12. Liber Mirabilis ~

Liber Mirabilis is a collection of Medieval prophecies, first published in 1524. It was translated from Latin to French by Jean de Vatiguerro in 1831. The following anonymous apocalyptic prophecy is drawn from the book:

"All elements will become altered, because it is necessary, that the whole condition of the Centuries becomes changed; Certainly will the Earth at many places be in a dreadful state of collapse and all living things will be swallowed up. Numerous strong Towns and Cities will be shattered and collapse in Earthquakes... The Sea will scream out and raise itself against the whole World. The Air will be dirty and be polluted because of the Grossness and Discord of Men... The air will completely change and because of Pestilence, Illness through it will break out, and will completely spoiled. Men will become like animals from the various new Diseases. They will be overcome and die suddenly. An indescribable plague will break out from a sudden and terrible Famine and will torment Men. It will be such great suffering in the whole World, and there is nowhere in the West that this will not find its place. Since the beginning of the World there has been nothing as horrible as this."

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13. Mother Shipton ~

The English seeress Mother Ursula Shipton, as she was popularly known, was christened Janet Ursula Southiel (Southill). She lived in Yorkshire from 1488 to 1561, during the reign of Henry VII. The first collection of her visions was published in 1641, and a more complete edition was published in 1646 by the astrologer and alchemist Sir William Lilly in his Collections of Prophecies. Most of her prophecies concerned her own times, but numerous fragments pertain to our future. Mother Shipton allegedly wrote the following verses about today and the near future, but in 1862 the English editor Charles Hindley admitted to the authorship of this falsely ascribed but nonetheless highly accurate prophecy, which includes descriptions of the radio, television, airplanes, and World Wars, including possibly WW3:

"Carriages without horses shall go.
And accidents fill the world with woe.
Around the world thoughts shall fly
In the twinkling of an eye.
Waters shall yet more wonders do
Now stranger, yet shall be true.
The world upside down shall be
And gold be found at the root of tree.
Through the hills man shall ride
And no horse be at his side.
Underwater men shall walk,
Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk.
In the air man shall be seen
In white, in black, in green:
Gold shall be found in mid stone
In a land that’s now unknown;
Fire and water shall wonders do,
England shall admit a Jew.
Women will dress like men and trousers wear,
And cut off all their locks of hair.
They will ride astride with brazen brow,
And love shall die, and marriage cease,
And nations wane and babes decrease,
And wives shall fondle cats and dogs;
And men shall live much like hogs,
Just for food and lust.
When pictures look alive, with movements free,
When ships, like fishes, swim beneath the sea,
When men, outstripping birds, can soar the sky,
Then half the world, deep-drenched in blood, shall die.
The fiery year as soon as over,
Peace shall then be as before.
Plenty everywhere be found,
And men with swords shall plow the ground.
All England’s sons that plow the land,
Shall be seen with book in hand.
Learning shall so ebb and flow,
The poor shall most wisdom know.
And water wind where corn doth grow;
Great houses stand in farflung vale,
All covered o’er with snow and hail.
Taxes for blood and war
Shall come to every door.
And state and state in fierce strife
Will seek after each other’s life.
But when the North shall divide the South
An Eagle shall build in the Lion’s mouth.
In London Primrose Hill shall be,
Its center hold a Bishop’s See.
Three times shall lovely France
Be led to play a bloody dance;
Before the people shall be free,
Three tyrant rulers shall she see:
Three times the people’s hope is gone,
Three rulers in succession, be ---
Each sprung from different dynasty.
Then, when the fiercest fight is done,
England and France shall be as one.
The British olive next shall entwine
In marriage with the German vine
The Jew that once was held in scorn
Shall of a Christian be born,
A house of glass shall come to pass
In England --- but alas! alas!
A war will follow with the work
Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk.
The gods will send the Dragon back
To light the sky his tail will crack
Upon the Earth and rend the Earth
And man shall flee, King, Lord and serf."

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14. Rigord of St. Denis ~

The French chronicler Rigord of St. Denis lived in the 12th century. He wrote a prophetic text in Latin, which was later translated and printed by Fritz Baer. The following parts pertain to our future:

"At that time from the sea will rise a very strong wind, which will strike terror in the hearts of men, and it will raise sand and dust from the surface of the earth, until it will cover the trees and the towers... And there will be heard in the air quakes and thunder and voices which will strike terror in the hearts of men, and all the countries will be covered with sand and dust... For that wind will rise from the west corner and reach until the west corner, encompassing all the countries of Egypt and Ethiopia... and also the lands of Rome.

