The HAB Theory has an immediately disturbing hypothesis. There may be a simple, if catastrophic, explanation to the 5,000-12,000 year intervals between Ice Ages.

I found the concept in the book so intriguing, and the facts presented in its support so fascinating, that I took the time to scan, OCR and quickly proof some of the passages from the book that are used to support The HAB Theory. I present them here so that any similarly fascinated reader may enumerate the claims made in the book and independently research them. Similarly, if anyone wishes to trim the elements of plot which remain in this lengthy excerpt and present a concise listing of claims which may have come from actual work done in the sciences of archeology and geology; and post them on the nets others will have a tool to research these claims.

In The HAB Theory the proposition is put forth that the earth falls over on it’s side or "capsizes’’ about every 3,000 - 7,100 years. That is to say that about every 5,000 years, during a period of about 12 hours, the land that was under the North and South poles move from the cold point at the earth’s axis of spin to a point in the tropics. This startling phenomena occurs because of the accumulated weight of the ever-growing polar ice caps.

If you recall that the physical axis of the North and South poles is not exactly at the same place as the magnetic North and South poles are; if you recall that the Earth "wobbles’’ on it’s axis, and that the wobble has been shown to be getting wider; perhaps you will find a reason to wonder if the "HAB Theory’’ is all fiction or.....?

According to the "HAB’’ theory, during these capsizing, the earth’s axis shifts from what starts as the North and South poles to a point that was approximately 10 degrees North/South latitude, with the former poles now well within the tropics. The "HAB’’ theory postulates that this is not a gradual movement over centuries, but a sudden shift taking only half a day. Pause a moment and imagine the tidal, weather and seismic implications of such a movement.

The "HAB’’ theory states that these capsizing take place every 4,000-5,500 years and that it has been 5,600 years since the last one, so we are now badly overdue, and that of course creates a nice dramatic tension in the book.

The "HAB’’ theory is fed by the same scientific factoids as another book released about the same time that got a lot more attention: "Chariots of the Gods.’’ In HAB, these same factoids and others, suggest that advanced civilizations have flourished and died off on the earth several times during these 5,000 year intervals.

The book is a good page turner although the early 70’s love lives of the characters is now politically quite incorrect and/or boring depending on your point of view. Half of the book is filled with the love lives of the leading characters, but the other half contains a long list of scientific anomalies which may be better explained if the "HAB Theory’’ were true.

Because a lot of plot comes through in the scanned segments below a quickie plot synopsis is in order:

  • Herbert Allan Boardman (the HAB of the book’s title) is an educated man, 94 years old, who completes a successful, if unspectacular, career as an Electrical Engineer.

  • He refines his theory of the capsizing earth, and collects a mountain of evidence to support it. However, since he has an MS in Electrical Engineering and not a PhD in geology, archeology, or anthropology; and because he is neither a compelling writer or speaker, nobody pays any attention to him except for one small article that gets published in an obscure journal that nobody reads. The isolation of modern scientists not paying much attention to developments or theories outside of their own disciplines is an interesting sub-plot to the book.

  • Now in his 90’s, he knows he must take desperate action to get his theory the scientific scrutiny it deserves. To call maximum attention to himself, and by extension his theory, he gets in line to shake the hand of the President of the USA and shoots the president point blank in the forehead.... with a non-lethal wax bullet.

  • The wound is painful but does not break the skin, and Mr. Boardman survives his arrest. Boardman declines to say anything about Why He Did It to anyone except a noted investigative journalist, named Grant. The journalist gets the manuscript and buys into the potential accuracy of Boardman’s theory, as does The President, who convenes a world symposium to discuss the matter and try to prove or disprove it’s central concept - that the earth capsizes about every 4,500-5,500 years.

Many of the books factoids come to ink when the plot assembles the conference of world scientists to discuss factoids from various disciplines, and the author uses the vehicle of many different voices telling of unresolved mysteries and discoveries in all different parts of the earth, and tying them to the concept of prior civilizations of humans on earth that were destroyed in a capsizing.

An example is the commonality in a great many cultures of the legend of The Great Flood (Noah’s Ark).

The time and effort has been invested to scan a great many passages of the book in order to select the more intriguing factoids for further research. I think it might be interesting to see if it can be determined whether many/any of the above mentioned scientific factoids actually exist.

Since this is a scanner based transcription, there will be various artifacts of scanning errors and scanner software spell- checking. Still, it’s a pretty good way to get text into a computer without developing terminal carpal tunnel syndrome.

I’ve tried to clear out the dialogue related to plot and condense this file to mostly the references to science, although the book packages the factoids into conversations and news reports for the sake of maintaining a plot, so it will be difficult to clear it all away without a complete re-write.


It now seems appropriate to tantalize the reader with reasons to read this entire file, so here are a few concepts you’ll find below:

  • Art-work of ancient South American civilizations which depict animals from the opposite side of the earth, or extinct for thousands of centuries

  • Tales of flying machines and the people who piloted them from ancient China.

  • An ancient Chinese legend that the entire country took one great leap towards the north and later took a great leap to the south.

  • All that we know about the Ancient Egyptian and Incan civilizations indicates that these civilizations were in decline from the oldest discovered artifacts to the artifacts discovered from the later dynasties.

  • Identical information-laden stone disks have been found at opposite sides of the earth in China and Peru.

  • Whole Wooly Mammoth’s have been found frozen in Polar Ice packs. Some carcasses were fond whole and the flesh of these beasts were actually edible after being frozen for 7,000 years. Some have been found with a half-chewed mouth full of grass. Flash-frozen while eating lunch 7,000 years ago?

  • Maps of Africa, Australia and Asia from 1500 BC that appear to have been drawn from aerial views. Maps of Antarctica (Officially discovered only in the 1800’s) showing mountains and shorelines buried under glaciers that we have only found in the last half of the 20th century via radar mapping.