Chapter 2
The Polar Pivotal Axis
There is no doubt that the Planet Earth’s Polar Axis has shifted during its geological history. Evidence of such shifting can be found all over the world. Any academic difference of opinion resides in the question of exactly when these Polar Axis Shifts occurred. On the one hand, there are traditional scientists and geologists who date these shifts millions of years into the past, stating that there is absolutely no evidence that such shifts occurred within recent geologic times. But on the other hand, there is the Velikovskian School which dictates that at least one of these Polar Axis Shifts, perhaps even two or three of them, occurred within recorded historic times.


This academic disagreement was partly reflected in what has become known as “The Velikovsky Affair”, in which mainly Ivy League professors such as the late astronomer Carl Sagan of Cornell University and the controversial paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University disputed the science of the theories of the late Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky of Princeton University. As a longtime Velikovskian, I belong to the Velikovskian School and agree that a Polar Axis Shift did indeed occur in historic times, namely in the 16th Century BCE, as Dr. Velikovsky theorized in Worlds In Collision; and to wit, exactly in the year 1587 BCE. The North Pole shifted from a position in the North Atlantic Ocean to its current Arctic location, and the South Pole shifted from off the southern coast of Australia to the current Antarctica.

Regardless of which side of the timeframe fence one sits on, there is a single point of agreement amongst everyone, a common perplexity: what were the precise causes of these past Polar Axis Shifts? Most scholars admit that they could not have occurred without the intervention of a powerful external body capable of “torqueing” the Earth from one axis to another; the Earth could not shift on its own, from internally. Speculation has ranged from a giant comet passing too close-by, or an asteroid hitting the Earth, or some unknown “cosmic body” passing in our vicinity, all on a purely unpredictable and random basis. To date, however, no one has devised a completely satisfactory explanation for this mysterious phenomenon. Apparently, no one knows the answer as yet.

Here I am proposing that the “cosmic agent” causing these periodic Polar Axis Shifts is the nomadic Rogue Planet X Nibiru, which was responsible for the previous catastrophe in the 16th Century BCE. So far, no one else, including
Zecharia Sitchin or even anyone within the Velikovskian School, has proposed such an alternative theory. And I also propose that these shifts are predictable both in time and location, because these shifts occur once every 3,600 years along Polar Belts determined by a Polar Pivotal Axis, which is a line drawn straight down through the top of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and coming out in the Mid-Pacific Ocean at 30 degrees south latitude and 150 degrees west longitude, exactly opposite the Pyramid which is at 30 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees east longitude. The arrival sequence of the Planet X Nibiru and its attempt to tether itself to Earth’s North Polar Belt by the use of an electromagnetic beam results in a pivoting, or torqueing effect, causing the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Axis to tilt to New Polar Zones.


HOWEVER, the Great Pyramid Complex itself would STILL be located 30 degrees above the NEW Equator and 60 degrees south of the NEW North Pole, as it is today. The same would be true for the opposite pivotal point in Oceania. ONLY these two locations would have the same latitudinal position as before, 30 degrees above the Equator and 60 degrees away from their respective Poles. Every other geographic location on Earth would change, some by not very much, others greatly by comparison.

And here the proposition is taken for granted that there were no traditional “Ice Ages”, that these so-called “Ice Ages” simply reflect the presence of Polar Ice in various other Polar Zones around the globe. The ice of the present-day North and South Poles did NOT expand southwards and northwards, causing these strange icesheets in otherwise unfrozen modern locations. Nevertheless, the locations of these ice-sheets would be most critical with respect to the creation of a pattern of shifting. Primarily in Earth In Upheaval, Dr. Velikovsky described many anomalies of geological evidence from around the world. A good example would be the existence of extinct tropical coral reefs underneath the present North Polar Ice, indicating that at one epoch in time our now-frozen Arctic Ocean had a tropical climate.


Dr. Velikovsky gives us evidence of ice-sheets in India, South Africa, Northeastern Brazil, Ghana, North America, Europe, Mexico, Hawaii and Australia. If one plots these various locations on a world globe, one immediately notices how they tend to ring the area of Egypt, at a distance of about 50-60 degrees in all directions. Furthermore, there is absolutely no evidence of an “Ice Age” in the modern Middle East itself. It is from that point of view that I began—in 1973—to make my assumptions regarding the Great Pyramid of Egypt as having been deliberately built in that geographic location, amongst other reasons, “to mark the spot” of the Polar Pivotal Axis. That, of course, is a most radical supposition, and I am the first to admit it.

If one disassembles a world globe and inscribes upon it a circle with its center at Cairo and a radius from there to the current North Pole, that circle would become the North Polar Belt. Similarly, if one inscribes a circle with its center exactly opposite Cairo in Oceania and a radius to the South Pole, that circle would become the South Polar Belt. These two circles would denote the thickest parts of the icesheets in other locations, with Polar Ice extending away from those lines in proportion to what it extends today outwards from the Arctic and Antarctic. All “Ice Ages” fall within these Polar Belts, and there is no evidence of “Ice Ages” in other locations. Coincidence? You decide.

Next, if one further inscribes an equatorial line between the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Axis, this line would become a Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator; and it would divide the globe into two Polar Hemispheres,

  • a North Polar Hemisphere with its center at the Great Pyramid of Egypt

  • and a South Polar Hemisphere with its center in Oceania, separating these two hemispheres exactly halfway between the North and South Polar Belts.

All geographic locations along this Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator would NEVER experience or have experienced extreme polar glaciation of any sort. This line passes through the following modern geographic locations:

  • Central Wisconsin

  • Central Minnesota

  • Northwestern Canada

  • Anchorage

  • Okinawa

  • Mindanao

  • Celebes

  • Bali

  • South Indian Ocean

  • South Atlantic Ocean

  • Rio de Janeiro

  • Caracas

  • Haiti

  • South Carolina

  • and back to Central Wisconsin, which boasts along its southwestern highways how that part of the state was never glaciated in an “Ice Age” and has been officially classified as a “Driftless Area”

Here is what is inscribed on one such sign, erected in 1983 beside Interstate Highway 90 northwest of Madison, Wisconsin:

“Several times during the ice ages, glaciers flowed out of Canada, sometimes reaching as far south as the Ohio and Missouri rivers. During recent glaciations, southwestern Wisconsin was untouched, because the glaciers were diverted to the east or west by the highlands of north-central Wisconsin and northwestern Michigan. Here, in the Driftless Area, you see a rugged landscape with deep valleys and rocky crags. Much of the Midwest would look like this today if it had not been glaciated, but the ice sheets smoothed those areas by eroding away the crags and filling in the valleys. The Driftless Area was never completely surrounded by ice, and the glaciers reached only its eastern edge during the last glacial episode. At that time, about 15,000 years ago, the Wisconsin River was dammed by the glacier, and the sediment deposited in glacial Lake Wisconsin forms the flats between Tomah, Wisconsin Dells and Wisconsin Rapids. Then the Driftless Area was treeless and had a tundra climate.”

Such areas like Anchorage, which is near the Arctic Circle and therefore cold and wintry, is itself never under the greater part of a Polar Icecap, despite the presence of several technical glaciers in its general vicinity. St. Petersburg, Russia, is at the same 60-degree north latitude as Anchorage, and we certainly do not consider modern St. Petersburg to be “glaciated”. Anchorage, incidentally, will someday be in a comparable southern location as it is today, when a future South Pole will be located just northeast of the Hawaiian Islands, except that Anchorage will be the same distance from that SOUTH Pole, not North Pole.

Although it would actually be impossible from existing evidence to predict exactly where on the Polar Belts each succeeding Polar Alignment would be located, in that these shiftings could be either random or systematic, it is the hypothesis here that they shift in an orderly fashion in a CLOCKWISE manner when viewed from the overhead perspective of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. As Dr. Velikovsky’s theoretical North Pole shifted from the North Atlantic to the Arctic in a clockwise manner, so also might the next shift be in the same clockwise direction from the Arctic towards Mongolia and the previous shift have been from the Mid-Atlantic to the North Atlantic.

