The "Lost Tombs" Revisited: "Success Has a Thousand Fathers ..."

Part VI

One key test of this hypothesis would be the discovery of other arcane references or metaphors in the Osiris Myths (or other ancient texts), or, inscriptions left on monuments connected to Osiris, none of which were directly associated with "Precession" - but were decipherable as intimately connected to "Hyperdimensional Physics" itself.

When we looked for such examples ... it didn’t take us long to find a "doozy"... and (of course) at Abydos!

Remember the central hallmark, or "sign," of Hyperdimensional Physics:

a "double-tetrahedron," circumscribed within a sphere (below, left)? Which, in two dimensions, looks exactly like a "Star of David!" (below, right)?

The mathematical description of this figure involves fourteen possible axes of rotation -- the number of "double spin symmetries" of a double tetrahedron. (There are only seven ways to symmetrically rotate a single tetrahedron. And "symmetry," in physics, is everything... A double-tetrahedron has twice that number of symmetrical rotations, i.e. fourteen.)

Now, remember that little detail in one of Osiris’ death scenes, where --

"... it was later said that Set found the embalmed body of Osiris and tore it into fourteen pieces which he scattered up and down the whole length of Egypt ..."

Fourteen! Exactly the number of "symmetry spins" of the double-tetrahedron, signifying the precise connection to the underlying Hyperdimensional Physics we were looking for: the process ultimately responsible in our model (through a violent tilting of the planet’s spin axis) for a recurring, globally-catastrophic "process" ... "coded" through all subsequent millennia as Osiris’ ancient "murder" ...

Now, there will be those critics (there always are ...) who will immediately cry "Foul! You’re really reaching out on this one!!" And they will have a point: a literary metaphor (even with key numbers) can mean ... almost anything. But ... a specific geometric symbol?

So, look what our friend Omm Sety quietly recorded one day at Abydos, where Osiris (remember, representing the founding of "civilization" ... in the Myth) is supposed to have actually died ...

"Some of the early tourists, especially those coming from Greece, left a few lines scribbled on the walls of the temple, and there is also a very roughly painted ’Star of David’ in red ochre. But [because this paint is difficult for modern tourists to have access to] this was probably done in early Christian times when this symbol was used to keep evil spirits at bay [!]. There is no evidence that there was ever a Jewish community in Abydos. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the ’Star of David’ was not originally a Jewish creation [emphasis added] ..."


And Omm Sety is correct: use of the "Star of David" -- as a strictly geometric icon -- long precedes its (relatively "recent"  c. 1400-1500 A.D.) identification with the Jewish people. According to the research of Carl G. Liungmann (Dictionary of Symbols, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1994), this alchemical symbol, which (among other places) is found engraved in stone at a major Mayan center, Uxmal, in Central America (who just happen to have their own mythic counterpart to "Osiris," intimately associated with "a Flood!" initially called "Zamna," later "Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan"), has been in use world-wide for at least 3000 years ...

Which begs the question: what was this specific geometric symbol, literally thousands of years before its cultural identification with the Jews, doing scribbled at Osiris’ Temple the "god" torn into fourteen double-tetrahedral pieces! and just a few feet from the Osirion itself?

And ... what else in this crucial game of "connect the dots" is still waiting patiently to be discovered ... underneath the "sacred sands" of Abydos ..?


Which brings us back full circle ... to the enigmatic "glyphs" themselves.

These impossible figures, perched high under the several hundred-ton roof of Seti-I’s stunning Temple, depict astonishingly modern looking "flying machines" and other "high-tech" objects ... and are, as we have seen, rightly viewed as "completely impossible" by the professionals -- under any current archaeological views of ancient Egypt!

Dismissed for years by both Egyptian experts (and "alternative theorists") as either misinterpretations of "overwritten" standard Egyptian texts, or, even an outright, elaborate hoax, the Enterprise Mission was finally able to independently verify in situ the authenticity of the remarkable carvings, with aid of the Fox Television Network.

