Noted Astronomer Corroborates Additional Evidence

by Michael Horn

Michael Horn is the American Media Representative for The Meier Contacts and has researched the case for 25 years. He can be contacted at: 

In April of 2003, Dr. Joseph Veverka, Chairman of the Astronomy Department at Cornell University, was presented with documentation of specific information on Jupiter, its rings and its moons, published by Meier in October, 1978, five months before the Voyager probe photographed and relayed the information back to Earth. When shown the evidence that Meier described the moon Io as being the most volcanically active body in the solar system, prior to the first official knowledge of it in March of 1979, Dr. Veverka was direct and candid,


"If he said that 3-5 months before, then all that I can say is that he's right."

Meier also documented:

  • the fact that Jupiter had rings

  • described the chemical composition of the planet's surface

  • the coloration of it's moons

  • Io's smooth surface

  • and Europa being encrusted in ice.

  • But far more amazingly, Meier accurately described both the composition and the source of Jupiter's rings 20 years before scientists from Cornell announced their findings, in 1998!

Prophetically Accurate Information
In February of 1995, Meier published a lengthy document of enormous complexity in which he foretold the likelihood of certain specific future events. In September 2001, portions of that information were included in the book "And Yet They Fly!" written by Guido Moosbrugger, an Austrian former schoolteacher and principle acquainted with Meier for about 25 years.

The following seven items, foretold on pages 347 and 348 of "And Yet They Fly!" have recently occurred and virtually in the sequence Meier foretold:

1. The strike or attack by the US and its president (Iraq). Meier even used the word "stun" when he said the strike would "...stun the entire world..." "Stun" is a synonym for the term "shock" used by the US as in "shock and awe".
2. Meier correctly predicted the following upsurge in unrest and violence from Islamic fundamentalists.
3. Meier foretold the spread of AIDS, which has indeed become very widespread.
4. Mad Cow Disease has since spread to other animals and humans as Meier also predicted.
5. Meier said that a new disease and epidemic would then appear and SARS did just that.
6. His warning regarding a renewed threat of chemical warfare is more in the news than ever.
7. Meier specifically warned of the possibility of an accident, one that he said could be avoided, however, at the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France. The emergency scenario, and the timely shut down of that exact plant, occurred on August 12, 2003.

Now, in case the astronomically high odds against any kind of coincidences or lucky guesses aren't apparent, consider that Meier identified the following eight years in advance:

1. The exact country and leader (out of hundreds) that would launch a stunning attack and a synonym for the term actually used by that country's leader (impossible to calculate).
2. The exact religious group (out of thousands) that would respond with their own attacks.
3. The exact disease (out of thousands) that would spread widely among humans.
4. The exact animal disease (out of thousands) that would spread to other animals and humans.
5. The sudden appearance of a new disease and epidemic.
6. The exact kind of weapons and warfare that would cause renewed threats.
7. The exact location (out of 436) and type of facility (out of several) that would have a near-accident.

If this doesn't qualify as a genuine demonstration of psychic or paranormal abilities nothing does.

And it far exceeds any reasonable requirements to garner the financial award promised for such a demonstration, though that never has been the purpose of Meier's mission. It is only fitting, however, that those who have long accused him of being a hoaxer out for non-existent, and unproven, financial gain, should now have the opportunity to reward him, not only for his abilities, but also for suffering the fools and their defamation for so long.

For those who may be unaware, in addition to character assassination, Meier has survived 19 (documented) actual assassination attempts.

The Sound Recordings
Finally, the skeptics (and others who've actually tried) have also been unable to reproduce the sound recordings Meier made of a UFO, using only a cassette tape recorder, in an open field in front of 15 witnesses. There are 32 simultaneous frequencies occurring, 24 in the audible and eight in the inaudible range. To date, they remain irreproducible even with state-of-the-art synthesizers, let alone with cassette machines outdoors.

The Most Important Event In Human History

Now that the authenticity of the Meier Contacts have been firmly established, we can begin to examine the information, and the real purpose, behind the most important event in human history.

Hint: It has to do with our future survival.

