Free Energy Technology
Ninety to a hundred years ago, everybody "knew" that a
heavier-than-air machine could not possibly fly. It would violate the
"laws" of physics. All of the "experts" and "authorities" said so.
For example, Simon Newcomb declared in 1901: "The
demonstration that no possible combination of known substances, known
forms of machinery and known forms of force, can be united in a
practical machine by which man shall fly long distances through the
air, seems to the writer as complete as it is possible for the
demonstration of any physical fact to be."
Fortunately, a few SMART people such as the Wright
Brothers did NOT accept such pronouncements as the final word. Now we
take airplanes for granted, (except when they crash).
Today, orthodox physicists and other "scientists" are
saying similar things against several kinds of 'Free Energy'
Technologies, using negative terms such as "pseudo-science" and
"perpetual motion", and citing so-called "laws" which assert that
"energy cannot be created or destroyed" ("1st law of thermodynamics")
and "there is always a decrease in useful energy" ("2nd law of
thermodynamics"). The physicists do not know how to do certain things,
so they ARROGANTLY declare that those things cannot be done. Such
PRINCIPLES OF IMPOTENCE are COMMON in orthodox modern "science" and
help to cover up
INCONSISTENCIES and CONTRADICTIONS in orthodox modern theories.
Free Energy Inventions are devices which can tap a
seemingly UNLIMITED supply of energy from the universe, with- OUT
burning any kind of fuel, making them the PERFECT SOLUTION to the
world-wide energy crisis and its associated pollution, degradation,
and depletion of the environment.
Most Free Energy Devices probably do not create energy,
but rather tap into EXISTING natural energy sources by various forms
of induction. UNLIKE solar or wind devices, they need little or no
energy storage capacity, because they can tap as much energy as needed
WHEN needed. Solar energy has the DIS-advantage that the sun is often
blocked by clouds, trees, buildings, or the earth itself, or is
reduced by haze or smog or by thick atmosphere at low altitudes and
high latitudes. Likewise, wind speed is WIDELY VARIABLE and often
Neither solar nor wind power are suitable to directly power cars and
airplanes. Properly designed Free Energy Devices do NOT have such
For example, at least three U.S. patents (#3,811,058,
#3,879,622, and #4,151,431) have so far been awarded for motors that
run EXCLUSIVELY on permanent MAGNETS, seemingly tapping into energy
circulating through the earth's magnetic field. The first two require
a feedback network in order to be self-running. The third one, (as
described in detail in "Science & Mechanics" magazine, Spring 1980),
requires critical sizes, shapes, orientations, and spacings of
magnets, but NO feedback. Such a motor could drive an electric
generator or reversible heatpump in one's home, YEAR ROUND, FOR FREE.
[Complete descriptive copies of U.S. patents are $3.00 each from the
U.S. Patent Office, 2021 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, VA 22202;
correct 7-digit patent number required. Or try getting copies via your
local public or university library's inter-library loan dept..]
A second type of free-energy device, such as the 'Gray
Motor' (U.S. Patent #3,890,548), the 'Tesla Coil', and the unpatented
motor of inventor Joseph Newman, taps ELECTRO- MAGNETIC energy by
INDUCTION from 'EARTH RESONANCE' (about 12 cycles per second plus
harmonics). They typically have a 'SPARK GAP' in the circuit which
serves to SYNCHRONIZE the energy in the coils with the energy being
tapped. It is important that the total 'inductance' and 'capacitance'
of the Device combine to 'RESONATE' at the same frequency as 'EARTH
RESONANCE' in order to maximize the power output. This output can also
be increased by centering the SPARK GAP at the 'NEUTRAL CENTER' of a
strong U-shaped permanent magnet. In the case of a Tesla Coil,
slipping a 'TOROID CHOKE COIL' around the secondary coil will enhance
output power. ["Earth Energy: Fuelless Propulsion & Power Systems", by
John Bigelow, 1976, Health Research, P.O. Box 70, Mokelumne Hill, CA
During the 1930's, an Austrian civil engineer named
Viktor Schauberger invented and partially developed an 'IMPLOSION
TURBINE' (German name, 'ZOKWENDLE'), after analyzing erosion, and lack
of erosion, in differently shaped waterways, and developing
sophisticated mathematical equations to explain it. As described in
the book "A Breakthrough to New Free-Energy Sources", by Dan A.
Davidson, 1977, water is pumped by an IMPELLER pump through a
LOGARITHMIC-SPIRAL-shaped coil of tubing until it reaches a CRITICAL
VELOCITY. The water then IMPLODES, no longer touching the inside walls
of the tubing, and drives the pump, which then converts the pump's
motor into an ELECTRIC GENERATOR. The device seems to be tapping
energy from that of the earth's rotation, via the 'Coriolis effect',
A fourth type of Free Energy Device is the 'McClintock
Air Motor' (U.S. Patent #2,982,261), which is a cross between a diesel
engine (it has three cylinders with a compression ratio of 27 to 1)
and a rotary engine (with solar and planetary gears). It burns NO
FUEL, but becomes self-running by driving its own air compressor. This
engine also generates a lot of heat, which could be used to heat
buildings; and its very HIGH TORQUE makes it ideal for large trucks,
preventing their
slowing down when climbing hills. [David McClintock is also the REAL
original Inventor of the automatic transmission, differential, and
4-wheel drive.]
