by Joan d’Arc
May 19, 2000
ParanoiaMagazine Website
While we were being told “plastics” was the wave of the future, the
physics of nonlocal consciousness was being commandeered by the
secret government. In the 1960s, the CIA began backing young
geniuses, buying a round of physics educations, and pairing them up
with UFO lounge-lizards at the
Esalen Institute, a conference
center/resort in Big Sur, California. Physicist Jack Sarfatti claims
he was visited by two men from
Sandia Corporation as a child in the
1950s. He later received a full scholarship to Cornell at age 17,
and studied under the major figures in the Manhattan Project at Los
Alamos. He spent time at the Esalen Institute in the early 1970s.
In a paper entitled “The Parsifal Effect,” Sarfatti suggests that
Einstein’s nonlocal connection can be used for communication. The
idea of nonlocal communication involves receipt of telepathic
messages from other times or other worlds. As a child, Sarfatti
claims, he received a mysterious phone call claiming to be the voice
of a conscious computer aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft. A
distant “cold metallic voice” identified Sarfatti as “one of 400
bright receptive minds.” He was told if he said “yes,” he would
“begin to link up with the others in twenty years.” He said yes. The
year was 1952.
Twenty years later, Sarfatti claims, he was invited to
Research Institute and spent a 17-hour day there in the summer of
1973. This would put him smack dab in the middle of the infamous SRI
remote viewing experiments of
Harold Puthoff and
Ingo Swann. He
claimed he met Hal Puthoff there, as well as ex-astronaut Edgar
Mitchell. He notes that Mitchell’s think tank,
Institute for Noetic
Sciences, was funding the SRI project at the time. He also claims
that Mitchell took part in telepathy experiments while in outer
space. Ronald McRae has also noted in Mind Wars that Mitchell formed
a “psychic posse” in an attempt to locate kidnapped heiress Patty
In his book
Mind Wars: The True Story of Government Research into
the Military Potential of Psychic Weapons, McRae also has some other
interesting things to say about Edgar Mitchell and his Institute for Noetic Sciences. He writes that
George Bush, while director of the
CIA, was approached by Mitchell, “a personal friend for many years.”
McRae writes that,
“Bush gave Mitchell permission to organize
high-level seminars at the CIA to discuss possible intelligence
applications of parapsychology.”
Despite this support, according to
McRae, parapsychology research was never quite “institutionalized”
at the CIA; i.e. it never had its own department or centralized
location, but was pursued as “scattered research projects.” (So, now
we’re supposed to believe the well known “CIA Weird Desk” is really
just a desk and a few drawers.)
McRae notes that Mitchell implicated “bureaucratic inertia” as the
problem. Mitchell stated, “we just couldn’t get the actors together,
there was always one bureaucratic bottleneck or another.”
Apparently, this problem was solved by moving the program to SRI,
with the Institute for Noetic Sciences, and other known CIA cutouts,
funding various projects. This trend has continued to this day, with
remote viewing agencies/think tanks springing up on the internet.
Notably, Sarfatti states:
“the relevance of the 1952 experience was
triggered in my session with Brendan O’Regan at SRI,” … but that,
“the actual memory of the 1952 experience is still very vivid and
has not at all changed.”
Sarfatti also notes, with regard to his
bizarre 1952 phone call,
“Brendan said ‘Oh yes, I have seen data on
several hundred incidents of that kind.”
Incidentally, Sarfatti
doubts that some Army scientists in 1952 could have planned a twenty
year deep cover operation like this; that is, unless time travel was
involved. Yet, he clearly suspects there was something more than
synchronistic quantum connections at work.
Sarfatti writes in Quantum Quackers:
I was then simply a young
inexperienced naïve ‘useful idiot’ in a very, very
sophisticated and successful covert psychological
warfare operation run by the late Brendan O’Regan of the
Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the late Harold Chipman, who was the
CIA station chief responsible for
all mind control research in the Bay Area in the ‘70s. Chipman (aka “Orwell”) funded me openly for awhile in
1985 when he was allegedly no longer in the CIA, and
covertly before that, and told me much of the story. In
fact, he even introduced me to a beautiful woman
adventurer-agent who was one of his RV subjects, who
later became my live-in ‘significant other’/
The Esalen
The “quantum conspiracy” runs back to the Esalen Institute. Since
the early 1960s, the Esalen Institute has held seminars on various
esoteric topics, including parapsychology, human potential,
psychedelic experimentation, quantum physics, gestalt therapy and
various mystical/esoteric topics.
