Stones of various kinds and sizes have been invested with sacredness from the earliest times. The worship of stones can be found in most ancient cultures, while sacred stones can be found in most of the world's religions.

According to Pausanias (VII, 24. 4) [see BIBLIOGRAPHY], In olden times all the Greeks worshipped unwrought stones instead of images and describes thirty square stones near a spring sacred to Hermes [cf. Water and the Sacred] at Pharae in Greece.

Beginning as early as 5000 BCE, large stones (megaliths - Greek mega, great, and lithos, stone), either unwrought or roughly worked were erected across prehistoric Europe to stand in lines or in circles (such as at Stonehenge in England), or otherwise arranged in conjunction with earthworks usually identified as burial mounds (such as at Newgrange in Ireland).


Little is known the purpose or meaning of these megalithic constructions, but it is universally agreed that they mark or embellish a sacred place in the landscape.

Examples of megalithism can also found in countries around the world, such as the Beforo monument near Bouar in the Central African Republic, the Tatetsuki stone circles standing the summit of a tumulus at Okayama in Japan, and the moai statues on ceremonial platforms on Easter Island [see Jean-Pierre Mohen in the BIBLIOGRAPHY].

The moving and arranging of massive stones into a building or some other configuration in a sacred context also characterizes many early cultures around the globe, from the Inca in South America, to the Egyptians and Mycenaeans.

Smaller individual stones can also become invested with the sacred. The Stone of Scone, also known as the Coronation Stone or the Stone of Destiny, until very recently rested on a shelf beneath the seat of the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey in London (it has now been returned to Scotland [see The Stone of Destiny]. It is said that the stone could identify a rightful ruler of the country by emitting a loud cry. Since the 13th century, every British king or queen (except for the first Mary) has been crowned monarch while seated in this chair over this stone. The stone had been brought to London by order of King Edward I from Scotland in 1297. In Scotland the stone had been kept at Scone Palace in Perthshire where 34 successive Scottish kings had been crowned while seated upon it.


According to tradition, the stone had been brought to Scotland from Ireland where, up to that time the newly crowned kings of Ireland had been crowned upon it on the Hill of Tara. Legend further explains that the stone had come to Ireland from Judah in the 4th century BCE when the daughter of the last king of Judah married into the Irish royal family. Previously, the stone had been kept in the Temple of Jerusalem (cf Dome of the Rock) when the kings of Judah had been crowned upon it. Traditionally, the stone is believed to be that which Jacob used as a pillow when he had his dream of angels at Bethel.

Another example of a holy stone is the very sacred Black Stone (reddish black, with some red and yellow particles ) inside the holy shrine of the Ka'ba [1. Ka'ba] at Mecca. It is thought that the Black Stone, now in pieces (three large parts, with smaller fragments which are tied together with a silver band), may be a meteor, or a piece of lava, or a piece of basalt. Its original diameter is estimated to have been 30 cm. Besides the Black Stone, built into the western corner of the Ka'ba is less sacred Stone of Good Fortune.

Stones and rocks in Japan were initially seen as symbols of mononoke (supernatural forces which permeate matter and space). Later, an abstract, undifferentiated mononoke was replaced by more definite animistic deities which resided in the stones and rocks. These rock abodes are called iwakura. All over the precinct of the Shrine at Ise are rocks and stones which are venerated as the abodes of deities, such as the subsidiary shrine at the Naiku called Takimatsuri-no-kami. Elsewhere in Japan are many stones and stone arrangements representing the male and female principle, such as the stone circle at Oyu in Akita Prefecture in Northeastern Japan. The emotional attachment to natural stones, originally religion-inspired, has persisted in Japan and is manifest today in the creation of richly symbolic and spiritual stone gardens.























Tiffiney Whitmire

"All things throughout our universe seem to follow the same fundamental blueprint or geometric patterns. These geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its virational resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseperable relationship of the part to the whole. It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry that permeates the architecture of all inseparability and union provides us with a continous reminder of our relationship to the whole--a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created."

We call this blueprint "Sacred Geometry".

Sacred Geometry is a term that is used by archaeologists, anthropologists, and geometricians. It includes the religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have surrounded geometry in many various cultures throughout history. It covers Pythagorean geometry as well as the relationships between organic curves and logarithmic curves.


The "sacred" aspect of geometry has evolved as a result of different cultures. I have provided five different views of how different cultures have made geometry become sacred. Later, I will explain the meaning of certain numbers, as they play an important role in sacred geometry. A few examples of sacred sites will also be provided. These examples will provide you with a real sense of how sacred geometry is used in sacred sites.