In November 1998, we personally managed to convince the Fox production staff and television crew, filming scenes in Egypt for their upcoming 1999 Special, to undertake a grueling, last-minute, several hundred mile trek to the Seti-I Temple at Abydos itself -- accompanied by a platoon of obligatory armed Egyptian guards! -- to verify and film the glyphs in place within the Temple (see this narrative, Part I).

This crucial documentation and first time Network presentation of these enigmatic carvings thus formed the foundation for our controversial sub-text to the entire "Live from Egypt" Show, that March 2nd night: That, based on this and the other, accumulating ancient archaeological evidence we have just presented -- We cannot be "the first!"

The unmistakably precise representation of "helicopters," "tanks" and possibly even gravity-defying "spaceships," depicted in the ancient ceiling glyphs at Abydos (click above image), now make this assertion credible ... if not almost inescapable (claims of "fallen plaster" and "over-written hieroglyphs" aside). It is our conviction that ’somehow’ these glyphs present us with a deliberate window on a prior, "high-tech epoch" to human civilization, that did exist ... sometime before the known Egyptian Era of a "mere" 6000 years ago.

The discovery of a documented, officially-sanctioned ancient Egyptian wooden model airplane -- once displayed "front and center" in the major Egyptological Museum in the world -- makes this conclusion all the more compelling! That -- and an the equally astonishing, successful reconstruction of a flying model ... based on tiny, gold, ancient aircraft-shaped artifacts, discovered in several South American tombs from over a millennium ago ...


Our own historical effort to explain the "glyphs," and the other, increasingly compelling "ancient, high-tech evidence?"

Not von Daniken’s ideas: alien "space gods" who landed here over 35,000 years ago ..! And not "helicopter’s" flying contemporaneously above the newly-built Pyramids of Egypt (in the main stream view, just 5000 years ago); or even, "tanks" accompanying Ramses II’s war chariots in 1200 BC ...

But -- Half-remembered remnants of a long-forgotten human era, when a previous "high civilization" -- apparently somewhat more advanced than even ours -- existed here on Earth. Timeframe: perhaps 12,500 to13,000 years ago ... a civilization now only dimly glimpsed through a handful of scattered myths, apparently deliberately "encoded" here in Egypt in the persona of a mythical hero named "Ÿsar" ("Osiris") from a prior "high-tech" civilization essentially obliterated by a major pole shift cataclysm of the planet ...

Which is why, apart from these strange myths, there is so little physical record of it - or its artifacts - to be discovered.

In this scenario, untold millennia after this proposed, long-vanished "high-tech" Epoch ... which may indeed have stretched to Mars itself(!) ... (much!) later "New Kingdom Egyptians" (like Seti-I), a mere 3000 years ago, attempted (in this model) to memorialize some still awe-inspiring (and perhaps even still surviving!) sacred fragments of this ancient, fabled Past ... by recording images of "the objects from the Gods." The objective: to literally preserve and "magically" transfer their Power from the Time That Came Before ... to Seti-I ... in his continuing battle to preserve "the Two Lands" (Ancient Egypt) against its contemporary enemies ...

Seti I’s reign, as we have also seen, was an acknowledged "Restoration Era" -- when Egypt (especially here at Abydos) was turning back for inspiration and protection to "... the Things From Long Ago." Seti I (in this scenario) not only deliberately placed his Temple atop the Osirion -- with apparent "inside" knowledge of where and what it truly was -- he then instructed his Temple scribes to literally depict in his own Temple these ancient "power objects" (the all-powerful war craft of "the ancient gods" themselves), to incorporate them in the writing of his (and his successors) titulary names ... which would thus (according to such "magical thinking") forever vanquish all of Egypt’s foes!

In fact, if we are right, the unique depictions on this panel -- of the actual "Osirian" war craft from "the Time that Came Before" --reveal the basis for some of those later (much more stylized) familiar hieroglyphic symbols (complete with vertical stabilizers!) that we have come to know; the craft inevitably evolved over millennia into some of the well-known symbols that Egyptologists routinely use, as the priesthood cleverly incorporated their originals "special powers" into a kind of hieroglyphic "code" (see false-color schematic, below).

