Beginning To End
from Bill Hamilton
October 2003

I was just going through a massive amount of collected data on my friend Dr. Dan Burisch and found this introduction by B.J. Wolf. I will follow this with how it all ended.




I came to know Dr. Dan Burisch (formerly Dan Crain, Ph.D.) many years ago in Las Vegas NV. He and his family became friends with my family and I.... and eventually I came to know his story well. He asked me, in 1997 to write a book about one of his research projects. That became Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars and was released to the public in 1998. During that work I came to know a great deal about Dan's involvement in dark projects that are covertly funded by our military and government bodies - including his work up at Area-51, or as it is known by those who work up there: Watertown Strip. Dan became afraid, desperately afraid for his life toward the end of the work on Eagles Disobey. He was terrified of retaliation from his dark project supervisors because he refused to stop looking into the anomalies on Mars - and because he had shared with me many of his experiences "up north" while he was employed in Project Aquarius, and had familiarity with Project Sigma, and Looking Glass.


B.J. Wolf

Toward the end of 1998 Dan disappeared. His residence was abandoned overnight, and nobody seemed to know where he had been taken. He turned up half way across the country, with most of his memories concerning his association with me and our work on Eagles Disobey altered or erased. I tried my best to remind him of his past, but he did not believe me until I showed him a copy of the book and photographs of himself sitting on my couch playing with the dogs. He returned to his new location, but memories started to break through the conditioning to such an extent that Dan fled and was eventually recaptured and whisked off to a military base for re-conditioning. When they realized that they couldn't keep it up with out damaging his ability to think and function (remember, they wanted him to continue to work for them in his capacity as team leader and microbiologist) they decided to re-wind his memories and return him to Las Vegas under the careful observation of his spouse, who relays all communication up the pipeline, and signs much of her correspondence with her title/designation PsiOpSec.

I was permitted very limited contact with him during that time, mostly because he made life unbearable until they honored his demand to talk to me. But he was eventually moved again and housed at the Papoose Lab facility where he could conduct critical biological studies on captive entity they had housed in their lab, on Level-5. Contact was intermittent, but then, in early 2001 I got a strange email that caught my attention. It was from Since I knew that Dan was involved with Majestic and MJ-12, I was immediately on alert. It turned out to be from a person inside the project Dan was working on, who was so upset with the situation that he felt compelled to seek my help. He was aware of my identity and long standing friendship with Dan because it was contained in the briefings he got prior to accepting his assignment, and figured I might be willing to assist. My contact is now dead. He was discovered communicating with me, and was involuntarily "retired". His letters read as follows, and give a troubling glimpse into the prison-like world that was created to maintain control of Dr. Dan Burisch and force him to comply with the wishes of the 'powers that be' as he eventually came to call them.

Copy of email:

I have control of "her" ISP account. Free internet, via one of the biggest bitches you ever met! Oops! I hope you're not a big friend!? I am not supposed to be doing this, but I also have control over all of the referred material coming from him, going through her to the powers that are. I am one of the biologist-computer-geeks that has been put in place to watch over his research progress and act as the switchboard person to direct his efforts to the right people. The powers placed him back in Las Vegas after a big time accident at the Ranch. An attempt to replace him into Las Vegas society failed due to alleged surveillance of him, so he was arrested and placed into custodial supervision. That is where he'll remain for the rest of his life I guess. Why they haven't erased him I'll never know. Danny is a nice enough guy, a weirdo, refuses to speak with anyone and only communicates to the powers in writing. When anyone pushes him into saying anything he only responds with the same crazy saying, "Nicky Knows!" He screamed it at me once. Any idea what it means? Any who, is one of several spook-shadow addresses under the same name, so I feel confident in my shadow behavior. Danny writes, Mrs. "B----" (doesn't stand for Burisch :) ) passes it to the powers, and everyone is satisfied. He is taken twice monthly on field trips to Sunrise Mountain. He conducts work there and is taken back to his house. As I said I have control over the communications so - want a "cc:"? From what I have read, it'll be a wild ride! ... I also think that what he is working on should be seen by other folks somehow, it's about the origins.

