described the good doctor—AND his wife! -- as frightening, peculiar, and very, very strange...almost the stereotypical ‘mad scientist.’ The same descriptions keep on popping up whenever I get ‘personal’ on the spy-chiatrists. You think these guys practice their mind altering techniques on each other?

“Rand, AEC, NIMM—you KNOW their histories. Taff is linked to warmongers, covert operations, and brainwashers. The man is BAD NEWS, and any exculpatory fables he tells you should be disregarded. If you want my advice, stay away from this guy, even if he claims to offer an inside track on the scoop of the century, and even if his info.. tends to verify your preconceptions. Please don’t take this as an insult, but frankly, the fact that you deal with Taff (and Lear) makes me uneasy dealing with you.

“On the other hand... As you know, my main business right now is catching the brainwashers. Taff and Gaynor seem to be possible targets—their backgrounds make them suspicious to me. Maybe you can help my project by ‘picking their brains’ on the subject of mind control. Ask Taff about the use of microwaves to create auditory phenomena,

(Note: Richard Toronto, in an early issue of his ‘SHAVERTRON’ Magazine reprinted the account of a man who alleged that he was continually subjected to MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by ‘aliens’ claiming to be from the star SIRIUS, and who were allegedly tied-in with certain persons working within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and other organizations. see: SHAVERTRON., 325 Coghlan St., Vallejo, CA 94590 - Branton),

he mentions this effect (the ‘Frey effect’) in his article, and connects it to UFOs. I’d like more information on this topic, but medical references are hard to come by. For God’s sake, though—don’t tell Taff what I’m up to!

“Additionally, I’d like to get hold of a photograph of Gaynor. One excellent method of playing ‘spot the spook’ might be the trick demonstrated in the film THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE— flashing a series of photographs past the eyes of an alleged brainwashing victim, in the hope that images of certain ‘doctors’ will strike a cord. It’s an idea—if you have any others, please let me know.

“About Vicki—well, thereby hangs a tale, one which has caused me no small amount of personal hurt and sorrow and bewilderment. I’ve inflicted my anger on everyone I know—and you’ll be no exception, alas; I apologize beforehand for the torrent of spew to come...

“Her uncle is Grant Cooper, the attorney for Sirhan Sirhan - and for the Johnny Roselli mob, which was intricately connected to the CIA. I am sending you photocopies of the relevant pages from Donald Scheim’s book, ‘CONTRACT ON AMERICA.’ Theodore Charach’s film, ‘THE SECOND GUN’ (released on MCI home video as ‘THE PLOT TO KILL ROBERT F. KENNEDY’) contains interviews in which Sirhan’s mother curses out her son’s attorneys. As you know, they willfully disregarded testimony which could have helped Sirhan’s case. Morrow’s ‘THE SENATOR MUST DIE’ also has useful information. Grant Cooper is as corrupt as they come, in my opinion: While defending Roselli’s men, he literally got hold of the prosecution’s list of potential witnesses. (Gee—now why would the mob want a thing like THAT?). Actually, it’s a bit of a hassle to get the xeroxes made right now—But this summary should do.

“As you can guess, the fact that Vicki has an uncle like this—and a friend like Barry Taff—made me nervous. My (UNREADABLE-FADED) was not quelled by Vicki’s frequent (UNREADABLE) about the CIA somehow ‘pushing’ her magazine.

“Still, I felt I could trust her because she seemed so gung-ho when it came to exposing intelligence agency abuses. She was attending ARDIS lectures, familiarizing herself with the Christie case, reading Prouty, talking to Landis and Stockwell and John Judge—all very impressive.

“But then she changed. Whereas we exchanged information almost daily, suddenly she grew more distant—and when we did talk, an odd anti-Soviet hysteria entered her dialogue. For example, she suggested (employing a truly unique quasi-logic) that the key to my UFO hypothesis might have to do with the ‘massive’ Soviet infiltration of the media; apparently, the abductions are some sort of dirty red propaganda ploy.

