Part 2

You might think that they were genuine aristocracy because they have inherited titles like Earl or Duke or Lord. What you wouldn’t realize was that they only inherited these titles because their ancestors were traders who had had enough money to buy them from christian kings who were also elevated peasants. And you wonder why the Earth is in such a state? What are you, stupid?

When the world is run by tinkers, as it is now, then the tinker mentality sees everything as having a price tag attached to it and everything then becomes a ’marketable commodity’ and its significance or importance becomes linked to its ’marketing potential’.

We have become so used to such values and the buzz words that accompany them that we no longer see the inherent immorality or dangers implied therein. It has got so bad now that profiteers calling themselves ’doctors’ can visit indigenous peoples, take blood samples and patent those individuals’ genes.

In effect it would then be possible for the doctors of the Human Genes ’R’ Us Corporation to file a complaint in an international court and prosecute those same indigenous populations for the theft of the doctors’ patented property.

Essentially this is slavery under a different guise, where various ethnic peoples belong to an American Medical Corporation, run by a government backed elite who are, worst of all - Americans - a nation whose leaders are singularly the most vacuous, morally twisted and hence dangerous social group on Earth.

The ancient, egalitarianism of the Scythian’s own social order manifested itself in such concepts as the democratic system of voting for Archdruids and Pendragons, where the ’family’, comprising of the regional divines and princes, would elect both chief priests and high kings - sometimes one and the same person - for priests and kings were interchangeable. In many ways this system was replicated in the Saxon Atheling Pool, where prospective rulers were chosen from the most suitable candidates available. (Dufton).

This royal reserve, from whence were chosen kings from a race of kings, also extended itself to mediate in matters of marriage. Where election to high-priest or priestess-hood and kingship were concerned, only the very best and the most qualified would be picked. In the case of a king he must be without physical or spiritual blemish. The successful candidate was the most spiritually powerful, learned and gracious of manners. (Annals of Irish History).

Such criteria were also applied when princesses or princes were selected for marriage to each other. These were arranged by the druids between the very best families within the various tuadhes in the kingdoms.

This ensured that the fruit of any such royal union would represent an enhancement of all the most admired and required attributes necessary for a royal dynasty, thus reinforcing the perfection of the royal race itself. Both Hindu and medieval marriage customs were derived from this Scythain practice. (Hall).

For the Scythians the ability to perform magic - to manifest the Sidhe - was innate and hereditary in very much the same way as we view others skills as being today, such as Art, for instance. Selective unions gave the race the opportunity to breed outstanding magicians whose gifts of natural perception and understanding: and whose ability to access the ’Otherworld’, helped to produce and guide brilliant kings who reigned with elegant aplomb.

The ability to perform magic was carried in the blood and if that blood became watered down by marriages entered into with outsiders, the genetic strain was weakened and so was the ability to perform magic.

The Aryan-Scythians weren’t color prejudiced because, although they were white themselves, they didn’t even marry other whites. The Elves were relied upon by their client races to be able to see things and perform feats that these client races couldn’t.

The purity of the Elven blood was absolutely necessary in order to enable the Dragon Kings and Queens to maintain their magical abilities and the quality and depth of their perception and thereby fulfill their obligatory roles as the Seers and Guides that their clients had wanted them for in the first place.

These clients acknowledged that they were naturally unable to have an overview or to perform higher magic and so it was not in their best interest to allow the Elves to water down the Elven blood by intermarriage with members of that client race. This wasn’t racism but a mutually acknowledged understanding that the Elves were originally of an entirely different sub-species, rather than just being of a different race.

This separatist custom was still vigorously upheld by the British rural working classes up until the first half of the 20th century when they themselves still considered intermarriage between the castes to be an outrage and a danger to social order.

Though somewhat of a misguided view, given the arriviste backgrounds of most of the contemporary aristocracy then, it is a clear example of they way in which custom, however inappropriately applied, arises from ancient racial memory.

If a white person refused to mate with black people, you might be tempted to call the individual a racist. If anyone of any color refused to mate with other primates though, you wouldn’t for one moment think of accusing them of racism, whatever their color.

The Holy Bible refers to the sons of Samael as goats and the sons of Jehovah as sheep and here then we have a classical acknowledgement that it was understood from ancient times that there was in fact a difference between Elves and Men.

This difference is also recorded in the Sumerian cylinder rolls from whence the biblical material was extracted. These same cylinder rolls record the assertion that the Elves made man by a series of processes that resulted in the Elves being only a quarter related to man at the time.

