"drmichaelsalla" <msalla@a...>
Date: Tue Dec 9, 2003 3:46 pm
Subject: Statement of Aspirations/Code of Conduct - Version
for new Poll
In a message to humanity titled "Change
the World! Decide Whether We Should Show Up!"
distributed throughout the internet, a group of extraterrestrial
races described the dire political problems that threaten the
freedom, prosperity and sovereignty of global humanity, and how
they could assist by simply ’showing up’. They requested
permission from ’individuals without distinction’, as
they describe those not holding significant political power, by
conducting a global ballot to the question: ’Do You Wish That
We Show Up?’ In response to that request, we ’individuals
without distinction’ wish to declare that we have long been
the visionaries, social reformers, peacemakers, healers and
’contactees’ in dealing with our planet’s problems and
communicating with extraterrestrial races. We rightfully
claim our role to speak on behalf of global humanity in how
extraterrestrials can assist with and transform our present
global predicament.
Our planet has long been dominated by competing groups of
political elites who have established predatory national
policies that have threatened freedom and prosperity of all
nations of our world. These predatory policies have greatly
damaged social, economic and political relationships on our
world, and also caused great damage to our natural environment.
As a result, many of our visionaries,
Edgar Cayce,
Mother Shipton, Gordon
Michael Scallion and
Nostradamus predicted great
planetary upheaval during this time of transition which we call
the ’end times’. Fortunately, these planetary upheavals have not
occurred due to the extraordinary love, compassion, healing and
forgiveness practiced by millions of ’individuals without
distinction’ who have essentially saved our planet from
global catastrophe. Unfortunately, our political elites continue
in their predatory national policies and domination of our
political systems, financial institutions and mass media,
thereby leading to the present set of dire conditions you
describe in your letter.
In exchange for the assistance extraterrestrials provide by
’showing up’ and thereby catalyzing solutions to the present
problems affecting our planet, we will be willing to lend our
assistance in their transformation as interplanetary societies
that may continue to have painful histories and antagonisms. Due
to the extensive diversity of our planet’s population, history
of violent conflict, and predatory policies of our political
elites, we have developed unique qualities and strategies for
promoting peace, compassion, empathy and healing in societies
divided by painful histories of injustice and violence. These
qualities are chiefly responsible for our triumph in preventing
the predicted global catastrophe on our world, and we wish to
draw the attention of extraterrestrial visitors to this. We will
be able to provide expert teams of healers, peacemakers,
conflict resolution experts, shamans and mystics, to advise your
experts in these areas in how they can be more effective in
their respective interplanetary projects.
We wish to emphasize that elected
political representatives of our planet’s many nations have
shown little desire or ability to understand, respond to or
engage in public dialogue on the extraterrestrial presence or ’Message
to Humanity’. The political elites of our
world continue their predatory policies while
exercising extensive control of our world’s media, political
systems and financial institutions. The extraterrestrial
presence continues to be subject to a public policy of
non-disclosure by responsible government and military
officials; and has involved tremendous social, political and
economic cost to global humanity. We declare that we
’individuals without distinction’ have lost
faith in the ability of our government representatives to
effectively deal with extraterrestrials on behalf of global
Therefore, we as a representative
group of ’individuals without distinction’ desire to
respond to the prospect of extraterrestrials showing up
and/or interacting with global humanity. We declare that
the following ’Statement of Aspirations’ and ’Code
of Conduct’ applies to all extraterrestrials, visible or
not, who show up, interact with, or desire to interact with
global humanity.
’Individuals without
distinction’ (IWD)- that proportion of global humanity
not occupying representative public office, not having
significant control of the mass media or owning appreciable
financial resources.
’Contact groups’ –
individuals who have received the letter asking IWD
if they want extraterrestrials to show up, and/or given
affirmative responses and/or formed groups to discuss issues
associated with the letter.
Visitors – all
’non-humanoid’, ’synthetic humanoids’ or ’off-world’ races
that either ’show up’ as a result of an affirmative answer
to the requested global ballot, and/or those races
previously holding secret agreements with political
representatives that either subsequently reveal themselves
or remain hidden on Earth.
Statement of Aspirations
1. Visitors recognize and
value the unique qualities of peace, compassion, hope, joy,
healing and empathy ’individuals without distinction’ have
developed as a result of living on a tremendously diverse
planet with antagonistic histories, emotional traumas,
legacies of violence; and predatory policies of competing
political elites; and the contribution ’individuals without
distinction’ can make as peacemakers, visionaries, and
healers in interplanetary relations.
2. Visitors seeking to interact with Earth, recognize
that we ’individuals without distinction’ have long been the
visionary social reformers, peacemakers, healers, and truth
seekers that have resolved many of our planet’s most
intractable conflicts and promoted public awareness of the
visitor’s presence, and therefore deserve primacy and
majority representation in formal dialogues and negotiations
conducted between visitors and representatives of global
3. Visitors and ’individuals without distinction’ in
their relation to one another, need to consider themselves
as both teachers and pupils, as sisters and brothers; and
not as parents, authorities, or as saviors. Visitors
recognize that they and ’individuals without distinction’
are in a partnership where each seeks to identify, nurture
and exchange their unique contributions as planetary
societies for their mutual benefit in a wider interplanetary
community based on the principles of individuality, free
will, sovereignty, and Universal Law.