“Her tone baffled me—until I met her new boyfriend, one Don Ecker, ex-Green Beret and foreign-policy ‘fascist’ (Vicki’s description—although later she rather annoyingly pinned the words on me). Ecker and I had a genuinely nauseating conversation. He drunkenly interrupted an important discussion I was having with Richard Neal to inform us all of a project SPETSNATZ (the name rings a bell, but I can’t place it exactly) which, in his fantasies, involves a Soviet invasion via the north. He insisted that the odious Reds had already skulked across Alaska and were working their way through Canada! (I’m considering placing a call to Gnome information and ask if they’ve seen any rampaging Bolsheviks lately.) He also laughed at my assertion that Secord and North were involved with the Iran-hostage rescue mission. ‘Look’s like you haven’t done your research, buddy!’—he said, before launching into the Soldier-of-Fortune version of the event. (Gee, I guess COVERT ACTION, THE NATION, THE MIAMI HERALD, and MOTHER JONES all got the story wrong.) He went on to praise covert war... He also produced a card—picturesquely stained with human blood—bearing cutely rewritten Miranda rights: ‘You have the right to have your head bashed in,’ etc.

“I tell you all this not just because the encounter still smarts, but to give you some notion of the extreme rightist drivel he’s no doubt been feeding Vicki. When he upheld the policy of electrically torturing VC prisoners during the war, I flew into a volcanic rage, and spurted out that anyone who did that DESERVED to be called a baby-burner when he returned to the states. Later, when he relayed my statement to Vicki, he twisted my words to make it seem that I called him a baby-burner personally.

“You have to understand my position—I once had dinner with a political refugee from Chile, who told me (and this was the sort of monologue that can induce a frightful insomnia in its listeners) of how he had undergone just this sort of electric shock torture—and how the Special Forces played a large part in placing Pinochet in power. So to see this smirking spook Ecker LAUGHING at the idea of ‘gooks’ being ‘wired up’...well, I gained a new insight into the depths of the human mind that night.

“But the worst part was the fact that I could no longer have anything to do with Vicki. I know this decision seems low and foolish—cutting off a friendship because I’m appalled at her choice of romantic leads. Honest, I wanted her to be happy—I could sense, previously, that she was a lonely woman, and when she first told me about this fellow, I encouraged her to see him, despite her initial qualms. (Indeed, I might be said to have helped bring them together—this was before I learned what she was, mind you...) But above all, I wanted Vicki to stay Vicki.

“Now I feel betrayed. Vicki and I had, after all, worked quite closely together—and we were going after the spooks. For that sort of project, you need partners of like mind when it comes to matters political. Then she hops into bed with (for all intents and purposes) the CIA itself! (You know about Special Forces connections with the Company, the Nazis, Laotian drug smuggling, Jonestown, etc.) Suddenly, Vicki changed from... ARDIS attendee to an interested guest at the official ex-spook organization. Suddenly, she calls me a fanatic. (She also calls her boyfriend a fascist—apparently, fascism isn’t fanaticism.)

“Because she presented such an unprecedented case of elasticity, I wondered if SHE was a spook. To tell the truth, for a week or three, I was certain of it. My disposition wasn’t helped when I learned she was talking behind my back to an abductee -- (CENSORED) -- with whom I’ve worked closely; Vicki told (CENSORED) that I was a KGB agent and should be avoided!

Obviously, by this stage, the accusations and counter accusations reach a level of absurdity. At least MY accusations, however fueled by suspicion and hurt feelings, come weighted with some evidence, and are directed toward the accused. Vicki, by comparison, has constantly spread catty ‘agent’ rumors, unconfirmed by any data, behind the backs of every major figure on the UFO scene. You included. (As one can see, one of the major ways in which the alien-CIA controllers silence the opposition is to bring division and discord among the researchers who are investigating THEM - Branton)

“So tell me, now that you know all the sordid details -- what am I to think? Was she spying on me all along? Or should I chalk this whole incident up to a painful lesson in the vagaries of human relations? The whole matter is infinitely confusing, but I know one thing—I lost a friend, and it stung...”

In relation to some of the revelations given in the above letter, the TV program ‘NOW IT CAN BE TOLD’ did a segment on the Robert F. Kennedy assassination in early 1992 in which it was stated that audio analysis of the tape recordings made the night of the assassination reveal that there were more bullets fired than the official investigation admitted to.
‘NOW’ interviewed forensic acoustics expert Dr. Michael Hecker, who stated:

“Amongst the... noises that are on the tape, there are ten and possibly more locations, on the tape, which show very specific characteristics that I attribute to gunfire... I would say that ten and possibly even twelve sounds on the tape are most likely to be gunshots.”

Mr. Hecker, by the way, was one of the major audio analysts who studied the famous “Watergate” tapes.

Former FBI agent William Turner told ‘NOW IT CAN BE TOLD’:

“A Sergeant Paul Shuraga (sp.?)... was the first officer to respond on the call, and he set up a command post and he was immediately informed by a couple named the Bernstein’s that a man and a woman had rushed past them going away from the building... the couple happened to say ‘We shot Kennedy!’”

