The Ladder of Lights
During the medieval period the Jewish Divines appear to have
formulated the glyph of the Tree of Life to elucidate upon the
teachings of the Kabala. Later western Occultists became enamoured
of the Kabala and the Tree of Life and inserted their own quasi-christian
symbolism into the system. Whether either the Jewish mystics or the
Christian Occultists are aware of it or not, the Tree of Life, which
seems to have been copied from much earlier, non Hebrew sources,
appears to be as much a genealogical chart as it is a magical glyph.
And it is by understanding it as a family tree, that the truly
magical elements it conceals can be more fully appreciated. Each
sphere or Sephiroth on the Tree is essentially a theurgic dynamic.
These Forces or Gods bear the names of the original
Elohim, the
Dragon Kings and Queens of the Anunnaki. The position of each sphere
on the Tree corresponds with the relationship enjoyed by each of the
Gods, one with the other, so the spheres represent husbands,
mothers, fathers, brides, sons and daughters.
In the Christian Occult Kabala the eighth Sephiroth, Tiphareth, is
thought to represent Christ and the Cubic Stone. This, the
philosopher’s elixir, the Lapsit Exellis or Fallen Star would, if
such it be, serve to reinforce the identity of the Christ with
Lucifer. However, the Cubic stone is a component of the Grail and
the Grail is a chalice, a female symbol, as is Venus the Bright and
Morning Star who is Lucifer. Here there would seem to be a confusion
of gender related symbols, but there isn’t. In an earlier essay it
was suggested that Christos meant, not the man, but the anointing.
Earlier versions of the Chrism or Christos were called
the semen of
God, the divine pneuma, the Logos or Holy Spirit which
Riley Scott
(Phallic Worship) has suggested, enlivened the mind of the anointed
one, thus bringing enlightenment or "salvation", see Scott’s
comments on the Bethel Stone. It would however, be more correct to
call this chrism the semenal fluid of the Goddess, rather than that
of God, as the Holy Spirit is traditionally female, being Astarte or
Sophia, meaning wisdom.
The Saving body and blood of Christ, the anointing of the Christos
of Astarte or Sophia, thus becomes recognized as being the Ovum and
Menstruus of the Goddess, who at the beginning of the first
millenium was represented by Mary Magdalene, the Scarlet Woman, who
some say was the Priestess of Ishtar or Venus. If the Tree is taken
as a Genealogical chart then Tiphareth occupies a position mid way
between Geburah (Samael Enki) and Chesed (Jehovah Enlil).
In Anunnaki tradition this place on the family tree would be occupied
by the Dragon Queen, Nin Kursag, who was wife to both
Enki and Enlil
and the grandmother of Ishtar or Venus, who is represented on the
Tree by Netsach, who is positioned in exactly the same place on the
Tree, as Ishtar is on the chart. Essentially therefore, Nin Kursag,
called The Lady of Life, was the First or Great Venus, wife of Enki
Samael or Lucifer, hence the association between the two.
One of her responsibilities was to feed the Dragon Kings with her
blood and water, both of which together comprise the Prima Materiae
of alchemy, the "Christos", in order to expand their consciousnesses
and increase their life spans. This exactly replicates the phenomena
attributed to the Grail and the Cubic Stone.
Magdalene likewise is
suspected of having performed the same function and like Nin Kursag,
her predecessor and her goddess, she also provided her womb, in her
proper season, as the vessel within which, in Nin Kursag’s case, was
carried the forefather of the subsequent Dragon Kings and from whom,
in Mary’s turn, Jesus’ children were descended as scions of the root
and branch of the Dragon Tree, the Planta Genista of
the Anunnaki.
In some depictions of the Kabalistic Tree of Life we can seen
entwined within its branches a Dragon or serpent. Said by some to
represent the wisdom of "God" (?) descending from Kether to Malkuth,
rather it suggests that the Dragon Blood of the great mother touches
and infuses all the sephirah which symbolize the Dragon
Goddess-Queens and God-Kings, whose family tree it is. That Serpent
is Tiamat, the "Tree Mother" whose realm is Tir Na n-og.
The secondary function of the Kabalistic tree of life is to enshrine
the secret wisdom that made the Dragons what they were. The
utilization of the Grail system which gave them their power, relied
upon the charting of the endocrinal system, the enhancing of
hormonal output and the collection of the Christos. This information
can be found in what is called the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life
and the position of the Gods in relation to each other therein,
doubles up as the position of the glands within the human body.
Hearts and Flowers
Tiphareth can be understood as both Christ and
Female at the same
time if one regards the situation in the foregoing manner. To this
may be incorporated the essay findings regarding Ichthys, the
and the Salmon of Knowledge as the Christos or
Menstruus emanating
from the Vulva or Cubic Stone of the Goddess or the Scarlet Woman,
represented by that Fish. The earliest manifestation of this
tradition amongst the Dragon Goddesses of the Anunnaki, serves as
the origin of true vampirism as an act, not of Freudian sexual
violence or perversion, but of necessity, love and nurturance.
Though Royal Vampirism has been horribly corrupted at various times,
one might say that Solomon and Jesus, and the Royal Covens whose
blood fed the Fairy Kings right up to and beyond the time of the
Reformation, adhered the most closely to the original draconian
concept and assisted in their own way in the maintenance and
furtherance of proper alchemy and the concept of Courtly Love.
Indeed it can be said that the emergence into the light of day of
various exoteric aspects of this vampire tradition in its royal
form, principally through the poetic works of the troubadours who,
originally writing and performing in the Occitan language of Provence, contributed greatly to the birth of the Age of Romance and
the seemingly fundamental change in some men’s idealized views of
women and the function and conduct of male - female interactions.
However, the key components of the philosophy seem to have been
omitted or suppressed and it could be argued that women’s fortunes
have not been improved by our culture adopting only the trace
elements of a tradition that, with its essential ingredients
missing, has gone off half cocked.
