by Dan Winter
dedicated to Bette Inman..
Gilgamesh Society and Otto's Bardo
Zayra Website
If a Golden Mean Spiral in perfecting translation of spin from line
to circle without loss of pattern, is the only path from energy to
matter (spin stored in circles), then it is also the perfect balance
between a closed and an open system. When EKG harmonics create a
recursive electrical nest by frequency signature, they make the only
3D fractal, light can circle into. Only bending light makes mass,
and only love (THE wave fractal attractor) bends the light.
The book "The Eight" was about assembling the correct genetic
family, like chess pieces, to achieve immortality. Like glowing
coals, getting the family of twinkle contained together in spin
space, ignites eternal fire. Genetic material is recursion
embodied..... in the sense of Golden Mean optimized recursion & vorticity translation embedded in deca wratcheting dodeca. Hence
genetic material in the blood, as the perfect fractal recursive spin
container, is the grail cup. Immortality is only a name for the
possibility of spin contained so stably as never to stop. Another
name for this is fire that does not consume, as spin that makes no
heat. In a 3D fractal spin encounters no
Sitchin was likely correct in interpreting the original need of
Anunnaki ET's for Gold. He said it was a repair material for
deteriorating atmosphere on home planet. He failed to note how gold
allowed atmosphere repair. Simply put, perfect magnetic fractal
recursion is what permits a gravity magnetic monopole stable enough
to hold atmosphere. This is a perfect geometric description of the
relationship of electrons to nucleus in gold: a completed
electron/nuclear wave recursive fractal. This is what makes it noble
and stable. Conveying this geometry to other waveforms as a seed,
gold is also more than a metaphor for the electrical geometry of
pure intention in the heart. (EKG harmonics during compassion
become measurably self-embedded)..
When I explained this to David Hudson, he conceded, that persons
without evident pure or spiritual or shareable intentions did poorly
with his
monoatomic gold manna. One cannot convey pure essence of shareability, without learning the meaning of feeling only shareable
or spin distributable emotions. This relates to the wave mechanic
corollary which states that pure focus and pure intention are
identical as wave phenomena, and always accompany each other. This
is because awareness as a distributable (and recursive if alive)
wave, can only converge on sustained focus if every phase or
consumed perspective can share spin there. Thus sustained focus
ultimately requires every wave in the galaxy to agree on it's spin
path. This is a convenient way to check alignment with the
intentions of galactic core. If your idea can sustain continuous
focus, then even the galactic core feels sweetened by it.
So Sitchin got it right that proper grid engineering for planetary
atmosphere maintenance required gold dust as a magnetic dopant (seed
of perfected embeddedness, in the liquid going to crystal). We need
now to go on to understand that the ability of our planet to contain
gold, was evidence of perfect intention in the original stellar grid
cats cradle woven of gravity threads to birth this place. And the
higher significance of this presence of sustainable envelopment
(fire of awareness) in our grid, enabled the evolution of sentience
here in a new way.
In the sense of the perfect envelope or cocoon for flame.. gold was
so much food for awareness, that David Hudson admitted agreement to
the suspicion that the Mono Atomic Gold manna, was not just
atmosphere repair material for the Anunnaki ET's... We both agreed it
was the only food which allowed their bodies virtually indefinite or
eternal lifetimes (as spin containers). It was the communion food
for life/recursion everlasting.
