Transcript of Videotape Series Session 1 of 12

Beyond Human -- The Last Call - Session 1 (60 Min)

Welcome to Beyond Human -- The Last Call. We have a big picture to try to portray to you. You don't know us. You don't know what we represent. "Beyond Human" might say something, it might not, but it says a lot to us, and we want to share it with you.

I've asked some students to help me, and you noticed on the opening title page that this was Ti, Do, and students. I'm Do, and sitting in front of me here are two students. They're going to play your part in voicing for you questions that might enter your head. They may not necessarily be questions that would enter their heads, because they have been students for a long time. But they will try to help me fill in the gaps and not have too big of holes in the subject matter that we are going to try to cover for you.

Well, I'm going to back up and give you a little history. In 1975, there were two individuals who held some public meetings around the country, and said that they were from the Kingdom of Heaven. Those two individuals were Ti and Do. Ti, my partner, who has returned to the Kingdom of Heaven, left me here with the responsibility of whatever is remaining of this task, for it was mine to fulfill. I learned in working with Ti as a partner that Ti is my Older Member. I know that doesn't make much sense to you. What is an Older Member? Well, I'll go back to saying that Ti and I, when we held meetings across the country, said that we were from the Kingdom of Heaven and that we had been given information on how to go from the human kingdom into the Kingdom of Heaven. At that time we called it Human Individual Metamorphosis. And as we held some meetings, quite a number of students, or followers, or curiosity seekers, just dropped whatever they were doing and came and listened to us, spent some time with us, a short period of time with us, in some campgrounds, and we talked about the Kingdom of Heaven - the physical Kingdom of Heaven, not a spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. Not that it isn't spiritual, but it is not etheric. It is not only spiritual, which represents the character of the soul, but it is a physical kingdom as well.

As we talked about that Kingdom to these students, after a very short time (and we had written a statement about it) these students took that statement and went across the country for 9 months, holding meetings in one little town, one big town, one little town, and one big town after another. Sometimes they got run out of town because people didn't like what they were saying. They thought that it was anti-Christian, or it was New Age, or it was blasphemous. It's easy to see how people could think that it was all of those things, though it was none of those things.

After that 9-month period of holding meetings around the country, Ti and I felt like we had instruction to call the students together and to begin an intensive, or in-depth, classroom training program. So all the students came together, and at that time there were about a hundred students who had survived the trek around the country holding meetings, who still thought they wanted to go a little further and see what else they might learn from Ti and Do - if we really had anything to offer - or if this was the time for their excursion to end. When we met with those hundred or so students, we told them that this was dead serious, that we couldn't take them on as students unless they were ready to drop all of the behavior that they might still be participating in that we knew was not common to the Kingdom of Heaven.

More and more, we stressed that they would have to drop that behavior (sex being the one that seemed to stand out the most, that people seemed to be so addicted to, and hard to make that transition from). As we really got serious about it and knew that that one had to go, along with other addictions - drinking or smoking or drug usage or needing to tend to old attachments or binds that still drew them to their particular interest - the numbers started dwindling. The classroom then ended up in the, oh, somewhere in the 40's or 50's, cut to about 50 percent pretty quickly. And then we started really getting down to the nitty-gritty. It wasn't that we stayed serious all the time. We had a lot of fun. Fortunately, if we hadn't had a lot of fun, we would have lost our marbles even more than we thought we had already lost our marbles, when we stopped to examine what we were doing.

During that time - for a long period of time - we were in tents, and maybe little trailers, or some little RV units, because we were staying outside and just moving to wherever the climate would permit us to continue with our classroom. Now, I have to bring up that this has a parallel to it that we have to examine.

Two thousand years ago, when Jesus was sent from the Kingdom of Heaven, He was sent for the same purpose. He was sent to say, 'If you follow me, I can not only make you fishers of men, I can give you the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven. If you do what I say to do, if you believe that I have the information that you need, you apply it to your lives and in your behavior, and you overcome the world, then you can go from the human kingdom into the Heavenly Kingdom and not need to return again.' In other words, the only reason you would need to return is because you hadn't finished the lessons that needed to be learned at the human kingdom. Another way to look at it is: you still haven't overcome the behavior in the human kingdom that is not found acceptable in the Heavenly Kingdom.