Whilst it is known that in antiquity the Nephilim, the Elven sons of the Anunnagi interbred with human women who were the result of this experiment and who in their turn produced the Naphidim, it is recorded that these half breeds were destroyed long before the Black Sea Flood and the slate was wiped clean.

The next experiment produced a lineage of pure bred Elven queens and kings who were to supervise a race of quarter breeds who were originally created for manual labour. The quarter breeds, nevertheless, were eventually to gain their freedom and elect their own chieftains, helped by the Elven dynasty whom Christians now think of as the spawn of Satan. This kind of attitude goes a long way in determining exactly what the Church feels about human emancipation.

These people interbred with anyone and we know them now as the biblical race of Adam whose elven blood today is so diluted as to be infinitesimal. The pure Elven Queens and Kings however bred with no-one but themselves and so throughout the past five or six millennia, the blood has been kept more or less pure in several unbroken lines of descent until as late as the 8th century AD.

From thence however, only one bloodline descent is recorded as being pure and unbroken and only that one single named dynasty driving from an historical Elven Royal House contemporarily described as such, still exists today.

As human blood diluted however, the need for Elven Overlords increased and from the second millennium BC the Scythians, as they came to be known, were in great demand as Queens and Kings, Seers and Magi.

This continued up until about 751 AD, when the Elven Holocaust began in earnest. During the decline of the increasingly insular Elven population in Europe, from 500 BC it was not the case that they, at that time were ’higher’ than the other species as they had been previously, but that they were simply different from them.

In a world that was becoming increasingly more structured, the Elves needed man as much as man needed the Elves and one should understand that during the various later periods in history when these social arrangements were entered into, they were seen as being complementary, not competitive or hierarchical.

Such separatism then was born of pragmatism and necessity. In those days it was known that hormonal levels were influenced by genetic inheritance and that hormones affected the individual’s perceptions, psychological unicameralism and the subsequent ability to transcend and perceive the intricacies of the workings of the cosmos. Elven blood was rich in these substances.

Maintaining the purity of the blood therefore was of paramount importance and intermarriage between the Scythian reigning houses and members of the Celtic or any other race was strictly forbidden and greatly lamented if it did occur. However on occasion we read in folktales or histories the stories of the mutual theft of brides from each camp by both Celtic chieftains and Scythian kings.

Many of these stories are suspect and were written during the period of the Roman Church’s ascendancy. The motive for these stories was to propagate the myth that the fairy blood was being watered down.

The church, by spreading this rumor, hoped to persuade the peasants that their traditional friends and protectors, the Elven Queens and Kings, were losing their power along with the purity of their blood and were thereby becoming ineffectual and thus redundant.

If the people could be convinced of this, then they would believe that the age of magic was dying and invest their support in the church instead. A clever lie. In most instances, if not all however, these so-called Celtic chieftains were not in fact ’Celtic’ at all but Milesian Scythians. Such misrepresentations occur throughout the monkish reworkings of Gaelic history and an apt example of this is in the christianized story of Lugh and the Queen of sovereignty where Lugh admits to once being a mortal king, which is rubbish.

Sometimes too we read the stories of the love between fairies and humans, representing the marriages between Scythians and indigenous families. In later times far more unpleasant tales emerged concerning the decline of the Elven families who had had to go into hiding from, the Church fathers said, the Celtic Milesians.

At this point, in Eire, the Danaan became the daouine sidhe, the people of the hills. This would have occurred from about 500 BC onwards. This didn’t actually happen with the ubiquity, rapidity or finality that the Church reports. Scythian princes and princesses of the Tuadha d’Anu or Danaan were still walking around at large up until the Battle of Clontarf. Why did the Church bother with the weak blood yarn if they had all been wiped out, unless they were adopting a Belt and Braces policy?

If anyone drove the Elves into hiding and instigated their ’final’ (?) decay it was not the Milesians, but the church itself. From this period in time arose the tale of the fairy changeling. It is asserted that after waves of invasions and the decline in Fairy numbers following wars with people such as the Milesians, though now living in virtual isolation in the forests, the fairies still maintained their taboos concerning marriage between the races.

The result of this, said the Church chroniclers, was continuous in-breeding resulting in deformed and sickly offspring. When an enclave of elves had become that inbred they reported, it was often their custom to steal local children and raise them for breeding purposes in order to inject some fresh DNA into the fairy gene pool. Though that apparently, wasn’t the only reason for such thefts, it was intimated darkly.

