

In the old Saturday matinee serials, rather extensive synopses were furnished at intervals where the chapters built up to quite lengthy continuities; it seems only appropriate at this point to furnish some such synopsis for the readers of the T-Bird Meets the Phoenix episodes, since our "plot" is by now not only strewn over several consecutive issues of the piece in question, but is implicitly contained as well in some of the earlier and separate features of the T-Bird enjoying no such specific continuity with our present article but nonetheless bearing deep relevance to its contents.

We begin our synopsis, then, with a time period and cast of characters outlined not in the T-Bird/Phoenix articles first of all, but in our May 1990 issue featuring What Is The Mother Current?

In late '79/early '80 (you'll recall-?-) MT and AAA along with their two children were summarily sequestered in an apartment of ghetto-like districting in La Mesa, California, backed into the proverbial corner by clear communications of the transdimensional type that a hasty hermitage of the least maintenance-obligations would have to be extemporized, jobs abandoned, transportation sold for scrap and the best made of an impossible situation while an impending Process of indeterminate spiritual magnitude readied itself to take root—primarily in the person of AAA as its exponent and ultimate incarnation.

The first half of their spiritual odyssey together, from the early years of the 70s to this present moment circa Christmas 79, had been characterized by the usual type of seeking and series of practices known to the majority, at least in terms of general orientation; the first half of their developmental saga was conducted as a deliberate Search, an effort of personal will deriving benefits and spiritual "emoluments" in proportion as that will was applied.


It consisted of standard kinds of spiritual/metaphysical practices and their variations, and even though such work precipitated the relatively uncommon climax of securing communication with and tutelage through an "inner plane Master", the overall orientation remained the commonly identifiable one of personal effort, continuous practice of the leads provided and "psychic" cues given—all in upwardly-aspiring orientation toward the "positive" or "heavenly" polarity of the mind/body complex physically paralleled by the internal cephalic mid-point of the third eye, and the "subtle region" situated analogically through the space above the head.

This standard type of practice, (most recognizable to people when speaking of spiritual search or metaphysical discipline) eventually reached a saturation-point at which a peaceful quiescence, a kind of pleasant if pregnant suspension installed itself. After the often turbulent character of pursuing the spiritual Gold Ring, a tumultuous and even magical odyssey that nonetheless saw AAA and MT split apart and re-teamed more than once, a sense of unmistakable transition was jointly reached.


Without any fanfare at all, with no portents, cues or guidelines from an "inner plane Master" or from one of the several "external" adepts to whom they'd had limited recourse, they nonetheless plainly knew that a juncture of some fateful type was upon them. Everything seemed to stop; the "time" in which everyone unconsciously hurried seemed sweetly to end, all drives and irresolvable tensions looked to give up the ghost without requiring the denouement they'd appeared to demand.

At this halcyon point, the only "point" in the framework of existence that could with real validity be termed "contentment", (in reconcilement with life, the world, one another, and all friends or acquaintances who in this very, brief interval of time seemed mysteriously to show up, reconvening as if for a summary/ensemble Act of existence from the far corners where in the meanwhile they'd been distributed) there was nothing to want, nothing to strive for, no point in striving, no percentage in questioning so that both AAA and MT were preferably willing to live out the remainder of their lives in quiet attendance of the natural matters of daily life.


For that one moment in the mutuality of their lives, there came a true surcease; yet, as has been characterized, that surcease had the value of a suspension, a long deep pause—a rapt cessation of the breath at Infinity.


Like all pauses, like all extremes in the oscillating balance of a pendulum motion, the resultant interregnum of Infinity is short-lived. Deep and absolute as it may be, it is a nanosecond of history—and presently there is an unmistakable sense of wheels starting up, ratchets and tie-rods being geared into motion and all the cylinders once again engaged only this time with a net thrust proceeding from some other and unfamiliar angle, a kind of higher-dimensional octave over the usual sense of precipitating impulse.

A preemptive communication arises, an abrupt Intelligence blown in from the lovely suspended Vacuum of Infinity so that where, but a moment before, there presided a peaceful Void without content or specific intent, that very Void discloses itself as the enabling occasion or specific medium through which comes barreling the cosmic Train of a suprapersonal Intent—a fulsome Wisdom-power infilling and thus wholly accounting for it, as the Charleston Express accounts for the existence of the Charleston Tunnel.


