by Michael E. Salla, PhD.
Exopolitics Journal, vol. 2, no. 1
(April, 2007)
ExopoliticsJournal Website

In 1955, Otis T. Carr, a protégé of Nikola Tesla began
a highly visible public effort to develop a prototype civilian
spacecraft that could be mass produced in kits and sold to the
public. If successful, Carr would have developed the world’s first
civilian spacecraft and would have revolutionized the aviation
The vehicle was to be powered by an
electric generator drawing electrical energy from the environment,
and would have produced an antigravity effect for propulsion. Carr
claimed to have been taught all he knew about electromagnetic energy
and antigravity principles by the famous Yugoslav inventor
Nikola Tesla. He had resided in a New York hotel
where Carr worked part time while completing his studies.
Tesla had publicly stated in 1915 that
he knew how to build an antigravity flying vehicle:
"My flying machine will have neither
wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground, and you
would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be
able to move at will through the air in any direction with
perfect safety."[2]
Tesla’s flying vehicle would be powered
by electrical energy drawn from the earth’s atmosphere and stored in
special coils. Frustrated by lack of industry support, Tesla
revealed his radical ideas to the young Carr over a three year
Tesla taught Carr how electromagnetic energy could be freely
harnessed from the abundant electrical energy in the
atmosphere. The
possibility that electrical energy could be freely acquired without
need for expensive power plants, conductive wires, relay stations,
telephone poles and significant power loss, which challenged
conventional power companies.
Tesla was told that his radical ideas
would not be funded since J.P. Morgan and other
industrialists would not be able to meter the free electrical energy
that could be easily drawn from the atmosphere.
Indeed, Tesla’s
ideas challenged the foundations of the global economy and monetary
Inspired by the aging Tesla, Carr set about testing Tesla’s
principles in 1937 when he began creating model spacecraft.[3]
Carr eventually became convinced that he could develop a civilian
spacecraft that could travel into the upper atmosphere, to the moon
and even achieve the speed of light.
All this could be achieved by
following Tesla’s advice of tapping into the electrical energy in
the atmosphere to power the spacecraft, storing such energy in a
special “regenerative coil” for interplanetary flights.
Otis Carr
claims to build the world’s first civilian spacecraft
Carr founded a company, OTC Enterprises, Inc, in 1955 in Maryland,
and set about raising necessary funds and skilled personnel for
building models. These could be tested to validate a full scale
prototype. These models ranged in sizes and included a six foot
version to be tested for proving the feasibility of his ideas for a
planned 45 foot prototype spacecraft.
In November 1959 Carr
successfully patented his design for a full scale civilian
spacecraft he called OTC-X1.[4]
It had a circular design that made it look like a flying saucer.

In order to gain a patent for his design from a skeptical Patents
Office, he claimed his OTC-X1 was an amusement device (click figure below).

The introduction to his patent claims:
“This invention relates generally to
implements in amusement devices, and more particularly to an
improved amusement device of the type where the passengers will
receive the impression of riding in an interplanetary
In a 1959 radio interview Carr described
the various tests conducted for developing his prototype civilian
“We plan to build a prototype model
as a demonstration device. Now I would like to state that
certain models have been built by me and tested. Each one has
been airborne. One was lost entirely in space. We had a control
system and this one didn't function. This has already been

The OTC-X1 would be powered by a number
of capacitor like objects Carr called "Utrons". In an earlier 1957
interview, Carr described the Utrons as,
“a storage cell for electrical
energy. In operation it generates electricity at the same time
it puts out electromotive force. This is the central power
system for our space craft.”[6]
The Utrons would supply a series of
counter rotating magnets the energy they required for overcoming the
gravitational field of the Earth.
Carr described the details of this
process as follows:
[W]e have capacitor plates and
electro-magnets as a part of this system. Now this is
counter-rotating, the electro-magnets rotate in one direction
and the accumulator, the batteries rotate in another. The
capacitor plates rotate in conjunction with the battery so that
we have a clockwise and counter clockwise rotation. Now the
third system is the cabin that maintains the crew.
This does not rotate, it is fixed
due to the fact the two bodies are rotating clockwise and
counter clockwise. Therefore the system causes the craft to
escape from the gravity pull. The craft itself due to this
system still has internal gravity because it still has the same
weight that it had in the beginning.