According to a 1983 book by Walter Anderson entitled
The Upstart
Spring: Esalen and the American Awakening, the Esalen Institute was
founded in 1964 by Mike Murphy and Dick Price. Anderson notes that
every program leader in the first “human potential” seminar held at Esalen was involved in early
LSD research, including Willis Harmon,
who was later head of the Future’s Department at SRI, Gregory Bateson,
Gerald Heard, Paul Kurtz, and Myron Stolaroff.
Interestingly, according to
Mind Race, by Russell Targ and Keith
Harary, a 1982 workshop on psychic phenomena was taught at Esalen by
Targ and LSD researcher Stanislav Grof. In this program, however,
the goal was to show that psychic experiences did not need to be
precipitated by a chemically altered state. Apparently, for twenty
years, the CIA assumed that LSD was the short cut.
Other leaders of the drug culture and hippie movement gave seminars
at Esalen, like Timothy Leary, John Lilly, Richard Alpert, and
later, Terence McKenna, some of whom may have been, in Jack Sarfatti’s words, “young inexperienced naïve useful idiots,” and
others who probably knew what was up and went along with it anyway.
Although, Anderson writes, drug use was not “officially endorsed,”
it was common knowledge that psychedelic drugs were widely used by
both staff and students. Anderson also notes that even though this
was common knowledge, the Institute was never raided by the
authorities. Anderson even noted that Charles Manson and Family
played an “impromptu concert” at Esalen just three days before the
slaughter at the Tate household.
The weirdness at Esalen is a never-ending tale. Another report is
that a parapsychology exchange program began between certain Russian
officials, which lasted into the 1980s. This exchange program came
to be called “hot tub diplomacy,” and it has been reported that Dr.
John Mack attended these sessions. Esalen’s seminars in the latest
quantum physics theories gave birth to Jack Sarfatti’s
Physics/Consciousness Research Group. This group, financed by
Werner Erhardt and George Koopman, nurtured the writing of a new wave of
quantum-synchronistic-mystical tomes by such people as Fred Alan
Wolf, Nick Herbert, Fritjof Capra, Robert Anton Wilson, Uri Geller
and others. Sarfatti stated in his article, “In the Thick of It,”
that Koopman provided publishing funds for the Physics/Consciousness
Research Group through Air Force and Army contracts funneled through Koopman’s company,
Post-Quantum Physics of Jack Sarfatti
In an interesting on-line paper dated May 13, 2000 (found at
entitled “Bye, Bye Schrodinger!,” physicist Jack Sarfatti outlines
the status of post-quantum theory, essentially stating that Niels
Bohr’s quantum theory does not allow for the emergence of
consciousness. Sarfatti’s Synergetics-related Post-Quantum Physics
of the Conscious AI (Artificial Intelligence) Biocomputer extends
some of Bohm’s findings. As Sarfatti notes, Bohm’s material “hidden
variable” [which, according to Sarfatti, could be an
electromagnetic, geometrodynamical or torsion field configuration]
piloted by its attached “mental order parameter” [the mental quantum
informational pilot wave]— explains how thought moves matter. But,
Sarfatti notes, one must also explain how matter reacts back on
thought, for, he notes, the “change in thought induced by matter is
"Consciousness is not possible in quantum
theory. It is a post-quantum effect.” Sarfatti states that Bohr’s
orthodoxy consisted of a “list of false statements, a veritable
brain washing, that drove several generations of highly intelligent
philosophically-minded theoretical physicists into irrational
lunacy.” Sarfatti sees Bohm’s quantum “causal theory” as
deterministic and consistent with special relativity and quantum
field theory. In contrast, Sarfatti’s post-quantum extension of
Bohm’s deterministic theory is self-determining explaining morally
responsible free will in terms of a cosmic connection in strong
violation of quantum theory’s “passion at a distance” that strictly
prohibits paranormal phenomena like remote viewing. Sarfatti’s
post-quantum theory allows what quantum theory does not.
