The Survival of Civilization

MEN of science have discovered and collected records showing that human beings have existed on the earth for a half million .to. ’a million years. They have identified Java Man, Neanderthal Man, and other anthropological specimens, which they date back a very great number of years.

Our present civilization has developed during our present epoch of time, approximately 7,000 years. This epoch compares to the age of the earth 432’ billion years approximately as one tick of a, clock compares to all the ticks of the same clock running constantly for approximately seven days, with one tick for each second.

Keeping in mind these tremendously different time scales, we find it especially significant when qualified students of ancient history inform us that the historical records of the earliest civilizations such as Assyria, Babylon, and Egypt arose about 5000 B.C., and that prior records are legendary.

Authentic history concerning groups of human beings, therefore, began about 7,000 years ago. We know very little about the history of man prior to that last great Flood which destroyed most of the inhabitants of the earth. Our knowledge of history is limited to probably less than one per cent of the time that men have inhabited the earth.

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Through migration the descendants of those who escaped destruction by the Flood have spread over the surface of the earth; most of the populations of Europe and America came from the east; and the migrations of peoples and the histories of nations attest to the fact that these land areas and continents are rather new, and that it is only in fairly recent times that they have become established in the locations that we know today.

The equivalent of our present world population of over two billions of people could be created in a little over 600 years. if one male and one female survived after a world deluge and had six children, and each pair of children had six children during nineteen generations. The nineteenth generation alone would number over two billion.

There are three places, possibly four, on the earth’s surface which were not submerged in water during the last Great Deluge. They are areas which, during Epoch No. 1 B.P., were at the North Pole, the South Pole, and at the two pivot points on which the earth turned as it careened the points which correspond to the poles of that transient axis.

The North Pole land area, which then comprised most of what is now Africa, careened until the center of the ice cap which had been at a latitude of 90 degrees arrived at a latitude of about 10 to 15 degrees, or approximately at what is now Lake Chad in the Sudan Basin of Africa.

The centrifugal force of that reeling ice cap pulled the land out and away from the center of the earth and, together with the centrifugal force of the spinning earth, left those land areas about 13 miles farther away from the center of the earth than when it was at the North Pole. As previously explained, the force of that pull was so great that most of the land areas of the earth are in a "Land Hemisphere."

During the careening, the centrifugal force of the Sudan Basin Ice Cap apparently caused the land to rise above sea level, for the adjacent land of Egypt appears to have escaped the Flood. Records seem to indicate that animal life there was not extinguished.

The South Pole Ice Cap area of Epoch No. 1 B.P. also reeled to the latitude where the old bulge of the earth had existed, and to approximately 13 miles farther from the center of the earth than when it was at the South Pole. This land area may have become submerged.

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FIG. 5. Approximate positions of land areas during the previous epoch of time.

Alaska and the United States of America were in a tropical climate.

The Sudan Basin of Africa was at the North Pole.

X marks the temporary geographical location of the North Pole for our present epoch.

The survival of animal life there is not so clearly established as in the case of the North Pole Ice Cap region principally because islands alone mark its approximate location.

It seems probable that the short duration of Epoch No. 1 B.P. was due to the existence of two ice caps, and that the North Pole Ice Cap was the larger, because its centrifugal force of rotation brought about the greater elevations now found in the Land Hemisphere.

The two pivot areas of the earth were not submerged. They were located on the earth’s bulge at the Equator before the earth careened, remained on the bulge during the great Flood, and are now on the bulge of the new Equator. Except for tidal waves, coming from disturbances in other areas, these sections of the earth’s surface escaped the Flood, a fact which explains why animal life appears not to have been extinguished in the two pivot areas.

The evidence for the continuance of animal life in the former North and South Pole areas, and in the pivot point areas on which the globe careened, will be discussed below. Page 139

THE FORMER NORTH POLE AREA included Egypt, which borders on the Sudan Basin, and in that country originate some of the earliest records of our present civilization. Egypt escaped the Flood, for at the "dawn" of Mediterranean history the nation appears to be mature, old, and entirely without mythological and heroic ages as if the country had never known youth. At the time of Menes, the first king, the Egyptians had long been architects, sculptors, and painters.

