12º Planeta, El |
13 Bloodlines
of The Illuminati |
1984 |
Above Black - Project Preserve Destiny |
Adam and Eve, Slavonic Life of |
Adam and Eve - Vita Adae et Evae |
Adam and Eve, The First Book of |
Adam and Eve, The Second Book of |
Treatise On Sumerian Religion |
Against Apion
by Flavius Josephus
A Journey to the Earth's Interior |
Alternative 3 - The Anglia Television Film |
Amalantrah Working, The |
America’s Secret Establishment
- An Introduction To The Order Of Skull & Bones |
America’s “War on Terrorism” |
Amram, Testament of |
Analysis of
the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project, An |
Ancient Manuscripts and
Treatises |
Andes, El Secreto De Los |
Compendium - Defending Sacred Ground, The |
Letters From |
The Truth Shall Set You Free |
Ani, Papyrus of |
Antigravity And The World Grid |
Apocalypse of Moses, The |
Archivo Lacerta, El |
Armas Silenciosas Para Guerras Tranquilas
- Manual Técnico Para Investigaciones Operativas TM-SW7905.1 |
Of Undiscovered PlanetsAnd Intelligent Life Forms |
Atlántida, El Misterio De La |
Atlantis - The Antediluvian World |
The New |
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire |
Autobiography of Nikola Tesla - My Inventions,
The |
Bardo Thodol
- Libro Tibetano de Los
Muertos |
Baruch,The Book of The Apocalypse of |
The Writings of Joseph
Exposition of
the Fables and Mythology of The |
- The Book, The |
Bilderberg File, The |
No Autorizada Del Vaticano
- Nazismo, Finanzas Secretas, Mafia, Diplomacia Oculta... |
Black Budget Report, The |
'Black' Pope and The Vatican |
Blindsided - Planet X and Earthchanges |
Blue Apples
- A Search For The Lost Stargate Technology And Spiritual Teachings
Of Jesus And M... |
Book of Am-Tuat, The |
Book of Chilam Balam of
Chumayel, The |
Book of Enoch / From-The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament,
The |
Book of Gates, The |
Book of Jasher, The |
Book of Lapis Lazuli, The |
Book of Leviticus
- Levitikon |
Book of Lies
The |
Book of Pleasure, The |
Book of The Apocalypse of
Baruch, The |
Book of The Dead |
Book of The Law, The |
Book of The Secrets of
Enoch - "Slavonic Enoch" or "2 Enoch", The |
Book Of Thoth -
The |
Book of Wisdom or Folly, The |
Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth |
Broken Cross - The Hidden Hand
in the Vatican, The |
Brookings Report, The |
Brotherhood and The Manipulation of Society,
The |
Morning Of The Magicians,
El Retorno
De Los |
Hablan, Los |
Bundahishn ("Creation")
- or Knowledge from the
The |
Bush - The
Unauthorized Biography, George |
CE-VI - Close Encounters Of The
Possession Kind
- Interference From The Extraterrestrials Among Us |
Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, The |
Chilam Balam of
Chumayel, The Book of |
Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events
- NASA TR R-277 |
Claves de Enoc
- El Libro del Conocimiento,
Las |
Club of Rome, History of The |
Code Red - The Coming
Destruction of America 2004 |
Codex Magica
- Secret
Signs, Mysterious Symbols and Hidden Codes of The
Illuminati |
Cósmico, El |
Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 |
Committee of 300 - Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The Story of The |
Condon Report
on the Colorado UFO Project, An Analysis of The |
CONDON Report, The |
Confessio Fraternitatis Manifesto |
Conspiración de Acuario, La |
Controlled Offensive Behavior -
Corpus Hermeticum |
Conflict and The Da'ath Wars |
Cosmic Explorers
- Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for
Mankind |
Tree, The |
Cosmic Voyage
- A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth |
Cosmología Pleyadiana |
"Cosmos" by Carl Sagan |
Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben,
The |
Critical Mass
- The Real Story of the Birth of the Atomic Bomb and the
Nuclear Age |
of Esmeralda Sweetwater, The |
CRV Manual
Defense Intelligence Agency Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
Cthulhu, The Call of |
Da Vinci
Code, The |
Dead, The Book of |
De Arte Magica |
Deeper Insights into The Illuminati Formula |
Defendiendo Tierra Sagrada - El
Compendio de Andrómeda |
Sacred Ground - The Andromedan Compendium |
De Gli Eroici Furori
- The
Heroic Frenzies |
Occulta Philosophia
- Of Occult Philosophy or Magic |
Depopulation of a Planet |
Destino de Las Naciones, El |
Destiny of the Nations, The |
Disclosure Project - Briefing Document |
Divine Cosmos - A Breathtaking New View of
Reality, The |
Divine Encounters
- A Guide
to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries |
Donation of Constantine, The |
Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War
Against the U.S.
