Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro
December, 1990
Mr. Bielek said that he and Preston were the two sailors that were running
some special equipment on the Eldridge, the U.S. Navy ship which was turned
invisible in 1943, known as the Philadelphia Experiment, since the boat was
docked in Philadelphia. He claims that the movie, "The Philadelphia
Experiment" is essentially correct except when he and his brother jumped
over the ship, when it was in hyperspace, they did not land in the future in
the desert of Nevada, but at the secret base in Montauk, NY in 1984. For you
see, he claims, the Government tried the same experiment 41 years later, on
the same date and time, and opened up a hole in time between the two eras.
If this hole was not closed, then our world could have been destroyed.
Mr. Bielek stated that his brother decided to stay in the future, and he
agreed to go back to 1943, to close the hole by destroying the equipment
onboard the Eldridge. He did accomplish this task and the holes were closed.
He said that in 1984 in Montauk, that through contact with the
Aliens, they
had a time tunnel that existed there. Also he stated that a UFO which was
witnessing the experiment in 1943 was caught up in the hole or energy vortex
and also transported to the future.
After his experience on the Eldridge, he claims that he worked with people
related to the development of the nuclear bomb but he objected to the
purpose of how the Government wanted to use such technologies. He stated
that the Government saw him as a liability and that they would have killed
him except that his molecular structure was connected with the two holes in
time in 1943 and 1984. Therefore, they believed if they killed him, it could
cause a ripple effect that would reopen these holes and thus used the
technology they had received from the aliens, to regress him to a baby and
sent him back in time to 1927 where he was exchanged for the son of the Bielek family.
Now he states his brother, who stayed in the future, became quite fascinated
with the time tunnel at Montauk. Somehow his brother got caught in the time
tunnel, some experiment, and again, they had the same situation where if he
died, his death could cause the holes in time to re-open. So again, using
some strange technology of the aliens, they were able to take the soul of
his brother and place it in the body of his father's third son. Thus Preston
again forgot who he was although he still had the same father.
The last piece of information I found quite fascinating in Mr. Bielek's talk
was a discussion about time travel and parallel universes. He stated that
using the equipment they had developed, they were able to identify at least
four other parallel earths (similar to the TV program on Fox called
"Sliders") and in one of these parallel earths, Germany won World War II.
This was quite interesting because I had just read a science fiction book by
James Hogan that was based on this idea that people could travel in time and
go back in time to intervene in key events to change the world which
produced a new timeline or a parallel earth) . Apparently, how the Universe
preserves order and prevents a paradox from happening is it generates
alternative time lines.
What I mean by this, is say I go back in time and kill my grandfather. How
could this be possible? If my grandfather died, I would never be born to
kill him. What apparently happens in this case, is that the timeline I left,
continues as is, with no changes except that I no longer exist there as by
generating this new timeline, I forfeit my chance to return to my own
timeline. When I killed my grandfather, a new timeline starts minuses my
grandfather but I must remain in this altered timeline. Lastly, I attended a
party in Las Vegas that Mr. Bielek was at, and he talked about some other
interesting subjects. First he stated that the so-called "Grey"
Aliens do
exist and that we have received some technology from them and that they do
have a plan to make the earth their new home. Also he stated that the Greys
are following the guidance of the Serpent race, the Reptilian race from
Orion. That the Orions have great trouble living on the earth because our
environment is not hospitable for them and that the Greys are helping to
prepare the way for the Orions, who have basically enslaved their race. He
stated that there have been battles fought in space between a Confederation
of Planets and the Greys and ETs from Orion. Next he talked about what has
happened when the time tunnel was used at Montauk to go into the future. He
stated that for some reason, they could never penetrate the years 2011-2013.
He also stated that the technology is so good, they could pull you out, ship
you to another time period and bring you back so fast, that it would appear
as no time had passed yet you could have aged several months or years
because of the time you spent in the other time. He claimed that this
happened to him on a number of occasions. Lastly, he shared that when they
were able to see the future, past 2013, it appeared as if there was no life
living on the earth.
The part of his information which he shared about not
being able to enter the 3 year timeframe I found quite interesting and
started to ponder about this. Then inspiration (divine) struck me to explain
why this might be possible. I remember reading a science fiction novel by
Asimov about a group of people, supposedly existing in our future, who's
work was to travel backwards and forward in time, making minor alterations
to make the earth the best possible planet or place to live, at least in
their opinion. There was a group in their very far future, who knew they
were doing this and totally blocked the time travelers ability to enter
their time period. My explanation for Mr. Bielek statement about 2011-2013
is that if we are using a physical device to travel (whether it be via
traveling a distance in the current time or traveling in time) that in order
to be able to reach your destination, that place or time must be in a
vibrational harmony with the place you are leaving. In other words, the laws
of physics, the vibration of matter, must be in alignment. Therefore, I
conclude that in 2011-2013, the earth will shift its vibrational motion and
move into a new dimension which makes this time not in sync with our own.
As I have been pursuing this theory, I have discovered that a number of
prophecies seem to point to something significant happening in this
timeframe as well. I have heard both the Aztec and Mayans have a prophecy
about something happening during these years, a transformation of sorts.
Also the Great Pyramid, if reading the prophecy on the special wall near the
King (or is it the Queen) chambers, the tunneling leading up to this room,
also has some reference to 2011. Also, the Mayan said their calendar ended
in 1987 and 26 years later is 2013. Numbers which are a multiple of 13, 26
or 52 are considered sacred numbers to the Mayans.
Well regardless whether the information Mr. Bielek has shared or my own
speculations of things is true, we are living in a truly incredible time and
it seems that the kinds of activities related to the Philadelphia
Experiment, Montauk or the UFOs, will take us into a whole new level of
comprehension of the intrigue workings of the Universe we find ourselves in.