‘NOW’ stated that Sandra Serrano, a Kennedy campaign worker, also said she saw the fleeing couple:

“...Then this girl came running down the stairs and said ‘We’ve shot him! We’ve shot him.’ And I said who did you shoot? And she said ‘We’ve shot Senator Kennedy.’ A boy came down with her, he was about 23 years old and he was Mexican American. She was caucasian. She had a white dress with polka dots, she was light-skinned, dark hair.”

Another witness, Booker Griffin, also alleged that he saw two others there with Sirhan. As in the case of Serrano, Griffin was pressured by the L.A.P.D. to deny that he’d seen any accomplices. The major police official or detective involved in this intimidation was Enrique Hernandez who was (according to certain sources who spoke to ‘NOW IT CAN BE TOLD’), along with at least one other Los Angeles Police Officer,

“also tied to the CIA. By his own admission Hernandez trained Venezuelan police in the early ‘60’s... Despite Hernandez’s denials, William Turner believes that the CIA was definitely involved in the case and may have compromised the investigation.”

This former FBI agent stated for ‘NOW’,

“The significance is that there’s a distinct possibility that the CIA and not the LAPD was controlling the cover-up, and the CIA had a definite interest in covering-up the John Kennedy case, and I think they probably had a definite interest in covering-up the Robert Kennedy case.”

‘NOW’ also stated, “Whoever was in charge, the Los Angeles Police acknowledged destroying critical evidence, such as the door jam that contained bullet holes suggesting that more than eight shots were fired that night, and here’s what happened to photographer Scott Enyart and his potentially vital evidence:

“’About six officers with their guns drawn grabbed me, laid me down on the red carpet, took my camera and film, put me in the back of a squad car...’

Enyart never saw those photo’s again, ‘When I asked for my film back they referred me to the California state archives and the archives sent me a letter saying that my photographs had probably been destroyed along with 2400 other photos three weeks before the trial of Sirhan Sirhan... My photographs would have shown everything that took place from behind during the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. You would have seen whether or not the security guard pulled his gun, whether or not his gun went off, you would have seen if there were any other accomplices, you would have seen people leaving the scene of the shooting. It was the only photographic record of the assassination!’”

On the June 5, 1992 presentation of ‘A CURRENT AFFAIR,’ expert psychologist Herbert Speigal stated that Sirhan Sirhan may have been under mind control, and that he was definitely in the top 5 percent of the “most susceptible” people to be hypnotized, and was extremely sensitive to posthypnotic suggestion. It has been suggested that, just as in the movie ‘THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE’, Sirhan may have been a victim of such mind manipulation.

It was also stated that the known CIA mind control experiments at the time may have played a role in the assassination of RFK. Psychotherapist Edward Simpson, according to ‘A CURRENT AFFAIR’, attempted to use hypnotherapy on Sirhan after the assassination while he was in San Quentin prison, in an attempt to retrieve any evidence from his memory that might be vital to the case, but officials immediately and without explanation terminated these sessions.

Sirhan was also alleged to be a member of several ‘Mystic Orders.’ ‘A CURRENT AFFAIR’ also stated that Karl Ucker, the head waiter at the Ambassador Hotel who grabbed Sirhan and wrestled him down also believes that there was more than one assassin. He claimed that at least one bullet was fired from across the room behind him and flew over his head WHILE he had Sirhan in his grip. Also, Ucker claims that Sirhan approached no closer than a few FEET from Senator Kennedy, whereas the “fatal” head wound according to forensic experts was fired from only a few INCHES away and in the back-side of the head. Ucker also stated that Sirhan and Kennedy were FACING each other and the rear-side head wound could not have been made by Sirhan. He also alleged that the security guard RAN AWAY from the incident.

William Bailey (FBI) claimed to have seen the two unaccounted for “ninth and tenth” bullets in the pantry door-frame and saw the rear parts of the bullets themselves inside the holes.

According to “A CURRENT AFFAIR”, witness Richard Lubic saw a man wearing an “Ace Police Service” uniform aim at the floor where RFK had just fallen. His gun WAS NOT AIMED AT SIRHAN. Another witness, Don Shulman, also claimed to have seen the ‘security guard’ Thane E. Cesar fire his gun. In spite of this fact Cesar WAS NOT ASKED TO TESTIFY nor was his gun checked by officials after the incident.