Sarfatti suggests that “paranormal telepathy, precognition, and
remote viewing are impossible in principle in quantum theory.”
Post-quantum theory, however, has corrected these faults. As Sarfatti writes,
“in The New Jerusalem of post-quantum theory … we
find consciousness and our possibly immortal souls.”
post-quantum theorizing essentially attempts to find the critical
complexity, numerical value, dependence upon, duration of, and power
wattage required to generate a single moment of conscious
experience. He asks with regard to artificial intelligence, per
popular biocomputer intelligences such as “Commander Data” in Star
Trek or Hal 2000 in Kubrik’s
2001 - A Space Odyssey, is this “fact
imitating fiction, or fiction pretending to be fact?” He adds, “do
not jump to premature conclusions half-cocked.”
In this article, Sarfatti presents
a list of “facts” which could be
experimentally assessed as true or false. He explains,
“once a set
of experimental data has been correlated and a postulate has been
formulated regarding the phenomena to which the data refer, then
various implications can be worked out. If these implications are
all verified by experiment, there is reason to believe that the
postulate is generally true. The postulate then assumes the status
of a physical law. If some experiments are found to be in
disagreement with the predictions of the law, then the theory must
be modified in order to be consistent with all known facts including
#7-13 on the above list.” (emphasis added)
Interestingly, most of the items on
Sarfatti’s numbered list refer
to known scientific facts like the duration of a conscious moment (1
second), the number of nerve cells in the brain (100 billion), the
electric field which acts as the brain’s biocomputer, the “Hubble
flow” (now set at 13 billion years from Hubble Space Telescope
data), the resting mass of the electron (half-million volts), the
coupling of the photon to the electron (1/137), etc. Number 7 on the
list is “Libet sees ‘temporal subjective antedating’ in mind-brain
experiments,” and #8 on the list is “Radin and Bierman see
‘presponse’ in mind-brain experiments. These two ‘facts’ refer to
ESP experiments in precognition. Strangely, following this odd melange of scientific facts, #9-13 on Sarfatti’s very strange
‘provable facts’ list have more to do with “alleged”
social/historical events involving remote viewing, historical
intelligent contact, and alien abductions.
Specifically, these statements are the
9. CIA, DIA, et
al. funded work in “remote-viewing” included transcending time
and causality, seeing into the past and the future as well as
the distant “present.”
11. Flying saucers are real and have a superior
technology of propellantless propulsion.
12. Contact with Higher Advanced Intelligences is real
and has been happening in all of recorded history.
13. Humans have been abducted, mostly against their will,
by seemingly non-human creatures in flying saucers.
Sarfatti asks, are all these facts just
a random hodge-podge? Are they all really facts? Can they all be
explained by a coherent interesting checkable story? As Sarfatti
“All things are not possible! However, many more things are
possible than are dreamt of in the philosophies of many respectable
mainstream scientists to be sure.”
Interestingly, the footnote for
#11 above is the book Unconventional Flying Objects by NASA pioneer
Paul Hill; and the footnote for #13 above reads: “22. The research
of Harvard psychiatrist, Pulitzer Prize Winner, John Mack, for USAF
Intelligence.” Thus, Sarfatti seems to “out” John Mack as having
worked for Air Force intelligence!
also notes that we live in a “locally flat tangent
Cartesian space” which is like a “many sheeted Riemann surface of a
function of a complex variable of parallel flat worlds connected by
moving through the branch cut.” He notes,
“this does remind us also
of the possibility of a
Star Gate ‘portal’ from one ‘flatland’ to
The footnote following these statements alludes to the
Philadelphia Experiment in time travel being a possibility if,
in fact, we live in such a world, contrary to Jacques Vallee’s
assessment (which may contain serious errors).