Relatively speaking, the civilization of ancient Egypt, upon its first appearance, was of a higher order than at any subsequent period of its history a fact which indicates that it drew its greatness from a fountain higher than itself or at least its equal. The civilization of old Egypt did not go through a period of infancy; it was mature when it first appeared on the stage of history.

The legend of the great Flood was not current in historic times among the Egyptians nor among the black races, according to Ignatius Donnelly, but it occurs almost everywhere else. The Assyrians and Babylonians had traditions of a Flood. Abraham migrated from Ur of the Chaldeans, near the head of the Persian Gulf. His grandson, Jacob, with his twelve sons, moved farther westward into Egypt, so that the Egyptians of that period must have heard about the Flood, though they seem to have escaped it.

The Egyptians were doubtless indigenous; the ancestors of Abraham arrived in Mesopotamia by boat. The records of the Egyptian priests antedate the Flood. The priests of Memphis reckoned back 11,000 years. The priests of Thebes told Herodotus that they reckoned back 17,000 years.

The Egyptians appear to have been living on the edge of a glacial continent during Epoch No. 1 B.P. The center of Egypt’s earliest civilization was about as far from the North Pole of Epoch No. 1 B.P. as Fairbanks, Alaska, is from the present North Pole. This cold climate could account for the absence of many vegetables and fruits in early Egypt such as the fruits and vegetables, listed presently, which have been found to have survived only in the pivot point areas of the earth.

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An interesting but mythological clue to the land of Egypt being related to a region to the north and to the land of the early contemporaneous Suzerains, a pre Babylonian civilization in the Euphrates Valley, which suffered a flood, is referred to by an eminent scholar:

"The Osiris story was the best known and most influential of the Egyptian myths. He introduced agricultural, animal husbandry, and arts and crafts to Egypt After his death he returned to his original home, from which agriculture, animal husbandry, and arts and crafts to Egypt. raised. Osiris’s home was not in the west, as is usual with such happy hunting grounds, but in the north. The land was foggy and bordered with high mountains... Toward the mountains rose a dense forest . . . Many of the trees were conifers, sacred to Osiris.

"A similar mystery surrounds the origin of the Suzerains, the only people known to have had writing as early as the Egyptians. They brought their language into Lower Mesopotamia... after a flood of the twin rivers had wiped out some of the more vulnerable settlements of the earlier inhabitants... The date of the flood is estimated at about 3000 B.C."

(The Story of Man, by Carleton S. Coon pages 238 9.)

From the Near East four historical traditions have come down to us concerning the earliest inhabitants of that region. The Babylonians held to a tradition that they were descended from persons who survived the latest great deluge which destroyed everyone else. Their ancestors had survived in an Ark, which had come to rest on the mountain of Naysayer thought to be in the vicinity of Teheran, Iran.

The Greeks claimed descent from Hellen, son of Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha, who survived a great Flood which destroyed all others. They landed on Mount Parnassus in an Ark or chest. The Jews have given us the story of Noah, who with his wife, three sons and their wives were carried safely through a great Flood which destroyed all others. They landed on Mount Ararat in present day Armenia.

The Koran informs us that Noah and other believers were the only ones to survive a great Flood. The Ark in which they were saved came to rest on Al Djoudi. Noah’s son perished in the great waves, because he was too late in embarking.

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Remains of a vessel declared to be the Ark were found on Mt. Judi, on the left bank of the Tigris River, in the eighth century A.D. The remains were exhibited in a mosque and monastery of commemoration and were viewed by travelers and visitors from far away. The buildings were struck by lightning and burned to the ground in 776 A.D.