Flower of Life

1. The Ancient Greeks
The ancient Greeks used certain geometrically-derived ratios. In this culture the cube traditionally symbolized kingship and earthy foundations. The Golden Section traditionally symbolized philosophy and wisdom. Therefore, if a building was dedicated to a king it would bear traces of cubic geometry and a building dedicated to a heavenly god would be constructed using Golden Section proportions.


The term "Golden Proportion" is historically the unique geometric proportion of two terms and it is designated by the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet - phi. Phi was known by cultures much older than the Greek. The three-term proportion is a:b :: b:c. That is, a is related to b as b is related to c.

However, within the three-term continuous proportion there is a special sub-set where the third term is equal to the first term plus the second term, a:b :: b:(a+b), so that only two terms, a and b, are found in the three-term proportion.


This is called Phi, the Golden Proportion.

  • "The fact that it is a three-term proportion constructed from two terms is its first distinguishing characteristic, and is parallel with the first mystery of the Holy Trinity : the Three that are Two." (Lawlor 45)

  • "The Golden Proportion represents indisputable proportional evidence of the possibility of a conscious evolution as well as of an evolution of consciousness." (Lawlor 47)

The Golden Proportion is not an ordinary ratio. It is found naturally in nature. Its specific ratio is 1.618. For example, it describes the spiral of seeds in sunflowers and the shape of nautilus shells.

2. The Hindus
Before the Hindus erect any type of building, large or small, for religious purposes they first perform a simple geometric construction on the ground. This means that they construct a square from establishing due East and West. It is from this square that they lay out the entire building. The geometric construction is associated by prayers and religious observances.

3. The Christians
The cross is used as the major emblem for the Christian religion. In geometrical terms the cross, elaborated in the Medieval period, is the form of an unfolded cube. It was also associated with kingship. Many of the Gothic churches were built by proportions derived from the geometry inherent in the cube or the double-cube. Many Christian churches are still built in this form today.

4. The Ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians used regular polygons in their construction, but discovered that these polygons could be increased while keeping the ratio of their sides by the addition of a strictly constructed area. This was named the "gnomon" by the Greeks. The god Osiris was given the recognition for the concept of the ratio-retaining expansion of a rectangular area. Egyptians also used the square as a symbol of kingship.

5. The Discovery of Jay Hambidge
Jay Hambidge was an art historian at Yale during the 1920's. He discovered that the spirals on the Ionic column capitals of ancient Greek temples were laid out by the "whirling rectangle" method for creation of a logarithmic spiral. He did not find any "sacred meaning" for the logarithmic spiral form of the Ionic column capital. However, he did find that the Greek architects purposely constructed their temples according to "whirling rectangle" geometric ratios. Click here for image.


















"Mathematics, as the basis of all science, is itself a universal symbolism, a language into which all knowledge is eventually translated and rendered communicable. The key to all knowledge is in the science of numbers."

(Sepharial 24)

One symbolizes manifestation, assertion, the ego, selfhood and isolation. In the philosophical sense, it represents the synthesis and fundamental unity of things. In a religious sense, it represents the lord. In a material sense, it represents the individual. It is the symbol of the Sun.

Two symbolizes plus and minus, active and passive, male and female, positive and negative and so on. It stands for the dualism of manifested life-God and Nature. It denotes agreement and separation.

Three symbolizes the trinity of life, substance, and intelligence, of force, matter, and consciousness. The family-father, mother, and child.

Four is the number of reality and concretion. It is the cube or the square. It symbolizes the cross, segmentation, partition, order, and classification.

Five represents expansion. It symbolizes inclusiveness, comprehension, understanding, judgment, reason, and logic.

Six is the number of cooperation. It symbolizes marriage, a link, and connection. Six is the inner action of the spiritual and material. Six also represents art, music, dancing.

Seven is the number of completion. It represents time, space, duration, and distance. It also represents old age, death, or endurance, and immortality.

Eight is the number of dissolution. It denotes the law of cyclic evolution, the breaking back of the natural to the spiritual.


Nine is the number of regeneration. A new birth. It represents spirituality, premonition, and voyaging. It also represents penetration, strife, energy, and anger.