"After those events of the winds, five miracles will come to pass one after another.

"First, a most wise man will arise from the east, versed in secret wisdom, that is, in wisdom which is beyond man. And he will walk in justice and will teach the law of truth, and he will cause many to return to straight mores from the darkness of ignorance, and from unbelief to the way of truth, and he will instruct the sinners in the way of righteousness, and he will not pride himself with being counted among the prophets.

"Secondly, a man will come forth from Elam and will assemble a multitude of great forces (Daniel 11:1), and will wage a great war against the nations (Zechariah 14), and he will not live long.

"Thirdly, up will rise another man who will say that he is a prophet. He will hold a book in his hand and say that he was sent by God and by His prophets. And with his teachings he will cause many nations to go astray, and will seduce even more. But that which he will prophesy will come upon his own head. And he, too, will not live long.

"Fourthly, a comet will be seen in heaven -- a star, that is, with a tail or appendage -- and this apparition will signify destructions and tumults and hard strifes, and withholding of rains, and dryness of the earth, and mighty battles, and the flowing of blood upon the earth of the east, and from beyond the River Habor it will reach to the very end of the west. And the just and the truly righteous will be oppressed and will suffer persecutions, and the house of prayer will be destroyed.

"Fifthly, there will be an eclipse of the sun, like the color of fire, until the whole body of the sun will be obscured, and at the time of the eclipse there will such darkness over the earth as there is at midnight on those nights when there is no moonlight, in the days of the rains..."

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15. Hepidanus ~

The Swiss monk Hepidanus, who lived in the 11th century, accurately foresaw the coming of Napolean Bonaparte, the French Revolution, Adolf Hitler, and World Wars I and II. Furthermore, he saw a third World War:

"From North to South, the world will be split into two mighty hosts. The North will march against the South, the son against the father, and bring misfortune with him across the mountains as the night follows the day... A gloomy cloud will appear, and a terrible tempest will come forth from this cloud. It will consume a third of mankind, still living then. And it will destroy a third of all the crops, villages, and cities, and there will be a great misery and lamentation.

"A mighty empire will vanish thereafter, and another will take its place. From the East blows a storm, from the West a hurricane howls; woe to those who come into the sphere of this bloody whirlpool. Thrones a thousand years old will fall from the height... between the Rhine, the Elbe, and the Danube there will be a vast morgue, and a landscape of vultures and ravens... When a sign of fire will appear in the heavens, the time will have come close for these days to engulf humanity... but the date, when this sign will flash across the heavens, no mortal will know." (5)

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16. Caesarius of Heisterbach ~

Caesarius of Heisterbach was a Cistercian monk who lived in Cologne from 1180 to 1240. Caesarius foretold the rise of Napoleon and the event of the French Revolution. He also predicted the following events, still to come:

"There will be no Pope, and the air will be as a pestilence, destroying men and beasts alike. Not since the creation of the world has one experienced such misfortune."

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17. Johann Friede ~

According to a vision received by Johann Friede (1204-1257), an Austrian monk of the Order of St. John, several extraordinary phenomena will give warning that the present order of civilization is about to end:

"When the great time will come, in which mankind will face its last, hard trial, it will be foreshadowed by striking changes in nature; the alteration between cold and heat will become more intensive, storms will have more catastrophic effects, earthquakes will destroy greater regions and the seas will overflow many lowlands. Not all of it will be the result of natural causes, but man will penetrate into the bowels of the earth and will reach into the clouds, gambling with its own existence. Before the powers of destruction will succeed in their design, the universe will be thrown into disorder, and the age of iron will plunge into nothingness. When the nights will be filled with more intensive cold and the day with heat, a new life will begin in nature. The heat means radiation from the earth, the cold the waning light of the sun. Only a few more years and you will become aware that sunlight has become perceptibly weaker. When even your artificial light will cease to give service, the great event of the firmament will be near.