Each of these historical traditions is believed by many millions of differently educated people. Assuming that all four are true, then modern man must have had a great number of Flood surviving ancestors in the Near East.

THE FORMER SOUTH POLE AREA This region approximately encompasses the present Samoan Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Many Polynesian peoples have traditions to the effect that the center of dispersion of the race over the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to New Zealand was Savaii, which is the largest of the Samoan Islands. Its highest elevation above sea level is now about one mile. Historians have remarked on the absence of any Flood tradition among the Polynesians of Oceania.

The Transient Axis of Careen

THE poles of this axis were the pivot points on which the globe careened. They were on the Equator before the latest careen of the globe and remained on the Equator after the careen. The compass points changed. The climate remained unchanged.

THE WESTERN PIVOT POINT AREA is now known as Peru and Ecuador, in South America. It was a Safe Area for peoples and civilizations. Their descendants included the Incas, who continued to live in a mountainous region, usually not a natural place for a civilization to start.

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The Inca civilization like Egyptian civilization appears to have drawn its early greatest from a source perhaps higher than itself, for numerous basic food plants, on which previous civilizations no doubt depended, have been first discovered as growing in or nearby this pivot area. These same vegetable species were obliterated by the Flood everywhere except in pivot point areas.

Maize (corn), white potatoes, tomatoes, and certain beans including Lima beans were all found originally in this area and nowhere else in the world. They are indigenous to Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and northern Chile. Sweet potatoes, squash, and peppers were first found in nearby areas, including Central America, Mexico, and the West Indies.

Seeking traces of some of these vegetables in the opposite Safe Area, or eastern pivot point, where pre Flood civilization was similarly not destroyed, we find that cobs and kernels of popcorn identical with the corn found in graves in Peru have recently been found among the backward peoples in the Naga Hills, where Burma meets Assam.

It could be glossed over as no more than a coincidence that maize has been discovered as an original food in both pivot point areas of the latest careen of the globe, were it not for our previous assumption that not only maize but also others of the western pivot point area vegetables would be discovered in the eastern pivot point area.

THE EASTERN PIVOT POINT AREA, now known as Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, was a Safe Area. This fact accounts for the civilization of Asia being older than that of Europe. Europeans have generally considered some place to the east as having been the birthplace of the human race. Migrations of people have continually come from the east, pushing westward.

Most of our fruits came to Europe from the direction of the Malay Archipelago. Apples, pears, cherries, figs, olives, and most of our plums and grapes have been traced to the eastern Mediterranean and to the Caspian Sea areas. Peaches, apricots, bananas, mangoes, oranges, and lemons have come originally from regions farther to the south and east. Much botanical evidence points to Malaysia as the ancestral home of the coconut though its definite origin is still in some doubt. (Authoritative accounts of the origins of our vegetables and fruits are contained in The National Geographic Magazine. For greater details, see "Our Vegetable Travelers", in the August 1949 issue, and "How Fruit Came to America", in the September 1951 issue.)

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Five distinct races of men are generally recognized by anthropologists a race being the descendants of a common ancestor, or family, tribe, people, or nation believed to belong to the same stock or breed. These five races are the Caucasian or white race, the black, yellow, red, and Eskimo. There are also distinct subdivisions such as Pygmies, Bushmen, etc.

The careening globe theory may aid in identifying more clearly why these races are found where they are now. The Egyptians, for example, lived in a cold climate and were moved to a tropical climate, where they flourished.

The Eskimos of today probably lived in a tropical climate during Epoch No. 1 B.P. They are now in a frigid climate and have survived because they have managed to adjust to their environment. The mammoths of that same period perished when moved to the arctic regions, being unable to adjust to the new climate.

The Eskimos might become as prominent in the next epoch as the Egyptians were at the beginning of our present epoch.

The Migration of the Present Ice Cap

WHEN the earth careens due to the combined centrifugal pressures of the Antarctic Ice Cap and the Greenland Ice Cap acting along the same Great Circle, the event will be heralded by earthquakes along the Equator at 45 E. longitude, which is just off the African east coast and at 135 W. longitude, which is in the Pacific Ocean.

