by Rick Martin
JMMaccanney Website
Through a series of events and
interventions that apparently were
“meant” to be, on 3/16/03 I had the great opportunity to finally
speak with Mr. McCanney directly. I believe you’ll find the
conversation fascinating.
Martin: Before we get started, let me just ask you what your
thoughts are about the research of Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev? Are you in
tune with what he is saying?
McCanney: Oh, yes. In the mid-1990s to
1999, approximately, I had an Internet website called
The Millennium
Martin: That’s you? McCanney: Yes, my science information was the heart of that page.
Martin: They have some excellent
information. McCanney: It’s basically a
continuation of what I did. Jerry, I think, is the webmaster for
that page. Then, a guy named Earl, is a researcher, let’s say. Back
in the 1990s, we were getting about 3 million hits a month on that
page. That was after doing the Art Bell Show a few times, so you may
want to mention that.
Martin: What was the reception like with Art
Bell? McCanney: Of the people?
Martin: The reception of the people, and how did Art Bell receive
you? McCanney: Pretty well. He said at the end of that show that it was
one of the most interesting shows he had ever done. I still have the
recording of that show, and I’m going to put it up. In fact, I’m going to relive the
Hale-Bopp days in an individual
lecture on my page, one of these days, and go back through The
Millennium Group, Chuck Schramek. Listen below the interview that
Chuck Schramek did of me for The Millennium Group in the ’90s. Of
course, he was a talk-show host from Houston, and he later died from
the same rapid-onset lower-back cancer that Dr. Harrington died
[Editor’s note: And then, of course, there’s the coincidence (?) of
Art Bell’s “lower-back problems” that supposedly is the reason for
his retirement back on the first day of 2003.]
Martin: Isn’t that interesting?
McCanney: Oh, yeah. He was very critical of NASA. He was in Houston,
which is one of NASA’s big hubs. He used to use a lot of my stuff on
the radio down there.
At any rate, your question originally was about
Dmitriev. There was
a duel exchange. Earl Crockett back then took it upon himself to
translate Dmitriev’s papers, the ones you still find on
Millennium Group web-page. The flipside was, they took my papers and
translated them into Russian and were, literally, teaching them in
colleges and graduate schools over there in Russia back in the
Dmitriev is an experimentalist, partly
theoretical physicist, but mainly he was
an observational scientist, atmospheric scientist. He’s the one who
discovered the tornadoes on the Moon, just all kinds of stuff. He
talked about the
vacuum domain, and what they were measuring in the
atmosphere and other things in the cosmos, that basically they
didn’t know how to explain. They were measuring them, but they
didn’t know what was going on.
But then, when they got my papers, they said: “This explains
everything we’ve been seeing.” So, it was quite the thing.
Martin: The reason I was asking you about him is because at the
front-end of the article that will appear in our May issue of The
SPECTRUM, I am quoting from his
Planetophysical State Of The Earth
And Life document as a foundational piece for the changes that are
going on in our non-static universe. So, I just didn’t want to be in
conflict with him. McCanney: Oh [laughter]. You might just mention that he was head of
the group that I worked with back in the ’90s in Russia. So, my work
is well known in Russia.
Then, NASA went over there, around 2000. That’s when Russia, of
course, had no money. These guys were making $75 a month—they used
to laugh about it. And they were trying to publish their own work,
using money out of their own pocket; it was just ludicrous. But
went over there and started pumping some money into them, and then
went over there and said: “If you teach any more of McCanney’s
stuff, we’re cutting you off.”
You can include that, too.
Martin: I will, I’ll be glad to include that.
McCanney: It was about that time that
my e-mails began to be—I could tell it
wasn’t them writing back to me. They
were intercepted. There were people who had clearly intercepted my e-mails, and
were writing back to me. Then,
eventually, they just stopped.
Martin: I do have included in the
story, not only your listing of the people who have died, but from
another source, a similar list. Can you talk about these deaths? Are
they all Planet X-related, do you think, or what is your conjecture
behind what’s happening? McCanney: It is the control of space, let’s put it that way. The
Harrington thing was real unusual, especially for its time. It was
way ahead of its time. Then, the Shoemaker thing was so abnormal for
a young guy like that—young, for a scientist—he was middle aged, but
it was very clear. It was about the same time when comet
Shoemaker-Levy crashed into
Jupiter [in July 1994].
The murmurs
of the scientific community was that these aren’t ice balls.
Everybody in the scientific community knew it. I forget what year
that was. It was very clear that comets are not dirty snowballs, but
NASA holds onto that. I just saw a posting the other day about
NEAT that came by, and they’re still hanging onto this dirty
snowball thing.
Martin: That’s incredible.
McCanney: Yeah, it’s just so bizarre.
Martin: It’s like hanging-on to a
sinking ship. McCanney: It’s so absurd that it is
beyond any comprehension. It was in the mid-1990s when Shoemaker was
about to make a large announcement. It’s clear that he was going to
make an announcement about comets, the composition of comets, and
probably take a lot of people with him in the scientific community.
Then, all of a sudden, he dies in this
supposed car crash in the
bottom of a crater over in Australia. Three stories came out of
that. It was very bizarre the way the stories came out because I was
right on top of it, as we were with everything in those days. I
mean, we were the news center for everything going on in science. By
the way, concerning the 3 million hits at
The Millennium Group
website—there was an engine on that page that could identify the
e-mail addresses of the person who was at the page. A daily printout
was 50-60,000 names. But you’d go through the list and half of them
were from the government.
Martin: Big surprise.
McCanney: But they pretended like they knew nothing about it. They
just tried to ignore it. And they would go there for the weather.
They’d go there for the Sun’s weather. Hal Blandel was doing the
daily solar report and we, literally, had the scientists going to
our page to get that information, which came literally from their
sites, but he interpreted it so well. So, that’s the kind of thing
that was going on.
On the Art Bell Show, just another note of
interest, the show was originally to air my comet theory and talk
about my science work. Midway through the show I made a
comment—Whitley Strieber was also interviewing. I said:
“And the companion of Hale-Bopp, etc.,” because we were talking
about Hale-Bopp. Art goes: “Whoa, wait a minute. We’ve been through all of this. You
just said Hale-Bopp’s companion.” And I said: “Yeah.” Because, you know,
Art Bell was accused of being
responsible for the death of those 39 people.
Martin: No, I did not know that.
McCanney: This is why I want to do
this lecture on my homepage, because a
lot of this stuff has been lost.
It was a story—Courtney Brown was a Ph.D. involved in remote
Then, the other thing, Chuck Schramek, the same guy who interviewed
me—what happened when Hale-Bopp
appeared, it was announced that NASA
had a webpage. Some underling at
NASA thought it would be cute to put up
this picture of Hale-Bopp, which they
weren’t supposed to put up because that
feed had been coming in for years,
literally, under the Hubble. And so, some
guy put it up there, and this is how Gary
Goodwin got started. He was surfing the
web and he saw this big, whirling
pinwheel of Hale-Bopp, and he
downloaded it; he captured it.
He went back to it the next day and it was gone! And so he said:
“What’s this?” That was his first clue into NASA hiding data.
And, of course, I eventually saw their web-page. I had my own
web-page at the time, just a little page. I e-mailed them [The
Millennium Group] and I said: “You might want to look at my stuff.”
So, the agreement was that they would post my
web stuff. It just
kind-of worked out that I was the science guy, Gary was the
webmaster, and Earl did political analysis, searching out
contracts and things like that.
Back to Hale-Bopp. Chuck Schramek, who also saw the same thing,
heard that there was supposedly a companion to Hale-Bopp. So, he
went out in his back yard, with his amateur-grade but very nice
telescope, and started clicking pictures of Hale-Bopp, and he got
pictures of the companion.