The concept of romantic love,
with its original purpose perverted and its magical content removed,
has been the ruin of countless lives, as human nature has regularly
failed to acquit itself against the reality of human expectation,
resulting in domestic violence and misery and in the annulment of
marriages inspired by a concept of romantic love that never was
intended to have anything to do with mundane human bonding, mating
or propagation, let alone becoming the idealized foundation upon
which couples outside the dragon tradition expectantly and
unadvisedly build such breeding arrangements.
Romance and romance are two entirely different things and it is not
realistic to expect everyone to live up to what, in Dragon terms is
an achievable reality, but which, in human terms, is no more than a
somewhat disappointing, market driven and unattainable ideal.
Courtly Love was a feeding arrangement intended to result, not in
marriage on the mundane level, but in hierogamy and transcendence on
the highest of all levels of organic experience.
The efficacy of such successful alliances relied both upon the
genetic origin and on the age of the female, and in these terms
alone, these qualifications in themselves were sufficient to have
excluded the majority of the female population of Europe anyway,
whilst the remainder who were biologically suitable and ritually
adept only served a few, very short years as an alchemical or divine
lover before their blood chemistry altered and they moved on to form
dynastic alliances where the central concern was not "Romance" or
"True Love", but the purity of the Dragon Blood and the well being
of the Dragon offspring.
As a consequence and contrary to our present mores and social
expectations, Romantic or Courtly Love and the unrealistic illusion
of romantic monogamy were diametrically opposed to each other, as the
efficacy of the former would eventually decline if it were expected
that such could continuously and permanently function in tandem with
the biochemical shortcomings related to the built in obsolescence
innate within the latter.
The two were simply mutually exclusive
concepts. However, formerly the church and latterly burgeoning
market forces have conditioned us to expect that we and the entire
population should "Fall In Love" and marry for such love when in
reality the majority haven’t got a clue what "love"
really is,
beyond the imposition of their projections on another.
If Love is understood as being the emotional manifestation
accompanying a socially acceptable interactive norm which expresses
or satisfies people’s domestic or erotic expectations, then love is
just a collection of egocentric illusions underpinned by self
deception and self interest, wrapped in the pretty packaging of self
sacrifice and altruism, because people have never been taught the
philosophy underlying the principal of Courtly or
True Romantic
Love, and are in any case psychobiologically incapable of ever
attaining it. Consequently they are unaware that true love is the
destruction of the self through another, not the fulfillment of the
self through another. Love is Death, not acquisition. Love is the end
of desire, not the object of its own continuous gratification.
Singularly, Courtly Love may be described as the hormonally driven
hunger to extract organo-chemical compounds from the Grail Maiden
for ingestion, not the hormonally driven, somewhat cynical desire on
the part of the male, to inject unwanted genetic waste material into
her for entertainment. The fundamental difference between Courtly
Love and domestic congress is one of hormonal imperative and one
activity is driven by an entirely different set of hormones to the
Unlike the urge to frequently nominally replicate, courtly
love or royal vampirism is most certainly not inspired or driven by testosterone or oestrogen and if the reader has previously been
unaware of the reality of royal vampirism, then the litmus test for
detecting the presence of the dragon genome and those aforementioned
propensities within themselves now, is to make a mental check as to
whether or not one has quite often felt previously an urgent and
recurrent inclination to eat the chicken without actually stuffing
If this is indeed the case, then you may congratulate yourself on
having discovered an entirely new vessel of potential sailing under
the hitherto unknown flag of the Dragon, in sacred waters you would
otherwise never have guessed existed. Vampires’ mummy’s always
taught their children not to play with their food, that way it keeps
better and lasts longer and upon this principal is founded the basis
of Courtly Love, a singular exercise in self discipline for the male
or female Dragon beneficiary, providing hours of gratuitous,
pleasurable diversion for the female Dragon benefactress.
The end result of this ritually structured arrangement being a
transcendent dynamic principal which leads to the experience of or
continued abidance within Truth, or True Love, if you wish to call
it that, which has nothing to do with the genetic imperative, buying
matching curtains and soft furnishings or getting another set of
keys cut.
Sexual Communication amongst Animals and Humans
What are pheremones?
Pheromones are naturally secreted chemicals you can smell in the
odour produced through the sweat glands of the body. In mammals,
pheromones play an important role in the establishment of their
territories: the marking activities of priests and dogs; urinating
against trees and lamposts is a well known example. In a mouse the
sexual and territorial marking functions come together, when the
female ovulates [produces an egg] after smelling a male.
Some primates, like the baboon, secrete pheromones during their
receptivity to sex. In man the functions of pheromones are not
totally clear, but we do know that smell, plays a role in our
attraction to a member of the opposite sex. Although today’s
propensity for covering our bodies with unnatural odours, like
perfumes and deodorants, has probably led to a decline in our
sensitivity and receptivity to these more natural odours.
Whatever it is that attracts us originally to a particular member of
the opposite sex, there is one thing is certain, and that is, that
there are some chemical hormones we produce that have their role,
when we are playing the mating game.
The Function of the Relevant Hormones in Human Beings and the
advantages and pitfalls of sexual communication
Across a crowded room
1) when you are first attracted to someone, the principal sensory
stimulus is usually visual, in this particular instance, perhaps in
a social context, the eye sends messages along the nerve endings to
the brain, and the brain releases two hormones, Vasopressin and
Dopamine, which begin to act during the phase of heightened
attention, in order to assess the objects suitability as a potential
mate. If the object continues to attract one and advances are
reciprocated, another hormone is released. This chemical, Serotonin
or 5-Hydroxytriptamine, one of the Amine group of stimulants similar
to Amphetamine, begins to produce a feeling of euphoria and
excitement which by a process of association becomes related to the
immediacy of the object of desire as the interaction develops.
If the couple are mutually attracted and begin to take
each other's
advances seriously, the brain releases two other hormones, Oxytocin
and Prolactin. These act on the mind to produce a feeling of bonding
which, in anticipation of or during subsequent encounters grows
stronger, along with the sense of centeredness or focus and euphoria
felt in the presence of the other person, produced by the
accompanying Vassopresin, Dopamine and Serotonin respectively. The
whole process is called psychosomatic, inasmuch as the chemicals
produced which act on the brain, stimulant various emotional and
intellectual responses in the mind. In tandem with the release of
these hormones, when the subjects first enter physical proximity,
traces of pheromone will be released to stimulate a heightened level
of secretion of the other hormones, in order to increase the overall
effect of attraction.