"The nebula of the Greater Bear will arrive in the vicinity of earth... and will fill the space of five hundred suns at the horizon. It will more and more cover up the light of the sun until the days will be like nights at full moon. The illumination will not come from the moon, but from Orion, which constellation, by the light of Jupiter, will send forth its rays on the Greater Bear and will dissolve its nebula with the force of light.

"By this time mankind will be stricken with terror. Birds will be like reptiles and will not use their wings. Animals of the ground, in fear and alarm, will raise such a clamor that it will make human hearts tremble. Men will flee their abodes in order not to see the weird occurrence. Finally, complete darkness will set in and last for three days and three nights.

"During this time, men, deprived of the power of light, will fall into a slumber-like sleep from which many will not awaken, especially those who have no spark of spiritual life. When the sun will again rise and emerge, earth will be covered with a blanket of ashes like snow in winter, except that the ashes will have the color of sulfur. Damp fog will ascend from the ground, illuminated by igneous gases.

"Of mankind there will be more dead than there have been casualties in all wars. In the abodes of the children of light, the Book of Revelations will be read, and in the palaces of the Church they will await the arrival of the great comet. On the seventh day after the return of light, earth will have absorbed the ashes and formed such a fertility as has not been experienced ever before. But Orion will cast its ray on the earth and show a path toward the last resting place of the greatest and most eminent man who had ever lived on the earth. The survivors will proclaim his ancient doctrine in peace and will institute the millennium, announced by the Messiah in the light of true brotherly and sisterly love for the glory of the Creator and for the blessedness of all mankind."

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18. Anonymous ~

An unknown 17th century German monk left this prophecy, which Ludwig Emmerich recorded in Die Zukunft der Welt (The Future of the World):

"The twentieth century will be a period of terror and misery. In that century everything evil and disagreeable that can be imagined will happen. In many countries the princes will rise up against their father, the citizens against authority, the children against their parents, the pagans against God, entire peoples against the established order. A civil war will break out in which almost all the world will be turned upside down. Financial disasters and ruin of property will cause many tears to fall. Men will be without mind and without piety. Poisoned clouds and rays which can burn more deeply than the equatorial sun, iron armies marching, flying vessels full of terrible bombs and of arrow, fatal flying stars and sulphuric fire destroying great cities. This century will be the most perverse of all because men will raise themselves up and destroy each other mutually."

Today we know that the "poisoned clouds" are those produced by pollution, chemical warfare, or atomic fallout. The burning rays are lasers, the iron armies are tanks, the flying vessels are airplanes, and "fatal flying stars" are rockets.

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19. Anonymous ~

In his collection of Voix Prophetiques (1872), Abbe Curique of Metz, France, included this anonymous prediction of a war between the East and West:

"A terrible war will ensue. The enemy will come from the East like a flood. In the evening they will call "Peace, Peace", but the next day they will be before our doors. There will be an early and beautiful spring in the year in which the war will start. The cows will walk through opulent grass in the meadows in April. Wheat can be harvested, but oats not any more. The conflict, in which one half the world will oppose the other half, will not be of long duration. God will scare the warring factions by producing a terrible natural catastrophe."

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20. Anonymous ~

In the 16th century, an unknown German monk in the Maria Laach monastery recorded this prophecy of our times:

"The twentieth century will bring death and destruction, defection from the Church; families, cities, and governments will go to pieces. It will be the century of three great wars, which will follow each other in decades and will become increasingly devastating and bloody. Not only the Rhineland but all countries to the East and West will be laid desolate. After Germany has lost a terrible war, there will soon follow yet another. There will be no bread for the people and no hay for the cattle. Poisonous vapors, created by human hand, will sink down, destroying everything. Insanity will attack the spirit of man, and unrestrained hate shall rage. Evil will destroy evil, and many innocents shall perish."

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21. Pere Nechtou ~

Pere Nechtou (died ca. 1790) was the Father Superior of the Company of Jesus in Belgium, and the author of several ascetic works. He made this prophecy for France:

"When those things come to pass which will bring on the triumph of the Church, then such confusion will reign on earth that people will think God has permitted them to have their own contrary will and that the provenance of God is not concerned about the world. The confusion will be so general that mankind will not be able to think aright, as if God had entirely withheld his providence from mankind, and that, during the worst crisis, the best that can be done would be to remain where God has placed us, and persevere in fervent prayer.