After one prepares a world globe to represent all of the various Polar Zones and Equators, as well as the Pyramid-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator, one can spend many hours speculating about this or that detail. For example, if the North Pole were located in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean between Luanda, Angola, and Recife, Brazil, and the South Pole were located just southwest of the Marshall Islands, then the resulting Equator would pass through Antarctica and travel across the presently eastern Pacific Ocean to Acapulco, Mexico City, Laredo, Dallas, Tulsa, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Hudson Bay, Northern Greenland, Spitzbergen Island and then go across the Barents Sea into Russia, pass through Perm and the Aral Sea, and stretch into Afghanistan, Pakistan and Western India before heading out into the Indian Ocean via Diego Garcia, back to Antarctica. In such a Polar Alignment, the present-day Arctic Ocean would be located near the equatorial tropics and would certainly contain coral reefs of which, as was noted, we have modern evidence.


And many other similar observations can also be made, when one considers various areas of the world which have apparently undergone extreme climatic changes from equatorial to polar (Arctic), which used to be forests but now are deserts (Saudi Arabia), or which used to be under the ocean but now are dry land (Texas). My demonstration of this “polar globe” was not included in the 2003 video, Planet X - Assessing The Science, which is available for purchase Planet X Video. At a June 1999 Catastrophism Conference, hosted by Professor Emilio Spedicato at the University of Bergamo in Italy, a number of respected authors and researchers presented a series of papers and lectures. Reprinted below, as they appeared in the September 2000 edition of The Velikovskian Journal (Volume V, Number 1) published by Charles Ginenthal in New York, are three “abstracts” or overviews of these papers and lectures, as they pertain to Polar Axial Displacement.

By Flavio Barbiero
Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
Capodiponte, Italia

Evidence exists that the poles have changed position during the recent past in a very rapid way—in a matter of days. This possibility, however, so far has been disregarded by official science on the basis that such a phenomenon is thought to be physically impossible: no mechanism is known and no energy capable of provoking it. The hypothesis that the inclination of the terrestrial axis in relation to the ecliptic and the position of the poles might change has however been taken into consideration since last century. Some of the greatest scientists of the time, including J.C. Maxwell and Sir George Darwin, considered this problem but decided that the stabilizing effect of the equatorial bulge was so great that no conceivable force originating within the Earth could lead to a shifting of the axis, except for the collision with another planet.

They did not take into account, however, the phenomena of instability which could occur to an Earth-like gyroscope, consisting of a plastic shell, easily deformed by centrifugal forces, covered by freely-moving liquids—the only body of this kind in the solar system.

Our work shows that the impact of extraterrestrial objects as small as an Apollo class asteroid could “trigger” a process which in a matter of days would cause a “reshaping” of the equatorial bulge around a different axis, inducing therefore a shift of the poles and a change of the tilt. In order to trigger the process, the peak value of the torque developed by the impact has to overtake a “threshold” value, equal to the stabilizing torque developed by the equatorial bulge. A rough calculation shows that the threshold value can be reached during the impact with a body much smaller than a one-kilometer-sized asteroid.

A shift of the poles would cause worldwide destructive phenomena such as:

  • earthquakes and volcanic activity in all areas interested [sic] by adjustments of the crust

  • violent winds and torrential rains, with unprecedented floods all over the world

  • wide fluctuations of the oceans’ level, with subsequent temporary submersion of large parts of the continents

  • perturbation of the magnetic field

On top of that, there would be permanent changes of the climate, due on one side to the shift of the poles (and therefore to a change of latitude of many regions, deviation of oceanic and atmospheric currents and so on); on the other side, to the change of the tilt, with subsequent modification of the seasonal pattern. A shift of the poles occurring at the end of the Pleistocene, with all its related destructive phenomena, could explain coherently the climatic situation before that date, and the situation observed after that date, as well as ancient traditions about a worldwide catastrophe.

By Alexander Tollmann
University of Vienna, Austria

In 1992 the geologists Edith and Alexander Tollmann published a monograph which claimed that the Noachian Deluge was the consequence of a cometary impact about 9,500 years ago. A series of geological facts supported the claim, together with a critical analysis of mankind’s traditions. Geological proofs of the impact include a crater with iridium, shatter cones, stress lamination of minerals, radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, a peak of acid in the Greenland and so on. Over a thousand worldwide traditions describe moreover every detail of the catastrophe following the impact and the spiritual consequences on the human mind. In our present communication we will add new proofs of the impact.


They include analysis of the Koefels crater in Tyrol and new radiocarbon dating. The hiatus of settlements for this time is recorded from many places in the world, both from villages and caves. The impact led to the development of religions, to a confusion of languages, to the transition from a hunting and collecting economy to an agricultural and cattle-breeding economy and so on. Another impact, the “Late-Glacial Impact”, occurred as a forerunner about 3,500 years before the Noachian Flood. We have been led to its existence by several indications: torrential rainfalls, fallout of nitric acid, the extinction of most of the Pleistocene mega-mammals…The Late-Glacial Impact is also supported by the discovery of its conflagration (Weltenbrand) horizon, which has been documented by J.B. Kloosterman in more than a dozen countries on three continents. The epoch of this impact is the Allerod time, about 13,000 BP [that is, BCE], still in the younger Paleolithic (Termination IA), whereas the Noachian Flood Impact occurred in the Mesolithic (Termination IB), about 9,500 years BP. The Late-Glacial Impact was caused by a comet: its fragments struck the northern hemisphere, in particular the ice of the Canadian Ice Shield, leading to the giant “Debacle” flood (Ontario, 450 km. wide) and the Spokane Flood, in the Columbia Basin.

By Mark Baillie
Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom

The availability of long, year-by-year, tree-ring chronologies from a spread of locations has allowed the exploration of several abrupt, apparently catastrophic, environmental events in recent millennia. This paper will explore the ways in
which data are accumulating relevant to these events. It will also explore the chronological pitfalls encountered when evidence from sources of differing dating quality are encountered. In many cases there are definite limits to the precision with which environmental parameters can be dated. This applies particularly to palynological and sedimentary records; even varve records and ice-cores have their limitations when it comes to highly refined dating questions. Currently it is fair to say that, for anything earlier than the present millennium, there is no good understanding of the causes of the various environmental downturns noted in the tree-ring records. The paper will also explore some of the possibilities which have been tentatively addressed so far, namely volcanism, extraterrestrial bombardment and undersea outgassing.

In 1984 Val LeMarche and Kathy Hirschboeck pointed out a severe frost ring in the Californian bristlecone pine tree-ring record relating to the calendar year 1627 BC. Their suggestion that this frost event might have been due to the eruption of the Santorini volcano in the Aegean is still a source of active debate. Their work stimulated the observation of a series of narrowest-ring events in an Irish oak chronology at dates 3195 BC, 2345 BC, 1159 BC, 207 BC and AD 540. These dates, it turns out, fall in the vicinity of several possibly traumatic environmental events marked in human records by such phenomena as dynastic changes, Dark Ages and plagues (Baillie, 1995). Circumstantial cases can be erected which would allow the environmental downturns to explain some of the human effects.


Curiously, mythology hints that several of the events may have had cometary associations. Such cases then allow the formulation of research programs aimed at uncovering physical evidence from suitable deposits. Detailed examination of oak specimens in which the narrowest-ring events were observed, and consideration of the detailed responses of trees in various geographical areas to the events, hint at complex reactions over periods of years; and it may be some considerable time before definitive solutions are available. In the meantime, active speculation in the literature is aimed at flushing out relevant information from specialists in a wide variety of fields.