Police officials, according to Lubic, told him exactly what questions he would be asked, and told him exactly what to say, and warned him not to change his story from the “planned” or decided-upon scenario.

Dr. Philip H. Melanson, Director of the R.F.K. assassination archives, told Geraldo Rivera:

“There’s no doubt that Mr. Cesar is a candidate for the second gunman in the sense that one witness saw a security guard that had to be Mr. Cesar FIRING a gun... I would also point out that we have other candidates for a second gunman in this case. Two very credible witnesses had seen a taller man in a suit with lightish hair (probably not the Mexican-American described by Sandra Serrano) FIRING A GUN in proximity to Senator Kennedy and another witness saw that man draw a gun. So that’s two guns (besides Sirhan’s - Branton) and there may have been more.”

In response to this Geraldo Rivera asked,

“’With those two additional suspects... with the CIA-MOB possible covert coalition, do you think that the investigation up until now has been totally surface and slipshod?’

“’Absolutely, the Los Angeles Police Dept. was so happy to have a gun and somebody they could convict, they shut down the investigation within hours...’

One can see that, just as in the JFK assassination, several people collectively describe at least three different groups in what might have been an organized assassination. That is, Sirhan Sirhan and the woman and Mexican-American that were seen with him; the Security Guard Thane Cesar; and the tall MAN IN THE SUIT. All three of these ‘groups’ were said to have fired on the Senator from various distances, depending on the many witnesses who reported what they saw, yet who were ignored.

Another letter which Bill Cooper presents in support of his statements is one from a man by the name of ‘Millard’ (last name and address deleted), which is quoted here as well:

“Dear Bill;

“Even though by now it is old news to you, a few night ago I viewed the ‘Best Evidence 2’ George Knapp tape and was disgusted by the obvious hatched job Knapp, Lear, Moore et al did on you.

“It seemed very clear to me that Knapp and his family were probably threatened, although it is very likely that the whole series was government sponsored in the first place. I was reminded of the point made by Whitley Strieber in ‘MAJESTIC,’ that Admiral Hillenkoetter probably told Truman that the best way to enforce the utmost secrecy was to tell each man that the aliens themselves had insisted on it, OR ELSE.... Maybe that ploy worked on Knapp. And certainly the slant of the closing comments indicated that the government still was helpless in the face of a very superior adversary. And that may be true.

“Although it is small consolation to you, and I realize that you must be in great pain and anguish, it reminded me of that old quotation from Alexander Pope: ‘Whenever a true genius appears you can always know him by this sign: that all the Dunces are in confederacy against him!’

“Bill, I just want you to know that at least to me, and to many more who may not be expressing it to you, what you have had the immense courage to say on the Sedona tape and the other places you have spoken, certainly has the ring of truth about it. In my opinion you deserve the Highest Commendation this country can bestow on a man! Instead, they tried to crucify you.

“It is also clear that most of the points you made on the Sedona tape have been countered by, for example, the article in PEOPLE magazine on General Khun Sah (sp.?); the son of the police officer in Dallas who suddenly claims his Father assassinated Kennedy; and George Bush emerging from the Economic Summit meeting and declaring his sudden conversion to upholding the Constitution. You definitely seem to be doing something right!

“Perhaps one of the most disturbing aspects of all of this is the lying, spying, disinformation, dirty tricks, ridicule, discrediting and outright deception perpetrated by agents PAID BY OUR OWN TAX MONIES!

“In my case, a woman entered my life who seemed to be so interested in the same kinds of things, so intelligent, supportive, and delightful that she seemed almost too good to be true. She was. Six months after, she walked out on me with no prior warning the day after my Mother died(!). I found out from a former (?) National Security Agent that she had said things to him which made him certain that she was a Government Agent sent to find out how much I knew, set me up, and emotionally destroy me. And I’m not altogether sure that this ‘friend’ didn’t have something to do with it.

“The message was quite clear. They wanted me to know that they could ‘get me’ at the deepest, most personal and painful level! May Almighty God repay them in kind so they can find out exactly how it feels!

“...On the Las Vegas tape, you alluded to the Canadian scientist who quoted his correspondence with one of President Eisenhower’s Science Advisors, Dr. Robert Sarbacher. Bob Sarbacher and I became friends a few years before his death, and he told me of the dead alien bodies he saw, and the fact that the policy making group headed by Vannevar Bush (any relation to George?) had decided rightly or wrongly to cover up everything to avoid a panic. But even more than panic, they were afraid that post-war American Industry would lose heart when confronted with such overwhelming technological superiority, and that no one would go to work again! And THAT they could not allow.

