by Michael E. Salla, PhD
February, 2003
In popular myths, the fire breathing
dragon guards a precious treasure from rivals, thieves, and heroes.
The Dragon doesn’t know how to use the treasure, and
simply guards it until vanquished by an all conquering hero. In the
popular myth of St George and the Dragon, St George
rescues a captive Princess by slaying the evil dragon in a desperate
fight. The motifs of dragon, hero and
treasure are the stuff of legend and have been retold
many times. In fact the myth of St George is a Christian
retelling of the earlier Greek ‘pagan’ myth of Perseus.
A new version of St George and the Dragon is now emerging on
the international arena as President George Bush prepares his
military forces against the regime of Saddam Hussein.
In his role as St George, President Bush instinctively
knows that the dragon, Saddam Hussein, will not
surrender its treasure without a fight, and will have to be slain.
The unfolding drama is as old as time itself and the final outcome
can be easily predicted. What is not so clear is what is the
treasure at the center of the conflict? According to President
Bush, the treasure is a world free of weapons of mass
destruction and terrorism. For President Bush’s critics, the
treasure is the abundant Iraqi oil fields that will power the
global economy with cheap oil for another decade. There is, however,
another treasure that is not well known due to a very
successful clandestine government program that is global in reach.
Iraq’s treasure chest of extraterrestrial technology.
Clandestine government organizations, from at least
1947, have been reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial
technology. Rather than unsubstantiated science fiction, as some
critics contend, such a view is supported by more than a hundred
former government and military officials who played official
roles in these clandestine programs or in the associated cover
up. These former officials, most of whom face severe
financial and legal penalties for disclosing classified information,
revealed that much of the popular technology we now take for
granted, fibre optics, the micro chip, and super tenacity textiles,
owe their origin to reverse engineered extraterrestrial
This takes us to Iraq’s secret treasure. The
Sumerian scholar,
Zecharia Sitchin translated
thousands of cuneiform tablets, and discovered that the civilization
of Sumer that flourished in the territory of present
day Iraq, was aided by extraterrestrial visitors.
These extraterrestrials,
the ‘Anunnaki’,
played a key role in developing Sumerian civilization in 3800
BC, and then mysteriously left around 1800 BC. What they left behind
were more than just stories of humanity’s extraterrestrial
connection, but advanced technology that has lain hidden for
extraterrestrial technology far surpasses the
technological proficiency of the regime of Saddam Hussein who
is certainly aware of its existence. While he may be devoting his
regime’s resources to exploiting this technology, it is very
unlikely he can reverse engineer it. Therefore, like
the mythical dragon, President Hussein can only marvel at his extraterrestrial treasure without
knowing how to use it. On the contrary, US based clandestine
government organizations have much experience in reverse
engineering extraterrestrial technology, and want to gain
unrestricted access to Saddam’s treasure. However, given the
grandiose aspirations of President Hussein, these
organizations have decided that little can be achieved through
negotiations. Thus there is a need for President Bush to play
the role of St George, leading his military forces
into Iraq to conquer the ‘evil’ dragon.
An important insight in the unfolding drama is that rather than the
treasure belonging to a covetous President Hussein, or to
equally covetous clandestine government organizations, it
belongs to all humanity. A war fought over such a treasure chest of
ET technology would be disastrous since it would
demonstrate little but greed motivating both sides. There is no
‘good’ or ‘evil’ side in the conflict over Iraq’s secret treasure.
What is required is full disclosure of the hidden motives of parties
in this conflict, and a genuine effort to negotiate a satisfactory
resolution. Saddam Hussein will not relinquish his treasure
without a fight, but he can be persuaded to relinquish control of
the treasure if he were suitably ‘rewarded’.
Finding a solution that rewards the role of President Hussein
in making available the assets of Sumer’s extraterrestrial
technology for the benefit of the global community, is a
challenge given the propaganda build up to a
US led preemptive war against Iraq.
Nevertheless, if humanity is ready for the technology of Iraq’s
ancient past, then the diplomatic challenge is something that needs
to be met and overcome. Only a diplomatic solution will prove that
humanity is ready to exploit the technology of Iraq’s
extraterrestrial heritage to ensure a united and prosperous
future for the planet.