Figure 2 Analysis

Figure 2 is a hand held photo taken on the Apollo 12 mission. Originally requested as a "control" photo, i.e., an "innocuous" photo that wasn't supposed to have anything unusual on it, the .PCX file nevertheless showed some bright spots and apparent "smudges" in the sky above the horizon. There also appear to be several legitimate fissures or scratches on the .PCX, and it will be interesting to see if the actual NSSDC prints/negatives have these or if they are "clean".

At the March 21st Enterprise Mission press conference, Hoagland showed some enhancements of photo's taken around the Apollo 12 landing site. They showed a remarkable dome like structure rising above the Lunar surface some distance from LM.

Figure 2, taken just a short distance from this landing site, would presumably reveal this same background geometric structure in the sky above the site.

Preliminary examination of the .PCX shows a series of bright spots consistent with such a structure, and the "smudges" also look like something more interesting than ketchup stains. A reasonable prediction would be that the NSSDC prints will reveal more detail of this structure, and reinforce Hoagland's position that it is a real Lunar anomaly and not a camera or digital process artifact.