Michael E.Salla
November 27, 2003
A message first distributed by Jean Ederman that claims to originate from a
group of extraterrestrial races addressed to “individuals without
distinction” (those outside of the elite groups that control political and
economic processes), continues to circulate on the internet, and is
increasingly gaining world wide attention. At the time of writing, it had
been translated into at least 10 languages, and generated numerous website
discussions and initiatives (see below report):
The alleged extraterrestrial sponsors of the message transmitted through Ederman wanted to ask “individuals without distinction” the question
"Do You
Wish That We Show Up?" The extraterrestrials claimed to be conducting a
global ballot on behalf of extraterrestrials concerned about the future of
humanity’s sovereign control of the planet.
In contrast, the author Marshall Vian Summers recently released a message of
his own that is based on another group of extraterrestrials warning of the
dangers posed by inviting extraterrestrial intervention and the consequences
for humanity (see below report):
Summers is himself a well-known ‘transmitter’ of messages from a group of
extraterrestrials calling themselves the ‘Allies of humanity’ who also claim
to be concerned about humanity’s sovereign control of the planet. Vian
Summers' message offers a very different assessment of the wisdom of giving
permission to extraterrestrials to ‘show up’.
I offer the following exopolitical analysis that contrasts and evaluates the
messages and advise provided by Ederman and Vian Summers. This helps bring
into focus some of the important issues that need to be discussed in terms
of how ‘individuals without distinction’ might respond to what may be a
genuine offer of assistance from a group of extraterrestrials to ‘show up’
and usher in dramatic global changes. This contrast will help clarify some
of the anxiety and uncertainty that many individuals have in considering
whether Ederman’s Message is genuine, and whether an affirmative response is
Message to Humanity: Decide Whether We Should Show Up
The ‘Decide Whether We Should Show Up’ message focuses on the inimical
influence of the extraterrestrial presence currently on Earth that it
describes as a ‘third party’, and the danger this poses to human sovereignty.
Ederman’s message claims:
There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another
via its standing representatives or directly with individuals without
distinction. The first way entails fights of interests, the second way
brings awareness. The first way was chosen by a group of races motivated by
keeping mankind in slavery, thereby controlling Earth resources, the gene
pool and human emotional energy.
The message is here alluding to secret agreements signed between a group of
Zeta Reticulum/Orion and US government authorities, and possibly
other governments since at least 1954, if not earlier. These agreements were
negotiated in secret, and are still not disclosed after 50 years (see
HERE). Ederman’s message describes the dire nature of this extraterrestrial
intervention and the use of secret technology it has spawned as follows:
Until recently, mankind lived a satisfying control of its decisions. But it
is losing more and more the control of its own fate because of the growing
use of advanced technologies, which lethal consequences on the earthly and
human ecosystems become irreversible. You are slowly but surely losing your
extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. Your resilience will
artificially decrease, independently of your own will. Such technologies
exist that affect your body as well as your mind. Such plans are on their
In presenting an appropriate response to the secret agreements struck by
government authorities and the Zeta/Orion extraterrestrials,
message asked for a global ballot on the question: “Do You Wish that We Show
For us, the immediate consequence of a collective
favorable decision would
be the materialization of many ships, in your sky and on Earth.
Ederman’s message declares that the consequence of this showing up would be:
A simple conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions on your
future. Much knowledge would be modified forever. The organization of your
societies would be deeply upheaved for ever, in all fields of activity.
Most importantly, the Message declares that as far as the extraterrestrials
secretly present on Earth are concerned, the following would happen: <![endif]>
Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you would indirectly
force the undesirable ones, those we name the "third party", to show up and
In short, an affirmative vote would essentially end the secrecy of the
extraterrestrial presence and the intervention that has been occurring for
at least the last 50 years.
While Ederman does not use a model to frame his analysis, the most apt
analogy to describe the strategic factors he describes is similar to the
situation of former East European nations under communism. The ‘third force’
plays a role similar to the Soviet Union and its proxy East European
communist elites, while the ‘individuals without distinction fit the role of
the former East European dissidents and the general population.