And so to bed Two powerful hormones are also released by the sex organs during
this whole process and they are Oestrogen in the female and
Testosterone in the male. As in the case of Prolactin release in the
male, Prolactin is predominantly a female hormone which is secreted
in breast milk, he is also likely to release traces of Oestrogen as
well, whilst the female will release traces of Testosterone.
The reason why members of the opposite sex produce hormones not
readily associated with their gender is that Testosterone in the
female enables her to judge the masculine qualities in her
prospective sexual partner, whilst the same happens with Oestrogen
in the male. The preliminary chemical phases completed, the sexual
hormones will stimulate the desire to copulate and sexual
intercourse takes place. After the sex act the levels of hormones
plummet and remain low for hours, sometimes for a day or so, until
the brain chemicals resume a heightened level again and stimulate
the couple to copulate again.
This whole process is reactive and
based almost entirely on conditioned responses stimulated by a
variety of chemicals working together to act upon the central
nervous system and the mind. The process is mediated and modified by
personal inclinations and social conditioning. In our society, until
very recently, encounters between males and females for purely
sexual purposes of recreation or fun were disencouraged and the
initial feelings produced by the neurotransmitters were described by moralists as the process of "falling in love".
Fantasy Feelings To this the guardian’s of the nation’s moral welfare ascribed a
spiritual and romantic quality, an illusory and unrealistic
dimension, which that establishment encouraged people to
disassociate with and separate from the procreative act. This
delusion was promulgated more for political and social reasons,
rather than from of any altruistic desire to educate, enlighten or
prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. One
wasn’t supposed to copulate unless one was married to or had "Fallen
in Love" with one’s prospective sexual partner.
It seems odd to say
that one mustn't engage in the fulfillment of one hormonal process
unless the other had first taken place. The feelings associated with
falling in love are focus, bonding and, most importantly from a
psychobiological point of view - elation, all of which derive from
purely chemical reactions and have nothing to do with real Love
whatsoever. If they did, people wouldn’t fall out of love as often
as they do. The flowery moralistic attitude which encourages people
to have such unrealistic notions about the purely natural processes
we all undergo, creates expectations about the potential of human
relationships which are pure fantasy.
During a relationship, the brain slowly reduces the levels of the
"falling in love" hormones and because of this for some, their
relationships become mediocre and boring. This they often blame on
the other person, which is also unrealistic and sometimes quite
unfair. The reason that the relationship has lost that "buzz" is
because the serotonin levels have dropped.
For this reason many
people constantly seek new people with whom to fall in love with. In
truth, they aren’t in love with the person at all, but rather with
the "drug rush" and the "chemical high" that human encounters so
often afford. In reality it is advisable to know the truth and to
take a long look at a subject that, in being so often misunderstood
and often poorly and incompetently covered in national education
can, because of the consequent ignorance and romantic idealism being
fostered, cause so much personal misery and social chaos.
England Expects Every Man Society has trained people to
harbor unworkable moral ideals about
human nature and encourages them to attempt to adhere, and expect
their fellow humans to adhere, to standards of behavior that are
frankly dishonest and unreasonable. Subsequently people’s
expectations in a variety of social interactions with their fellows,
including bonding and mating, are full of deceit and hypocrisy.
people were trained to be themselves, and not just the projections
of a fashionable moral ideal, which confusingly can change from
decade to decade, then society and social interactions would be a
lot healthier and more enjoyable, leading to far less
disillusionment and bitterness on an individual and national scale.
Beyond the Fantasy
Honesty produces natural centeredness and clarity. In such a mental
condition, it is possible to perceive a transcendent quality in life
which many have called True Love. It has nothing to do with sexual
attraction or acquisition and is in no other way dependent upon or
relative to human behavior or experience. This quality, when on
occasion it becomes the foundation of human interactions, goes
beyond the merely sexual or emotional to produce a state of
communication and compassion that sexuality, with all the greed,
self deceit and cruelty that often accompanies it, can never
understand or provide.
If you enter into a relationship it would be a lot more honest to
build its foundations on something far more substantial and
meaningful than a sense of sexual or romantic, chemically derived
titillation. It would then stand a lot more chances of being
To my children
One other point must be made and it is this:
Under no circumstances would I encourage sexual promiscuity for
individuals regardless of current fashion, and I would hope that as
a result of this work you would in fact only consider a sexual
relationship, once you had achieved an honest bond with someone
genetically compatible. It would be hoped that such a relationship
would have a conscious grounding that took into consideration the
pitfalls of basing an arrangement purely of brain chemistry alone.
If such an intelligent approach is possible, then a relationship
might take place without self delusion and free of all the
disillusionment and dashed hopes that often accompany over idealized
domestic alliances.
Cathars are known to have proscribed against any form of
intercourse which would result in fecundity. The exoteric reason
they gave for this was that procreation produced more matter and
that matter caused pain and suffering. The real reason was that they
favored alchemical, non procreative relationships for the very same
reason the Holy Bible feverishly rails against them with it’s "Sin
of Onan", "increasing one’s tent pegs" and so forth.
Jehovah liked
copulation because it bred more terrified slaves. The Catholics
hated alchemical marriages because they liberated the mind from
slavery and didn’t produce any more brainless, gumbified cash
Vatican’s proscription against contraception is simply
a recruitment-thru-breeding programme. Never mind about
overpopulation, environmental catastrophe or social deprivation, as
long as the fat foodboys
are kept in catamites, whores, cigarettes
and alcohol by each successively bred batch of tithe paying morons,
they and their multi-denominational scions can sit on their arses
and the whole planet can go to fuck on a futon for all they care.
Foodboys was a term of derision and contempt used by Yugoslav
soldiers on all sides during the Bosnian conflict to describe their
politicians. The ’foodboys’ sat back at home behind the lines
cashing the welfare cheques from the World Bank and spending the
money on luxury residences, flash cars and fast women, or vice
versa. In the meantime everybody else was enduring a living hell.
