Moon with a View:

Or, What Did Arthur Know… and When Did He Know it?

Part 6

In previous sections of this series, we’ve presented a variety of imaging (and other) evidence, from the on-going Cassini Mission, that “something” about the eighth moon of Saturn is radically wrong: that, after almost half a century of NASA’s looking, based on multiple surface features and orbital parameters, Iapetus seems increasingly unlikely to be a “purely natural moon” ….

Exhibit #1: the baffling, highly geometric, precisely equatorial ~ 60,000-foot-high “Iapetus Wall.”

Exhibit #2: the equally astonishing, equally unnatural rectilinear geometry -- evident all across the surface of this “moon”:

Exhibit #3: without doubt our most astonishing Iapetus discovery – unique (so far …) in the entire solar system:

That, instead of being spherical – as natural moons larger than about 250 miles across must be (due to inexorable gravitational contraction) -- the overall 900-mile-wide form of Iapetus is highly geometric (below) … specifically, apparently an eroded truncated icosahedron!

With this brief review, we can now get to “the good part.”

As can be seen in this 1950’s classic (below), painted by another of Arthur’s long-time friends – the “father of space art” himself, Chesley Bonestell -- because of its highly tilted orbit, Iapetus is the only “moon” with a spectacular perspective on both the Ringed Planet … and all of Saturn’s other moons ….

Considering that Chesley painted this evocative scene decades before astronomers had anything to look at but a “winking” point of light, the resemblance to the Iapetus that Voyager and Cassini have now given us (below) is startling – right down to the leading hemisphere’s “dark russet hue” ….

Which brings us back to the overarching, crucial question: just what the hell is Iapetus … if it’s not just a “natural” moon!?

In Part 5 we laid out two possible scenarios.

1) That, this extraordinary object was deliberately constructed as an “ark” – an artificial, world-sized spacecraft -- designed to rescue as many as possible from the imminent, hyperdimensional explosion of an entire world, the destruction of a former major member of the sun’s planetary system which now no longer exists: Planet V. An event which would have inevitably, disastrously, affected the very existence of even an extremely advanced, solar system wide civilization … which we (and others) -- based on a myriad of accumulating evidence -- have proposed arose long before us … literally millions of years ago.

2) That Iapetus was indeed a “Deathstar world” -- created as an instrument of war by that same civilization (which is still humans’ primary occupation, isn’t it?) – an “instrument” then used in some unimaginable conflict in this solar system a long, long time ago ….

That Iapetus may somehow have even been instrumental in creating the almost unimaginable holocaust – a literal “war in Heaven” -- which ultimately resulted in the deliberate destruction of that same doomed world … with Iapetus itself caught by the aftermath. As an eternal, silent tomb, forever trapped now in a permanent, unique orbit around Saturn ….

But, as we hinted in earlier sections of this Series, there are problems with both of these “solutions” to the current, increasingly profound mysteries presented by Iapetus … major problems.

For instance, the density of this otherwise extraordinary “moon” is awfully close to the density of several other Saturnian moons – close to frozen water … ~1 gram/cubic centimeter. How (some critics have asked) is that possible – if the intention was “to leave an unmistakable, artificial marker in the solar system …?” Wouldn’t such “designers” have wanted Iapetus’ density “to truly stand out?” -- thus deliberately creating Iapetus with a measurable density significantly less than water ice (by merely making the “moon” bigger, in the “constructed” model, but with the same mass …).

If, indeed, this was the prime intention -- to uniquely signal its artificial origin across the depths of space and time … to a distant future generation – wouldn’t designers of such an “artificial world” have made sure its density reflected that intent?

The answer, of course, depends on your definition of the term “artificial.”

The fact is, we have never insisted that Iapetus was/is totally artificial. Nor, that such an external signal to “a future generation” was its prime reason for creation!

Even if Iapetus was a completely natural moon, and was subsequently covered over with a series of deep, constructed artificial shells – made of our suggested carbon nanotubes, and created in the geometric form that we see in the Cassini imaging – the end product, in terms of strict definitions, would most certainly qualify as “artificial!” However, the impact of even such major surface modifications on the natural moon’s total average density would still be almost trivial … even for an artificial set of geometric “layers” extending into the interior for literally miles ….

So, we began looking at a third possibility to explain the bizarre existence of Iapetus, one which neatly – inherently -- resolves the apparent contradictions of these first two tentative scenarios ….

And, then it struck us.