This is a big picture, and I'm going to have to approach it from many different angles, and try to keep putting little pieces of the pie together to help you understand it. I'm going to back up even further, before Ti and I made a statement that told about how we had come from the Kingdom of Heaven. In an attempt at clarity, or for the sake of understanding, I will in the following discussion identify as the vehicle (the person of the body) and speak of Ti as the vehicle (the person of the body). You'll later understand the inaccuracy of this approach, even though it's the only one that works for this discussion.

In the early 70's, for unknown reasons (and this is just my attempt to explain to you what occurred), for unknown reasons - things we could not understand - my life began to suddenly fall apart. It had been a very stable life, an acceptable life, certainly one that was considered legitimate and had respect to it in the community, as did Ti's life. And her life separately began to fall apart. We did not know each other. We'd never seen one another that we were aware of - had never met. Then in the early 70's, I think around '72, we met just perchance while I was visiting a sick friend in a hospital where Ti was a nurse. From that moment, my life changed - changed very significantly. I rebelled. I didn't want it to change, and yet I knew it had to change. And the conflict that was in me was very great.

The same thing was happening with Ti. She knew she had something to do with me. I tried to reject that idea. Ti was confused for awhile and wondered, "Well, why do I recognize you, and you don't recognize me"? And even though I might have thought I didn't recognize Ti, I knew that I couldn't cut it off. And yet here we had separate lives, separate careers, families, involvements in the world, and all of a sudden, just because we met, something was causing us to have to become more involved in spite of our desire not to. Not involved in a human way. There was never a coming together in that we were bed partners or involved in a physical relationship. But there was something that compelled us to spend time together and listen to each other, and search together. And we started searching Scriptures, we started searching everything we could get our hands on - New Age material, everything we could find that would open our heads. We realized that all of the searching that we were doing was superficial, that where we were really getting help and getting information was from what was being fed to us (mentally).

Now, we know, or we understood later, that what was happening during that time was that we were what is historically called "going through an awakening period." And that awakening period is one where it's common for the person who is awakening, for his life to begin to fall apart, or her life to begin to fall apart, and for them to suddenly just be in a whirlwind, in a state of total confusion, not knowing what was going on. There was a total change of focus - just dropping everything of the past and being absolutely compelled to go with this new thing that was happening, not even knowing what it was, fearing it in a way. And strange as it may seem, this kind of change seems to always cause all of the people in the periphery of your life to turn against you, think that you lost your marbles, you've gotten duped by someone who has a spell on you and will lead you down a crooked path, or into some sort of witchcraft or occult endeavor. And unfortunately or fortunately, that seems to be a common symptom of an awakening.

Now let's talk about "what is awakening" from a different perspective. Let's discuss reincarnation a moment, not the typical Eastern view of reincarnation or the caste system progression, or that you are going to come back in another life as a bird or a monkey or something of that sort. But we have to realize if you search even the Biblical Scriptures carefully, that you'll see dozens of very clear references to a good understanding of "incarnating," and recognize that certain individuals that had been historically recognized in Biblical times in the past - the people were always questioning, "Well, is that them reappearing? Is that Moses? or Elijah? or Who is John the Baptist, could he have been so and so? What did Jesus mean when He said, 'You have to be born again'?" But to even look at it more from common sense - which is often a good measure or good judge of the kind of sense that comes from Our Heavenly Father - common sense tells us that Our Heavenly Father would not put a soul into this world and let it spend a few months and then have an auto accident, and that's the end of its existence, and no lessons to be learned. If you search the Scriptures, if you really get familiar with God's Word, as people call it - the Bible - and I don't mean to say, "as people call it," I certainly don't mean that I don't feel that it is. Because it is the record that we have. It is the only authentic record we have of the Kingdom of God's relationship with man.

If you search that Scripture, you learn that there was a period in time called an "Age," prior to this Age. Now, what do we mean by "this Age"? We talk about this Age as though it is possibly this 6000-year period - the duration of an expierment by the Next Level - not the astronomical usage of the term "Age." And prior to this 6000-year period, there was, according to the Bible, references made to a previous Age, and some souls came from that previous Age. It also makes reference to an Age after this Age. So, with the talk that is so common this day and time of the "last days" or "the end of the Age," and some people even talk of it as the end of the world (when I'm afraid I don't feel that Our Heavenly Father has quite deemed the planet so ill that it can't be recycled, refurbished, cleaned up, restored). But I feel that we are at the "end of the Age" - I'm afraid I feel is right upon us. I don't want to sound like a prophet, but my gut says, and everything else that I know, points to that it's going to come before the turn of the century, that it's going to come in the next few months or next year or two. I could be off. Ti and I thought it was going to end within a few months - the age was going to end in 1975, when our students were out holding meetings.