Note that in these “abstracts” the authors ASSUME that some sort of “cometary impacts” were necessary to trigger these axis shifts. It is highly significant that existing records of the Planet X Nibiru, as Zecharia Sitchin has described in The Earth Chronicles, suggest that it is “cometary” in appearance because of its “tail” which is in fact nothing more than the electromagnetic tethering beam that it unleashes in order to attach its South Pole to our North Polar Belt. And, of course, the “Venus” of Dr. Velikovsky was “cometary” in nature. These “abstracts” demonstrate further the difficulty that one encounters in determining a cause for Polar Axial Displacement outside the framework of the periodical returns/arrivals of the Planet X Nibiru, not to mention the futility of calculating exactly when each repetition recurs if they are considered as “random” rather than predictable events within this Solar System.

Transcribed below is an article from The Dallas Morning News. It contains a perfect example of the fallacy of trying to explain historical climate changes by traditional methods. The academic scientific establishment is so blind to and afraid of the possibility of catastrophic planetary changes in “recent times” that their entire system of dating these events is flawed from the outset. As Dr. Carl Sagan might have remarked sarcastically to Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky during the course of The Velikovsky Affair,

“There is no evidence of such catastrophes in recent geologic time; they occurred MILLIONS and MILLIONS of years ago!”

Everybody is free to choose the “school” in which he or she may wish to believe. I chose “Catastrophism & Ancient History” years ago, The Velikovskian School. This recent evidence below can be explained quite logically if one is aware of the theoretical possibility of a Polar Pivotal Axis reaching from Cairo to Oceania, generating Polar Pivotal Belts where North and South Polar Zones are periodically located, as a result of the recurrent transits of the “custodial” Planet X Nibiru, the cyclical “Cosmic Tree”.

If, as both Dr. Velikovsky and I have suggested, the last North Pole was located in the North Atlantic Ocean, then polar ice, other glaciation and permafrost would have extended into northeastern North America, western Europe and Morocco. During such a scenario, Haiti, Cuba and Florida would have been located about the same distance from that North Pole as Anchorage and St. Petersburg are located away from the present North Pole.

The Gulf of Mexico would naturally have been much cooler, since it would have been equivalent geographically to, say, that stretch of the current cold Pacific Ocean from Anchorage to Seattle. Yucatán, Mexico, would have been situated about the same distance from that North Pole as Oregon is from the current pole. Moreover, if the South Pole were located about 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) off the Pacific coast of Mexico, southwest of modern Acapulco, then the northeastern half of the Gulf of Mexico would have been located just north of that South Polar Zone, Miami and Havana again at about the same latitude away, but in the south, as Anchorage is today in the north; and the southwestern Gulf, southwestern Texas, all of Mexico and Central America, the Galapagos Islands, and west-coastal Colombia and Ecuador would have been within that South Polar Zone (permanent ice to permafrost). Since West Texas was at one time under the ocean, it is logical to assume that when the South Pole is located off Acapulco and/or when the North Pole is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, then Texas is underwater. That’s my guess, at least, for what it’s worth.
Thus, this “new evidence” is perfectly explainable by The Velikovskian School. When a new theory is inherently true, all of the peripheral facts, like this one, that come along the pipeline, will automatically fall into place like clockwork.


Except for the standard but flawed establishment dating here, which Sagan would have supported, this is a classic example.


The Dallas Morning News,

By Alexandra Witze,

Science Writer
23 October 2000

Cold winters may have spelled the end for marine critters living in the Gulf of Mexico 34 million years ago.
More than 90 percent of Gulf mollusks perished at that time. So did many species that lived on land. Scientists now have some of the first evidence that climate change snuffed out these animals.
In last week’s issue of Nature, researchers from the University of Michigan and Syracuse University describe their work on “ear stones” from fossilized fish. These natural structures accumulate layers of calcium carbonate each year the fish lives. Scientists can deduce the water temperature—down to seasonal changes—by analyzing the ratios of chemical elements in the ear stones. Winter temperatures in the Gulf dropped 7 degrees Fahrenheit 33.7 million years ago—even though summer temperatures remained roughly the same, the researchers reported. The drop is consistent with other evidence that Earth’s climate shifted at this time from a greenhouse into an icehouse. Such a cold spell could have caused the major extinction, they added.


As is mentioned elsewhere, the Flood of Noah coincided with the arrival of the Planet Nibiru in the year 5187 BCE, or approximately 7,200 years ago. Thus below, these “remnants of human habitation” found under the Black Sea would correlate with that “cosmic catastrophe”, when the North Pole shifted from the Mid-South Atlantic Ocean to the North Atlantic and the Planet X Nibirudocked” at “Hyperborea” until its departure in the year 4287 BCE.


Associated Press,

13 September 2000

WASHINGTON—Artifacts found at the bottom of the Black Sea provide new evidence that humans faced a great flood, perhaps that of the biblical Noah, thousands of years ago, the discoverers say.

Remnants of human habitation were found in more than 300 feet of water about 12 miles off the coast of Turkey, undersea explorer Robert Ballard said Tuesday. “There’s no doubt about it, it’s an exciting discovery,” Mr. Ballard said from his research ship. “We realize the broad significance the discovery has, and we’re going to do our best to learn more.”

Fredrik Hiebert of the University of Pennsylvania, chief archaeologist for the Black Sea project, said, “This find represents the first concrete evidence for the occupation of the Black Sea coast prior to its flooding.”

Many ancient Middle Eastern cultures have legends of a great flood, including the Bible story of Noah.
Columbia University researchers William Ryan and Walter Pittman speculated in their 1997 book “Noah’s Flood” that when the European glaciers melted about 7,000 years ago, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed into what was then a smaller freshwater lake to create the Black Sea.

Last year Mr. Ballard found indications of an ancient coastline miles out from the current Black Sea coast. His discovery provides evidence that people once lived in that now inundated region.

Mr. Ballard, a National Geographic Society explorer in residence, said he had studied shells found along the ancient coastline and found two types. One group is an extinct type of freshwater shell, and the second is from saltwater shellfish. The saltwater shells date back 6,500 years, while the freshwater shells all date to 7,000 years ago and more.

“So we know that there was a sudden and dramatic change from a freshwater lake to a saltwater sea 7,000 years ago. And we know that as a result of that flood a vast amount of land went underwater. And we now know that that land was inhabited. What we don’t know is who these people are, we don’t know how broad their settlements were…but we’re expanding our studies to try to determine that,” he said.

Mr. Ballard said his team, using remote-controlled underwater vessels with cameras, found a former river valley beneath the sea. In that valley was a collapsed structure, including some preserved wooden beams that had been worked by hand. The structure was “clearly built by humans” and was characteristic of stone-age structures built 7,000 years ago in the interior of Turkey, Mr. Ballard said. It contained a stone chisel and two other stone tools with holes drilled through them, he said.

The group is now mapping the site and looking for other structures. “This is a work in progress,” Mr. Ballard said. “It is critical to know the exact era of the people who lived there, and to that end we hope to recover artifacts and wood for carbon dating so we can figure out what sort of people lived there and the nature of their tools.”

The discovery occurred within Turkey’s coastal waters. Turkey has a representative on the research vessel.

Mr. Ballard, best known for finding the remains of the ships Titanic, Bismarck and Yorktown, among other discoveries, operates the Institute for Exploration in Mystic, Connecticut.


And here is a third recent news article about a discovery off the coast of northern England. Undoubtedly this submerged land used to be above sea-level during a previous Polar Axial Alignment. This article was found on the Web and posted to the Fortean Times Internet Mailing List. The dates provided below are close enough in “estimated time” to indicate that this catastrophe was probably contemporaneous with the Black Sea evidence cited above.