I suggested to David Hudson that the reason for the mass change in
gold power when it became monoatomic was because the electron spin
clouds unpacked like a flower in their completed fractality when
permitted to unfold in the unbonded state. The DENSITY of recursion
is the density of mass. Also it is precisely the unpacked (in the
homeopathic sense of sucussion and potentization) which permits the
harmonics of the golden electron spin clouds to unflower their way
out to bond lengths more accessible to human focus/awareness (again
exactly the principle homeopathy uses..) So that GOLD made monoatomic was the perfect food for shareable spin geometry inside
the living electrical body. It was the eternal food/ manna. This was
why the sandworm (which was really a long magnetic wave earth dragon
current) only produced the eternal spice in Dune. Only perfect
pattern symmetry in Earth magnetic currents permit the deposition of
gold in her veins. Rich irony that the ET genetic experiments which
produced Isis and Osiris, and Adam and Eve, were experiments to
facilitate the harvesting of gold... pure intention... for galactic
The search for the gold fabric foldedness grail cup, was for the
pressure geometry of this spin to fire. The search of Enki and
Gilgamesh past Scorpio's sting was for the charge spin of youth
flower in the base of biologies waters (chakras). Then the snake
swallowed the sweet plant or rose. Kundalini/Tantra is a snake
charmed by... the musical geometry of focus/ coherent emotion. (SacroCranial
The equation for doorways past death, would trace wave collapse to
the center of perfect recursion.. Look for non-linear and Phi
related harmonics phase locked as we find in the EKG at the moment
of compassion. In physics the phase pressure implosion which
accelerates spin and velocity modes to harmonics past the speed of
light... is called collapse of the wave function.... The only spin
path which permits waves to collapse inward without loss of the
information of their pattern is 3D fractal recursion... pure heart.
This permits information density/awareness to go to infinite at zero
point. Data set fractality= ideal compressibility= infinitely energy
efficient sharing of information= the blood of the collective mind.
The geometric image in 2D is the Sufi heart with wings of 2 golden
means spirals on a cone seen from above.
Many people have dreamed of a single vehicle which permits every
ethnic race to travel home. Geometrically, in the sense of the city
of revelation (John Michel), this has been a dodecahedral shaped "Merkabbah",
literally a Mark from Pressure.. Merk Ab Bah.. The only mark or
container which can store pressure/spin infinitely.
An interesting variation on the theme, in an individualized way, is
the Incunabula Papers. Basically, a
group of researchers discovered that by containing the ultraviolet/microwave etc. blue "fire" coherent envelope of sexual energy/tantra,
and a deca delta wave function triggered antenna array, a time
travel vehicle was possible. The name Incunabula comes from this
cocooning or swaddling of human eros.
This makes total sense in
terms of physics, since, wave function collapse implosion of human
aura would produce an awareness path to the necessary superluminal
harmonics internally. (A turning inside out, note that a labyrinth in
3D is the folded topology of interlocked male and female sex
organs... 3D origin of flame letter alphabet as fractal)
Particularly since only the high amperage blue ultraviolet and
microwave coherent cellular secretions gathered in tantra would have
the collective escape velocity necessary, orgasm is a sort of
controlled linear accelerator for awareness. (Where does the inner
eye travel to during Kundalini, or the MicroCosmic Orbit/Tantra).
This new understanding however may not entirely collapse the
intentionality of romance, if indeed pure intention is the only
insoluble element of awareness which make return from this wormhole
possible. In the Incunabula experiments as reported, a colony of
people was set up at another time in history because our genepools
end was foreseen. I have had no particular reports of damage to the
etheric fabric of the planet by these experiments. However,
analogous but more destructive experiments with sexual energy in
antenna arrays was carried out labeled "Montauk Project". Here
indeed major damage was done to the delicate nest capacitance of
Earth's etheric web. Groups like William Buehlers working with major
angelic... Ophanim lineages, invested major energy in repairing these
bleeding wounds to our collective electric genetic body. The ability
of our genepool to harvest spin capacitively from galactic spaces
is/was in the balance. Our collected love juices make the ultimate
antenna array.
This is what I see as the rub of the Incunabula... here is a lesson
in conserving spin paths from love, to make a memory envelope for
the harvest of spin. This sounds a bit abstract, but in a more
practical way, it may mean that as the Earth loses gravity,
atmosphere, and spin, only this centering force may harvest our
collective memories home. Individually, yes tantra properly
antennaed is shamanic time travel. But COLLECTIVELY, the juices of
love are probably the only sling shot for memory to get all our
memories speeded up in a bubble. For 10 years our little core group
of Electric dreamers has been talking about the Harmonic Module...
Feed back of EKG, breath, and Schumann planet heartbeat over global
media, would precipitate consensus process/ collective mind. Adding
intention to eros and synchronized love in the proper Earth grid
dodeca antenna points, would likely be a shoe horn path for global
memories to be one envelope... sent home.