by Owen Waters
Editor - Infinite Being Publishing, LLC
InfiniteBeing Website
The Twelve
Dimensions of Creation – Part I
When I finally discovered the twelve dimensions of Creation, I was
astounded by the symmetry of the Creator’s work.
In physics, symmetry is a sign that a theory is viable, because
nature exhibits symmetry in so many ways. I had been pursuing the
nature of the structure of reality for decades, most especially in
recent years. Then, one day in 2002, the keys of the universe just
fell into place like some self-organizing jigsaw puzzle.
Dimensions are measurable items, the variables of the universe. For
example, space consists of three dimensions – length, breadth, and
height – and time is referred to as the fourth dimension. A wooden
cube on a table top has three dimensions in space, measuring, say, 2
inches (5 cm) by 2 inches by 2 inches. It also exists at that point
in time.
Time is not just a linear flow, as in the river of time. It is, more
accurately, the dimension that brings physical motion into
existence. The wooden cube arrived upon the table top at some point
in time, and it will leave the table top at another point in time.
When it leaves it will be exhibiting motion through space.
So far, that makes a total of four dimensions, or four ways to
measure reality. But what of the other dimensions of existence? In
the 1990s, mathematicians working on the string theories of physics
discovered the likelihood of there being at least ten dimensions in
existence, not just the four dimensions that we had acknowledged
Physics has already proven that physical matter is energy, i.e.
electro-magnetic energy held in a state of tension. Therefore, if
the wooden cube is made up of electro-magnetic energy, then electric
energy and magnetic energy are two more measurable dimensions. An
object has so much electric energy and so much magnetic energy.
Dimensions are measurable variables affecting the existence of
objects, therefore electric energy and magnetic energy are two of
the dimensions of existence. They usually express themselves in an
entwined, electro-magnetic form, but underneath they are two
distinct forms of energy.
In experiments with subatomic particles, the consciousness of the
observer often affects the outcome of the experiment. Therefore we
can chalk up two more dimensional variables – thought and
which are the components of human conscious awareness.
Thought, here, refers to intellect or mental activity in a linear
direction. For example, arithmetic is linear, so is algebra, so are
digital computer processes. Linear thinking is a logical, left-brain
skill. Holistic, right-brain skills, on the other hand, embrace
emotions, intuition and the ability to see a pattern within a whole
picture. Thought and feeling express themselves in an entwined form,
as does electro-magnetic energy, but underneath they are two
distinct aspects of consciousness.
That makes, so far, a total of three space dimensions (length,
breadth and height), one time dimension, two consciousness (thought
and feeling) and two energy dimensions (electricity and magnetism),
for a total of eight dimensions so far.
Twelve Dimensions of Creation – Part II
Dimensions are the fundamental building blocks of reality.
Every physical object has three size dimensions (length, breadth and
height) and exists at a specific location in space at a certain
point in time. Space and time are generally accepted as the first
four dimensions, but what could the others be? What fundamental
building blocks make the expression of our universe possible?
Matter is constructed of varying amounts of electro-magnetic force,
so electrical energy and magnetic energy are both fundamental
building blocks within the physical world. That makes electricity
and magnetism two of the fundamental variables, or dimensions, of
Human consciousness consists of the fundamental building blocks of
thought and feeling, so these are also dimensions of reality.
Consciousness goes far beyond just the realm of human thought. In
fact, the entire universe is constructed of the original
consciousness of the Creator.
Physics, like spiritual philosophy, is engaged in a search for the
nature of the universe. Today, however, it is unfashionable to
include the Creator in physics theories. It is also surprising,
because virtually all of the great names in the history of science,
including Einstein, have been deeply spiritual and mystical people.
I remember, at the tender age of 16, being counseled by my physics
teacher to find the solution to science problems by referring to
basic principles. “Once you have the basic principles understood,
lad,” he explained, “then everything else falls into place.” I often
reflect upon how right he was.
The existence of a conscious Creator is a basic principle. Once you
include the Creator, the answers appear much more easily by asking
yourself the question, “How would the Creator have done that?”
After all, you wouldn’t look at a jet aircraft thundering across the
sky and say, “As far as I can tell, it looks like it’s propelled by
making a loud noise.” Instead, you’d find out about the creators of
the jet engines, find out what they knew, and then figure out how
they did it.
Now, to include the basic principle of the One Creator in your
speculations, you have to first define the original nature of the
Creator. It goes without saying that the Creator is an infinite
intelligence. The words omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent all
express the idea of infinite consciousness.
The other attribute of the original state of the Creator is that of
“beingness.” In the Western way of thinking, we are accustomed to
doing something all the time, always doing, doing, doing. “Being,”
however, is the absence of “doing.” In a state of Being, you just
are. You don’t have to “do” anything to become something, if you
already “are” that something.
The state of Being is the foundation of all existence. Being is
motionless and was the primal state before the original act of
creation occurred. This is because - and here comes another basic
principle - the universe exists within the consciousness of the
Original Creator.
All matter is energy. The entire universe is energy. And behind that
energy is the consciousness that created it.
The original act of Creation was infinite in its potential, causing
not just the creation of one universe, but an infinite number of
At that point, Infinite Being had extended itself into the sphere of
thought as its first act. Thus the 12th dimension is
original creative thought, or the Father Creator principle.
Note that the so-called “12th dimension” was actually the
first one to come into existence, so you could, instead, justify
calling it the “1st dimension.” However, people are
accustomed to thinking of the 1st dimension the one
closest one to daily life on Earth, so that means that the 12th
dimension has to be the number closest to the source of creation.