As has already been pointed out, the fairies practiced Phoenician and Pharaonic marriage. The former is the union of father and daughter, which in the horse-breeding world is acclaimed for producing the finest, healthiest thoroughbreds, and the second is union between brother and sister, an arrangement that, according to geneticists at Cambridge University, can continue for up to three hundred years - ten generations - before any genetic problems are made apparent.

As they didn’t suffer from the moral stupidity encouraged by the Church, they had ample scope to vary the types of alliances they made in-caste, and thereby prevent hereditary problems from occurring too often.

However, leaving that to one side, if you allow for the probability that at least a thousand elves survived the various calamities reported to have befallen them, prior to and following the first millennium AD, and that those thousand elves came perhaps from six loosely related clans, you have at least six varying gene pools from which to choose partners, before resorting to intense incest in any case.

From the time of the Milesian victory and the flight of the fairies into the hills in 500 BC and the emergence of these church sponsored stories of child kidnap and incestuous deformity, there must have lapsed about a thousand years, this form of ecclesiastical propaganda having begun in earnest after 751 AD.

Given that the Milesians and the Danaan had settled their differences some time before and were interbreeding, they both being Scythian Tribes, the occurrence of deformity and the consequent necessity to steal peasant children either to breed from as the church hinted, was negligible. As far as the accusations of willful and unnecessary perversity are concerned, where the Church accused the elves of stealing human children to eat, this is misinformation.

Nevertheless, during times of hardship, such as the medieval period, when disease and death were rife, necessity sometimes forced human communities to resort to cannibalism simply in order to survive, and instances of peasants being driven by circumstance to eat the flesh of condemned criminals are unequivocally recorded.

The Elves did maintain the cult of the sacrificial king amongst their own adult population but the stealing of human children for these ritual purposes never occurred because they were of a different race.

Nevertheless, here we have an example of the kind of ecclesiastical deception that, in order to further brainwash simple folk whom it had already conditioned by deception and terror to be gullible, priests would use the idea of evil beings preying on children because during any period of history it seems that the "send five dollars and we’ll stop this man from shooting the puppy" approach to such a concept is always guaranteed to elicit a highly-charged, emotional, socially cohering knee-jerk response from a poorly culturally developed and badly educated public, who in sheer terror would close ranks, toe the party line and reaffirm their loyalty to the establishment and its glib, self satisfied, easily digested, chintzy morality.

"In Some Enchanted Cliché, You Will Meet a Stranger..."
And what was the purpose of this kind of scapegoatism? To ratify social identity under a specific ethical, cultural banner and thereby keep the transvestite peddlars of religious quackery in full and gainful employment by using psychological terrorism to ensure that they and their gravy train kept on rolling.

The fascinating aspect to this kind of propaganda is that today it still works just as insidiously and effectively on people who like to think of themselves as modern, intelligent sophisticates living in an enlightened and educated society, as it did on a medieval population whom these suckers are taught to regard with a patronizing demeanor as being little more than gauche, priest-ridden, superstitious ignoramuses.

To all intents and purposes this kind of indoctrination is fascism. Those familiar with the work of E. A. Blair will remember the scenario he presented in his novel ’1984’ where a totalitarian regime maintained social cohesion by pitting one social group against another.

This trick was used by the National Socialists in Germany, who also accused the Jews of molesting and eating children, and it is now being utilized with roaring success across the world by drawing a clear demarcation line between the inhabitants of Middle-America and Middle-England and a new group of evil social saboteurs who are trying to undermine the very fabric of our Great Western democratic society whom the FBI and the CID - in cahoots with the gutter rags - call Paedophiles and Satanic child sex abusers.

In the Macarthy era there were ’Reds’ under every bed. Today, living in a shabby bed-sit apartment next door to you and every other respectable working or middle-class family across the entire planet, there is an evil, filthy MAN (rarely a woman, one notes) who is just waiting for the opportunity to rape and murder your kids. You must be ready to inform on anyone. It is your duty as a citizen and if you don’t, people will believe that you are a Paedophile as well and you will end up on the "Suspected Paedophile Register", without ever having been formally accused.

Burn the Witch, Burn the Witch!

The really amazing, but hardly original, aspect of this latest manifestation of the witch hunt mentality being used in the service of political propaganda, is that THIS TIME you can’t tell who these unspeakable Spawn of Satan are. "They could be a member of your family", says the social worker with the fixed, glassy stare; who is called into the studio for his or her professional opinion.

"They could be the children's grandparents" says the gravely concerned and sincere-looking police inspector who "has witnessed many cases like these" in his career. They could be YOU. The enemy of social order is everywhere and only by being constantly vigilant will we have any chance of saving our children from what?