Those are the locations of points which are 90 distant, east and west, from the assumed points of application of the eccentric ice cap forces which are tending to change the angle of direction of the motion of the gyroscopic bulge of the earth. Those are the places where the maximum effect of these pressures would occur. The result of the pressures, if continuous, would be to produce a movement in the earth’s strata at one or both of those locations. ( This is discussed later on under "The Four Safest Areas for Animal Life.")

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The earth gyroscope differs from a commercial gyroscope. Its internal parts adjust themselves automatically to the pressures exerted on those parts. Therefore, as earth parts yield to pressures, break down, and readjust themselves, a different careening motion of the globe occurs than is apparent in the commercial gyroscope.

The careening will not occur at a 90 distance from the point of application of the force, because the energy of the rotating earth bulge, against which the energy of the centrifugal force of the off center ice cap is applied, changes its direction of motion and its geographical location as soon as the bulge starts to move.

The initial start of the careening of the globe will result from a yielding of earth materials along the bulge, near the Equator, at a 90 distance from the point of application of the force.

Once this change of location of a part of the bulge has started, the predominant force will be the ever increasing centrifugal force of the off center elements of the ice cap, which increases at a rate equal to the square of the speed of motion, and which, in turn, increases directly with the increase in distance off center, plus an increment due to the lessening pull in the opposite direction by the ice mass on the opposite side of the Pole of Spin as the ice cap moves sideways across the Pole. Thus, an enormous and rapidly increasing force is developed which carries the ice cap rapidly away from the Pole and toward the Equator.

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Due to the curvature of the earth, the "throw" toward the Equator will lessen as the distance from the Equator lessens. Meantime the force of the kinetic energy of the entire ice cap will have taken over as the predominating force, and it will become blended with the kinetic energy of the rearranged materials of the new bulge of the earth into one gyroscopic force.

Fig 6. The earth after the next careen, Antarctica area. Careen assumed on 135 o E. longitude.

The antarctic Ice Cap has moved to near the Equator and this hemisphere will become the land hemisphere, with emergence of more land.

The center of the ice cap will reach a point on the new bulge within about 10 to 15 degrees of latitude from the Equator. Distance R will have become roughly 5,500 miles and, due to the increased speed of its motion, the kinetic energy of the rotating and reeling ice mass will have been increased to billions of times what it was at the start.

The start of the ice cap on its migration from the South Pole Axis of Spin to a point near the solar Equator, will occur for reason No. 1 (below), which may be influenced by reasons No. 2 and No. 3.

1. The ice cap’s migration will start because of a yielding of earth materials, somewhere on the earth’s bulge, due to a change in the angle of rotation of the earth gyroscope, responding to the pressure of the centrifugal force of the ice cap. The first yielding will occur at a place which will become a pivot area when the earth careens, as the previous explanation of the gyroscope indicates.

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At the start, the ice cap is just enough off center to exert a force sufficient to cause earth materials to yield somewhere. An earthquake occurs. If the earthquake does not relieve the pressure, it becomes cumulative for the reason that a crack up of the earth in one place removes that area from the front line of defense, and throws the burden of resistance on other areas, while any yielding of the earth which permits an increase in the distance between the true axis and the center of gyration of the ice cap, increases, in proportion to the square of the distance, the throw of centrifugal force of that part of the ice cap which is not counterbalanced by the throw of the ice mass on the opposite side of the pole.

2. It may start because changes in the isostatic balance of the earth due to shifts of materials elsewhere on the globe are of sufficient magnitude to throw the Pole of Figure destructively off center.