4. ’Individuals without distinction’ and visitors are
self-empowered as a result of their interactions, and mutual
advancement is obtained through communication, sharing of
knowledge, and expansion in all spheres of growth for humans
and visitors.
5. During the first contact event, space vehicles of
visitors above Earth’s population centers should appear in
formations that use universal symbols of peace, love and
joy. Light and holographic shows similar to fireworks
displays and outdoor movies should also be extensively used
to demonstrate the friendliness of the visitors, and their
6. When visitors first meet large numbers of
’individuals without distinction’ and local officials, these
meetings will use friendly and open contact scenarios that
are characterized by exchanges of gifts, use of peaceful
symbols and reliance on humanoid visitors that all promote
confidence and trust.
7. Visitors assist global humanity for a transition
period of seven years with a possible three year extension,
if required, to introduce necessary reforms to prepare
global humanity for full and open membership in
interplanetary relations. All agreements reached between
visitors and representatives of global humanity are subject
to review/termination/confirmation at any time by an
appropriate global planetary institution or in a global
ballot of ’individuals without distinction’.
8. Visitors send delegates/emissaries to visit major
cities and to attend public forums where they can meet with
and answer questions from the mass media and private
citizens. In cases where visitors do not agree to a more
public display, arrangements will be made to offer the
visitors a place where they would be more comfortable.
9. Visitors assist in ensuring the effectiveness of a
’Planetary Truth Commission’ authorized to
disclose the full extent of human rights violations stemming
from all secret projects, agreements, technologies and
activities that involved visitors collaboration with
national military-intelligence agencies, scientific
laboratories and corporations.
10. The trade and movement of renewable resources,
intellectual property, or human visitors/workers to other
planets, to be regulated by a duly constituted planetary
authority established at the end of a transition period of
seven years.
11. Establishment of an organization from contact
groups authorized to monitor political representatives and
executive officers of undue visitor influence, and to act as
an advisory body to decision makers on the activities and
influence of visitors.
Code of Conduct
12. Due to the
unrepresentative and secret negotiations that have taken
place in recent Earth history between government officials
and visitors, visitors seeking to establish or to renew
agreements with representatives of global humanity, must
ensure that ’contact groups’ and ’individuals without
distinction’ are respectively given major representation at
all subsequent formal dialogues and negotiations.
13. All agreements reached between visitors who ’show
up’ and members of global humanity, representative or not,
will be fully disclosed and distributed through all public
information channels including the mass media,
non-governmental organizations dealing with extraterrestrial
affairs; and a public internet site dedicated to disclosing
extraterrestrial related information on a ’round the clock’
basis. Visitor rights will be respected by the Earth’s media
when providing such information.
14. There will be full disclosure and transparency in
all visitor interventions in human affairs and the Earth’s
ecosystem in terms of their respective short and long-term
consequences. An appropriate global institution will be
created to monitor and where appropriate correct the
consequences of visitor interventions or the consequences of
human interventions on visitor worlds or subterranean Earth
15. Visitors interacting with Earth ensure that ’secret
agreements’ previously made between themselves and
political representatives, and all associated activities and
programs, are fully disclosed to global humanity through the
same communication channels as #13.
16. In all interactions between visitors and global
humanity, the free will and rights of humans and visitors
are at all times respected, and that all violations of these
will be reported and rectified by a designated Human
and Visitor Rights Office created to deal with
infractions of the free will and rights of humans and/or
17. There will be full transparency and openness in
all cases where visitors or their proxies, or humans or
their proxies, influence or control one another by:
electronic devices, mind control, etheric implants, or any
other artificial methods.
18. An appropriate planetary legal institution will
be responsible for creating and/or harmonizing planetary,
national and local laws with the needs and rights of
visitors. In interacting with political authorities at the
national or sub-national levels, visitors will respect local
customs and laws.
19. Visitors are required not to make any trade
agreements concerning the export of Earth’s non-renewable
resources with any political entity, at the national,
sub-national or planetary level.
20. Visitors may record information related to their
experience on Earth. Visitors desiring to introduce or
remove any material object from Earth must gain express
permission of import/export control authorities or in
compliance with regulations concerning the exchange of gifts
between humans and visitors.
21. No visitor may introduce any self-replicating
organism or information.
22. No visitor may initiate a chemical, biological,
thermonuclear, or other chain reaction, wittingly or
23. Visitors recognize the principles of ’freedom
of speech’, ’freedom of religion’ and ’freedom
of thought’ in all interactions with human populations,
and grant reciprocal rights to human visitors to their
worlds or subterranean Earth locations.
24. Visitors interact with global humanity and the
Earth only in manner that is in harmony with the highest
good of all beings.
Distributed December 9, 2003 on
the discussion forum