He sent them to Art Bell, who he knew very well, and it wasn’t
unusual for Art to be in the middle of a program and he’d say:
“Chuck Schramek just faxed in.” Chuck told me how to get through on
a show to Art. There was a secret to it. Art had a secret fax
number. I could do that, too, if I heard something false, or
whatever; I could quickly write down a fax and get it through, and
he’s talking about it the next minute. So, at any rate, Chuck got the pictures that he took, gave them to
Art Bell, who posted them. At the same time, Courtney Brown had
gotten some 35mm slides from, we later found out, the University of
Hawaii. But he wouldn’t say where he got them. He was under a
private communication hold not to tell where he got the pictures
from, but he gave them to Art Bell.
So, here’s Courtney Brown’s picture of the companion, and here’s
Chuck Schramek’s pictures of the companion, and Art Bell posted them
on his web-page. Well, hours later, there’s the 39 people who
supposedly commit suicide in California, with Heaven’s Gate, the
Heaven’s Gate suicide massacre. The government goes in, takes their
website down, and posts a brand new website in place of theirs. This
is all a thing right now that’s going on—people were able to capture
their site before it went down, so that’s available now. But, at any
rate, that’s a whole other story.
But then the government came in and had a national news campaign the
next day:
“Crazy people, Heaven’s Gate cult group, were going to go
to this alien ship that was coming in with Hale-Bopp, the comet, and
they all put on nice tennis shoes and robes and ate porridge and
committed suicide so they could go to meet the aliens.”
That’s not what happened; what
happened is: The government killed all
those people. And the reason they killed
them is because they were in competition with a very large software outfit, and the
Heaven’s Gate group were all
programmers. They were building
encryption software and firewalls that the government couldn’t break
There was another little bit—that they were competing with a very
large contractor who was selling encryption encoding and firewalls
to the government, and these people were able to break through
theirs. Anyway, there are a whole series of things that went on
At any rate, the other half of the
Heaven’s Gate thing is, they just posted a thing, and they had been
recruiting all over the country for many years, saying there was a
large comet that they expected to come in. It would have aliens, and
go up to the aliens, and they were going to be transcended into this
life. In fact, they were not suicidal at all. They took very good
care of their bodies because their belief was, they needed their
bodies in excellent condition to transform, and go into this
long-term state of living with the aliens. Be that as it may, they
were not suicidal.
The other half of the Heaven’s Gate equation was that when
showed up, they posted: “This is it, folks; this is what we’ve been
waiting for, we’re all going to meet.” And they had—the counts were
astronomical—they probably had a half million people who were going
to get up and walk off their jobs—a lot of them young people,
college age, high-school age. Those were the kinds of people they
had been recruiting. Then the “hit number” on their page went
through the ceiling. That’s when the government went in and killed
That’s why they had the news blip on the next day, which was on the
front-page of every newspaper. And they blamed Art Bell because he
posted those pictures of the companion. They blamed him for the
murder of these 39 people. They roasted Chuck Schramek. Courtney
Brown lost his position as a teacher. He was a Ph.D. in astronomy.
Art Bell was accused publicly of being responsible for the death of
these 39 people.
And NASA came out and said there was no companion,
and produced pictures from the University of Hawaii that proved that
there was no companion. Well, in The Millennium Group, we had a guy
who went in, and he analyzed the pictures and he showed that the
pictures that they produced were from a different telescope, and
that they were doctored. They had taken the companion out of them.
The pictures that Courtney Brown had, they took and analyzed those,
and they showed how the only telescope that could have taken those
pictures was one of the big military scopes run by the University
of Hawaii. So anyway, I’m on the Art Bell Show, and all of this comes
out on the air. And Art is like: “Wait a minute! What do you mean?
We have been roasted, everybody has been roasted, I have been
accused of murdering 39 people, because I posted these pictures, and
now you’re telling me that these pictures were the correct ones, and
that NASA was the one who faked the photos?!” He said: “Prove it to
me, right now!” He was hot. He had taken a lot of heat.
And Whitley Strieber said he had called a few observatories in
London when he first heard about it, and he said everybody was
talking about
the companion, all these observatories, but NASA had
the ability to go shut all these down and make them all reverse
their stories. So, that was the Art Bell Show. We were able to
convince him on the air that he had been had. I’m going to do a
whole lecture on that.
Martin: There is the list of people who have been “taken out”, and
obviously NASA is doctoring data and withholding data. Do you have
any theories or information about who specifically at NASA is behind
this sort-of diabolical withholding of knowledge? McCanney: Yes, it’s very clear; I’ve known this for a long time.
Martin: Can you talk about it?
McCanney: Sure. NASA is a group of scientists. That’s what we always
think of, these engineers who build spacecraft and that type of
thing. NASA is owned and operated by the NSA [National Security
Agency]. There’s a layer above NASA that controls
Donald Golden, who came into
NASA in the ’90s, came in from the CIA,
and his job was to secretize or put the cap on NASA. What he did is,
he went in and the first thing he did was make everybody—top,
bottom, sideways who worked for NASA—made them sign, basically, an
NSA non-disclosure agreement. The NSA is controlled on a worldwide level, as part of the
overseeing government that is already in place. They talk about the
One World Government now. The
One World Government is already in
place; they just want to make it official now. That’s what all of
the stuff going on now is about. But the One World Government has
been in place for some time.
Martin: Are there Jesuits behind all this?
McCanney: [Laughter] The Jesuits?
Martin: Yes. McCanney:
The Vatican has a big stake in the
One World Government,
and it’s part of it, but not the whole show. It’s like back in the
Middle Ages, with the kings, the descendants of that whole entourage
of people, and it actually goes back much farther. Some people
believe it actually goes back to the priest cults in Egypt.
But it’s
very much a worldwide situation, where you, literally, have hundreds
and hundreds and hundreds of families who are associated with this,
and they are very wealthy; they have control in their countries;
they’re in every country of the world. In their countries they
control the politics, and the money, and the banking; so, it takes a
very large web of these people.
For the NSA, these are people who have been drawn in, many times at
a very young age, like Clinton, young Bush, to be the operatives to
operate things.
Martin: The puppets.
McCanney: The public figures, and they’re allowed a certain amount
of latitude. There’s a lot of in-fighting amongst those groups. But
the NSA—it’s just like the CIA—it’s not a national thing. They are
really controlled from outside. And it’s groups that came out of
Nazi Germany.
Martin: I was just going to mention the
Nazis; that’s were I was
going with my original question. McCanney: Yes.
The Bushs and half the people in the
Administration are directly descendants of the Nazis.
Martin: We have published all that, so our readers are well familiar
with that. You won’t be offending anybody by saying that. McCanney: There’s not many people who—you know, you tell them
something like this and they’ll say: “What are you talking about?”
They have no clue.
Martin: That’s actually common
knowledge with our readership. McCanney: They, of course, realized that space is the last frontier
in resources. The control of space is essential to everything that
they’re doing. It’s the last frontier.
But space is different. Now you have other things going on. But
we’re getting a little too far afield here. Back to the Hale-Bopp days. They knew, and this is why Harrington,
who was head of the Naval Observatory—the Navy is in charge of a lot
of stuff there, that’s true—but like a lot of other things, all
these people are working compartmentalized, and working in
capacities like Harrington was. He was not in charge of anything,
other than he was the head of the Naval Observatory, of all the
astronomers there. Just the fact that there is a document there with
his name on it.
Martin: What is the fear of
NASA concerning
Planet X? Is it related
Sumeria and the Annunaki? Or, is it something else. McCanney: I wouldn’t say that, but the knowledge that there is this
Big Thing that’s going to come in on a regular basis is old. That’s
part of the very high levels of secrecy in a lot of these groups,
like the Vatican. I mean, the first thing when
Hale-Bopp showed up,
the Vatican built
a world-class observatory in Arizona, and staffed it with
astronomers. Gee, wonder why?
Martin: Clue. McCanney: Then they have a second one. But what is interesting, even
after Hale-Bopp left—because they thought that Hale-Bopp was the
Now, let’s backtrack back to 1991.
Hale-Bopp was officially
discovered in 1995, by Alan Hale at New Mexico, and then Bopp was
the Japanese guy. They both hit on the same night, so they both got
credit for the name of the comet. Prior to that, it’s very clear to
me, and if you’re looking at my Harrington notes, one of the things
that Harrington was looking at was Hale-Bopp.
