David Icke Website
The following is a
transcription of a conversation between Credo Mutwa and
Steve, who is helping him to communicate his information through
this website. It was recorded on Sunday, April 29th 2001 in
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Credo: "I
wish to appeal to the world. First, I am not a quack or a
charlatan or a sensationalist. I am an old man who has seen
much. I wish the world to know that there is a faint ray of hope
that emanates from South Africa.
It is a plant which is almost on the point of extinction, a
plant called Suderlandia Fructosate. This plant
works miracles on people who have the terrible disease called
Aids. And it is so miraculous that the miracles are
seen within a week or a fortnight. A person, who was lying down
on the point of death, when given this plant, rises and has much
energy and is free of depression and has a good appetite. And I
feel that as a nation as a matter of world emergency because the
big scientists have not produced a viable safe treatment for
aids. I say that this plant should be planted by all caring
governments, by all caring organizations and that it should be
given to human beings free of charge."
Steve: "Absolutely. You know what I think is important
though Credo, that people understand what to do with the
Credo: "They dont do nothing sir, you are going to laugh
about this. You plant the plant okay, but then you take the
little leaves from it and you put them in a tea cup and you pour
much boiling water on it. And then you let the cup stand there,
like tea you know, and you just drink, the patient just drinks."
Steve: "The leaves and the red flower?"
Credo: "Yah."
Steve: "Mix them together? Do you need to dry them
Credo: "No you can take them straight from the garden,
because if you dry them too much they somehow loose some of
their good spirit. Now this is all you do. Now, there are
good doctors Im working with who are making pills out of this
medicine. But you know sir, I feel we are faced with a national
emergency, a world emergency.
You know sir, what I say is this. I cant cure the people of
Africa without curing the people of the
Caribbean, because Aids is running around
the world. If I cure the people here and they get better, more
Aids will come in and eat the same people whom I tried to cure.
So the whole world must be cured. Look, can we say this? Nobody
will arrest us or anything?"
Steve: "Well yes, I mean its not against the law to say
this, its in our rights to speak."
Credo: Thank you sir. I will tell you why. Originally the
plant of Suderlandia was all over South
Africa. And I will tell you what used to happen. There
was a funny little grayish brown bird, which used to feed
on Suderlandias and this bird was very edible.
And starving people used to hit it with katties
(slingshots) and kill it. Now the bird is gone almost. And
now... so the land here is difficult to cultivate.
Steve: The seeds are not being spread.
Credo: "Yah, yah. What is happening is you need to take a
fine sandpaper and sandpaper each little seed. The seeds are
very tiny, tinier than grape seeds. And you sandpaper each seed
and you plant it in a small blompot (flower pot). And you
allow it to grow until it is about maybe four inches, three
inches high. Then you take it and you plant it in the big
veld (grassland). You can make a big garden, maybe twenty
acres or so and you plant there. They just grow. There are
farmers who have already planted them but they are too few. This
is a world emergency and we must not be selfish.
In the last few years or so there has been many claims made by
people about plants and herbs, which they say are beneficial in
the fight against aids. Some of these claims have proven to be
false and at best have proven to be exaggerations. But in
South Africa there is plan, which is on the brink of
extinction. This plant is called by white people in English Suderlandia
Fructosate. This plant is also called by the Afrikaans
people kankerbos, which means cancer bush
or kalkoenbos, which means turkey bush.
Now this plant was known in South Africa and other
parts of Sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years. It
was an anti-depressant, it was appetite booster,
it was also and still is a dramatic booster of the human
immune system.
For many years African people and Xhoi-xhoi people
and Xhoi-san people as well as Bantu
people used this plant in the fight against cancer, and
it was very effective there, and it still is. And they used it
also in the fight against diseases like tuberculosis
before there was streptomycin and other drugs to fight
tuberculosis. In the old days when ordinary venereal disease
like gonorrhea, syphilis and others were as
incurable as Aids is today, our people used this
plant to fight those diseases. If they had not had this plant,
the black people of Southern Africa would have been
destroyed just as the Australian Aborigines were
destroyed, and other races of aboriginal people in other parts
of the world were brought to extinction by diseases brought
in from Europe.
Now, we have found... me and a group of doctors, doctors like
Dr Nigel Gerica , Dr Ben van Wyk, Dr Albreght,
Dr Mayeng. We looked at this plant and we found that it
was having dramatic impact in creating a better quality of life.
People with full-blown aids, people who had been
sent home to die. Not only did we, the five of us, use the plant
to help many people to a better quality of life within the space
of a month or a fortnight. There is a lady in a hospital in
Zululand, a white lady who has saved many, many
people who have been condemned to die of Aids in
this hospital. Then I also have my student, Virginia Ratele,
who has saved many people who were condemned to die of
aids. She has done this in her tribal village near the
town of Kuruman.