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Lateo Dei gratia

Such communication rushed in swiftly, and caught them up in an instant; it was not a communication originating from any being or complex of beings, no off-planet saucer-sendings or broadcasts from the "spacebrothers" etc. AAA, as the principal recipient of such communication identified it immediately as the cosmos itself, the creative totality or Logoic intent without mediating vehicle or vocal-box agency, yet its communication was as distinct and compellingly powerful as the storm-warnings of a lowering Sky: get indoors, nail everything down, cover up the windows, dig in and get ready for a hard-buffeted stay of indeterminate duration.

So it was, with a preemptive Onrush that left no room for anything but swift economical preparation (in the same way that one doesn't waste time in the face of, or argue with, the onslaught of a tornado), AAA and MT dropped virtually all connection with the workaday world that comprises everyone else's most vital life-support system; and with the requirements of rent, food and utilities like everyone else along with the continuing responsibility of two children, they surrendered all such requirements to the care of that very Imperative now demanding so much from them.

Without transportation, located a block and a half away from the relevant school and a couple walking miles to a shopping center, a few intermittent external sources serving to supply ad hoc (last-minute) rent saves, phone taken right out of the wall, AAA and MT were then left in an upstairs apartment of La Mesa with poor ventilation, no air-conditioner and temperatures which (even apart from heat convection) routinely hit 115 degrees in the summer and seldom got below 95 degrees, even in the winter.


And it was there that they were reduced to ash, the internal Fire of the Process in its fullness first of all searing into AAA through the soles of her feet, (the exclusive entranceway of the absolute creative Divine itself, cf. confirmation of this exceptional fact in the Ra material) and distributing itself as an implacable, transformative Heat meeting and even overwhelming the exterior swelter that oppressed their bodily being on a continuous.


Thus for three years there would surge in and out a varying intensity of tidal energies, Intelligently conducting the thorough mind/body transformations that effectually took the subject of spiritual development beyond the conventional arena of personal aspiration, and the effort of individuated will. This second great phase of their spiritual development complemented and completed the first, in the sense that their first phase of upward aspiration saw done everything which could possibly be done by the ordinary means of "private effort".


Now, in response primarily to AAA's unsurpassed desire for the Truth that would redeem humanity's heart, the transformative fire of the Creative-divine Itself bridged the humanly-unbridgeable gap of suspension by passing "down" to meet and match that solitary flame of undissuadable love.

At the high tide of that cosmic surge, either AAA or MT or both would be taken by the absolute degree of her creative Wave working all the transformations suitable to their respective systems.


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When Christmas Is Really X-mas

For hours, even days at a time, one or both of them would be charged with the intelligent energy of a Process so intense and uncompromised that the walls would palpably crack, electrical equipment would fail or fuse, and the body playing host to that primary degree of Intensity would rigidify to a fine prolonged tetany, a perfect paralysis where consciousness remained and indeed magnified, but through eyes that wouldn't—couldn't—move.

MT would watch—often in dismay, and in basic incomprehension that would only dissolve in time—as AAA was suddenly reduced from normal animated vigor to virtual catatonia, seeming to enter a near-death state leaving her body even afterwards so weak as to be immobile, and lips so parched that only moisture imparted through a sponge could afford the most meager relief. Again, there were intervals in these high-intensity tides that her body would seem to be seized by impassible—but quite beautiful and harmonious—undulations, swelling, contracting, distorting the length of her torso, through arms, legs, feet and hands, changing her features with subtle dreamlike shifts all the while her eyes burned bright, fixed in fierce focus upon Infinity.