Crystals may someday be used to supply energy, as shown
in the Star Trek shows, perhaps by inserting each one between metal
capacitor plates and bombarding it with a beam of particles from a
small radioactive source like that used in a common household smoke
One other energy source should be mentioned here,
despite the fact that it does not fit the definition of Free Energy. A
Bulgarian-born American Physicist named Joseph Maglich has invented
and partially developed an atomic FUSION reactor which he calls
'Migma', which uses NON-radioactive deuterium as a fuel [available in
nearly UNLIMITED quantities from sea water], does NOT produce
radioactive waste, can be converted DIRECTLY into electricity
(with-OUT energy-wasting steam turbines), and can be constructed small
enough to power a house or large enough to power a city. And UNLIKE
the "Tokamaks" and laser fusion MONSTROSITIES that we read about,
Migma WORKS, already producing at least three watts of power for every
watt put in. ["New Times" (U.S. version), 6-26-78, pages 32-40.]
And then there are the 'cold fusion' experiments that
have been in the news lately, originally conducted by University of
Utah researchers B. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann. Some U.S.
Navy researchers at the China Lake Naval Weapons Center in California,
under the direction of chemist Melvin Miles, finally took the trouble
to collect the bubbles
coming from such an apparatus, had them analyzed with
mass-spectrometry techniques, and found HELIUM 4, which PROVES that
atomic FUSION did indeed take place, and enough of it to explain the
excess heat generated.
There are GOOD INDICATIONS that the two so-called "laws"
of thermodynamics are NOT so "absolute". For example, the late
Physicist Dewey B. Larson developed a comprehensive GENERAL UNIFIED
Theory of the physical universe, which he calls the 'Reciprocal
System', (which he describes in detail in several books such as
"Nothing But Motion" (1979) and "The Universe of Motion" (1984)), in
which the physical universe has TWO DISTINCT HALVES, the material half
and an anti-matter half, with a CONTINUOUS CYCLE of matter and energy
passing between them, with-OUT the "heat death" predicted by
thermodynamic "laws". His Theory explains the universe MUCH BETTER
than modern orthodox theories, including phenomena that orthodox
physicists and astronomers are still scratching their heads about, and
is SELF-CONSISTENT in every way. Some Free Energy Devices might be
tapping into that energy flow, seemingly converting "low-quality
energy" into "high-quality energy".
Also, certain religious organizations such as 'Sant Mat'
and 'Eckankar' teach their Members that the physical universe is only
the LOWEST of at least a DOZEN major levels of existence, like
parallel universes, or analogous to TV channels, as described in books
like "The Path of the Masters", by Julian Johnson, 1939, and
"Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds", by Sri Paul Twitchell, 1969. For
example, the next level up from the physical universe is commonly
called the 'Astral Plane'. Long-time Members of these groups have
learned to 'Soul Travel' into these higher worlds and report on
conditions there. It seems plausible that energy could flow down from
these higher levels into the physical universe, or be created at the
boundary between them, given the right configuration of matter to
channel it. This is supported by many successful laboratory-controlled
experiments in PSYCHO-KINESIS throughout the world, such as those
described in the book "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain".
In terms of economics, the market has FAILED. Inventors
do not have enough money and other resources to fully develop and
mass-produce Free Energy Equipment, and the conventional energy
producer$ have no desire to do so because of their VE$TED INTERE$T$.
The government is needed to intervene. If the government does not
intervene, then the total supply of energy resources from the earth
will continue to decline and will soon run out, prices for energy will
increase, and pollution and its harmful effects (including the
'GREENHOUSE EFFECT', acid rain, smog, radioactive contamination, oil
spills, rape of the land by strip mining, etc.) will continue to
The government should SUBSIDIZE research and development
of Free Energy by Inventors and universities, subsidize private
production (until the producers can make it on their own), and
subsidize consumption by low-income consumers of Free Energy Hardware.
The long-range effects of such government intervention
would be wide-spread and profound. The quantity of energy demanded
from conventional energy producer$ (coal mining companie$, oil
companie$ and countries, electric utilitie$, etc.) would drop to near
zero, forcing their employees to seek work elsewhere. Energy resources
(coal, uranium, oil, and gas) would be left in the ground. Prices for
conventional energy supplies would also drop to near zero, while the
price of Free Energy Equipment would start out high but drop as supply
increases (as happened with VCR's, personal computers, etc.). Costs of
producing products that require large quantities of energy to produce
would decrease, along with their prices to consumers. Consumers would
be able to realize the "opportunity costs" of paying electric utility
bills or buying home heating fuel. Tourism would benefit and increase
because travelers would not have to spend their money for gasoline for
their cars. Government tax revenue from gasoline and other fuels would
have to be obtained in some other way. And energy could no longer be
Many conventional energy producer would go out of
business, but society as a whole, and the earth's environment and
ecosystems, would benefit greatly. It is the People, that government
should serve, rather than the big corporation$ and bank$.
Robert E. McElwaine
by Robert E. McElwaine
B.S., Physics, UW-EC