The nucleus of Hale-Bopp
was extremely large. The reason NASA pulled the feed down
immediately, once they realized that some lackey had stuck it up on
the Internet—because any astronomer, or person like myself, would
know that with that small amount of data you could determine the
mass of the central nucleus. It’s a little equation you use; they
use it all the time to determine the mass of central stars when they
see a wobble in a star.
Then, they can determine the radius of the
thing orbiting it. You need the period and the radius of whatever is
orbiting the larger object, and with those two parameters you can
calculate the mass of the central object. Just a little equation in
celestial mechanics.
So, with that small piece of evidence on the web,
anybody could
calculate the mass of Hale-Bopp, showing that it’s planetary in size
coming in.
Now, the other factor: In 1991, what Harrington saw was two things:
he saw Hale-Bopp, and he saw something much bigger beyond Hale-Bopp,
Planet X. That’s my understanding at this point. In 1991,
Hale-Bopp was on a near direct
collision course with Earth. With a
couple of quick photographs they could chart the orbit, and it was
on a near collision course for Earth.
Martin: No wonder there was such a scramble.
McCanney: It was a huge scramble. When it was first discovered, I
called up Goddard, because—I can say this now—I knew the secretary
there. If you ever want to know anything, you ask the secretary. She
knew all the astronomers. I, of course, never let on that she was my
inside contact there. She heard all their conversations, and she
would tell me what was going on.
I called her and I said: “What’s going on? I heard there’s this
comet?” You could hear the screaming in the background and stuff.
And she said: “Oh, my God, this comet is huge!” But I thought she
meant in the sense of being a news story. No, it was huge in the
sense that it was a planetarysized object. They had been tracking
You see, this is where the division comes in, because it wasn’t
until then that even a lot of the scientists at Goddard found out
about it. But they had been tracking this since 1991, possibly
earlier. But Harrington discovered it, and you see it in that memo,
the 1991 memo, that he knew exactly where to go and look at it. You
can’t tell me that he didn’t go down and get the information and
come back. What they found out was that he was going to go public
and say that there was this large object coming in that is on a
direct collision course with Earth. So, that’s why they killed him.
Martin: I still want to talk about these people who have been
murdered, but I don’t want to let NASA off the hook just yet,
either. We were talking about the names, the people behind NASA who
are the villains, withholding knowledge from the world. Who are
these people? McCanney: Ok. At this point I would
call them “family”. They are people who go to privileged schools; people whose
money is not taxed; it’s not even
registered. When the stock market
crashes, it’s these people who are
withdrawing their money, on purpose.
They create the money in the first place. The
World Monetary Fund
and all the people who work in that are all related to this.
So, literally, what came out of the
Middle Ages, the
banking system,
the Vatican, and these groups of families who have descended down
through, and have basically run all of these countries for centuries
and centuries.
A long time ago what happened is, they moved out as—let’s go back to
before the devastation, which was 3600 years ago. It was one of the
companions of Nibiru that did the damage to Earth.
Martin: A companion?
McCanney: A companion; it was the one that became
was very right that Venus was a huge comet that worked its way
through the solar system, and it took about a 600-year period from
the time it was captured by Jupiter to the time it encountered
Earth, and then worked its way in to become the planet that we know
So, originally what happened, and
Hale-Bopp was here about 4200
years ago, and Venus was captured by Jupiter
about 4200 years ago.
They were, literally, smaller companions to Nibiru.
And so, it’s very clear in
the Koldrin Bible—let me see if I can
find that right here, right now. The Koldrin Bible is the Old
Testament that has been kept by the Caldeans in Northern
Scotland. They moved there from Rome when Christ was around.
of Aramatheia, who was Christ’s stepfather, kept the Koldrin Bible
and handed it down, and it’s just in a very small placement and
group of people who kept it. Here it is, I found it. I’m going to read a couple of passages here.
Koldrin is one of the
purist versions of the Old Testament. And this
is from “The Deluge”, Chapter 4, from the Book Of Gleanings. Chapter
4 is titled “The Deluge”, so this is where it gets into the flood,
paragraph 24:
“There, riding on a black rolling cloud, came
destroyer.” That is
Nibiru. “Newly released from the confines of the
sky, and she raced about the Heavens for it was her day of
Now, this is the line I wanted you to notice here:
“The beast with
her opened its mouth and belched forth fire and hot stones and vile
smoke; it covered the whole sky above and the meeting place of Earth
and Heaven could no longer be seen. In the evening the places of the
stars were changed, they rolled across the skies to new stations;
then the flood waters came.”
That’s why they didn’t want anybody to know about the companion,
because they knew it was on a collision course with Earth, and they
knew it was the companion to the bigger one that caused the problem.
But they didn’t realize that Hale-Bopp was, literally, one of the
companions itself. Now, when the destroyer, the big guy comes in, Nibiru, it has an
entire entourage of these things.
Martin: I guess
Comet NEAT would be one of those?
McCanney: And that’s the thing. When we got barraged a few weeks ago by all these comets, and they
never announced Comet NEAT, C-2002/V1, clearly all of this stuff is
coming from the Southern Hemisphere.
Then, of course, Harrington knew very well where that was, for the
reasons that I gave; they were pulling down on the planets Uranus
and Neptune. It’s interesting to note that when the story of
Harrington came out, the government tried to make a statement
through some of these astronomers that are on the radio; the
disinformation guys came up with a story:
“Oh, well, we have
corrected the masses of those planets due to new information, so
that has taken care of that problem.”
Well, no, that doesn’t correct anything when you see these planets
being pulled down. That would only correct things in the plane of
the planets. This object was big enough—back in 1991—it was pulling
Uranus and Neptune down out of their orbit; that’s how big this
thing is! So, you see the concern over the companion. Because they
all know, and the Vatican knows, that it was the companion that did
the damage the last time.
The only problem is, the companion became
the Planet Venus. What they don’t understand is that it’s a very
difficult thing to produce the orbits for these, and NASA is
learning that the hard way. They couldn’t keep track of Hale-Bopp;
it changed on a daily basis. That was one thing we did in The
Millennium Group was track the daily changing of its orbit, on the
government ephemeris pages.
Martin: Was Comet NEAT a surprise? Did
that come out of nowhere, or did they expect that? McCanney: No—Comet NEAT is another VERY large nucleus, planetary
size, probably the size of our Moon, at least, probably larger.
knew it was coming. They probably saw it coming in years ago, as
part of this entourage of things that are coming in, that I think of
as things that are coming in as part of the Planet X entourage.
didn’t want anybody to know about it, for the simple reason they
knew it was going to come in right around the Sun, and it was big,
and they probably never expected it to become as bright as it did.
But it was, literally, visible in the daytime sky, right next to the
Sun, as it passed—over about a 12-hour period when it was coming in.
Martin: The media blackout on that was deafening.
McCanney: [Laughter] Yeah, that’s a good way to put it. Yep.
Martin: I have the SOHO updates as my computer screen-saver, so
daily I get the updated images of the Sun. I happened to be looking
at the computer when it started to come in. So, as it was happening,
I was seeing the images, and I was just stunned at the size of that
McCanney: Then they’re saying: “The nucleus was half-a-mile
Martin: Bullshit. McCanney: Bullshit, yeah. IT WAS PLANETARY IN SIZE! That’s why, on
my home-page now, on the very top, I originally said: “Welcome Hale-Bopp,
the newest planetary member of our solar system.” And that’s part of
my Harrington Expedition goal.
I know at this point that the coma of Hale-Bopp has thinned out enough where you could actually see the
nucleus. It, actually, was like that maybe a year and a half ago.
But I’ll be able to, with a good photograph, over two successive
nights, I’ll be able to identify which object it is in the
star-pattern. With the calculation of the amount of light that’s
being reflected off of it, I can make a good estimate of its size.