Let's go back to the students for a moment. When we had those students, the ones who were faithful and stayed with us the best that they could, we received instruction. We clearly feel that our instruction came from our Older Member, or a member of the Kingdom of Heaven who was not in a human physical form, but in a physical form when the M.O. required it. Our Older Member gave us instruction to take those students out of the world and have them completely separate from their normal activity, from all of their involvements, and concentrate on the information we were receiving on how to overcome their worldly ways.

Now I'm going to skip back to "what is awakening" and the topic of reincarnation because they are carefully linked. Let's just talk in theory for a moment. If someone has an incarnation and they get into certain addictions, or certain attachments, whether it be people, things, pursuits, whatever they're motivated to be focused on, and motivated to pursue - when that lifetime is over, if the Kingdom of Heaven sees that they deserve more lesson time, then they are permitted to come back during that Age for Lesson 2. And when they "awaken," they reach the point where we could say they "jived" with where they ended the previous incarnation. They're a "match" at that point.

Okay, let's go back. Previous incarnation. I leave a life and I have this attachment - this habit, this addiction. I'm still hooked on this town, I'm still hooked on this family, I'm still hooked on my martinis, or whatever it is that I am still glued to. So I will probably come back into as many of those things that would fulfill the continuation of the attachments that I had when I left that incarnation. And if there are some that I can't fulfill or that aren't fulfilled immediately, I - my "computer" - will see to it, my "soul" will see to it - that those attachments are restored. Then at a given point, when I'm jiving with where I left off the time before, I am awakening. I am starting my new life. That might happen in my teens, it might happen in my 20's, it might happen in my 30's, might happen in my 40's. If by some accident or some fluke I'm sent out of my body, or I lose my physical body (or my vehicle, as we call it, because we don't relate to it) - it is not "me" that's lost. It's just a suit of clothes that I wear, a suit of clothes that they wear. We don't identify with the body, we don't listen to it. We don't pay any attention to what it says its desires are. We say, "Be quiet and I'll tell you when you get this, and I'll tell you what you're gonna get." Okay, so an awakening then amounts to coming to the station to which you have developed.

Now let's go back. If we're going to go to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of Heaven can't be entered as long as I still have attachments and addictions to the human kingdom, then I have to go back and whittle away at them and get rid of them. Now, Jesus' whole purpose for coming was in order to redeem man to God. I mean, let's understand that when Adam and Eve sinned, and sin continued, and continued, and continued, people fell. They fell more. They got their eyes off their Heavenly Father. They weren't that interested in what He desired for them. They were interested in what their desires were - the desires of their flesh, the desires of the things they were attached to.

I have to, for fun, or for seriousness, bring up a thing that just throws me when I hear preachers say, "Well it's a good thing Adam fell, because had Adam and Eve not fallen, where would we be? There wouldn't be any people in the world today." And yet I thought that God was a Creator. I thought that Adam was created. I didn't think that Adam was born of woman's womb. Nor did I think that Eve was born of woman's womb. And in no way did the Creator say, "I've only got two creations in My bag, from there on it's up to you," even though man was created with the choice of moving into his more animal nature and taking his responsibility of being reproductive in that way. But theoretically and realistically, the Kingdom of Heaven could have continued to create one individual after another who only wanted to please their Heavenly Father - not interested in getting my flesh, your flesh, two flesh become one. The two multiply and they multiply, then my responsibilities go to the ones that are now the household that I have - these little urchins running around the place - I have to take care of them. And I say, "Oh, but God gave them to me." He did give them to you, in that when you get into that and you succumb to that temptation, then you are responsible for what you have produced. There would be only one thing that would really free you of that responsibility, and that is if you turn to your Father and you say, "What am I going to do? I left you. I fell from you. I want to return to You." Then it would be up to your Father and you and that relationship to determine what those steps would be in returning to Him.