That -- some time before the destruction of Planet V -- in the natural course of the inexorable expansion through and colonization of the ancient solar system (by our posited “ancient, advanced human civilization”) … Iapetus (as a previously natural moon, but one laden with highly desirable raw materials) was specifically transformed for another purpose altogether: from being just a completely natural satellite … into an artificially-modified, carefully crafted “designer world”… to serve as another highly specialized purpose: as a vast, orbiting “hotel.”

Which was then moved from its original location (maybe in this system, maybe farther out … Uranus … or Neptune … or even from the so-called “Kuiper Belt”) -- to finally occupy the most coveted location in the entire ancient solar system: a look-down orbit on the most visually stunning (and hyperdimensionally-significant) planet known ….


As … a created temple world …overlooking, for a Specific Spiritual Purpose, the singularly most striking (and hyperdimensionally “perfect”) planetary system known ….

A world where millions of ancient pilgrims, from all across the inhabited solar system, once had to come … to meditate upon and study -- in the most appropriate environment which could be created, in the most appropriate location known – the ultimate Secrets of Creation--

Truly … “a Moon with a View.”


Think about it.

If we are actually seeing in Iapetus “an ancient derelict … from a long-forgotten time,” a battered relic of an extraordinary human culture which once spanned this entire solar system – from the surviving, haunting, ancient ruins on Earth’s Moon, to the persistent architectural mysteries of Cydonia itself -- what would have been more fitting than for that same technology and culture to have created a unique habitat, in this most desirable location … a specifically designed orbit overlooking the most important planetary example of hyperdimensional physics known … a front row seat on Saturn?!

From Iapetus – a mere 2 million miles away, and orbiting 15 degrees to its amazing rings – because of the immense size of this ensemble (>140,000 miles across …), the astonishing, endlessly changing spectacle would still have appeared eight times as large as a full Moon (below) … rising over Earth’s horizon!

As such, it would be guaranteed to become an irresistible attraction to any civilization ultimately capable of freely going there….

A prime 19th Century example: the famed Buddhist Temple, known as “the Portola Palace,” built high in the Himalayas, in Lhasa, Tibet.

Also a prime destination for countless pilgrims, from all over the world … for over a hundred years. A sacred destination constructed -- for religious and ritual reasons -- in one of the most desolate and inaccessible, but sacred, locations here on Earth (below) … the literal “Rooftop of the World.”

This well-known human drive, for pushing out to new frontiers as soon as it is technological feasible, to try to reach the most inaccessible but special places … has now culminated in our own century with Dennis Tito’s much publicized 20-million-dollar private pilgrimage (for, that’s what it truly was …) to the ultimate “sacred outpost” -- the U.S. International Space Station (below).

Future manifestations of this innate urge to seek out even more extraordinary vistas and experiences, beyond this increasingly “tiny world,” are manifesting in far more ambitious plans (after “only” 30 years …) -- for even more transformative and permanent experiences beyond Earth orbit (below).

Against this uncontested backdrop -- an overwhelming human longing for increasingly “ineffable experiences,” and coupled with its proven technological capability to do whatever it takes to fulfill that deeply ingrained “need” -- the emplacement of an ancient “temple,” in an orbit around the most awesome (and, of course, hyperdimensionally significant) planet of the entire solar system … Saturn … for such an advanced civilization as we (and others) have proposed … is not a “stretch” at all.

For, if Iapetus was designed as such a “temple world” – orbited at its sacred (hyperdimensional) “base 60” distance and inclination, and specifically modified to conform to this redundant “base 60” hyperdimensional connection, even in its overall dimensions and geometry – such a scenario would neatly answer all the baffling, currently unanswerable characteristics of Iapetus ….

Which the “deathstar” or “rescue ark” scenarios cannot.

Given that a technological prowess capable of this once spanned the ancient solar system (admittedly, a big “given,” but one based on ample additional evidence -- such as the miles-high glass ruins on the Moon), why not eventually find -- as part of such an obviously sophisticated, multi-faceted, far-flung technological culture – the remains of a literal “orbiting temple to hyperdimensional Geometry and Physics?

Far less technological peoples, in our own immediate past (on this one planet), have repeatedly expended prodigious (and equally baffling, to anthropologists and archaeologists) social and engineering efforts – from Stonehenge to Giza ... to Chaco Canyon -- to immortalize remarkably similar religious and spiritual concepts ….

Why not our most ancient (and, compared to us, much more hyperdimensionally-connected) almost “godlike” ancestors …?

An orbiting world, specifically shaped -- as part of their inherent “cosmological World View” – as a constant reminder for how Humanity … how the solar system … how the Universe itself … came into literal Three-Dimensional Existence!?

The Ultimate expression of “as Above … so Below?”