"Two parties will be formed in France which shall fight unto death. The party of evil will at first be stronger; the good side shall be weaker. At that time there shall be such a terrible crisis that people, frightened by events, shall believe that the end of the world has come. Blood shall flow in several large cities. The very elements shall be convulsed. It will be like a little general judgment. A great multitude of persons shall perish in these calamitous times. But the wicked shall never prevail. They indeed shall conspire for the destruction of the Church, but time shall not be allowed them, because this frightful crisis shall be of short duration. When all will be considered lost, all will be found safe.

"During this revolution, which shall very likely be general, and not confined to France, Paris shall be destroyed so completely that, twenty years afterwards, fathers will promenade their children over the ruins, and they will ask what place that was; to satisfy their questions, they will tell them: "My child, here was a great city; God destroyed it, because of its crimes." Paris shall certainly be destroyed, but before this occurs, such signs and portents shall be observed, that all good people will be induced to fly away from it. After this most terrible event, everything shall return to order; justice shall reign in the world, and the counter-revolution shall be accomplished. The triumph of the Church will then be so complete that nothing like it shall ever be seen, for this will be the last victory of the Church upon earth. Those persons who shall behold this last revolution will thank God for having preserved them to witness this glorious triumph of the Church.

"A man disliked by France will be placed on the throne; a man of the house of Orleans will be made king. It is only after this event that the counter-revolution shall begin.

"As when the fig tree begins to sprout and produce leaves, it is a certain sign that summer is near, so when England shall begin to wave in power, the destruction of Paris shall be near at hand. This shall be a sign. England shall, in her turn, experience a more frightful revolution than that of France. It shall continue long enough to give time for France to recover her strength, then she will help England return to order and peace."

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22. Catholic Nuns ~

Several Catholic nuns of the 19th century reported their visions of a third and final world war and three days of darkness that will enshroud the planet. Such a darkness is prophesied several times in the Bible, and may have served to inspire their prophecies; see Joel 2:10, 31 and 3:15; Matthew 24:25, 29; Revelation 6:12, 14 and 8:12; Zechariah 14:6, 7; Isaiah 13:10 and 24:23; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25, and Acts 2:19, 20.

Sister Palma Maria (d. 1863) of Oria, Italy, saw the event thus:

"There will be an attempt by the sectaries to establish a republican government in France, Spain and Italy; a civil war will, in consequence, break out in those countries, accompanied by other dreadful punishments, as pestilence and famine, the massacre of priests, and also of some dignitaries of the Church. Rome shall have to endure severe trials from the malice of wicked men. But at the critical moment, when the rebellious Republicans shall attempt to take possession of the Holy City, they shall be suddenly arrested at the gates and forced to fly away in terror...

"There shall be three days of darkness, during which the atmosphere will be infected by innumerable devils, who shall cause the death of large multitudes of unbelievers and wicked men.

"Blessed candles alone shall be able to give light and preserve the faithful Catholics from this impending scourge. Supernatural prodigies shall appear in the heavens. There is to be a short but furious war, during which the enemies of religion and of mankind shall be universally destroyed. A general purification of the world, and the universal triumph of the Church are to follow."

In 1878, the year of her death, Sister Marie de Jesus Crucifice of Pau, France, made this prophecy of apocalypse:

"All states will be shaken by war and civil conflict. During a period of three days of darkness, those who walk along the paths of deprivation will perish; only the fourth part of humanity will survive. The clergy, too will be greatly reduced in number, as most of them will die in the defense of the faith or their country."

The French nun Marie Dehenny de la Faudais received a similar vision in 1819:

"There will be three days of continuous darkness. During this fearful darkness only candles which have been blessed will burn. One candle will last for three days, but in the houses of the impious they will not burn. During these three days demons will appear in horrible and nauseating forms and will make the air resound with appalling blasphemies. Rays and flashes will penetrate through the streets at an unusual time of the year. The sea will reverse in foamy waves upon the Earth. Indeed, our planet will become one huge cemetery. The bodies of the impious as well as with those of the just will cover the soil. The famine which will follow will be enormous; all the vegetation of the earth will be destroyed as also will be three-fourths of mankind. The crisis will come suddenly and the disaster will be universal."