Back to Jesus. Jesus came in as an opportunity to redeem man, to restore man to God in a relationship that was pleasing to God. Now, a relationship that is totally pleasing to God would be a lifestyle - a complete lifestyle - that would be acceptable in the Kingdom of Heaven. It wouldn't have any human attributes or animal-type attributes that humans participate in. It would be acceptable in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus awakened at an early age. He had a series of awakenings. I'm afraid I don't feel He was never tempted. He was certainly even tempted after He had been off and had gone through His fasting and tried to experience the things that, religiously and historically in the Essene communities or in the orthodox Jewish communities, were saying you need to have a period of fasting - you need to get separate with your God, and you need to come to grips. He knew that something about Him was different. He didn't fit the mold. He couldn't say, "Okay Dad, I'll keep the saw and the hammer. I'll stick with you and we'll be 'Joseph and Sons Carpentry.'" He said, 'I've got other work to do. I have another Father.' He was awakening to the fact that He had a Father, synonymous with an "Older Member," to relate to in the Kingdom of Heaven. Because He was a child from there, to come and take a body here in order to teach here, and to fulfill an assignment from the Kingdom of Heaven, didn't mean that He then moved into the human world and adopted all of the human addictions, binds, and characteristics that are not common in that Kingdom. But He did have to come in human form into the human kingdom and be vulnerable and say, "I've got a task. My task is to get you from 'human' to the Kingdom of Heaven, if you follow me. Now, it's not going to do you any good, you can't even be a disciple of mine if you don't leave everything behind and come and follow Me." To be thinking like that and to have that kind of information in His head must have meant that Jesus had overcome the world previously. He didn't have unfinished overcoming to perform. I don't know if there are some aspects of His development that we have no record of - none of us knows whether He would consider some of the things that He had to learn as "overcoming." I would imagine that one thing He might have been tempted with, and it is so easy to understand how you can be tempted with it, when He recognized that in the Jewish religion, which He knew was historically the reality of man's relationship with God in their religious literature, to expect to find God's people - the ones that should be listening to Him - because He knew He was sent to update them and to help them get into His Father's House. So, He went to those people and He felt like 'You're the ones who should know what I have come to give to you.' And He told His disciples, 'You go and minister to them as well,' and very few of the religious people could accept anything that He had to say. Because it sounded like what He said was blasphemy, like He was trying to be God. And yet He was a Son of God. He had moved from the human kingdom into the Kingdom of God. He had overcome the human world. After He got to the Kingdom of God, He was sent to come back into the human kingdom and try to help some who might be lost get into the Kingdom.

A funny thing here is recorded in the Scripture and it confuses a lot of people, because you can't really get into the Kingdom of Heaven, no matter what you do, just on your own. It takes a gift from the Kingdom of Heaven to even get you with their Representative. It's almost as if the Kingdom of Heaven comes in and puts little, what do you call them? That they might put on an animal so that they can follow the animal, that a farmer might put....

Student: Tags, beepers.

Do: Yes, like a beeper or tag, or something that would enable the rancher or farmer to keep track of that animal and watch its development. In the same way, the Kingdom of Heaven can come in and observe the humans - can get a "readout" probably, and more likely, from their mode of transportation (from their spacecraft) can get this readout. And that readout says, "This one might have a good potential; this one still registers on my meter to have a lot of desire for goodness." And it might be pretty deep seated, it might be pretty hidden, and outwardly they may not appear to be religious or they may not have the obvious trappings or elements of recognition that would be seen as good. Humans can't judge that, but the Kingdom of Heaven can judge that. Then they give them a little "gift," and that little gift is almost like a little "chip" that's planted in their brain or in their body somehow. And - uh oh - when it's planted, their world starts falling apart. And they start wondering - "What is happening"? And the next thing they know is, "Goodness, none of that means anything to me anymore. I've got to go and find something. I don't know what it is that I'm out to find. But I've got to go and find something that's going to take me, I don't even know where, but it's going to take me further than where I am." And what is happening? They're awakening.

Those who became good disciples of Jesus, who really tried to overcome to the best of their capacity, those disciples then experienced their awakening and started a very strong endeavor of overcoming the world. As to how many of those completed that overcoming to the degree that was acceptable in order not to need to return, or whether even all of the elements that might be marked off the checklist were available to them at that time, is a good question to explore. If you study the Scripture carefully, it leads you to believe that possibly at the end of the Age is a time when even many souls that have done a significant amount of overcoming in previous incarnations will have to return in order to be subjected to certain elements that were not available to them previously. And in that sense, they were "born again," and are here at the end of the Age in order to, once again, have a last chance, as far as that Age is concerned. Now, whether it's a "last chance" from an "everlasting" opportunity or not is not for us to question. That would be up to the members of the Kingdom of Heaven to decide whether or not it's their last chance. From our point of view it's...well let's back up.