Again, we have innumerable precedents for such spiritual “mega-engineering” on this planet – sacred architecture that, according to many independent researchers, has intimately encoded these same “sacred" geometry and hyperdimensional principles in the most mysterious, surviving wonders on this world ….

According to researcher, Bernard Pietsch:

“… the proposition [is that] that the designers of the Great Pyramid had access to a supremely successful paradigm subsequently lost to later generations. The Pyramid is the database of that lost paradigm. As a library in stone, it is designed as a model of the galaxy, the solar system, the earth and ultimately the human being. It is a working metaphor of astronomy, physics, biology, and earth science. The Pyramid is [on Earth] the consummate demonstration of "as above, so below …."

The question has always hovered over these amazing ruins, all around the world – “From how far back in time … and from where … did such ‘advanced’ ideas, and incredibly sophisticated knowledge, enter into human consciousness? And … from whom?”

Are we on the verge of finally Knowing?


Some years ago, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson published a voluminous compendium of startling examples of additional “lost archaeological knowledge,” in a landmark work entitled “Forbidden Archaeology.” Here’s one reviewer’s description:

“Over the past two centuries researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago. But the scientific establishment has ignored these remarkable facts because they contradict the dominant views of human origins and antiquity. Cremo and Thompson challenge us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity, and destiny. Forbidden Archeology takes on one of the most fundamental components of the modern scientific world view, and invites us to take a courageous first step towards a new perspective [emphasis added].…”

One of the most remarkable examples of potential ancient artifacts published by Cremo and Thompson were hundreds of “small, grooved spheres” – mined in South Africa. According to Roelf Marx, curator of the Museum of Klerksdorp, South Africa, where some of the spheres are housed:

“The spheres are a complete mystery. They look man-made, yet at the time in Earth's history when they came to rest in this rock no intelligent life existed. They're nothing like I have ever seen before (Jimison 1982).”

One of the most compelling arguments for artificiality of these perplexing spheres is a set of three (!) parallel grooves around their “equators” (above); that -- and the equally remarkable hardness of the (currently unknown) material from which they are made ….

Again, Roelf Marx:

“… they are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs' scale and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago. On the other hand the globes, which have a fibrous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel [emphasis added] …."

Actually, pyrophyllite is a mineral created by metamorphism of earlier sediments, at moderate temperature and burial depths of several miles. The most astonishing, if undisputed fact (because of the highly specific dating of the pyrophyllite rock layers in which these “spheres” were found) is their extraordinary age: 2.8 billion years!

Whatever formed them (and then left them for two thirds of the history of planet Earth, in this extremely ancient metamorphic rock deposit!), occurred when the highest forms of life on Earth were only red and blue-green algae! So -- how did hundreds of precisely crafted, apparently intelligently-designed metallic artifacts, harder than steel, find their way into such a deep rock layer … literally miles below South Africa?!

But, that isn’t the most remarkable part of this story.

Other images of these mysterious “metallic spheres” in the Klerksdorp Museum (below) reveal an even more astonishing, precise resemblance to none other than the Cassini close-ups of the anomalous eighth satellite of Saturn


These remarkable details include not only the same “equatorial ridge/groove” … but the presence of a “deathstar entry port" as well (below)!

This close-up (below) illustrates the scale of these astonishing ~3-billion-year-old analogues, compared to their vastly larger “cousin” … over a billion miles away.

How could this astonishing similarity naturally occur?!

Keeping in mind that Forbidden Archeology was initially published in 1993, yet the Cassini Iapetus’ close-ups did not come in until January, 2005 -- this eerie parallel demands far more than another casual dismissal as “just coincidence.”

In fact, there is in this discovery a startling, potential “fourth explanation” for Iapetus. But … it is not an explanation anyone will easily accept ….


It is now known that for most of the history of Earth, the most sophisticated form of life was simple algae – “pond scum.” From about four and a half billion years ago up until about six hundred million years before the Present, a relatively narrow range of algae were the most advanced organisms living anywhere on the planet.

Then, at the boundary between the last two great geological epochs -- known as the great “Pre-Cambrian/Cambrian transition” -- there was a veritable “explosion” of much more complex life … which formed the pattern for the development of all the future “kingdoms,” “phyla,” “genera,” “families” and “species” that we now recognize on Earth.

This so-called “Cambrian Explosion” is without doubt the single biggest mystery of life on Earth—

Save, of course, for the even more mysterious appearance of Life itself.

Why, for literally billions of years, was Earth home to only an extremely narrow range of microscopic cyanobacteria, some organized in great algal mats (below) called “stromatolites” … ? And then, in the space of less than 5 million years (as judged by the latest evidence) – BANG!! – every form of life currently appearing on Earth suddenly emerged …?

