Annex 2 - Other weapons and
In the annex 1 we presented some ideas about hypersonic flight.
Although it is not possible to bring the absolute proof we really
think that American own hypersonic spy planes and hypersonic
bombers. They do their best to keep secrecy as long as possible
about it. Anyway the world begins to hear about many new weapons.
Some are based on microwaves techniques.
Such weapons can be carried by cruise missiles and many people think
they have been already tested during the Gulf War, in 1990. Many
people, who discover these "new" pulsed generators, ignore that they
were invented and tested in Russia half a century before. Hereafter
the reader will find the system, that everybody can find in many
websites today, which can provide very strong electric intensities,
magnetic field and electric field.
The next figure, which refers to
compressed magnetic flux system comes from the English edition of,
Collected Scientific Papers
Marcel Dekker Inc.
270 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
1982 ISBN 0-8247-1714-7

In such device a condenser creates a
strong magnetic field inside the solenoid. Along the axis lies a
tube of copper filled by an explosive. When fired this last expands
the copper tube which short-circuits the spiral of the solenoid and
reduces the inductance. The conservation of the energy implies an
enormous rise of the intensity. 107 to 108 amperes were produced in
the sixties with such a simple system.
A similar system produces the compression of a "magnetic flux". In
high magnetic Reynolds number conditions the magnetic field behaves
like a gas. On the figure, below, this tends to push the black ring
on the right at large velocity. The strong induced electric current
transforms this ring into a plasma.

In the sixties pressures as large as 25
megabars were obtained, with velocities reaching 50 km/s. Such
objects were called "plasmoids", plasma bullets. Military thought to
use it to destroy distant targets in what would called later "Starwar".
Presently developed countries continue to test this systems, using
small A bombs in underground nuclear explosions. American use their
classical test site of Nevada. Russian have their own near
Semipalatinsk. British can use some places in Australia, or Nevada.
As the French have stopped their underground experiments in Mururoa,
south Pacific, in 1996, the French army continues this research in
France, in different places.
Officially France is supposed to develop
next nuclear weapons through "computations" and simulation, near
Bordeaux, in a center where they are building a laser fusion system
(with 260 lasers). This should begin to work in 2010. Only naive
people believe that and very few people are able to imagine that the
French army could have experienced more than 100 stealth underground
nuclear experiments in the country. Sometimes the things are so big
that people just cannot believe it.
Very soon American tried to see what pressure and velocity could be
gained with such system, using nuclear explosive and
supra-conducting material. We believe (and we have also some
information from some "exotic source") that the obtained pressures
were so high that the condition of the so-called Big Bang were
locally achieved.
In 1967 Andrei Skaharov suggested that the singularity called "Big
Bang" could link two universes, one made of matter and the second
one of antimatter. As a consequence the fantastic compression acting
on the ring of matter transformed it into an equivalent amount of
antimatter. That is the schema of antimatter synthesis through
nuclear compression.
If it is true, and we think it is, American master massive
antimatter synthesis. They know how separate and store it, in
magnetic bottles. Later, small amounts of anti matter
(anti-hydrogen) can be extracted from these bottles and sent on
peculiar crystals. The anti electron annihilates with an electron of
the crystal lattice. Then the antiproton becomes the prisoner on the
crystal, kept in place by electrostatic confinement. It is then
possible to "seed" crystals of matter with very small amounts of
antimatter and to get very small power bombs ( 40 kT) called "Bucky
balls", egg's like. We think that US would like to test such new
weapons against underground Iraqi facilities.
American store enormous number of such "nuclear eggs", very simple.
Very easy to store. They stand almost anything except a violent
shock. A shuttle can drop thousands of such eggs, surrounded by a
thermal shield, over a country. They just explode by contact or
after the explosion of a near by egg.
Stored in magnetic bottles the antimatter can be used to feed MHD
accelerator with very high specific impulse. Ejection velocity: 500
km/s. With such propellers space probes can reach velocities as
large as 100 km/s. They can carry 10,000 megatons antimatter bombs.
Such bombs could not be tested on the Earth. The antimatter is
produced by thermonuclear compression, just when the probes gets the
target. Such weapons and very fast probes could correspond to a
project of destruction of asteroids and comets. If this project is
real, who runs it?
A possible hypothesis corresponds to a collaboration between
American and aliens, these last having accelerated the technological
progress of the most developed country, at the end of the forties.
Following this idea the machines "crashed" in Roswell in 1947 could
have been conceived to bring the necessary knowledge, but no more.
Earth lives very important moment of its history. Men have gained
new technologies, with which they can do the better or the worse.
The worse is ... evident. As shown in this report the main activity
of people, when interested into UFOs has been to build new weapons.
The imagination of men looks very limited.
Another idea could be to
- Aliens visit us since half a
century, and probably more. Why aren't we already their
slaves, working for them? Why did these people do not tried
to get our mines, materials, territories?
It must be an explanation. A possible
one is that they are not interested in. Why? Because they master
unlimited energy production. With atomic bombs we can produce
amounts of antimatter. But with this antimatter we can pilot new
plants and produce more au more. This energy is free.
Furthermore who masters antimatter mass production can use it to
make transmutations, change any atom into another one. This arises
two consequences.
- We can produce anything we
want: nickel, gold, carbon, and so on, from.... anything.
- With energy wastes can be converted into helium, released
in open air.
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