Jesus at one time told those who were listening to Him, 'If you believe on Me and if you believe that I was sent from the Kingdom of Heaven and that what I'm telling you is the Truth, and you stick with Me, and you strive to do everything that they tell Me to give to you, then you can be saved'! Now, what do you mean "can be saved"? It means that you might have previously had your allegiance more in another direction. "What? In another direction? Who's the focus of that other direction?" Well, here we get to a very delicate matter. How can we identify a direction other than the direction connected with the Kingdom of God, the real Chief of Chiefs, the real Almighty God, God the Most High God, and His household, His offspring, His children, His Representatives?

We've already discussed that we believe that in the Jewish and Christian literature, the physical record is there connecting those people with the real Kingdom of God. And they speak of someone else. They speak of an individual that was once in the household of God, in the literal Heavens, was a son of God and got too big for his britches, and thought that he could do a better job than his Father, or his Older Member. Not that he was born of a wife of his Father, because the body that he had in the Kingdom of Heaven was certainly not born of woman. Don't forget that in the Kingdom of Heaven, babies are born by the souls that overcome the human condition. When they overcome the human condition and then are moved into the Kingdom of Heaven, then they're "babies." And those that took them in are then like their foster parents or their keepers, their babysitters, their teachers, their rabbi's, their connection, their "piece of pipe," their link with the Chief of Chiefs of that Kingdom.

Now you say, "Well, if you get from the human kingdom to the Kingdom Above Human only when you overcome this kingdom, does that mean that when I die I get to go into that Kingdom"? Well, this guy that we were talking about that went astray from the Kingdom of Heaven and got too big for his britches, he started a whole other world. We call him Lucifer, or Satan. He didn't think he was a bad guy. He thought he was a good guy, thought he was a smart guy. But he went astray - got his eyes off of his Heavenly Father.

You know, there's a funny thing - the greatest gift that we have is also the thing that can do us in. And that is: we always have a choice. We can't even get rid of that choice. We're created with it. Our Heavenly Father, even in the Kingdom of Heaven, won't let us shed our option to go awry, to go away from our Heavenly Father. So, that means that even in the Kingdom of Heaven, we have the potential to get our eyes off our Older Member, our "link," our "connection," and go separately, create our own world.

You tend to think when you read in the Bible that you want to give yourself totally to God, you want to be a complete servant. You want to be nothing but of service. You want to be putty in His hands. You don't even want to exist. And that's the truth. You don't. You don't even want to have any identity. You don't want to be recognized. You don't want to be a leader. You've outgrown, you've shed that addiction to trying to be "Mr. Somebody" who makes a place. And yet, in that Kingdom, they say, "Sorry, you can serve Me, but you still maintain the reins on choices, options. You can't get rid of that. That stays with you forever." So then, boy! That really puts the pressure on us, knowing that that's something that we're even going to take into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let's go back to the question that I thought might have entered your mind, "How do I get from this kingdom to that one? Do I die? And if I've overcome the world, then when I die, do I wake up in that Kingdom"? Well, it's an interesting question. There are two ways you can go. One is that that Kingdom can come and get you while you're still wearing this piece of flesh, if you've overcome this flesh and all of its aspects, and they were all available to you, and it was a time that that door was open. And they can come and take you, put you in their world, and you become a child - an absolute beginner - subjected to a whole new world. And it's true that some day down the line you might even be assigned a task to go back into a human condition in another Age or at another time.

Now, this guy "Luci," this guy "Satan," once he realized that his Heavenly Father kicked him out, and was not pleased with him and that he'd gone astray, then he even decided to try to work against humans ever reaching his Father's house, his Father's Kingdom. His primary effort was "How can I give misinformation to these humans to the degree that they won't ever know my Father's Kingdom" (or Luci's ex-Father's Kingdom). When he was cast out of his Father's house, he was cast down to Earth. If you study the meaning in the Hebrew, you learn that "Earth" doesn't just mean "planet Earth." It means everything outside of the part of the Heavens that is inhabitable by human species, that belongs to the Kingdom of God - all other physical parts of terra firma, whether it's planet Earth or other planets or other parts of the heavens. In other words, there can be what humans call "space aliens" that all evidence indicates to us are certainly not in our Father's House or from our Father's Kingdom. And so what are they? Their behavior indicates that they are humans, but they came from another Age, from another time. So, they are extremely more advanced, and they, without even knowing it, they can worship a false god, a false philosophy - wrong ideas.