In fact, this profound mystery is termed by some biologists “the Big Bang of Evolution.”

The discovery of manufactured artifacts -- looking exactly like what we now know Iapetus to be -- and in the middle of this incredibly ancient, incredibly primitive Pre-Cambrian Epoch … is simply impossible.


They were brought here from “somewhere else” -- when those original sediments were being formed ….

Which, of course, introduces the idea of “seed ships.”

In the last ten years, a major scientific revolution has quietly occurred: astronomers have, for the first time, indirectly detected (via highly sensitive application of the well-known “Doppler technique”) over 150 actual “exoplanets” … non-stellar worlds, orbiting nearby stars!

The most recently announced discovery (June 13, 2005) is getting very close to the “Holy Grail" of these pioneering surveys: the detection of the first “Earth-sized,” rocky world beyond the solar system. All previous discoveries over the past decade have been of so-called “gas giants” – planets ranging from about twenty times Jupiter’s mass ... down to just about Uranus and Neptune-sized worlds.

The latest Doppler confirmation of a “6-8 Earth-mass planet … orbiting about two million miles from its low-mass, red dwarf parent star …” – Gliese 876 – ranks as a major step forward in finally placing our own solar system -- and its diverse population of both gas giants and smaller, rocky worlds -- into proper astrophysical perspective. [There were already two Jovian-sized worlds orbiting within the Gliese 876 system, which lies 15 light years away in the direction of Aquarius, detected some years earlier (see artists’ conception, below)].

When the first of these startling “exoplanets” was announced -- some ten years ago, in October, 1995, orbiting another nearby star (“51 Pegasi,” 50 light years away in the direction of the constellation Pegasus) -- it really shocked the astronomical community.


For, the data revealed the object (“51 Pegasi b”) to be about half the mass of Jupiter … but whipping around its sun-like star every 4.23 days (see schematic, below).

Jupiter takes 11.86 years to orbit the Sun -- once.

So startling was this 51 Peg orbit that, for some time after the initial announcement in Geneva, there was serious debate over its reality. Eventually, the controversy was settled in favor of the data, that the first extra solar planet was indeed real, and … was a massive “Jovian-type” world in a bizarre orbit.

Because, most remarkably (as can be seen above), 51 Pegasi b had to be orbiting extremely close in (from application of Kepler’s Laws to the Doppler-shifted spectrum of 51 Pegasi a) – less than 5 million miles from the star itself (1/6 the distance between Mercury and the Sun)! This is so close, that the planet’s upper atmospheric temperature (not directly measurable via this technique, but calculated) is several thousand degrees F! At these temperatures, “clouds” would consist of metallic vapors, the planet tidally locked into unchanging geometries of searing “day” in one hemisphere, perpetual “night” in the other … and “eternal sunset” in-between (below).

Thus was born the exoplanet term “hot Jupiter” -- to describe MOST of these now-discovered ~150 plus worlds currently known to exist around other suns … almost all of which seem to be circling their stars either extremely close-in … or, in wildly eccentric orbits.

Both properties are the “lethal” difference between the “normal” distances and behavior of the planets in our solar system, and 99% of the so-far discovered “extrasolar worlds.” Put another way, star systems containing planets orbiting around them in orderly configurations (and distances) similar to Mercury, Venus, Earth, etc. -- with additional gas giants located safely far from the inner planets and their parent star (like Jupiter, Saturn, etc.) – so far appear extremely rare … less than 1%.

The reasons for these major “exo-solar-systemanomalies (compared to the orbit spacing this solar system) are still totally unknown.

What these (admittedly early) planetary statistics seem to be telling us is that Earth-like, habitable planets around other stars, orbiting within equally “friendly,” highly ordered solar systems (like this one) – thus, possessing environments capable of supporting the long-term evolution of “life among the stars” -- must be quite rare ….

So, enter Iapetus … again.

The fourth (and most striking) possibility for the existence of this profoundly bizarre, 900-mile, highly modified “base 60 world” – endlessly pursuing its precise “base 60” orbit around the most remarkable planet of this solar system – is that Iapetus was once part of an ancient, extraterrestrial program to convert this system of planets (among how many others in this Galaxy…?), from one of those myriad uninhabitable systems astronomers are finding--

Into a Special Place ….

Which could one day support the origin and evolution of Conscious Life around our Sun!

That Iapetus was, indeed—

An ancient “seedship” … from the Stars.

There is no space here to provide the literally years of documentation we have painstakingly assembled in support of this (admittedly) extraordinary hypothesis. That will come later. Suffice to say that the incredible identity – between Iapetus “the moon,” and the tiny, mirror-image “replicas” found inexplicably in rock strata laid down billions of years ago on Earth – argues convincingly that there could be some kind of link between the two.