Carr’s design would create an entirely
new gravitational field inside the craft. This would effectively
create a zero mass environment inside his craft that would mean
normal laws of inertia would not operate. This zero mass environment
would enable the spacecraft to achieve light speed velocity. It
would also enable occupants to withstand tremendous accelerations
and changes in directions without being pulverized by immense
g-forces inside the craft.
Carr detailed the intricate
electromagnetic propulsion system of his spacecraft in his 1959
patent (see diagram, above). Carr stated that all
electrical power would be extracted from the atmosphere and would be
stored in sufficient quantities in “regenerative coils” to power the
craft during interplanetary travel:
“We are able here, the first time to
our knowledge, to use atmospheric electricity as a recharging
system. This is done as a part of operational principal of the
Carr demonstrated a small model in an
interview as reported in Fate Magazine:
Otis T. Carr, president of OTC
Enterprises, Inc., detailed his claims in an interview and
demonstration of a crude model of a circular motion machine
which he said is the principle of a "free energy circular foil"
space craft he can build, if someone puts up the money.
He said
the machine can be adapted to devices of any size to produce
continuous power absolutely free of dissipation. Its immediate
application, Carr said, would be in a space craft - which would
be able to fly among the planets in controlled flight. It could
land or take off as desired on the earth, the moon or any planet
in the earth's solar system, he said.[8]
Carr scheduled a test for his six foot
model in April 1959 for an audience of approximately 400 people in
Oklahoma City. Technical difficulties and a sudden illness
contracted by Carr led to the test being cancelled.

An article published in Fate Magazine
described the failed test as follows:
The serious field of UFO's and
flying saucer research received a setback at Oklahoma City in
late April when a highly publicized launching attempt by O.T.C.
Enterprises of Baltimore, Md., resulted in failure. Hundreds of
persons had been invited to Oklahoma City by Otis T. Carr to
watch him "launch a six-foot prototype model of the O.T.C. X-1,
a space craft which works on 'utron' energy." Those who were
there came away disappointed. The flying saucer did not fly.[9]
All that was shown to the public were
three dimensional illustrations of his design. Carr was nowhere to
be found. Long John Nebel, a famous New York radio host, located
Carr at the nearby Mercy hospital where he had been admitted for
eight days due to a lung hemorrhage. Mysteriously, Carr had become
ill on the eve of what should have been a major publicity coup for
him. Carr’s spacecraft project was becoming increasingly shrouded in
mystery and controversy.
Those present were dissatisfied and some complained that they were
not even shown the model to be tested:
I don't know what's going on but I
feel they never had any intention of trying to launch the model.
I could not see any plans in sight for the model and, in fact, I
understand, that a Mr. Maywood Jones presented only what he
called "three-dimensional illustrations" of Carr's ideas.[10]
Many accepted public criticisms that
Carr was promoting his OTC-X1 in order to create interest for his
planned amusement park ride at Frontier City in Oklahoma City:
One Oklahoma City television
reporter expressed the general feeling of the townspeople, "This
thing will never leave the ground. And I feel that a great deal
of the ballyhoo they're giving out is tied in with the ride at
Frontier City. I have tried constantly to get in to see the
saucer model, but they've kept it hidden."[11]
With growing hostile public opinion in
Oklahoma, Carr decided to move his center of operations to Apple
Valley, California in late 1959. To prevent any further public
debacles, he decided not to announce any test flights in advance.
With new financial backing and a large production plant, Osbrink, at
his disposal, Carr proceeded with his plans to develop and test his
spacecraft. Major Wayne Aho, a former Army Combat Intelligence
Officer during World War II, and Carr’s chief pilot, proclaimed that
he would "fly to the moon in a flying saucer on December 7, 1959."[12]
Little was subsequently heard of Carr’s
efforts and plans to test his full scale 45 foot prototype. No
public reports exist of any subsequent tests.
In raising revenue for his spacecraft program, Carr was experiencing
increasing problems with the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission
that had placed an injunction against Carr, ordering him to cease
selling unregistered stock”.[13]
California on June 2, 1960, Carr told an audience of 300 that it was
"treacherous misstatement of fact to
say or infer that we [OTC Enterprises] are coming to California
to raise money in stock sales."[14]
In January, 1961 the Attorney General of
New York, Louis J. Lefkowitz, claimed Carr had swindled $50,000. He
was charged with "the crime of selling securities without
registering the same." Carr was sentenced to a 14 year prison term.
At the same time, True Magazine labeled Carr a hoaxer, thereby
effectively ending any remaining public sympathy for him. After
serving part of his term, Carr was released from prison, and
disappeared from the public arena.
