Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
NoelHuntley Website
In the '30s the covert government (military) sought invisibility technology.
Scientists were called upon to develop a technology which could make objects
invisible, such as airplanes or ships. Some of the greatest brains were
recruited: Einstein, Tesla, Von Neumann (mathematician). It appeared hardly
likely though that human technology was advanced enough to achieve the 'cloaking'
phenomenon required. In fact at that time this was the case and
it was the Zeta aliens who provided the final details for a system to create
Today we have the
stealth technology which is claimed to be radar
invisibility but in fact is light invisibility. Airplanes, in particular,
can be cloaked. Cloaking is quite an apt word since the stealth technology
is not five-sense invisibility. Invisibility is created by using powerful
electromagnetic fields to curve space around the object. Light thus bends
around the object and the object cannot be seen.
The military and scientists set up the battleship U.S. Eldridge with an
electromagnetic system:
Tesla coils, etc. but aided by the
Zetas. What the
covert government didn't know was that the Zetas were merely exploiting them
for their own ends. The aliens provided a hidden technology which would
create a wormhole, a rift or tear in spacetime.
In 1943 the first successful test of invisibility was achieved but much to
the amazement of the military and scientists the ship completely disappeared.
When it returned the military insisted on using a crew the next time in
order to gain information on what happened when it disappeared.
It has been
recorded that Tesla objected at this point and either resigned or even
attempted sabotage and was removed from the project. The ship disappeared
and returned, and the horrific effects of this have become fairly well known:
insane crew with some of them embedded in the hull of the ship.
Little known to the humans the experiment had to be conducted in August,
1943 as organized and influenced by the Zetas. This was due to magnetic
cycles that occur every 20 years in which a magnetic peak allowed easier
transit across certain dimensional bands of frequencies. For example, the
electrical overtone (one pole of the electrical/magnetic vortex) of D3
(dimensional band) connects with that of the magnetic base tone of
creating a magnetic window.
These particular Zetas are the Zeta-Grey Rigelians from the star
system Rigel in Orion.
The Guardian Alliance refer to them as the
Futczhi. Zeta-Dracos
are also involved as go-betweens in humans and Futczhi relations. They
motivated the government to create the experiment in 1983.
The ship was temporarily teleported to a future time, to 1983, another
magnetic peak.
The Zetas had succeeded in creating a wormhole (a vortex interconnecting
dimensions and times) as part of their plan for expanding their implant grid
system and also creating spacetime pathways to the phantom matrix (a
separated, walled-off astral realm; a slow-acting black hole, the abode of
the dark forces).
In addition, the Zetas used this dimensional window to bring in a fleet of
spacecrafts, secretly, to position them for directing coded electromagnetic
D1 pulses at the Sun. This can be achieved via astral dimensions within our
Earth into the D2 Earth body of which its centre is connected to the
centre through inner-space geometry.
The purpose was to misalign the Sun/Earth energy relationship which they
accomplished, and further to misalign Earth and parallel Earth (Tara) where
D1 (Earth) connects to D4 (Tara). (Earth is D1, D2, D3;
Tara is D4, D5, D6.)
This would create a repulsion zone between Earth and Tara and prevent
ascension at the closing of the planetary time period of 26,556 years. We
would then have to continue to reincarnate in repeated cycles.
The result of the pulses directed at the Sun was to reverse the magnetic
polarity into electrical at the D1 level, causing the D1 vortices of Earth
and Sun to repel. They also reversed the D4 frequencies so that
Earth would
repel Tara - and further this would cause misalignment in the other
dimensions D2, D3, D5, D6.
This violation of the harmonic balance between these planets and Sun caused
increasing Sun flares between 1943 and 1972. Astronomers became very
concerned about the dangers to Earth. In fact they predicted an explosion on
the Sun by about 1972 which would continue, with the possibility of
destroying all life on Earth.
Fortunately the Sirian Council of the Guardian Alliance intervened. From the
ETs' point of view in 1972 there would have been a red pulse released from
the Sun, destroying all life on Earth. The D1 frequency band corresponds to
red in the spectrum; hence the name red pulse. It is an intense expanding
wave of ultralow frequency energy.
On August 7, 1972 scientists recorded the most intense flare ever but it was
a puzzle as to why it subsided. The Sirian Council had in fact intervened.
The Sun's vortices were out of balance but the correction was a major task
and lengthy. A temporary solution was to create a frequency fence around
Earth to prevent resonance from the red pulse and subsequent destruction of
all life. This procedure is described in the article on the so-called
In spite of the Zeta's plan of disrupting the alignment of the
Sun, Earth
and Tara, and preventing ascension being thwarted, they nevertheless had
succeeded in creating their wormhole in 1943, a key item for a series of
three such endeavors; the other two at magnetic peaks in 1983 and 2003.
Montauk books detail the events of 1983 in which the secret government
were again induced and deceived into creating a time machine linking 1983 to
1943 expanding and strengthening the 1943 wormhole. The third experiment
must be conducted in 2003, the last magnetic peak before 2012 and the
ascension period. The government must again be deceived into performing
another experiment which would reinforce the Zeta's implant network
sufficiently to form an effective frequency fence for the whole population,
preventing the major aspects of the ascension from occurring.
The 1983
wormhole widened the rip of 1943 and linked the time periods successfully to
their Dracos-Zeta D4 time period - their base of operations. Note that these
Zeta plans were a hindrance to the competing alien faction,
Anunnaki, in
One World Order
agenda and they attempted to block the plan. The
expanding wormhole network strengthened its connection to the
Phantom Matrix
(also through their Falcon wormhole, and this so-called Montauk vortex grid
system can now radiate
psychotronic mind control directives to the
The ET information in this article came from the
Guardian Alliance
material - A. Deane's
Voyagers books.