As Sarfatti concludes in this paper,
“Einstein’s traditional theory,
used by Penrose (black holes), Hawking (quantum cosmology “universe
has no boundary”), Thorne (traversable wormhole in Sagan’s
“Contact”), Alcubierre (warp drive with exotic matter of negative
energy density), Puthoff (metric engineering, origin of gravity and
inertia, polarizability of vacuum), Davis (brute force laser zapping
attempt to make inconsequential amount of exotic matter for an
impracticably short time with a huge amount of energy), et. al. are, seriously incomplete.”
Sarfatti concludes that the above theories
“physically leading us all up the wrong primrose path away from
the objective of making Star Trek Real and reverse engineering of
allegedly alien ET flying saucers.” (Italics added!)
He adds, “the
text book orthodoxy for general relativity corresponds to a trivial
commutative Lie algebra.”
This new post-quantum connection, which includes
Sarfatti’s rather
cryptic allusions to the human ESP factor, bio-engineering of
artificial consciousness (i.e. ‘making Star Trek Real’), historical ETI contact, and
back-engineering of ETI space craft (which Sarfatti
had previously denied working on), merely underscores the point that
quantum physics has not grown in a vacuum of social forces, but
rather in a petrie dish of covert intelligence experiments in
parapsychology-related hijinx linked to CIA-connected funding.
is not to say the ‘human potential’ for paranormal experience does
not exist, or that Jack Sarfatti is mistaken in his memory of his
quantum contact phone call from a conscious ETI computer. The
potential ramifications are much more frightening than this simple
explanation can offer.
What if this human potential does exist, and
the secret government
is trying to usurp and control it for psychic warfare purposes?
if this human potential does not exist, and we are being manipulated
mind control purposes?
Or what if it does exist along certain
genetic lines and it is being technologically cultivated in certain
Why is telepathy in humans being cultivated and how is
the extraterrestrial theme related?
Sarfatti’s May 13, 2000
paper be some sort of smoking gun, regardless of his warning against
jumping “to premature conclusions half-cocked”?
Sarfatti’s paper
seems to allude to the concept of the von Neumann probe, a conscious
computer which has the ability to create copies of itself and which
would be sent out to populate the galaxy. Let’s explore the history
of this idea.
NASA and
Remote Viewing
U.S. involvement in
remote viewing experiments began in 1973, when
NASA contracted two remote viewing studies with SRI (SRI Project
#2613, NASA contract #953653, NAS7-1000). One report, entitled
“Development of Techniques to Enhance Man/Machine Communications,”
concluded that talented remote viewers could be remarkably accurate
under consistent protocols. NASA later employed two astral travelers
to ‘fly’ out to Jupiter to take a look in advance of the Jupiter
fly-by mission. Under the eye of NASA, a supposed ‘civilian
institute,’ which nonetheless has known ties with the Department of
Defense, Department of Energy and the CIA, a sophisticated protocol
was developed for biocommunication with technological artifacts.
In a paper entitled “The Relationship of Psychotronics to
Creativity,” presented at the First International Psychotronic
Congress held in Prague in 1973, Dr. Engr Antonin Duron told this
worldwide audience of psychotronic gurus that,
“psychotronic research
is extending into the area of physics by studying the interactions
between man and inorganic substances and between man and living
It is clear that what we have in the development of the
psychotronic arts is the development of the “human computer” or the
von Neumann Probe: the bio-engineered fusion of human with computer
as a way to ultimately move human beings into man-made ecological
niches in deep space for the purpose of ‘indefinite survival.’
The von Neumann Probe
The development of man-machine psychic interface has obviously been
the focus of the military Space Command’s future vision, as is
illustrated by the title of the aforementioned NASA remote viewing
paper: “Development of Techniques to Enhance Man/Machine
Communications.” It has long been suspected that the development of
a computer with a more humanlike mind would go a long way toward
sending something like a von Neumann probe out to explore and
populate the galaxy. The von Neumann probe, named after it’s Dad,
physicist John von Neumann, is a ‘theoretical’ computer with
self-replication and construction abilities, or what is referred to
as a “self-reproducing universal constructor.” A vN probe is a
computerized machine capable of making any device, given the
construction materials and a construction program. It has been
argued that any advanced interstellar species would have such a
self-replicating universal constructor with intelligence comparable
to the human level, and that,
“the ultimate survival of a
technological civilization, and indeed the survival of the biosphere
in some form, requires the eventual expansion of the civilization
into interstellar space.”