The prophecies of Sister Rosa Columba of Taggia (died 1847) also foretell of tribulation for the Catholic Church:

"A great revolution will spread over all of Europe and peace will not be restored until the white flower, the Lily, has taken possession of the throne of France. Not only religious communities, but also good lay Catholics, shall have their property confiscated. Many of the nobility shall be cast into prison. A lawless democratic spirit of disorder shall reign supreme throughout all Europe. There will be a general overthrow. There shall be a great confusion of people against people, and nations against nations, with clashing of arms and beating of drums. The Russians and Prussians shall come to make war in Italy. They shall profane many churches, and turn them into stables for their horses. Some bishops shall fall from the faith, but many more will remain steadfast and suffer much for the Church. There will be a great persecution of the Church, begun by her own children.

"Many terrible calamities impend over Italy. Priests and religious shall be butchered and the earth, especially in Italy, shall be watered with their blood.

"The persecution in Italy is to begin by the suppression of the Jesuits; they shall be called back again; then a third time they will be suppressed and never more revived.

"During a frightful storm against the Church, all religious orders will be abolished except two, namely, the Capuchins and the Dominicans, together with the Hospitalers, who shall receive the pious pilgrims who, in great numbers, shall go to visit and venerate the many martyrs in Italy, killed during the impending persecution."

Shortly before her death in 1847, Sister Marie Lataste, who was a nun of the Sacred Heart, made this vague prophecy of doom for Paris:

"O Paris, execrable city, for how long have you deserved my indignation! Your inhabitants will one day curse you, for that you have steeped them in your baleful atmosphere, and even those to whom you gave refuge will hurl their maledictions at you, because they have found death in your bosom!

"Pray for France; pray much and never cease from praying. France shall not perish. When disorder and confusion are at their height in France, the merciful God will intervene in a marvelous manner, overthrow the evildoers and restore order. Afflictions shall come over the earth. Oppression shall reign in the city which I love, and where I have left my heart. She shall be in mourning and desolation, surrounded on every side by her enemies, like a bird caught in the net. During three years and a little more, this city shall appear overcome. But my Mother will come to that city; she will take the hand of the old man sitting on the throne, and will say to him: "Lo! the hour has come; rise up; behold thine enemies. I make them disappear, one after another, and they shall disappear forevermore. Thou hast given me glory both on earth and in heaven. Behold, men venerate thy name, venerate thy courage, venerate thy power: thou shalt live, and I will live with thee. Dry up thy tears, old man; I bless thee!"


Peace shall return to the world, because the Blessed Virgin Mary will breathe over the storms and quell them. Her name will be praised, blessed and exalted forever. Prisoners or captives shall recover their liberty; exiles shall return to their country, and the unfortunate or unhappy shall be restored to peace and happiness..."

Marie de Terreaux of Lyons made a doomsday prophecy in 1843, with these warning signs:

"These events will be preceded by a bad year. But, on the contrary, the year of the events will be an exceptionally fertile year, yet too few people will have remained on the earth to consume this abundance".

In 1790, Helena Walraff predicted thus:

"The Pope will be forced to flee, followed by four cardinals. He will find refuge in Cologne."

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23. Anna Emmerich ~

Anna Katherine Emmerich, "The Nun of Dulmen", was a German ecstatic visionary and stigmatic, born in Flamske in Westphalia on September 4, 1774. She died in February 1824. In 1802, at age 28, she entered the Augustine convent at Agnetenburg (Dulmen). She was zealous, and her ecstasies and other spiritual manifestations disturbed her more serene sisters. When the convent closed in 1812, she found refuge in the house of a poor widow. She became bedridden in 1813, and began to show stigmata such as crosses on her breast and the wounds of Christ. In 1817, a scrupulous investigation by an episcopal committee determined her stigmata to be genuine. (8, 9)

In 1819, the poet Klemens Brentano was induced to visit Anna, and he was astounded when she recognized him; he had been shown to her in a vision as the man who would enable her to fulfill God’s command to put in writing the revelations made to her, for the benefit of human souls. This Brentano did with great care.