And who is the focus of that false god, those wrong ideas? I'm afraid the kingpin is the same old guy - Lucifer, Satan. He says, "There isn't really a Chief of Chiefs. There isn't really a God of Gods. There is a 'cosmic consciousness.' There is a 'universal mind.' And you, too, can have that 'universal mind.' We're all gods. You can bring that 'universal mind' in and you can be a 'god' too."

Our Father's Kingdom says, "Hmm...if you're going to get in My House, you're going to get rid of all the characteristics that aren't permissible in My House. And you can't do that unless I send somebody to help you go through that overcoming process." Now, the Kingdom of Heaven did send someone a couple thousand years ago who told them this exact information. What did they do? They killed Him, because He went against everything that Satan, Lucifer, had said was right, was moral. "Luci" said, "Be a responsible person. Cling to this career. Cling to the family members of the flesh. Cling to all the responsibilities that you should. Be a stable humanitarian, someone that's reproductive both in culture and in physical nature. And, uh oh, we get into dangerous territory here. It even seems that all the religions that are not simply the Truth - the real honest-to-goodness authentic Truth (the facts) about our Father's Kingdom and how it relates to what all else is - that all other information (all other misinformation) is part of a false religion, whether it's titled this or it's titled that.

Now, where does Luci like to make his main camp? In the camp where the rightful heirs should be - among the Jews, among the Christians. So, how can he keep the Jews, keep the Christians from ever seeing his Father's Kingdom? By saying, "You don't have to overcome the world. Jesus did it for you. He did it for you." Jesus was sent to take you through it. Jesus was sent to tell you the truth, to tell you, "If you do everything I tell you, you can become perfect even as I am perfect." Not that Jesus for one moment thought that He was perfect. He measured perfection in that usage by, "I have sufficiently overcome this world. I don't need to be here. I have no binds to this world. I have binds only to my Father's Kingdom. There's nothing here that has anything for me." You can say, "Well, I don't have any ties to this world. I just do those things, they don't mean anything to me." Our Father says, "Well, I can believe that about like I can believe the person who has his three martinis every day and tells me he isn't an alcoholic." As long as you still participate in those things and they are a part of your daily activity, then you have a hard time convincing anybody that you have overcome those things. But Jesus said, 'If you do all these things that I have done, you can overcome. You can do much greater things than I' - knowing that growth was a step-wise thing. Because I'm sure in Jesus' eyes, His relationship to His Father was, 'Goodness, when will I ever grow to be like my Father? I'm so ignorant. I do things so poorly. I can't get them right.' And yet, of course, His ability to recognize His Father and want to be like His Father and realize that He is nothing but a child and that no matter how much he might have overcome of this world, He still sees that there is so much growth ahead of Him that could even help you identify that He is truly and actually a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, a part of the family of the True God. And it is the mind of that True God that has been passed down the steps, passed down from Older Member to younger member and into the individuals, and it begins to shine, and their humility shines. Now, if the humility is artificial, it's worse than blasphemy.

Okay, now this gets to a real touchy point. Who's Do? Who's this classroom? Do could say, "Oh boy, I'm this. I'm really a big shot." And yet I know that I strive every day to be more like my Older Member, and I know I am so short of being like my Older Member. Now, that doesn't mean anything to you, but as I mentioned to you that I recognize that Ti had more experience and was older than me, I could see Ti's control was better than mine and that I could learn so much. Even though when Ti and I first began to awaken, I wanted to stay in the limelight. I wanted to get equal billing. I wanted to be just as much a recognized representative of the Kingdom of Heaven, because I didn't have any better sense at the time. And Ti wasn't into saying, "Sonny, keep your place. Let me show you what I know." Ti knew that I could never buy it if she imposed it upon me. That I had to come to know it on my own by recognizing it.