Scientists say Britain has its own version of Atlantis under the North Sea. Ancient stone age communities were wiped out by a series of floods which scientists say should act as a warning about the dangers of global warming and rising sea levels.

Dr Ben Horton of Durham University’s Sea Level Research Unit said: “As our climate and oceans respond to global warming, there will be potential for global sea level rise on a massive scale.”

He added: “Our investigations have revealed for the first time that large areas of land can be flooded very quickly.”

After the last ice age, melting ice caused the southern half of the North Sea to rise by about 65 ft over 2,000 years, leaving an area the size of Britain underwater. The research team at Durham University has discovered that Britain also suffered a series of shorter-term floods which had disastrous effects on the human population. Between 2,000 and 3,000 people at a time died in the floods, with hunter-gatherer tribes more likely to live near coastal and estuarine areas where food was more easily found.

Between 7,600 BC and 5,900 BC, around 1,000 square miles of land in the North Sea region would have been flooded by 15 ft high tidal and storm surges, the scientists have found. These natural disasters occurred on average four times each century.

Britain’s land link to the continent was also flooded, leaving the British Isles lagging thousands of years behind in the rest of Europe in the development of weapons technology, agriculture and architecture, the National Geographic reports.



The following is a message that came in on the Fortean Times List on 22 January 2001. In my theory of Polar Axial Displacement, if the North Pole were located in the central Indian Ocean and the South Pole were located off the coast of southwestern Mexico, as I propose that it was from 15,987-12,387 BCE, then the Equator would have gone right through Wales and southern England. It all falls into place. But, of course, like Dr. Velikovsky, we have to “shun” these “geological” dates to make “history” seem “logical”. One simply cannot straddle the fence on these chronological issues.


A 300 million-year-old petrified forest has been discovered at an open cast coal mining site. Experts say the condition of the fossilised forest, preserved in mud stone, makes it an extremely rare discovery.

Fragments of more than 40 trees and bushes were uncovered at the Darrell opencast site in the Dulais Valley, Nant-y-Cefn, South Wales. Now experts are working against time to preserve the find, which last saw daylight when South Wales was sited on the equator and basked in a tropical climate. They believe the forgotten tropical forest was laid down at a time when the area was swampland which gradually silted over.

Cliff Patten, principal planning officer at Neath and Port Talbot County Council, say the priority is to ensure the forest is preserved before it can decompose. “It was discovered about one month ago and we have been looking at the best way preserve it since then. This is an extremely rare find,” he said. “One idea is to encase it in resin so it’s protected from the elements. But at the moment the fossils are exposed in part of a large open pit.

“The opencast site was given planning permission on the condition that when all work is finished the land is restored to its former use. “It is a working mining operation which does make things difficult. It cannot be left out in the open indefinitely but there is no danger of immediate decomposition.”



Associated Press,

Via The Dallas Morning News,

22 March 2002 ROME


—Near the ruins of Pompeii, archaeologists have found another, far-older abandoned settlement, unearthing the remains of buildings, canals and ornate tools from more than 2,500 years ago.

Italian scientists and the Culture Ministry at a news conference Thursday announced details of excavations at the ancient riverside port at Poggiomarino, six miles northeast of Pompeii in southern Italy.
The site was discovered two years ago during the construction of a water purification plant.

Like ancient Pompeii—a Roman city destroyed in 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius—this town was also abandoned because of natural disaster: a flood in the 6th century B.C.

The 17-acre settlement was founded in about 1500 B.C. on the River Sarno, and as many as 1,000 people lived there.

Archaeologists described it as a “Bronze Age Venice”. Like that northeastern, canal-based lagoon city, this too was constructed on marshy islands—perhaps to prevent invaders from storming their city.
“In that period, all the important ports sprang up along rivers a little distance from the sea, to avoid pirate attacks,” prehistorian professor Renato Peroni said at the news conference.

Excavations have yielded traces of horseshoe-shaped stone and wood foundations, part of a canoe carved from a tree trunk, and ornate amber broaches and bronze and iron tools.



And finally, here is another article that appeared in The Dallas Morning News in the Science Section on 5 February 2001. The ultimate interpretation is completely wrong, of course, or at least flawed, because it does not take into account all of the historical data. However, the article does demonstrate once again that “big events” occurred around 2000 BCE (Exodus/Santorini) and “8,200 years ago” (add 7,200 years to 1587 BCE and you get 8787 BCE)—not to mention “about 12,000 years ago”, that old reliable often-cited date for the greatest flood of all, the one that destroyed the Lost Atlantis, as the Egyptian priests related to Solon. See Chapter 5. These climate catastrophes are caused by the 3,600-year-long orbit of the Planet X Nibiru, as its arrival sequence results in Polar Axis Shifts here on Earth. For the record, the most “recent” dates are as follows:

  • 15,987 BCE

  • 12,387 BCE

  • 8787 BCE

  • 5187 BCE

  • 1587 BCE

  • 2013 CE (technically, the end of 2012)

These sorts of establishment errors exemplify how geological dating is dubious at best; scientists, but geologists in particular, would like for the historians to adapt their historical chronologies to the “scientific” geological dates, rather than the other way around, as it should be; that as was one of the most significant points of contention throughout the infamous “Velikovsky Affair” of the late 20th Century. Establishment scientists often get their “conclusions” right, but they use the wrong methods of deduction to get there. Why? Because, of course, they still refuse, as they have always done in the past, as Madame Helena P. Blavatsky pointed out time and again, to integrate any “occult” possibilities into their reasoning. Such an establishment approach has always meant a certain path to failure when one is analyzing complex subjects of this historical nature.


The Dallas Morning News,

5 February 2001
By Tom Siegfried,

Science Editor

The world is full of menaces to society, and always has been. Throughout recorded history, and even before, human societies have tended to fall apart. From the Natufian hunter-gatherers to the Central American Maya to the Anasazi of the American Southwest, cultures of great sophistication have inevitably collapsed.

Guess who’s next.

Surely not the post-industrial high-tech mass-marketing culture that rules the world today? Don’t count on it.

Collapse of a society can occur rather suddenly, say anthropologist Harvey Weiss and geoscientist Raymond Bradley. Flourishing cultures may abruptly abandon the region they occupy, drastically alter their way of life or radically reorganize their social and governmental systems.

Apparently, archaeologists have commonly concluded, various political and economic problems conspire to drive societies to ruin. But the latest evidence suggests that the real menace was the weather. Recent precise dating of ancient weather changes reveals that many cultural disruptions corresponded with drastic climatic shifts.

“There is mounting evidence that many cases of social collapse were associated with changes in climate,” Drs. Weiss and Bradley wrote last month in the journal Science.

When climate changes suddenly, societies may not be able to cope with the unfamiliar living conditions that result.

“Prehistoric and early historic societies—from villages to states or empires—were highly vulnerable to climatic disturbances,” the scientists wrote. About 12,000 years ago, for example, the Natufians of southwest Asia switched their lifestyle from hunting to farming. The impetus for that cultural shift, say Drs. Weiss and Bradley, was a cooler, drier climate. Hunting and foraging could no longer supply enough food, so the nomadic lifestyle collapsed and a culture based on planting crops and raising animals arose in its place. Then 8,200 years ago, a drought lasting about two centuries led to abandonment of the farming settlements. Only moister conditions millennia later allowed the rebirth of Mesopotamian civilization. From about 2600 B.C. onward, favorable climate supported civilizations from the Mediterranean and Egypt through Mesopotamia to India. But many of those cultures suffered drastic change after 2290 B.C., when the weather cooled and rainfall levels dropped dramatically. Similarly, severe drought coincided with the Maya collapse of the ninth century, and decades of drought in the 13th century apparently forced the Anasazi to abandon their habitats.