Martin: The obvious question is: How many more of these companions
can we look forward to? McCanney: We don’t know. And, of course,
NASA would have a very good
knowledge of this. The other thing that I want to say about
Hale-Bopp, just one last
thing, is that in the six-year period from 1991 to 1996, where it
actually hits perihelion with the Sun, it lost three months time in
arriving, due to the tail-drag of the huge comet. That’s why we
didn’t have the direct collision with it.
And when I mean direct
collision, I don’t mean hitting Earth, but we would have been within
about one million miles. By anybody’s standard, it would have been
total devastation of this planet. The flooding would have been
enormous. It was only due to the fact that this thing slowed down
that we missed it. So, that’s the other half of Hale-Bopp. We were
in May, and NASA came out and said: “Oh, all these silly people
talking about this comet; it’s just a little snowball.”
And that’s what they’re doing with
Comet NEAT. I saw a posting just
today on CNN, if you click on the space-science section on the web,
you’ll see a story, the lead story is All The Funny Things That
Amateurs Are Seeing, like unidentified flying objects and this kind
of thing. But when you pull it up, there’s actually a picture of NEAT there. Then they’re saying: “Even amateurs can look for these
little snowballs.”
Martin: [Laughter] McCanney: [Laughter] It’s just there way; it’s just
Martin: Obviously you’ve confronted
NASA a zillion
times. How do they respond to you when you confront them with
knowledge? McCanney: Two things. They really don’t know what’s going on. They
don’t have a clue. You can still talk to the astronomers, and
they’re talking about dirty snowballs and neutrals, and they go
through all of the jargon. They, obviously, are in total denial
because NEAT in no way in the world—people, amateurs were looking at
it in UV [the ultraviolet part of the light spectrum, above visible
light in frequency, and of shorter wavelength]. Now, ok, here is a
comet, 93 million miles away, next to the Sun, and amateurs are able
to view it.
Now, ultraviolet is pretty much blocked
out by our atmosphere. The Sun’s UV rays
get through because it’s the Sun; it’s
cranking out a lot of energy. But, for a
comet next to the Sun to be visible in UV
under our blanket of atmosphere is
absolutely unheard of.
Martin: I guess another question
would be: where is NEAT going? McCanney: NEAT headed back out. That is object number four of my
South American Harrington Expedition, to rechart the new orbit for NEAT, because it clearly lost a lot of its energy as it came around
the Sun, as it picked up a lot of tail material.
So, it’s not going to come and hit Earth. That’s what
NASA always
says: “Oh, these people think it’s going to hit Earth.” No, no,
nobody said anything about it hitting Earth. They try to make fun of
people, and in fact, they actually have people who set up those
stories on the Internet so they can go make fun of them. It’s part
of their disinformation campaign.
Martin: When a comet the size of NEAT, or a planet the size of NEAT,
swings by our Sun, how does “action at a distance” come into play?
McCanney: The flare that came off [the Sun] that you see in many of
the photos, that came and hit the back side of the comet tail.
Martin: The HUGE flare?
McCanney: Space is a very big place.
Martin: The 5-million-mile flare?
McCanney: Yes. Now, if that were to come at Earth, it would have
knocked us to our knees. But it went off in a totally obscure
Let’s look at something else: What you didn’t see there, but I could
see it coming off of NEAT, if you look very closely you’ll see a
pin-thin streak coming directly away from the Sun, through the
nucleus, and out away from the nucleus out the right of the screen.
That’s connecting with Planet Mercury.
Mercury was in a direct alignment with
NEAT as it came across the ecliptic, the plane of the planets. That
line, that you can actually see on solar photographs, is connecting
to Mercury.
So, now, let’s put Earth over there. What if
Earth was over 90º
around, and we were not broadside to it? Then, we could have very
easily been in a position to take that flare, for example, or take
an electrical discharge directly from NEAT. That is what
ancients talked about with the comets, the lightning bolts flying
across the heavens; they saw these things—Zeus throwing lightning
bolts to Mars. They saw this stuff.
Martin: It was literal;
it wasn’t
metaphorical. McCanney: No, it was not
metaphorical. And, of course, now, thousands of years later,
everybody wants to make it into mythology. Mythology is the study of
false sightings, almost, whereas these people really saw this stuff.
When Venus came around Mars, it lashed out with an electrical
discharge and the auroras in the atmosphere of Mars lit-up, and it
looked like a snake grabbing Mars. It, literally, sucked the oceans
and atmosphere off of Mars as it passed by. And they saw this. They
knew that Mars, prior to that, was a water planet, was a blue
planet, just like Earth.
And these scientists are going out there—let’s talk about a little
obvious science, right now. NASA is looking for
water on Mars.
There’s the oceans, there’s the erosion, there’s river beds,
everything a water planet should have in terms of markings are on
Mars, but there’s no ocean, or streams, or rivers, and the
atmosphere is very thin. NASA is saying: “Oh, it’s in the ground from permafrost.” First of all, do you
think, after being there for millions of years, all of a sudden the
ocean just sank into the ground? How ridiculous is that?
Martin: [Laughter] McCanney: Ok. Secondly, you need a very extensive atmosphere to hold
that ocean in place for those millions of years. So, did the
atmosphere sink into the ground, too? Clearly, I mean, if you just
attack it on very basic, rudimentary principles, a kindergarten
student would not believe their story. But, they’re sending
spacecraft up there, digging around in the ground, expecting to find
permafrost where the ocean fell in. It’s absolutely ludicrous.
[Editor’s note: It’s ludicrous IF you accept
NASA’s reasons at face
value for why they’re sending “digging” equipment to Mars. But since
they’ve never told us the truth about any of the REAL activities
being conducted during Space Shuttle missions, there’s no reason to
believe what they state is actually why NASA is sending the
equipment to Mars. See note:
An Example Of Our Busy Universe]
And we have direct confirmation from the ancients who talked about
Mars having it’s ocean sucked-off by this massive comet
Venus. When
you look at the percentage chemical composition of Venus and
the atmospheres are identical in composition, if you go
percentage-wise right down. Mars has a very thin atmosphere.
has a massive atmosphere, thousands of times denser than Earth’s
atmosphere. But percentage-wise, the chemical composition of the
atmospheres of Venus and Mars are
exactly the same—which means they
were formed in the same boiling pot there, as they passed by each
Martin: Would Venus be the planet that was referred to, in ancient
times, as Tiamet? McCanney: I don’t know. Velikovsky’s
Venus is very accurate.
Martin: I wanted to ask you about
Velikovsky. You’re very similar to him in that he was given a hard
time, and ridiculed, and it turns out, he was right. My question to
you is: How is it, in the year 2003, to be a scientist who thinks
outside the box? McCanney: It’s a fact. There’s no question anymore that
Velikovsky was right. And, I think the biggest thing that I want to say about
Velikovsky, he was not studying astronomy. He was studying
CALENDARS! Velikovsky was studying the calendar. The whole purpose
of his study was to create a timeline that would—he was searching
for events that were worldwide in scope, in ancient history. He was
a very well trained person, much better than most modern Ph.D.s who
criticize him, in astronomy.
What the modern astronomers,
Carl Sagan and all those people who
attacked him, what they never understood is that he wasn’t studying
planetary science. He wasn’t interpreting that information that he
got, to talk about our science, or comets, or solar systems, or
anything else. He was studying calendars. Ancient calendars were
clearly changed about 3600 years ago. There was a huge effort, all
over the world, and we see it in all of these cities.
Let me talk about something else.
There is a tremendous push, right now, in the dating of the
of the Egyptian, of the Chinese, of all of
the calendars that we
know around the world, and when some of these civilizations lived,
that’s totally misleading, especially the Mayans. I just read an
article today that talked about the Mayans, the Mayan demise at
around 800 A.D. to 900 A.D. Totally incorrect, absolutely totally
Let’s look at
Chichen Itza. Clearly it was built many thousands of
years ago. It was built based on the orbits of Venus. At any rate,
all that I’m saying is: On almost every front of knowledge, whether
it is geography, or geology, or history, or archeology, they’re
trying to present misinformation, literally, to basically fool the
I just want to reiterate: Velikovsky
was studying calendars, looking
for a timeline, an event so massive in world scope that it would be
recognized around the world, and he could then take Tibet, and
China, and Egypt, and Israel, and all of those ancient lands and put
them on a time scale where you could say this is an event.