As a veritable byproduct of such inpouring Grace, MT would occasionally be struck by just a wave of overspill sufficient to halt what he may have been trying to minister in the way of help, persuading a lockin half-lotus right on the couch and the riveting of attention to a point ahead, e.g. the lights-witch or nail-hole in the wall—one particularly eventful early-morning vigil, upon the starry reflection in the silver of a Christmas tree ornament—

Alert with moveless pasture in the living room (while some monumentally-more complete Power of the process surged in renovative tide of Cosmic change through AAA in the sanctuary of a prepared "temple" down the hall), intent without distraction on the Yuletide Morningstar levitated, just at eyelevel, through dense suspension of an awareness abruptly coextensive with the space in which all formal objects floated, MT would be palpably emptied of any sense of the compressive "cemrism" regularly committing the ordinary force of identification to the contrastive coordinates and proprioceptive cues of an enclosed consciousness; and, aligned along the arrow of this latter-day "Bo", attentively congruent with the trunk of that meditative world-tree hung with stars, MT felt a definitive fatling-away as if the floor was dropped from the sensibly-stabilized universe, supportive slats of frontal focus removed from the peripheral wings-of-vision like the walls of the proverbial magician's box torn away to reveal a vanished content, where but a moment before the charming assistant should have been coiled with blades fixed front and back... voila! the mystic trick accomplished, the perennially coveted object of all spiritual aspiration as some incidental byproduct of what was taking place through AAA in the "other" room!—complete subject-dematerialization with Naught remaining as the leftover signature of Presence save the Cheshire smile of Consciousness.


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Over the Rainbow-bridge

All these occurrences, taking place off and on for a period of three and a half years—most intensely experienced the first six months of the process, in intervals scarcely allowing for a breath— though certainly rare enough in terms of the reported range of experience for this "sphere" were still identifiable; they could be located with respect to a real spiritual heritage, and while not easily paralleled in handy reference guides they were nonetheless compatible—if research enough was done—with things previously reported from Jayrambati or Dakshineswar, the annals of alchemical recordkeeping in some Persian chancery or even the occasional embarrassment of quite Western "Christian mysticism'' etc.; yet from time to time, these marginally identifiable processes were punctuated by quite discontinuous events, seemingly without preface or afterword yet very emphatic and "consistent" after their own fashion, within the range of comparative internal contents.

At times such events would distinguish themselves from the ordinary material of dreams by erupting quite vividly as carryover into waking consciousness—indeed often providing one of those crucial overlapping bridges which functionally served to weld the "two" realms into a seamless continuum; alternatively, they would arise right in the state of waking consciousness, generally in one of two ways: either as distinct Knowledge drawn directly from—what has to be called—Whole-being intuition, a sudden unimpeachable insight into certain ineffable truths and/or domains unaccompanied by any representative impression, sense-product etc; or, as the expression of a peremptory "plunge" through magnified instruments of some fuel-injected psychism strongly accompanied by impression, subtle sense- data or perceptual intersection augmenting the same intuitive process.

So it was that AAA, MT or sometimes even both-at-once, were drawn through the dream-field or straight out of the body of waking life into realms never before seen, in conjunction with dimensions never before known to exist. They were "shown" by an overarching Guidance, ushered by an invisible hand into doorways damped to ordinary sight yet situated right in the midst of the "ordinary", taken-for-granted world; strange landscapes of heretofore-unknown worlds were shown them in aerial oversweep, or inescapable impressions of such presences and such worlds were alternatively drawn into congruence with the normally-opaque physical field (thereby magically violating the local rule of thumb regarding the mutual exclusivity of separate objects with respect to the "same" space).


They were temporarily heliported at times through the lingasarira (for the Theosophically-bip) or astral body, set down into unmistakable if brief copresence with beings, creatures, intelligences and situations sharing very little reference with what they "knew" or understood in terms of their conventional learning.


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A Word from Our Sponsor

They found that they were either in, or intuitively aligned with, other inhabitable worlds, indeed conjunct with experiences belonging to whole other densities and dimensions of being (which however yielded to corresponding mind/body adjustments and intensified alignments undergone, first-of-all, as prerequisite qualification).

It was as if, since the higher-dimensional potential of these mind/body magazines had been developed they were going to be used.

Part of the functional benefit of such renovated alignments and bioelectric balances was immediately understood, by both AAA and MT, as the intuitive ability to recognize the origin and nature of the "guidance system" periodically interposing its special circumstances: they became immediately aware at the very onset of such phenomena that the Guide of these spirit-domains was neither "inner plane Master" or UFO occupant, neither member of "spiritual hierarchy" dark or light nor emissary of "angelic" realms, but was rather their own higher Spirit-consciousness, the Source-value common to everyone, shared uniformly with all of humanity but only known directly and specifically identified in its quickened Guidance by comparatively rare processes of higher-dimensional adjustment.


