Changes In The Earth’s Rotation Are In The Wind

An interesting 3/4/03 note from the Goddard Space Flight Center website ( said:


Because of Earth’s dynamic climate, winds and atmospheric pressure systems experience constant change. These fluctuations may affect how our planet rotates on its axis, according to NASA-funded research that used wind and satellite data.

NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) mission is to understand the Earth system and its response to natural and human-induced changes for better prediction of climate, weather, and natural hazards, such as atmospheric changes or El Niño events that may have contributed to the effect on Earth’s rotation.

"Changes in the atmosphere, specifically atmospheric pressure around the world, and the motions of the winds that may be related to such climate signals as El Niño, are strong enough that their effect is observed in the Earth’s rotation signal",

said David A. Salstein, an atmospheric scientist from Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., of Lexington, Massachusetts, who led a recent study.

[end quoting]

Of course we can’t assume that any of this important research is going to be shared with the citizenry—whose tax dollars largely fund the work.

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Alaska Warming Is Look At Future


On another matter, on August 12, 2003, Pope John Paul II led prayers for rain as temperatures across Europe continued to soar. The reported number of heat-related deaths continued to rise as well, leveling out well above 13,000—officially.

Moving now from Europe closer to home, consider this 8/10/03 item from Seth Borenstein of Knight-Rider Newspapers:



Alaska is melting.
Glaciers are receding. Permafrost is thawing. Roads are collapsing. Forests are dying. Villages are being forced to move, and animals are being forced to seek new habitats.

What’s happening in Alaska is a preview of what people farther south can expect, said Robert Corell, a former top National Science Foundation scientist who heads research for the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment team.

"If you want to see what will be happening in the rest of the world 25 years from now, just look at what’s happening in the Arctic" Corell said.

In Alaska, year-round average temperatures have risen 5ºF since the 1960s, and winter temperatures soared 8º in that period, according to the federal government. The entire world is expected to warm 2.5 to 10º by 2100, predict scientists at the International Panel on Climate Change.

Last year was the hottest year in Alaska history, and this past winter was the second warmest on record, according to the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC, which found that Alaska’s temperatures began to rise dramatically in 1976. This July, Anchorage recorded its second-highest temperature ever.

[end quoting]

Naturally, there will be no public mention of how much top-secret tinkering—such as HAARP—has to do with this kind of effect. As James McCanney discussed earlier, do you suppose the consciences of the scientists involved will ever win out over the intimidations of their controllers?

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Underwater Volcano Discovered In Aleutians

And speaking of Alaska, how about this 8/12/03 item from CNN News (


Underwater Volcano Discovered In Aleutians
The North Pacific’s "Ring of Fire" can claim a new member—a previously unknown underwater volcano in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands that researchers in Alaska revealed on Monday.

Scientists this summer mapped the cone-shaped volcano, which rises beneath the waters near Amchitka Pass, a gap in the chain of largely uninhabited islands that separate the Pacific Ocean from the Bering Sea.

The volcano rises 1,903 feet (580 meters) above the sea floor and tops out less than 377 feet (115 meters) from the water’s surface, said researchers with the University of Alaska at Fairbanks and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

[end quoting]

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Ecuador Volcano Rumbles To Life

One wonders just how many other such hidden lava vents, similar to the above report, are yet to be discovered. While we muse about such underwater volcanic surprises, let’s pay close attention to the increased activity on land, such as this for 8/22/03, reported by major news services:


Ecuador’s Tungurahua volcano, in a state of simmering eruption since October 1999, rumbled to life overnight, sending a column of smoke and ash three kilometers high, the Geophysical Institute said.

The volcano, 5000 meters in altitude and 135 meters south of Quito, is one of Ecuador’s most active.

[end quoting]

At a recent trip to our local post office, I noticed a flier on the counter from Homeland Security geared toward "preparing" for an emergency—such things as making an emergency supply kit, establishing a family communications plan, and creating a plan to "shelter-in-place" at an interior room of one’s residence. The question begs to be asked: Is Homeland Security recommending these actions for a potential "terrorist act" or for something much larger along the lines of Earth changes?

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Message Of Warning From Mayan Elders

Consider this excerpt from a mid-August announcement shared by Mitch Battros through his Earth Changes TV program:



Message Of Warning From Mayan Elders
The tribal leader’s name is Don Jacinto Patsan. He is of the "Mam" tribe in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. It was delivered directly to Adam Rubel of Seq’ Be’ on Wednesday via Mayan Ajq’ij Carlos Barrios, also from Huehuetenango. Then delivered to me Thursday "on air" during our interview via Carlos Barrios’ and Don Jacinto Patsan’s request.

They have told me between the period of August 16 and December 15, 2003, there is a strong potential for natural disasters "on a grand scale". A specific type, time (as in a particular day), or place was not given. What was said is, it will take the form of earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, and floods.

[end quoting]

Others who have an attunement with Mother Earth echo similar warnings.

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Closing Thoughts

The cumulative data suggests that Mother Earth is gearing-up for some significant adjustments. While the dire predictions of Earth changes that have been made over the last two decades have gone largely unmanifested—SO FAR—something significant is clearly happening with our planet at this present lively time.

Will we look back on the current level of activity as a precursor of what unfolded just around the corner? That’s largely out of our hands.

It IS important for us to always remember to keep God in the equation when thinking about humanity’s plight in the midst of such planet-wide events. It is far too easy to slip into depression and become overwhelmed. Constructive action and positive thought are as important now as ever.

We may not need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, but I, for one, am grateful to have James McCanney’s input concerning how planetary conditions are affected by the Sun and the solar winds. If there is one point made loud and clear from his discussion, it’s that everything in this vast Universe is indeed connected. So if the Sun sneezes, we’d better be paying attention!

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