In the past, of course, humans had no control over climate, and their cultures were at the mercy of atmospheric aberrations. In the future, though, climate will be conditioned in part by the gases pumped into the air by power plants, factories and cars. The result, most experts say, will be a warmer planet.
How warm the Earth will get, and how fast, are of course matters of considerable uncertainty and debate. Carbon dioxide, the principal air-warming gas, participates in some complicated chemistry.

Plants suck carbon dioxide out of the air for food, keeping atmospheric levels lower than they would otherwise be. But when the plants die and decay, the carbon combines with oxygen again and returns to warm the atmosphere. All the carbon doesn’t return to the air, though, because some organic matter decays very slowly. Vast amounts of carbon are stored, for instance, in the northern peatlands. In fact, the peatlands may contain more than half as much carbon as the amount already in the air. Writing recently in Nature, scientists from the University of Wales say the peat decays slowly because it contains chemicals blocking the enzymes that cause decay.

Enzymes are biological catalysts. Without the right enzyme around, most biochemical reactions go slower than a molasses-covered glacier. But the right enzyme turns the light green and abolishes the speed limit. In the peatlands, it seems, an enzyme called phenol oxidase doesn’t do its job of breaking up alcohol-like chemicals called phenols. When phenols accumulate, they block the action of other enzymes that cause decay, the Welsh scientists surmise. Based on lab experiments and measurements in Florida wetlands, the Welsh group concludes that lack of oxygen keeps the phenol oxidase inactive. More oxygen would trigger that enzyme to destroy the phenols, clearing the way for massive decay.

“This has profound implications,” the Welsh biologists wrote. If patterns of global change dry out the peatlands, bringing in more oxygen, reinvigorated enzyme activity could rapidly release billions of tons of carbon into the air, possibly causing dire climatic consequences.

This possibility is far from the only consideration in evaluating future climate threats. But it should serve as a signal to politicians who are cavalier about the global warming problem. Unless they understand enzymes—and they don’t—they cannot appreciate how fragile the current climate may be. So today’s society may find itself in much the same situation as the historical cultures crippled by climate change. Except that, as Drs. Weiss and Bradley point out, scientists now can anticipate the future.

Science’s foresight could help society plan to reduce the damage that climate change might inflict.
“This will require substantial international cooperation,” say Drs. Weiss and Bradley, “without which the 21st century will likely witness unprecedented social disruptions.”


In conclusion here, I am going to include some quotes from Dr. Velikovsky’s Earth In Upheaval, by PAGE numbers, and then personally COMMENT on each one.


17-19: Charles Darwin, who denied the occurrence of continental catastrophes in the past, in a letter to Sir Henry Howorth admitted that the extinction of mammoths in Siberia was for him an insoluble problem. J.D. Dana, the leading American geologist of the second half of the last century, wrote:

“The encasing in ice of huge elephants, and the perfect preservation of the flesh, shows that the cold finally became suddenly extreme, as of a single winter’s night, and knew no relenting afterward.”

In the stomachs and between the teeth of the mammoths were found plants and grasses that do not grow now in northern Siberia.

“The contents of the stomachs have been carefully examined; they showed the undigested food…which was a proof of a sudden death.”

COMMENT: Just before the last shift of the Polar Axis in about 1587 BCE, the North Pole was located in the Atlantic Ocean between Spain and Québec. At that time northern Siberia had a tropical and subtropical climate. Since the Polar Axis shifted within a single day’s time, these elephants were immediately frozen solid in their now-frigid new polar environment. In fact, as I have seen on television from time to time, these animals were so perfectly preserved, that even after thousands of years, it was possible for some of their modern Russian discoverers to actually cook and eat this “fresh-frozen” meat!

30-31: The ravages of no disease, however, virulent, could explain some of the phenomena in this arena of death [in Scotland]. Rarely does disease fall equally on many different genera at once, and never does it strike with instantaneous suddenness; yet…so suddenly did the agency [of destruction] perform its work that its victims were fixed in their first attitude of surprise and terror…

“From the fact that certain individuals have even preserved traces of colour upon their skin, we are certain that they were entombed before decomposition of their soft parts had taken place.”

50-51: And what is no less surprising, the northern part of Greenland, according to the concerted opinions of glaciologists, was never glaciated…

“The islands of the Arctic Archipelago,” writes another scientist, “were never glaciated. Neither was the interior of Alaska,”…

But why the polar lands were not glaciated during the Ice Age was never explained. Greenland presents still another enigma…In the 1860s, O. Heer of Zurich published his classical work on fossil plants of the Arctic; he identified the plant remains of the northern parts of Greenland as magnolia and fig trees, among other species. Forests of exotic trees and groves of juicy subtropical plants grew in the land that lies deep in the cold Arctic and is immersed in a continuous polar night of six months’ duration.

COMMENT: First of all, let me state that I am not going to include the sources for various quoted materials that Dr. Velikovsky has cited. If you wish to pursue his writings in greater depth, you are urged to obtain your own copy of this book. As for Greenland, currently its larger end is in the north and its smaller, more pointed end is in the south. When the North Pole was located in the South Atlantic Ocean, and the South Pole located in Micronesia, 8787-5187 BCE, then Greenland would have been right on the Equator. The island would be reversed north-south, with the Equator running through the larger south and the pointed north at a latitude of modern Florida, where magnolia and fig trees abound.


54: There was no ice cover in the Gulf States [of North America].


COMMENT: The Gulf Coast States do not lie within the immediate influence of any Polar Icecap Zone. They are located directly between the North Atlantic North Polar Zone and a cyclical South Polar Zone in the eastern Pacific Ocean, off the southwest coast of Mexico. Thus, the Gulf States would never be glaciated, as they lie along the Cairo-Oceania Polar Pivotal Equator.


66: It is asserted that since before the age of man—since late Tertiary times and through the time of the Great Ice Age in Europe and America—northern China experienced “progressive desiccation interrupted by pluvial intervals”. Arid conditions prevailed over northern China and “the general absence of ice-sculptured features” led the naturalist (J.S. Lee) to the conclusion that in northern China, as in northern Siberia, there were no glacial conditions and no formation of ice cover.


COMMENT: It has been approximately 18,000 years (5 X 3,600) since the North Polar Zone was located over what is now China. Since the North Pole shifts in a clockwise direction with respect to the Great Pyramid of Egypt, it can be hypothesized that when it shifts the next time, around 2012 CE, the new North Pole will once again be in China, with the new South Pole located in the vicinity of Santiago de Chile. Over this past 18,000 years, China has experienced 5 different northern and southern latitudinal geographical positions; thus, China experienced “progressive desiccation interrupted by pluvial intervals”.


94-95: Several theories have been offered to explain the prodigious quantity of sand in the Sahara. “The theory of marine origin is now no longer tenable.” The sand, it was found, is of recent origin. It is assumed that when a large part of Europe was under ice, the Sahara was in a warm and moist temperate zone; later the soil lost its moisture and the rock crumbled to sand when left to the mercy of the sun and the wind.

How long ago was it that conditions in the Sahara were suitable for human occupation? Movers, the noted Orientalist of the last century, author of a large work on the Phoenicians, decided that the drawings in the Sahara were the work of the Phoenicians. It was likewise observed that on the drawings discovered by Barth the cattle wore discs between their horns, just as in Egyptian drawings. Also, the Egyptian god Set was found pictured on the rocks. And there are rock paintings of war chariots drawn by horses “in an area where these animals could not survive two days without extraordinary precautions”.

The extinct animals in the drawings suggest that these pictures were made sometime during the Ice Age; but the Egyptian motifs in the very same drawings suggest that they were made in historical times.