How we
can go forward and backwards in time and build our calendar. That’s
what he was doing. And in doing so, he discovered that the event
that he was looking for was Venus, being a large comet, and
the planet Venus that we know today.
At any rate, I just wanted to make that clear that
Velikovsky is
very misunderstood, and that a planetary event is what he discovered
in his study of calendars.
Martin: Let’s talk about your concept of
comets and plasma. What is
plasma? McCanney: Plasma is like a fourth
state of matter. In a vacuum environment,
where you have strictly gases and high
energy—for example, a lot of light
coming out of the Sun—that splits the
atoms into free electrons, ions, neutral
atoms, and other forms of energy, like
stored magnetism, stored electric fields; that’s a plasma. And the interaction of all
of these things is what you call plasma
physics; that’s the study of that. That’s, literally, in a nutshell,
what plasma is.
Martin: Let’s talk about comets.
They’re not dirty snowballs. What are comets? McCanney: Let me start by saying this: For a long time, there was
somewhat of a feud in the astrophysics community between a guy named
Chapman and Hans Alfhen, from the Swedish Institute.
Chapman tells
that space was electrically neutral. Alfhen says, no, we can see
this plasma up there, it’s doing strange things, we don’t know what
causes all of this, but space is not electrically neutral; it’s very
much active electromagnetically.
And then, the United States, of course, is where the money is.
Chapman won out, he was the American. There is a very simple physics problem
that is taught to every graduate student in
space science and astrophysics and
physics. That is, if you take a charge and
put it in outer space, very, very rapidly,
and you can calculate how rapid this is,
charge will come and surround it, and
shield it, and will not allow it to be seen,
electrically, in any other part of the
It’s a shielding property, and if
you have a magnetic field out there for
some reason, around an object, the same
thing will happen; you get a plasma
effect. And that, for example, is one
reason why our gravity is known to be a
force that is totally independent of electromagnetism, because these
electromagnetic forces are so shielded that gravity “sees through
them” let’s say. Be that as it may, Chapman kind-of won this
theoretical battle. And so, for decades you had the Chapman
conferences, Chapman physics, which was taught in all the textbooks,
and all of these guys grew up thinking that space was electrically
neutral, because of that little problem that you could do as a
graduate student.
And I’ve done that. But what I realized,
and apparently none of these other people
realized, the data, as it started coming
back from the space-probes, didn’t
support that at all. There was a
tremendous amount of electromagnetic activity out there, and that’s
when, in 1979, I was a young instructor at Cornell University, that
had access to all of this data coming in from Voyager spacecraft,
Pioneer and Voyager, as they went by
Jupiter and Saturn. That was
before NASA realized that they had to keep the data away from people
like me, who would interpret it differently than what they would
like to see.
At any rate, the data was saying something totally different.
bizarre electromagnetic things were being observed—spokes in
Saturn’s rings, tremendous electrical discharges, current rings of
millions of amperes floating around the planet. Things just didn’t
make sense. There was a proton wind. The thing that caught my
attention the most was that there was a proton wind coming off of
both Jupiter and Saturn, and that’s a satellite property that we
only see from the Sun.
It’s interesting that they only saw protons.
They didn’t see an electron wind that would neutralize that. So,
clearly, outer space was not what they were expecting. They were
expecting Jupiter to be an ice-cold frozen ball of hydrogen, very
sterile, and it was not. It was tremendously dynamic, had a huge
magnetic field. Literally, as they went out in front to Venus, as
they went out to all of the other planets, they were very different
than what they thought they would be.
So, at any rate, I happened to be at
Cornell at this time, and I had
already completed much of my theoretical work by that time, on
inclusion of electromagnetic fields and celestial mechanics. I
understood how these worked. When I saw this data coming in, I
recognized, out of my theoretical work and the data—and that, of
course, is something that none of these Chapman physics guys had any
clue about. They were still trying to imagine that these were
gravitational effects that they were seeing.
At that time I also
studied comets, as part of what I was doing. I realized that comets
could not possibly be these dirty snowball things. There is a lot of
data indicating that comets were interacting electrically with the
Sun, and were noticed to have had electrical discharges around them.
At the time, I didn’t know what caused the electric fields, but I
knew it had to be caused by the Sun. I knew that the comets were
interacting and that the nuclei of the comets were becoming
negatively charged.
Then, it finally dawned on me at that time, 1979-80, that this had
to be produced by a differential flow in the solar winds. In other
words, there were more protons in the solar winds than electrons.
That gave me a whole new model for fusion. That’s when I realized
that the fusion had to be up in the solar atmosphere, and not down
in the core. That’s when I realized that the corona of electrons
around the Sun was really a super-atom space, and that the Sun
itself was positively charged down below that, and up above that the
corona of electrons was actually making the Sun look negatively
charged to the outside.
This whole complex phenomena of how the solar winds would open up
holes in the corona and come blasting out, was caused by
electrostatic acceleration of the protons as they moved out through
the corona. And that’s exactly what we’re viewing. And this whole
time, even up until today, NASA insists that the energy from the Sun
is coming from the core. Totally incorrect.
When I was at Cornell, I met
Hans Bethe, Nobel Prize winning
physicist who created the model for the Sun that we now use. And, of
course, he was a friend of Albert Einstein, and they both won Nobel
Prizes. But Hans Bethe won the prize for the chemistry and the
understanding that the nuclear fusion model that we now, literally,
use today, and the chain reactions that would build up the bigger
atoms, and cause the heat. He made the initial calculations that the
heat of the Sun, and those kinds of things, would actually match
But I sat and I talked to him about this. I talked to him about the
fact that the Solar System had to be electrically active, and that
comets were not dirty snowballs. And he looked at me and he knew,
and Einstein knew, that—one of Einstein’s last things he did was
very actively pursue
Velikovsky’s work because he knew that
relativity was missing something very big, and that was the
electromagnetic field.
You could not have gravity affecting light
without also having the electromagnetic field around stars affecting
light as well. He knew that those factors were missing from
Relativity, and that’s what he was working on when he died.
Hans Bethe told me that’s what Einstein was working on, he was trying to
figure out that problem. I know he looked at me like: “I think this
kid has figured out what’s going on here.” I asked him:
“I’m having
trouble publishing. They’re taking away my ability to publish. Do
you have any suggestions for this?”
And he said:
“Try the German
And I did. My work
eventually began to be published in the Netherlands.
Martin: That’s interesting. So, you had to go off-shore.
McCanney: Yes, and there were two journals that were actually
published in the Netherlands, Astrophysics & Space Science and
another one called The Moon & The Planets. This was due to what
Hans Bethe told me.
Martin: Sounds like he gave you good advice.
McCanney: Yes. But when this stuff started hitting the streets, the
people at Cornell freaked-out.
Martin: Why is that?
McCanney: Because I was using
Cornell’s name, and I was using non
Chapman physics with Cornell’s name on it. This was NOT what they
wanted to see. And, of course, when they got a hold of all of my
papers and ran them through the Space Science Department there, they
realized that what I was doing was corroborating Velikovsky’s story.
Carl Sagan was Professor Emeritus of the Donald Duncan Chair of
Astronomy, a very exclusive seat of astronomy at Cornell. He was the
one who, basically, did-in Velikovsky. That’s why Sagan was famous.
Not many people understand that he led the charge against Velikovsky,
who was selling millions of books all over the world.
Sagan led the
charge that Velikovsky was a geologist and planetary scientist and
astronomer, and on and on, to prove, so to speak, that
Velikovsky could not possibly be true. And that’s why
Sagan eventually got the
COSMOS series, because he was the spokesperson for the astronomy
community that buried Velikovsky. Not more than two years later, I
show up at Cornell. I’m using their data to prove Velikovsky
Martin: I’m sure it went over like a lead balloon. [Laughter]
McCanney: [Laughter] I didn’t understand any of this at that time.