What is ’abuse’ and how prevalent is it?
The answer to this will be known by British readers who remember the Rochdale, Orkney and Cleveland child abuse fiascos. In these cases, families were split up and psychologically tortured, and whole communities were destroyed by the maniacal obsession of a group of over zealous social workers who systematically interrogated children for weeks on end, using methods reminiscent of those adopted by Matthew Hopkin, the self appointed 17th century ’Witchfinder General’.

The interviewing techniques used were structured in such a manner as to gain exactly the kind of responses required. In the Cleveland cases the children were actually told by the social workers interviewing them that they had been abused and were thereafter subliminally tutored in the kind of response they should make in the Law Courts. The S.S. officials conducting the investigations actually told the children where they had been touched and how they had been violated. The evidence of the Social Service’s techniques were videotaped.

Were the children abused before the government intervened? No they weren’t. All the Cleveland cases were abandoned, as were the Rochdale and Orkneys satanic abuse accusations. Were the children suffering from sexual and mental abuse after the government had sent in its shock troops? Yes they were (like therapists and so-called Counselors, many social workers enter the government Social Services in order to find some cure for, or to be near to or punish people for, the kind of abuse or deprivation they themselves have suffered in the past, which is both pathetic and dangerous by degrees. In 1999 dozens of Social Services officers were arrested en masse in Wales and imprisoned for committing hundreds of acts of sexual abuse against children in their care over a period of thirty years).

It would be interesting to discover how many survivors of this particular period of officially sanctioned persecution now have acquired memories of being sexually abused or of being abusers themselves. Elsewhere in the world adults, whose families, personal lives and sense of personal self worth and self respect were destroyed by these Sicherhietspolezei, actually killed themselves after suffering this particular kind of unpleasant and unfounded, exploitative state attention.

These horrendous social crimes were perpetrated by an establishment which uses sexual abuse propaganda as a tool for social control. Ordinary, decent families were cynically and deliberately turned against each other in a planned attempt to manufacture a social crisis as part of a progressive propaganda formula intended to rally public support against an illusory enemy within our midst.

Exactly the same techniques had been employed throughout the previous seven centuries, where the priesthood warned the population that witches and vampires existed in every family and that the unseen spirit of evil was everywhere.

Children are now growing up in a society where the first thing that they learn is to fear and suspect everyone. Divide and Conquer. Divide the individual against themselves and divide communities and groups against each other. The establishment is playing a very dangerous game which could blow up in their faces.

Countering the so-called enlightened literature accompanying the teaching of child sex education in schools are the seemingly contradictory messages being spouted by both the government mouthpieces and the tabloids in the public arena.

Though not saying as much in their cautionary moral tales and warnings about the dangers lurking in society, the intention snugly nestled between the lines:

"Abusers are everywhere..... and they want you to do that nasty thing with them..... you will get AIDS..... you will get pregnant" - is to lead any sexually healthy child with a reasonable imagination to infer that they should "fear sex.... sex is painful...... sex is dirty... sex is original sin..... sex is evil".

The establishment can’t actually say this with impunity anymore, but by highlighting the dangers of sex and leading the child to make the connections for themselves, helped ably in the home environment by parents who can’t completely free themselves of their grandparents’ Victorian conditioned sexual prejudices, the modern State can achieve the same prohibitive result as those ’Guardians of Public Morality’ who preceded them in former generations and thereby recreate the same socially essential sexual taboos but on new, pragmatic seeming foundations.

Perhaps the reader has noticed that the burgeoning use of sex to sell nearly everything from cars to coffee to washing powder has increased in tandem with the increase in sexual oppression manifest in concepts like Political Correctness, which emerged from the post-boiler suit-feminist attitude that any form of sexual expression whatsoever was an exploitative male fantasy.

Two equally exciting options are then open to the establishment with regard to manipulating the repressed child. Firstly they can rely upon sexual fear to work in conflict with the child’s naturally developing sexual appetites and create a behavioral dichotomy which will result in mental confusion, self doubt and guilt.

A natural reaction when a human feels guilty is to find someone in a position of moral superiority to forgive and reassure them. In such a relationship one party inevitably becomes inferior to the other and thus dependant and biddable, a form of conditioning which invariably starts in the home.

Whilst the child is in this receptive state, the establishment’s agents will fill her or him full of crap. This will result in the child conforming to the moral and social mores that have also been instilled into their parents and their peer group using exactly the same methods of subliminal indoctrination that have worked so well over the years.

This achieves en masse, from the establishment’s point of view, a behavioral status quo that will, on average, work to the establishment’s advantage by ensuring that the child is sufficiently psychologically repressed, confused and fearful, that he or she will only fit into and become dependant upon a docile, manipulable social structure where they don’t have to think for themselves.