“If you ever get to the Palm Beach area, I would very much enjoy meeting you and talking with you. Very privately.

“In the mean time, I would like to order a copy of your new book, ‘BEHOLD A PALE HORSE.’ Enclosed is my check for $22, which I believe is the correct amount, and add me to your mailing list.

“By the way, did you happen to see the Oct. 30, 1990 issue of ‘THE WEEKLY WORLD NEWS’ with the cover story ‘Alien Captured by U.S. Agents’ with lots of photos. What is your opinion? This paper is a sister publication to ‘THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER,’ previously owned by the late Generoso Pope, who was said to have been a former CIA agent. - If there is such a thing as a ‘former’ CIA Agent. Apparently Pope hired the most erudite, competent reporters he could find, really a blue ribbon staff, and 99% of all the information they uncovered and stories they wrote disappeared into the big computer, inaccessible to everyone including the authors, except Mr. Pope. Pretty slick information-gathering.

“I wish you every success in getting your crucial information to the public and may God Bless You, Protect You, and Keep you.

“May the Truth Come to Light—Millard.”

In connection with the obvious pressure which alien-controlled segments of the C.I.A. is bringing on a number of researchers and their families, and their apparently ceaseless attempts to destroy the lives of people who might be getting near the truth, we read the following excerpts of a letter from William S. (Bill) English of Alamogardo, New Mexico to William M. Cooper, dated June 7, 1989:

“Dear Bill...
“...I was extremely impressed with your most recent speech, and go on record that my research pretty much confirms what yours had. It is interesting that we have managed to keep our collective buts in one piece over the past several years, however that is something that could well be remedied very shortly if we don’t take certain precautions. In point of fact a great deal of pressure is being brought to bear on a number of people. Most notably yourself and Bill Steinman. I had spoken with Steinman in person when he came to Alamogardo to see me and we discussed the possibility of writing a book together. It was about three weeks after that I received a call from him.

“When he called he sounded very frightened and said that he was leaving UFO investigation permanently and suggested that I do the same. He would not give me any clear reason, but made it clear that he was in fear of his life and that of his family.  His loss to the field will be felt deeply, but were I he I suppose that I would do the same thing. Unfortunately I cannot place myself in his position, as much as I would like to at times...”

Another man whom William Cooper alleges is a CIA operative is Bud Hopkins, well known for his “compassionate and understanding” work with tormented UFO abductees. The following involves a conflict between Hopkins and Dr. Stephen J. Kurzweil, who had the “audacity” to accuse Hopkin’s of wrong doing, and who may have become the brunt of CIA-backed character assassination as a result of this.


“I originally became interested in the UFO subject by meeting Harry Levelson, a writer for OMNI Magazine who told me about cattle mutilations and urged I attend an APRO meeting. I was not very impressed with the meeting, but rather with an attractive woman named Joan Thompson who appeared to be one of the few non-strange looking people at the meeting. Ms. Thompson and (UNREADABLE) friends and later together we attended a MUFON meeting held in Boston. (This was about 1981.)


Ms. Thompson explained that she was an employee of the CIA and urged that I work with Mr. Budd Hopkins to help with his research. (1982) Mr. Hopkins explained that he likewise was an employee of the CIA: “I’m the abduction specialist for them.” He was extremely concerned that the cover-up be maintained lest ‘there be a revolution in this country’. He fearfully told me that ‘a lot’ of people have been abducted: ‘we don’t know what the UFOs did to them; I wrote the book to find out who had been abducted (‘Missing Time’); the Govt. has to get those people out of the military; they (i.e. the CIA) thinks abductees may have been programmed.’

(Note: according to other sources perhaps the CIA should look TO THOSE OF THEIR OWN KIND who have been ‘implanted’ via the ‘joint’ CIA-alien interactions in underground bases, etc. Or, is the CIA itself so compartmentalized and divided that some of them are working with the aliens and are coming under their control, while others are trying to resist the aliens’ attempts to implant and control people? Undoubtedly there must still be SOME within the CIA who feel a sense of patriotism and who desire to fulfill their oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. Is the CIA like the 33rd degree of Masonry itself in that half of them are serving the “agenda” while the other half are misled pawns whose patriotism is taken advantage of to carry out certain orders given them by the “core” group? Such a possibility should at least be considered - Branton)


He was very upset about the amount of work required to investigate even one case. Mr. Hopkins said, ‘distrust the information passed on while under hypnosis.’ He was shocked by the after effects of abductions; people frequently committed suicide FOLLOWING his ‘hypnotherapy’; many went on to become alcoholics or drug addicts such as Ms.
Marcy Diexler
. I asked him why he did the hypnosis if it caused the psychological and psychiatric problems! He could offer no reply whatsoever despite repeated questioning. I myself was appalled by the inhumane and medically indecent standards of ‘care’ being applied to these victims of Nazi-like brutality. By all medical standards Mr. Hopkins was further causing injury to individuals already in distress. He made no provision for aftercare or follow-up. He displayed a complete lack of temperament and training (as well as a complete lack of compassion) for these people. Once he obtained his ‘information’, he would drop these people like hot potatoes and left them on their own.