Suffering ill health and cut off from
supporters, he lived in obscurity. He died in Gardnerville, Nevada,
in 2005. Apparently, the bold development of a civilian spacecraft
industry had ignominiously failed. Its pioneer, a protégé of the
Nikola Tesla, was publicly disgraced as a felon having
apparently hoaxed members of the general public with his wild tales
of building civilian spacecraft while actually promoting an
amusement park ride.
The true history of what happened with Carr and his effort to
develop a civilian spacecraft industry would remain secret for
almost another 50 years. It is only the public emergence of one of
Carr’s trusted technicians that the truth would finally be told of
what had really happened with the world’s first civilian spacecraft
Ralph Ring
Emerges to Reveal Carr’s successful development of the OTC-X1
In March 2006, a largely unknown individual came forward to reveal
that he was one of three pilots of a successful test of Carr’s full
scale prototype of the OTC-XI.[15]
Ralph Ring claims to be a technician who was recruited into Carr’s
attempting to build a 45 foot prototype spacecraft after Carr
had relocated in California in 1959.
Ring at the time was a talented inventor
who had grown frustrated with corporate sector disinterest in
innovative principles concerning electromagnetic energy. He had
earlier helped the famous French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau
develop the aqualung, and later worked at a government-funded
research organization called Advanced Kinetics.
In a series of public interviews and presentations, Ring described
the conditions of leaving Advanced Kinetics. He claims to have
resolved two complex engineering problems involving
Confident of a job promotion, Ring was instead
told by the director that they were government funded corporation
and “we’re paid to look for the answers, but not to find them!”[16]
In frustration, Ring left and met with Carr in late 1959, and was
quickly impressed with his ideas, including a plan to build a
civilian spacecraft.
In his first public interview, Ring
described Carr as follows:
He was an unquestioned genius. Tesla
had recognized his quality immediately and had taught him
everything he knew. He was inspired, and – like Tesla – seemed
to know exactly what to do to get something to work. He was a
private man and was also very metaphysical in his thinking. I
think the fact that he was not formally trained in physics
helped him. He was not constrained by any preconceived ideas. As
crazy as it sounds now, he was determined to fly to the moon and
really believed it could be done. I believed it. We all did.[17]
Ring directly participated in the
testing of smaller models of the OTC-XI craft developed by Carr. He
described how these had been successfully tested and exhibited
unique characteristics when achieving certain rotational speeds:
...the metal turned to Jell-o. You
could push your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It
turned into another form of matter, which was as if it was not
entirely here in this reality. That's the only way I can attempt
to describe it. It was uncanny, one of the weirdest sensations
I've ever felt.[18]
Most importantly, Ring claims that the
45 foot OTC-XI prototype developed by Carr was completed and
successfully tested back in 1959. Ring says he was one of three
pilots on the craft which flew 10 miles instantaneously. Ring
described how Carr had been able to maintain communications with the
three man team piloting the OTC-X1 who were instructed to complete a
series of tasks, before returning to the launch site.
When asked if the OTC-XI had flown to
its destination, Ring said:
Fly is not the right word. It
traversed distance. It seemed to take no time. I was with two
other engineers when we piloted the 45' craft about ten miles. I
thought it hadn't moved – I thought it had failed. I was
completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with
samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a
dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.[19]
Ring described how the test flight had
been able to change the flow of time:
"What's more, time was distorted
somehow. We felt we were in the craft about fifteen or twenty
seconds. We were told afterwards that we'd been carefully timed
as having been in the craft no longer than three or four
minutes. I still have no complete idea how it worked.
The most remarkable part of Ring’s
testimony concerns the unique navigation system used by the
pilots to control the movements of the OTC-XI. According to
Ring, this navigation system used the conscious intent of the
pilots rather than conventional technology.
The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy
because of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to our
conscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we didn't
work any controls. We went into a kind of meditative state and
all three of us focused our intentions on the effect we wanted
to achieve. It sounds ridiculous, I know.
But that's what we
did, and that's what worked. Carr had tapped into some principle
which is not understood, in which consciousness melds with
engineering to create an effect. You can't write that into
equations. I have no idea how he knew it would work. But it did.
Success of the first test of the full scale OTC-XI meant that
planning for flights into outer space and to the moon was now
proceeding in earnest. Ring said Carr and his crew worked round
the clock to complete the testing program before
announcing the
results to the general public.