Normal changes of the isostatic balance of the earth occur slowly, due to such rearrangements of materials as:

a. Accumulations of glacial ice
b. Changes of shore lines resulting from lowering of ocean levels
c. Diversions of water courses
d. Impounding of water in artificial reservoirs
e. Shifting of sand and dirt by the winds
f.  Growths of forests and bogs
g. Concentration of weights of materials in city areas
h. Extraction of oils and minerals from underground

3. It may start because of changes in the directions and intensities of the forces of celestial radiation, whose impact on the earth’s materials cause its rotation. Minor changes produce a slight wobbling motion of the earth, as explained in Part II. The centrifugal force of the earth’s bulge readjusts the Axis of Figure to these changes.

Some disturbances of the heavenly bodies most closely associated with the rotation of the earth such as the near approach of a very large comet might cause the position of the earth’s Axis of Spin to change too rapidly. A sudden change in the directions of the driving forces which rotate the earth, could move the Axis of Spin so far out of coincidence with the Axis of Figure that the stabilizing influence of the centrifugal energy of the earth’s bulge would be overcome before it could readjust the Axis of Figure to the new position of the Axis of Spin. The larger and heavier the polar ice caps become, the more difficult these readjustments become.

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The migration of the ice cap from pole to equatorial bulge will be marked by a slow start, by a rapidly increasing acceleration for the first half of the journey, and by a slowing down to a full stop before it reaches the Equator.

Whatever the cause of the migration of the ice cap, the consequence which follows is that the earth careens. The direction of its travel will be along a longitudinal meridian line with a slight veering to the east, caused by gravitational pressures.

The last stage of the migration of the ice cap from the Pole to the Equator of Force (EQUATOR OF FORCE: term devised by author, meaning, as the earth careens, the bulge of the earth changes latitude about 80 degrees. At any particular time during the careen, the Equator of Force is located at the bulge of force.) will be marked by a slowing down and final cessation of all latitudinal motion. It will become a part of the new equatorial bulge. Its speed will be that of the bulge, and the centrifugal forces of the ice cap and of the earth’s new bulge will be merged into one centrifugal force.

The elevation of the ice cap will be approximately 13 miles farther from the center of the earth than when it was at the Pole. Two areas of the earth which were near the old Equator will become the new North Pole and South Pole. They will each be approximately 13 miles nearer to the center of the earth than when they were near the Equator.

To an observer at some point on the deluged parts of the earth it would appear that the bulge was moving. The bulge would appear to move like a huge underground wave or earthquake, as it remained in its true position of force at the true

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Equator and the lands and seas passed across it. If, however, the observer looked up at the sun, moon, and stars instead of watching the earth, he would see that he was moving with the earth, and would feel that there was a rapid change of climate.

If the observer is standing at one of the pivot points of the careening earth, he will find that the compass points will change. The sun will strangely appear to rise in the south and set in the north, at one pivot point because the land he bad known as being south of him would be to the east. Similarly, at the other pivot point the sun would appear to rise in the north and set in the south.

Herodotus was told by the priests of Memphis there bad been,

"341 kings and 341 high priests in 341 generations during 11,000 years, and in that space, as if to corroborate their genealogy, the priests asserted that the sun had risen twice where he set, without affecting any changes in their climate or the productions of the country."

This reference to two changes in the relative geological points for the risings and settings of the sun in ancient Egypt, fits perfectly into the pattern of the careening globe theory, though failure to note some change in climate casts a doubt.

In the tomb of Senmut, the architect of Queen Hatshepsut of the XVIII Egyptian Dynasty, there is an astronomical ceiling panel which shows the Orion Sirius group of stars proceeding in a direction opposite to their present motion. This panel could well have been made to commemorate an earlier historic period when the stars of Egypt did appear to be going in the reverse direction, and, if so, would confirm that east and west were actually reversed, as related by Herodotus.

Assuming, for illustration, that on the day of the latest careen of the globe, it was 9 o’clock in the morning in Memphis when the globe began to careen sideways while continuing its normal west to east rotation; people would then have observed that the sun appeared to stand still or to wander erratically, and to finally set near where it had risen then considered to be the east. During that day, possibly before 6 o’clock, the east and west had changed places. Since people did not know that the earth was rotating and careening, they considered that they had seen the sun stand still and then move backward.