The superficial equivalents of the sphere, cone and cube are the circle, the triangle, and the square. These figures, used in symbolical thought, represent states of consciousness. These figures are related to the numbers 1, 3, 4, which denote God, Humanity, and Nature. One Being is represented as spirit, soul and body.
All geometrical relations are expressions of numerical ratios. "...we give natural assent to the power of numbers on which, in the Pythagorean concept, the universe is founded." (Sepharial 19)

The circles represents the sun and relates the natural aspects with the spiritual. There is only one sun and therefore, one God who is the universal lord. (The number one.)

Numbers are also associated with colors:

1 -  White

2 -  Yellow or cream  

3 -  Violet

4 -  Orange or ruddy gold

5 -  
Indigo or dark blue

6 -  Pale blue or turquoise

7 -  Silver or opalescence

8 -
 Black or deep brown

9-  Red or crimson



The Parthenon was created by the Greeks. The Greeks believed that everything, form the human body to the entire cosmos, was governed by an order accessible to human reason.


The Parthenon was created as a temple for Athena Parthenos. It is located at the top of the Acropolis of Athens. It was built to house a huge gold and ivory statue of the goddess Athena.

The Parthenon is known as a geometrical masterpiece. It is very pleasing to the eye due to the unique architecture. The lines that are perceived as horizontals in fact are curved upward in the middle. The platform upon which the columns of the temple stand is slightly curved on all four sides. All of the columns are tilted inward slightly, and are placed closer together toward the corners of the building.

The geometrical aspect of the Parthenon is also very interesting. If you add the number of Columns on the front and then multiply them by 2 and add 1 you will get the number of columns on each side. (8x2 = 16, 16+1 = 17) This is said to be geometrically proportional. It is interesting that the number of columns chosen for the front was eight.


Eight also represents the infinity symbol and looks like a spiral. The spiral is important when discussing aspects of the Golden Mean because the spiral helps describe the Golden Mean logarithmic spiral. I have previously given the sunflower as an example. The sunflower has 55 clockwise spirals overlaid onto either 34 or 89 counterclockwise spirals. We recognize these numbers as part of the Fibonacci Series, which is generated by Phi.

Newgrange, Ireland


Newgrange was built around 3,200 BCE. It is a circular mound of earth and stone and is about 250 feet in diameter.


The interior is solid, but there is a single stone-lined passage that is 62 feet long and 3 feet wide.


This passage terminates close to the center of the mound in a main chamber with a corbelled vault 20 feet high and three recessed chambers.

The entrance of Newgrange incorporates a "roof box" that allows the sun, at sunrise on the morning of the winter solstice on December 21, to enter the interior. The sun penetrates the full length of the interior passage all the way to the main chamber.

It is interesting to me that Newgrange was choosen to be a circle and that the sun plays a very important role in its architecture. As I have stated previously, The circle represents the sun and relates the natural aspects with the spiritual. There is only one sun and therefore, one God who is the universal lord. This also represents the number one.


                  (top) photograph showing sunlight shining through the "roof box"


(right) photograph showing sunlight entering the main chamber


  • Sepharial,The Kabala of Numbers,California: Newcastle Publishing Co. Inc.,1974.

  • Lawlor, Robert,Sacred Geometry, New York: Crossroad, 1982.

  • Schimmel, Annemarie, The Mystery of Numbers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.


















Each lightSource image is fully animated and utilizes 6000 colors. At normal speed (suitable for meditation) it takes about ten minutes for an image to unfold its full range of colors.

These thumbnails and screenshots are instant snapshots of the images captured in a single moment, and each is displayed here in only 256 colors.

The Sri Yantra


Icosidodecahedron and Pentagonal Star

Golden Ratio Spirals


Tree of Life superimposed with Seed of Life

Harmonics of Music with 13 Strand DNA

Flower of Life with 2nd Harmonic Overlay

Electromagnetic Field of the Human Merkaba

The Endless Knot




Metatron's Cube


Ankhs (ansate cross) and the Seed of Life

Sacred Heart


Vesica Piscis

Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of Creation and the genesis of all form. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. On every scale, every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes.

As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.

The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the “sacred” had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness … the ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self-awareness.

The gift of lightSource is that it actually allows you to experience that essential self within the designs of pure Source energy. As the blueprints literally come to life before your eyes, you are propelled into ecstatic play with the very the heart of Creation.
























Each of the thirteen images featured represents a complex melding of sacred geometric elements with a state-of-the-art media realization into complex, flowingly animated art. Exponential combinations of color palettes, images and unlimited choices of music and sound create unique, unparalleled experiences.