What that specific link might be must await further, in-depth research – both into the true nature of Iapetus ... and the “spheres” discovered in South Africa.

But, that’s what makes this science: this is an idea (no matter how “far out”) which can be tested ....

However, even with what we know now, the data is compelling:

The discovery of spongy” and “charcoal-like” material inside many of these spheres, coupled with the extreme hardness of their shells, is completely consistent with the idea that these objects could have been originally intended as some kind of “protective carriers” -- for organic or biological materials!

If part of a systematic extraterrestrial program to “seed” life across the Milky Way, on previously lifeless worlds (like Earth!), such small devices could have been automatically produced elsewhere in this solar system (by the billions), to function similar to natural seed carriers known to biologists today -- a LOT of “seeds” disseminated … for every successful “implantation.”

The eerie resemblance to Iapetus could then have been far more than mere “coincidence” but, was perhaps specifically intended as,

1) the means to identify different teams and seeding programs (ships?), operating on different planets and environments across the ancient solar system, or

2) to let the descendents of this “grand experiment” (when they arose … and eventually discovered even a few of the literally billions of surviving “seed” shells …) to someday successfully trace their origins--

All the way to Saturn!

Isotopic analysis -- of both Iapetus ... and these strange, terrestrial “spheres” -- could provide specific information essential to confirming or falsifying this entire directed panspermia” hypothesis. As could biological analysis of what’s inside ….

In 1973, molecular biologists Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel formally proposed in the mainstream planetary science journal, Icarus [Crick, F. H. C., and Orgel, L. E. "Directed Panspermia," Icarus, 19, 341 (1973)] that life on Earth could be the direct result of such an interstellar “seeding program.” Their idea was the essence of simplicity -- once the “small problem” of building interstellar spacecraft essential to carrying the “seeds” across interstellar space was overcome by “a suitably advanced civilization”:

“The spaceship would carry large samples of a number of microorganisms, each having different but simple nutritional requirements, for example, blue-green algae, which could grow on CO2 and water in ‘sunlight.’ A payload of 1,000 kg might be made up of 10 samples each containing 1016 microorganisms, or 100 samples of 1015 microorganisms ….”

Crick was co-winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his co-discovery (along with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins) of the fundamental “building block” of life on Earth, DNA. In his and Orgel’s historic 1973 Icarus paper, Crick made several key comments about the more curious aspects of the DNA “code of Life” – which would be neatly solved if “directed panspermia” had indeed brought the first living microorganisms organisms to this planet.

Said Crick:

“Several orthodox explanations of the universality of the [terrestrial DNA] code can be suggested, but none is generally accepted to be completely convincing. It is a little surprising that organisms with somewhat different codes do not coexist. The universality of the code [on Earth] follows naturally from an ‘infective”’ theory of the origin of life. Life on Earth would represent a clone derived from a single set of organisms [emphasis added]….”

The larger problem, of course, is the increasing mathematical impossibility in the molecular biological community of deriving DNA from random thermodynamic processes limited to Earth – even over the literally billions of years that the evolutionary biologists now claim this occurred.

About a decade after proposing in Icarus that life scientifically appeared to him to have originated from “somewhere beyond Earth” … and then was deliberately brought here, by “someone,” Crick raised the even more fundamental DNA objection to Life’s origins on Earth alone. Writing in a book dedicated to these major mysteries (Crick, Francis, “Life Itself,” Simon & Schuster, N.Y. 1981), Crick noted the almost insuperable chemical problems of naturally forming DNA on even an ancient Earth, as prerequisite to subsequently evolving even simple one-celled organisms:

“… an honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have to have been satisfied to get it going [emphasis added] ….”

By removing the sticky question of life’s ultimate origins to a completely separate location in the Galaxy, with uniquely favorable (if currently unknown) conditions, and replacing its “miraculous” appearance on this planet with a secondary “seeding” scenario from somewhere else, Crick was attempting to salvage the central tenant (and rising problem) of all contemporary evolutionary biology: that Life even has a “natural” origin!

What he was trying to say scientifically, was “Yes—

“It just wasn’t … here.”

Again, we do not have room to debate the full details of Crick and Orgel’s panspermia theory. What we do have is brand new evidence, which they did not possess–

That provides a stunning new line of research into their seminal idea.

Because -- parked in a unique “base 60” orbit, around the most spectacular “hyperdimensional planet” of this solar system -- is an apparently ancient, geometrically altered world … battered almost beyond recognition. Astoundingly -- a billion miles away, buried deep within this planet -- lie a set of miniature counterparts ... from a long, long time ago ….

