- A cerca de Andy Lloyd
- Aphelion in 1881 & Freemasonry
- Dark Star - The Planet X Evidence
- El Hobbit y la Estrella Oscura
- Enanas Marrones - Brown Dwarf
- Is Anyone Even Looking?
- Nibiru in the Duat
- Nibiru - La Solución
- Perturbations in Nibiru’s Orbit
- The Astronomical Case (Updated Chronologically)
- The Celestial Cross
- The Dark Star and Mass Extinctions
- The Dark Star Theory
- The Dark Star Up To Date
- The Duat
- The Great Water Conundrum
- The Messianic Star Identified
- The Red King and The Rubedo
- The Timing of Nibiru’s Last Appearance
- The "True Sun" of The Incas
- Tsunamis and the Flood
- A Mystery Revolves Around The Sun
- Bright X-rays, Dim Dwarfs
- Mithras and the Hypercosmic Sun
- Puzzling X-rays from Jupiter
- The Unofficial Area 51
- Winged Disc/Disco Alado - Busty Taylor Crop Circle
- Winged Disc - The Dark Star Theory - Book Review
- Interview to Andy Lloyd
- Nibiru - el Planeta X, Hercólobus
- The Nemesis Theory
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