Anna Emmerich said that the Papacy will be replaced by a council of twelve new apostolic disciples who will merge with the people and bring forth a renewal of spiritual life after World War III. In 1820, Anna received this vision:

"All around me I see a terrible, bloody war, which approaches from Midnight, the North, and Evening, the East. I heard that Lucifer -- if I am not wrong, would be let go for a time, fifty or sixty years before the year 2000. I saw the earth covered with darkness, everything was withered and barren, everything made the impression of pining away. It seems that even the waters of the springs were exhausted. I saw how the labor of darkness multiplied among the people, I saw countries and people in the greatest of distress, and fighting each other violently. In the center of the battleground was a giant abyss, into which the warring factions seemed to fall.

A pale faced man floated slowly over the earth and, loosening the cloths which wrapped around his sword, he threw them on sleeping cities, which were bound by them. This figure also dropped pestilence on Russia, Italy, and Spain. A red noose lay around Berlin, and from there it came to Westphalia. Now the man’s sword was naked, bands red as blood hung from its hilt and blood trickled from it on Westphalia...

"...The Jews shall return to Palestine, and become Christians toward the end of the world."

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24. Hildegard of Bingen ~

Nearly 900 years ago, the Abbess Hildegard, founder of the Benedictine convents at Bingen and Eibingen, predicted such events as the coming of Protestantism, the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, the diminution of both the spiritual and temporal powers of the Holy See, and the universal secularization of Church property. Three popes, two emperors, and many bishops, saints, and common people sought advice from "The Sibyl of the Rhine".

She was born in 1098 at Bockelheim. When Hildegard was 8 years old, her parents placed her in the care of a recluse nun, and she remained in the service of God for the rest of her life. While still a child, she began to have beatific visions:

"Up to my fifteenth year I saw much, and related some of the things seen to others, who would inquire with astonishment, whence such things might come. ... Frequently, I my conversations, I would relate future things which I saw as if present, but, noting the amazement of my listeners, I became more reticent."

When she was about 40 years old, Hildegard received a spiritual command to publish her visions for the world to share. Her best known work, Scrivias, (ca. 1145) is a record of 26 visions. Like many other prophets, Hildegard foresaw the decline of the Church and the rise of Antichrist, whose career she described in detail:

"The time is coming when princes and people will renounce the authority of the Pope. Individual countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope. The German Empire will be divided. Church property will be secularized. Priests will be persecuted. After the birth of Antichrist heretic will preach their false doctrines undisturbed, resulting in Christians having doubts about their holy Catholic faith."

"Toward the end of the world, mankind will be purified through sufferings. This will be true especially of the clergy, who will be robbed of all property. When the clergy has adopted a simple manner of living, conditions will improve.

"A powerful wind will rise in the North carrying heavy fog and the densest dust by divine command and it will fill their throats and eyes so they will cease their savagery and be stricken with great fear. After that there will be so few men left that seven women will fight for one man, that they will say to the man: "Marry me to take the disgrace from me." For in those days it will be a disgrace for a woman to be without child, as it was by the Jews in the Old Testament.

"Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies in the east through a Tiger and a Lion. The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. For in none of these cities does a person live according to the laws of God.

"Peace will return to Europe when the white flower again takes possession of the throne of France. During this time of peace the people will be forbidden to carry weapons and iron will be used solely for making agricultural implements and tools. Also during this period the soil will be very productive and many Jews, heathens and heretics will join the Church.

"The son of perdition (the Antichrist), who will reign very few of times, will come at the end day of the duration of the world, at the times corresponding to the moment just before the sun disappears from the horizon...

"After having passed a licentious youth among very perverted men, and in a desert, she being conducted by a demon disguised as an angel of light, the mother of the son of perdition will conceive and give birth without knowing the father. In another land, she will make men believe that her birth was some miraculous thing, seeing that she had not appointed a spouse, and she will ignore that, she will say, how the infant she had brought into the world had been formed in her womb, and the people will regard it as a saint and qualified to the title.

"The son of perdition is this very wicked beast who will put to death those who refuse to believe in him; who will associate with kings, priests, the great and the rich; who will mistake the humility and will esteem pride; who will finally subjugate the entire universe by his diabolic means.

"He will gain over many people and tell them: "You are allowed to do all that you please; renounce the fasts; it suffices that you love me; I who am your God."

"He will show them treasures and riches, and he will permit them to riot in all sorts of festivities, as they please. He will oblige them to practice circumcision and other Judaic observances, and he will tell them: "Those who believe in me will receive pardon of their sins and will live with me eternally."