As a medical doctor I was disgusted; as an American I was sickened at this maltreatment of our own people. I refused to cooperate with Hopkins and reported him to the Medical Authorities as being involved in harmful and extremely questionable activities that were anti-humanitarian as well as Anti-American. He threatened to get revenge by reporting me as ‘mentally impaired’ SINCE I believed in a government coverup and reported harassment. This, he claimed, was evidence of paranoid delusion... The New York State Office of Professional Conduct was told lies (1989) about my involvement in the subject. The State is required by law to investigate all reports (even by non-patients) of possible physician impairment. When the psychiatrist interviewed me I told him about the fact that the public knows nothing of this deplorable situation. He concluded that I was paranoid delusional (due to the telephone harassment) and that I was ‘grandiose’ since I had ‘special knowledge’. The psychiatrist is an 85 year old man who believes he knows all there is to know from his textbooks on psychiatry.


My medical license is now on the line and hence my entire future career!! I would like to add that since I have been practicing medicine since 1968 there has NEVER been even one case of any patient of mine who questioned my professional expertise, personal integrity and ethical standards. Since I originally reported Hopkins in 1983, I have received numerous telephone calls at all hours; notices from funeral parlors, interruption of my medical practice by ‘a third party’ answering my line giving misinformation out to patients resulting in complete chaos to my office and grief to myself. This was told to me by Ms. Avonile Blackman, my telephone secretary (1984). An ‘extra-cross connection’ or illegal tap was reported on my phone by Charles Lauretano of the NY Telephone Company. My life has been a nightmare ever since standing up and speaking out for my rights and as a patriotic American citizen!


(Sworn before Zandra Henderson, Notary Public - State of New York, county of New York)

We seen in this letter not only the damage that the ‘intelligence’ community is inflicting upon ‘abductees’ and those who would plead their case, but also the extreme need for GENUINE counselors and therapists, especially Christian therapists, who understand the spiritual and physical ramifications of the victim’s psychological problems resulting from their encounters with the alien entities. There are far too few who are able to offer the much needed assistance to the thousands or tens of thousands of tormented abductees who have been victimized by these predatory vermin, often since childhood. As for Mr. Hopkins, perhaps he should heed the ancient Chinese proverb which states: ‘Beware when fighting a dragon that you do not become one!’

Basically, from what we have covered in this file, we can conclude that the NSA - CIA element of the U.S. Intelligence
Community has been a major player in the alien coverup, as well as an instrument in initiating joint alien-CIA activities since the Eisenhower era. It appears as if much concern and fear exists in the Intelligence Community since the true nature of the ‘alien’ problem was discovered. However, due to the connections which exist between the CIA and the Illuminati, as well as possible implantation of CIA personnel during early ‘joint’ tasked operations, a powerful anti-American, and even anti-human element seems to still exist within the ‘Company’, which itself seems to be a major organization through which the saurian grays attempt to control masses of people, re-vitalize the old ‘treaties’ which they have constantly broken and never intended to keep, continue the coverup of the alien malevolence such as the mutilations, hide the unsavory ‘financing’ methods such as drug-gun running, continue to ‘whitewash’ the obviously threatening and anti-human nature of the gray-aliens, and so on.

It appears that the CIA contains too many ‘skeletons in the closet’ to ever admit it’s mistakes, and it appears as if it
intends to continue to intimidate or eliminate various threats to the alien agenda. We can only strongly recommend that anyone who may be tied-in with this group, including those involved in facets of the CIA which are NOT directly tied-in to “alien” controlled compartments, quietly separate themselves from the organization before the inevitable happens - the imminent showdown between the Freedom loving American Patriots and the sold-out, serpent worshipping or saurian-controlled destroyers of America who are being carried away by the maelstrom of joint CIA-Alien subversion of the human race.