Secondly, by recreating new sexual taboos, the establishment represses the most powerful emotive force on earth and makes it into some sort of exotic forbidden fruit. Human nature being what it is, and suffering from the rebellious and rather stupid conviction that exotic, forbidden fruits taste the sweetest, the child who is subjected to media indoctrination will see that this exotic, forbidden fruit is relentlessly being associated with an endless barrage of products that manufacturers are ramming down peoples’ throats at every opportunity and in every social environment they visit.

In due course the forbidden, tantalizing quality associated with sex becomes associated with the range of products to the extent that they too become as forbidden, as tantalizing and as desirable as sex itself. The emotive power of sexual desire is then redirected into becoming the insatiable drive to shop. This is economically motivated child sex abuse which is sanctioned and encouraged by the government. With the shopping disease comes the need for credit and to get credit and then pay it off, which is not encouraged, one needs money et Voila! The individual is a captive comsumer-producer.

In the last thirty years sex had begun to become normalized, which was a bit of a problem for the manufacturers who relied on the testosterone monkey to ride on the back of taboo and goad simpletons into buying their stupid crap from them. When people began to break down the taboos, sex became ordinary and the market appeal that was to be had by linking products with sex was in danger of waning.

Fortunately however, we are now breeding a whole new generation of consumers who have been brought up, from their early youth, to be sexually constipated; a policy which in the future, other than actually breeding more of the same sexually regressive child abusers sponsored and trained by the government; will also breed the kind of people who are good for the economy, solid citizens who are titillated by taboo and will respond to sex-related marketing images with the same twisted and immature enthusiasm as their grandparents did.

The silliest aspect of the current Paedophile Witch Hunt is that, like a really good, messy ’Road Traffic Accident’, people are fascinated by the gory details and gain a double helping of entertainment from reading about and viewing the news concerning child sexual abuse.

Firstly, whether they admit it or not, the dormant, retrospective parasexual child-pervert, trapped in a parentally suppressed sexual past, is still lurking there inside men and women and it obtains an infantile, salacious and vicarious pleasure from imagining the sexual details. Secondly they can enjoy this whilst the respectable adult aspect of their personas re-affirms their own moral self image in the fact that it wasn’t them that did it. It’s almost like the deflection of responsibility - for feeling sexual pleasure - that is obtained by indulging in bondage.

The righteous can congratulate themselves that they are not the sort of people who would do this kind of thing and in so doing they can assure themselves that Big Brother loves them and will care for them because theirs is the acceptable face of society. Wrong again.

This disgusting type of rubber-necking voyeurism is actually encouraged by the State, along with an obsession for fashion, football and money, because it deflects the observer’s attention from the real problems of society (Chomsky).

It further prevents them from realizing that the real sexual abusers, the real evil enemies of democracy who are undermining the fabric of society are the manipulative, megalomaniacal but myopic establishment Mandarins who kowtow to the greed of the corporate elites and engineer the numerous social crises in the first place, including the current paedophile scare.

And why do they do it, what higher purpose does the suffering they inflict on innocent children and adults serve? They do it in order to maintain their power and it serves to vouchsafe to them an endless supply of Sullivan’s Private Stock ciggies, Caviar and Cavalry Club Champagne; life membership of Whites Club and a permanent invitation to the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.

"Cause enough damage and there could even be a knighthood in it for you, Rupert"
Accounts given by parents who were subjected to this kind of vicious, callous intervention in their lives relate that it felt as if they were the victims of a relentless and interminable act of rape which left them feeling like dirty, worthless outcasts.

No part of their lives was left private and what they assumed were their basic human rights were flouted as the S.S. attempted, day after day, week after week, to wrest from them a confession of their guilt. In the end some actually began to believe that they were paedophiles.

Their subconscious conclusion being that if they weren’t guilty, why were they being subjected to so much punishment by people in authority over them?. The mind’s grasp of reality is a lot more fragile than people would like to acknowledge and chronically adverse circumstances brought to bear upon them by figures of authority can engender a regressive, almost childlike response, where the individual becomes ingenuous and relinquishes their sense of sound judgment, investing it instead in the figure who is persecuting them.

The Dirty Tricks Brigade
This conditioned response to authority figures is at the heart of the Christian conversion experience and can be observed in action under intense police interrogation. In Auschwitz even, many Jews began to feel that it was their fault that they were there in the first place and that they were guilty and consequently they deserved to die.

