From Reflection magazine
Issue No.9
July/August 1998
ISSN 1326-8414, page 22
In 1942 the famous scientist
Dr. Nikola Tesla said,
"If you want to
find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency and vibration."
The whole of the Universe is energy and
each basic element of the known atomic chart consists of energy at
different rates of vibration. The difference between any two
elements is the difference in both atomic structure and vibration
There is a frequency or vibration of energy that fills the Universe.
This energy is not only beneficial, but also essential to all living
cells whether human, plant or animal. Man utilizes this energy with
his mind. Every thought is transmitted by this energy. Every aspect
of life in the physical depends on this basic energy or power of the
Spiritual growth is our only purpose and reason for being alive on
earth. Each individual must learn how to utilize this energy for
spiritual growth and constructive purposes. Constructive use
(positive use) of this energy raises the level of consciousness of
man and in turn raises his vibration rate or frequency. Every
individual has a different rate of vibration. All of man’s earthly
problems are created by his thought projections. What we project
from our mind in the form of thoughts, we create and receive.
Spiritual growth requires the elimination of all negative thought,
which dissipates "the life force" or vital energy.
Every individual, knowingly or otherwise, makes use of this energy.
Our bodies use this energy to heal injuries, to reduce stress and
fatigue, and to grow both physically and spiritually. Without
exception everyone has the ability to attract as much of this
Universal energy as the individual’s body and mind require.
Unfortunately the seemingly hectic pace of modern life has most of
us looking after day to day cares with precious little time to
concentrate on attracting sufficient quantities of the vital
Universal energy to meet our needs.
Fortunately for millions around the world a gentleman named Ralph Bergstresser had an experience in the 1930s.
Ralph was the guest of
a maharaja in India. The maharaja had an eight-month-old son that
was very sick. Ralph asked his host if he was going to get a doctor.
He said, "No, we have sent a man to obtain some holy water from the
Ganges River." In three days, the man returned with one gallon of
water. They fed the water to the sick child and like magic the child
was healed and back to normal.
After the incident Ralph commented:
"To me, a miracle is the
inability to understand a scientific fact. How could the water cure
the child? That was the problem. It was this incident that triggered
my curious mind to find the answer and this led me into the present
Ralph’s experience with the maharaja’s son led him to
Dr. Nikola
Tesla in the early 1940s. Using the insights gained from
Dr. Tesla, Ralph spent the next thirty years experimenting with, and finally
developing, a technique of using electricity to alter the resonance
of certain materials. Over twenty-five years ago Ralph produced his
first "Purple Plate."
The energized plates are to help mankind raise his vibrational rate.
Says the inventor, Ralph Bergstresser, the positive energy products
attract an energy field around themselves capable of penetrating any
material substance.
"This energy is very beneficial to all life …
plant, animal, or human," he says.
Such energy takes different forms. For instance, scientific research
tends to support what a great many gardeners already know: that
projecting the positive energy of loving thoughts can make plants
thrive more vigorously than usual. Another example of positive
energy takes place when a mother lays her hands on a child’s injury.
Some devotees of Yoga call this "prana," a
release of energy, and
the pain is relieved. A great many users of the Purple Plates are
emphatic that the plates can do the same thing when placed on an
injured area of man, plant, or animal.
Most wear them all the time
to raise personal energy levels and protect against electromagnetic
radiation (EMR) in the environment, and from
equipment, e.g.: computers, TVs, etc. They point out that injuries,
a burn for example, involves a sudden change to the normal vibration
rate of tissue - with accompanying pain. The theory is that the
plates help to quickly return the injured area to its normal rate of
vibration, so relieving the pain. Users report that when the plates
are placed upon burns, cuts, aches and pains in the human body,
healing appears to be accelerated, and the pain lessens or
Two authors have thought so highly of the efficaciousness of the
Purple Plates as to break from their tradition and direct their
readers to sources of supply of the plates.
After giving details of where to obtain the Purple Plates in her
book Linda Goodman’s Star Signs, Linda wrote,
"Under normal
circumstances I don’t believe it’s proper to include this sort of
information in a book of this kind, but since I believe it’s
important to plant the seeds of such Tesla-inspired high frequency
harmonics of the golden Age of Aquarius, I know my readers would be
cross with me for sharing these esoteric secrets and ancient
mysteries without also sharing the knowledge of how they can obtain
them for personal experimentation."
In Beyond Ascension - How To Complete The Seven Levels Of Initiation
by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D., when referring to "The Purple Positive
Energy Plate" Joshua wrote,
"How can you afford not to get one?" He
also wrote, "I do not own stock in the company, nor do I know the
person who invented them. I am just excited about all the ways this
Positive Energy Plate can be used."
Then went on to give address
details for obtaining the plates.
The Universal Energy of Vibrations is at the very foundation of
physical existence, and through scientific innovation, millions of
users worldwide are experiencing the help made available through the
concentration of this "life force energy."