Bill Cooper, in addition to the above, also released a document titled “SECRET SOCIETIES AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER”, which was later included in his book ‘BEHOLD A PALE HORSE’. In reference to the ‘Cult of the Serpent’ which he claims is headquartered in Rome, he states:

“...History is replete with whispers of secret societies... The oldest is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also called the Brotherhood of the Dragon, and it still exists under many different names. The Brotherhood of the Snake is devoted to guarding the ‘secrets of the ages’ and the recognition of Lucifer as the one and only true God... It’s secret symbol is the all-seeing eye in the pyramid.

“...Houses of worship and sacrifice existed in the ancient cities. They were in fact temples built in honor of the many ‘gods’... Most of the greatest minds that ever lived were initiated into the society of Mysteries by secret and dangerous rites, some of which were very cruel. Some of the most famous were known as Osiris, Isis, Sabazius, Cybele, and Eleusis. Plato was one of these initiates.

“...the documents that I read while in Naval Intelligence stated that Project GALILEO required only five pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter and possibly stave off THE COMING ICE AGE. Global warming is a hoax. It is easier for the public to deal with and will give the ruling elite more time before panic and anarchy replace government. The reality is that overall global temperatures are becoming lower...”

Cooper quotes from one Secret Society source:

“’The initiated elect communicate directly to gods (ALIENS) who communicate back to them... The elect are given knowledge of the Mysteries and are illumined and are thus known as The Illuminati or the Illuminated Ones, the guardians of the ‘Secrets of the Ages.’”

“...Adam Weishaupt, a young professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, was a Jesuit priest and an initiate of the Illuminati. The branch of the Order he founded in Germany in 1776 was the same Illuminati previously discussed. The Jesuit connection is important.

“...On the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States the wise will recognize the all-seeing eye and other signs of the Brotherhood of the Snake... The Brotherhood of the Snake is adept at throwing out decoys to keep the dogs at bay.

“...Allegations that the Freemason organizations were infiltrated by the Illuminati during Weishaupt’s reign are hogwash. The Freemasons have ALWAYS contained the core of Illuminati within their ranks, and that is why they so freely and so willingly took in and hid the members of Weishaupt’s group.

“...In 1826 an American Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled ‘ILLUSTRATIONS OF FREEMASONRY’. One of the secrets that he revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer... Morgan caused a small uproar against the Masons. The small uproar turned into a full blown anti-Freemason movement when the author, William Morgan, disappeared. Morgan had apparently been drowned in Lake Ontario...”

Years after the incident occultist John Uri Lloyd wrote a book, ‘ETIDORHPA’ (Aphrodite spelled backwards) in which he suggested that William Morgan was not murdered, in spite of the fact that Lucinda Morgan (who later became one of the wives of Joseph Smith, see: Fawn M. Brodie’s book “NO MAN KNOWS MY HISTORY”), IDENTIFIED HER HUSBAND’S DROWNED BODY.


Lloyd suggested in his book that Morgan was instead taken to a cave in Livingston Co., Kentucky and given an initiation in the subterranean world, later coming forth as a ‘god’ (a popular theme in Masonic thought). According to a letter re-printed in Richard Toronto’s ‘SHAVERTRON’ letterzine, Masons had an EXTREME interest in a particular cave in Livingston CO. (apparently one Lloyd had heard about and decided to incorporate in his fictionalized account), near the small town of Salem. (Why does the name ‘Salem’ keep cropping up in connection to the caverns? We don’t know other than the fact that it does play a part in MASONIC lore in connection to corrupted accounts of the ancient city of Jeru-Salem. The SHAVERTRON letter also stated that some young men had explored an underground ‘stairwell’ near Salem but turned back when they became frightened, that Masons had tried to enter a water-filled ‘hodges’ cave via boat near the town, as well as one old timers account of a man who allegedly entered into that or a similar cave only to disappear ‘for months’ only to return with news ‘from Europe’. Incidentally, Lloyds book was illustrated by a high-ranking MASON who had illustrated other Masonic works.


