from Sokolov Website

Who we are

Interplanetary Internationale is a union of people of all races and nationalities dedicated to total liberation of Earth from all oppressive and occupying forces, to guarantee every person or sentient being the inalienable rights of life, liberty, integrity of body and spirit and realization of happiness.

Our interplanetary aspect rests in our understanding of our role in the exopolitical theatre of interplanetary space. We do not seek to occupy or colonize any other planets. Instead we offer our friendship, solidarity and cooperation to people from any other planet who uphold the same sacred principles of the inalienable rights of every sentient being, and who choose to join forces with us against the common enemies of life.

One of the key aspects of our work is exopolitics, which is politics in outer space between extraterrestrial powers. Background and reference information on exopolitics can be found on the exopolitical reports of Alfred Webre, Michael E. Salla and Michael Sokolov.

Why we are here now

Our exopolitical mission is to free the Earth from its present occupied status. Our planet has been secretly ruled for the past four thousand years through religions and puppet governments by a dark cabal of extraterrestrial aggressors whose exopolitical interests are fundamentally hostile to humankind and to other life forms; our only use to them is as slave labor and food. For more information on Earth's exopolitical history refer to the works of Erich von Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin and Michael Sokolov.

Our civilization is now entering the final battle of Light and darkness as human development brings us closer and closer to full awakening as a species to our true nature, while the Draconian and other dark rulers do everything in their power to keep us ignorant and docile as they implement the final stage of their agenda which involves our total extermination. They don't want to kill us all right away, though, since they first want to manipulate ignorant and docile humans into turning against and destroying several of our friends in outer space (whom they label as evil aliens), including our own creators (Anunnaki, the original pagan gods and goddesses).

The various national governments of Earth have derelicted their duty to their constituents and officially betrayed the human race. They are fully aware of Earth's exopolitical past and present, but instead of revealing this information to their citizens and bringing their forces together to protect the human race and expel the Draconian ET occupants, they have chosen to make secret treaties with the enemies of humanity to buy salvation for their own precious skins in exchange for leading the people of their countries to the slaughter house.

Our group has been brought together in an emergency manner to do what the corrupt governments and the ignorant masses have failed to do. We are a philosophical, spiritual, exopolitical and military organization. We bring together the world's brightest and most distinguished men and women in every discipline known to humankind including physical sciences, spirituality, philosophy, art, healing, social studies, political science, diplomacy, keeping of peace and conduct of war; and we are determined to do absolutely everything necessary to free our world and bring each and every one the inalienable rights of life, liberty, integrity of body and spirit and realization of happiness.

The time for battle is now. The stakes have never been higher: nothing less than the lives of all innocent Earth children, as well as our friends on some other planets, since our enemies are their enemies too. Light people of all races and nations must come together now to fight the enemies of life and take our planet back to build a new world, so the Light of a new sun of freedom, happiness and spiritual wholeness can rise over our world once again. Proletarians of all planets, unite!

Our philosophy and key documents

The Interplanetary Internationale Charter

Version 1.1 SE 44 Nis 1

The Interplanetary Internationale has been founded with this Charter in order to:

  • represent all people who seek nothing but Light, Life, Love, peace, liberty and realization of happiness on Earth, on other planets of the solar system, in interplanetary space and beyond

  • build a lasting Union of all such Light people regardless of race, nation or planet or star system of origin

  • guarantee every person his or her sacred and inalienable rights to life, liberty, integrity of body and spirit and realization of happiness

  • show all other Light beings in the Universe that we stand for nothing but Light, Life and Love and that we are ready to enter the cosmic community as responsible, loving and peaceful citizens

  • extend the hand of our friendship to all other Light beings

  • facilitate the liberation of Earth and other planets who accept our friendship and cooperation from all dark occupying forces

  • build a new world on our foundations of Light and Love

  • uphold our philosophical principles

  • provide for everyone’s spiritual growth and full self-realization

  • defend our world from all enemies who infringe on our sacred rights of life, liberty, integrity of body and spirit and realization of happiness

Chapter 1. First Principles

Article 1. Each of us is composed of a body, a soul and a spirit; one’s spirit is supreme in the temple of his or her body.