COMMENT: When the previous North Pole was located in the North Atlantic between Europe and Canada, south of Greenland, western Europe and eastern North America would have experienced an “Ice Age”, since they would have been located along the fringes of the Polar Zone, at about the same distance from the Pole as central Alaska and Hudson Bay are located today; and parts of these areas are heavily glaciated. (The South Pole of the same epoch was located off the southern coast of Australia, with all of Australia under the ice.) When Europe was experiencing its “Ice Age”, the continent of Africa stretched north and west of Cairo, not west and south as it does today. All of what is now the Sahara Desert would have been NORTH of Cairo, with Morocco located as close to the fringes of glaciation as western Europe. The Sahara Desert would have had a traditionally temperate climate like that of modern North America or Europe, where there are millions of horses.

109: A true theory of the origin of ice ages, whether resorting to astronomical, geological, or atmospheric causes must also explain why ice ages did not occur in northwestern Siberia, the coldest place on earth, but did occur in temperate latitudes, and in a much more remote past in India, Madagascar, and equatorial Brazil. None of the theories mentioned explains these strange facts. Hypotheses concerning warmer and colder areas in space, or the variability of the sun as a source of energy, are especially inadequate to account for the geographical distribution of the ice cover. Thus the concept of ice ages, which is established in science as one of its most definite facts, serving also as a foundation for the theory of evolution, has no explanation itself…The glacial cover of the Ice Age could have been the polar icecaps of an earlier epoch. Thus would be explained not only the origin of the ice cover but also the fact that its geographical position did not coincide with the present Polar Circles.

COMMENT: This Theory of Polar Axial Displacement is based upon the idea that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built at the Pivotal Point for the North Polar Axis Belt. That is an “occult” idea to some extent; although it has been demonstrated time and again by numerous Egyptologists, such as Peter Tompkins in his acclaimed book Secrets of the Great Pyramid, that if one draws a north-south longitude through the Great Pyramid and the present North and South Poles, that line divides the Earth into equal quantities of land and water. Since it is quite illogical and irrational to assume that Pharaoh Khufu only by chance walked out into the Giza Plain, chose a random site for his “burial chamber”, and JUST SO HAPPENED to select a location that divides the Earth in such a “scientific” fashion, the conclusion is forced, therefore, that whoever really built the Pyramids put them there to “mark the spot” of this important geological Polar Pivotal Axis! However, because of the “occult” nature of my supposition, Dr. Velikovsky would never have agreed with it. He would have made these axis changes more “random” and “unpredictable” than I have done. To me, though, it is far more than coincidental that in every instance where we have “northern” “Ice Ages”, they are equally distant from the Giza Pyramids. There is absolutely no evidence from any source that Egypt experienced an “Ice Age”! Thus, it was significant that the Egyptian priests informed Solon (recorded in Plato’s Timaeus & Critias) that Egypt is never destroyed by these floods and fires that occur at long intervals of time and thereby still preserved the most ancient records of any nation on Earth. See Chapter 5.

As an aside here, I might add that a man named Thomas O. Mills got in touch with me through my website. He sent me a book that he had published, titled The Truth which has a pyramid and Winged Disk on the front cover. Amongst his contentions is that the Great Pyramid complex is much like an automobile tire wheel-balance. Just as we need lead wheel-balances on our wheels to balance the car on the road, so also does the Planet Earth need a pyramid “wheel-balance” to keep its rotational speed constant and its Polar Belts in alignment!

But back to the matter at hand, when the North Pole is located in the upper South Atlantic Ocean between northeastern Brazil and Nigeria, extreme northeastern Brazil would actually have been within the North Polar Zone, with other parts of Brazil bordering the fringes of the zone, as southern Alaska does today. Extreme western Africa would have also experienced an “ice age” at this time, 8787-5187 BCE. When the North Pole was last located in South Africa (and the South Pole near Hawaii), then Madagascar would have been glaciated. And when the North Pole was previously located in China or the northern Indian Ocean, then parts of India would have experienced glaciation during both epochs.


157: The recent field work in the Alps revealed that numerous glaciers there are no older than 4,000 years. This startling discovery made the following statement necessary: “A large number of the present glaciers in the Alps are not survivors of the last glacial maximum, as was formerly universally believed, but are glaciers newly created within roughly the last 4,000 years.”

COMMENT: During the last Polar Period, when the North Pole was located in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Alps Mountains would have been south of places like France, England, Belgium and so on. Their sheer height would have blocked the warm tropical winds from Africa and the Middle East from reaching these very northern latitudes. Similarly in North America, the Appalachian and even the Rocky Mountains would have produced a comparable effect. Thus, these fringes of the past Polar Epoch could have been affected quite more severely than we see today in the northern plains of Canada and Siberia, for example. But following the Polar Axis Shift around 1587 BCE, with the shift to our present locations, all that old ice would have melted. Eventually, new glaciers would have formed in the highest elevations of the Alps Mountains. Hence, it is stated that they are no older than about 4,000 years—more accurately, no older than 3,600 years!


165: Explorations conducted in various countries combined also to demonstrate that “the ice age itself was not so remote as it had seemed to be, and that in fact the post-glacial ‘geology’ of Europe was partly contemporaneous with the ‘history’ of Egypt.”

COMMENT: Once again here, we find the conflict between the geological dating of these changes and seemingly “contradictory” historical evidence. The reason that geologists and other scientists went to such great lengths to attack Dr. Velikovsky was that they absolutely refused—for whatever reason or vested interest—to agree that any “cosmic catastrophe” involving a Polar Axis Shift could have occurred during historical times. Perhaps they are afraid that it might happen again, that they might die in such an event? I can see no other reason for these scientists to be so stubborn in maintaining their inaccurate dating methods.


171: Coincident tectonic, high-water, and climatic catastrophes thus brought havoc to the entire area investigated, from Norway to the Jura, the Alps, and the Tyrol, tearing out valleys, overturning lakes, annihilating human and animal life, suddenly changing the climate, replacing forests with bogs, and doing this at least twice in Subboreal time, the period that is estimated to have lasted from about the year 2000, or possibly from a date closer to the middle of the second millennium before our present era, to -800 or -700. These climatic and tectonic catastrophes precipitated the wanderings of hordes of destitute human beings, including, after the last catastrophe, Celts and Cimbrians. The migrants came to desolate lands from other, faraway regions, probably equally fearfully devastated.


COMMENT: Dr. Velikovsky made a misstatement in the above. It is clear from the totality of his research that he did not suggest that an actual Polar Axis Shift occurred around 700 BCE, just a more minor catastrophe. Thus, the reference to “at least twice in Subboreal time” must actually indicate the Polar Axis Shift of 5187 BCE which preceded by 3,600 years the shift of 1587 BCE.

188: The evidence of this and preceding chapters should not be interpreted as proving that there were global catastrophes only in the first and second millennia before the present era; but as substantiating the claim that in those times, too, there were global disturbances: these were actually the last in a line that goes back to much earlier times.

112-113: “Mathematicians may seem to geologists almost churlish in their unwillingness to admit a change in the earth’s axis. Geologists scarcely know how much is involved in what they ask. They do not seem to realize the vastness of the earth’s size, or the enormous quantity of her motion. When a mass of matter is in rotation about an axis, it cannot be made to rotate about a new one except by external force. Internal changes cannot alter the axis, only the distribution of matter and motion about it. If the mass began to revolve about a new axis, every particle would begin to move in a different direction. What is to cause this?… Where is the force that could deflect every portion of it, and every particle of the earth into a new direction of motion?”

The question centers, then, on the forces that could cause such a shift.


COMMENT: This “external force” is the large and highly magnetic Rogue Planet X Nibiru, with its thundering electrical “serpent’s tail” trailing along behind it. There is simply no alternative explanation available to us. None.


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Chapter 3
Solar Magnetic Cycles & The Mayan End-Time

During my life, especially in the early 1970s, I have spent literally days on end analyzing various theoretical cosmic cycles, from the orbit of the lowly Moon to the rotation of our Galaxy in general. You can read some of this material in connection with my essay “An Introduction To Galactic Mathematics”.