The Charioteer at the reins of the mind/body Chariot in this case was the whole-being value of Consciousness haloed over the "heads" of one and all, variably close to, and drawn into conjunction with, the cerebrospinal extent of the individuated-incarnate axis according to the specific degree of compatibility between the framework of physically-focused ego organization, and that unqualified Canopy of star-reate luminance Itself.

So it was Bearded Macroprosopus, the Person of the Supernal Triad took them up or "turned them on" occasionally at these unannounced intervals, and furnished such unexplained exposures to various kinds of "being" and "event"—which, on the aggregate, always took on a very specific and identifiable feeling-tone: i.e. such places and entities seemed either distinctly "positive", or distinctly "negative"; through the electrification of the necessary, higher dimensional faculties these apparently random and heterogeneous experiences sorted themselves into things that were "all right" or congruent with whole-being (soul) value, and those which were distinctly not.


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...And the Positive/Negative Realms Beyond This World

For some, of course, hearing of this higher-dimensional either/or outcome there may be lingering doubts as to whether the participants were truly able to dissociate their third-density, lower terrestrial faculties of discriminative dualism from the integral domains of astral, mental and soul bodies involved in such "information-gathering".


To this query one can really only rejoin "you have to be there" (an opportunity made good in the offing since the T-Bird began the presentation of taped lessons, direct Initiations into the Mother-current etc.); yet some provisional assurance can be advanced in the explanation that whole philosophical universes of insight and understanding were also to accompany these experiential passes or intuitive glimpses, which in the unexpected richness of their development furnished dear reasoning as to why the progression toward higher and more unitive densities of consciousness beyond the third necessarily involved a more unified/undiluted commitment to either an orientation identifiable as dear positivity, or dear negativity.

"I have a problem with this positive/negative business, Michael", Colonel Stevens was to remark as the subject veered toward that inevitable pass (cf. our interview with Wendelle Stevens begun in issue 3, VoL 2 TNTC).


"It seems to me that the subject bogs down at this point in just the kind of ambiguous 'moralism' that characterizes standard religious attitude on the subject, and which therefore inevitably leads to types of intolerances-of-interpretation that brook no opposition—you know?"1


1 The following is an expanded version of a much briefer conversation actually held with Col. Stevens, who suggested during Ike course of the conversation that the explanations given him re Positive and Negative beings, spiritual development etc ought to be written and published in detail since to him it clarified the subject more deeply than anything he'd heard previously. The conversational format has therefore been retained, as it loans itself to the kinds of comprehension drawn out through dialog.

"Well," MT said, "it certainly can if there's a component of self-righteous identification involved; that however is precisely why true spiritual development in the esoteric sense of higher mind/body integration and alignment is absolutely necessary to a balanced undemanding of these things, and why it can't be left in the hands of standard low-level ego consciousness now backed by 'godly" justifications—certainly, that just leads to the Inquisition."

"Right! I've heard the more 'new age' attempts to explain the distinction, you know, like 'service-to-self' and 'service-to-others'; those categories are even supposed to be given by higher-dimensional beings for our further clarification, but it seems to me it just replaces one dualistic formula with an equivalent that begs the question rather than answers it!"

"Of course you have a point insofar as 'self' and 'others' aren't absolute categories; I've had early difficulty off-and-on myself in accepting them as adequate explanatory tools. But I think it's simply resolved if we accept them not as absolute but as 'rough-and-ready' categories; certainly the 'dividing-line' between self and other is ambiguous and shifting, more a function of the elastic flow of Identity than rigid real borders.

"But when you think of it, the categories retain their functional validity. For instance, when we think of what might be required to authenticate a 'service-to-self' orientation, we see that an easy means of accepting the distinction revolves around the degree to which any given psyche is willing to attain its end by any means; in practical fact, it takes a very distinct type to persist in the pursuit of its self-aggrandizing object regardless what must be raped, plundered, pillaged and destroyed in the process."

"I see what you mean."