Embedded in these experiences are the properties associated with each geometry. Also, there is always an experiential and emotional aspect associated with every sacred geometrical form. These particular aspects become more apparent over time. In the end, keep only what your personal experience validates.

Sacred Geometry Forms Properties Associated with the Form

1. Torus

The first shape to emerge out of the genesis pattern. It governs many aspects of life including the human heart with its seven muscles that form a torus. The torus is literally around all life forms, all atoms, and all cosmic bodies such as planets, stars and galaxies. It is the primary shape in existence.

2. Vesica Piscis

The crucible of the creating process. An opening to the womb from which all geometric forms are born. A symbol of the fusion of opposites and a passageway through the world’s apparent polarities. The geometric image through which light was born. Also the geometry for the human eye.

3. Flower of Life

The geometric power symbol, which activates energy coding in the mind, helping one to access their “light body.” It is the primal language of the universe—pure shape and proportion. This interlocking circle design has the ability to unlock memories that are deep within our being because it is a primary energy/language pattern that has a resonance with all things within us and around us. Shown here with a harmonic overlay.

4. Tree of Life and Seed of Life

The Tree of Life is one of the most ancient and profound teachings of the awareness of Universal life force energies and the light body. Along with the Seed of Life it is part of the geometry that parallels the cycle of the fruit tree. When these two forms are superimposed upon each other that relationship becomes apparent. The Tree of Life is most widely recognized as the geometry that is the basis for the Kabalah, the ancient system of mystical Judaism.

5. Seed of Life and Ankh Cross

Geometry of seven interconnected circles, the Seed of Life is considered to be the basic unit of information necessary for the formation of all material substance. In this rendition, the Seed of Life is superimposed over the geometry of an Ankh or Ansate cross, an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph signifying life, health and happiness. This cross has been extensively used in the symbolism of the Coptic Christian church.

6. Electro Magnetic Field of the Human Merkaba

The Star Tetrahedron (a three dimensional Star of David) is the sacred geometry at the center of this form and is the pattern of the etheric light grid that surrounds each human being. This grid is called the Merkaba and it is an interdimensional vehicle used initially to incarnate spirit into human bodily form. The Universal energy of Love is the fuel for this vehicle.

7. Metatron’s Cube

One of the most important informational systems in the universe and one of the basic creation patterns for all of existence. Within it are found all five of the Platonic Solids, the ”building blocks” of creation.

8. Decagon with a Pentagonal Star

The Decagon emerges from the pentagon and shares its self-generating divine proportion, the golden mean. At the center of this design is the Pentagonal Star, a powerful psychological icon symbolizing excellence, authority and uprightness.

9. Golden Mean Spiral

The Golden Mean Spiral is the ideal and correlates to Source. It is the symbol of life’s unfolding mysteries. With each revolution the spiral reveals a complete cycle of evolution. It offers a wiser and more all-encompassing perspective gleaned from growing by “learning all angles” of each experience. With their continuous curves, spirals are feminine in nature. Logarithmic spirals, like cochlea of the inner ear, reveal the intimate relationship between the harmonics of sound and geometry.

10. Harmonics of Music
and Thirteen Chakras

Like the Golden Mean Spiral, this geometric progression has no beginning and no end. It is from the Harmonics of Music that all the laws of physics can be derived, reveling the potent nature of this form. Music is a powerful tool for opening the charkas. This geometry artistically symbolizes this relationship, and as such, may be a particularly good focus for meditation when listening to Enos Dream.

11. Endless Knot

One of the eight sacred emblems of Tibetan Buddhism, this geometry forms ten enclosures and symbolizes the endless cycle of death and rebirth until illumination. (The core Buddhist insight underlying this symbol is: addiction and aversion lead to delusion, which is the ongoing source of all suffering.)

12. Sacred Heart

Is said to be primary source of spiritual intuition, and the seat of true wisdom. The purpose of which is to illuminate, inspire and lead the mind, rather than be controlled by the mind.

13. Sri Yantra

A geometric power symbol. The ancient yogis of India considered it to be the most powerful of all known geometric power symbols. Represents the geometric structure of the sound of creation—OM.

Meditation on the Sri Yantra will bring enlightenment and that all the secrets of the universe will be revealed to the person who meditates on it until its image is engraved in the mind. This form also has the ability to focus, balance and increase the level of life force energy. The key is experiencing Sri Yantra as a “star gate” to the Zero Point of Source from which all manifestation ultimately comes.