One provocative example of this projected "evolution" can be found in the King’s "Horus-name" itself; in the 1st Dynasty, additions to the pharaoh’s titulary (name and titles) included the so-called Nbtyy (Nebti) title, meaning "He of the Two Ladies." The term Nbtyy was written with the hieroglyph Nb ,a sign interpreted by generations of subsequent Egyptologists as "a basket."

Standing alone, Nb meant "Lord."



As Alan Alford, author of The Phoenix Solution (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1998), has wryly noted:

"No-one has satisfactorily explained the connection of lordship with a humble basket" [emphasis added].

But, suppose the Egyptologists have got it wrong; suppose that Nb wasn’t "a basket" at all -- but actually, a cleverly derived Egyptian hieroglyph for something else ... something much more "exotic," at one time used by and befitting a true "lord?" In terms of the controversial glyphs we’ve been discussing, remember Dr. Katherine Griffis-Greenberg’s interpretation of the panel’s whole "translation?"

"... It was decided in antiquity to replace the five-fold royal titulary of Seti I with that of his son and successor, Ramesses II. In the photos, we clearly see "Who repulses the Nine Bows," which figures in some of the Two-Ladies [Nbtyy] names of Seti I, replaced by "Who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries," a Two-Ladies [Nbtyy] name of Ramesses II. With some of the plaster that once covered Seti I’s titulary now fallen away, certain of the superimposed signs do indeed look like a submarine, etc., but it’s just a coincidence ...

In fact, if we are right, it’s not "coincidence" -- but "deliberate priestly code!" If you take the "submarine-shaped object" (a remarkable "high-tech" reference to a special kind of "boat" -- below, top left!), and cut away the bottom instantly transforming its original lenticular geometry into half of that ... into a shallow "basket" (bottom, left) -- you are left with a perfect Nb hieroglyph: (bottom, right)!

And that is a fitting "coded symbol" for a "Lord"-- directly derived from the very ancient, "magic craft" that such Lords must have used ... Whose original "sacred image," for some overwhelming reason, Set-I insisted now be used ... and in plain view ... in the ceiling of his own Great Temple ...

Which, I believe, is the real reason why the "honest" Egyptologists --those we’ve cited, still attempting to decode the blatant originals at Abydos -- understandably, must consider them "composites!"

The Ancient Egyptians even had a precise (though equally mysterious -- to mainstream Egyptologists) name for such a highly revered Epoch and accompanying artifacts and symbols: Zep Tepi ... "The First Time" ... the central reason for the existence of every Egyptian temple (including, the Great Temple of Seti-I) ... as every mainstream scholar knows.

(Incidentally, a further meaning of "tepi," is "the foremost part of a ship." More allusions to "water" in connection with Osiris ...

And, in 1991, archaeologist David O’Connor made an astonishing "find": twelve boats (another "hyperdimensional number") buried in the desert sands of Abydos. At the dawn of known Egyptian history (c. 3000 B.C.) someone, according to O’Connor’s research, went to a lot of trouble to dig twelve, shallow "boat pits" (similar to Giza), each over 60 feet long, and bury the wooden hulls of twelve real boats underneath its sands. Any "practical" use for such a "fleet"-- literally miles from the nearest access to the Nile -- is obviously ludicrous; the primary intent was additional, symbolic reinforcement of Osiris repeated textual association with "celestial waters" ... and a catastrophic end of the First Time.

And in that context, the name of "Abydos" itself is most intriguing ... I believe, in light of what I’ve just described, that the modern "Abydos" derives from the Greek, "abyssos" (the abyss). Which, in turn, derives from the Akkadian apsu ... which came from the earlier Sumerian AB.ZU -- literally referring to a "deep, primeval source." Now, most contemporary scholars believe this refers to "deep waters." However, there is also a case that can be made for the term being applied to a purely man-made excavation, extending deep into the earth... with something "ancient and valuable" (za.ab in Hebrew means "precious metals") waiting in the depths ...

In other words, are there additional, ancient "precious" secrets just waiting to be found ... deep underground ... at "Abydos"-- the "deep, primeval source?")