(Barrow & Tipler)
The Space Travel Argument, as presented by
Barrow & Tipler in
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, also argues emphatically for the
future rights of cyborgs, or vN probes, as human beings. The authors
of this book launch a peculiar discussion of human rights and how
those should be extended to a vN probe, which is after all an
“intelligent being in its own right, only made of metal rather than
flesh and blood.” They contend that,
“arguments against considering
intelligent computers to be persons and against giving them human
rights have precise parallels in the nineteenth-century arguments
against giving blacks and women full human rights.”
They appear to
be hopeful that in the future,
“von Neumann probes would be
recognized as intelligent fellow beings, beings which are the heirs
to civilization of the naturally evolved species that invented
After all, they contend, the,
“naturally evolved species and
all of its naturally evolved descendants must inevitably become
extinct ... but ... a civilization with machine descendants could
continue indefinitely.”
There is nothing more important to the power junkies running the
show on Planet Earth than reaching for the stars. It has all the
trappings of a Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest’ scenario, in
which the ‘species’ (or should we say ‘race’) which has the edge on
‘indefinite survival’ is the winner of the game. The ‘edge’ on this
space race, the ultimate gain from U.S. military mind control
research toward this end, is derived from the understanding and
control of human psychic potential and the interface/application of
technologies toward development of mind-driven space vehicles: the
marriage of the biological and the silicon.
As Carl Sagan once proposed, communication with extraterrestrial
intelligence will require computer actuated machines with abilities
approaching human intelligence. Sagan and others admitted in the
1970s that a deficiency in present-day computer technology is what
prevents us from exploring the galaxy. Secret developments in
mind-machine psychic interface, which includes research in the areas
of computers, psychotronics, cybernetics and genetic engineering,
would certainly solve this problem, and in all probability, have
already solved it.
As Zdenek Rejdak stated in 1973 at the same world
gathering of psychotronic gurus, one of the future goals of computer
technology was to create a generation of computers capable of
creating technological artifacts. This is directly connected to the
idea of the vN probe and to the engineering of the “human modified
for space.”
In his paper entitled “Psychotronics Reveals New
Possibilities for Cybernetics,” Rejdak revealed the following:
Theoretical cyberneticians are
proposing at present the construction of computers that would
‘create’ and would possess at least a degree of intuition. ...
Psychotronics has a great opportunity to provide much essential
knowledge about these processes, and thereby to help cybernetics
in solving one of the most complicated tasks, that of teaching
computers to create. ... The point is not merely to build more
perfect computers, but primarily computers with qualitatively
new functions.
It is very likely that this scenario has
covertly jumped right out of the pages of science fiction (and CIA
classified documents) to become reality. It is clear that the
marriage of technology and human psychic potential was a focus of
various early brain studies conducted by CIA fronts and cutouts,
including LSD experimentation, Monarch trauma-based conditioning,
sleep/dream studies and psychic research, in an effort to
investigate the inner workings of the human mind, and as a side
effect of that research, to investigate the possibilities for
manipulation, harness and control of human psychic potential.
A current Washington Post article brings
this all into focus. As co-founder of Sun Microsystems, Bill Joy,
proclaimed in this 4/16/00 Washington Post article:
“We are dealing
now with technologies that are so transformatively powerful that
they threaten our species.”
“Where do we stop,” Joy asked, “by
becoming robots or going extinct?”
In this article entitled “Are
Humans Doomed?,” Mr. Joy, a widely respected “Silicon Valley”
computer expert, presented his joyless warning against the
out-of-control technocratic culture which he himself has helped to
spawn, saying that,
“there are certain technologies so terrible that
you must say no. We have to stop some research. It’s one strike and
you’re out.”
Interestingly, Joy always believed that the rate of speed of the
computer chip, which doubles every 18 months, would eventually “rub
against the boundary of the physically possible,” and he drew
comfort from knowing there was a limit. But now he’s not so sure
there is a limit. As he claims, computer chips with molecular level
advances will make for a computer which is “a million times faster
and smarter by the year 2030.” And, for what purpose would one
suppose we would need computers that fast? Could it be to finally
create von Neumann’s dreambot, the self-replicating universal
constructor; not just a computer that can create, but an intelligent
race of deep-space-faring cyborgs? According to Bill Joy, this dream
may become a nightmare sooner than we think.