Politicians; Priests, what’s the difference?
A Rose by any other name?
In many respects, it would seem that the church’s insistence on
differentiating between Paganism and Christianity is absurd. Many so
called modem wiccans, unaware of its higher purpose, think of
"their" "religion" as being pre-christian and pagan. However
witchcraft was viewed by the Inquisition as being heresy and a
belief can only be heretical if it is, at variance with that which
is viewed as being its orthodox parent doctrine.
Witchcraft could not be heretical unless it was thought of as being
a christian religion in the first place and even though witchcraft
can be said to be pre-christian in origin, its contributory cult, Jesus’ form of christianity, is also pre-christian in origin, making
a bit of a nonsense of the arguments on all sides, as well as the
partisan labels used variously by wiccans and wowsers alike to
define contrastingly, witchcraft as a pagan religion compared with
In Roman Catholic terms, Jesus would have been labeled a Witch and
his cult a heresy against the true faith of mother Church. If he had
timed his second coming to coincide with the medieval period, he
would have been burnt at the stake by the Inquisition. However, in
true primal christian terms and in comparison to Jesus original
teachings, Roman Christianity and all its collaterals and splinter
groups, including modern so-called "born again christianity" are
themselves wicked idolatries and evil heresies. Jesus warned of
false prophets, and all we have had for 1600 years is false prophets
and wolves in sheep's clothing. Jehovah roams across the face of the
Earth like a Lion, seeking whom he may devour, it has been said.
The witches of the Basque worshipped a God called
Jauna or Janicot
which de Lancre regarded as a diminutive which he said meant
Jean, which was the name applied by the witches of the Basses
Pyrenees to Christ.
With regard to
Hamlet’s Mill, witches would often meet in windmills
because in magical terms these structures sympathetically
represented, on the microcosmic level, the Great, Ever Turning Mill
of the Cosmos, so anything done by a witch in a windmill, it was
believed, would be replicated magically in the greater universe.
1) Petit Jean translates into English as
Little John, a companion of
Robin flood. It seems possible that Robin and
Little John were
aspects of the one character, repeating the Jesus-Lucifer composite.
It does not appear that these two aspects were conflicting, but
rather that the early devotees were at pains
to convey the idea that Jesus and Lucifer were the same person, and
that Jehovah, if he figured at all, would have been the dark aspect.
2) Jauna is Janus and Janicot is Janus-God, the two faced guardian
of portals. Being two faced, Janus is similar to the gods of
Mazdaism and Gnostic dualism, which represent the forces of light
and dark, of "God" and "Satan". It is significant that
Jesus is
worshipped by witches and that some witch names for their "devil"
and his followers are associated with Jesus, such as Christsonday,
or Christ - son - Dei, Christ son of God. One is reminded of
Columba’s assertion- "Jesus, Mo Drui, Mac Dei". Quite often witches
took for themselves the name "Christian", or picked witch names
directly from biblical sources.
It becomes increasingly difficult to dismiss the idea that an early,
homogenous, Levantine type of witchcraft was the original form of
Christianity, originating from the same mystical Eurasian root
philosophy that gave birth to Druidism in Anatolia and the north
west and Hinduism and Mazdaism in the East. In this case the dualism
of Jesus-Lucifer is not the reconciling of opposites in
Janus, but
in that guise he is the identification of the witch’s god as the
Pontiff or bridge, like the Druidic Blue Boar of the Irish
Chronicles, but with faces looking both ways, Jesus is a guide to
souls traveling to Faery.
This Son of Solomon is an
Elvish Lord who
straddles the space between the worlds and conversely, like Hermes,
he is also the messenger of the Gods to Man. It is worth noting that
both Hermes and St Nicholas are the patrons of thieves and one thief
in particular comes to mind, Prometheus, who stole fire from the
gods to give to man. Prometheus is Samael or Old Nick.
Robin also is
the "Prince Thieves".
Jesus and Robin
Robin could be seen, in one sense, to have symbolically robbed the
gold "of privileged, initiated wisdom", hoarded by the wealthy, and
given it freely to the poor, but conversely, the wealthy who were
entertained by Robin paid dearly for the privilege of gaining such
"He who would keep his life shall lose it, but he who would lose his
life shall gain the whole world".
The rich merchant gave up his entire fortune to purchase one Pearl
of Great Price - Transcendant Wisdom. In this sense the adage "It is
easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a
rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven" is also applicable. The
riches of this world keep the mind fixed on the cares and pleasures
of this world. In order to perceive the "otherworld", the
transcendent reality, it is necessary to focus one’s attention on
matters far removed from the titillation of the senses.
In this
sense, the pleasure of Robin’s Feast would cost a man dearly, for
his feast was that of the spirit. In order to taste its delights, a
man must give up everything that ties him to his own world. Several
stories concerning Robin tell of his hospitality and also that those
he often entertained were persuaded to part with everything they had
with them, for the board and entertainment they received.
Considering Robins Ritual identity the symbolism appears pertinent.
In northern Europe the ancient Nick or Neck held such sway amongst
the people that the church were forced to adopt and canonize him as
St Nicholas. In Cornwall St Nicholas still retains his horns. Being
much older than Nicholas of Myra, it is far more likely that this
horned St Nicholas is the model for Father Christmas. The traditions
linked to him are distinctly northern European and are related to
Hearne and Odin. In Professor Margaret Murray’s work on the witch
cult and the witch’s God, the Deity whom the church called the Devil
or Satan was known in Sweden as the (witches) antecessor or
ancestor, suggesting that in Sweden also the witches were related by
blood to their "Devil", either their Fairy Master or Mistress and
that Devil’s elven ancestors likewise.
In Britain he was known as Puck (Boucca or Bog/Bolg meaning God) and
Robin Hood or Goodfellow. Murray cites ten references at least for
the God being named Robin, whilst in Orkney be was known
intriguingly as "Walliman", which means, one assumes; Wood Lord,
another rendering of Robin’s title and of the title of Hearne/CernunnosIVishnu.
