



 -  Alex Collier - Andromeda Contactee - Video Interview



 -  Alex Collier and the Friendly Andromedans



 -  Alex Collier - On Reptilians - ETs and The Global Connection


 -  Alex Collier - On Reptilians - The Draconians and The Paa Tal


 -  An Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History


 -  Andromeda Central


 -  Defendiendo Tierra Sagrada - El Compendio de Andrómeda - Archivo Principal

 -  Defending Sacred Ground - The Andromedan Compendium - Main File


 -  Extracts from Alex Collier’s Followup Lecture at the American Gnostic School June 7, 1997


 -  Galactic History According to Alex Collier and The Andromedans


 -  Interview with Alex Collier by Paola Harris



 -  Letters from Andromeda - Main File


 -  Stephen Hawking, Black Holes and Alex Collier


 -  Una Perspectiva de Andrómeda Sobre la Historia Galáctica

  Additional Information  

 -  Testimony Claims Crop Circles Made by "Alien Allies" of Humanity


 -  The Cygnus Mystery - Main File


 -  Typology of Extraterrestrial Races - according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans


 -  Alex Collier Interview - October 1994



Related Reports



 -  Galactic Diplomacy



 -  Gods of Eden - by William Bramley


 -  Las Pleyades


 -  Lyssa Royal and Galactic Information


 -  The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in Ufology


 -  Valdamar Valerian