Now, that's just to help you understand the relationship of a younger member to an Older Member. Anyone that has overcome the world more than someone else is their "elder," because they're moving out of the flesh family tree, or vine, into the soul or spiritual vine or Kingdom of Heaven. Don't get confused when I say "soul" or "spiritual," that we're talking about "etheric" because we aren't. But if they graft onto this other vine, then they relate each step up the vine with Older
Members - someone who's overcome this level more and is more a part of a higher level.

Back to the big question. I'm afraid the fact that Ti and I expressed, in 1975, what caused us to retreat, or was certainly one element that helped us retreat quickly and go with our little classroom and hide with them and start their classroom experience, was because the last thing we could stand was to have people say, "Blasphemy! You say you're from the Kingdom of God. Who do you think you are? Jesus? Who do you think you are? God"? Because they didn't understand that the Kingdom of Heaven is a many-membered Kingdom and uses planet Earth as a beautiful, beautiful garden, a hothouse for souls - that only our Father can create. Who can then go through experiences, fall, be restored, connect with an Older Member, and overcome the world and even enter our Father's House as a member - a conscious, living, physical member in His Household, if they go through those steps. If they continue to stay on the track. Now, the track requires that you not turn against a "Rep." Anyone that Jesus came in contact with, including if someone was a student of Jesus' for some time, and then said, "Oh, I don't know, this is a cult, for me to follow Him around like this. And my family's griping and complaining because I don't give them any time anymore. Here I am, going around the country preaching about 'the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,' and 'you've got to overcome the world' and 'you've got to come follow me and I'll show you how to get there.'"

Well, Ti and I were sent again, or the Next Level, the Kingdom of Heaven, chose to again "touch down" and send some "Reps" at the end of the Age. I know I sit here petrified because I know that there you are saying, "Oh, so you're the 'Second Coming.' You're saying you're the 'Second Coming.'" I'm not saying that Ti and I are the "Second Coming." We're not saying that we're Jesus. We're not trying to get you to buy that we are. We have nothing to gain - it is you who might have something to gain by that belief. However, all the evidence points to the fact that we are that "return" of the Next Level's presence. All we're doing is, we have to acknowledge the fact that we were sent from that Kingdom and that they gave us, and continue to give us, the information that can help you overcome this world now, at the end of the Age, and get out of here - not need to return. That you can sever from this world and it's done. It's for keeps! That the only reason for you to come back would be because you got an assignment to help somebody else come back to the Kingdom of Heaven for keeps.

So, what about those who followed Jesus for a while, and knew Him, and sat with Him, and listened to Him, and they say, "Aw, this is just another guy. It's a bunch of rumors, this nativity scene thing, and you know He is nothing special after all. I'm catching too much flack back over here in my little neighborhood town. I think I better go back there. And I am going to get back with responsibility, and take me a wife, raise me some kids. Get back into the mainstream." And it would have been better had they never known Jesus. Because then they turned from the "Rep," discounted Him. They would have never found that "Rep" more than likely, had the Kingdom of Heaven not come in and given them a little gift that translated to them as, "Whew! I don't know what I'm doing, but I gotta find somebody who's calling me, because I feel like a lost sheep." And here this shepherd, Jesus, comes in and they respond, and they recognize that they are lost sheep and they come together and, lo and behold, He's got what they're looking for. They didn't know what they were looking for, but He's got it.

Well, this little classroom that dwindled to 50, and then dwindled down to a couple dozen, have now reached a condition where they have overcome the world enough to relate in a position up a notch as Elders, or Older Members, to anyone else that they can help in their own overcoming. Yes, that means these two here who've been sitting here this whole hour with me and haven't asked me a blooming thing (laughs). But, I know they like to hear about the Kingdom of Heaven. And they know how filled I am with it. And I know how filled they are with it.

You know, we've been in a very strange position, in that for 16 years we haven't shared this truth. Oh, we dabbled in it a teeny bit on two occasions, very sheepishly, and realized that no one wanted to hear about it. And now, all of a sudden, we're getting instruction to give it out more clearly and this is what you're witnessing tonight - the first program, the first session, of a series on: "Above Human -- Beyond Human -- Last Call -- Endof the Age -- Last Call!"

We'll take this up in another session. And we'll have a series. I know I left a lot of gaps. They didn't help me fill them in too well (laughs), but maybe they'll fill in more the next time. I see these little papers coming up saying "10 seconds left." And we look forward to the next time when we can tell you more.

For the next videotape transcript: | Session 2 |
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