The most dramatic part of Ring’s testimony concerns what
happened two weeks after the successful test of the OTC-X1. He
said that Carr's operation was closed down by the FBI and other
government agencies in a secret raid involving seven or eight
truckloads of armed government personnel. The FBI told Carr that
his project was being closed “because of your threat to
overthrow the monetary system of the United States of America.”[22]
Indeed, Carr’s successful testing of a
civilian spacecraft, had it been allowed to go ahead, would have
revolutionized the energy sector and the aerospace industry. The
conventional energy industry using fossil fuels to generate electric
power and the aviation industry would have become redundant
overnight. Large U.S. corporate interests in the energy sector would
have lost their substantial investments. Lack of corporate profits
would throw countless thousands out of work.
The financial effect of a civilian
spacecraft industry using electrical energy from the atmosphere for
power would indeed have placed enormous pressure on the U.S.
monetary system possibly causing its collapse.
In a series of interviews and public presentations, Ring claims
agents confiscated all the equipment including the OTC-XI prototype.
They debriefed all of Carr’s employees, warned them to remain silent
on what had happened, and made Carr sign non-disclosure agreements.
Ring’s testimony, if true, reveals what really happened with Otis
Carr’s radical civilian spacecraft project. Rather than Carr being a
fraud who deceived a number of investors funding his radical
civilian spacecraft ideas, Carr had been successful.
His success so threatened entrenched
interests in the energy sector, that his operation was shut down
with the full approval and knowledge of a select number of
government agencies concerned with the financial impact on the U.S.
monetary system. Carr himself was forced to endure trumped up
charges designed to discredit him, and end his bold effort to
develop a civilian spacecraft industry.
How Credible
is Ralph Ring’s Testimony?
How much evidence exists to substantiate Ring’s testimony? Ring is a
very likable and sincere individual who has impressed audiences with
his genuineness and frankness. Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy, founders
of Project Camelot, a website featuring video interviews of
were the first to interview Ring in March 2006.[23]
After a series of interviews, they
“There is no doubt in our minds that
Ralph Ring is 100% genuine. Everyone who has met him and heard
his story in person is in full agreement.”[24]
This is something I can personally
verify since I was able to hear Ring present his ideas at the
International UFO Congress in 2007 and was able to speak personally
with him. I concur with Ryan and Cassidy that Ring’s personal
qualities make him very credible. He appears to be motivated by a
simple desire to tell the truth about events that happened almost 50
years ago that could have revolutionized life on the planet.
Ring has provided a number of photographs of the OTC-XI developed by
Carr. These photographs had previously not been published. The
photos showed that Carr had indeed succeeded in building a number of
models including the 45 foot prototype spacecraft (see photo below). The photos dispel the view that Carr had not succeeded in
developing a full scale prototype spacecraft. Ring’s photos are
material evidence that he did indeed collaborate with Carr on the
OTC-X1, as he claims.

Perhaps most significant is what occurred to Ring soon after coming
forward to reveal his experiences with Otis Carr in March 2006.
Ryan describes what happened:
Shortly afterwards, Ralph went into
hospital for a routine knee replacement operation. He
accidentally received the wrong treatment, and nearly died three
times. At the time of writing (July 2006) he has just recently
emerged, very frail, from intensive care - but is determined to
tell his story. Prior to that he had enjoyed perfect health for
71 years.[25]
In his presentation at the 2007
International UFO Congress, Ring described how he had been taken by
ambulance to a hospital 25 miles away, bypassing a hospital adjacent
to where he was staying. Ring hovered perilously close to death as a
result of the ‘mistreatment’ and the long ambulance ride. Was the
“accidental” application of another patient’s medication, and the
“bypassing” of nearer hospitals part of a covert attempt on Ring’s
The circumstances are certainly
suspicious and do indicate an effort to silence Ring. This series of
“accidental” events that almost took Ring’s life soon after his
public emergence provides circumstantial evidence in support of his
We can now draw together the different elements concerning Otis
Carr’s OTC-XI project and Ralph Ring’s testimony. Carr’s successful
development of a fully operational civilian spacecraft using radical
electromagnetic propulsion and navigation systems led to a brutal
response by federal government agencies. Agencies led by the FBI
raided Carr’s construction facilities, confiscated equipment,
intimidated employees into silence, and publicly discredited Carr
through trumped up charges orchestrated from the U.S. Stock and
Securities Commission.