The West’s
role of providing assistance during the communist era in the form of
accurate information about the nature of the communist system, and the human
rights violations that had occurred, comes closest to describing the model
of intervention that Ederman’s message suggests the extraterrestrials have
in mind. I now move to the message provided by Marshall Vian Summer’s and
its relevance to helping understand what extraterrestrial intervention
Vian Summers and “Reflections on Thanksgiving”
Vian Summers titled his own recent message, “Reflections on Thanksgiving,”
and alluded to the intervention of Europeans in the Americas and the
consequences for the native population as a way of describing the results of
extraterrestrial intervention:
This Intervention is instructive to us now because we are facing a new
Intervention of a much larger magnitude, an Intervention which threatens to
displace and oppress not just certain tribes or groups of people, but all
the peoples of the world.
Vian Summers is here using as his model the ‘Conquest of the Americas’ to
warn against what he describes as the looming extraterrestrial intervention
by a collection of extraterrestrial races he calls the ‘Collectives’. He
elaborates on his model as follows:
We are the natives of the New World now facing an Intervention that could
seem to offer promise and hope for a struggling humanity. Yet we risk the
same failure that led to the subjugation of the native peoples of every "New
World" that has been discovered and overcome by intervening forces in our
own history.
Referring to the presence of extraterrestrial races for at least the last 50
years, Vian Summers writes:
What I am referring to is the worldwide Extraterrestrial Intervention that
has been building over the past 50 years. This Intervention has been
observed by tens of thousands of people worldwide, but the awareness of it
remains suppressed under a veil of denial and ridicule.
Vian Summers believes that the extraterrestrial intervention that has
already occurred is just a forerunner to what lies ahead:
Now, instead of being the conquerors, we are the ones facing conquest, a
conquest that is being carried out in a very subtle and devious manner by a
small expeditionary ET force.
Vian Summer’s reference to the intervention appears limited to sightings of
extraterrestrial craft, and the activities of a “small expeditionary ET
force”. Thus his model of the Americas before the European conquest suggests
we are in the initial stages of a major extraterrestrial intervention.
Evaluating Ederman’s and Vian Summers Analyses of Extraterrestrial
The implicit model that describes the situation on Earth that precedes open
extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs for Ederman is the state of
Eastern Europe before the collapse of communism. This contrasts greatly with
the explicit model used by Vian Summer’s to describe the situation preceding
open extraterrestrial intervention. Vian Summer’s model of the ‘Conquest of
the Americas’ appears on the surface to be an appropriate way of framing the
open appearance and intervention of extraterrestrial races in human affairs,
and its possible consequences. His model, however, has the major limitation
that it minimizes the full extent of the secret extraterrestrial
intervention that has already occurred on Earth.
The secret agreements signed between representatives of the US government
and extraterrestrial races have led to technology exchanges, and even joint
extraterrestrial-government bases whose existence are not disclosed to
elected political officials nor to the general public. Rather than being
limited to simple technology exchanges, these bases have conducted extensive
genetic and mind control experiments on human subjects and have involved
extensive human rights violations
(see report
Researchers such as David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins
(visit Web Site
have furthermore described the nature of the extraterrestrial intervention
that has occurred and the extensive human abduction programs and genetic
experiments that have been undertaken by the Zeta/Orion extraterrestrial
races. Jacobs in particular has identified the genetic hybrid program
conducted by the Zeta Grays as far advanced in their agenda,
and posing a direct threat to human sovereignty
(visit Web Site
There has
also been extensive infiltration of military-intelligence organizations
involved in ‘Black Projects’ that deal with
extraterrestrial races
(see report
HERE). These
‘Black Projects’ have resulted in the development of a black budget that goes as high as one
trillion dollars or more annually that is secretly siphoned out of the US
extraterrestrial intervention that has occurred since the 1950’s has been
kept secret, consumes vast financial resources, has compromised the national
security system created to deal with the extraterrestrial presence, and
threatens the sovereignty of humanity. Rather than a Conquest of the
America’s model, a more apt model for describing current conditions on Earth
with the secret extraterrestrial intervention is that of Eastern Europe
under communist rule.
While acknowledging the secret extraterrestrial presence for 50 years, Vian
Summer instead focuses his attention on the danger posed by open
extraterrestrial intervention. Yet the above evidence suggests humanity is
already at a cross roads due to the secret extraterrestrial intervention
that has occurred. B
y framing his analysis of extraterrestrial intervention
in terms of the dangers of an open intervention that would parallel the
‘Conquest of the Americas’, Vian Summers is playing down the nature of the
crisis currently posed by the secret extraterrestrial intervention. Indeed
his model suggests the greatest danger lies ahead with ‘open intervention’.
