Useful Knowledge, philosophy, religion, science, the cosmos and
ourselves. These are only some of the topics that will be included
within my section of the DragonCourt website. The primary goal is
for this section to grow and shape itself to reflect unbiased
My name is
Ruaridh MacKenzie Stuart. My entry into this life, my
birth, is the starting point for what is hoped will be a pleasant
and fascinating journey through space, time and mind. It is not an
easy task to discover an appropriate entry point into the boundless
terrain of knowledge. The story surrounding my birth is the entry
point I have chosen as it aids in highlighting the process of
creation as sacred and universal. After I share this account of my
soul's arrival within this domain, you will then understand much
more about me and the reason for my mission.
My conception is a mystery embedded in secrets... for each of us
there is an initial intersection of events which results in the
sacred transformation of matter into a unique conscious entity. This
is the doorway through which we all pass to enter this World. All of
us, myself included, think of the process of conception as a normal
process involving a mother and a father. However, this is not the
only key which opens the door to this world. Some of us were
provided a different key to open that door. I have not met my
father, nor do I know who he is. I'm not sure if I have a father. My
mother doesn't like to talk about this, but before she died she told
me everything, and she remembered it vividly. Now that I know the
story a lot of the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit.
My existence is framed in significant dates. I was born on the
Vernal Equinox, and according to my mother, I was conceived on the
21st of June, the Summer Solstice. Of this, my mother is absolutely
sure. The experience of my conception was such a powerful and deep
experience for my mother that she knew that something bordering on
the miraculous had taken place in the pre-dawn hours of the 21st of
June, 1972.
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