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This is all simply explained. The Sudan Basin was at the North Pole. Lake Chad was the central point. The ice cap rolled around to within 10 to 14 degrees of the Equator. The land of Egypt had been south of Lake Chad, and the sun had been rising in the east. But when the Arctic Ocean area moved to the North Pole, and Lake Chad moved to where it is now located, the sun of Egypt appeared to be moving in a direction nearly opposite to the usual one.

There are legendary records of unduly long and short days and nights in other parts of the world, as well as accounts of the sun and moon standing still.

Egypt’s escape from inundation during the latest great deluge has already been discussed in the section on "The Survival of Civilizations." The energy needed to raise and lower continents and ocean bottoms was furnished by the kinetic energy of rotation of the entire earth. Some habitable land areas became submerged and some ocean bottoms became inhabitable land areas.

During the period of the next great deluge of the earth, a general chaos involving readjustments of land and water areas will take place. Some existing mountains will be raised and some lowered, compared to the level of the oceans. New mountains will be made.

The ice cap will start to melt at once under a blazing tropical sun. A dent in the earth will mark its former site. Dry water courses will mark the area as a telltale of the run off of enormous volumes of water from the melting glaciers. Striations in the rock floor will show the grooves cut by the moving ice.

During the time required for the melting of the glacial ice, numerous earthquakes will occur as the ice mass along the Equator is reduced in volume, and the materials of the earth readjust themselves, in their new positions relative to the earth’s centrifugal force and gravitational pressures.

The earth will again become stable. Animal life and activity will carry on at some or all of the four areas to be described later as being least affected by the careening of the earth and the corresponding deluge. Earthquakes will become less frequent as the earth’s materials harden in new formations and dirt becomes hardpan and rock.

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The depths of the oceans will increase until the ice cap has melted and until it again has become water. While the old glaciers are melting the two new polar areas will begin to grow their own ice caps. After the old glaciers have disappeared the ocean levels will again gradually be lowered by the evaporation of water which condenses and falls as snow and thus becomes a part of the ice caps at the new poles and thus more land will gradually become inhabitable.

The cycle of the careening earth with its corresponding Great Deluge will be repeated again and again at the end of one epoch after another.

The Four Safest Areas for Animal Life

Assuming a hypothetical case of the globe careening due to the combined eccentric centrifugal forces of the Antarctic Ice Cap and the Greenland Ice Cap pulling in unison in the same direction i.e., along the same meridian circle and that Greenland will start southward along approximately 45 0’ West longitude at the same time that Antarctica moves northward along the continuation of that meridian circle, or 135 0’ East longitude, then it may be conjectured that the four safest areas during the deluge which will accompany the impending careen of the earth will be Greenland, Antarctica, and the two pivot areas of the equatorial axis on which the globe careens.

The eastern pivot point of the transient Axis of Careen will be approximately where the meridian circle, East longitude 45, crosses the Equator, in the Indian Ocean. That point is so close to the east coast of Africa as to warrant the expectation of the survival of animal life there, especially in the highland areas near the coast.

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Greenland and the adjacent islands are expected to remain inhabited by animal life, if the centrifugal force of rotation of the careening globe keeps those land areas above sea level, while their positions on the globe change from being near the Arctic Circle to being near the Equator.

Supporting this theory is the fact that the Antarctic ice mass would tend to develop an off center ice weight, whose eccentric centrifugal throw would be approximately in the same direction as the centrifugal throw of the Greenland ice mass, the reason being that the geographical center of the Antarctic ice mass and continent is about 5 degrees, or 350 miles, from the Pole of Spin and is located at about 80 degrees East longitude. According to this hypothesis, Brazil would roll around to the South Pole and the Philippine Islands would become the land area nearest the North Pole.