Article 2. Our collective spirit composed of our individual spirits is absolutely sovereign, and there is no greater power over it. As represented in the pentagram symbol our spirit is supreme over the elements of the Universe.

Article 3. Our divine mandate is to take full charge of our lives and our reality into our own hands; that is, to grow spiritually, intellectually, scientifically and technologically to achieve mastery over our reality, both material and spiritual. We shall not put up with any weakness of spirit or intellect and shall not allow ourselves to be controlled by anyone or anything in any matter however large or small.

Article 4. Each person has sacred inalienable rights to life, liberty, integrity of body and spirit and realization of happiness.

Article 5. We are peaceful and loving people and do not seek to fight, invade, oppress or dominate over anyone. However, we are ready to defend ourselves from anyone who imposes on us to deny us our sacred and inalienable rights of Article 4, and to use military force when necessary.

Chapter 2. Primary Structure

Article 6. It is essential to ensure that as we fight tyrants who keep us from realizing our full potential we do not become like them ourselves. We must ensure that our Union, the Interplanetary Internationale, does not turn into a totalitarian dictatorship, and to that end we must implement separation of powers and a system of checks and balances.

Article 7. The primary structure of the Interplanetary Internationale shall consist of three branches: philosophical, executive and military.

Article 8. The philosophical branch, which can also be called the legislative, political or spiritual branch, shall be responsible for upholding our First Principles of Chapter 1 and other philosophical principles, which are primarily spiritual in nature, and for making laws and policies based upon them. The philosophical branch shall also have the authority to engage in diplomatic relations and make treaties with other sovereign nations and groups in the Universe. The philosophical branch shall be headed by the Chief Philosopher.

Article 9. The executive branch shall be responsible for the implementation of philosophies and policies made by the philosophical branch and for all day-to-day and long-term operations and administration of Interplanetary Internationale with the exception of military operations. The executive branch shall be headed by the Secretary-General.

Article 10. The military branch, or the Armed Forces of Light, shall be responsible for the defence of all people in our Union from enemies who impose on us to deny us our sacred and inalienable rights of Article 4. The military branch of Interplanetary Internationale shall be headed by the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of Light (CICAFL).

Chapter 3. The Council of Light

Article 11. The Council of Light (Svetsovet) shall be the top governing organ of the Interplanetary Internationale.

Article 12. The presiding officers of Svetsovet shall be the Chief Philosopher, the Secretary-General and the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of Light.

Article 13. In addition to the presiding officers Svetsovet shall include others who have shown themselves to be highly advanced, on the level of the world’s best, in science, spirituality, philosophy, art, healing, magick and psi, keeping of peace, conduct of war or other areas deemed to be of the highest importance to the Interplanetary Internationale. Without exceptions all said people shall be extremely intelligent and spiritual, absolutely devoted to supremacy of spirit over all obstacles, and totally committed to our Union, our Mission and our First Principles.

Article 14. Candidates for admission into Svetsovet shall be approved by all three presiding officers in consultation with other Svetsovet members.

Chapter 4. Checks and Balances

Article 15. No member of Interplanetary Internationale including Svetsovet officers is above this Charter, particularly the First Principles. It is the personal duty and responsibility of every member regardless of rank to uphold this Charter and its First Principles and to remain vigilant against any attempts to subvert them regardless of who initiates such attempts.

Article 16. The Chief Philosopher, the Secretary-General and the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of Light shall be three different persons except in temporary circumstances when one of them has been lost and one or both of the other two have to fill in until a replacement is found, admitted and sworn in.

Article 17. Vacancies in the top three positions shall be filled with the greatest care. Candidates must be subjected to the absolute highest standards. Each candidate must meet all general Svetsovet requirements of Article 13 in addition to the special requirements of each position. Candidates shall be sought and reviewed by the full Svetsovet and must be approved by two thirds of Svetsovet members.

