


 -  Ajenjo

 -  Avistamientos del Planeta X en Observatorios a Principios del 2001

 -  Dark Star - The Planet X Evidence

 -  Did  NASA Fake Comet Flyby?

  Ecological Evidence from Previous Planet X Passages

 El Planeta X y Ajenjo

 El Planeta X y Los Próximos Cambios Terrestres - Instituto Alpha - Boletin #1

 -  First Confirmed Picture of a Planet Beyond the Solar System

 -  Harrington, Robert and Planet X - Main File

 -  Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted?

 -  Hercolobus - El Planeta Frio

 -  Hercólobus - El Planeta X

 -  Hypothetical Planets - Planet X, 1841-1992

 -  Large Kuiper Belt Planetoid Found Beyond Pluto

 -  Learmonth Solar Observatory and Planet X

 -  Los Anunnaki y Nibiru

 -  NASA and Planet X

 -  Nibiru and The Anunnaki

 -  Nibiru and The Kolbrin

 -  Nibiru and The Subterranean Connection

 -  Nibiru - Getting Rid of the Smoke and Mirrors

 -  Nibiru - La Solución

 -  NIBIRU or Planet X

 -  Nibiru's Orbit Identified

 -  Object Bigger than Pluto Discovered - Called 10th Planet

 -  Observatory Sightings of Planet X In Early 2001!

 -  Origen del Nombre de la Sociedad Nibiru

 -  Planet X and 'Wormwood'

 -  Planet X and The Coming Earth Changes  - Alpha Institute Bulletin

 -  Planet X and The Kolbrin Bible Connection - Why The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone for Planet X

 -  Planet X - Is a Runaway Wrecking Ball Part of Our Solar System?

 -  Planet X Quotes

 -  Planet X Research - Sitchin, Velikovsky, Harrington, Malachi, Hapgood

 -  Project Wormwood - Planetary Defense at Learmonth Solar Observatory

 -  Putting Planet X to the Test

 -  Secretum-Omega - Main File

 -  Tenth Planet of Our Solar System - Latest Briefing From High-Level National Security Informant

 -  The Coming of Planet X - Nibiru

 -  The Coming Planet X Panic - Excerpt From 'Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide'

 -  The Late Great Planet Tiamat - Was the Third Rock from the Sun Once the Fifth Rock from the Sun?

 -  Will Nibiru Return in 2003?

 -  Wormwood

Media News

 -  A Planet Beyond Pluto - Jupiter Would Be Dwarfed by The New Planet

 -  Astronomers Discover 'New Planet'

 -  News Reports - 2002

 -  Recollection of Media News 1999 - Planet X

 -  Ultimas Noticias sobre Asteroides (actualizadas diariamente)

Additional Information

 -  Anunnaki - The Elite and The Remnants

 -  Appendix R - 2003 Pointers

 -  Archeological and Astronomical Papers - Sitchin and Harrington

 Astronomers Announce First Clear Evidence of a Brown Dwarf

  Earth Changes, Evolution of the Solar System and Planet X

 Extrasolar Systems

 -  Mother Shipton's Complete Prophesy

 -  New Evidence of Artificiality at Cydonia on Mars

 -  Planet X - Classified Information

 -  Planeta X - Información Clasificada

 -  Russia Sets Out to Tackle “2003 Problem

 -  Safe Locations - Dialog with the Zetas on the Relative Safety of Locations around the World...

 -  SEDNA - Photo Gallery dated 15 March 2004

 -  The 'Eye of Horus' - A Celestial Warning Against War in Iraq?

 -  The Exploded Planet Hypothesis – 2000

 -  The Installation - An Interview with Valery Uvarov

 -  The Kolbrin - Main File

 -  The Late Great Planet Tiamat

 -  The Nemesis Affair - A Story of the Death of Dinosaurs and the Way of Science

 -  Vulcan and Comets Related Sites - New Solar Planets


 -  Blindsided - Planet X and Earthchanges - by Mark Hazlewood

 -  Code Red - The Coming Destruction of America 2004 - by David Booth

 -  El 12º Planeta - por Zecharia Sitchin

 -  Planet X - Nibiru / Motion Doomsday - by Robertino Solàrion

 -  Surviving Planet X Passage - by James M. McCanney

 -  The Cosmic Tree - by Robertino Solàrion


 -  Arguments for the Presence of a Distant Large Undiscovered Solar System Planet - by JB. Murray

 -  Cometary Evidence of a Massive Body in The Outer Oort Cloud - by J.Matese, P. Whitman, D. Whitmire

 -  Mass and Orbit Estimation of Planet X via a Family of Comets - by R. Nenhaüser and JV. Feitzinger

 -  Planet X and The Stability of Resonances in the Neptune-Pluto System - by A. Jackson and R. Killen

 -  The Location of Planet X - by RS. Harrington


 -  Search for Planet X

 -  Sedna Presentation 1

 -  Sedna Presentation 2

 -  Slides Presentation Ancient Astronauts and the Search for Planet X

Related Reports

 -  Andy Lloyd - and the Theory of the Dark Planet

 -  Books of "The Earth Chronicles Series"

 -  Enki's Chronicles - Mars

 -  Enki Speaks - based on Zecharia Sitchin's epic The LOST BOOK OF ENKI

 -  Gods Of The New Millennium - The Shattering Truth of Human Origin

 -  Hamlet's Mill

 -  Las Profecías y El Futuro

 -  Los Anunnaki

 -  Robertino Solarion

 -  The Nemesis Theory

 -  The Occult Reptilian Saga

 -  The Sumerians and The Anunnaki

 -  The Unconventional Views of James M. McCanney

 -  Vulcan and Earth Catastrophism - The Beginning of the End

 -  William Henry

 -  Zecharia Sitchin

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