Many people become convinced that they are guilty because someone higher than themselves in the social order, whom they have been conditioned from childhood to respect, repeatedly tells them so and consequently, having been brainwashed by their parents and teachers to respect authority figures such as the police or the Social Services, in the end they believe they are as guilty as the nice policeman says they are.

Case Scenario
After repeated, joint and individual visits to the house by the Police and Social Services, the children are removed to a place of safety, the newspapers have been deliberately tipped off and the man is taken into custody.

His neighbors now know what he’s been accused of and in the police cells this plays on his mind, along with all the other horrendous implications of the situation he now finds himself in. Whether he is found guilty or not, his life is already collapsing around him like a pack of cards and the worst part is yet to come.

He’s in a state of severe psychological trauma within the first hour of detention. He is then subjected to an interim 78 hour period of interrogation which, because of the nature of the charges, could attract a series of extensions which could run into days.

Sophisticated and persistent police interrogation techniques are employed by skilled officers who eventually convince him - in a highly pressured, frightening, inquisitorial environment - that he is capable of paedophilia "under given circumstances".

In cases involving female children, the officers might ask the suspect/victim if they think that, purely scientifically speaking, the onset of menstruation is indicative of the female’s biological preparedness to have reproductive sexual intercourse.

The scientific answer to that question is a definite yes. However the average age of the onset of puberty in Caucasian females falls well under the statutory age of consent in British and most American Law. Legally speaking, ready or not, the menstruating female is still a child.

If the suspect/victim answers the question honestly then they are saying that, despite the fact that a female who has reached puberty is still a child, she is ready to have sex. The police record might then show that even though they may be legally under age, the suspect/victim clearly asserted that it was his opinion that children made legitimate sexual partners.

If the suspect/victim mentally concedes the possibility of one of the interrogator’s very clever, suggested borderline scenarios, the victim might then admit to himself that technically he is morally capable of having sex with a child. At this point, in admitting the capability of committing the crime, if only to himself, he steps over the line and in his own mind he becomes a paedophile and consequently, in his own mind, he is guilty.

What does it matter whether he’s actually abused a child or not, he has now been led to believe that he is capable of doing it, and that is as bad as having done it already, so perhaps he needs locking up after all. Tired and hungry, and having had no time or space in which to marshal his thoughts, and feeling disgusted with himself he wants to get it all over with, and the only way this is going to stop is if he confesses.

Bingo: one oven-ready paedophile to go: heavy on the condemnation, over easy on the truth.

Having been convinced of his capability and thus his culpability, the suspect/victim’s self-image and consequently his life would lie in ruins whether he confessed to the trumped-up charge or not. Many lost their jobs or were afraid to return to the workplace for fear of persecution whilst others were forced to flee their communities and move elsewhere. Can you, the reader, imagine what it must feel like to be accused of what has now become singularly the most repugnant and unforgivable crime in modern society?

The innocent victim is made to feel evil, they are a pervert, a psycho, a nonce. Once the S.S. and the police have uncovered and scrutinized in minute detail every aspect of their life, the neurosis sets in and they begin to feel that everybody can see into them and that everybody knows that they have been accused of child abuse.

It’s written on their face, it shines out from their eyes. They are the scum of the earth. They deserve to die. This is the psychological effect that these kind of stupid witch hunts had on the individuals whom the establishment targeted and committed so much resources to in hounding, simply in order to win political points.

Without doubt child sex abuse is an abhorrent socially manufactured disease and so it’s a pity they didn’t invest the amount of energy, money, enthusiasm and publicity that they wasted in Cleveland, Orkney and Rochdale in dismantling the socially and religiously sanctioned causes of abuse in the first place. If they had, then all the children that have died since those fiascos, might still be alive today and the State wouldn’t have come out of it looking quite like the complete arseholes that they actually are.

But that’s not the way to engineer the required social responses, is it? Those are only obtained by encouraging the continuation - and careful media management - of paranoia, because such lies at the very foundations of a society whose power is traditionally rooted in the manipulative abuse of the individual from the cradle to the grave and beyond.

The public delights in the shivers of revulsion they feel as they ogle the papers and extract every ounce of infotainment out of the victim’s predicament and the predicament of their family. Child abuse cases are trumpeted throughout the national gutter press, who pay top money if so-called victims of abuse sell their stories, whilst the public who consume this particular ’media product’ find the victims guilty as charged on the no smoke without fire ticket.

In one recent case involving a public figure the victim was promised a bonus by the newspaper if her supposed attacker was found guilty. What incentive to ensure justice is that? Again, the official, public reaction to purported abuse is as foul, abusive and as obscene as the act itself, if it ever occurred in the first place.