As for the possible connection to Joseph Smith, according to Klaus J. Hansen’s book ‘THE QUEST FOR EMPIRE’ (Univ. of Nebraska Press,m 1974) a MASTER MASON by the name of John C. Bennett had insinuated himself into the confidence of Joseph Smith and after pressuring him eventually CONVINCED the religious leader to join the Masonic lodge. According to Hansen, Bennett often made references to the ‘Illuminati’. Was Bennett a secret Scottish Rite-Illuminati agent sent to infiltrate this new religion in an attempt to bring it under the influence of the Illuminati? It certainly WOULD NOT BE the first, nor the last religion targeted in this way. SEVERAL other religious groups that have evidently been targeted or initiated by the Illuminati include: Scientology, Oahspeans, Swedenborgs, Ku Klux Klan, Communism, Mafia, Theosophy, Unification Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc., ALL of which have well-documented Masonic ties. Even certain old-line Christian denominations such as the Southern Baptists, Methodists, etc. have been infiltrated bythe lodge’. It is even alleged that the Illuminati-Masons deliberately INFILTRATED many of the old-line Christian denominations early in the history of America and injected their masonic poison to the point that many denominations became ‘hybrids’ of Christianity and Masonry (Baal worship), just as the Loadicean church of ‘Revelation’ (see: NEWSWATCH MAGAZINE., P.O. 1073., St. Ann, MO 53074). Cooper continues:

“...The newspapers of the time state without reservation that he (Morgan) WAS MURDERED by Masons. The oath of initiation into Freemasonry states that if secrets are told, the initiate will be murdered. Nationwide furor ensued that resulted in the creation of an anti-Masonic political party in 1829 by Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. Interest in several anti-Masonic books was revived during that period, with the result that Freemasonry suffered a severe loss of membership. It lasted only a few years and by 1840 the anti-Masonic party was extinct. Time really does cure all ills.

“...Probably the most notorious Freemason lodge is the P2 lodge in Italy. This group has been implicated in everything from bribery to assassinations. P2 is directly connected to the Vatican, the Knights of Malta, and to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. It is powerful and dangerous... the Pope, John Paul II, has lifted the ban against Freemasonry. Many high- level members of the Vatican are now Freemasons (others allege that many ‘secret’ high Masons existed in the Vatican before the ban lifted, and that in fact the Vatican controlled Masonry via Scottish Rite ‘Illuminism’, and that the former bans were merely smokescreens to hide the Scottish Rite-Vatican connection - Branton)... The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever.

“ALL of the intelligence officers I worked for while in Naval Intelligence were Masons.

“...1990 is the right time with the right leaders: ex-chief of the Soviet secret police Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-chief of the CIA George Bush, ex-Nazi cyanide gas salesman Pope John Paul II, all bound by an unholy alliance to bring in the New World Order.


“...Ex-President John Adams wrote to his successor, Thomas Jefferson:

‘I do not like the re-appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth...it is this Society...’ Jefferson replied: ‘Like you, I disapprove of the restoration of the Jesuits, for it means a step backwards from light into darkness.’ (for more information on the Jesuits, see: Chick Publications., Box 662., Chino, CA 91710)

“...the heart of the Bilderberg Group consists of 39 total members of the Illuminati. The three committees are made up exclusively of members of all different secret groups that make up the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Black Nobility. This committee works year round in offices in Switzerland.

“...In the Great Seal of the United States we see the ancient symbol of the Brotherhood of the Snake (or Dragon), which as you know is the all-seeing eye of the pyramid representing Lucifer...”

Is it any wonder, then, that so many people claim that this symbol is used by the serpent race as well?

To sum-up what Cooper has said, then, let us quote from an article which appeared in ‘INNER LIGHT’ magazine, written by Sherry Hansen and Brad Steiger:

“...’the PROTOCOLS OF ZION were published as a deception (by the Russian Secret Police), to make people believe they had to worry about the Jews.’

“...’throughout history it has been a ploy of the Illuminati to dub anyone who told the truth as an anti-Semite or a Nazi. They only prove my point when they employ the same old tactics to shut people up and to intimidate them. They don’t know what to do with me, because I don’t intimidate and don’t shut up.’


Cooper states that he has traced the history of the nefarious Illuminati all the way back to the Ancient Temple of Wisdom in Cairo, long before the birth of Christ. ‘The Illuminati exist today under many different names and many different occupations.’ Cooper told us. ‘They practice Hegalian conflict/resolution. They appear to oppose each other at the bottom ranks (like the ‘apparent’ conflict between socialist Freemasonry and fascist Romanism? - Branton), but at the highest levels they are actually organizing and controlling the conflict which they have created to produce the solution that they seek.

“’The Illuminati are extremely powerful, very wealthy men. They believe that they are the guardians of the secrets of the ages. They believe that the vast majority of people would not know what to do with the real knowledge and the real truth and the real science—and would, in fact, misuse them all. They further believe that everything that they do is for the ultimate betterment and survival of humankind—even if it means killing two billion people to reach their goal...’”