"When we get to the higher-dimensional levels of distinct polarization, that kind of no-quarter commitment to the survivalist and self-aggrandizing end simply receives the imprimatur of fully-conscious dedication. It becomes an authentic ongoing decision, rather than inclination or tendency. In its own way it requires as much single-minded devotion, strict relentless dedication and unwavering commitment as does any positive counterpart committed to mutual progress, and it entails the same ultimate degree of mind/body coherence, ego-integration and coordinate alignment of each part with every other part resulting in a kind of similar, cerebrospinal homogeneity, and that congruence, internal consonance or aware self-agreement commands the same automatic alignment with the accelerated resources of Intelligent Infinity as is granted the resultant 'structure' of positive-polarization.


The only critical difference that we've determined by experience, is that the negative polarization to higher-density alignment divorces itself, necessarily, from the Over-soul totality ultimately superintending all personality-projections and incarnative phases through the levels and dimensions."

"What does the negative polarity align with, then, in terms of Intelligent Infinity?" Colonel Stevens asked, clearly readjusted and gathered up in the explanation.

"It polarizes into basic congruence with the higher-dimensional energy-fields, through which the programming of Intelligent Infinity flows but no longer—in the negative case—through which the Self-reflective intelligence of Oversoul-consciousness directly functions and communicates. The higher-density energy field is open to entrance, then, as a result of congruent polarization, constituting a kind of 'indifferent' matrix of potential that may be used, incorporated and exploited according to 'personal' ingenuity, practically speaking, the soul which has newly polarized negatively finds itself in functional subordination to a deeply individuated ego-soul Intelligence of even higher-density development, having in effect substituted itself for multidimensional Oversoul Intelligence as inevitable consequence of the isolating or self-nucleating requirement of the Negative realm.

"It is this surrogate oversoul quality, in fact, which the newly-polarized negative being is implicitly moving toward; for all such negatively-polarized beings are ultimately attempting to substitute themselves for God, to wholly replace and in effect override the all-accommodating Individuality of Oversoul consciousness harmoniously coordinating all its projective components and angular 'selves'. Owing to progressive learning and development through the higher-density energy fields, and in 'tutelage' from higher-density Negative overlords, the Negatively-polarized being in fact picks up many faculties, manages to solve many of the mechanical knots making certain superpowers and extraordinary forces directly available in amplification of the overall repertoire; over 'time' in terms of the densities of negative development, the astute negative being manages to commandeer a range of multidimensional abilities that seems superficially the 'rival' of that belonging to Oversoul consciousness on the corresponding, positive side of the ledger.

"Of course the deeply independent and self-isolating ego nucleation which serves to practically organize the negative mind/body/spirit alignment, sets a real upper limit to the total range and power at the negatives' disposal. There is an inbuilt factor of attrition resulting from inevitable ego-friction, and a net value of continuous inanition or unrecoverable energy-loss due to imperfect assimilation at the higher levels, which prevents attainment of the true magnitude of Oversoul consciousness and keeps it at a merely imitative, proximal level; for there's an innate contradiction between the unitive values and deeply integral states of the higher-dimensional energy domains, and the supernumerary encysting of self-isolated ego consciousness marking the minimum requirement of that class of polarization.

"Such a basic contradiction can't be reconciled within the negative framework; it's for this reason that sources such as the Ra material rightly affirm that at a certain 'degree' the only chance of real progression in the resolution of conscious Being lies in the wisdom-conversion of the negative being to positive polarization alignment."

"How 'far' then can the 'negative' being ultimately advance?"

"Since it can never attain to real Oversoul congruity under negatively-aligned stress, the negative-density progress necessarily stops at mid-6th density, just before the dividing line of real resolution with oversoul consciousness (presiding as the Macroprosopus or Higher Countenance of 6th density)."

"So the 'negative' beings can decide to switch polarities? What happens when that decision is made?"

"Theoretically such a decision can be made by any negative entity at any degree of development of the higher densities. As a practical matter though, it isn't likely to be a seriously-entertained option until the perceivable limits of the higher-density levels are met in experience and understood on an immediate basis. Also on a practical level, such a 'choice' is—while an expression of the conserved value of volition and therefore of innate freedom—not bilaterally free to implement itself any time; the negative realms are highly regimented, monitored, jealously guarded since their conscious 'resources' are scarcer in terms of competition with the positive, so 'defection' at the level of the subaltern ranks is not viewed indifferently. It's a punishable offense; therefore on a purely practical basis such a choice generally can't be made and implemented except by a whole group psyche, a social/memory/complex of the negative densities taking its point of leverage from the decision of its very Commander. Therefore such polarization-switch is not, for both reasons cited, a common occurrence and seldom takes place sooner than the approach of mid-6th density."

