Akitu Festival and Its Derivatives
Alien Question - An Expanded Perspective
Dilumn, Gods And Alien Connections
El Dilema de Lucifer y el Poder de Anu
- extracto de 'Cosmologia
Exopolitical Perspective on the Preemptive
War against Iraq
Flying Serpents and Dragons
Future Technology From The Past
- "God",
...the Divine Liar
History of Ancient Sumer
La Serpiente de Vida y Sabiduría
La Teoría
del Planeta Oscuro
Legends of the Garden of Eden and The Angels
Lilith, Inanna and Hillary
Los Anunnaki
Nibiru - El Planeta X ó Hercolobus
Planet X
Research -
Sitchin, Velikovsky, Harrington, Malachi, Hapgood
Saddam Hussein, La Escalera al Cielo y El
Regreso del Planeta X
Saddam Hussein, The Stairway
Heaven and The Return of Planet X
Serpientes y Dragones Voladores
Slave Species of God - The
Shocking Truth About Our Human Origins
Sumerian Artifacts - Collection
There Are Mistranslations in The Bible and
The Word Elohim Can Be Used as a Plural
The Secret of The Dark Stars
- Significance of
Linguistic Codes in the Pre-Sumerian Language
The Serpent of Life and Wisdom
Timeline of The Authentic Tradition
Do We Come From?
Ancient Sumer
Information: |
Adapa's Treatise On Sumerian Religion
Atra-Hasis Epic
Descent of Ishtar
to the Nether World
Enki and Ninhursag
Enki And The World Order
Enki Builds the E-engurra at Eridu
ELISH - The Epic Of Creation
- Main File
Erra and Ishum aka The Erra Epic
on Gilgamesh
Inanna and Enki - The Transfer of the Arts of
Inana's Descent To The Nether World
Lamentation Texts
Mesopotamian Gods Table
King List
Sumerian Table of Gods
- The
Nibiruan Council Of Twelve and their names translated...
The Apocalypse of
The Books and Information on Adam and Eve
- Main File
The Creation of the
The Cursing of Agade
The Dispute Between Emesh and Enten
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Exploits of Ninurta or Ninurta Lugal-e
- Hymns to Ninurta
The Legend of Adapa
The Legend of Naram-Sin or The Cursing of
The Myth of Cattle and Grain
The Myth of Enki and Eridu
- Enki And Eridu - The Journey Of The Water-God To Nippur
The Myth of Etana
The Myth of Zu
The Slavonic Adam
and Eve
The Stelae of Adda-Guppi
The Table Of Nations
The Tablet Of Adapa
Crónicas de La Tierra - The Earth
Chronicles |
Earth Chronicles
Divine Encounters
El 12º Planeta
Genesis Revisited
The 12th Planet
The Cosmic Code
The Lost Realms
The Stairway to Heaven
The Wars of Gods and Men
When Time Began
Additional Information |
A Lost City of the Aramu Muru
A Mathematical Analysis of Ancient History
Angels - A History Of Angels In Western Thought
Aset (Isis) Heals Horus
Code Red - The Coming Destruction of
America 2004
Enki - Satan
Gods Of The New Millennium
- The Shattering Truth of Human Origin
Hittite Myths - 'Kingship in
Heaven' & 'Song of Ullikummi'
Lake Van Details
Las Piedras Azules de La Atlántida
- Irlanda y la Tribu perdida de E.A.
Mesopotamians And Their Gods
Observación Sobre la “Cofradía de la
Between the Hopi and the Sumerian Cultures
Reports Related to
Saddam Hussein
Sitchin's Mesopotamian Rocket Ships
- How to Ignore Ancient Mesopotamian Dictionaries
Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through The Portal
- Metaphysical Nonsense, or...
The Alien Question - An Expanded
Perspective - A
White Paper
The Ark's Missing Piece
The Biggest Secret
- by David Icke
The Blue Stones of Atlantis -
Ireland And The Lost Tribe of E.A.
Case of the "Intelligent Designer"
The Exploded Planet Hypothesis – 2000
The History Of The Illuminati
- How the Celtic
Peoples Were Enslaved by Babylonian Tyrants
The Late Great Planet Tiamat
The Location of Planet X
- by R.S.Harrington
The Magan Text
The Nag Hammadi Library
The War of the Sons of Light
Against the Sons of Darkness
- The
War Scroll, 1QM
Thoth-Hermes -
Ningishzidda - Quetzalcoatl
and Ancient Monuments
of Iraq |
Galería de
Looters Riddle
Ancient Iraqi Sites with Holes
Multimedia - Map with Iraq's Threatened Heritage
Sumerians Did Know!!!
The Sumerian Flood
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La Tierra de Kem (El Egipto)
Merovingios - Los Reyes Perdidos
Neil Freer and the Alien Question
Nibiru - el Planeta X
Origen de la Vida y del Hombre
Sumerian/Mesopotamian Mythology
The Ancient Astronauts Theory
The Biggest Secret
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The Cosmic Tree
The Dragon Court
The Gods of Eden
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Zecharia Sitchin, Sumeria, Los Anunnaki y Nibiru