"He will reject baptism and evangelism, and he will reject in derision all the precepts the Spirit has given to men of my part.

"Then he will say to his partisans, "Strike me with a sword, and place my corpse in a proper shroud until the day of my resurrection." They will believe him to have really given over to death, and from his mortal wound he will make a striking semblance of resuscitation.

"After which, he will compose himself a certain cipher, which he will say is to be a pledge of salute; he will give it to all his servitors like the sign of our faith in heaven, and he will command them to adore it. Concerning those who, for the love of my name, will refuse to render this sacrilegious adoration to the son of perdition, he will put them to death amidst the cruelest torments.

"But I will defend my two Witnesses, Enoch and Elias, whom I have reserved for those times. Their mission will be to combat the man of evil and reprimand him in the sight of the faithful whom he has seduced. They will have the virtue of operating the most brilliant miracles, in all the places where the son of perdition has spread his evil doctrines. In the meanwhile, I will permit this evildoer to put them to death; but I will give them in heaven the recompense of their travails.

"Later, however, after the coming of Enoch and Elias, the Antichrist will be destroyed, and the Church will sing forth with unprecedented glory, and the victims of the great error will throng to return to the fold."

Hildegard elaborated on the life of Antichrist in her book Heptachronon:

"The Man of Sin will be born of an ungodly woman who, from her infancy, will have been initiated into occult sciences and the wiles of the demon. She will live in the desert with perverse men, and abandon herself to crime with so much the greater ardor, as she will think she is authorized thereby to by the revelations of an angel. And thus, in the fire of burning concupiscence she will conceive the Son of Perdition, without knowing by what father. Then she will teach that fornication is permitted, declaring herself holy and honored as a saint.

"But Lucifer, the old and cunning serpent, will find the fruit of her womb with his infernal spirit and entirely possess the fruit of sin.

"Now when he shall have attained the age of manhood, he will set himself up as a new master and teach perverse doctrine. Soon he will revolt against the saints; and he will acquire such great power that in the madness of his pride he would raise himself above the clouds; and as in the beginning Satan said: "I will be like unto the most high", and fell; so in those days, he will fall when he will say in the person of his son, "I am the Savior of the World!"

"He will ally himself with the kings, the princes and the powerful ones of the earth; he will condemn humility and will extol all the doctrines of pride. His magic art will feign the most astonishing prodigies; he will disturb the atmosphere, command thunder and tempest, produce hail and horrible lightning. He will move mountains, dry up streams, reanimate the withered verdure of forests. His arts will be practiced upon the elements, but chiefly upon man will he exhaust his infernal power. He will seem to take away health and restore it. How so? By sending some possessed soul into a dead body, to move it for a time. But these resurrections will be of short duration.

"At the sight of these things, many will be terrified and will believe in him; and some, preserving their primitive faith, will nevertheless court the favor of the Man of Sin or fear his displeasure. And so many will be led astray among those who, shutting the interior eye of their soul, will live habitually in exterior things...

"After the Antichrist has ascended a high mountain and been destroyed by Christ, many erring souls will return to truth, and men will make rapid progress in the ways of holiness."

Hildegard gave more details about the Antichrist in her Vision X:

"Nothing good will enter into him nor be able to be in him. For he will be nourished in diverse and secret places, lest he should be known by men, and he will be imbued with all diabolical arts, and he will be hidden until he is of full age, nor will he show the perversities which will be in him, until he knows himself to be full and superabundant in all iniquities.

"He will appear to agitate the air, to make fire descend from heaven, to produce rainbows, lightning, thunder and hail, to tumble mountains, dry up streams, to strip the verdure of trees, of forests, and to restore them again. He will also appear to be able to make men sick or well at will, to chase out demons, and at times even to resuscitate the dead, making a cadaver move like it was alive. But this kind of resurrection will never endure beyond a little time, for the glory of God will not suffer it.

"Ostensibly he will be murdered, spill his blood and die. With bewilderment and consternation, mankind will learn that he is not dead, but has awakened from his death sleep.