"And then what happens?" the Colonel asked. "Do the 'reformed' negatives have to incarnate in the lower dimensions again and pay for all the karma they've incurred before they can move up once more on the positive side of the ladder?"

"Actually not—or they'd never make the decision to polarize positively! No, the polarization, once assumed, is virtually instantaneous and involves a direct exchange for its equivalent on the 'positive' side of the ledger. It's the product of cumulative wisdom, in keeping with the general 6th density level, so it understands the sort of yielding that's required and performs it."

"Oh oh. That's not going to sit well with those who're bound to feel—me, for one—that all the negative suffering such beings have inflicted doesn't have to be paid back!."

"Oh but it does, Mr. Stevens," AAA explained. "It's paid back through the works that are performed once in higher-density positive alignment. And they are able to be paid off more effectively because of the superior powers at their disposal on the 'positive' or whole-being side."

"Yet they don't seem to have to 'pay back' in terms of 'their' own suffering—maybe that's just a punitive thought generated from this eye-for-an-eye level of consciousness however, a kind of Judeo-Christian hangover that isn't relevant in the higher planes..."

"In a sense that's true," AAA continued. "At the same time though, you have to understand that the matter of 'karma' is basically different at the higher-density levels beyond 3rd. 'Karma' is indeed instantaneous in higher-dimensional terms—not so much in the sense of the mirroring mechanics of experience, as in the essence that's ultimately relevant as a conscious value.

"You know we think of 'karma', in this plane of focus, as suffering the identical experience that we inflicted on another. But the 'object' of any such experiential pendulum is always the impression it makes on consciousness in any case. The only reason it takes the form of experiential kick-back in our 3rd density frame of reference is because here, consciousness is largely asleep. It can't experience the essence of a thing, the distilled value, directly; so it has to be 'shocked' out of its slumber by some mirroring mechanism of experience.

"In the higher, unveiled levels or densities, however, consciousness isn't asleep, neither in the positive or negative realms. Therefore the negative choice of alignment itself is its own karma. While it inflicts pain and suffering on others, this is direct expression of its immediate and conscious condition—which is acutely that of unlove. The negative being polarizes that way in the first place because the-decision's been made to take the shortcut of bypassing the heart. So it shrinks the anahata to the proportions of a real fly-heart; but in so doing, it suffers the very conscious and definitive lack of love. And this is crucial even to the dedicatedly negative being, because love is one of the indivisible Divine attributes along with Selfness and Void.

"The negative being can appropriate the Selfness of absolute-being to its own self-aggrandizing ego version; and it can appropriate the Void-value of absolute being to its functional repertoire so as to glide diabolically between the spaces of filtrate screening etc. But it can't, constitutionally, profit by the value of Love which it has explicitly excluded as a condition of its particular polarization. Love eludes it; it does the negative being 'no good', so it becomes the despised aspect of the Divine reality. But since the negative being necessarily participates in the Divine reality the same as everything else, it suffers an acute deprivation of a very integral factor of its own nature. Because it is by definition a Conscious being at this level, its suffering remains acute.

"That suffering is itself the instantaneous 'karma' of its choice, as well as the propelling motivator of its malevolent 'compensator/ activity; for, participating in and through the very Being of Love nonetheless, the negative entity evokes a distortion of that principle (in that it comes to 'love', and takes great pleasure from, inflicting that same suffering—and haunting deprivation, 'lack' or nothingness—upon others)."

"I see," the Colonel said. "This is very fascinating. I must admit this is the best discussion of the problem of 'evil' I've yet heard, and makes the subject much more plausible than its usual Judeo-Christian context. You planning on writing this out, putting it in book form or something?"

"Maybe," MT smiled, instantly conceiving the conversational format in which the communication now resides.


Here Comes the Night-Light

"But what is the negative object, then?" the Colonel asked. "I can see the 'positive' object, since love is overtly present in the higher 'positive' densities of polarization. But the negative can't be looking for Love.-."

"It's own version of Love," MT replied. "It's still motivated by the value that constitutes love, since it's negatively-defined in the first place by its functional lack. The whole-being unity and definitive Self-congruence that, emotionally, is identified as the value of Love, is sought in simulacrum by the negative being as a form of inclusive stability, a kind of omnivorous homeostasis where nothing is really 'external' to its internal equipoise."