The male-female principle, as in the original Creation, is not the
same idea as a comparison between men and women. Men and women on
Earth each contain a mixture of both male and female attributes. A
man is physically a more male version of the human gender mix, and a
woman is physically a more female version. The Father Creator
principle of consciousness, however, is energetically pure male and
works in synchronicity with the pure female principle, which is the
Mother Creator principle, or the 11th dimension.
An exact balance between the male and female creative principles
made possible the manifestation of the 10th dimension. The 10th
dimension holds the consciousness templates for an infinite number
of universes.
The Original Act of Creation by the Infinite Being is summarized as
The 12th dimension is
original thought, or the Father Creator principle.
The 11th dimension is
original feeling, or the Mother Creator principle.
Together, in exactly equal balance, the
Father Creator and the Mother Creator manifested the 10th
dimension, where the templates of consciousness exist for an
infinite number of universes.
The fundamental formula of creation is, “Thought plus feeling equals
The 12
Dimensions of Creation - Part III
In Parts I and II, it was stated that the original formula of
creation, “Thought plus feeling equals manifestation,” expresses
itself again and again, in perfect symmetry, throughout the other
nine dimensions.
Dimensions are the fundamental building blocks of reality. We live
in a conscious universe because the universe was created entirely
from original consciousness. Every aspect of the universe, from
stars to humans and even sunlight, are all composed of 100% original
Dimensions include:
the three dimensions of space (length, breadth
and height)
the three fundamental
energies which make up physical and non-physical matter (etheric,
magnetic and electric)
After the initial creation of the first three dimensions,
Being repeated the process three more times, creating triads of
Energy, Space and Motion. Each triad was then expressed in three
sub-forms, each time conforming to the original pattern of thought,
feeling, and manifestation.
Notice the symmetry of the 3 by 3 matrix in the following diagram.
The Remaining Nine Dimensions of Creation
Principle: |
Thought + |
Feeling = |
Manifestation |
Thought as
energy: |
Dimension 9
Etheric +
(Life energy) |
Dimension 8
Magnetic =
(Primal field) |
Dimension 7
(Physical matter) |
space: |
Dimension 6
Linear +
(Radius) |
Dimension 5
Circular =
(Diameter) |
Dimension 4
(Sphere) |
Manifestation as
motion: |
Dimension 3
Mental +
(Human thought) |
Dimension 2
Emotional =
(Human feeling) |
Dimension 1
(Time) |
Note that by defining time as physical
motion, it fits neatly into the Motion triad of mental, emotional,
and physical motion.
Mental motion, dimension 3, is thought at the human level, as
differentiated from the original creative thought in dimension 12.
Emotional motion, dimension 2, is feeling at the human level.
The use of electric energy, dimension 7, has been developed since
the early 1800s. At that time, electricity was no more than a
curiosity and very little was known about it. It could only be
produced by very limited means, such as in a chemical battery. It
was also produced in static electricity machines and, watch your
fingers, by electric eels. Electricity had also been seen to have a
mysterious effect upon magnetic compass needles. Lightning had
already been established as an electrical phenomenon by Benjamin
Franklin’s famous experiment in a lightning storm. This had brought
new meaning to the phrase, “Go fly a kite!”
In those distant, early days of gas lamps and candles, visionaries
like Faraday, Ampere, and Volta dedicated much of their lives to the
study of electricity. The emerging field of knowledge transformed
electricity into a working energy which, today, makes possible the
huge advances that we enjoy in automation, mobility, and
Magnetic energy, dimension 8, is the primal field
of the universe. It is the womb of the universe; the matrix upon
which all energy and matter exists. It is the fabric of the
universe. Electromagnetic energy, including light, consists of equal
components of electric and magnetic energy. As all matter is energy,
your physical body is made of electromagnetic energy, and only has
the appearance of being solid material.
Etheric energy, dimension 9, is traditionally referred to as
in Eastern philosophy, and as chi in oriental medicine. When etheric
energy is fully investigated by visionary, pioneer-scientists, it
will open up a new branch of physics larger than that of
Life on Earth functions within this 3 by 3 matrix of 9 intertwined
dimensions. The 10th dimension is also of relevance as it indicates
which one of the infinite number of universes that we exist in. In
The original 3 dimensions are
the Consciousness of the Creator
Dimension 12 is the Father Creator principle.
Dimension 11 is the Mother Creator principle.
Dimension 10 contains the consciousness templates for the
Infinite Universes.
The next 3 dimensions are
Dimension 9 is etheric, or life, energy.
Dimension 8 is magnetic energy, the primal field of the
Dimension 7 is electric energy, the building block of
physical matter.
The next 3 dimensions are
Space, which allows the separation of objects
Dimension 6 is linear separation.
Dimension 5 is circular separation.
Dimension 4 is spherical separation.
The next 3 dimensions are
Dimension 3 is thought (mental motion.)
Dimension 2 is feeling (emotional motion.)
Dimension 1 is time (physical motion.)
The basic 9 dimensions function together
in an intertwined harmony. They are all, however, creations of the
consciousness of the original 3 dimensions. Energy, space, and
motion are all facets of consciousness.
As the electrical pioneer Michael Faraday said about life, “All this
is but a dream.”
We live in a universe composed of 100% original consciousness. As
such, we are dreaming the dream of Creation, each one of us playing
our individual part of experiencing the universe from our own unique