Now I understand.
Martin: So, you didn’t understand how “politically incorrect” that
was? McCanney: [Laughter] Yes.
Martin: This is slightly off-point.
Apparently we just had a passing of something called Enigma, which
was a black dwarf ? McCanney: Did you hear that there was actually something there, at
Martin: No. I was looking and
looking, and I never saw anything. McCanney: No, there wasn’t anything. There again, when that first
came out, I looked at the webpage, I looked at the information, and
I said: “This is a NASA disinformation site.
Martin: I wondered about that.
McCanney: That was the first thing out of my mouth. You look at the
webpage, very well constructed. Here’s a guy, Chung, who has no
prior history of being involved in anything like this.
Martin: And notice he’s the ONLY one making that statement, as far
as I can tell.
McCanney: Yeah. He’s putting down
Planet X. You look
at his references and they are all NASA/JPL sites. The only non-NASA
site that he lists is
Zetatalk, which is, literally, a NASA site—the
Nancy Lieder site, which was built by NASA
to create more
disinformation about the topic of
Planet X.
Martin: Let’s talk about
Planet X some more. I know you don’t like
to talk about time frames, but do you have any sense of it, at all?
Are we a year out? A hundred years out? McCanney: That I don’t know, and that’s what I want to find out with
The Harrington Expedition.
Martin: So, you don’t have a sense of that, at this point?
McCanney: I do, privately. I’m always afraid to speak of dates
because people try to hold you to that.
Martin: Could you talk in general terms?
McCanney: Ok. If history plays out correctly, let me say this: Hale-Bopp,
NEAT, and the other five comets that we saw in February.
We saw five
comets come in very close to the Sun—one was Kudo-Fujikawa, one was
NEAT V1, the other one was no name, it just came tunneling into the
side of the Sun at about 100 million miles an hour, and then there
was another small comet nucleus that tunneled up in the Sun on the
lower-left side of the picture, as you look at it, as NEAT passed on
below, and it was believed that was an object that was thrown off of
NEAT and tunneled down into a solar flare, and that’s where those
big balloon-shaped, long plasma tubes came out of the Sun, in
reaction to that.
Ok, your question was Planet X. The
Hopi Indians
believed that Hale-Bopp [1995] was the Blue Kachina, which was the
precursor by about 10 years, of Planet X. And 10 years, of course,
is a very relative term there. The point is, what appears to be, if Hale-Bopp had been a companion of the Big Guy, 4200 years ago—and
that’s what the cycle is, not 3600 years, but 4200 years for Nibiru—then
we’re due here within the next decade.
Martin: Ok, that’s helpful.
McCanney: And the other thing is, people are concentrating on this Planet X or Nibiru object. The thing I point out is, I study the
extra-Solar System objects. NEAT, for example, didn’t match anything
that we’ve seen before. It was a brand new comet. So, whether it was
related to Nibiru coming in, or not, is impossible to really say.
Martin: So, really, it’s an unknown entity.
McCanney: Right. The point is, there
are hundreds, if not thousands, or
hundreds of thousands of these big
objects floating around out there. And
that is something that NASA refuses to
acknowledge. They keep talking about
these comets as being a quarter of a mile
across, or something. Well, you know and I know that NEAT was BIG. It wasn’t a
half-mile across.
And just by the fact that NASA says that, any grade school kid
would know that they are lying. Why are
they lying? Because they want to
downplay these big objects, which they’re
now observing but they don’t have a
theoretical place for them. And if they admitted that NEAT was planetary-sized,
they would, basically, say: “Jim McCanney is right.”
Martin: What’s wrong with that?
McCanney: [Laughter]
Martin: I don’t see anything wrong with that.
McCanney: Ask them; I don’t know.
They seem to have a problem.
Martin: They have a very large problem. Reality is knocking at their
door, and they’re not answering. McCanney: Yeah. There again, this goes back to the fact that—let’s
talk about NEAT. What if the public was aware that everybody was
“Oh, look, the paper says go out at sunset tonight. Let’s
look at this comet go by the Sun.”
And all of sudden they’re standing there and what would be the first
thing that goes through everybody’s mind? “What if that thing came
near Earth?”
Martin: Right. “Oh, my God!”
McCanney: I mean, wouldn’t that go through you mind?
Martin: Sure. McCanney: Why do you think they didn’t announce it?
Martin: The so-called “panic theory”.
McCanney: Yeah. And then, that
logical deduction:
“If that came all of a sudden out of the blue,
could another one come out of the blue, at any time, and come by
Earth and affect it?”
And of course, that’s what I’m saying. That’s
the “action at a distance” thing. We don’t have to be hit by these
things. NASA keeps pounding on this: “If we’re HIT by one of these
thing.” No! It has nothing to do with necessarily actually being
If that flare would have hit us, come out and go out behind
you would have known it. There would probably be, in 5 years,
there’d be a lot of people dying of cancer, because that would have
blasted the magnetic field, would have torn away our magnetic
shield, and whoever was facing the Sun at that time would have been
It’s not well known, but back in the late 1990s—this I got from
Dmitriev, in fact—there was a solar flare that hit Earth, and we
were on the night-time side, at the time when the actual magnetic
field went to zero. Russia was pointed toward the
Sun, and they are
actually tracking cancer rates, right now in Russia,
based on that
Martin: That’s amazing. This will get into an area that you
might not feel comfortable answering, but my wife was curious to
know, what effects on people will these vibrational changes have
over the next few years? McCanney: I would say two-fold.
There is very much a polarization
going on, right now, around the world. It’s literal in that the
people who are raising to higher consciousness of
where we fit in the universe, and that we have to come together in a
peaceful manner and stop using the resources on this Earth in a
totally careless manner. We have to provide for our future
Those people are going to be elevated, way up. And
they’re going to be communicating on an almost mental, spiritual
level around the world, understanding that we cannot continue to
have petty Earth-wars, and put all our resources into this.
The other thing that’s apparent is,
time is a resource. We always
think—and NASA wants us to believe, too—that we have all of this
time. We have years and years and years—in that case, eons. And we
will only continue to advance and go forward. They don’t want to
talk about the fact that we have a very limited time resource to get
our act together here in dealing with these celestial storms; let’s
call them celestial hurricanes.
I think that would be a good word,
because they come sort-of randomly. You don’t know when they’re
going to form. They’re based on powers that are far beyond anything
that we can control. One of the biggest things that we have to get
rid of is this world-wide organization that is controlling the whole
world and keeping it, basically, in a slavery mode.
The other part of the pole is exactly that. The organizations, the
Catholic Church in the form of
the Vatican. I’m not talking about
the little local church, with the priest and the people worshipping
Christ. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the Vatican,
the top-down worldwide power source, and these elite families who
are keeping the world, basically, on a day-today, mouth-to-mouth
situation. And those people are going to become far worse in doing
what they’re doing. And we can see that happening right now.
So, literally what’s going to happen is—and some of it is tuned to
the electrical fields that are caused when these things come in. So
when they talk about “rumors of war”, literally the people who are
that mindset are going to increase their war effort 100-fold. They
will be totally, totally dedicated to doing nothing but war and
destruction and killing.
And the other half is going to be the people who are raising their
consciousness. They would have two possibilities: To try to go out
and kill the people who are causing all the wars. Well, obviously we
built this entire war machine, and you can’t fight it. It’s too
And the people operating that would say: “Well, you’re trying to
ruin our defense.” It’s not defense anymore; it’s offense. They’re
going out and they’re going to have wars and wars and wars. They’re
already talking about the wars after the Iraq war, which would be
Iran next. The war is not going to end. And Bush
said at the
beginning, he said this war is going to last forever.
So, that is the polarity that is going to occur, and that is
actually part of both the prophecy and the reality. If you look at
what’s going on, there’s no doubt that all of this stuff is coming
to pass.