Ring’s public testimony and photographic
evidence he provided of the existence of Carr’s OTC-X1, give
confidence that elements inside the U.S. Government suppressed a
wholly civilian owned spacecraft industry. Several motives for this
suppression appear.
The first and principal motive for the government suppression was to
protect U.S. industrial interests in the energy sector that would
have been threatened by knowledge of how to draw free electrical
energy from the atmosphere. U.S. corporations dominate the energy
sector around the planet, and the appearance of “free energy”
technologies would wreak havoc on their stock value. This would
impact negatively on the entire U.S. economy.
A second and related motive for this suppression is the impact of
“free energy” technologies on the U.S. monetary system – the
explanation given by FBI agents for raiding Carr’s plant. The
development of free energy technologies would make redundant the
conventional energy sector owned by U.S. corporations possibly
leading to a collapse of the U.S. dollar.
A third possible motive is preventing the development of a civilian
spacecraft industry that could travel into outer space and other
planets with minimal or no government regulation. Such a civilian
spacecraft industry could easily travel to nearby planets to confirm
whether intelligent life forms have ever resided or continue to
reside on the moon, Mars and elsewhere in our solar system. There is
evidence that intelligent extraterrestrial life has been discovered
on the moon and other planets but this is being suppressed by major
Many analyses of NASA photographs of
the Moon and
Mars reveal artificial structures and anomalous phenomenon
under intelligent control. Despite widespread public interest in
these, NASA refuses to seriously investigate such evidence and many
have concluded a cover up is underway.[27]
A fourth motive to suppress Carr’s OTC-XI project was to keep secret
technology already being developed in classified projects. Carr’s
work was not deemed important enough to be classified so that he and
his technicians could continue to work on developing his ideas of a
spacecraft that could travel to the moon at light speed. His project
was shut down, Carr discredited and his technicians intimidated into
silence. There is an obvious explanation for this response by
involved government authorities.

The reason for the treatment given to Carr and his technicians was
that government authorities had no need for Carr’s ideas on how to
develop a spacecraft capable of light speed, and which could tap
into free electrical energy available in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Responsible government authorities would also have no need for the
unique navigation system developed by Carr for his OTC-XI that used
a mind-technology interface between the pilots and the spacecraft.
This was not because government
authorities were not interested in these ideas. More likely, these
authorities already had a classified project for an antigravity
craft capable of near light speed and powered by electrical energy
drawn from the natural environment.[28]
The principles for ‘light speed’ space flight were likely so well
known that the efforts of civilian inventors were simply not needed
in classified antigravity projects.
The conclusion is that in the 1950’s,
the U.S. government already had a number of operational spacecraft
that were capable of attaining near light speed, and could draw
electrical energy from the Earth’s atmosphere that could be stored
for space travel.
A final possible motive for the closing down of Carr’s spacecraft
program is that an exclusive group of quasi-governmental or “shadow
government” authorities with strong ties to corporations did not
want to alert regular military and/or government authorities of the
existence of such advanced technology.
Steven Greer describes an interview
he and former Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell had with Vice Admiral
Tom Wilson in 1997 when Wilson was J-2, head of the Intelligence
division of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When advised of certain
Special Access programs involving possible
technology, Wilson was denied access to these since he did not have
a “need to know”.[29]
Such unprecedented action, restricting a
sitting head of intelligence of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
demonstrates that a group of “shadow government” authorities keeps
advanced technologies away from regular military and governmental
authorities. The existence of such a “shadow government” has been
suggested by a number of prominent U.S. politicians including
Senator Daniel K. Inouye:
“There exists a shadowy Government
with it’s own Air Force, its own Navy, it’s own fundraising
mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the
national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free
from the law itself.”[30]
Shutting down Carr’s civilian spacecraft
program would deny regular military and governmental authorities
knowledge and access to such advanced technology. This would place
the regular military at great disadvantage in monitoring what is
occurring in deep black projects involving advanced technology
controlled by shadowy government agencies outside of the regular
chain of command.
Carr’s mysterious illness prior to his public testing of his six
foot model in 1959, and the near death of Ralph Ring in 2006 after
his coming forward to reveal his testimony, suggest covert
government operations to prevent public demonstration and knowledge
of advanced technologies. Covert government agencies have been
historically observed to be targeting inventors and researchers
working on advanced technologies.[31]
Discrediting, silencing or terminating
inventors and/or whistleblowers appears to continue.