This stark “coincidence” now demands serious investigation!


Earlier, we alluded to the one critical factor which would totally invalidate the Crick/Orgel hypothesis: “the ‘small problem’ of building practical interstellar spacecraft” … critical to any “planetary seeding” across interstellar space.

In the 1970’s, when Crick and Orgel initially proposed their “directed panspermiahypothesis, the physics (to say nothing of the engineering!) of interstellar travel was considered impossible by the overwhelming majority of mainstream scientists. Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity – which appears to prohibit spatial travel in three dimensions “faster than c” (light speed) -- and the simple fact of the immense interstellar distances (light years) between potentially habitable star systems, created what many termed “God’s Quarantine regulations.”

But, in the ensuing thirty years since 1973, mainstream physics has proposed a variety of extraordinary new hypotheses regarding space and time – some of which provide serious “loopholes” in these previously inviolable “quarantine constraints.”

By a remarkable “coincidence” -- just as Cassini was sending home its astonishing first close-ups of Iapetus -- a group of mainstream physicists published a landmark re-analysis in a major international scientific publication on the feasibility of “interstellar visitations” to Earth -- based on these new physics. Titled “Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation,” and published in the January/February issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, the new analysis was authored by astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, along with physicists James Deardorff, Bruce Maccabee and Harold Puthoff.

Bernard Haisch says this about the new study:

“What we have done is somewhat of a breakthrough. We have pulled together various recent discoveries and theoretical issues that collectively point to the strong probability that we should be in the midst of one or more huge extraterrestrial civilizations [emphasis added] ….”

The authors’ central thesis comes down to this:

“It has recently been argued that anthropic reasoning applied to inflation theory reinforces the prediction that we should find ourselves part of a large, galaxy-sized civilization, thus strengthening Fermi’s paradox concerning ‘Where are they?’ Furthermore, superstring and M-brane theory allow for the possibility of parallel universes, some of which in principle could be habitable. In addition, discussion of such exotic transport concepts as ‘traversable wormholes’ now appears in the rigorous physics literature. As a result, the ‘We are alone’ solution to Fermi’s paradox, based on the constraints of earlier 20th Century viewpoints, appears today to be inconsistent with new developments in our best current physics and astrophysics theories.


Therefore we reexamine and reevaluate the present assumption that extraterrestrials or their probes are not in the vicinity of Earth, and argue instead that some evidence of their presence might be found in certain high-quality UFO reports.


This study follows up on previous arguments that,

(1) interstellar travel for advanced civilizations is not a priori ruled out by physical principles and therefore may be practicable

(2) such advanced civilizations may value the search for knowledge from uncontaminated species more than direct, interspecies communication, thereby accounting for apparent covertness regarding their presence [emphasis added]….”

Quite apart from theory, in the official Russian News and Information Agency (RIA Novosti), this past Spring, the head of the R&D Institute of Space Systems, Valery Menshikov, announced an engineering breakthrough of precisely such a non-rocket based, “field propulsion technology” – for eventual use aboard the Russian section of the International Space Station, and on other Russian missions:

“ … the R&D Institute of Space Systems ... is busy developing a perpetuum mobile (perpetual-motion engine), of sorts. This engine that will have a virtually unlimited service life could be used on Earth and in outer space."

“… a liquid or solid-state propulsive mass moves along a preset tornado-shaped trajectory inside this engine, thereby ensuring sustainable propulsion. Quite possibly, we are witnessing a hitherto unknown interaction between the propulsive mass and little-studied fields, including the gravitation field [emphasis added] ….”

A major American clearing house for these revolutionary physics and engineering developments quietly taking place around the world, is The American Anti-Gravity Foundation -- which tracks current “anti-gravity” research through direct interviews with major workers in the field, published technical papers, and status reports from a wide variety of leading governmental and private sector (including major corporate) researchers.

This astonishing compendium – both theoretical physics breakthroughs and actual “gravity engineering” – curiously ignored by mainstream journals and media outlets (with some singular exceptions – such as the recent Russian News Agency story …), is publicly accessible world-wide on the American Anti-Gravity website.

One of those breakthroughs is a thorough reanalysis of the major “physics failure” of the 20th century – the widely reported “inability of even Albert Einstein” to come up with a workable “Unified Field Theory” (UFT) combining gravity and other forces, before his death in 1955.

In fact, according to American Anti-Gravity documents, this is simply NOT true: well before his death, Einstein DID succeed in producing a viable (and radically simplified!) theory of gravity ... which was not only experimentally confirmed by other scientists and engineers of the period, but is now leading to several breakthrough engineering developments re gravity control!