Now transpose this entire situation back to the Middle Ages and imagine how it must have felt for the elves who suffered exactly the same kinds of accusations, abuse and persecution for identical political aims. And now add to that the inevitable institutionalized rape and physical torture, and top the whole lot off with a mandatory death penalty.

The Church had instigated just such a relentless and insidious programme of militant, psychotically hateful propaganda and persecution against the elves, a rabid war of lies that attacked every level of their presumed behavior and twisted every fairy custom into an act of abomination ordered by their master Satan himself.

All the efforts of the elves, the Church bleated, were ranged against the poor peasant who, because of the abominable traditions of these evil and wicked fairies, the peasant’s former friends and protectors, meant that the poor peasant living in fear for his very life and soul, could only rely on comforting, forgiving Mother Church for his physical protection and spiritual salvation.

And what little recompense, what mere trifling consideration did the church expect for so great a favor? Merely that the peasant should:

a)   Manifest an appropriate amount of gratitude - and an appropriate amount of guilt - for having the audacity to exist on a planet that, in belonging to ’theirGod, was therefore by association also the property of the church

b)   That he be ravaged by the fear of his own natural inclinations which, the priests instilled into him, were dirty and sinful

Lastly that he work a fifteen hour day, six and a half days a week, allowing time off to go to church, fifty two weeks a year and give what little he had, in tithes, taxes and portable goods; to these corrupt, lying, murderers who, though mere ignorant, jumped-up peasants themselves, were in fact making the peasants’ life more hell than any fairy could. If Jesus could have seen the atrocities and social injustices that these blood-soaked carrion were perpetrating in his name, he would have turned in his grave.

The Scythians didn’t prey on peasants, merchants, human nobility or so-called ’royalty’ for reasons intimated previously, namely that in comparison, those not of the fairy race had dead blood trickling through their veins.

In their heyday the fairies practiced familial vampirism which, in tandem with their tradition of living with the remains of their ancestors in tomb or temple Raths, established the folk tradition which tells that the vampires returned from the dead - rose from the tombs - to feed from the blood and life force of their living relatives.

During the Medieval and Reformation Periods this tradition was gleefully expanded upon and misreported by both the Roman and Protestant churches (who are both Catholic, lunatic and just as evil as one another) to give the erroneous impression that vampires, or indeed werewolves, could occur in any family, peasant, merchant or otherwise, and that those families therefore were constantly in danger from their own departed.

What kind of twisted pieces of human dross would think up such a story and, not content to turn the living against the living, brother against sister and husband against wife, would also turn the living against their own ancestors? This is deliberate alienation and disenfranchisement on a grand scale.

On the death of a relative, wasn’t life sad enough and, if the person were a breadwinner, precarious and uncertain enough in those days, without having some parasite propagating the kind of story that invested tragedy and grief with menace. As one mourned someone once so dearly loved in life, in death they were then to become an object of loathing and dread.

What we have here is a very disturbing collection of criminals who will say or do anything for power and what is even more disturbing is that these megalomaniacal, conniving dregs of humanity, either themselves or through sympathetic or sycophantic governmental elites, are still manipulating the minds of the people in Europe and America with variations of the same foul, evil nonsense they have always propagated. They may have taken a back seat, but they’re still in power. Who will rid us of these pestilent priests?

In truth the king tribe never drank the blood of outsiders. There was no point in it, they were of a different race. Instead, in much the same way as they selected their rulers and druids, from an ’Atheling Pool’ of Brehon Families, they also selected from this same group a class of females who became known as ’Grail Maidens’. These sacred, royal princesses, virgins of High Birth and Pure Blood, at an optimum age would be chosen to act as feeding females.

Giving willingly of their blood, fluids and energy, these girls were not mutilated, sacrificed or murdered during the process, but were worshipped and cherished as incarnations of the nurturing Dragon Goddess. Dea Vulna Gnosis.

In fact they were perceived as, and treated like, goddesses themselves and their rank was second only to the High Queens who, on attaining the traditional age, they themselves became. Women today should be so lucky. When fully mature, the Grail Maidens became Dragon Princesses and were encouraged to pick the cream of the princes and war lords for their pleasure.

When contracted into lease marriages with their own kin they became the Dragon Queens and the matriarchs of their people, the mothers of the next generation of Elven Queens and Kings. Such is a far cry from the treatment a Celtic woman might expect to receive, who having but one office open to her and far less physiological capabilities than a Dragon Queen, was treated with less respect than a brood mare. Status Quo.

