by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
DrBoylan Website
Aloha all,
here is a significant
scoop from Richard Boylan. It discusses the
training special forces receive in dealing with
extraterrestrial visitors and extraterrestrials
incarnated in human bodies (star seeds). Some of these
methods include taking out extraterrestrials living
among us.
I have discussed
evidence of ETs living among us.
Dr Boylan discusses the growing schism between two
factions he describes as white hats and the cabal. This
mirrors what we are seeing at the more conventional
political level where moderate republicans/democrats are
united against the neo-conservative influence.
In peace,
Michael Salla, PhD
03/09/07 |
Rarely do Star Seeds and Star
Kids get an inside glimpse at how the Cabal make use of the
secrecy and classification within military and intelligence units to
exploit government units to do their work. Recently I have been
contacted by a Green Beret Colonel who eventually worked for the
National Security Agency (NSA) until quitting in disgust
a little over a year ago. He now wants to whistle-blow on what he
was ordered to do.
During the years 2000-2005, this Colonel worked for the NSA,
Third Echelon. Towards the end of this period, Colonel “Shadow”
was in charge of a 53-man training platoon at
Area 51 made up of
super-elite Special Forces, the best of Green Berets, SEALS, and
DELTA Force. It was called Task Force White Tail, and its mission
labeled Operation Star Gazer.
The training took place at the
subterranean Area 51/S-4 complex in Nevada, and concentrated on
counter-operations in urban settings, and specialized in dealing
with situations involving Star Visitors in close proximity: how to
deal with incoming telepathic communication, mental imagery-sending,
and mental cloaking by the Visitors' of their actual appearance.
The training also involved function and
use of advanced weapons that subdue, immobilize or terminate Star
Visitors, as ordered.
The training also encompassed dealing with Star Seed adults and even
Star Kids, who have double-handfuls of psychic and other paranormal
abilities. Task Force training involved how to evade, confuse, and
dissemble, so as to throw off the Star Kids'/Seeds' "reading" of the
Special Forces operative, how to counter their psychic abilities
with countervailing
psychic force, or psychotronic or other
directed-energy weapons devices, how to break them and
super-interrogate them.
At a more exotic level, the training included psychological
instruction in how not to be attracted to, or drawn in by, these
Star Seeds/Kids, and how to try to win them over to join the group
that put on this training. The Colonel said there was more training
involved, but felt he has said enough with this.
The broad implications of training like Task Force White Tail
is that
the Cabal foresees and is actively planning
for the day when the UFO Cover-Up falters, and it is "necessary" to
round up Star Seeds who could cause the Cabal trouble, and to
interdict and subdue any Star Visitors who are on the ground.
At first, his special-branch NSA superior officer did not tell him
what the psi and other special training was for. But the Colonel
kept pushing until he learned what the actual objectives were. Upon
learning these, the Colonel lost stomach for being further involved
in such an enterprise, and resigned.
And upon further reflection, he decided to reach out to one or more
other Star Seeds to see what could be done about thwarting this
Cabal instrumentality's horrific plans. He then contacted me, and
divulged this information.
And now you have it.
Soon after having engaged in dialog with Colonel Shadow, trust had
built to the point where the Colonel’s older son, “Ghost” decided to
contact me also and share his perspective on how alert Intelligence
insiders were becoming to the Cabal infiltrators among them.
Ghost is a DELTA Force operator. His military career began in 1996
when he received an appointment to the United States Military
Academy, West Point. After graduating, he was assigned to the 101st
Airborne (Air Assault) Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He was
soon promoted to DELTA Force (1st Special Operations Operational
Detachment-Delta), with further training at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina. Ghost has risen to the rank of Major in the U.S. Army.
Ghost is proud to follow in the footsteps of his father, a legend in
military intelligence circles, and emulates his high standards and
genuine (Constitutional) patriotism.
Ghost gives heartening news from the inside about how many NSA
agents that formerly were unwittingly doing tasks (dirty work) for
the Cabal have now been wised up as to who was behind their
trumped-up orders. These informed NSA “White Hats” are making
themselves "disappear" so they are no longer available for such
Ghost tells me that it takes years to properly train an agent, so
the loss of these personnel is really hurting
the Cabal. Let me have
you hear it in his own words.
"And yes, it is good what
is happening within the Intelligence world. The Cabal's
resources (agent-wise) have been greatly reduced within the past
year. Although this will not take them out of power, it will
keep certain, little tasks from being accomplished with such
ease. Either way, it is a fight towards the greater good, and
maybe one day we can restore this once-great Nation into a
habitable, peaceful place where people can be proud to live, and
where the Constitution plays the appropriate role that our
forefathers (some of them) intended it to play. We may not live
to see that great day, but I have a feeling we will. Everything
has a purpose, and nothing happens on accident. We are all part
of this fight for good, and I am glad that we met, Dr. Boylan.
Without you, I may not have made some of my recent decisions."
So, the Cabal is weakening why we are
growing stronger. This is good news for the outcome of the
Transition from corrupt Fourth World society to a transformed Fifth
World one.
The other night I had an extensive conversation with "Sting", the
younger son of ex-NSA Colonel "Shadow", and "Ghost"'s younger
brother. Like his brother and his father, Sting is a Star Seed.