B.J. Wolf spent years trying to penetrate the wall of secrecy and partially succeeded and tried to publish her findings to the world, but the "Powers that Be" caught up with her and now she is with "them". Her last message to me...

Sep 14, 2003

Things are not good. I didn't realize that whoever grabbed up all Dodie's things got a copy of the tape from June! Why the hell didn't Ron think! And now, my email is dead-in-the-water? I wondered why I wasn't getting any new mail. Every time I checked, it just said no new messages. I tried to get some help but the stupid tech-support kid on the phone didn't know what was wrong - he just said make another email account. But that doesn't explain why BJWolf007 is fryed! Or how it happened! Or what it means??? Was it a deliberate attack? Does it have anything to do with all those people I have seen watching me? I can't go to the store, or walk the dog without feeling eyes on the back of my neck. And they're so damned smug about it. When I turn and catch them looking at me, they don't drop their eyes, or look away. No! They just look right back at me, not quite smiling.

And they know there's not a damned thing they are doing that I could call for help or complain about. There's no law against looking at somebody. And it's rarely the same person more than twice. Damn it -Bill they're everywhere I go! They're always there! It's just too much. I feel like a net is closing around me - a net of people watching everything I do - every move I make. I am scared. If I could move tomorrow I would, and just fall out of sight for a while.

And now - the last straw! is gone. It's completely gone. What the hell is going on?




Then I started receiving messages in the mail from our inside contacts. The messages were accompanied by printed photos of B.J. This was not good. I wish I could answer her last question, but for now the lines of communication are down and the world is split between shadow and light. Someone wants to move all this back into the SHADOWS where it came from.

Bill Hamilton
Executive Director
Skywatch International, Inc.
Fiat Lux et Veritas

Bill Hamilton and Dan Burisch


























from BJ Wolf
February 2003

Hi Jeff,
I have great news. I can positively report that Dr. Dan Burisch is alive, and has been found and photographed participating in a Formal Majestic Operation that took place at the Frenchman's Mountain complex, just East of Las Vegas, near the Stargate hill during the first week of February, 2003.

I rearranged my travel schedule to allow me to be in Las Vegas at the same time as the operation was supposed to take place. I asked for help from Alan Gudaitis, the Regional Director of MUFON in Las Vegas, and he agreed to accompany me into the hills to help document what might happen. He and I both had an extensive array of equipment, and were able to capture literally hundreds of frames of pictures, as well as about 10 minutes of radio chatter from Dan at the time of the operation.

The rumors that Dan gets saluted by official personnel have also been confirmed. I have photographic proof. His driver (who was later identified as his wife - belonging to PsyOpsSec within Majestic) exited the vehicle, walked around to his door, opened it, drew herself up to attention, and snapped up a salute which she held for several seconds until he emerged from the vehicle and returned it.

I have much more about this operation documented on and will be adding more as the days go on. There was such a large volume of documentation made during this operation that I can't get it all posted in one or two days.

But, contrary to tainted information that I received last fall, Dr. Dan Burisch is very much alive. He was observed, recorded, photographed and those photos were later viewed by Bill Hamilton who knows Dan after having interviewed him extensively. And upon my return from California, I showed the photos to Doreen Crain, Dan's mother for her comments. She was able to identify the driver as Deb, her daughter-in-law, and the passenger as Dan in the photos I showed her. There is no longer any doubt!

The question remains, why was tainted information passed off to me last year. Probably an attempt to derail the ongoing investigation into Dr. Burisch, his work on the Lotus Project, and his connections to Area-51, S4, and Majestic. Dan had become perhaps too vocal, talking on several occasions to Bill Hamilton and even granting Bill and I the opportunity to videotape our last interview with him. Maybe Majestic was just trying to make Dan vanish from the public eye. Well, that's not going to be so easy. Too many people refused to give up hope. Too many got clandestine word that Dan was indeed still alive, people such as 'DonDep' who I believe may have heard from the same source as I did; a previously unknown contact that finally gave me a push in the right general direction with postings to my message board on Eagles.