There is something very strange that is happening now. I and
Virginia, who live amongst the mountains of the
Magaliesberg, are being terrorized and threatened by
white men who are very professional in the way they do this.
They are able to neutralize the security lights and the alarms
with which the house in which we live are fitted. They are able
to break in through the doors even though we put devices in the
keyholes to stop people from doing so. These are not your run of
the mill thieves; they are professional men who know exactly
what they are doing.
I feel that all of human kind is facing an emergency, and that
all greed and selfishness should be swept away, and this plant
should be made available to nations in the world. The way the
plant grows, I know it can grow in Nazareth, in the
United States, India and in China and in other
places where Aids is rampant. I do not claim that
this plant, dramatic as the results are is the cure for
Aids. I say it is a stopgap, which must be used by all
human kind in order to halt the disease of Aids.
Until such a time as the pharmaceutical scientists can come up
with a real cure, a cure which is not at all toxic. I say that
this plant Suderlandia is not at all toxic. It
was even used by men such as President Paul Kruger of the
South African Republic of 1899 or thereabouts. And Paul
Kruger who used this plant lived to be a very old man, and
at one time Paul Kruger tried to send a consignment of Suderlandia
to save the life of a German Prince who had cancer of the
throat. But the ship that sailed from Mozambique was too
slow and arrived too late to save the prince.
I say this that the United Nations should take
over the growing of this plant because we are faced with a world
emergency. We are faced with a disease which devastates all of
human kind without thinking. And we have got to stop Aids
not only in Africa but in other parts of the world
too. This disease has got to be stopped; it is not a natural
disease. I have dealt with Aids now for the last
five years and I now firmly believe, I Credo Mutwa, that
Aids is a manmade disease. The way it
behaves in the human body is like no God created ailment ever
does. The disease shows a Satanic intelligence and I
appeal to all people throughout the world, that here in
South Africa is a faint ray of hope, which is however
b&b&b&b&b&.to be drowned by greed, by selfishness and cowardly
secretiveness. I say that this plant belongs to all humankind.
It belongs to the little children dying of Aids;
it belongs to the men and women who are ravaged by this ailment.
And I believe firmly that scientists will be able to create a
cure for Aids out of this plant. And I am making
this worldwide appeal because our government appears totally
indifferent to this offer, which I am making freely for all
humanity. Our government does not seem to be able to take the
one step, to have this plant planted throughout South
Africa as a matter of national emergency.
One Suderlandia plant is capable of treating
10 people, and we need plantations of this plant. And I say
that this plant should not be the plaything of greedy
businessmen. It should not be the plaything of thieving
pharmaceutical organizations that steal Africas
treasures and lock them up in computers and call them their
intellectual property. I say this that this plant belongs to all
the humankind, and that the greedy organizations leave it alone.
We do not need a disease like Aids to reduce the
population of the world. I am told that this disease was created
specifically to destroy Africa and I now believe this. After
more than five years of dealing with this disease. And I say
this. I will not allow Africa, a misunderstood and
misrepresented nation, a misunderstood and misrepresented
continent, to perish, to suit the designs of conspirators. I say
that Africa must live, I say that India must live,
China must live, and even the United States
must live. There is hope, a little ray of hope, a green ray of
hope, emanating from South Africa, and I call on
all human fellow human beings to make it larger, to spread hope
throughout the world. I beg to remind all that there was once a
time malaria devastated whole communities throughout the middle
east, throughout Africa and elsewhere. And out of
South America there appeared a ray of hope, which
grew, larger and larger. That ray of hope was called the bark of
the Cinchona tree, quinine. And quinine
saved thousands of lives, which would have otherwise been swept
into oblivion.
I say that people should not look upon me as a quack or a crank.
I am a researcher, self-taught. I am a writer of books, which
have sold worldwide. I am an inventor and a historian and a
traditional healer. And I say please, those who dont believe me
come to South Africa and look at this plant
yourself. I say that no organization has the right to call this
plant its property, none. And I say let hope for humankind be
lighted from the southern tip of Africa to
overspread the whole planet.
If Aids
were created to reduce the human
population, then it is a self-defeating
thing. The only way to make people breed less is to end war in
the world. When there is war shaking continents people breed
more. People breed out of fear. People breed out of
insecurity. You, the hypocrites of the United Nations,
you the liars within the walls of the United Nations,
you, I challenge you to create a safer world and not a world
rotten with disease.
Thank You.