



 -  'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August


 -  Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation


 -  Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun


 -  Cosmic Deception - The Hoaxed Alien Invasion Scenario


 -  False Flag Operations, 9-11 and the Exopolitical Perspective


Additional Information


 -  Contact and the Power Struggle - Staying Centered Among the Chaos


 -  International Citizens 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal


 -  Meeting These ETs - from 'The Lyran Beginnings' by Lyssa Royal Holt


 -  Ronald Reagan - The Alien Thread


 -  The Lyran Beginnings


 -  'War on Terror'






 -  A True ET Landing or An Anti-ET False Flag Operation? - Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Carol Rosin - July 17 2007

 -  The Ultimate False Flag Operation


Part 1

Part 2





 -  What is "The Last Card" of the PTB? Have They Already Played It?


Related Reports



 -  Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials - The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?


 -  Encender La Rejilla - Fire The Grid



 -  Blue Beam - The Uncovert Project



 -  Secretum-Omega



 -  The Disclosure Project


 -  War In Heaven, War On Earth