It's clear that people are interested in what Dan is doing, his connections into Majestic and MJ-12, and what he can tell us about the goings-on at Area-51, S4 and other super-secret bases. Whether or not we are able to get all the truth uncovered, just knowing that Dr. Burisch is alive makes me think that the optimism I saw in so many of the UFO researchers and observers alike was justified.

BJ Wolf (For further updates, visit
























from BJ Wolf
August 2002

Inca City, Mars proven to be part of a perfectly circular collection of structures! New photographic evidence shows how Inca City, Mars fits into a massive complex of anomalous structures that form a perfect circle on the surface of the Red Planet! This is elegant proof of intelligent construction on a grand scale.

These massive structures were first identified as potential city ruins by Dr. Dan Burisch in the late 1990s. Intensive research isolated many more anomalous artifacts in the region and led the way to the publication of his findings in the book Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars. I only wish Dr. Burisch could see this new evidence. I know what he'd say...."It's so good to be proven right!!!" Unfortunately, he resides under heavy guard when he is not working at S4, and any contact with the public has been strongly discouraged. The people in charge of the Blk-Ops projects he is working on were less than pleased that his name and findings with regard to Mars were ever made public. Dr. Burisch endured the loss of his academic credentials rather than back down from his position that Mars, especially Inca City Mars, held one of the keys to the question of extraterrestrial life, and its relationship to human life.

The foundation-like structures seen in the images that Dr. Burisch used for his initial research were not broad enough to show the full extent or scope of the find. In fact, when one of the team sent in a request to see surrounding images, NASA responded by saying that those frames were private and not available to the public. But now that's all changed, thanks to the amazing improvements in technology, and what seems to be a change in attitude concerning the release of nearby images. The MOC camera permits us to see the full area surrounding Inca City, and as a result we now know that Inca City is only a small part of a massive, perfectly circular collection of anomalies! It's nothing short of spectacular! To view the images from the source, see below.


      BJ Wolf  (Author, Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars)



MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-319, 8 August 2002

MOC image E09-00186

MOC image E09-00186

Mariner 9 full image, DAS 8044333

Mariner 9 image DAS 8044333

"Inca City" is the informal name given by Mariner 9 scientists in 1972 to a set of intersecting, rectilinear ridges that are located among the layered materials of the south polar region of Mars. Their origin has never been understood; most investigators thought they might be sand dunes, either modern dunes or, more likely, dunes that were buried, hardened, then exhumed. Others considered them to be dikes formed by injection of molten rock (magma) or soft sediment into subsurface cracks that subsequently hardened and then were exposed at the surface by wind erosion.

The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) has provided new information about the "Inca City" ridges, though the camera's images still do not solve the mystery. The new information comes in the form of a MOC red wide angle context frame taken in mid-southern spring, shown above left and above right. The original Mariner 9 view of the ridges is seen at the center.


The MOC image shows that the "Inca City" ridges, located at 82°S, 67°W, are part of a larger circular structure that is about 86 km (53 mi) across. It is possible that this pattern reflects an origin related to an ancient, eroded meteor impact crater that was filled-in, buried, then partially exhumed. In this case, the ridges might be the remains of filled-in fractures in the bedrock into which the crater formed, or filled-in cracks within the material that filled the crater. Or both explanations could be wrong. While the new MOC image shows that "Inca City" has a larger context as part of a circular form, it does not reveal the exact origin of these striking and unusual martian landforms.


from Malin Space Science System


Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) High Resolution Images:
Rectilinear Ridges In South Polar Layered Terrain ("Inca City")

(A) Portion of Viking Orbiter 2 image 421B64, reproduced here at full resolution of about 179 meters (585 feet) per picture element. The outlines of (B) is shown. North is up, sun illumination is from the top.


(B) Highest-resolution pre-Mars Global Surveyor view. Image is a portion of Mariner 9 DAS #8044333. White box indicates location of MOC image (C). North is approximately "up", sun illumination is from top/upper right.

(C) Subframe of MOC image 7908 reproduced at full resolution, about 23 meters/pixel (75 feet/pixel). Picture shows an area approximately 20 x 14 km (12.4 x 8.7 miles) in size. Sun illumination is from upper left.