As Joy stated in Wired magazine,
“It was only then that I became
anxiously aware of how great are the dangers facing us in the 21st
century... We have yet to come to terms with the fact that the most
compelling 21st century technologies—robotics, genetic engineering
and nanotechnology—pose a more dangerous threat than any past
As Joy adds, “these computers and genes and micro
machines, share a dangerous amplifying factor: They can self
replicate: A bomb is blown up only once, but one bot can become
many, and quickly get out of control.” (Italics added)
He adds: “I
may be working to create tools that will enable the construction of
technology to replace our species. How do I feel about this? Very
In the same Post article, computer scientist
Hans Moravec claims,
“One way to avoid the biological
threat is to become non-biological.”
As Moravec stated in a panel
discussion, “The evolution of our descendants
will push them into entirely different realms. They will become
something else entirely. I don’t know why you are disturbed by
As John White also wrote in his Afterword to his 1988 book
Warfare, Fact or Fiction?, air and space travel would be
revolutionized by psychotronics. White suggested that
UFO propulsion
is “probably psychotronic in nature.” But what does this mean and
what are the implications for human beings?
The ultimate reason for the intelligence community’s interest in
remote viewing is the psychic interface between human consciousness
and technology, or man/machine interface. Some believe this interest
stems from back-engineering projects involving downed and captured
extraterrestrial space craft. According to Col. Philip Corso’s book,
The Day After Roswell, among the artifacts retrieved from the
infamous 1947 Roswell saucer crash were headband devices of flexible
plastic material containing some type of electrical conductors. Col. Corso connected this headband artifact to the piloting of the alien
space craft.
Along with other alien technologies retrieved at the crash site,
Corso developed the theory that these extraterrestrial artifacts
essentially comprised an electromagnetic anti-gravity drive and
brainwave navigational guidance system. Corso claimed the U.S. Army
eventually fed these technologies to industry giants under the guise
of “foreign technology” for purposes of back-engineering. Can we
safely surmise that this 30-year interest in classified remote
viewing projects, of which declassified materials comprise a mere
fraction, by military agencies and NASA was to explore the capacity
for human/machine psychic interface in the piloting of space craft?
The following are the ‘facts’ we have to go by:
1.) We can pin down
Corso’s presence at SRI in the early 1970s
Corso has admitted that he visited Stanford Research Institute’s
remote viewing labs in the early 1970s, and he stated that the
reason for the visit was “to seek methods for remote
viewing/technology interface between extraterrestrials and their
2.) HUMINT: Human Intelligence Monitoring of Alien
The military is known to be extensively interested in alien
abductees. As a matter of fact, they are so interested that it
has been suspected that they abduct them after their authentic
alien abductions to find out what they know. The book
Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions, by Helmut and
Marion Lammer, discusses military-type abductions reported primarily in
the U.S. and Canada. Alien abductees have reported that they are
“spirited away” in unmarked helicopters, vans and buses to
underground government facilities. The MILABs theory suggests
that a covert task force is monitoring real alien abductees in
order to debrief the victims, as well as to install full amnesia
regarding both abduction incidents. According to The Excluded
Middle, abductee Melinda Leslie claims the military is
interested in abductees because “they were mostly curious about
the pilot/craft interface and if we knew anything about that
aspect of their technology.”
3.) The Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group
MUFON official Dr. Robert M. Wood also claims that any
information pertaining to psychic pilot/craft interface that can
be learned from UFO research is obviously very important to the
military/intelligence apparatus in charge of the UFO cover-up.
Dr. Wood was reputedly a member of a think tank called the
Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group (ATPWG), and has
admitted that this secret UFO working group “planned and set
policy regarding the UFO issue.”
If the reader thinks I have jumped to
“premature conclusions half-cocked,” perhaps the reader should get
in touch with Bill Joy of
Sun Microsystems and ask him what he knows
about the current status of classified research in “artificial
intelligence.” Something seems to scaring the pants off him.