- by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team |
Dragons of Eden
- Speculations On The Evolution Of Human Intelligence |
Drona Parva |
Dulce Book - The Octopus, Black Projects And
The Dulce Facility, The |
The Stanzas of |
Eagles Unchained |
Efecto Isaias, El |
Egyptian Heaven and Hell, The |
Eight Lectures On Yoga |
El Lado Activo del Infinito (The Active Side of
Infinity) -
Carlos Castaneda |
Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - by
Doreal, The |
Encuentro en Las Pléyades |
En El Principio
- La
historia de las catástrofes que precedieron aquellas
descritas en 'Mundos en Colisión' |
Energy Grid
- Harmonic 695 The Pulse of The Universe,
The |
Enki, El Libro Perdido de |
Enoch / From -The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament,
The Book of |
ENUMA ELISH - The Epic Of Creation |
Epic of Gilgamesh, The |
Estado Planetofisico de La Tierra y La
Vida |
Etidorhpa |
Exopolitics - A Decade of Contact |
Exposition of
the Fables and Mythology of The Bible
The Writings of Joseph
An |
Exteriorización De La Jerarquía, La |
Externalization of the
Hierarchy, The |
Fama Fraternitas Manifesto |
Familia De Luz
- Cuentos y Enseñanzas de Los Pleyadianos |
Fer de Lance |
Final Warning - A History Of The New World
Order |
Fingerprints of The Gods |
Fire From The Sky - Battle of Harvest Moon and
True Story of Space Shuttles |
Flying Serpents and
Dragons |
Full Briefing Document - "Threats to Human
Freedom" |
Genesis Apocryphon |
Genesis Revisited |
George Bush - The
Unauthorized Biography |
German Flying Discs of the Second World War,
Hitlers Flying Saucers - A Guide to |
Gilgamesh, The Epic of |
Global 2000 Revisited |
Global Expansion Tectonics
- Exponential Earth Expansion from the Pre-Jurassic to the Present |
Global Tyranny... Step by Step
- The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order |
- Study and Commentaries on The Esoteric Tradition of Eastern
Orthodoxy |
Gods Of Eden,
The |
Gods Of The New Millennium
- The Shattering Truth of Human Origin |
Great God Pan, The |
Guerra de Los Dioses y Los Hombres, La |
Mill - An Essay on Myth and The Frame of Time |
Heaven and Hell, The Egyptian |
Hidden History of the
Human Race |
History of The Club of Rome |
Hitler's Flying Saucers - A Guide to German
Flying Discs of the Second World War |
Hollow Earth, The |
Hombre Estelar, El |
Hostage to
The Devil |
Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable
Total Mind Control Slave, The |
Programmer - Svali, Interview with Ex |
Incunabula - The Occult
Technology of Power, Initiation into The |
In Pursuit
of Gold - Alchemy in Theory and Practice - by Lapidus |
Interplanetary 'Day After Tomorrow?' |
Interview with
Ex Illuminati Programmer - Svali |
The Beginning |
Iron Mountain, The Report From
Iron Triangle
- Inside The Secret World Of The Carlyle Group,
The |
Isaias, El
Efecto |
Invisible Government, The |
Parsons and the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program |
Jesus - Is He a Myth?, The Truth About |
Kebra Nagast |
Khazar Empire And Its
Heritage - The Thirteenth Tribe, The |
Kolbrin, The |
Essays In Light |
KRILL Papers, The |
Lacerta, El Archivo |
Last Circle -
unpublished manuscript by Carol Marshall,
The |
Laws of Manu, The |
Law Of Thelema, The |
Letters From
Andromeda |
Liber 777 |
Ararita |
Cordis Cincti Serpente |
Samekh |
Trigrammaton |
Libro de Los Pleyadianos, El |
Libro de Urantia, El |
Perdido de Enki, El |
Libro Tibetano de Los Muestos - Bardo
Thodol, El |
Essays Toward Truth |
Lobsang Rampa, The Books
of |
London Connection - Secrets Of The Federal
Reserve, The |
Loyola, The Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius of |
- NASA TR R-277,
Chronological Catalog of
Magick in Theory and Practice |
Magick Without Tears |
Majestic Documents, The |
Malleus Maleficarum, The |
Manchurian Candidate, The Search for the |
Manu, The Laws of |
- From the "Rebellion in Heaven" unto Present and Future Time,
The |
Seth, El |
Mensajeros del Alba |
Mentira de Ulises,
La |
Mission of The One Star
- Transforming Planet Earth to Planet Star,
The |
Misterio De Las
Catedrales, El |
Montauk Project - Experiments In Time, The |
(Liber 81 - The Butterfly
Net) |
Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry |
Moses, The Apocalypse of |
Mysteries of the Inner Earth |
Mu, Sacred Symbols of |
Music of Time , The |
Mutaciones - Ocho
Lecciones Sobre el I-Ching |
Nag Hammadi Library, The |
Necronomicon, The |
New Atlantis,
The |
New World Order, Final Warning - A History Of
The |
Nikola Tesla , My Inventions -
The Autobiography of |
Occult Ether Physics |
Omega File, The |
Only Planet of Choice, The |
Order Out of Chaos
- Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order |