The Druidhe were also known as the men/women of the Trees (or Tree),
which is another variation of the Wood Lords or Lords of the Forest,
the Calle Daouine. Bearing this in mind it is feasable that
witchcraft was an underground continuation of Druidism in decline,
as indeed Murray has suggested.
In Britain the God or Goddess was a man of the fairy race, of flesh
and blood. Nevertheless he or sometimes she was worshipped still as
deity, perhaps like Jesus became, as Avatars or living
representations, the sons or daughters of the great Goddess-God of
the Vast Cosmos. Significantly, the witches "Goddess", Diana, was
one of the four classical Titanias or Titanesses, the other three
were Circe the Witch, Pyrrha and Latona.
The Titanias and hence
Diana, were all Queens of Elphame. The Swedish name ’Ancestor’ seems
apposite here, especially as witchcraft is seen by Murray as a Fairy
"religion". In ancient Fairy tradition the ancient Elves were
themselves were the gods, The Ubaid or Anunnaki (Anunnagi), who were
later and elsewhere revered as the Titans, the Gods of the Aryan
Hindu pantheon, the Pharaohs, the Gods of Israel, the Tuatha de
Danaan and the Catholic Saints.
Murray says that she believes Witchcraft to be the leftovers of the
religion of the fairy race of the Neolithic period. The word
Neolithic automatically makes us think of the word Primitive and it
conjures up images of cave men and wooden clubs. The Ages -
Neolithic, Iron or Bronze could easily run concurrently according to
the wealth or dearth of resources of any region that any particular
population inhabited. Whilst Britain was in its Bronze Age, other
regions had been using iron for centuries and the point has been
made that we tend to judge a period or Age by its artifacts and come
to the mistaken conclusion that a race was primitive simply because
we rarely tend to find less durable goods than stone or metal.
Settled agricultural populations in the temperate zone have more
free time to develop technologies than migrant pastoral communities
or peoples inhabiting more hostile environments. However,
civilizations can and do go into decline and highly developed
settled communities have been known to become low technology
migrants because of local disasters or because the type of
agriculture they were using was shown not to work in the long term,
or because resources dried up. Someone once said that civilization
is only three inches deep, that being the depth of usable topsoil.
Migrant communities would be forced to use the materials available
to them in the new homelands they resettled. If the only land
available was infertile or sparse in mineral resources, the most
advanced communities of the time could plummet back down the
developmental ladder, possibly becoming "Neolithic" again.
Witchcraft, rather than originating as a cave man’s religion, was
the decadent survival of a highly evolved Eurasian philosophy which
migrated to Britain and later absorbed the accretions of numerous
settlers and invaders including the Danes, who seem to have held out
against christianity for far longer than the Anglo Saxons.
It is highly likely that what we think of as witchcraft was not in
fact an indigenous Neolithic British religion but was imported by
the Picts as their "Fairy Religion"-
Druidism, which was devastated
by the Romans and later, in its varying corrupted forms, took on
board later influences as the centuries passed. It is recorded that
up until the Reformation period the witches still practiced the
Pictish Scythian custom of whole body tattooing, of which the
so-called witches mark was a minor but nevertheless culturally
associated manifestation.
The mark was originally a wound opened to
let blood which was consumed by the "Devil". The wound was then
pigmented with soot or woad and acted as a sign of the sacrifice
made by the witch on her initiation, thereby marking her as one of
the witches clan. Royal Covens did not use this practice. This
marking practice has also been discovered on the Italian Ice Mummy
named Oetzi. He was covered in marks that corresponded to the
meridian points in acupuncture. The meridian map is related to and
incorporates the outer columns on the Kabalistic Tree of Life,
thereby lending further support the academic assertion that
acupuncture was learnt by the Chinese, not invented by them. Oetzi’s
body was over 5000 years old
One particular influence, the Danish or Nordic, has given us
historically, in some regions of Britain, a witches god who wears a
Grey cloak and Blue hood or mantle. The choice of colors indicates
that the God figure here is The Archetypal "Lord Of The Rings", Odin
or Hooden, the hood being specifically associated with
Fairies, as
it is with Robin Hood, his Pictish -Gallic double or counterpart.
The Fairy Hood can be found associated with the Haxi Hood Game,
originally a sort of football played with a decapitated, hooded
head, a sacrifice intended to make a portal guradian; and also with
the remains of the sacrificial victim we know as Tollund Man, who
was excavated in Scandinavia, Odin’s old stomping ground.
Where the God appears otherwise in the shape of an animal this tends
to indicate that in Britain, a Pictish tribal totem was being
revered in much the same way as the Scandinavian witches "ancestor"
(antecessor) would be. The animal shape assumed by the local "Devil"
represented the heraldic badge of the Royal tribe from which the ’god’ originated amongst the fairy race.
Pictish Tribes used different animal totems as tribal arms or badges
and these altered according to the status or function of the Tribe,
as Druids, Smiths, Warriors and so on. The grades within the
hierarchy of tribes within a Tuadha were also denoted by animal
symbols, such as the Dragon, the Eagle, the Bull, the Boar, the
Wolf, the Goat, the Stag, the Horse, the Salmon and so on.
on the Country or region, there were variations in the type of
animals depicted by the resident Tribes. Originally the totem system
might well have followed an initiatory grade, or caste, system
similar to that manifested respectively in Mithraism or Mazdaism,
and Hinduism, all of which originate from the same Indo European
root culture, the early proto-Aryan Scythians. Likewise, the grades
may well have been originally associated with the 7 Chakras or
Certainly in Transylvania, the earliest known Homeland of the Dragon
Kings, the Vampire comes in various grades, including the
Dragon, the Bird, the Boar and the Wolf, an Odinic totem animal. Similarly
Vishnu in the Hindu pantheon follows a similar series of earthly
manifestations in animal form including the Blue Boar, indicating an
ancient link between all these cultural icons and concepts.
Consequently the local witches god representative may well have
dressed as the animal formerly associated with the tribe of his
ancestral origins, or of the tribe associated with the region within
which the witches were domiciled.