Numbers interact with each other in sequences. Computers are built around this mathematical principle, but it is quite ancient in its origin. For example, the numbers 2 and 3 “interact” with each other, that is, complete a certain number of repetitions, at each interval of 6. 2 and 5 would have a numerical cyclical interaction at each interval of 10. The number 360, the number of degrees in a circle, the number of degrees in a celestial orbit, is evenly divisible by a whole variety of numbers, including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90, 120 and 180. Thus, all these numbers would have a simultaneous cyclical interval of 360.


Because orbits are relatively circular and the Galaxy is round, this idea can easily be applied to cosmic cycles. And, indeed, we find this practice throughout ancient writings.

Notice that the number 11 is not in the above list, nor is 7 or 13, for example. 360 is not evenly divisible by these three numbers as it is by all the others. For 360 to be integrated into a cycle combining 11, it first of all has to be MULTIPLIED by 11. And the same would be true with 7 and 13, or others. However, nowhere in our ancient history do we find references in “mythology” to cycles indicating that something evenly divisible by 360 had been multiplied in advance by 11 or 7 or some other “odd” number. For all those “odd” numbers to come into play in these integrated calculations, one would have to use much larger and quite “peculiar” cyclical numbers, to which there are no references in ancient documents.


A repetitive cycle involving only the numbers 11 and 12 would synchronize at the number 132, which is the product of both. Twice 132 is 264, and three times is 396, which is the closest to 360 that this separate cycle would come. In other words, if we were talking about years, a cycle of 11 years and a cycle of 12 years would “come back to the starting point” a third time at year 396, which would be 36 years later than or “off from” 360. To integrate this cycle of 11 years, one would first have to multiply 360 by 11 for a product of 3,960 years, when 11 would successfully synchronize with both 12 and 360. But since the difference between 3,960 and 3,600 (or 10 X 360) is also 360, after a number of repetitions of cycles of 3,960 years, everything would resolve itself or synchronize at some vastly longer period of time—at a new, distantly future starting point, or end point, however one wishes to look at it.

All of that is introductory to the following ideas. The orbit of the Planet X Nibiru lasts for 3,600 Earth Years, or 10 X 360. Thus, the orbit of the Planet X Nibiru is not evenly divisible by the number 11. The number of years between the Exodus and the Mayan End-Time Date is exactly 3,600, not 3,960; this point can be demonstrated independently by history itself, as Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky so brilliantly accomplished decades ago in his Ages In Chaos series. If nothing else, the Santorini Cataclysm (a proven geological event, not an historical supposition) certainly occurred more closely to 3,600 years ago than to 3,960. Moreover, if one assumes that a “Nibiruan Day” is equivalent to a Chinese Zodiacal Cycle of 12 years, then there are 300 “Nibiruan Days” in one Nibiruan Year. (By way of comparison, the Ancient Egyptians had a 10-day week. Each 30-day month had 3 weeks of 10 days each, giving a total of 36 weeks per year, plus 5 intercalary days. Our own present solar year of 52 weeks with 7 days each, plus one additional day, is to a certain extent a rather arbitrary division of the solar calendar.)


21 December 2012 CE is a verifiably, historically and archaeologically provable “End-Time Date” for the current Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. 21 December 2012 will be Mayan Tzolkin Day 22 December 2012 will be the first day of a new Tzolkin Era, with that next day numbered, as this sequence would “turn over” time-wise like an automobile’s odometer turns over every 100,000 miles, resetting itself to the zero starting point. Because the Mayas calculated their enddate prediction for the Tzolkin Calendar from the same time-perspective as the Velikovskian Historical Reconstruction (i.e., the death of Assyrian King Sennacherib in 679 BCE—see also “Black Road” essay by John Major Jenkins), this can safely be assumed to be more than a mere “coincidence” when viewed in relation to the orbit of the Planet X Nibiru and the crossing-over of the MayanDeath Star” from the “Dark Rift” into its stationary position above the North Pole as the “World Tree”, i.e., the Greek “Hyperborea” or the Finnish “Yggdrasill”.


Thus, ancient Middle Eurasian cosmic cycles can be linked mathematically and historically to the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. And, not surprisingly, we find in the Chinese Zodiacal Calendar that 2012 (like 2000) marks a “Year of the Dragon” and that 2013 (like 2001) is a “Year of the Snake”. A Chinese cycle of 2 “reptile” years encompasses 2012-2013 CE. The Israelite Exodus, as described in great detail by Dr. Velikovsky, occurred in the springtime, in February or March. It designates the very first Hebrew “Passover”, still celebrated today near the time of the modern Christian Easter. Each new Chinese year begins in January or February, since Chinese years are based upon an astrological system different from the Julian/Gregorian Calendar that was originally implemented by Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar—and only by coincidence happened to coincide with the “Christian Era” (CE refers to “Common Era”, not to “Christian Era”, incidentally).

Returning to the idea of the number 11, each Magnetic Solar Cycle (as described in the appended NASA article), lasts for 22 years, or twice the 11-year “Sunspot Cycle”. If you visit this NASA webpage, you can follow certain links to other
information that describes this 22-year “Magnetic Cycle”. The magnetic polar axis of the Sun flip-flops every 11 years: for 11 Earth Years, the Solar North Pole is in the Sun’s northern hemisphere; then it flip-flops over, and the Solar “North” Pole is in the Sun’s southern hemisphere, pointing southwardly, or UNDER the Ecliptic (which is the “Equator” of the Solar System).

The Planet X Nibiru has a comet-like orbit perpendicular to the plane of the Ecliptic. The Planet X Nibiru will arrive again from UNDER the Ecliptic. Perhaps one of the reasons that we haven’t detected it yet by telescope is that there aren’t all that many mega-sized telescopes in our southern hemisphere, compared to the northern, the most notable exceptions being a few in Chile and Australia. For some “cultural reason”, for lack of a better way to describe it, our astronomers pay much more attention to northern skies than to southern skies. But Planet X Nibiru will arrive from the south, from the “Dark Rift” near the Lagoon Nebula in the southern ecliptical Constellation of Sagittarius, the direction of the Center of the Galaxy, near the mysterious microlensing object discovered in June 2001 at M22. The NASA article which follows was dated 15 February 2001. This was just a few weeks subsequent to the commencement of the annual Chinese New Year of the Snake. The Sun’s Magnetic North Pole had recently flip-flopped again and is now pointed southwardly, UNDER the Ecliptic. If powerful magnetic jets flow “upwards” from the Sun’s “North” Pole, then they are now pointing southwardly, or UNDER the Ecliptic, in the direction of the approaching and highly magnetic Planet X Nibiru!


And note that the NASA scientists state that the Solar North Magnetic Pole will not “flip-flop” back to the Sun’s northern hemisphere until 2012! This is proven science. NASA currently has the Ulysses Spacecraft in a “north-south” orbit over the Sun; and as is written in the article, they are very pleased to have half this 22-year cycle already documented. They act like these solar magnetic flip-flops are (ho-hum) only “routine”. But if the “Sunspot Cycle” is 11 years, and if this “Solar Magnetic Cycle” will “change again” in 2012, as NASA states, then the next solar magnetic “flip-flop” will occur in February 2012, simultaneously with the next Chinese Year of the Dragon. Then later that year, the current Mayan Tzolkin Calendar will “come to an end” on 21 December, the Winter Solstice, when the Earth-Sun alignment coincides again with Sagittarius’ “Black Road”; and by the commencement of the Chinese Year of the Snake in early 2013 CE, we shall already be into the early days of the new “Mayan Tzolkin Era”!

To me personally, these are significant and exciting “correlations”. You yourself will ultimately have to decide how you interpret this information. But it indicates that a “long cycle” (exactly like the Mayas described) will be coming to an end in 2012. And it is very difficult to argue with all these historical mathematics. See also Chapter 10.