It would be an equally valid speculation to say that some area of the globe within about 2,000 miles of Lake Chad will be at the North Pole during the epoch of time following our own, and that this would occur as a result of the past namely the Hudson Bay Basin careened to the North Pole Axis of Spin, then Lake Chad moved in, only to be supplanted by the present Arctic Ocean area. This shows a tendency for land areas to roll back to nearly the same position of latitude and longitude that they rolled away from.

Coal and oil fields, fossil forests, and the Canadian ice ages contain records of the fact that they were built up in tiered layers of the earth’s strata one below the other this confirming a repetition in the directions of careenings. Also, we have found from a study of core drilling that the globe has a tendency to repeat the same kinds of materials in alternate strata of the earth.

Repetitive careens of the globe, back and forth, resulted in the telltale successive locations of former North Poles’ "ice bowls" in the Caspian Sea Depression, the Hudson Bay Basin, and the Sudan Basin of Africa. However, something different may be expected to result when the South Pole Ice Cap takes over the role of initiating the roll arounds of the globe. An entirely new sequence of global roll arounds may be initiated. This section, therefore, has contained speculations and not precise forecasts.

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An Exhortation

WHEN we were children we learned that in our daily lives we must conform to the Laws of Nature or die. Now the time has come for us to similarly apply our knowledge of the Laws of Nature to the mechanics of our whirling globe, so that life on our earth may continue uninterrupted.

We must make use of some of these forces of Nature to prevent and overcome the baneful effects of other forces of Nature which if not brought under control will prove to be destructive to all life. The closer we study Nature, the closer we get to Nature’s God, and begin to understand the causes and effects of observable phenomena.

This book has attempted to establish the truth about a coming great deluge of the earth, another in the series of recurrent careens of the globe, which have been occurring for a much longer period than man has inhabited the earth. This book also tries to show how the impending deluge can be postponed by the timely use of the power of applied knowledge. It clearly indicates the peril and just as clearly shows bow and why a recurrence of these universal calamities may be postponed, and possibly avoided, by a concrete demonstration of man’s will to escape destruction.

Awareness of the gigantic power to destroy inherent in the enormous unwieldy weight of the gyrating Antarctic Ice Cap, must be the first step in creating a cooperative group reaction to the deadly peril. People of education and initiative must become awakened to full awareness of the lurking danger represented by this wanton titanic power which is ready, able, and destined to end our civilization if left uncontrolled by man.

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It is, therefore, important that the facts be communicated so that the menace will be generally understood and discussed. An awakening to the danger among the people at large is the first requisite!

The impending deluge should be a common topic of conversation, like the weather. "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it" was a standard joke a few decades ago, but since then a great new industry of air conditioning or "weather making" has developed. If everybody talked about the careening of the globe, as they do about the weather, then a great many people will try to do something about it. It will indeed become a matter of great personal interest to many people.

Let therefore all nations unite in pooling all their resources of atomic energy, mechanical equipment, and man power. Let us not continue to waste our substance in building giant mechanisms for destroying each other, while the growing lee Cap is developing its latent resources to annihilate all of us.

Let there be an international war in which all nations fight as brothers against the common enemy. Let us attack the Ice Cap.


A Method

Our objective must be to maintain the stability of the globe on its present Axis of Figure, by controlling the further growth of the Antarctic Ice Cap. Such arrangements must be made that eventually the annual flow off will be equal to the annual accumulation of the glacial ice.

It is self evident that the releasing of icebergs is the present safety valve which postpones the onset of the next great deluge. The waters of the earth tend to accumulate as ice at the poles, and if no icebergs were created the present world equilibrium could not long continue. Thousands of icebergs are cast off each year, their sizes at times exceeding two hundred miles in length.

The attack on the Antarctic Ice Cap is an engineering problem; the attack must be made along the 16,000 mile long coastline and by men prepared to encounter and overcome very great difficulties. Controlling the size of the Ice Cap must begin with a great effort whereby more and bigger icebergs will be released annually.

