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Galactic Alignment 2012
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DNA and Solar Radiation

Biologist Charles Darwin was one of the first to describe the evolutionary process of one of natural selection, whereby the most capable flourish at the expense of the weak. Later, it was found that genetic mutation, exaggerated by selective breeding, was the facilitating prime mover in the selection process. But Maurice Cotterell, author of The Mayan Prophecies, Astrogenetics and several other cutting edge books has studied the effects of solar radiation on humans for over twenty years and discovered that genetic mutations are caused through the action of ionising radiations. He has found that X-rays and gamma rays from the Sun are the key factor in genetic leaps of species.

The DNA is spliced which causes the genetic mutations. Ionising radiation and magnetic radiation from solar flares on the Sun’s surface and other sources have acted upon developing genera causing mutational leaps in species. He also discovered that these periods of radiation cause people to become more intelligent and make great advances in society. These claims are mapped out in detail in The Mayan Prophecies. The sunspot cycles are part of this mutational process. Cotterell found that the suns solar flares peak in an 11.5-year, a 187-year, a 3,740-year and an 18,137-year cycle, which increase in intensity on respective peaks. 1991 was the peak of an 11.5-year cycle where sunspot activity was at an all time high. It is theorized by many that the peak of all the cycles together are destined to meet in December 2012.

He found that the Mayan calendar also uses the same cycles for recording time, proving that they had advanced knowledge of the Sun even before the invention of a telescope. In fact, the Mayans had such an advanced knowledge of the Sun and the movement of the Galaxy; we are only just starting to catch up now.