Santa Claus
As Old Nick, Jesus and Robin are therefore variants of
St Nicholas
who was the Celtic Hearne, the Lord of the Forest
(Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva/Sidha), and Odin the blinded, (late composite
version of Anu/Samael), the Finnish shamanic Wanderer, who travelled
on a Sled drawn by Reindeer (it is pertinent to remind oneself of
the Pict-Sidhes at this point, and of Amanita Muscaria). In the
bleak of Midwinter which, as a season, could have magically
represented the wasteland of the Grail, he would come down from on
high (slip down the chimney pole [descend the magic tree] of the
snow-drift covered, half hidden tepes) and leave gifts (fruit and
food) for the occupants.
This in a sense, may symbolize the god giving succor to his
beleaguered devotes, pilgrims on the journey of life, who were
symbolically seeking guidance, sustenance and direction in the
wasteland. His teachings helping to keep them resolute in winter’s
"dark night of the soul" and give them wisdom to continue the
journey up the Tree. The fruit traditionally given at Christmas
symbolized the Sephirah and their wisdom, which both Odin/Samael/Lucifer
and Jesus had obtained by hanging from a sacrificial Tree. One is
also reminded of Moses and the Israelites in the desert wasteland,
and Moses’ brazen serpent held up on a "tree" or Tepes, a pole; as a
symbol of healing.
In this connextion I have heard it said that the custom of hanging
baubles from the Christmas Tree was symbolic of the semen of the God
who was represented by that tree. It is conceivable, but more
probable is the idea that the baubles represent the sephira, and the
tree in its esoteric sense, is a Goddess.
Here one is further reminded of the figure of Samael
as the serpent
entwined around Lilith; his Tree. In connection to Moses’ serpent
staff as a healing symbol, the serpent is again Samael; as a
precursor to the Fisher King, who is healed by the Grail, ie the
Woman, who as the Cup, is also the Tree or Staff around which he, Samael, the
Serpent fisher King, is entwined and healed.
One recollects the shaman’s journey back up the magical tree. In
Runic, Tree is spelt Tir and is represented by an upturned spear
like glyph reminiscent of the Tepes or dragon pole (Sarkany) found in
Sidhe Mounds. Tir Na n-og, the "Land of Youth", to see if the word
Tir in Gaelic has a conceptual relationship with tree and house.
Mistakes have been made with regard to the academic understanding of
the origins of Gaelic ideas and words and the "Land of Youth" is
therefore associated with the "Tree of Ogmios" - Tir Na n-Og.
Oghma is a Danaan God who, like Odin, is credited with discovering a
magical script associated with the otherworid. in Odin’s case this
was Runic and was attained through death on the Tree Yggdrasil. In
Oghma’s case the script he obtained has been called the language of
the trees. Formulated in c 400 AD as a written script based on
Latin, it originated with continental Druids as a system of magical
symbols in about 500 BC.
Of further interest is the connection
between the words Og and Och, as in Och Aye and Occitan, the
language of Provence, distinguished by its use of the word Och for
yes, in place of Oui in the French. Og or Och - yes - are
affirmatives or assertives, these words being the primary foundation
of the positive state of mind and the will underlying all magic, the
state of mind that allows and accepts; and thereby learns wisdom.
Och is the Oath positively asserted, and for the druids the Oath was
truth. Allowing a synthesis between these concepts we might further
discover a Tree of Youth or Tree of Life and a Land of Youth
attained by ascending that Tree. Perhaps we might also discover that
Tia Mat or Tir Mater, is the Mother Tree or tree mother, she who was
the original womb of the fairy race and the first Lady of the
Forest, the first grail princess who was both the tree and the
fountain of magical wisdom - Ogham; and the "Source" or "Land" of
Eternal Youth - Tir Na n-og. Perhaps also, ascending the Tree could
be seen as a sacrifice of selt as returning to the Mother, to the
womb of the Otherworld - Tir Na n-og - and thus to death, the
ultimate truth. Nothing.
This sacrifice, death on a "Tree", is symbolic of the total
submission to the female which is found in courtly love. She is the
Tree, as we have seen in other essays, and as such is the implement
by which the Priest King is both "destroyed", and thus healed. The
total submission however, is ultimately to the Nix or nothingness,
which her nature affords and her soul reflects. She is the Egyptian
Nuit, the boundless abyss of infinite space beyond time.
Her fruits
sustain and nurture the Cernunnos or Odin, the Priest-King-Magician
who, in turn nurtures and sustains his supplicants and followers.
Similarly Jesus (Moses’ Brazen Serpent) descended from his Rood Tree
and thus "resurrected", he gave gifts of the fruits of its (Her or
Death’s) wisdom when in transcendence, he preached to his disciples.
In these tales, where Jesus, Robin and Odin, or Hearne, as the
original Santa Claus, gave gifts to the poor and needy, the
essential elements of Magician-Priest-Kingship are manifest. It was
the King’s duty to sustain and guide the people. He could only do
this through sacrificing his ego to the Nix and, uniting with it,
perceive the transcendent wisdom. He could only do that by "hanging
from a tree", by "riding Epona or Slepnir to the Otherworld" and
thus a king could only be a king if he had a queen.
Father Christmas is Merlin et al after all and the dyslexic devil
worshipper who "sold his soul to Santa" wasn’t so daft, as it
happens. In earlier depictions he also represents Old Father Time,
Saturn or Chronos, the father of the Titans. In this guise he is Iapetus or Anu. Merlin and Odin were the inspiration for Tolkein’s
wizard Gandalf or Gand-Aelf, meaning "Grey Elf Sorcerer" in Norse.
Odin wore a dark blue hood (Robin!) and a grey mantle. Hence J.R.R’s
Gandalf the Grey; and Od-in or Hood-en. Robin or Robert means Bright
Fame which appears to be linked to Lucifer, more or less. Here we
return to the concept of the Wild Hunt. Chronos ate his kin (his
children). Hearne (Oberon/ Alberich) or Odin was Master of the Wild
Hunt for elf women (also his kin) whom he also "ate". In France, one
name for the Devil; the God of the Witches, was Albirin which
obviously is Oberon, king of Elves.