According to one key “insider”:

“The modern (mainstream) physics community insists on making a fundamental error in their attempts to unify the fundamental forces. Some day a scientist is going to get a Nobel prize for what I am about to [say] ….

“The mistake with modern unified field theories is that they are working under the false belief that gravity only links with the other interactions at exceedingly high energies. In other words, the type of extreme conditions that existed a tiny fraction of a second after the Big Bang. At that short instant, gravity and electromagnetism -- and the other forces -- are all interchangeable, they are all more or less indistinguishable. One might say at this point there is a clear interchange between electromagnetic and gravitational forces; they are strongly coupled, or inductively ‘linked,’ at this condition.

“Right there, is the error in modern gravity theories: the assumption of ultra-high energies! Gravity and electro-magnetism are linked at low energies. Gravity and electromagnetism are coupled together in conditions that can be as ‘everyday’ as those inside a whirling polyphase electrical motor. In fact, one way of thinking of an antigravity device is to think of it as an unusual form of electrical motor [emphasis added].

“With this in mind, consider some of the [currently obscure] contributions that Einstein made towards anti-gravity ….

“1) He recognized the inherent limitations of


...General Relativity [GRT] and sought to correct those. “The [Einstein] unified field theories [UFT] are his improved theory of gravity. Gravity and EM are brought together as a result of a radical new concept of space. This is an amazing approach …. Einstein emerges into a truly breakthrough realm: General Relativity gave us non-Euclidean space ... but UFT goes to non-Euclidean and non-Riemannian [beyond four-dimensional ‘space-time’] space. This is constantly ignored by writers who trash [his] UFT. They ignore that Einstein had said GRT was ‘only an approximation that dealt with gravity’ and as such, a theory he was not [ultimately] satisfied with .…

“2) His UFT introduces the idea of ‘sub-space’ or ‘hyper-space.’

“Modern theories talk of ‘hidden dimensions’; Einstein's UFT has something different. He says that there is a space out of which our space-time -- including any hidden dimensions – is ‘constructed.’ The idea is thus a space structure that transcends [or underlies] our own. Or ... expressed differently … that our space-time is a limited sub-set of – or geometric projection of -- this more fundamental [space] structure ….”

Sounds an awful lot like “Hyperdimensional Physics” to me ….

“3) … Einstein introduces the concept that


...only the vector magnetic potential has a physical reality in electrodynamics, the electric and magnetic fields are merely concepts we have developed due to reciprocity of the field. Most modern physicists still do not accept this assertion of Einstein ... although more recent experimental research -- the Arahnov-Bohm experiment -- suggests that the A field is real (the experiment shows that A can alter the quantum wavefunction … [even] when all other EM effects have been completely shielded out).

“Finally, here is an interesting thought: the A field appears to cut through shielding, and [still] effect matter [even]when all normal forms of the EM field have been excluded. Controversial research suggests that changes in an electron's quantum wavefunction, induced by the A potential, is identical to what a ‘psychic’ does by concentrating on an electron interference experiment.

“In other words ... maybe Einstein's UFT might also be related to psychic effects!

We have, in just the last few days, discovered dramatic experimental support for precisely this astonishing proposal: evidence that “anomalous cognition” (as “ESP/psychic” experimentation is now termed) is dramatically affected (by up to 600%) by key parameters of hyperdimensional physics! Again, there is no room to provide the critical documentation here; that will be done in a future paper on Enterprise, on this specific subject.

“4) … Einstein invents the Einstein/Szilard refrigeration system (what is this doing here? Well, just wait!).

“Very few people are even taught that Einstein was an experimentalist and an inventor. This refrigerator is possibly the first application of magneto-hydrodynamics [MHD]; it uses AC magnetic fields to create MHD forces in liquid metals. The metals are pumped around through a heat exchanger. But … look at the story beneath the obvious .... Here we have Einstein using AC inductive fields to circulate liquid metals: strangely similar to some current antigravity concepts …. His system is [also] oddly similar to two experiments that produced an [actual] ‘AG type effect’ – one of them you will never hear about, even in the fringe community… but it happened at an AEC [Atomic Energy Commission] facility in the 1960's ….

“5) Einstein develops experimental methods study UFT predictions and does this right at the same time he is doing experiments for things like the D'Hass-VanAlfven Effect, and Einstein D'Hass Effect.