In 1959/1960, Otis Carr and his team had succeeded in developing the
world’s first civilian spacecraft. This notable achievement was
brutally suppressed, and Carr was incarcerated on trumped up charges
in 1961. The collusion of some elements of the U.S. government in
suppressing the emergence of a civilian spacecraft industry emerges
as a key historical fact. U.S. corporations in the energy sector,
aware of Carr’s ambitious program, were likely a key factor in this
The implications of Ring’s testimony and Carr’s achievements are
momentous for humanity. Rather than a felon who hoaxed the general
public with radical ideas of civilian spacecraft, Carr was a heroic
inventor who succeeded, against tremendous odds in building the
world’s first civilian spacecraft. Carr and his team of
collaborators need to be acknowledged and honored for their
pioneering efforts.
Congressional inquiries should be
immediately launched to fully investigate what happened to Carr. The
FBI and other government agencies involved in raiding Carr’s
facilities and confiscating equipment should reveal what occurred.
The precise role of U.S. corporations complicit in these repressive
actions also need to be thoroughly investigated.
Appropriate legislation needs to be
developed to prevent future instances of pioneering inventors being
targeted by government agencies acting at the behest of vested
interest groups.
The technological revolution that will emerge with a thorough
investigation of Carr’s accomplishments must be embraced rather than
hidden from the general public. Shadowy governmental agencies and
corporations responsible for suppressing the public emergence of
such technology, even to the extent of denying it to regular
military forces, need to be revealed and made accountable.
Humanity is on the threshold on a
remarkable achievement, the development of an inexpensive civilian
spacecraft industry that can achieve travel to planets in our solar
system and the stars. Vested financial interests and
quasi-governmental groups hoarding such technology, can no longer be
allowed to hold back this remarkable achievement.
[1] Great thanks to Jack Davis for
his proof reading and editing of this paper.
[2] Nikola Tesla, interviewed in The New York Herald Tribune,
October 15, 1911
[3] See 1957 Interview with Long John Nebow where Carr describes
how he began creating models of his ideas:
[4] US
Patent # 2,912,244, Amusement Device (November 10, 1959).
[5] Transcript of Radio Interview: "Long John" Nebel & Otis
Carr, et al. (WOR Radio, NY, 1959). Available online at:
[6] Cited at:
[7] Cited from 1957 Interview with Long John Nebow, available
[8] Original source: Gravity Machine? FATE magazine (May 1958)
p. 17. Online copy available at:
[9] W. E. Du Soir, “The Saucer that didn't Fly,” FATE magazine,
(August 1959) p. 32. Cited online at:
[10] Du Soir, “The Saucer that didn't Fly.” Cited at:
[11] Du Soir, “The Saucer that didn't Fly.” Cited at:
[12] Cited online at:
Biographical information on Wayne Aho is available at:
[13] Cited from Project Camelot website:
[14] Du Soir, “The Saucer that didn't Fly.” Cited at:
[15] Ring first met with Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy in March
2006 to reveal his remarkable story.
[16] Ralph Ring, conference presentation at the International
UFO Congress, Laughlin, Nevada, 2007.
[17] Extracted from Project Camelot interview with Ralph Ring
[18] Cited from Project Camelot interviews with Ralph Ring,
[19] Cited from Project Camelot interviews with Ralph Ring,
[20] The original citation from Project Camelot listed 15 to 20
minutes. This was corrected in a private phone conversation I
had with Ralph Ring on March 25, 2007:,
[21] Cited from Project Camelot interviews with Ralph Ring,
[22] Ralph Ring, conference presentation at the International
UFO Congress, Laughlin, Nevada, 2007.
[23] More information on Project Camelot available at:
[24] Cited from Project Camelot interviews with Ralph Ring,
[25] Cited from Project Camelot interviews with Ralph Ring,
[26] See Michael Salla, Exopolitics: Political Implications of
the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004); Steven
Greer, Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses reveal the
Greatest Secrets in Modern History (Crossing Point Press, Inc.,
[27] See Richard C. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars: A City on
the Edge of Forever, 5th Edition (North Atlantic Books, 2003);
and Fred Steckling, We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon (G.A.F.
International, 1990).
[28] For discussion of antigravity technology and government
classification of such principles, see Nick Cook, The Hunt for
Zero Point (Broadway Books, 2001).
[29] Steven Greer, Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge (Crossing
Point, Inc., 2006) 158-59.
[30] Inouye made this claim at the Iran-Contra hearings
conducted by the U.S. Senate. Cited online at:
[31] See G. Cope Schellhorn, “Is Someone Killing Our UFO