The French had a separate, Frankish, Robin Hood and
Maid Marian (see J.Hunt) who were probably derived from a common early Gallic cultic
root. It is from this tradition, one might assert, that Robert III
inherited his role as the Robin Hood-en, or Odin, The Hooded
One can see Raymond and Melusine echoed in Robin and Marian even
though the latter fit variously the Jesus & Magdalene, Arthur &
Guinevere cycle more easily. Robin and Arthur have a number of
identical Celtic adventures which don’t apply to Raymond, but five
elements seem to bind their cycles together.
1) Raymond kills Aymeri, Mordred kills Arthur. (Chronos cycle)
2) Guinevere deserts Arthur, Melusine deserts Raymond. (Lohengrin
cycle) 3) Jesus and Robin are both betrayed and killed. (Priest King cycle)
4) Robin and Arthur are betrayed by women (The Abbess and Morgana)
5) Melusine betrays and also kills her father.
It is arguable that these tales were enshrined in Druidic lore in
the first place, because in reality they happened all too often, at
least often enough, perhaps, for the Druids to recognize that these
events followed archetypal and repetitive, psychologically ingrained
patterns, like treadmills, some of which needed addressing and
avoiding, for the good of the kingdom and the people.
1) In a delightful little children’s book entitled
and the
Fairy Gifts by a Scot named Moira Miller I noticed a repetition of
the red hair business:
A couple have a red haired son, newly born, and the grandmother is
all for taking precautions against his possible abduction by the
Sidhe because he has hair which is "The King’s Colour (the colour of
Kings; possessive plural), the very thing they (the Sidhe) prize
most". Precautions are ignored by the couple and they notice one
morning that their child’s eyes have changed from blue to green
though he still has hair of the King’s Colour. The child is of
course a changeling.
What is interesting is her comment about the child’s hair being the
colour of kingship. Again we have an assertion, found often before
and elsewhere, in a story obviously derived from Scottish folk
sources, that Sidhe hair is red and their eye colour is green, with
the added element that this is also the pigmentation of Kings.
Therefore if Red is the Fairy colour and also the Royal colour, the
two are the same, as we know.
Here we go back to red haired
the Anunnaki, who are the original source of kingship. You will
notice in the medieval pictoral ensemble of ’Melusine by the
fountain’ that she too has red-gold hair. In a variant of one of her
tales related by Baring-Gould, her first son (Milo) has one red eye
and one green, as opposed to blue in the other story we began with.
In Serbia red hair is the mark of the vampire.
2) From: Frozen Tombs of the Scythians by
M. I. Artamonov:
Scientific American, page 238. All the corpses had had their heads
partly or entirely shaved, but before their burial, hair had been
attached artificially to the heads of the women and beards to the
faces of the men.
3) From: Research on Lilith. Page 13 under Zohar l :54b - 55a, a
quote from R. Yitzhaq " female spirits come and play with him (man)
and get hot [C] from him and thereafter bear [those demons] which
are called the Plagues of Mankind. And they turn into likenesses of
men but have no hair on their head " Patai 81: 471. end quote.
This is directly related to the Liliths and their brothers the
who are those from the North. Lilith is the alien crown, the
northern queen. Patai 81:453. One is reminded of the habit of the
Egyptian Priests who also shaved their heads. in this case I
sincerely believe that it refers specifically to the Scythians
The reader might recall some excerpts from Dr. Miranda Green’s
compilation The Celtic World. In this work it suggests that in
Celtic Europe, corpses were sometimes dismembered in order to
prevent the soul of the departed from passing over to Tir Na Nog,
the Otherworld. This explains the thinking behind the concept of
Portal Guardians and therefore the reason why Dracula’s headless
body was buried under the the entrance of the Chapel etc. Herein it
also explains why the Scythian corpses had their hair glued back on
post mortem.
Although certain of the castes would perhaps have shaved their heads
during life, perhaps leaving a plaited pony tail at the crown, in
the style adopted by the Chinese, they would have been considered
incomplete if some attempt at replacing the hair had not been
undertaken. And incomplete, they would have been tied to the this
world, unable to make the transition from death to rebirth. This
belief possibly originates from a root Indo - Aryan belief that is
also shared by the Hindus. During the Raj period in India, the
greatest punishment that could be inflicted upon a Hindu was to be
strapped to the muzzle of a cannon and have the limbs and vitals
blown to kingdom come. Presumably it would have been impossible to
reconstitute completely, the shattered-and-splattered remains of the
We are aware of the tradition of Ring Hoards, Oath Rings and
Rings of Power, and their symbolic role in the Dragon Myth as a version of
the Grail in tales ranging as far and wide as Mesopotamia, Tibet,
Scandinavia, tribal Africa (The Naga people) and Japan. The ring in
Zen is Zero, The Eternal Now, the Gateway to Elphame and so on. We
also know that Charlemagne was given a magical ring by a
Dragon on
the occasion of his "magical" wedding to an unknown eastern Fairy
Princess called Frastrada. As Oroborous, the Dragon IS the Ring.
Charlemagne’s ring eventually found its way into a Mere, courtesy of
Bishop Turpin. Water is the female element and therefore all Fairy
Maidens are types of Melusine, and it would be argued that the
involvement of the Dragon suggests that this marriage was also an
alchemical wedding or hierogamy, in the tradition of Courtly Love.
Here yet again is the basic story of sovereignty, achieved through
transcendence, via the union of the king to a Mere Maid, a "portal
guardian" who allows the King participation in the Otherworld or
Eternity which, in this story, as in the story of Odin and his
sovereignty of the nine worlds, is symbolized by the Ring. The
of Power is necessarily the Ring of Love, because that Love bestows
Transcendence or wisdom, the proper exercising of which, affords
Dragon Sovereignty
The ring as a symbol of kingship originated with Samael or
Satan, as
the church would have us call him. Samael was the earlier name for
Prometheus, whom Zeus vowed would remain chained to the
Mountain forever. After some time Zeus regretted his vow and wished
to release Prometheus but was bound by his word not to. At last a
compromise was reached and Zeus tore the chains which bound
Prometheus and from one link of Adamantine he forged a ring and set
upon it a stone cut from the mountain. In this way he was able to
keep his word, that his old adversary would forever be bound to the
mountain, but afforded at the same time his release.
