According to Barbara Hand Clow and
others - we are moving into a zone in space that is band of photon
energy. Our star moves into that band for about 2000 years and this
event happens about every 11000 years. The last time we were in was
Atlantis. The 11000th year out of the photon belt she calls the
Galactic Night.
Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleadian star
group. Our star circles the star Alcyon, as do the other pleadian
stars. Alcyon is in the photon belt all the time. Others are in and
out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The
experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for
the range of experience moving between dimensions that happens as we
move into and out of the photon belt. Trillions of souls are trying
to get into a body for this ride.
are starting to move into the photon belt now and will be totally in
the belt all the time by 2012. In the photon belt the walls between
the different dimension becomes increasingly thin or non existent.
One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt
is that we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into
this planet.
The transition into and out of the photon belt is
characterized by radical weather patterns, earth changes, and this
will particularly be interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins
to precipitate onto our own 3rd dimensional reality.
The elements of the 4th each of will attract individually, be able
"see", and interact with depends entirely on our consciousness. We
could attract a room full little devils with pitch forks or a room
full of angels. The 4th dimension is polarized much like the 3rd
dimension and beings on the 4th dimension level have there own
From assistance and blessing to outright interference with our
development. Our state of consciousness IS the MOST IMPORTANT THING.
She emphasizes this throughout. She also stressed "BEING HERE NOW".
She said timing for this event is not important as we are, from a
consciousness perspective, we are already in it. Timing, will also,
will shift to our perception. She did say the apex of earth changes
activity would be from 1998 to 2001.
She talked about the dimensions
this way:
1st dimension- mineral kingdom- the consciousness of
resonating the earth "mother" accessed through crystals
2nd- the
plant kingdom- the consciousness of feeling the earth mother
accessed through interaction and communication with plants: i.e. Findhorn
3rd- time and space- the consciousness of linear time
mastery through "being here now" polarized pos and neg
4th- the
nonphysical kingdom of archetypes, guides, and nonphysical beings.
Accessed through guides, archetypes, angels - also polarized into
pos and neg
5th- the consciousness of cosmic cycles and patterns
accessed though awareness of cosmic patterns
6th- the consciousness
of "web weaving" or ceremonial precipitation of certain
consciousness patterns. i.e. crop circles precipitating are glyphs
and symbols meant to awaken certain patterns of consciousness in us.
Sacred work at world power spots another.
7th-consciounsess of
oneness- door way to other higher dimensions. The sacred work here
is to find and be re-unified with our twin soul.
She said is it
important to realize that there is no hierarchy of dimensions, one
is not better or more important than another.
Once in the photon belt, we will have access to all these dimensions
of consciousness. People all over the world are grasping, reaching
out for little pieces of knowledge, enlightenment, hope for the
future of their children in a world of growing degradation, drugs,
rape, murder, etc.
The Prophets of Doom preach of physical horror
and annihilation. It is like a great vortex, a great sucking spiral,
ever downward, blackness, despair. You look upwards, can see the
light at the top and grasp and claw your way to get out of that ever
quickening pull of despair. The truth sometimes is so simple that we
look past it, ignore it and try to find a much more complicated
answer, when all the time, it is there, staring you right in the
face, your passport out of the vortex into the future.
It all starts with a little atom and the group of little electrons
which orbit around it. English physicist Paul Adrain Maurice Dirac,
said that for each type of particle, an anti-particle will exist. In
1932, Carl David Anderson discovered the anti-electron and called it
a positron. In 1956, the anti-proton and anti-neutron were
When an anti-particle is formed, it comes into existence
in a universe of ordinary particles, and it is only a matter of
time... a fraction of a second... before it meets and collides with
an electron. The charges cancel, the total mass of the pair is
converted into energy in the form of PHOTONS. This offers a new and
unprecedented powerful source of energy.
The PHOTON is about to become your way of life in the very near
future. A PHOTON BAND was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means
of satellite born instruments. We will now move onto
PLEIADES.... The Seven Sisters... an estimated 400 light-years from
here. This group of stars is the basis of mythology in many
countries... the Greek Gods, Australian Dreamtime, Chinese
To quote from just a few Astronomers:
Jose Comas Sola
made a special study of the Pleiades and discovered that they form a
system, of which our sun is a part and also several other suns; and
all, apparently, have their own Planetary systems.
Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel showed that members of this group had a
proper motion of 5.5 seconds-of-arc per century in the same
direction. Isaac Asimov..."We can assume that all the stars in this
cluster are the same chronological age."
Edmund Halley, studying the
position of the stars, noted that at least three stars were not in
the spots recorded by the Greeks.
The difference was so great that it was unlikely that either the
Greeks or Halley could have made a mistake. It seemed very clear to
Halley that these stars moved within a system.
Paul Otto Hesse also made a special study of this system, of which
our sun is a part, and discovered, at absolute right angles to the
movements of the suns, a PHOTON BELT or MANASIC RING, a phenomena
which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with laboratory
It takes our sun 24,000 years to complete an orbit, (of this system)
and it is divided into sections. The 10,000 years of darkness is the
period as we know it now, daytime, nighttime; the 2,000-year period
of all light; again, 10,000 years of darkness; and 2,000 years of
of this century. We have completed the full circle and are back at
the beginning.
It is described in detail in the bible, by books on mythology, by
Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If the Earth enters first
into the PHOTON BELT, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be
assured, this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun
enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which, computed by
our speed through space, will last 110 hours.
The interaction
between the Solar Radiation and the PHOTON BELT will make the sky
look as if it is full of falling stars. As the Earth enters this
radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all atoms will
change, things will become luminescent, THERE WILL BE CONSTANT
There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not
within the human body. A quick look at the Christian bible:
"All the
stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...."
It is
expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little.
Because of the reduced Solar Radiation, the temperature is expected
to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to extend to about
latitude 40 in both hemispheres.
Your history books will tell you
that at least five ICE AGES have been recorded, and they seem to
last about 2,000 years. It may be noted that world communication
centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sights are
within the 'safe zone.' Design or accident? What about you?
There are three types of people in our cosmos:
corporeal, like us,
solid, human
atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular
structure is quite different
ethereans, no mass at all
When we
enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a
jolt similar to putting your finger in a live light socket, and the
transformation will be complete -- you will have just changed from a
corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall be changed
to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of
an eye"). Theologians have written at great depth on Bible
characters, and assert that they have lived in this period of light.
The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.
Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know
it, in 1999:
"and it will rain no more, but in 40 years, all will be
In aboriginal mythology it is said,
"Men were different to
what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars."
In all their
stories if they fell out with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the
sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is simple
within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came
within the influence of the Photon Belt. 1962 was a year of great
UFO activity. Did we come within range of space travelers using the
Photon Belt?
As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before
our rebirth into the years of LIGHT. It would seem that this is
already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting South America,
discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People
thousands of years ago. They were told to keep it clean and,
"when it
hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return."
It started
humming softly three years ago (i.e., 1978). A cosmic alarm clock
alerting us to the coming of the light? It would seem some
civilizations may live permanently with The Light. When our Planet
leaves this period of light and returns to the 10,000 years of
darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual
re-entry. It seems likely.
The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return,
which scholars say is now imminent. Rock carvings around the world
show drawings similar to the system of Alcione. Ball lightning...a
phenomena about which little is known, is it perhaps little pockets
of the Photon Belt?
To all UFO researchers, these craft always show
an interest in nuclear installations. What will happen to a reactor
within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out ahead. Photon
energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem
to indicate Photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights
were at the back." The reports at hand indicate slow, cumbersome
craft; but within the Photon Belt, I think we have craft for
immediate unlimited space travel.
Because the radiation of our sun will be modified by the Photon
energy, is this why our scientists only pay small lip service to the
development of solar energy?
Let us think about our planet coming out of the light and into the
darkness. Aboriginal mythology says,
"we were cast out into darkness
and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a Sun to warm us and a
moon to see at night."
If the ice caps form within the light years,
then the increased Solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely
melt the ice... Floods.
If it does not rain within this period of light, it is
understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of that first
The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently
about 10,000 years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our
world and the effect on a single person, but what about humanity as
a whole?
It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt
if they are not prepared for it. If the ice extends to latitude 40,
that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. That is a lot
of people without a home. Will they be accepted in other countries?
In a limited space of fertility, will it be possible to support
untold millions? I think not. And so tomorrow....