The Fairies, though now thought of as obscure nature spirits, were at the forefront of Eurasian civilization and included the Pendragons and their cousins the Merovingians. The decline and obscurity of the fairy race was caused, as we have seen, by the Roman Catholic Church who, unlike the now defunct Celtic Church, were the sworn enemies of the Grail or Fairy blood.

The Celtic or Druidic Church was a priestly variant of the middle eastern branch of the Grail race, the Dragon Kings. The word Church actually derives from ’circa’ and the old highland euphemism for going to the Kirk was "going to the stones", meaning stone circle.

The Messiahship, the rulership of the christian church was invested in Jesus as the appointed son and rabbi and was intended, like Dragon Kingship, to descend in his bloodline. This it did with the Merovingian kings and the Celtic Church. In Britain Jesusgranddaughter married the Archdruid Bran the Blessed, cementing a blood alliance between the Dragon and the Grail branches of the one greater royal family, guided and protected by the druidic Priests of the Celtic Church and the indigenous Druids of Britain.

For reasons outlined in other works Jesus’ other brother James attracted a following consisting of Paul of Tarsus and Peter the Fisherman. This faction broke with James and settled in Rome with Paul and established itself eventually as the Roman Church under Constantine, which boasted Peter as the First Bishop of the Christian Church. This was twaddle because, as Vatican records show, Prince Linus of Britain was already by blood descent from Jesus the First Bishop of the Christian Church following Christ himself.

Nevertheless, since then the Roman heresy, the Catholic Church of the Dogma and not the Blood, vied for ascendence and after its final victory in 664 AD at the Council of Whitby, it did everything in its power to steal authority and leadership from the rightful bloodline descendants who held it. As part of this process in Europe deals were done with the Mayors of the Palaces aforementioned and the Merovingians were either murdered or incarcerated as the Church established these Mayors, the Carolingians, under them as puppet kings.

After the Dark Ages the Roman Church became a ubiquitous and brutal power which attempted the utter destruction of the true kings and as a result of this relentless campaign, as the centuries have progressed we have been left to think of the fairies as the church would wish us to think of them, as being anything other than what they really were.

Hard pressed and in decline at this period, many in the outlying regions who could not adjust to the new regime or assimilate themselves into a camouflaged position simply took to the forests during the periods of the church’s worst excesses.

In their place and in the places of those the Church murdered, they appointed farmer chieftains and tinkers from the Sudra class of Celtic Society, thus confusing the identities of the Scythians and the Celts allowing, in retrospect, a situation where it appears that the Celts trade off the earlier cultural accomplishments of the Fairy race as if they were their own, thereby paving the way for glorious ersatz ’Celtic Revivals’ in the centuries to come!

So whilst some members of the fairy race of kings took refuge in deceit, many others took to the forests and lived in the obscurity and insularity of the Greenwood, thereby reinforcing the ancient association between fairies and the natural world in folk memory.

Such an association finds further reinforcement in the old druidic laws concerning the reverence due to trees and nature in general which, to the fairy queens and kings with their transcendent perception, contained life in all its manifestations, a life which they were the custodians of.

In the days of their ascendance the fairies operated a system of land management that consisted of nomadic pastoralism and hunting, interspersed by the settled agriculture of their Celtic clientele who tended the farmsteads in rotation, accompanying their fairy lords and ladies as they themselves travelled seasonally between a central Sacred seat and three out of four satellite raths and their burghs or brocks which were arranged in a nomen or mark of Cain circle-and-cross configuration.

The advantage of this system, which gave rise to the folk tale of the ’trooping fairies’, was that the regional game stock, the vegetation and the soil itself were allowed to recuperate and restore themselves in times allotted as being fallow.

For one year in four a whole region would lie fallow and a hangover from this tradition can be seen in the old ’Norfolk Strip’ style of crop rotation, though instead of resting strips of land in turn, the fairies rested whole districts, moving themselves and their clients from settlement to settlement in turn as the year progressed.

The traditional times to move were May Eve, Midsummer, Samhain and the return to the centre was at Yule, revealing a quarturnal rotation when the fairies could be seen and heard traversing the forests, hills and dales in joyous musical progressions filled with light and laughter.

Such tales, surviving the brutality and oppression of the medieval period, came down to us through folk tales until the last century when in Eire and Scotland, they were still common currency amongst the rural communities who were wont to comment, as we have seen, that "if the Elves die, the Land dies too".

To the Dragon Queens and Kings - the fairies, were attached numerous epithets some of which are included here, but are the subject of another essay, where these are dealt with in detail.

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