"From the beginning of his course many battles and many things contrary to the lawful dispensation will arise, and charity will be extinguished in men. In them also will arise bitterness and harshness and there will be so many heresies that heretics will preach their errors openly and certainly; and there shall be so much doubt and incertitude in the Catholic faith of Christians that men shall be in doubt of what God they invoke, and many signs shall appear in the sun and moon, and in the stars and in the waters, and in other elements and creatures, so that, as it were in a picture, future events shall be foretold in their portents.

"Then so much sadness shall occupy men at that time, that they shall be led to die as if for nothing. But those who are perfect in the Catholic faith will await in great contrition what God wills to ordain. And these great tribulations shall proceed in this way, while the Son of Perdition shall open his mouth in the words of falsehood and his deceptions, heaven and earth shall tremble together. But after the fall of the Antichrist the glory of the Son of God shall be increased.

"As soon as he is born, he will have teeth and pronounce blasphemies; in short, he will be a born devil. He will emit fearful cries, work miracles, and wallow in luxury and vice. He will have brothers who are also demons incarnate, and at the age of twelve, they will distinguish themselves in brilliant achievements. They will command an armed force, which will be supported by the infernal legions.

"After the Son of Perdition has accomplished all of his evil designs, he will call together all of his believers and tell them that he wishes to ascend into heaven.

"At the moment of his ascension, a thunderbolt will strike him to the ground, and he will die.

"The mountain where he was established for the operation of his ascension, in an instant will be covered with a thick cloud which emits an unbearable odor of truly infernal corruption... At the sight of his body, the eyes of great number of persons will open and they will be made to see their miserable error.

"After the sorrowful defeat of the Son of Perdition, the spouse of my Son, who is the Church, will shine with a glory without equal, and the victims of the error will be impressed to reenter the sheepfold.

"As to the day, after the fall of Antichrist, when the world will end, man must not seek to know, for he can never learn it. That secret the Father has reserved for Himself."

Hildegard repeated much of the above in more detail in Scivias, Vision XI: 25-27, 33-41.

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25. St. Odile ~

Saint Odile was born blind to Duke Attich (or Adalric), Lord of Alsace, France, in the 7th century. Her father sent her to the convent of Baume-les-Dames near Besancon, where she was miraculously healed by St. Erhard, Bishop of Ratisbon. Thereafter she became known as Odile ("Daughter of Light"). In thanksgiving, her father allowed Odile to convert the family castle into a nunnery. Odile lived there in piety until her death in 720.

Most of St. Odile’s prophecies concerned her own time and local events, but one prophecy attributed to her is a detailed description of World War II, which was fulfilled in every detail. Here is her warning about World War III and the Antichrist:

"There will come a time when war will break out, more terrible than all other wars combined, which have ever visited mankind. A horrible warrior will unleash it, and his adversaries will call him Antichrist. All nations of the earth will fight each other in this war. The fighters will rise up to the heavens to take the stars and throw them on the cities, to set ablaze the buildings and to cause immense devastations. Oceans will lie between the great warriors, and the monsters of the sea, terrified by everything that happens on or under the sea, will flee to the deep. Battles of the past will only be skirmishes compared to the battles that will take place, since blood will flow in all directions.


The earth will shake from the violent fighting. Famine and pestilence will join the war. The nations will then cry "Peace, peace", but there will be no peace. Thrice will the sun rise over the heads of the combatants, without having been seen by them. But afterwards there will be peace, and all who have broken peace will have lost their lives. On a single day more men will have lost been killed than the catacombs of Rome have ever held. Pyres will be erected greater than the greatest city, and people will ascend the highest mountains to praise God, and nobody will want to make war anymore. Strange signs will appear in the skies: both horns of the moon will join the cross. Happy will be those who will have survived the war, since the pleasures of life will begin again, and the sun will have a new brilliance...

"Woe to those who, in those days, do not fear the Antichrist, for he is the father of those who are not repelled by crime. He will arouse more homicides and many people will shed tears over his evil customs. Men will set themselves one against the other and at the end will want to re-establish order. Some will try to do so, but this will not succeed and thus will end up even worse off than before! But if things will have reached the summit and if the hand of man can no longer do anything, it will be put in the hands of Him, who can send down a punishment so terrible that it will not have been seen before. God has already sent the Flood, but he has sworn never to send one again. What he will do will be something unexpected and terrible." (4)

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