The evidence available, however, points to the danger humanity has with
extraterrestrials secretly intervening on Earth, rather than
extraterrestrials desiring to intervene in an open way.
By elevating the danger posed by a possible ‘open extraterrestrial
intervention’ by the ‘collectives’, Vian Summer’s can be criticized for
inadvertently aiding the very phenomenon he seeks to eliminate – the
extraterrestrial threat to human sovereignty. In contrast,
Ederman’s Message
does correctly identify the nature of the present problem posed by the
secret intervention by extraterrestrial races, the need for taking
corrective action, and the possible assistance that could be gained by ‘open
intervention’ by extraterrestrial races that are friendlier to human
sovereignty. Ederman’s implicit model of Eastern Europe under communist rule
is a more apt description of the true situation confronting humanity under
secret extraterrestrial intervention.
While Vian Summer’s does not directly address Ederman’s message, Vian
Summer’s November message is quite clear in dismissing any requests for
intervention by other extraterrestrial races.
The failure is not
recognizing the intentions of those new forces that we are
encountering…. The failure is our blind hope that someone or something
else "out there" will save us.
The basis for this dismissal comes from his claim concerning the inimical
threat posed to humanity by the extraterrestrial ‘collectives’
that have
both secretly intervened on Earth, and further seek to intervene openly.
When attention is cast on the nature of the ‘collectives’ that allegedly
comprise all extraterrestrials races desiring to intervene or presently
interacting on earth, and their activities and agenda, Vian Summers makes
the sweeping generalization that these do not act in humanity’s best
The only extraterrestrials that do so are the ‘Allies of humanity’
who follow a strict non-interventionist philosophy. Thus the moral framework
Vian Summers uses comes down to a very simplistic dualistic framework of
benign extraterrestrials that have a non-interventionist philosophy, and
those extraterrestrials that have an interventionist philosophy and who by
definition do not have humanity’s best interests at heart. The basis for
this sweeping generalization is the ‘Allies of humanity’
themselves by their
transmissions through Vian Summers, rather than independent sources.
In contrast, an extensive number of independent sources confirm a broad
range of motivations and activities of extraterrestrial races that hold both
interventionist or non-interventionist philosophies, thereby negating any
assessment of extraterrestrials into two simple moral categories for
extraterrestrial races based on their approaches to intervention
(see report
Indeed a number of sources point to an important difference between
interventionist extraterrestrial races that follow a policy we would
consider inimical to human sovereignty, and those races who intervene in a
manner that promotes humanity’s long term interests
(see report
Consequently, Vian Summer’s has provided an insufficient basis for
determining the motivations and agendas of the various extraterrestrial
races that seek to interact with global humanity. In contrast, Ederman has
provided a contrast between two classes of interventionist
extraterrestrials: those that do so through open and transparent agreements;
and those that do so through secret agreements with political elites. This
suggests a critical distinction that Vian Summer’s overlooks, and which
seriously undermines his overall argument.
This leads to the critical question, what do the ‘Allies of humanity’ that
Vian Summer’s speaks on behalf of, offer humanity? Vian Summer gives the
following answer:
We are facing a direct challenge to our sovereignty and right of
self-determination on our own planet of origin. Yet we are unprepared. This
has called for a Divine Intervention… Because we are unprepared and cannot
see what we stand to lose, a Divine preparation has been sent, calling now
upon all of our inherent abilities and spiritual strength.
The preparation revealed in the books
Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner
Knowing, Wisdom from the Greater Community and Greater Community
Spirituality : A New Revelation, mysteriously connects us to the Divine
within. It gives us the ability and the inner authority to see and to know
what to do in the face of this Intervention and all future Interventions
which we may likely encounter.
What the ‘Allies of humanity’
offer is a “New Revelation” that would
essentially be a self-help philosophy. Given the present nature of the
secret extraterrestrial intervention on Earth, Vian Summer’s solution might
be criticized as simply offering philosophical inspiration while a secret
extraterrestrial intervention continues unabated.