The mythical conflict between the Grecian Zeus and Prometheus
originated in Scythia. There the two gods were named
Enki (Samael)
and Enlil (Jehovah). The war between them arose firstly as a dispute
over seniority. Sons of one father, Anu; Enki was the younger son of
Anu’s senior wife, Antu, whereas Enlil was the elder of the two sons
but was born to Anu’s second or junior wife, Ki. In Anunnaki culture
the female was the source of sovereignty and by rights Enki or
Samael (Satan) was therefore the rightful heir to his father
king of
the Anunnaki or gods. Enlil disputed this claim and
furthermore resented Enki’s patronage and assistance of mankind,
whom Enlil (Jehovah-Zeus) hated and wished constantly to destroy.
This story is repeated in the Greek tale of Zeus’ hatred of mankind
and the war for supremacy and control of man waged between the elder
gods, the Titans, led by Prometheus; and the younger gods,
Olympians, led by Zeus.
It is repeated again in the tale of the war between Satan and
Jehovah. In all these stories, it is the son of the elder queen who
is the rightful heir, and this is Enki-Samael-Prometheus-Satan, the
friend, saviour and supporter of mankind.
Enlil or Zeus-Jehovah further objected to the idea of investing in
man the right to kingship and self rule, this was by tradition the
sole prerequisite of the Anunnaki alone. A compromise was reached in
the Dragon Council and it was decided that an Anunnaki
queen would
incubate a human ovum fertilized by Enki or Samael-Satan. The
resulting child would be the first king or queen of the race of men,
being mostly Anunnaki. Several attempts were made at producing a
suitable child by adopting varying permutations of the Anunnaki -
human interaction. Samael inseminated a Bijo woman, resulting in
the birth of Adam, the first prototype of mortal kingship.
The second experiment was between Enki - Samael and
Eve, his
daughter. The child they produced was called Cain, who was mated to
Lilith Luluwa, the pure bred Anunnaki daughter of
Lilith the
Beautiful and Samael. To Lilith Luluwa and
Cain and their Sacred
offspring was given, via Nm Kursag, the Tiara of Dragon (not mortal)
Kingship from the hand of their father Enki - Samael the
overlord of the Gods, whilst Adam and his children were still
considered by Enlil to be serfs. However, upon them the usurping
Enlil conveyed his own kingship without the authority of the
of the Dragon Gods, the Anunnaki. This he did in an attempt to gain
support from humanity, for his illegitimate claim to leadership of
the Council.
In the later rendering of the story of the origin of kingship, which
accompanies the story of the war between the rightful gods, the
Titans, and their younger rivals, it is said that rings became the
symbol of kingship and were worn in memory of Prometheus, from whom
all true kings were descended. These rings of alchemical or magical
priest-kingship are specifically Dragon Rings, which are
by the alchemical Oroborous, the Serpent or Dragon eating its own
tail, the 0 or Zero.
Prometheus the Titan is the "elder god", he is
Enki, later called
Satan, and so the two stories, originating from a common source,
attest to idea that the holy, Draconian, otherworldly origin of the
blood of kings ultimately derives from Satan or Samael-Enki, and
Lilith; and not from their rival, the usurper Jehovah-Zeus or
and the race of Adam, from whom is derived the origin of the later
Tinker Kings, the false monarchies that are based, not on service
and transcendent wisdom, but on worldly greed, tyranny, trade and
The bloodline of Lilith and Samael, the pure royal blood of true
kingship, descended therefore, from Transylvania and
through the Sobekh queens of Egypt who, after the Anunnaki,
established the first Royal Dragon Courts; and from thence it
devolved down to the Tuatha de Danaan of Eire and their descendants,
the Pictish, Dragon, fairy princesses of the
Holy Grail, whose
families colonized Caledonia and Anjou.
Such was the strength and purity of this ancient bloodline, that it
was never forcefully assimilated, interbred or conquered. Through
the Tuatha de Danaan and their daughters and sons, the
Dragon queens and kings, the elven ladies and lords of the British
Isles, the royal Dragon blood devolved to the ancient Vere-Bruidhe,
the priest-kings of the Calle Daouine in 400 BC. This lineage
descended through the centuries to the arch-druidic, Pictish
priestess-queen Bruidhina who married King Gille Sidhean of Albany,
an eighth century descendant of the druidic, sacral house of the Ulidian of the Ver BoIg.
Taking her elven entourage - her Royal
Dragon Court - with her; their daughter, the fairy Princess Maelasanu de Scythes or
Sidhe, the second niece-granddaughter of
Morgan La Fey, moved from Scotland to France and there she married
another Vere, the Frankish prince of Gallic Pictavia, Raymond de Forez, through whom she continued, in the early eighth century, the
first royal house of Vere of Anjou or Anschau, meaning "mystical
Le Serpent Rouge
Their eldest son, Prince Maelus or Milo de Vere, duke of Angers,
became the second prince-comte of Anjou after his father, and from
him the ancient royal Dragon blood, the mystical lineage of Vere of
the first royal house of Anjou, continued to descend for another one
thousand three hundred years to the present day, in an unbroken,
single named, senior dynastic line of royal Dragon princesses and
princes, of whom in the 19th century, Baron Thomas Macauley wrote,
that they were the most ancient, the most noble and the most
prestigious family in Britain, and indeed in Europe as a whole.
The Lady of the Ring In Jewelled Torrents fell the Midyear’s light as playfully into the eagerly awaiting mere, it SwirIed below the mountain ridge.
Dark then the waters lay in that shaded forest pool, Which concealed forever the mournful Mystery, lying beneath its bridge.
To the Northern Star; the Yearning currents cascaded forth, to Wed the crystal leaded tumult Of the Druid Healer’s Flow.
Embracing, these Undines wandered the Summer’s Lands, below the bridge Of the Ford’s High Cross, Behind the Boar’s wide brow.
The Dragon’s Power; the ancient Sovereignty of an Ancient Fairy King laid there, hatefully torn From his heart; ere Broken.
A Maiden Fair and Fey, The Dragon Queen must be, Who astride Rhiannon rides in Quest for Love’s Last Token.
The End
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