Origins of
Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ, The |
Orion Zone, The |
Pan, The Great God |
Papyrus of Ani |
- The Question of Extraterrestrial & Human Telepathy |
Pentagon Aliens
- Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon' |
Phantom of the Poles, The |
Philip Dru - Administrator |
Pistis Sophia |
Planeta, El 12º |
Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life |
Planet X and The Coming Earth Changes |
Plate Tectonics - A Paradigm Under Threat |
Pleiadians Book, The |
Pleyadianos, El Libro de Los |
Police State Road Map,
The |
Popol Vuh |
Power of The Coming Race,
Vril The |
Project Blue Book |
Project Hammer File, The |
Project Hammer Reloaded / The Ties That Bind -
Mapping The Covert Connections |
LUCAS - Borderland Sciences SETI Project |
Project RedBook: Subterranean Worlds - Alien/Human
Underworlds |
Project SIGN and The Estimate of the Situation |
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion &
Proofs of an Ancient Conspiracy, The |
Pyramid of Thoughts |
Pyramid Texts, The |
- The Age of Fire and Gravel |
RA Material, The |
Rebelión de Los Brujos, La |
Rebelión de Lucifer, La |
Reich of The Black Sun
- Nazi Secret Weapons and The Cold War Allied Legend |
Reinos Perdidos, Los |
Report From Iron Mountain, The |
De Los
Morning Of The Magicians,
El |
Revelacion De Los Templarios, La |
Robots’ Rebellion
- The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance,
The |
Rockefeller Internationalism |
Roswell, The Day After |
Rule By Secrecy |
Sacred Symbols of Mu |
Scarlet and The Beast
Vol I - History of the War Between English & French
Freemasonry |
Science in Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO
Investigations |
Science of Oneness,
The |
Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying
Objects |
Scrolls of the Dead Sea
- Los Papiros del Mar Muerto,
The |
Search for the Manchurian Candidate, The |
Second Book of Adam and Eve, The |
Secret Gold Treaty, The |
Secreto De Los Andes, El |
Secret Societies and Their Power
in The 20th Century |
Secrets Of The Federal Reserve - The London
Connection |
Secrets Of The Mojave |
Of The UFO |
Secret Teachings of All Ages
by Manly P. Hall |
Secret Team
- The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and
the World, The |
September 11, 2001 Revisited: The Series |
Serpent, The Worship of the |
Serpientes y Dragones Voladores |
Seth, El
Material |
Shadow Government, The |
Shambhala, In Search Of |
Shambhala, the Resplendent |
Shift of the
Ages, The |
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars |
Sociedades Secretas y su Poder en el Siglo XX,
Las |
Soy Yo. Soy Libre
- Guía del Robot Para la Libertad |
Spaceships of the
Prophet Ezekiel, The |
Spiritual Exercises of
St. Ignatius of Loyola, The |
Stairway to Heaven, The |
Stellar Man, The |
of the Committee of 300 - Conspirators’ Hierarchy, The |
Sumerian King List, The |
Sumerians Artifacts
Collection |
Sunken Continents versus Continental Drift |
Surviving Planet X Passage |
- Inside
the Alien-Human Agenda |
Tao Teh King
- Liber CLVII,
The |
Templarios, La Revelacion De Los |
of Set's Reading List
- Crystal
Tablet of Set,
The |
Tesla, Nikola, My Inventions -
The Autobiography of |
Testament of Amram |
Theban Mapping
Project |
The Experiment - The True History
of The Darkness and of The Light |
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in Ufology |
Thelema, The Book of |
Thirteenth Tribe - The
Khazar Empire And Its Heritage, The |
Thoth the Atlantean - by Doreal, The Emerald
Tablets of |
"Threats to Human
- Full Briefing Document |
Thunderbolts of the Gods, The |
Tierra - Las Claves Pleyadianas de La Biblioteca Viviente |
Trance-Formation Of America |
Triángulo de las Bermudas,
El |
Trilaterals Over Washington |
Troano Manuscript |
Truth About Jesus - Is He a Myth?, The |
Two Faces of Freemasonry |
UFO Contact From The Pleiades |
Ulises, La Mentira
de |
Underworld Empire, The |
Vajra Chronicles, The |
Vaticano, Biografía No Autorizada Del
- Nazismo, Finanzas Secretas, Mafia, Diplomacia Oculta... |
Vision And The Voice, The |
Visitors From Within
- Extraterrestrial Encounters and Species Evolution |
Voice of The Silence,
The |
Voyagers - Guardian Alliance Material |
Manuscript, The |
The Power of The Coming Race |
Indian Treatise), The |
Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler |
War In
Heaven |
- The
Alien Agenda Revealed |
WASHINGTONOPLE - The Secret History of America's capital |
Way - DOMA Daughters Of
Ma, The |
When Time Began |
Wingmakers -
Hacedores de Alas, The
Wisconsin Report - Complete Dr. Beter Audio
Letters |
Worlds In Collision |
Worship of the Serpent, The |
'ZADOKITE' Document, The |
Zeta Reticuli Incident, The |