Harry Mason
Geologist-Geophysicist - Perth
Western Australia
January 2 2005
Rense Website
See the article below - this is the sort
of beast that may be brewing under the newly-active MAJOR seismic
zone NW of Sumatra.
TOBA lies just inland from the 9.0 Richter
tsunamis-forming earthquake epicenter - on a previously created NW
trending fault harmonic - located onshore within the NW Sumatra
Island Arc
During an explosive mega-eruption some 75,000 years ago, TOBA
is thought to have nearly taken out the entire human race.
Krakatoa was a baby's baby in comparison !!!
For more information on TOBA see
HERE and
For a detailed geological and geophysical analysis of
TOBA see
A full article on TOBA
from the BBC
I am indebted to anthropologist Sandra Belanger of San
Francisco for the data sources re TOBA.
The NW Sumatra seismic event is still in progress
(Monday 3-01-05) with regular periodic 5.0-6.5 Richter quakes and
thousands of smaller trembles largely focused within the proto
NNW trending Andaman-Nicobar-Sumatra Island Arc. This remains a
HIGHLY-DANGEROUS situation and will remain so for many months.
The lack of regular press alerts on this scenario is disturbing. The
public need to know the potential dangers involved AND what to do in
case of an alert.