According to the model we have outlined here, it was in the inner sanctum of Seti’s Great Temple at Abydos -- built almost ten thousand years after the disappearance of Those Gods Who Once Ruled Egypt, and dedicated to the greatest of those vanished "gods" himself, Osiris! -- that a special cult of priests seems to have continued a critical tradition: the celebrated "Followers of Horus."

A cult admittedly, in all the texts, dedicated to preserving the knowledge of that crucial First Epoch from Before (in our scenario -- "the ancient, Hyper-dimensionally-determined polar shift") -- under the banner of the "resurrected son" -- Horus -- of the slain "Osiris." A cult ultimately bent on restoring a "risen Osiris" to a waiting world (a Second Coming, anyone ..?!) at the the time of the "Eternal Return".

In this scenario, consistent with Seti’s key "oracular" selection of the site of Osirion, as the "only" place to build his Temple, he (or, the Followers of Horus) then decide to "up the ante" even more: to inscribe in a highly visible place within this Temple, the last surviving record of some of those most secret and venerated objects from Zep Tepi ... from literally -- The Time that Came Before...


Directly "hinting" at further ancient wonders to be found ...buried underneath the sands of "sacred Abydos." And how long have they been buried? Again, Seti tried to tell us ...

In Seti’s magnificent Temple, there is a passage -- called "the Corridor of Kings" along which, filling one entire wall (below), is inscribed the famous Abydos Kings List  Seti-I is depicted showing his young son, Ramses II (reading from a roll of papyrus), the legacy of all the Pharaohs who had ruled before - a royal heritage of thousands of years.


On the opposite wall, Seti directed that the scribes produce a similar List - of all the Gods who had ruled Egypt (click image below), long before the reign of men - all the way back to the First Time. A written history literally numbering in the tens of thousands of years -

And yet, Egyptologists literally don’t believe him ... (or so we have been told)!

Which brings up the inevitable question: what other records, besides these awesome Lists - backed up now by the images of these "impossible" pre-Egyptian artifacts -- if not more artifacts themselves! -- are waiting there at Abydos as proof of "the First Time?" What did Seti-I really find within (and remove from!) the mysterious Osirion ... 3000 years ago? Are the "glyphs" recorded in the ceiling, literal images of exactly what he found??!!

And where are those things now ..!? Finally, given that even part of this is true what is the real agenda of the modern "Followers of Horus?"


That we are dealing with contemporary "Followers" of Egypt’s sacred ways now seems more than clear; acolytes still planning NASA missions by "the stars of Ancient Egypt" ... and those "in-crowd" Egyptologists, following in the footsteps of Hawass ... carefully guarding the true mysteries of Egypt from the rest of us ... in this case, by carefully downplaying (for their honest colleagues) the true nature and significance of what is literally written on the walls at Abydos ... while, at the same time, with the mysterious Osirion already known (and not thoroughly explored ...) pretending to have recently found a new Osiris "tomb" at Giza ...literally, at the other end of Egypt!

Talk about continued clever "misdirection"

And what of the celebrated "golden capstone" ceremonies, even at this moment being planned by Hawass, for the Great Pyramid and the turning of the Millennium ... at Midnight ... December 31, this year?

Just why is former President George Bush (among scores of other world-class "notables"), planning to be literally at the base of the Pyramids that Midnight ..?

And could this have anything to do with the poorly-hidden expectation, among many of this influential ’in-crowd," that the literal "End/Beginning of the World" -- Zep Tepi -- is about to come again (see painting, below) ..? The long-awaited "Eternal Return." And, that by appropriate worship of "the gods of Ancient Egypt" (as is demonstrably going on in NASA at this instant ...) -- including, special "ceremonies" at the very Pyramids themselves ñ these actions can, in some "magical way," actually save the "chosen few" ..?

Photo: Joeseph Firmage and Robert A.M. Stephens

Is this why, suddenly -- as the pieces finally begin to fit together-- that so many now have tried ... and all within the last few months destroy those who have finally made real progress in figuring out the Major Secret of the last thirteen thousand years ... "Enterprise" ... and its long-time friend, Art Bell?

If you really want to know the answers ... just stay tuned.