Martin: Let’s talk about the
Schumann Frequency and arriving at
Point, as a planet. Do you see that happening? And, do you see these
celestial bodies as having an influence in that occurring? McCanney: You know, I talk with people who talk about
Zero Point energy and all this stuff, and I don’t personally—let me say this so
I can be politically correct here.
Martin: You don’t have to be politically correct here. Let me
rephrase the question, it might be more comfortable for you. Let’s
talk about the shifting magnetic poles of Planet Earth, and how
these changes are affecting our magnetic poles? McCanney: First of all, the
magnetic field of the Earth is very much
misunderstood. Most of it is caused by currents that flow around the
Earth. It’s not caused by some kind of magnet in our core.
The magnetic field that does come from
our core, the permanent component of that magnetic field, is very loosely bound in
iron and nickel deposits. It’s not like a
little iron magnet that you would put in
your pocket as a kid. Most of our magnetic
field is in the form of electrical currents
flowing around the planet in the solar wind,
and in the Van Allen Belt, and in other
forms—that’s our magnetic field. That’s
why, when a very highly charged electromagnetic comet comes by,
that’s why it can very much affect us.
The Russians—and this is a good time to mention this—it just
occurred to me, but the Russians did a study a number of years ago
on unborn fetuses. What they realized was, these unborn fetuses were
tuning-in to the electromagnetic rhythm of the cosmos.
This is like
what Dmitriev was talking about. They were very aware of the
electromagnetic part of our environment, where in the West here they
were still going “there is no such thing”. They weren’t even
building instruments to measure it, whereas the Russians were doing
this. That’s why, when the Russians got hold of my papers, they
flipped-out. They said: “This explains everything that we’ve been
Then they did statistical studies on the planetary alignments, and
things like that, relative to astrology. And, basically, they became
convinced that there was a very definite association with people,
and their lives, and the way they acted, and the planetary position.
They did this with not just humans, but plant life, animal life, and
on and on. They realized that there was something to this, but they
didn’t understand what it was.
But when they realized that
all of the planets are discharging the
solar capacity that’s built-up around the Sun, due to excess current
of protons in the solar winds, as these planets came into
alignments, that increased the flow of currents along those paths.
And when you had many planets line-up, it increased the currents
100-fold, not just 2-fold.
And so, as the Moon, for example, comes through a
New Moon and
passes away, for a short while, in the New Moon phase it’s blocking
the solar wind. But as it moves out of the way, that solar wind
comes pounding in and breaks our magnetic field down, causing
tremendous pressure on the atmosphere.
So, the New Moon phase and the
Full Moon phase are times when the
Earth is being, basically, crushed under a lot of electromagnetic
pressure, just as one way of talking about it.
So, all of these effects that you’re
seeing are very real.
When a big comet comes into the
solar system, breaks down the solar
electric field and starts driving this energy up in the Sun that
we’re seeing, then all of a sudden you get what I’m talking about
with this polarization. The people who are raising themselves to a
higher spiritual consciousness will raise much farther, and the
people who are intent on war will go out and beat the war drum much
more. And that’s what we’re seeing right now.
Martin: What do you
think individuals will experience? Will people experience much more
disease, more out of balance, any theories? McCanney: Let’s talk about the
jet stream and weather. Everything
will become more erratic. We’re already seeing this. You’ll see
temperature swings that are much larger. And you’re going to see the
same thing in people. People who are not really in control of
themselves, you’re going to see becoming erratic; people who are
off-balance a little bit, become off balance a lot; people who are
very balanced become far more balanced. So, this is part of the
There’s not going to be anybody in the middle any more.
Martin: Accentuating what is.
McCanney: That’s right.
Martin: Let’s get back to the
Zero Point, politically incorrect
subject. McCanney: Here is what I think is
going on, and I learned this when I first
met the Russian people. They would talk
in terms—like Dimitriev talks about the
vacuum domain
— and that, to us, means
outer space. And he has a lot of terms that
he uses, and at first I said: “What’s he
talking about here?” I just met another
Russian in February when I was at the UFO
Congress in Laughlin, Nevada.
I was the
lead-off speaker at the conference. I spent
some quality time with Dr. Valerie Uvarov
from Russia [heads the Department for
Investigation of Extraterrestrial
Civilization under the hand of the
Academy Sciences of Russia]. I
interviewed him on my show. In fact, I did my radio show from there,
and I spent quite a bit of time talking to him. They are very, very
aware of this in Russia. In fact, that comes under his dominion as
Head of Security in Russia.
Martin: No kidding?
McCanney: Yeah. And the fact that they are now having more
contacts. And I asked him off-line:
“I know, for a fact, from the
feedback I get from our own ‘black-ops’ and ‘skunk works’ in this
country, of which I used to have input regarding electromagnetic
propulsion systems and how they work, like Star Wars, why they come
out and shoot down these rockets that are coming, because of
electromagnetic effects.”
People come and ask me about those kinds
of things, to see if I can help them understand it.
And I told
Valerie this. I get this input because I’m in the loop. These people
come out of the woodwork and ask me. They say:
“Can you help us? Can
you explain this?” I said to Valerie: “What they don’t understand in
this country is, there’s a higher-level concept".
When you get up to
this kind of hardware—let’s call it hardware, because that’s what we
would call it in this country. In Russia, they wouldn’t call it
hardware because they understand the conceptual side of this. But
you can reverse-engineer, you can have all of the knowledge on how
this stuff works, and it will NEVER work properly if you have evil
Martin: That’s right.
McCanney: In this country they don’t understand that. When I told
Valerie this—
Martin: There’s a Higher Force at play here.
McCanney: His eyes got bigger than saucers. He said: “You understand
this!” He said: “You’re the first person in the West who understands
this concept!”
Martin: Those things will not be allowed in space
with evil intent. It’s just not going to happen. McCanney: No.
Martin: Not now, not ever.
McCanney: No, absolutely. And the
people in “black-ops” here have gone to
the extent of going to the East and
actually getting higher-level
consciousness humans to come over there and stand next to their
spacecraft, to try to induce that into what they’re doing.
It’s not going to work. McCanney: [Laughter]
Martin: You can’t deceive
Mother Nature; and you certainly can’t
deceive God and the entirety of Creation. McCanney: Yeah. Who do they think they’re fooling? By the way, I put
that there on my home page, the two comets flying into the flare. I
put that there for a reason, because every one of those “black-ops”
guys who goes there knows that picture, and they know the rumble
that went through the NSA, and those guys, when that happened. And
that was, that was a shot over the bow. It’s like, look what we can
do, and don’t screw around.
And these guys still don’t get the
Martin: They are really slow learners.
McCanney: Yep, yep. And this
is something that is a real problem in the West, because Russia
already knows this. They have broken the ties with that kind of
philosophy and are moving on. Valerie told me; he said they are
accelerating, they are being contacted. He said, very plainly to me:
“Your country and the people in it will not be contacted until you
break that down.” Because this is like a lead weight on the planet,
this country. “Then you’ll start to progress.” It was just so
And those [Russian] people are
making great strides. It’s not because
they have a hundred-billion-dollar budget. You don’t need money. These
devices are not complicated. It’s very clear that the ancients had
space travel, and they had the understanding of how to
electromagnetically shield themselves as they moved throughout
space, and to move electromagnetically. All of this stuff is very
clear. It’s very clear that this planet was destroyed. The flood
came for a reason last time.
Martin: Right. McCanney: Because there were people here who didn’t get it. So, I
don’t know how much of that you want to use.
Martin: We’ve written about this for years, and our readers are well
aware of this. This is not news, believe it or not. We’ve said this
for years. McCanney: There again, how many groups could you really talk about
this to, and have them even have a clue as to what you’re talking
Martin: It’s right on point. It will not go over anyone’s head
[among our readers].
McCanney: It’s a whole consciousness thing. I
keep saying, the idea of
Planet X—and that’s why
the government has
created Nancy Lieder: because they want a date when it’s NOT going
to happen. That’s why they created Enigma. They want a date, they
want a time. They want to go in the newspapers and on the media and
say: “Look at these crazy people. Look at all this stupid stuff
that’s coming out of the Internet. Listen to us, because we’re the
ones who will tell you the real story here.”