“In these effects, we have a study of diamagnetism and the magnetization of spinning objects -- bismuth samples – materials we have [also] heard about in various antigravity projects. These experiments get into some very fascinating areas, that show that spinning or precessing atoms can store energy in a field, and the field can collapse and re-spin the whole sample! So, we have spinning diamagnetic materials and EM fields being a known area of experimental investigation for Einstein: yet one more similarity to certain AG stories ….

What are the first “Three Laws” of Hyperdimensional Physics again … “rotationrotationrotation …?”

“6) Einstein actually predicts antigravity!!!!

“Right here, this ought to be enough to really turn the heads of the conservative mainstream crowd …. In personal correspondence in the early 1930's, Einstein openly speculates that UFT will lead to some form of “propulsion.” Think of the implications of that! He is the man who revolutionizes our understanding of gravity … and ‘Einstein the inventor’ sees in his equations the probability of antigravity! And yet most physicists in the mainstream -- and certainly most in the AG fringe -- would (incorrectly) assert that Einstein's theories show no possibility of AG! How wonderfully ironic!

“7) Einstein receives a confirmation of his UFT.

“‘[Gabriel] Kron's equations’ are the only ones able to predict and explain the strange behavior of ‘synchronous machines’ [synchronized, rotating electric motors and other spinning electrical devices]. UFT effects -- including EM induced torsion and curvature fields -- are the explanation for strange anomalies [in these massive rotating systems] like ‘phase slip,’ ‘creep’ and the bizarre effect of ‘hunting.’

“And who is interested in Kron's theories?

“The US Navy – because they want to use the [rotating] power selsyns and amplidynes onboard ships. So Kron's practical form of Einstein's equations proves the validity of UFT. This again is still utterly lost on the mainstream crowd, and sadly wasted on [parts of] the AG crowd ….

“8) Einstein works for the Navy during WW-II.


“His office mate is JD Krauss. I don't even know how to begin with this one .... All I suggest is just look at Krauss' legacy ... the areas he worked in practically shout ‘radar invisibility!’ Those two must have had some amazing sessions. The Navy was the one service with high value assets, that were large enough and had enough power to try some wild things ... I am convinced those two cooked [up] ideas about how to use high-power AC magnetic fields to deflect and disable mines and torpedoes, and how a big AC field could alter and ‘stealth’ the L-band radar cross- section of a ship.


I think Kron and John Moore did the analysis on the generators, and Tesla MIGHT have been used as a short term consultant to do a resonant circuit to further amp up the field created by the modified degaussing coils. John VonNeumann probably did the analysis of effects on RCS [radar cross section], and Donald Menzel looked at the optical and atmospheric effects. Vannevar Bush talked the Navy into the project. [Bush and Menzel also worked together after the war on what we would now call ‘foreign threat assessment’ (very foreign) ….]

“9) And in 1943, Hoffman at Princeton in a public lecture


... about Kron's version of the UFT … says ‘we now have experimental confirmation of Einstein's Unified Field Theory.’ He was talking about the effects in motors ... but, he means what he says. Einstein's theory of a [low energy!] relation between ‘electromagnetism and gravity’ has been proven – because of observable effects it predicts in [rotating] motors …."

-- Note: This information was provided on background by a scientist working at a small aerospace engineering and advanced technology company in Cypress, California who wishes to remain anonymous...

Rotation … rotation … rotation ….

So ... what does all this have to do with Iapetus?


If Iapetus is a modified moon/spacecraft, developed by an advanced interplanetary/interstellar civilization … then it is foreordained to have embodied physics and engineering far beyond of any current capabilities or even theories.

Ergo: it was NOT propelled by “rockets.”

If Einstein’s UFT ideas, or any of the modern variants which have evolved -- from super strings to M-brane theory – can ultimately be engineered into workable technologies for literally bending space and time ... then, all bets are off. Anything could be waiting inside Iapetusif we return.

Only one thing now seems clear:

Whoever designed it, for whatever ultimate objective, if our “insider” physicist is correct in observing “…one way of thinking of an antigravity device is to think of it as an unusual form of electrical motor …”, then the mystery of Iapetus ~60,000-foot-high“wall” may now be close to resolution—

As the massive field coils of a world-sized, anti-gravity propulsion system ... which may have literally carried Iapetus between the stars … setting in motion a series of extraordinary events, stretching across literally billions of ensuing years … which would one day lead to us!

If that is true, then its very name – “Iapetus” … the father of Prometheus, the “maker of Mankind” --- is eerie foreshadowing of all we might one day confirm ….

Could that stark possibility – that, in Iapetus, we are confronting our very origins … if not the origins of every living thing on Earth -- explain the startling series of events … from the Vatican to Washington DC … that Cassini’s shocking close-ups set in motion at the turning of 2005?

Click Here for Part Seven →