"And it seeks to do this... how?"

"The simplest way to understand it, is to see it as a cosmic extrapolation of the ordinary, easily-identifiable ego project common to 3rd density. As you can see by just a little self-examination, the ordinary ego-project is a continuous if unrecognized attempt to render the essential contingency and interdependence of existence, as a fantastical one-way flow of order from the self-defining format of the ego to the refractory 'otherness' of the world.

"The ego first of all defines itself as an ideal constant, a model of Being or perfect stability insulated from the 'change' equated with death, in the very midst of the currents of change. That 'model', whether positive or negative, dear or muddy, self-exalting or self-deprecating is just an empty abstraction, a dry idea which begs to be 'filled in'—supported and completed by the utter conformance toward it, of the world of change—the world of resistive 'otherness' through which personal 'will' is continuously displaced. So ego works to elicit the conformance of the world of change in support and substantiation of the ego-project. It seeks the confirmatory reaction, not necessarily the 'nod of approval' but simply the gesture or response-pattern that conforms to, and reinforces in objective reflection, the ego's self-model. It seeks the sense of global substantiation, complete universal reinforcement without a leak. It wishes to definitively Be through the very patterns of 'becoming', or change, out of which its centralizing self-sense is coordinately aligned."

"I see; the ego's project is internally self-contradictory and therefore impossible'."

"Yes; and that is definitively realized, and correspondingly adjusted-to, in the higher density positive framework. At the same time though, by the insistent clinging to it as the premise of higher-density development it becomes the occasion of the 'old college try' negative style. So the negatively-polarized being indeed enters into the university milieu of the higher densities, but parlays the ordinary 3rd density-level ego aim into a full-blown, Faustian project."

"Ah! Comes the light."

"Yes, of a sort—for in the Conscious domain of the higher densities, Light indeed becomes the overt mediating term, the common coinage and efficient aim—and that both for positive and negative realms. Yet whereas in the positive realms the Whole-being value taking its 'coinage' in the medium of light necessarily draws the developing soul toward deep degrees of yielding and expansion into light, in the corresponding negative realms the object is, rather, a progressive determination and development of appropriate mind/body mechanical means of devouring more light, stuffing the tight-energy-values as it were into the voracious hole or constitutional void of emotional lack comprising the negative state of the ego-soul altogether.

"The work of the negative being is to determine the formulae, extort and coax the technical keys of force-opening the internal mind/body centers and corresponding energy fields with their respective, guardian gatekeepers. The negative's business is to plunder the rich beds of energy-nutriment, the various treasure-troves of the vast creative domains where 'loosh' or psychic energy food is manufactured in abundance. For, being nonetheless a constitutionally contingent-being, a coordinate locus of mutually dependent states and functions, the ideally 'self-insular' ego-being is still definable as Process as activities of interchange, reciprocal conversions and linked metabolisms; it is, and participates in, the domain of Food. It is a function of ingestion, assimilation and elimination, and as such it defines the feeding process in terms of its own negative project i.e. to eat rather than to be eaten, to devour progressively large chunks of being until, ideally, the very universe is swallowed and so incorporated into the ultimate justification and definitive aggrandizement of its own—arbitrarily circumscribed—'self.

"Rather than the ultimate resolution with Whole-being value through progressive conversion of light-energy units (as is characteristic of higher-density positive development), the negative version posits ultimate aggrandizement in parallel duplication of Whole-being value through maximum incorporation of available radiance."

"That's why it's said that Lucifer's Legions can appear as angels of light!"

"Exactly. In fact, Lucifer means Light-bearer, bringer of the Light. Light isn't inimical to the negative orientation, as is portrayed in our superstitions and folklore; like its positive counterpart, the negative recognizes and overtly values light as sustenance, enabling food for producing integral reactions toward progressively higher alignments. Just as all matter—the 'food' of this dimension—is intellectually understandable as a kind of packaged 'light-value' woven in phosphates of the ATP molecule, so light is overtly valued as the energy-essence/lunchbox of the higher densities—coded as potential to be unlocked and restored to overall availability of the mind-body axis or radiant 'line' of sushuma."

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