Sting wanted to make additional revelations, adding to what his
father and older brother had shared with me. As with the other two,
Sting not only gave permission to share what he revealed with the
public, but said that was his explicit purpose in calling.
Sting joined the U.S. Air Force in 1998 and graduated from the Air
Force Academy. Soon thereafter he joined the Air Force Office of
Special Intelligence (AFOSI). His career movement up included
assignment to the 16th Special Operations Wing and to the 4th
Special Operations Squadron, the "Ghost Riders", with training at
Hurlburt Field, within the sprawling Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
The 4th SpecOps is a rapid-deployable unit with global reach,
specializing in infiltrating, re-supplying, and ex-filtrating U.S.
and allied special-operations forces during long-range, low-level
penetrations of hostile or denied territory at night.
Sting moved from there to the Air Force Office of Special
Intelligence (AFOSI) in 2006. Sting says AFOSI gives the impression
of being a law enforcement investigations unit. It is anything but,
he says. While in AFOSI, he received orientation to "aliens" and
related training.
This "training" including liberal
amounts of disinformation designed to make sure AFOSI agents carried
out orders. For example, Sting says that orientation included a
supposed "history of hostile relations with the Star Visitors." The
training propaganda was nuanced, with the indoctrination that "a
small portion of the Star Visitors are rebels."
Sting was quite unsettled as he narrated an incident that made him
decide to leave AFOSI. He received an assignment to travel to
Germany and to find a man who was described as "a danger to U.S.
Intelligence." Sting did his job and found the man one night. It was
dark but he fired a fatal shot. As he drew closer to the dead man on
the ground, Sting noticed that the man's pupils dilated enormously
in death, causing his somewhat larger than human eyes to become all
The man had no hair, not even facial
stubble. His skin was pale and reflected light in a manner different
than human skin would. He was very slender with absolutely no body
fat. He was unusually tall. Sting quickly realized that the man was
a Star Visitor. He felt he had "screwed up". He had joined AFOSI to
take out enemy agents, not Star Visitors.
He left AFOSI and joined another military-intelligence organization.
During his time with that organization, he became aware of a
super-elite covert intelligence unit that reports directly to the
Pentagon. The unit's rumored cryptonym is "Clandestine Knights". So
extraordinary is the mission of the Clandestine Knights that
wanted to be sure word got out about it.
The Clandestine Knights unit was created
in June, 2006. It is composed of five teams of ten-each, made up of
super-elite special forces operators, men and women from all
Spec-Ops branches of the military:
Navy Special Warfare
Development Group (DEVGRU; formerly SEAL Teams 6 and 8)
Air Force SpecOps Squadrons
Marine Corps SpecOps Command (MARSOC)
Sting has learned that the Clandestine Knights is an experiment
closely watched by the Pentagon. Of its fifty members half are Star
Seeds who are aware they are Star Seeds, and half are Star Seeds who
are not aware of their identity and advanced potentials.
The experiment which a covert branch within the Pentagon is
conducting is to determine the degree to which awareness of Star
Seed identity makes a difference in the performance of these special
operators in comparison with the Star Seeds who are not aware they
are such.
I commented to Sting that this Clandestine Knights experiment is a
watershed development within the military. I also commented that the
outcome of the experiment is an obvious conclusion:
that Aware Star
Seeds are going to vastly out-perform Unaware Star Seeds.
Aware Star Seeds are readily able to summon up various psychic and
other high-development skills to augment traditional methods, or
even stand alone as the superior tactics or strategies of choice for
assignment situations.
Unaware Star Seed operators are going to use only conventional
Spec-Ops methods.
I told Sting that the Pentagon is moving ahead with its dream of
developing the Super-Soldier. (What they may not realize is that the
Super-Soldier is not going to follow deceptive or immoral orders.)
Also important to note, I told Sting, is that the Cabal are going to
derive pointers from this experiment: that it is important to keep
Star Seeds in the dark as long as possible about their actual
identity and advanced potentials.
Colonel Shadow and his two sons have taken considerable risk and
suffered consequences already for sharing this information.
Yesterday the Cabal cleaned out a bank account the Colonel
maintained abroad, and ran up many tens of thousands of dollars on
the Colonel's credit card number. Several days previously the
Colonel ran into a roadblock and was the object of an attempted
assassination. He narrowly escaped with his life, although sustained
a leg wound.
What are the
implications of these striking revelations?
The military and intelligence communities have not only accepted the
reality of Star Kids and adult Star Seeds, they have determined that
these are the recruits of choice!
Further, the nature of who Star Kids/Seeds are is revolutionizing
the way military and intelligence operations are going to be
conducted. Skills in marksmanship are going to be supplanted by
skills in remote-viewing, telekinesis, and remote-influencing, just
to mention three skill areas.
Will Star Seeds cause the military to evolve away from killing and
brute force towards a more smart-force operation utilizing such
elements as, for example, future-sight, enhanced persuasion, and
non-violent containment?
Will Star Seeds cause the intelligence agencies to become obsolete,
as these new non-violent (Clandestine) Jedi Knights manage
information-gathering and usage in the course of their societal
In the past, some of us have seen the military and intelligence
communities as an obstacle to society's moving into transformed
just, peaceable Fifth World.
It may well be the irony of our times that the Star Seeds within
such organizations may be among those hastening such an overdue