Article 18. The three presiding officers of Svetsovet shall have full authority over their respective branches of Interplanetary Internationale and over matters falling into their respective areas of expertise listed in Chapter 2. However, they shall have equal authority over matters that affect the entire Svetsovet or the entire Interplanetary Internationale and do not clearly fall into their unique areas of expertise.

Chapter 5. Judicial Process

Article 19. Trials over most serious offences involving high-ranking Interplanetary Internationale officers shall be held by the full Svetsovet.

Article 20. The legislative branch shall enact laws establishing the civil judicial system which shall hold all other trials in peace time.

Article 21. The Armed Forces of Light shall have their own military tribunal procedures for trials involving soldiers in war.

Article 22. No cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted by any trial or tribunal.

Our fundamental philosophical principles are:

  • Each of us is composed of a body, a soul and a spirit; one's spirit is supreme in the temple of his or her body.

  • Our collective spirit composed of our individual spirits is absolutely sovereign, and there is no greater power over it. As represented in the pentagram symbol our spirit is supreme over the elements of the Universe.

  • Our divine mandate is to take full charge of our lives and our reality into our own hands; that is, to grow spiritually, intellectually, scientifically and technologically to achieve mastery over our reality, both material and spiritual. We shall not put up with any weakness of spirit or intellect and shall not allow ourselves to be controlled by anyone or anything in any matter however large or small.

  • Each person has sacred inalienable rights to life, liberty, integrity of body and spirit and realization of happiness.

  • We are peaceful and loving people and do not seek to fight, invade, oppress or dominate over anyone. However, we are ready to defend ourselves from anyone who imposes on us to deny us our sacred and inalienable rights listed above, and to use military force when necessary.

  • We use the Republic of Terra Calendar instead of the Catholic Gregorian calendar since the latter was designed to underscore the rule of the Yahwist overlords, while our calendar is designed to underscore our freedom, independence and enlightenment.

Our methods

If we are to build a new world of peace on this planet and in interplanetary space, we must start practicing a new form of exopolitical diplomacy with our brothers and sisters on other planets, fundamentally different from the governmental secret agreements made with questionable exopolitical parties that are not in the best interest of humanity or any other Light life form. We need a new form of exopolitical diplomacy that works between enlightened citizen groups (like ours) and our friends in outer space. This form is diplomacy is called Track Two Galactic Diplomacy.

But we are also prepared to fight for a brighter future for our children, which distinguishes us from other more pacifist groups. We follow in the ancient traditions of bogatyri, the kind and caring yet fierce warriors on the side of Light and love. Like the ancient bogatyri we are ready to do absolutely whatever it takes to uphold our First Principles.

It is our destiny to boldly go where no man or woman has ever gone before and bring a New Dawn so the innocent Children of our planet can see a new life on the foundations of Light, Love, Freedom and Realization of Happiness!

Other resources

Political bulletins

The following political bulletins are currently available:

  • POLBLT-1 (SE 44 Nis 26): Chief Philosopher's position statement on the death of the Pope

  • POLBLT-2 (SE 44 Nis 26): Charge against all present Earth national governments of dereliction of duty to humanity and justification for global revolution and re-assumption of power by the citizens of the world

Political Bulletin POLBLT-1 SE 44 Nis 26
Chief Philosopher’s position statement on the death of the Pope
(Originally posted on prepare4contact mailing list on SE 44 Nis 13.)

My position statement on the death of the Pope is Good Riddance. The Catholic Church is one of the key institutions responsible for maintaining the 4000 year old Draconian control of our planet, and the Pope has even taken credit for the greatest crime of the 20th century: the destruction of the Soviet Union, our planet’s last Light civilization.

But no matter how many Popes and other traitors are walking among the human race as Draconian infiltrators or supporters, we, the unified worldwide and interplanetary proletariat, shall prevail and take our planet back! Proletarians of all planets, unite!