[Editor’s note: This is a good lesson
illustrating how the disinformation
machinery operates—at taxpayer
expense—to mislead so many people searching for answers. It is
likewise a measure of the desperation these misfits are experiencing
as The Truth comes out anyway! ]
Martin: I notice that
Zecharia Sitchin is acting like somebody put a
lid on him. He’s VERY quiet. McCanney: I don’t know. I understand he had a little “talking to”.
Martin: Do you mean after
Harrington died?
McCanney: Actually, somewhat recently, in the last 3 years,
something like that. About 3 years ago he was very active on radio
shows and things, and all of a sudden it’s like the bottom fell out.
Apparently, they had a little discussion with him, and specifically
about Planet X, because that’s when the popularity of the topic was
Martin: Do you think, the way the
magnetic poles are shifting now so
rapidly, do you think we’ll reach a point where the magnetic poles
actually do completely shift? McCanney: We’re tetering near a zero magnetic field all the time,
right now. They’re just not talking about it.
Martin: Will there come a time when we actually reach
Zero Point?
McCanney: We’re going through it all the time.
Martin: So, we’re going back and forth?
McCanney: Oh, yeah. We’re
doing this daily.
Martin: Now, do you think there is a point at which time ceases to
McCanney: Time is a human construction. I mean, a clock is a
human construction. They need it for navigation. You called me at
the same time that I was going to be here. [Laughter] It’s a human
Martin: It’s also very 3rd dimensional.
McCanney: Yeah. These events
are very normal. I liken what’s going on to the Arrowack Indians of
the East Antilles. When the White man first came over from Europe
and encountered these people, they worshipped their god Hurrican.
Hurrican was a god of the hurricanes, and of course, it’s very much
like what we’re dealing with here. These big storms would come
rolling through, totally out of their control, so they deified it,
so they invented the word hurrican. And then it was very
similar—sometimes they were very bad, sometimes they were totally
devastating, blew all the trees down and only a few people survived,
and they rebuilt.
So, we’re dealing with very much the same thing here. We’re
deifying. In fact, the Old Testament deifies all of the events that
happened from this planetary catastrophe. It’s so weird to see the
way they teach it, for example, in Christianity, modern Christianity
that is. Jesus was very much on-line when he was talking at the
Sermon On The Mount. They were asking the same questions. Go read
your Bible, the Sermon On The Mount. The people were asking the same
questions people are asking today. When is it going to come? What
should we do to prepare? It’s all there. The people 2,000 years ago
were saying the same thing.
And he was saying the same thing. He knew it because he was raised
by Joseph of Arimathea, who had this old Bible, which had nothing in
it but the devastation and the flood. That’s what the whole Old
Testament is about, the rebuilding of society. It’s a textbook on
that devastation. Yet, we today talk about it in kind-of a dual
mode, in that God came down and did this, and saved Moses and all
the Israelites, the burning pillar of fire. Well, that was the
electrical discharge going up to the comet. And, of course, nobody
understood it. They thought God did all this, parted the Red Sea.
If you go back into the legends of the
Jews, and read where they are
leaving Egypt, most of them died. This wasn’t a picnic. This wasn’t
like Hollywood makes it out. Mostly everybody died—the Pharaoh’s
kids, everybody died who made it through just this deluge of big
boulders burning out of the sky, a rain of fire and brimstone out of
the sky. These people were all burned, they were mostly deaf because
of the electrical discharges, and the lightning bolts, and the
tremendous thunderclaps. These people were a mess.
Martin: I’ve read
a lot on the subject of Earth changes in the last 20 years. In a few
pages in your Earth Changes book you write more explicitly and
clearly, and in more frighteningly plain language than I’ve seen
anywhere. Your description is fantastic. [Refer back to some
passages shared just prior to the beginning of this interview.] I
have not seen anywhere the way you spell it out. It demystifies this
comet-interplanetary-tectonic enigma that has been put forth. It
makes the Gordon Michael Scallion map of the future Earth crystal
clear. McCanney: I had the fortunate experience of being at archeological
sites when they were dug-up. So, I saw the history being unearthed,
literally, as it came out of the ground.
And the other one was to have the ability, as a scientist, as a
physicist, and being at Cornell, to see the data coming in from the
space probes, as it came in. You have to understand, if I weren’t
there at that time, all that data would have been lost.
And then, I had the ability to not only see
the data, enough to understand what it said,
as I saw it, because there were hundreds of
people who saw that data, but I was the
only one who really knew what it meant.
Martin: It seems like there
is a gigantic “black hole” centered right over NASA, and all of this
stuff just gets eaten-up and swallowed. Does anybody give a damn
working in that organization? McCanney: Nope.
Martin: It really ticks me off to think about it. I guess I’m not
the only one. I’m sure you’ve had your moments with them. What a
waste of resource. McCanney: Literally. When you realize the value that has to be
coming out of that Department. That Agency is, literally, the most
critical thing for the human species that we have to be doing—and
that’s getting out, and learning how to live in outer space—but we
can’t do it with warfare equipment piled-up on top of these
spacecraft. It was in the wrong hands. NASA was supposed to be a
civilian agency, and it was immediately taken over. There was
in-fighting as to who would control NASA, and where the facilities
would be stationed, and who would get the cut of the pie. When you
realize all the things that went wrong with NASA, you can chalk it
up to one thing, two things, they go hand-in-hand: power and money.
Martin: Sure, always. McCanney: It’s a total failure of our society, at a time when we
needed to make that last step. It’s like coming up a flight of
20,000 stairs, with people dying on the way, and wars, and famine,
and every possible difficulty you can image, and we get to the very
top step, and all of the steps that were taken before are total
failures because of money and greed at that top step. That’s what
Martin: Do you have—I imagine you do, and probably can’t even
comment on this—do you have your own network of allies, who you can
exchange information with, in other parts of the world? McCanney: Oh, yeah, in OTHER parts of the world; but not in this
country. [Laughter]
Martin: I’ve taken enough of your time already, but are there some
closing comments you’d like to make to our readers about this time,
where we’re moving, things to look for? McCanney: I would say, number one: The rest of the world is advancing far beyond the United States, in
consciousness, and in progress as a human species.
The other thing I would say is: As a country, as a civilian
population, we have to grab hold of this country and turn it around
because, literally, the whole rest of the world depends on it. We
are at a stage, right now, that is equivalent to 1939, pre-World War
Two Hitler Germany. They did not turn that country around. And if we
don’t turn this country around, we’re going to be in a far bigger
world problem than World War Two ever thought of being.
You pile on
top of this, the very likely situation that a large, historically
known planet, Nibiru, is coming in with its entire entourage of
members, any one of which could be the thing that comes near us and
causes us serious damage, or goes near the Sun and throws off flares
and causes us serious damage, then we have squandered our resources.
We’ve squandered our physical resources, and we’ve squandered our
resource of time. So, in the judgment of the Universe,
failed—as a civilization, as a society, as the most advanced
country, possibly, that the Earth has seen—we’ve failed. And there’s
still time, but precious little time, to recover.
Martin: That’s a
perfect place to end, unless you have something else to say.
McCanney: No, I think that’s it.
Martin: Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate your being
willing to do this. You might be surprised at some of the
correspondence you’ll get from our readership, which is worldwide.
McCanney: The thing I find is that you cannot measure the things
that are going on. The information, as it moves out, takes root.
Martin: These things take on a life of their own, once they’re in
print. And they just go far and wide. McCanney: Great.
Martin: It’s just really nice talking to you. I’m glad you’re on the
planet. McCanney: [Laughter] Thank you, it’s good to be here.
Martin: [Laughter] McCanney: You know, I hope I stick around for a while.
Martin: I hope you do, too. Thank you, so much.
McCanney: Just keep me posted.
Martin: I certainly will keep you
posted. Thanks.
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