Finally, here in this NASA article once again we are faced with the paradox concerning the geological dating versus the historical dating. It is simply historically untrue and inaccurate that the last shift of the Earth’s magnetic poles occurred about 740,000 years ago. To be more precise, it occurred in 1587 BCE, as demonstrated by Dr. Velikovsky. One simply cannot straddle the fence in these mathematical matters. Either one accepts the Velikovskian Historical Reconstruction, or one does not. Time itself will eventually select the winning side of “The Velikovsky Affair”! And it is my contention that ultimately Dr. Velikovsky will be remembered more for his Historical Reconstruction than for his astronomical hypotheses.



February 15, 2001

—You can’t tell by looking, but scientists say the Sun has just undergone an important change. Our star’s magnetic field, which extends through the distant reaches of interplanetary space, has flipped. The Sun’s magnetic north pole, which was in the northern hemisphere just a few months ago, now points south. It’s a topsy-turvy situation, but not an unexpected one.

“This always happens around the time of solar maximum,” says David Hathaway, a solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. “The magnetic poles exchange places at the peak of the sunspot cycle. In fact, it’s a good indication that Solar Max is really here.”

The Sun’s magnetic poles will remain as they are now, with the north magnetic pole pointing through the Sun’s southern hemisphere, until the year 2012 when they will reverse again. This transition happens, as far as we know, at the peak of every 11year sunspot cycle—like clockwork.

Earth’s magnetic field also flips, but with less regularity. Consecutive reversals are spaced 5 thousand years to 50 million years apart. The last reversal happened 740,000 years ago. Some researchers think our planet is overdue for another one, but nobody knows exactly when the next reversal might occur. Although solar and terrestrial magnetic fields behave differently, they do have something in common: their shape. During solar minimum the Sun’s field, like Earth’s, resembles that of an iron bar magnet, with great closed loops near the equator and open field lines near the poles. Scientists call such a field a “dipole”. The Sun’s dipolar field is about as strong as a refrigerator magnet, or 50 gauss (a unit of magnetic intensity). Earth’s magnetic field is 100 times weaker.

When solar maximum arrives and sunspots pepper the face of the Sun, our star’s magnetic field begins to change. Sunspots are places where intense magnetic loops—hundreds of times stronger than the ambient dipole field—poke through the photosphere.

“Meridional flows on the Sun’s surface carry magnetic fields from mid-latitude sunspots to the Sun’s poles,” explains Hathaway. “The poles end up flipping because these flows transport south-pointing magnetic flux to the north magnetic pole, and north-pointing flux to the south magnetic pole.” The dipole field steadily weakens as oppositely-directed flux accumulates at the Sun’s poles until, at the height of solar maximum, the magnetic poles change polarity and begin to grow in a new direction.

Hathaway noticed the latest polar reversal in a “magnetic butterfly diagram”. Using data collected by astronomers at the U.S. National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak, he plotted the Sun’s average magnetic field, day by day, as a function of solar latitude and time from 1975 through the present. The result is a sort of strip chart recording that reveals evolving magnetic patterns on the Sun’s surface. “We call it a butterfly diagram,” he says, “because sunspots make a pattern in this plot that looks like the wings of a butterfly.”

In the butterfly diagram, pictured below, the Sun’s polar fields appear as strips of uniform color near 90 degrees latitude. When the colors change (in this case from blue to yellow or vice versa) it means the polar fields have switched signs. The ongoing changes are not confined to the space immediately around our star, Hathaway added. The Sun’s magnetic field envelops the entire solar system in a bubble that scientists call the “heliosphere”. The heliosphere extends 50 to 100 astronomical units (AU) beyond the orbit of Pluto. Inside it is the solar system— outside is interstellar space.

“Changes in the Sun’s magnetic field are carried outward through the heliosphere by the solar wind,” explains Steve Suess, another solar physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. “It takes about a year for disturbances to propagate all the way from the Sun to the outer bounds of the heliosphere.” Because the Sun rotates (once every 27 days) solar magnetic fields corkscrew outwards in the shape of an Archimedian spiral. Far above the poles the magnetic fields twist around like a child’s Slinky toy.

Because of all the twists and turns, “the impact of the field reversal on the heliosphere is complicated,” says Hathaway. Sunspots are sources of intense magnetic knots that spiral outwards even as the dipole field vanishes. The heliosphere doesn’t simply wink out of existence when the poles flip—there are plenty of complex magnetic structures to fill the void.

Or so the theory goes…Researchers have never seen the magnetic flip happen from the best possible point of view—that is, from the top down. But now, the unique Ulysses spacecraft may give scientists a reality check. Ulysses, an international joint venture of the European Space Agency and NASA, was launched in 1990 to observe the solar system from very high solar latitudes. Every six years the spacecraft flies 2.2 AU over the Sun’s poles. No other probe travels so far above the orbital plane of the planets.
“Ulysses just passed under the Sun’s south pole,” says Suess, a mission co-Investigator. “Now it will loop back and fly over the north pole in the fall.” “This is the most important part of our mission,” he says.


Ulysses last flew over the Sun’s poles in 1994 and 1996, during solar minimum, and the craft made several important discoveries about cosmic rays, the solar wind, and more. “Now we get to see the Sun’s poles during the other extreme: Solar Max. Our data will cover a complete solar cycle.”

To learn more about the Sun’s changing magnetic field and how it is generated, please visit “The Solar Dynamo”, a webpage prepared by the NASA/Marshall solar research group. Updates from the Ulysses spacecraft may be found on the Internet from JPL at



And fortunately, just in time for inclusion in this book, the following article from New Scientist passed through the Fortean Times Mailing List on 8 August 2003. This “dust storm” will last a decade, or until 2013.


Galactic Dust Storm Enters Solar System
By Stuart Clark
05 August 2003

The Sun’s shifting magnetic field is set to focus a decade-long storm of galactic dust grains towards the inner Solar System, including Earth. The effect this will have on our planet—if any—is unknown. But some researchers have speculated that sustained periods of cosmic dust bombardment might be related to ice ages and even mass extinctions.

During the last decade, the magnetic field of the Sun acted like a shield, deflecting the electrically charged galactic dust away from the Solar System. However, the Sun’s regular cycle of activity peaked in 2001.
As expected, its magnetic field then flipped over, so that south became north and vice-versa. In this configuration, rather than deflecting the galactic dust, the magnetic field should actually channel the dust inwards. This pattern may have been repeated during previous solar cycles but it is only now that astronomers are beginning to have the data they need to prove it.

Cosmic Debris
The data come from the galactic dust grains impacts detected by DUST, an experiment on the ESA/NASA mission Ulysses, which was launched in 1990. The measurements, collected by ESA scientist Markus Landgraf and colleagues at the Max-Planck-Institute in Heidelberg, show that three times more galactic dust is now entering the Solar System than during the 1990s.

The effects of space dust on the Earth are currently unknown, but hotly debated. Every year, about 40,000 tonnes of cosmic debris fall onto the Earth, much of it creating meteors.

Some researchers have suggested recently that high dust inputs into the Earth’s atmosphere, sustained for centuries or longer, could be responsible for ice ages and mass extinctions. Langraf is cautious about such claims but told New Scientist:

“Everything in interplanetary space eventually affects the planets, but exactly how is very speculative.”

High-Altitude Aircraft
He hopes Ulysses can provide some concrete data. “We get about two dust detections a week. We need to observe from now until 2006 in order to have enough data to see evidence of focusing,” he says. This data could then be correlated with the results from high-altitude aircraft experiments that routinely catch the space dust falling onto Earth. Historical comparisons might also be possible if deep polar ice cores are analysed for galactic dust.

At present, the Ulysses mission is only funded until September 2004. However, an extended mission is currently being considered.



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