Michael Sokolov
Chief Philosopher
Interplanetary Internationale

Political Bulletin POLBLT-2 SE 44 Nis 26
Charge against all present Earth national governments of dereliction of duty to humanity and justification for global revolution and re-assumption of power by the citizens of the world
(An earlier version of this statement was posted on the prepare4contact mailing list on SE 44 Nis 16.)

Richard Martin <> made the following comment on Dr. Michael Salla’s prepare4contact mailing list on Yahoo:

If 100, 000 of Earth’s children are being kidnapped by alien races for food or to repopulate other worlds, then I can see one very strong reason for the world’s government’s silence on this aspect. What would they say? “Oh by the way, those thousands of kids that disappear each year - they are being served up on a table light-years from here”. One can imagine the public reaction to that.

My response to it is:

Those public officials are sworn to serve and protect the citizens of their countries. When those citizens are being abducted, eaten or taken as slaves by a foreign/ET power, it is their duty to defend their citizens from such acts of aggression.

In the present exopolitical situation every country’s president has a responsibility to tell his people: “Dear citizens, I have very unfortunate and disturbing news to share with you. An extraterrestrial colonial power has attacked our country and our planet under the cover of the night, abducting our citizens against their will and taking them to other starsystems to be used as slave labor and sometimes eaten. As your elected government it is our duty to protect you from these acts of aggression, and in fulfillment of this duty I as the Commander In Chief of our Armed Forces immediately activate all forces of our Army, Navy and Air Force to fight these extraterrestrial aggressors. Also as is our duty to you, our constituents, we are sharing everything we know about these ET aggressors: <full details go here>...”

It is certain that the head of every major nation-state on Earth knows at least the basic ABCs of exopolitics. There has been considerable evidence that American presidents for example have been generally denied full details on this subject, but at the very least they have to know what we know. It is impossible for them not to know. Every village idiot who has access to the Internet has access to this information, so how can presidents of major countries not have it? The fact that they know what we know but no president of not one country has made the announcement above leads to my conclusion that the governments of all countries on Earth have derelicted their duties and officially betrayed their citizenry.

Since all governments of Earth have broken the social contract with the citizens of planet Earth, the citizens have the right and duty to exercise the rebellion and revolution clause of the social contract, forcibly abolish all nation-states and governments, and take control of the planet into their own hands through their own militias. They/we should also proclaim to all friendly ETs that all official agreements that have been made by governments with various ETs should be considered null and void because the governments that made them did so without legitimate authority from their people and are now being deposed. New agreements should then be made with friendly ETs directly by the people through Track Two Galactic Diplomacy.

Michael Sokolov
Starfighter and Chief Philosopher
Interplanetary Internationale

We need YOU!

In order to succeed in our mission, we need people. Since the rich and the powerful have betrayed the human race and sided with our enemies, it is upon us, the ordinary men and women of average means, to fill our hearts with courage and step up to the most extraordinary task of all times. The fate of the entire human civilization, of all innocent Earth children, of all other life on Earth, and of many of our friends elsewhere in near space rests upon our shoulders.

In order for the few of us to do what the masses have failed to do, to defeat the Draconian overlords of our planet, and to convince our good ET friends that we are worthy of their cooperation and help, we need the most courageous, passionate, intelligent and spiritual sons and daughters that Mother Earth has brought forward, determined to do absolutely whatever it takes to free our planet and build a new world on new foundations of Light and Love.

And that is you! Most people who visit our website already know full well that our present world is in serious trouble. They also agree that someone needs to do something about it. You may be reading this website right now and thinking that it's good that someone is doing this work. But who is this someone? If not you, then who?

Our Mission is so vast, with the entire planet at stake, that we need people of every walk of life and of absolutely every skill imaginable. Whether you are a scientist, an engineer, a doctor, a nurse, an artist, a pilot, a mechanic, an electrician, an assembly line worker, a computer programmer, a spiritual healer or any other profession or skill, we need you.

Do you have the intellect, passion, courage and steadfastness to be an Interplanetary Internationale Lightworker or Starfighter?


Mother Earth and Her Children need you now!


E-mail: ii-general-contact@ivan.Harhan.ORG