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The South Pole is on a plateau approximately two miles above sea level. The glacial ice flows northward toward the sea in all directions from the highest elevation. The distances of travel vary from about 600 miles to 1,900 miles, and average about 1,400 miles.

There is very little information available concerning the speed of motion of the antarctic glaciers. Some Greenland glaciers move at average speeds of over 100 feet per day during certain periods of the year. The gradient or average slope of Greenland from center to sea is roughly 23 feet per mile. The corresponding gradient for Antarctica is about 7 feet per mile.

If some of the barriers of rock, or mountain, which retard the flow of the ice to the sea, can be removed by engineering means, the natural flow off of ice can be accelerated. Engineering research is thus seen to be one of our first requirements. We must find answers to the following and many other questions:

  • What is the annual precipitation of water (snowfall) in Antarctica

  • How fast are the glaciers flowing to the ocean

  • Can their speeds be accelerated

  • What is the total weight of the flow off of icebergs, annually

  • How deep is the ice bowl

  • How wide is the ice bowl

  • Which barriers are removable (so as to concentrate on the easier ones)

  • Which, if removed, will produce the maximum acceleration of the backed up ice masses

  • What is the estimated cost of removing each of these barriers

When we learn the present ratio of snowfall to flow off, evaporation and ablation, we will know how much the flow off must be accelerated to secure stabilization of the globe on its present Axis of Figure.

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Since the discovery of the atomic bomb the detaching of, or gouging channels in, the peripheral rock masses of the Antarctic coastline to permit the natural flow off of the glacial ice does not appear to be as formidable a problem as it seemed before.

A permanent organization to foster and develop means for accomplishing the stabilization of our globe on its present axis will result when popular support is available. In the meantime, physical research and popular education should be carried on by interested individuals and groups to whom the following research opportunities are suggested:

1. An aviator flying over the Dead Sea reported seeing a submerged city. An organized research effort, based on this report, is herewith suggested. Remains of prehistoric dwellings will be found beneath seas and lakes. Timbers submerged in water and thus protected from oxidation will last for ages. Building materials such as stones and clay bricks are dissolved by water only very slowly.

Reports and rumors of submerged dwellings, throughout the world, should be gathered and checked for accuracy. The locations should then be visited and explored officially as a basis for gaining scientific information. The human interest aspect of the publicity engendered by such exploration will furnish a broad basis for securing widespread public support for promoting global stabilization.

2. Evidence of glacial action is bound to be discovered in North Africa. The grinding and tracking marks of moving glaciers on rock formations, and the drift of the till, will be found to radiate from the central Sudan Basin. These markings will be hard to find because they will be deeply buried, as at Ur of the Chaldeans and in Crete; but outcroppings should occasionally occur where the top soil has been washed away. Their discovery will prove to be of significance to science.

3. At times (at present about once every fourteen months) the eccentric centrifugal force of the Greenland Ice Cap works in unison with that of the Antarctic Ice Cap pulling along the same meridian circle. This appears to increase the menace of the next careen of the globe to maximum dimensions. The conjunction of a nutation, or nodding, of the Axis of Spin with this off center "throw" might induce the start of the Antarctic Ice Cap toward the Equator of Force.

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A tentative, well reasoned prediction by a world famous astronomer, as to when such a climax of forces is likely to occur, will excite the interest of the masses and could be of considerable aid in securing popular support for global stabilization.

The portent of a great deluge, caused by the natural mechanical forces of rotation acting on a transient ice mass, should create at once a general desire to try to do something about it. It does not permit of sitting back and hoping that someone else will do something about it for our benefit.

The United States Department of Defense might well be directed to undertake steps to prevent our extinction. An Antarctic Division of the Department of Defense is suggested in which Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel and equipment will be used to the best advantage imaginable to defend us against the growing menace of the Antarctic Ice Cap.

We will all join in this work once we know that our lives are at stake!

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