Those who would most
likely respond to the Vian Summer’s message of self-help would be
individuals outside of the powerful groups of elites that are in control of
extraterrestrial policy, or the vast majority of the general public that
have little time for ‘extraterrestrial fables’. Offering a self-help
philosophy to assist individuals who would have to simultaneously combat
secret extraterrestrial intervention, the opposition of political elites,
and the apathy of the general public, appears very naïve if not patronizing.
A self-help philosophy through a ‘New Revelation’ that dismisses the
possibility of assistance from benevolent extraterrestrial races offering to
show up in a way that ushers in disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence
needs to be criticized as strategic suicide. It would be similar to former
Eastern European dissidents refusing to cooperate with Western European
human rights and pro-democracy organizations due to the latter’s ‘bourgeois’
sympathies and agendas.
Vian Summer’s message offers no immediate means of
addressing the secret extraterrestrial intervention that has been occurring
for at least 50 years, and the entrenched interests of political elites and
public apathy that makes this intervention possible.
In contrast, Ederman’s communication offers the opportunity for a group of
extraterrestrial races to simply show up, thereby ending any doubt of the
extraterrestrial presence. According to the extraterrestrials communicating
through Ederman:
A simple conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions on your
future. Much knowledge would be modified forever. The organization of your
societies would be deeply upheaved for ever, in all fields of activity.
Power would become individual because you would see for yourself that we are
living. Concretely, you would change the scale of your values !
In short, Ederman’s message provides the opportunity for an open
extraterrestrial intervention that would parallel the collapse of the Berlin
Wall and the disappearance of former communist rule in Eastern Europe.
Conclusion: Extraterrestrial Intervention and the Collapse of the Berlin
Ederman’s extraterrestrials have made what appears to be a very constructive
offer for ‘individuals without distinction’ to make a decision that
potentially has decisive impact on the way extraterrestrial affairs are
secretly managed by political elites. The extraterrestrials behind the
offer, promise a strategy that could end the secrecy surrounding the current
extraterrestrial intervention, and the role played by government elites and
extraterrestrial races that have entered into these secret agreements.
Irrespective of the final collective human response to the question, “Do You
Wish that We Show Up,” merely pondering the question and seeking an
appropriate response, will alert individuals to the true nature of the
secret extraterrestrial intervention on our planet and act as a catalyst for
political change.
In contrast, Vian Summers and the ‘Allies of humanity’ don’t offer an
immediate strategy in the present crisis confronting humanity and the
50-year extraterrestrial intervention. Vian Summer’s at best offers a
long-term solution in the form of a ‘philosophy of life’ that though
inspirational for its adherents, would have little immediate impact on the
dire situation confronting humanity. At worst, Vian Summers dismisses
assistance from what may be very well a benevolent group of extraterrestrial
races offering to genuine assistance in the dire situation faced by global
humanity, by simply ending the secrecy surrounding the extraterrestrial
(see report
Ultimately giving an affirmative response to the question, “Do You Wish that
We Show Up”, will at worst only make public a process that has been secretly
occurring in any case, and is very well advanced as a number of independent
sources have confirmed. At best, saying ‘yes’ could open up a brand new
world where the extraterrestrial presence is revealed and those long cut off
from the decision making process can finally begin having an impact on
government policies concerning extraterrestrials.
The consequence of a
negative response could be very great indeed since this could cut off
tangible assistance from a benevolent group of extraterrestrial races that
would be a catalyst for global change as a consequence of them doing no more
than ‘showing up’ and ending any doubt over the extraterrestrial presence.
Giving permission to the extraterrestrials associated with
Ederman’s Message
therefore poses far less risk, than denying it.
The extraterrestrials behind the Do You Wish that We Show Up’ offer, provide
an opportunity to blow the cover on over 50 years of secret agreements that
have permitted extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs. This group of
extraterrestrials comes closer to displaying a strategic understanding of
the dilemma confronting global humanity, and the need for external
assistance as a catalyst for global humanity to awaken to the truth of
extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs. This merits serious
consideration of an affirmative answer to their question, “Do You Wish Us to
Show Up?”
The breaking of the ‘Berlin Wall’ of secrecy and denial around the
extraterrestrial intervention lies before us, the only step required by
‘individuals without distinction’ is to release their fear, confront the
truth of the secret extraterrestrial intervention, and boldly step forward
to accept an offer of benevolent extraterrestrial assistance. An online
petition where ‘individuals without distinction’ can give their approval to
the offer is available